Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020.
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The biochemical mechanisms of petroleum degradation by bacteria[Full-Text ] Idongesit A. Victor, Ebuana O. Iwok, Iquo A. Archibong, Orok E. Effiom, Emmanuel Okon, Andem B. AndemCertain bacteria plays a key biochemical role in ecosystem functioning through organic matter transformation, decomposition, nutrient cycling, soil structure maintenance and the vast majority of biogeochemical processes in both aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Petroleum hydrocarbons are complex organic compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen and are known to be the most persistent organic pollutants affecting the ecosystems. In petroleum polluted areas, bacteria such as the hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria (HUB) has an intrinsic biochemical mechanisms of degrading petroleum hydrocarbons as their source of carbon and for other cellular activities.
Elemental Analysis of Medicinal Plant Moringa Stenopetala leaves by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy[Full-Text ] Tsegaye Bojago Dado, Dr. Getachew WorkuThe purpose of the current study is to analyze the concentration levels of selected trace metals: Ca, Cu, Fe, K and Zn in medicinal plant Moringa stenopetala grown in SNNPR, Ethiopia. A wet digestion procedure is used. Thus, the result showed that the concentrations of Ca, Cu, Fe, K and Zn in Moringa stenopetala grown in Gamo Gofa (Arbaminch) were;2.80±0.36, 0.866±0.134, 7.98±1.23, 3.02±0.63 and 84±0.92 mg/Kg, in Wolaita 3.28±0.28, 0.94±0.16, 7.13±1.32, 7.13±1.32 and 0.61±0.11mg/Kg and in Konso were; 2.97±0.67, 0.77±0.098, 6.79±0.73, 2.39±0.23 and 0.37±0.006mg/Kg respectively.
ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS[Full-Text ] Sonal ChamargoreRapid Industrialization and population explosion in India has led to the migration of people from villages to city which increases human settlement in India’s growing cities and town. . This generates several issues concerning the environment. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is becoming a very vital study before the commissioning of any project, plan, or development in addressing the environmental issues in our country.
Severe Covid-19 Review on Corona Virus and its impact on Human Health[Full-Text ] Shubhada Amit KulkarniCorona viruses are large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans several corona viruses are known to cause respiratory infection ranging from common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The damage mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 is still unclear. It may be due to the spike protein of corona virus is a multifunctional molecular machine that mediates corona virus entry in to host cell. It first binds to a receptor host cell surface through its S1 subunit and then fuses viral and host membrane through its S2 subunit.
The Effect of the Marketing Information System (MKIS) on Decision Making: "An Applied Study on a Saudi Telecommunication Company (STC)"[Full-Text ] Thair A. Habboush, Tahir S. TammarThe study aims at measuring the effect of the Marketing Information System (MKIS) on decision making and highlighting the significance and importance of using the MKIS in decision-making. Further, the study describes the process of decision-making that are taken by managers using the MKIS. The study also aims to form the necessary requirements for achieving a successful implementation to the MKIS in decision-making. The MKIS shows that the roles of computer-based support for developing the marketing strategy present a real challenge to individual computer-based techniques and technologies in an ever fast-changing environment.
Designing & load flow analysis of 50 kW off-grid PV System with battery storage and bio-diesel generator[Full-Text ] Shailendra Kharpuse, Ashutosh Tripathi, K.T. ChaturvediSo many countries are empowering their nation with grid electricity but still, there are some unavoidable issues to empowering every place. The demography and geographical situation are varying with every 50 km. It is difficult to provide grid electricity everywhere, therefore, the country is looking to empower those areas with off-grid system with battery backup and tied with bio-diesel generator. These systems are independent and self-reliant that can play a major role in the development of the country.
The Role of Malakand Safari Park in Wildlife Management[Full-Text ] Wajid khan, Asad Ullah, Muhammad Naqash, Ikram UL Haq, Zia UL Islam, Ahmad Bilal , Khurshid AlamThe present research was conducted investigate the role of Malakand Safari Park in the wildlife management during May- September 2014 in District Malakand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. In this study, the status of the role of Malakand Safari park in wildlife management was studied. The objective of this study was to evaluate the conservation measures of Safari Park and to find out the role of Safri Park in wildlife management.
