Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020.
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American Modern Society and Young Generation with Reference to "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place"[Full-Text ] Humyra Anjum MalihaIn "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place", Earnest Hemingway (1899-1961) presents the story of a common day in a restaurant where two waiters are involved in a regular conversation. But under this usual day life a complex and harsh reality is hidden. Like his other stories Hemingway shows his mastery on his iceberg theory.
Probability factors[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaProbability is a thing by which we can measure the chance of occurrence or not. The most important thing is the factors for which the probability of an event depends. The factors are of two types , increasing factors and decreasing factors. When there are increasing factors then probability will increase. Suppose the probability of an event is ? . There are three increasing factors then we will change ? as our choice and may take ?= 8/12 and then add 3 with numerator to get the increased probability 11/12.
Quality and Shelf Life of Major Brands of Bottled Water Marketed In Port Harcourt[Full-Text ] Ejewuke A. Ikechukwu, Ngah A. Sebastine, Ubong U. IniWater is life and every living thing depends on it for existence. The quality and shelf life of major brands of bottled water in Port Harcourt was analysed for potability. Bottled water were purchased after 9 days from production and exposed to sunlight for periods of 28 days. Standard methods were used to determine the physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The results showed mean values of pH in brand BWJ which ranged from (5.7 – 6.0) during the study period and was not within the prescribed recommended WHO, NAFDAC & SON limits.
Impact of Drifts Resulting From Pesticide Application on Soil Microorganisms around Waste Receptacle in Port Harcourt[Full-Text ] Momoh, Dauda, Eze C. L, Ogbonna D. N, Ejewuke A. IkechukwuThe aim of this study was to assess the impact of drift resulting from pesticide application on soil microorganisms around waste receptacle in Port Harcourt. The results showed that mean Total Heterotrophic Bacteria counts reduced after the application of pesticides (3.82 × 108cfu/g) when compared to soils of the control (2.7 × 109cfu/g) and before (1.02 × 109cfu/g) the application of pesticides.
COMPARISON STUDY OF LEADERSHIP STYLE OF HEADMASTER AT STATE ISLAMIC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL NUMBER 1 MAKASSAR, INDONESIA AND ISLAMIC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ATHIRAH MAKASSAR, INDONESIA IN IMPROVING TEACHER PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Alauddin, Mahfud Nurnajamuddin, Arfah Shiddiq, Ahmad Hakim This study aimed at finding out (1) the leadership style of MAN 1 head and the leadership style of SMA Athirah Makassar high school teacher, (2) the performance of MAN 1 teacher and the performance of Islamic Athirah Makassar high school teacher, (3) the differences in leadership style of MAN 1 head and leadership style of head 1 Athirah Makassar Islamic High School in improving teacher performance.
Robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Possible By “SANSKRIT” an Ancient Language[Full-Text ] Vibhor TyagiArtificial intelligence penetrates into a myriad number of fields, one of them being natural language processing. With man’s continuous efforts to stay away from the jargon of machines, arose the need to feed natural languages as inputs to machines. All natural languages express a large amount of ambiguity.
Encryption Algorithms in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Ameer M Shariff, Ph.D.Cloud computing has become fragile the information is mostly concentrated in the cloud. For data privacy protection, sensitive data should be encrypted. Prior to our outsourcing, it makes efficient data use a very challenging task. Although traditional searchable encryption plans allow users to securely search encrypted data. By keywords, these methods only support Boolean search, without capturing any v image of the data files. This approach when applied directly, one suffers from two major drawbacks, On the one hand, customers who do no prior knowledge of encrypted cloud data, each recovered file must be post processed to find people most people are interested in their mail; On the other hand, forever retrieve all files with query keywords. Unnecessary network traffic, which is undesirable Today's pay-as-you-use cloud model.
Design and Stress Analaysis of a Piston for Optimum Performance[Full-Text ] Siddhnat PalThis paper is a study about the deign procedure and considerations to be taken during the designing of the piston.
Yield and Sensory Attributes of Gari from Dried Cassava Chips as Affected by Drying and Rehydration Conditions[Full-Text ] Ogunlakin, Grace OluwatoyinThe freshly harvested cassava (indigenous sweet variety of cassava locally referred to as oko-iyawo) tubers were washed, peeled manually and sliced into chips of uniform slices (length 4 – 5 cm, thickness 1.5 cm). Drying was done using different methods (sun, solar and cabinet at 60 °C). The dried chips were milled and rehydrated with water of different temperatures of 20, 30 and 40 °C. The gari produced were investigated for some quality parameters which include: percentage yield, proximate composition and sensory attributes. The yield value ranged from: 73.08 – 90.73 %.
