Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020.
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GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF NANKA AND OGWASHI ASABA FORMATIONS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION IN SOME PART OF ANAMBRA STATE SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Okeke Eunice Ogochukwu, Ben-Owope Ogechukwu Anastasia, Ilechukwu FlorenceThe impact of the Nanka and Ogwashi - Asaba Formations for Road construction has been analysed. Analysis on Formation reveals that liquid limit ranges from 20% - 48% with a mean value of 34.4%, plasticity index ranged from 9% - 27% with an average of 17%, while the linear shrinkage ranges from 9% - 27% with a mean value of 8.5%. The grain size analysis showed that the amount of fines ranges from 16%-54%. maximum dry density(MDD) from 1.91Mg/m3 - 2.19Mg/m3 with a mean value of 1.99% while optimum moisture content (OMC)ranged from 7% to 13% with a mean value of 10.9%.
Secondary Research Paper-The Clinical Study about the “RHODOLIA ROSEA”in context to Futurastic Ayurvedic Medicine to be treat like COVID-19 and Other Symptoms[Full-Text ] JV’n Dr Panckaj Garg, JV`n Preeti Singh,JV`n Dr.Akanksha Shrivastav,Jv`n Dr.Priyanka ChaudharyThe idea is to analyse the University Centre of Planning, Integration & Correlation with Center of Integrative Health & Medical Science and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Ayurvedic Science, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur jointly made efforts to identify Ayurvedic Medicines for Corona Clinical Management with modern medicine
Secondary Research Paper-The Clinical Study about the “RHODOLIA ROSEA”in context to Futuristic Homeopathic Medicine to be treat like COVID-19 and Other Symptoms[Full-Text ] JV’n Dr Panckaj Garg, JV`n Preeti Singh,JV`n Dr. Deepika Sharma, JV`n Dr. Sukhvinder KaurThe idea is to analyse the University Centre of Planning, Integration & Correlation with Center of Integrative Health & Medical Science and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Homoeopathic Science, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur jointly made efforts to identify Homoeopathy Medicines for Corona Clinical Management. “Dr. Garg thoughts “Drugs formed by the same source in different therapy pharmacopoeias which can be used as a single or with integrated approach to achieve better results”.
Automated Car Parking System Using Optical Character Recognition[Full-Text ] Marcia Rajan, Bhavya Nair, Hema Joy, Anne Dickson, Lithin K DevasiaIn today’s world, the number of vehicles on the road is surging each and every day at a very high rate. The limited number of parking spaces compared to the rising number of vehicles, makes finding a suitable parking space a tedious as well a time consuming process, thereby leading to traffic congestion. Studies in this field has shown that cars spend an average of 15 minutes in search of a parking space, driving at an average of 10 mph and covering just half a mile in the meantime. By successfully implementing smart parking systems, these issues can be significantly reduced. Conventional methods involve the use of various sensors installed at each parking lot that makes it highly expensive as well complicated to install.
IoT Based Voting System For Elections[Full-Text ] Aswathy Saji, Gopika Sreekumar Nair, Mekha Nair C A, Sidharth Minu, Shibu V S, Sabareesh R SThe proposed online voting system with biometric authentication is an electronic voting system which seeks to make use of the uniqueness of human fingerprint to further enhance the level of trust and confidentiality of the voters in the system.For the voter registration and authentication processes which are performed on the desktop module, the voter is expected to have his or her fingerprints captured and the minutiae extracted that are stored on the database by election commission admin. This is done to prevent the occurrence of multiple registrations or identity.
Democracy is bad for Human Health, if Democracy Contradict with Global Public Health Laws[Full-Text ] Zelalem Kiros BitsueAs global efforts to address infectious diseases (ID) are accelerating, complexity is increasing and the importance of law is becoming more apparent. Understanding the powers, duties and constraints created by law is now essential.
MACHINE LEARNING BASED RAINFALL ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Namratha V, Usha N MurthyRainfall exhibits unique characteristics of high volatility and chaotic patterns that do not exist in other time series data. This work’s main impact is to show the benefit machine learning algorithms, and more broadly intelligent systems have over the current state-of-the-art techniques for rainfall prediction within rainfall derivatives.