Android Application Based Robotic Arm Control Using Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Ms. Aiswarya Padman.G, Mr. Shon.J.DasThis work is intended to build up a pick and place robotic arm vehicle which could be controlled using an android application. The android phone and Raspberry PI board is associated with one another so that the developments can be controlled. The robotic arm is structured out in such a way that it plays out similar action as that of a human hand.
Rademacher Averages Bounded Progressive Sampling Algo-rithm for Big Data Analytics: A Novel Approach[Full-Text ] Yathish Aradhya B C, Dr.Y.P.GowrammaSampling of Big Data for its analytics is a tedious task. Progressive Sampling Algorithm(PSA) is a primary tool adopted elsewhere to produce minimal training data set for learning algorithm used in Big Data Analytics. PSA can be characterized by its underlying operations used such as initial sample size, sampling schedule and stop-ping criterion.
Price Transmission and Market Integration of Cassava Root and Yam Tuber in Oyo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Eghieobomhe Wilson Igbaifua, Olawamiwa Reuben AdeniyiPrices serve as veritable guide to farmers’ planning decision and other market actors in Nigeria. This study examined the trend in cassava root and yam tuber prices in rural and urban markets in Oyo State, Nigeria. Secondary data were used in this study. The data were sourced from Oyo State Agricultural Development Programme (OYSADEP). The average monthly retail price per kilogramme of cassava root and yam tuber covering the period, January 2011 to December 2015 (5 years) for 8 rural and urban markets each in Oyo State were used. Augmented Dicker Fuller (ADF) test, granger causality test and index of market concentration were used to analyze the data.
Teachers and students strategies to enhance teaching and learning through Information Communication Technology at Technical Vocational Education Training in Tanzania[Full-Text ] Christine Laston Mwenisongole, Felix Mwombeki Mulengeki and Sydney V MkuchuThis study investigated strategies teachers and students use to enhance teaching and learning through information and communication technology (ICT) at Technical Vocation Education and Training (TVET) in Tanzania. The study used a cross sectional survey design and applied both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study was conducted at two Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) namely, Arusha Vocational Training Centre (AVTC) and Arusha Technical College (ATC-VET). These institutions are situated in Arusha region.
To-Fro Sequential Search Algorithm – An Alternative to Linear Search[Full-Text ] Sumanth.D.RThis paper explores, a new approach towards finding a particular data from an array. Linear Search is one such algorithm, which is used to find a particular data. In this paper, a new Linear Searching technique is proposed, for search of an element from an unsorted array. The To-Fro Sequential Search algorithm starts scanning the elements from the middle of the array.
Changing Consumer Behavior and Lifestyle as- a Challenge for Sustainable Consumption: a Theoretical Policy Perspective[Full-Text ] Salwa MKIKIn 1992, Agenda 21 called for “new concepts of wealth and prosperity which allow higher standards of living through changed lifestyles and are less dependent on the Earth's finite resources” (UNCED, 1992). It paved the way for the emerging understanding that the sustainability challenge cannot be solved only by improving efficiency, but should also include behavioral changes that entail empowerment of individuals and a concerted action of all societal actors, including NGO, governments, businesses, education and media, which already effectively shape lifestyles
Mobile Based Complaints and Suggestions System with Geospatial Data[Full-Text ] Enkusilasie TegegneThe public organization plans to improve the quality of service and citizen satisfaction and keep citizens safe and secure for the wellness of the community. To hear the real voice of the customers, the service providers are open to process suggestions and complaints of customers. Providing any suggestions and lodging complaints is not an easy process for the customers. They have to follow a long procedure and formalities to report such problems like roads in bad conditions, environment cleaning, potholes, rule violations, electric related problems, water wastage, etc.
IMPLEMENTION OF SMART RESTAURANT WITH E-MENU CARD[Full-Text ] Today’s era is said to be the world of technology. So manyefforts have been taken by restaurants owners also to adopt information and communication technologies such as PDA, wireless LAN, costly multi-touch screens etc. to enhancedining experience. This paper highlights some of the limitations of the conventional paper based and PDA-basedfood ordering system and proposed the low cost touch screen based Restaurant Management System using an android Smartphone or tablet as a solution. The system consists of a Smartphone/tablet at the customer table contains the android application with all the menu details. The customer tablet, kitchen display connects directly with each other through Wi- Fi. Orders made by the customers will be instantly reach the kitchen module.