A REVIEW OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) FACILITIES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF VIRTUAL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Emakpor Peter Chucks,Yakubu Sani and Moses TimothyInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) has a long standing impact in practically all regions of human action. It goes about as an impetus in all circles of science and innovation. It has become inside a brief timeframe, one of the fundamental structure squares of a cutting edge society. The effect has been fairly notable in areas such as banking, health care, transportation, manufacturing and agriculture. ICT is critical to libraries to accomplish its objectives for the management of data, viable administrations and effective services and extension of boundaries from the four walls of the university/geographical location to the globe. They offer access to books in each conceivable structure and configuration. The approach of computerized PC progresses in media transmission and varying media advances has opened up better approaches for gathering, arranging and dispersing logical and specialized data. This paper intends to review the use of ICT for the implementation of a virtual library management system. The examination study will take a gander at how ICT items and administrations have helped in the administration of virtual libraries and how public and university libraries in Nigeria have entered into this positive pattern.
Analysis of Structural and Antibacterial activity on Mg doped Hydroxyapatite[Full-Text ] S.Saranya, B.Rajalakshmi, S.Meenakshi M.Prema Rani Mg substituted HAp samples with variable amounts of Mg were synthesized by sol–gel method. The samples were sintered in the furnace at 600º C for 2 hrs. The samples were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for functional group analysis, X-Ray Diffraction for crystallinity and phase purity analysis.
Chemical modifications of chitosan biopolymer as poly electrolyte membrane for full cells : Article review[Full-Text ] Azza HafezFuel cells (FCs) have recently received much attention as alternative new and clean energy source. FCs are not only pollution-free, but they can also have more than two times the efficiency of traditional combustion technologies. Recently, tremendous efforts are being made to produce polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) for fuel cells as replacement of Nafion due to its high costs, low ion conductivity at long operation times, poor mechanical strength, and decreased performance at high temperatures.
Histomorphological Spectrum of Endometrial Lesions on D & C – Our Experience in a Primary Health Care[Full-Text ] S. P. Naga Praphulla, A. Vaani LalityaEndometrium that lines the uterine cavity is one of the most dynamic tissue in the human body. It is an interesting tissue for histopathology study and is characterised by cyclic responses to the hormones that lead to cell proliferation, differentiation and death response to the sex steroids. The variety of endometrial lesions on histopathological diagnosis differ from the age and the dose over time of hormonal therapy.
Emotion Detection Using Facial Expression Recognition[Full-Text ] Mehwish Shabbir, Abdul RazzaqThis document deals with facial expressions recognition that involve two different stages. 1. face detection,2. A sense of emotion recogni-tion. At the primary stage,MultiTask Convolutional Neural System was used to pinpoint the facial boundaries with the fewest remaining edg-es. The next step is to use the ShuffleNet V2 design, which can compromise the accuracy and speed of model execution, depending on the customer's requirements. The Test results clearly show that the suggeste system exceeds the latest FER i2013 dataset taken from Kaggle.
COLLABORATIVE TEACHING: A ROAD MAP TO SUCCESSFUL INCLUSION[Full-Text ] Nazia Hassan Khan A merger of regular and special education is, commonly, termed as inclusive education (Wade & Zone, 2000). According to Wade and Zone, the philosophy of inclusive education is underpinned by the concept that all students should have opportunity to be educated in same school despite of their individual differences of culture, ethnicity, language, religion, and health.
Analysis of Transmission Line Arrester for Transmission Line Surge Protection[Full-Text ] Biju Jacob, Gokul GovindTropical countries located in the equatorial belt are having high atmospheric humidity and heat. These atmospheric conditions lead to the development of cumulonimbus clouds during the wet season. Thunder clouds are typical clouds whichproduce lightning events. Lightning strikes in overhead transmission lines (OHTL) are the major reasons for unscheduled interruptions and tripping in the power system. Due to lightning strikes extensive damage to electric equipment of KSEB (Kerala State Electricity Board) are reported and estimated about more than 60% of the tripping in KSEB’s EHT Transmission power system has been caused by lightning.