Reproductive Health Awareness among Grade 6 Learners: An Input for School Improvement Plan for Student Development Program[Full-Text ] Diamante, Romnick R, Panopio, Francisco P Jr.The purpose of this study was to determine the level of Reproductive Health Awareness among Grade 6 learners. The study utilized descriptive-evaluative research design and utilized questionnaire-checklist as the main tool to gather the needed data of the study. The respondents of the study were seventy-two (72) Grade 6 learners. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were the statistical used in analysing the data gathered.
Modeling the efficiency of SCR catalyst in the exhaust system[Full-Text ] Anjitha K Nair, Tressa MichaelFuture automotive application requires safe, clean, and efficient engines as there will be higher mobility on one hand and lesser resources on the other hand. The development of diesel engines has paved the way for improved efficiency, power, and emissions. The main challenge faced by the automotive industry is the reduction of pollution emission. Hence the emission control system needs an improved exhaust after-treatment system to satisfy the stringent emission norms.
BLOCKCHAIN BASED AADHAAR SECURITY SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Praveen G L, Arpana M Chandran, Niveda S Krishna, Saranya V S, Sheril AlexIn India, Aadhaar is one of the main residential identity cards issued by the Indian Unique Identification Authority on behalf of the Central Government. It has a unique 12-digit identification number for each individual who maps a database containing the demographic and biometric data of the user. The data of each of the Indian citizens is stored in 7000 databases located in the Industrial Model Township. But in these days, the privacy and security of Aadhaar is questionable due to recent vulnerabilities and leakage of Aadhaar information.
Remdesivir break replication of virus & Rhodiola rosea acts same by enhancing immunity[Full-Text ] JV’n Dr Panckaj Garg, JV`n Preeti Singh, Jv`n Dr.Khushbu VermaThe idea is to analyse the University Centre of Planning ,Integration & Correlation with Center of Integrative Health & Medical Science and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Ayurvedic Science & Faculty of Homoeopathic Science , Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur jointly made efforts to identify Ayurveda and Homoeopathy Medicines for Corona Clinical Management with modern medicine .
Antibacterial activity of Herbal Gau Dhoopbatti as an Air Purifier and Disinfectant Material for Utensils[Full-Text ] Jv’n Dr. Panckaj Garg, Jv’n Dr. Khushbu Verma, Jv’n Ms. Preeti Singh, Jv’n Dr. Dhanni DeviIn a variety of religious practices such as havans, cow dung has been used in command to cleanse the environment. With an plan to reduce the practice of chemicals or disinfectants to cleanse the environment, efforts were completed to work out an Herbal Gau Dhoopbatti using cow dung, cow urine, and a range of other medicinal plant powders with medicinal and antibacterial properties such as Neem, Arjuna, Jamun, Bhadraksh, Champa and Hajara.
INTERNET SECURITY ENHANCEMENT THROUGH MASSAGE / IMAGE ENCRYPTION: DES IN COMPARISON WITH RSA METHODS[Full-Text ] Gambo D, Ibrahim B.S, Mahmud M and Lawal JThis paper investigates two types of encryptions algorithms in order to analyse massage encryption procedure using DES (Data Encryption Standard) as well as that of RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). It is intended to explain how DES works and also compare it with RSA. This is done by investigating the background of DES, looking and the implementation of the DES through MATLAB that includes image Encryption and decryption, and an introduction to how the RSA algorithm functions. Then with the information obtained the paper evaluated how to encrypt massage to be send via internet with maximum protection. Comparison was made by summarizing the advantages and disadvantages between the two encryption methods.
EFFICACY OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFE CYCLE IN ACHIEVING PROJECT SUCCESS: A CASE OF SELECTED NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION PROJECTS IN CHIPATA DISTRICT, ZAMBIA[Full-Text ] Dr. Sunday SilungweA project management life cycle is the series of phases that a project passes through from its initiation to its closure. The phases are: Project Initiation; Project Planning; Project Execution; Project Monitoring and Control; and Project Closure. The project management life cycle provides the basic framework for managing the project. However, the project life cycle is not documented within a methodology to ensure realization of benefits for the undertaken projects.
Volumetric Approach Based DOE and ANN Models for Estimating Reservoirs Oil in Place[Full-Text ] Imaobong U. Tom, Anietie N. Okon and Wilfred C. OkologumeThe volumetric approach of estimating reservoir oil in place (OIP) at the appraisal stage is characterized with uncertainty; as the available reservoir data used for this evaluation are average values. To assess the uncertainty associated with the volumetric method, reservoir data, namely, initial water saturation ( ), initial formation volume factor ( ), porosity ( ), oil column (h) and reservoir area (A) from three fields: Philus, Otu and Unnamed field in the Niger Delta were obtained.