Role of Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in building a prosperous Africa[Full-Text ] Stephen O. OlateruMachine learning and associated computer-facilitated governance support have been described as the fourth industrial revolu-tion, and the core driver of this revolution is data. Data sets collected from disparate sources are transformed through Artificial intelligence (AI) into actionable information, and having changed the business environment is now beginning to determine the jobs of the future. Although experts believe that AI will lead to job losses, among them there is an acknowledgment that many more jobs will be created as a result of needs created by AI. One thing is sure and that is: there will be disruptions in today’s jobs due to AI.
A Comparative Study to Predict Insurance Fraud Detection using Data Mining Algorithms[Full-Text ] Betelhem ZewduThe insurance industry has been factually a growing industry. It plays an important role of insuring the economic aspects of a county. The annual income of the insurance company is increase time to time but as the same interval, the scale of insurance fraud also increase and it’s difficult to face fraud problem. Workmen’s compensation insurance fraud occurs when someone knowingly, with intent to cheat, makes a false, material statement or it may employees exaggerate or even fabricate injuries.
A Low-Cost Spiral Shed Silicone Rubber Insulator and Its Processing Technique[Full-Text ] Ganesh C Basak, Ishant Jain, Bhanwar Lal, Raghav Upasani & Samsul EkramElectrical insulators are critical components in the Transmission and Distribution (T&D) sector. Traditionally porcelain and toughened glass were the preferred materials for fabrication of insulators housings. Recently, polymeric materials, such as Silicone, Ethylene propylene, and Ethylene propylene diene monomer have emerged as alternates to the century-old inorganic insulators. Particularly, the remarkable properties of Silicone; lightweight, high water repellency, easy handling, maintenance-free, high strength to weight ratio, good mechanical strength and environmental stability led to its widespread application for insulators in western countries and it’s also replacing the conventional ceramic and glass insulators in power transmission all over the world.
Accountant Roles Againts Cybercrime in Indonesia Perspective[Full-Text ] Made Dudy Satyawan, Rohmawati Kusumaningtias, Susi HandayaniThe growth of internet usage and website-based applications at this time has grown rapidly almost touching all aspects of the life of the world community. The digital ecosystem roadmap in Indonesia shows that the growth of e-commerce businesses during 2014 to 2018, averaged 17%. Unicorn-based startups such as Go-Jek, Traveloka, Tokopedia, and Bukalapak have valuations above US $ 1 Billion. However, this potential has a negative impact such as increasing cybercrime.
Weed identification And Aerobic Rice Performance (Oryza sativa L.) Of Different Soil Textures in Peninsular Malaysia [Full-Text ] Siti Nur Anisah Aani, Abdul Shukor Juraimi, Muhammad Saiful Ahmad Hamdani and Mashitah JusohTwo types of aerobic rice varieties namely AERON 1 and MRIA 1 were cultivated in three different types of soil textures consist of silty clay, clay and sandy soil collected from three different rice fields in Peninsular Malaysia. A Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications was arranged in the glashouse.
Does Education Enhance Economic Growth? Evidence from Pakistan[Full-Text ] Shahzad Ahmad, Maria Shabir, Kashif Amin, Rabia Tanveer, Awis MuhammadThe research explores long-term and short-term co-integration relations between education and economic development in Pakistan using the ARDL model's boundary method, with annual data collected from 1979 to 2015. Our empirical findings show that the link between education and economic growth is negligible in Pakistan. The key findings are that the human capital has a positive relationship with Pakistan's development.
Local and Global weak solutions and Gradient Estimates for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations[Full-Text ] Yousri S. M. Yasin & Habeeb I. A. IbrahimIn this paper, we Consider a certain quasilinear elliptic equation in an open bounded domain in R^n over a vector space, and obtain local L^q, q?p, gradient estimates for weak solutions of elliptic equations of p-Laplacian type with small BMO coef?cients, Moreover, we give the main results.