Impact of GST on Rural Sales & Marketing of FMCG Sector[Full-Text ] Pavankumar U D and Megha G PatilBased on the empirical evidence in the major common challenge in modern world of globalization in 21st century GST also known as the Goods and Services Tax is defined as the giant indirect tax structures designed to support and enhance the economic growth of a country. More than 150 countries have implemented GST so. Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be a game changing reform for Indian economy by developing a common Indian market and reducing the stream effect of tax on the cost of goods and services.
Municipal Solid Waste – To - Energy For Mozambique[Full-Text ] Fernando Agostinho Dzeco and Anand MohanThe growing development nowadays on Mozambique is directly associated to the crescent industrialization and the increasing number of the population on enormous cities in Mozambique, special Maputo City the capital of the country: what needs more electrical energy to run them and produce more Municipal Solid Waste (MSW); uncontrolled and putting the City in a challenge to face these scenarios.
SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND PHARMACOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF 2, 5 DISUBSTITUTED 1, 3, 4- OXADIAZOLE DERIVATIVES[Full-Text ] Tarun Chaudhary, Piyush ChahalA epic series of 2-Amidino-5-aryl-1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives (N1-N4) have been successfully synthesized. A blend of 2-Amino-5-aryl-1,3,4-oxadiazole, powdered anhydrous aluminium chloride and acetonitrile warmed in an oil bath keeping the temperature at 150-160°C for 2 hours to synthesize the derivatives (N1-N4).). The structures of recently synthesized compounds were set up on the basis of FT- IR, 1H NMR and Mass spectroscopic techniques.
Environmental Issues and their Solution in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Irshad IjazPollution means “discharge of effluents in the air, water or soil which might be hazardous for environment.” Environmental pollution is burning issue of the world. The ecological degradation is not only worsening the human health but also creating irreparable impacts on ecosystem. Releasing of smoke and hazard material in ecosystem by different industries and nuclear plants is impairing the life, and causing the toxic torts in the society.
A Survey on Blockchain and Online Land Registration[Full-Text ] Syed Huzaifa Ali, Hassan TahirBlockchain is a database of gatherings exchanges that are connected to the past gathering of exchanges and is recreated and dispersed in the system so all copies of the blocks are distributed to everybody who takes an interest in database and are indistinguishable. Some blockchains, (for example, open blockchains) work as decentralized frameworks. Members in the system oversee and concur by agreement on the updates to the records. A problem was identified in this survey that classical land registration method is outdated and complicated.
Impact of Reward & Appreciation on Employee Performance – It’s Co-Existence[Full-Text ] Salman Hussain, Dr. Irfan Zafar, Sana MustafaThis work highlights the effect of reward and appreciation on the employee performance. Data is collected through online survey from 305 employees who are working in different organizations. Once data is collected, it is analyzed using SPSS 24. First regression analysis is done, and then correlation analysis is done. As per results it is concluded that rewards are positively significantly related with employee performance.
Ethnomedicinal, pharmacological and phytochemical evaluation of Xanthium strumarium L[Full-Text ] Yaseen Khan, Sulaiman Shah, Shakir UllahXanthium strumarium is a common medicinal plant belong to family Asteraceae. It is broadly dispersed in North America and south Asia. It is a dominant plant specie in southern region of China and in northern areas of Pakistan. Usually, it’s appear in spring, the plant parts i.e. leaves, root, stem and seed are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various health problem such as ‘leucoderma, epilepsy, salivation, malaria, rheumatism, tuberculosis, allergic rhinitis, sinitis, urticaria, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, diarrhoea, leprosy, lumbago, pruritis, bacterial and fungal infections’.
Modeling an Enhanced E-Payment Gateway to Empower E-Commerce in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Wobetu Shiferaw, Teshome FentaE-commerce plays a significant role in the economic and social development of a country. We everyone know how much E-Commerce is important in many aspects of human life but we also know how much risky it is. In e-commerce, more than two parties interact with a given e-commerce platform. In e-commerce, there should be a trusted, secured reliable electronic bank transaction system; a trusted, secured and reliable electronic payment system; and a more technology aware, trusted customer.