MASTER’S THESIS Master`s Programme in Multicultural and International Education August 2019[Full-Text ] MD NAZRUL ISLAMComputer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is one of the most critical tools and techniques that can help to improve the students' language competencies. This new technology in language education has amplified learner autonomy, creativity, productivity and group work. The intended use of modern educational technology can increase both learning and teaching (Webster and Murphy, 2008) and the introduction of the computer into foreign language instruction appears to conform to the statement.
The Impact of Maternal Health Care Utilization on Probability of Child Survival in India[Full-Text ] Ajit Kumar Jaiswal, Dr. Manoj Alagarajan,Mrinmoy Pratim Bharadwaz Maternal and child health programmes plays a key role in reducing infant and child mortality in any population. The Government of India started maternal and child health care services in the first five year plan (1951-56). This study uses data from the fourth round of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS, 2015-16). We are interested to examine the effect of child delivery at a healthcare facility, on child survival. We are followed by Mosley and Chen’s framework (1884), according to the framework, several socioeconomic determinants are grouped into some categories, namely, maternal, environmental contamination, nutrient deficiency, and personal illness control. Consequently, we reduced the number of independent variables to women’s age at birth and education, birth order, low child birth weight, household wealth, and healthcare.
Determination of Suitable Site for Solid Waste Disposal Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Analysis in Ado Odo Ota, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Lamidi Rashidat Bukola; Sunmola Rufai, Ade; Fakeye A.M and Okonufua EnduranceIdentification of suitable sites for solid waste disposal (SWD) is crucial in newly emerging cities. The current SWD mode is manual, costly, labour intensive, time-consuming and pose varied environmental pollution and health problems. For this reason, this study was conducted to identify suitable sites and also evaluate the suitability of the existing SWD site in Ado-Odo Ota using GIS-based Multi-Criteria evaluation (MCE). Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (LETM+) 2017 and Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) imagery together with soil and topographical maps of the study area were used to create slope, soil type, built-up area, water bodies, elevation, and roads network criteria. These criteria were mapped and used to create factors maps using spatial analytic tools in ArcGIS 10.4.
Balanced scorecard and strategic performance: Case Study : Cardboard packaging manufacturer[Full-Text ] Salma ECHCHARQY This article aims to explain through a case study Steering strategic performance by balanced scorecard.Indeed, to carry out this study, we start with a presentation of steering system by the balanced scorecard and its implementation approach, and then we proceed to its application through a case study of a Moroccan manufacturer of cardboard packaging.
Movement from Classroom to Webroom. An Analysis of Students’ E-Learning Readiness and Initiatives Taken to Prepare the Learners for the Migration[Full-Text ] Ms. Preethi Rao, Mr. Ashish ModiCovid’19 has moved teaching learning from classrooms to webrooms, from brick and mortar campuses into virtual spaces. This pedagogical shift in methodology while not altogether new, is now becoming imperative and will dominate course delivery choices. Facilitators cutting across universities and school boards are being trained to deliver e content. The query that arises is whether our learners are ready for this transition.
Hybridized Cryptographic Method for Cloud Data Storage[Full-Text ] Simeon A. Ojo, N.D. Nwiabu, E.O BennettThis work introduces cloud computing, exploring the characteristics, service models and inherent security challenges in cloud data storage. To guard against data insecurity, a hybrid cryptographic technique called ADK (Hybrid) was proposed. A combination of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Blake 2b hash function and Time Based One Time Authentication Password (TOTP) authentication mechanism which is more preferred for efficient cloud data storage security and integrity.
EVALUATION OF THE ANTHOCYANIN AND TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT OF SWEET POTATOE UNDER DIFFERENT DRYING REGIMES[Full-Text ] OCHUBA C.OIn this study, I subjected the same variety of sweet potato grown under the same conditions to different drying method dur-ing processing and analyzed for anthocyanin and total phenolic content. The drying methods used are freeze drying, vacu-um drying, heat pump drying, air drying, infrared drying, and oven drying.
Resource curse[Full-Text ] Noor Ulhaq AbediAfghanistan is blessed with vast natural resources worth of trillions, but it’s among poorest countries in the world with fragile economy, highly depended on outside donors and supporters. It never have been able to manage and use its resources and boost up the economy through it.