ARIMA MODELLING BASED RELATIVE HUMIDITY PREDICTION ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Namratha V, Usha N MurthyExtreme climate and weather events are progressively being renowned as key aspects of climate change. In general, the frequency of occurrence of hot days and hot nights showed widespread increasing trend, while that of cold days and cold nights has shown widespread decreasing trend. However, the results generally indicate that the daily maximum and minimum temperatures are becoming less variable within the season. Climate change is a problem of global proportion, requiring equally global responses. Yet climate change is a fundamental urban issue. This current research work mainly focuses on effect of changes in relative humidity.
CONNECTION BETWEEN INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP AND PROJECT SUCCESS; MODERATING JOB OF KNOWLEDGE SHARING & MEDIATING JOB OF WORK ENGAGEMENT[Full-Text ] BABAR SHAHZAD; MUHAMMAD SAFDAR SIAL; MUHAMMAD AQIB: MUHAMMAD ASIM SAEEDThe given work is centered on the impact of inclusive leadership on the project success intervened by work engagement while relationship between inclusive leadership & work engagement moderated by knowledge sharing. To achieve this aim, deductive approach was adopted. The sample size of the investigation was 234 and data was collected from NGOs. Data was collected through convenience sampling technique from 234 respondents with the help of questionnaires. The data collected was then analyzed by using SPSS in order to examine the relationships. The outcomes demonstrate that inclusive leadership is emphatically connected project success. Additionally, intervening job of work engagement and moderating role of knowledge sharing was also established.
NEW DEVINATION TO ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION[Full-Text ] Ar.Urvashi DixitA syllabus, is a synopsis which acts as a medium of communication between the college and its students as to how much and in what mode the information about a certain course is delivered to the students. It is an outline and summary of topics to be covered in an education or training course. The research paper aims to deliver a well formulated syllabus in the field of Architecture which would include the theory and the practical education simultaneously so that five years down the line when the student emerges out as an Architect he /she should be well versed with the design and technology for a diverse range of situations, both in the rural and urban contexts.
Efficacy of Bapronil 50 SC (Fipronil 50g/lt) for Management of African White Coffee Stem Borer, Monochamus leuconatus, Pascoe[Full-Text ] Fredrick L. Magina, Suzana G. Mbwambo, Godbless W. Shao, Epimaki D. Tarimo, Deusdedit L. Kilambo The African coffee stem borer, Monochamus leuconotus, Pascoe (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is an important pest of Arabica coffee in Tanzania. Its management used to be based on Organochloride chemicals, but since the chemicals were banned has been no effective alternative chemical(s). This study investigated Fipronil 50g/lt and Chlorpyrifos 480 EC as standard for management of the pest and assessing for any residual accumulation in coffee beans and cup quality. The experiment was established in four sites from 2015 to 2018.
OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF ETHIOPIAN OILSEEDS AND PULSES EXPORT PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Henok Gidey AbdulkadirThe main purpose of this research paper is studying the opportunities and challenges of oilseeds and pulse export in Ethiopia with the aim of founding the opportunities that enhances and the challenges that impact of oilseeds and pulses export performance. In Ethiopia, the export performance of oilseeds and pulses export became worsening in the past decade, although, these primary commodities remained the significant contributors to the economy. Therefore, to improve the commodities export performance, thorough study of the constraints and in depth research of the opportunities is indispensable.
Novel method for efficient Parkinson’s disease detection using Iridology followed by MRI analysis using Image Processing[Full-Text ] Arka Ketan Banerjee, Debamalya Mukherjee, Prithvijit Majumdar, Purbayan ChatterjeeThis paper proposes a method for early detection of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, unlike other methods where detection is possible only at a much later stage. Here, we have combined the existing way of processing brain MRI scans with the relatively newer concepts of Iridology. Thereby, by scanning the iris of the eye, we can observe whether the subject suffers from dementia or not, and by further processing the brain scans, we can conclude if the subject is suffering from Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s dis-ease.
Efficient Dynamic-Power AODV Routing Protocol Based on Node Density:A Review[Full-Text ] Harpreet Kaur, Dr. Rajbir KaurMobile Ad-Hoc Network ( MANET) is a group of wireless mobile users creating a temporary network without the assistance of any stand-alone infrastructure or centralized administration. Regardless of the versatility of the nodes in the network, these nodes are self-organizing and self-configuring. Not only do they serve as hosts, but they also work as routers. They pass data to or from other nodes on the network. In MANETs, routing protocols are required to find different paths between the source and the destination.