Educators’ Appreciative Capacities, Distributed Leadership Practices and Organizational Learning Capabilities: Path to Educational Reforms[Full-Text ] Evelyn P. Navia, Ed. D. Reform is not new to education. It is introduced as ways to fix problems. Quite recently, the Philippine public-school system has gone through a dramatic revamp when Republic Act No. 10533, also known as ‘The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013’, was conclusively implemented in 2016. Referred to as the K-12 Basic Education Program it will take 13 years for a student to complete.
Total Quality Management Practices and Organiza-tional Performance of Private Secondary Schools in the Division of Laguna[Full-Text ] Fernan Pamatmat RamosTotal Quality Management is essential in the performance of private schools. It is one of the biggest challenges to make TQM an integral part of the school organization. Hence, the researcher investigated the total quality management practices and organizational performance of private secondary schools in the division of Laguna. A total of nine private schools with nine school principals, one hundred sixty-three teachers and three hundred thirty-five senior and junior high school students in the Division of Laguna were used as respondents of the study.
School Heads’ Strategic Management Prac-tices and Organizational Diversity in Selected Public Elementary Schools in the Division of Laguna[Full-Text ] Gina Francia Doncasel, Ed. D. The Philippine educational system rendered its services in accordance to the call of the time, guided by Republic Act No. 9155 known as ‘Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001’ which provided that the school heads shall have the authority, responsibility and accountability (AuRA) in managing all the affairs of the school. However, the gap between the school’s level of performance and the actual potential of the school heads can only be achieved through designing and implementing a plan on which their skills and competencies are translated in the schools’ total environment.
A study The role of intellectual capital in achieving competitive advantage Applied to fisheries companies and fisheries departments in Egypt[Full-Text ] Professor Dr. El-Sayed Mohamed Khater, Professor Dr. Abdel-Hakim Al-Minhawi , Eng.Bassam Yussry Mohamed Fayek.The study focused on examining the relationship between intellectual capital in its various dimensions and the competitive advantage in fisheries companies and fisheries departments in Egypt ; In an attempt by researchers to find a close link between the role of intellectual capital as one of the factors explaining the existing relationship and its good use to achieve competitive advantage and in what leads to achieving the company's goals of survival and growth; In order to stimulate interest in it and then develop it, and highlight the importance of intellectual capital, its importance and important role in developing, developing and raising the value of companies;
A Clinico-epidemiological Study of Malaria Patients Admitted in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Banani Barua , Milton Barua , Moharam Ali , Purna Jiban Chakma , Syedul Alam Kuryshi , Mahmudul Kabir , Mofizul Islam , Labeeba Faria , Zulfiquar SerajMalaria is a public health problem in 90 countries around the world affecting 300 million people and responsible for about 1 million deaths annually. Bangladesh is considered as one of the malaria endemic countries in Asia. Every year large number of people suffered for malaria. But there is little studies about clinic-epidemiology of malaria. Aim: To study the epidemiological and clinical aspects of malaria.
Cloud Computing and Security[Full-Text ] Ameer M Shariff, Ph.D.Cloud computing has formed the conceptual and infrastructural basis for tomorrow’s computing. The global computing infrastructure is rapidly moving towards cloud-based architecture. While it is important to take advantages of could-based computing by means of deploying it in diversified sectors, the security aspects in a cloud-based computing environment remains at the core of interest. Cloud based services and service providers are being evolved which has resulted in a new business trend based on cloud technology.
NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS OF SECOND ORDER[Full-Text ] Okpanachi Sunday, Okpanachi George Echiye, Ogakwu Paul AndrewWe consider the nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems of second order. We proved that monotone solution of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems of second order can be obtained. We also investigated the stability of solution obtained by the monotone method and found it to be stable, also that solutions obtained (that is up-per and lower solutions) are maximal and minimal solutions.
The effect of adding Copper on the structural and Creep Characteristics of Zn-0.5wt.%Al al-loy[Full-Text ] M. S. Sakr, M. M. Mostafa, H. S. Mohamed and N. M. MahmoudThe creep tests for the Zn-0.5wt.% Al and Zn-0.5wt.%Al-0.3wt.% Cu alloys were carried out at different applied stresses ranging from 15.6 MPa to 23.4 MPa and temperatures ranging from 433K to 553K. The values of the transient creep parameters ? and n and the steady state creep parameters m and ? ?_st exhibited two peak values at 473K and 523K for the two test alloys.