Evaluation of Truck Related Accidents on Egyptian Roads Safety[Full-Text ] Mohmad Ahmed OkilAll countries of the world concerned about the growth in the number of people killed and seriously injured on their roads because of road crashes. Studies of the Egyptian Ministry of Transport (MOT) carried out in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Interior, showed that heavy vehicles cause 60% of road accidents in Egypt of them about 13% are due to trailers [1].
Sharia Compliant Smart City [Full-Text ] Jamilah Osama RashidThe technology has evolved tremendously in recent years. This paper is generally aimed to describe, analyse, and study some of the best locations for the establishment of a model for Sharia Compliant tourism service locations in a Smart City, through the use of geographic information system and survey of questionnaires. This thesis includes four objectives: to identify Sharia compliant factors, to map Sharia Compliant factors with a Smart City factor, to validate the present model using experts’ Smart City Sharia Compliant, to validate the present model using experts and make it Sharia Compliant via the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). A total of 804 locations for Sharia Compliant tourism services were studied and analysed. On the other hand, two types of questionnaires were conducted; the first questionnaire explained the administrative parts of locations of Sharia Compliant tourism services. The second questionnaire aims to determine the factors that help in creating a Maqasid Al-Sharia Smart City.
DETERMINATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CAFFEINE CONTENT OF SMALL AND LARGE SIZE COFFEE BEANS IN SIDAMA AND KAMBATA TAMBARO ZONES SOUTHERN, ETHIOPIA USING UV-VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER[Full-Text ] Tsegaye Bojago DadoIn this study work using UV/vis spectrophotometer, the caffeine determination and comparison, as well as characterization of caffeine from small and large size roasted coffee by molar decadic absorption coefficient of pure caffeine were studied. The molar decadic absorption coefficient of pure caffeine in water, wavelength at 272.5nm and dichloromethane at275nm were 27.73 and respectively.
Understanding of Contemporary Human Resource Management[Full-Text ] Khawaja Asif MushtaqIn recent era human resource management (HRM) got a considerable popularity and attraction among corporates. Chief operation officers of corporate world are enthusiastically engaging in HRM to understand its financial worth for the organizations. Human resource management (HRM) is a set of formal systems of an organization that ensures the most effective and efficient use of available human capital for the attainment of organizational objective. Human Resource management has become the best source for organizational competitive advantage.
NATIONALISM-BASED UNIVERSITY STRATEGY TO AGAINST THE COVID-19 PANDEMY[Full-Text ] Bambang Tri Cahyono and Koes IndratiThis research is a research using explanatory-based case study method by using quantitative and qualitative descriptive techniques to examine the effect of nationalism or nationality variable values on the value of divinity, humanity, society, and social justice. The study was conducted by the method of data collection through a closed and open questionnaire to 169 respondents drawn from the population of 200 people using the Slovin formula.
DATA ANALYTICS FOR COVID-19 PANDEMIC USING MACHINE LEARNING[Full-Text ] Anjum Sheikh, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Asha AmbhaikarThe whole world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic. The increasing numbers have imposed a challenge on the Governments to initiate necessary steps for combating the effect of coronavirus on the people. Data analytics can be very helpful for knowing the requirements that will arise in the future and at the same time help to know the measures to be taken to deal with the difficult situation. Techniques like machine learning increase the speed of analytics process and therefore be helpful in providing pace to the planning process of pandemic.
Seismic Response of Segmented Tunnel Liner[Full-Text ] Hager A. Mitkees, Tamer M. Sorour, Mohammed A. Abdel-MotaalThe use of tunnels has expanded in recent years to facilitate traffic, so dependable assessment of the seismic response of tunnel structures is critical in civil and earthquake engineering. Although tunnels are supported by segmental concrete linings, their behavior under the effect of joints is still ambiguous. Previous researches studied the seismic performance of tunnels assuming they are continuous conduit. They didn’t consider the segmental effect, which would lead to variation in obtained results such as internal forces, tunnels liner deformation and consequently surrounding soil response
EUTHANASIA – Suicide OR Not[Full-Text ] Rohit shahWhen a person ends his life by his own act it is called ”suicide” which is a crime under Indian penal code under section309 and is a punishable offence, but to end the life of a person by others though the deceased orders it is called “euthanasia” or “mercy killing” .