An Algorithm to Improve Range-Free Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Weaam T. EL-Gzzar, Hala B. Nafea, and Fayez W. ZakiThe most familiar range-free positioning algorithm is the algorithm of Distance Vector-Hop. It simply uses average hop distance to reflect the distance actually, but it suffers from reduced precision because it uses only network topology, instead of distances between pair of adjacent nodes. In this work, the classic DV-Hop, RDV-Hop, and Hybrid DV-Hop algorithms are enhanced based on the differential evolution algorithm of wireless sensor network node localization.
Assessment of awareness regarding Bio-Medical Waste among Operation Theater staff of Children Hospital Lahore[Full-Text ] Taimoor Hassan, Dr.Muhammad Shahbaz Arif, ,Dr Zunaira, Dr.Firdous, Dr. Jawariah, Dr. Marriam, Robina Shaukat.This study is conducted to assess the knowledge about bio-medical waste among operation theatre staff of Chil-dren Hospital. The present study is Descriptive in nature regarding working in Operation Theaters. Convenient Sampling Technique was applied to gather data. This was a hospital based study in which staff members of both genders were included.
Cybercrimes in E-commerce[Full-Text ] Sujoy KapoorThe massive increase in the uptake of online transactions on the e-commerce platform has led to a new generation of associated security threats. The heightened use and implementation of technology in key markets all over the globe such as business and trading has not only expanded the horizons of commercial transactions but has also given rise to cyber terrorism. Numerous methods of cyber crime have been seen by the people of this world
OPTIMAL INSURANCE SOLUTIONS BASED ON MARKETING IN-FORMATION SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] A.B.AbdusalomovThis article reveals the issues of the effective use of marketing information systems in insurance companies, wide-spread use of technical solutions and special computer programs designed to automate the marketing processes of the insurance company. The use of marketing information system has provided ample opportunities for solving labor-intensive issues.
THE DIGITAL ECONOMY IS A DEMAND OF A NEW AGE[Full-Text ] Borotov Sharofiddin Jumaqul ogluThe article examines the priorities in the development of intellectual information systems in our country, covers concepts such as the digital economy, its elements, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and their essence. It also explores ways to achieve cost-effectiveness in the future through the effective use of these technologies.
THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MANAGING THE IMAGE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION[Full-Text ] Shukhrat UmarovIn this article were studied the essence of the category "image" and "image of a general educational institution". The need to form the image of a general education institution, as well as elements of the structure of the image.
ASPIRE: Autonomous System to Prevent Impulsive Riots on Eyesight[Full-Text ] Ashutosh Upadhyay, Anirudh Yadav, Shivam SinghalWith a multitude of diverse thoughts and opinions thriving in a country like India which has been recognized as secular for the past many centuries, it has witnessed many conflicts of interests and schools of thoughts on different grounds which has painted it with a history of riots and violent protests. Despite the presence of many security and law enforcement authorities for pre-intimation of riot developing situations, the actions in response have been lackadaisical as well as inefficient.
Arduino based Fish Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Dr.A.Albert Raj, Dr.Selvan, Swasthik V K, Rakesh A, Saravanaraj D M.Fish monitoring system is essential because many people love to grow fishes as their pet in the home. In our day-to-day life, it is difficult to monitor the aquarium tank regularly. As a consequence, it causes mortality of the fishes. The quality of water might be the main issue. It mainly depends upon parameters such as carbonates, ammonia, nitrates, salt, pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, etc. To maintain these parameters, various sensors are used in the fish monitoring system.
Epidemiology of haematological malignancies in the Region of Greater Casablanca over the period 2008-2012[Full-Text ] Y. Aghlallou, C. Nejjari, A. Quessar, A. Marfak, K. Bendahhou, A. BeniderThe objective of this study is to describe the epidemiological profile of haematological malignancies in the Region of the Greater Casablanca over the period 2008-2012. The data are obtained from the Greater Casablanca Cancer Registry (GCCR)(1).