Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020
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Implementation of Women Safety Device[Full-Text ] Mr. K. RAGHAVENDRA RAO, S V V N B Y LAKSHMI DURGA, M SAI APARNA MADHURIMA, P VENKATA SAI VINEETH,SK MD FARIDUDDIN CHISTIIn the recent years the crime rate against women have increased a lot. This project deals with improving women safety measures and provide security to women all time. This project provides security like sending information to emergency contacts and nearby police stations. For this prototype the hardware used are Node MCU, GSM/GPRS module, pulse rate sensor.
Achieving Sustainable Urban Transport in New Cities[Full-Text ] Noha Ahmed Nabil, safaa Mohamed HassanThe sector of transport is considered one of the most significant and effective sectors in states; as it comes at the top of the sectors supporting the economic and social structure of each and every state. At the economic level, transport constitutes the means necessary to connect the elements and areas of production with each other through transporting individuals, goods and raw materials.
High Strength of Concrete by Using Foundry Sand as Fine Aggregate[Full-Text ] Sisaynew Tesfaw The Protection of natural resources and safeguarding of the environment is the embodiment of any advancement. The issue emerging from constant mechanical and modern advancement is the transfer of waste material. In the event that a portion of the materials are discovered appropriate in solid influencing not just the expense of development to can be put down, yet in addition safe transfer of waste materials can be accomplished. Metal foundries utilize a lot of sand as a component of the metal throwing process. Foundries effectively recycle and reuse the sand commonly in a foundry.
Usage of Image Analytics for Text Recognition[Full-Text ] Mehwish Shabbir, Abdul RazzaqThe purpose of text recognition is to identify the content of the printed version of the report with the appropriate settings (such as .docx). The text recognition procedure involves several steps such as preparation, segmentation, highlighting, layout and post-processing. Pre-processing refers to performing basic steps on the input image, such as binarization to switch from a fine scale image to a binary image, and reduction of Clammer to expel strong signs from the image.
A Review on Nature Inspired Computation based Adaptive Channel Equalization[Full-Text ] Annapurna H S, Dr. A. Rijuvana BegumIn the digital communication channel, the transmitted signal might get dispersive due to which the information may not be carried as the same is transmitted. Additive noise and inter-symbol interference (ISI) cause dispersal of the signal. Channel equalization is a key method used in the digital communication system. This mitigates the result of inter-symbol inference in disruptive channels.
AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF TRADING IN DERIVATIVES AND PERCEPTION OF INVESTORS IN FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS IN GULBARGA DISTRICT[Full-Text ] Dr. Sony HiremathThis paper examines the view of market members towards subordinate exchanging, its relationship with the spot market,and its job in Sub Prime emergencies. The investigation was directed in the Gulbarga locale. India to get an understanding into the brains of financial specialist and study how their age and hazard profile impact their choice to put resources into subsidiaries.
Synthesis of Novel Diaminithiazoloylsydnones[Full-Text ] Dr. Jisha S P and Dr. K. N. RajashekharanSydnone derivatives have recently been screened for a wide spectrum of bioactivity that includes antitumor and antianginal in addition to the known antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities. We have recently found excellent cancer cell cytotoxicity in hetaryl thiazolyl ketone and concequently have developed a solid phase combinatorial approach to such compounds. As part of these studies, we have now synthesized novel diaminothiazoloylsydnones by ring assembly of the thiazole moiety in a [4+1] ring construction strategy developed earlier in our Laboratory. Thus, 1-amidino-3-arylthioureas serving as a [C-N-C-S] synthon, and bromoacetylsydnones, as the source of the remaining C atom in the [4+1] heterocyclization, were reacted to afford hitherto unreported diaminothiazoloylsydnones. The synthetic route also will be presented.
The Defense Strategies, Benefits and Challenges of Pen Test against Cyber Attacks – A Review[Full-Text ] Sanal Kumar S, Dr Palanivel SCyber Security is a major challenge faced by the current internet business scenario due to the infrastructural complexity of universally scattered systems and the interrelationship among computer, communication, and power infrastructures across the globe. .A security policy focuses on preventing and detecting an attack on a personal or enterprise systems, that policy may not include a process to expel a hacker. Studies regarding security testing for corporate environments, networks, and systems were developed and implemented in the last years.
EFFECT OF STARCH CONTENTS ON THE CREEP PROPERTIES AND BIO-DEGRADATION BEHAVIOURS OF POLYPROPYLENE[Full-Text ] SALIHU BALA TAJIRI, AHMAD ALIYUThe fact that polymers do not decay or degrade after disposal is a serious environmental problem, which need to be looked into. The idea of blending polymer with starch has been making the day in many societies to reduce the menace of produced by polymers waste in the society. Polypropylene (PP) is the polymer selected to be mixed with cassava starch. The starch was added in the range of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. Some of the samples 20% hardener was added and others hardener was not added. The samples prepared were for Creep tests, Microscopic examinations and Degradation behaviours.
Developing Vocabulary learning among Diploma Holders of English -A study based on three Advanced Technological Institutes/SLIATE- Dehiwala, Jaffna & Trincomalee[Full-Text ] SUGANTHY SUBHAKARANThe study on developing vocabulary learning among the adult learners in a second language has been undertaken in view of recognizing the real difficulties encountered by the Sri Lankan learners in learning English as a Second Language. This is a problematic and challenging area for the target group whose first language is either Tamil or Sinhala.
Anthropometric measurements among new born infants delivered in Health Care Centers in Enugu State, South Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Okamkpa Chikezie Jude, Elizabeth Finbarrs-Bello, Ozor Ignatius Ikemefuna, Umeh Chioma Roseline, Inyiama Vivian Uzoamaka, Okamkpa ChiamakaBackground: Determination of new born growth parameters are necessary in each population from different locations for planning their subsequent children growth charts and thus detecting disease by recognizing overt deviation from normal patterns. This study aimed at finding the means of the anthropometric measurements, to assess the comparative health status of urban and rural babies and to determine sexual dimorphism among new born babies in Enugu state.
Visual Performance of Mini Scleral Contact Lens in Keratoconus[Full-Text ] Ritesh Khowal, Simi AfrozKeratoconus is a progressive, bilateral, asymmetric, ectatic disease which causes progressive corneal thinning and protrusion of the cornea leading to irregular astigmatism and visual deterioration. Keratoconus is a rare condition characterized by asymmetric decrease in vision. Its presentation is usually second decade of life and ceased in the end of 3rd decade of life. Symptoms at presentation depend on severity of the disease.
The Language difference in the learning Difficulties in mathematics for ethnic student[Full-Text ] Jagat Krishna Pokharel The aim of the study was to identify the major language difficulties in mathematics of the student in secondary level of mathematics classroom and relation between language and learning mathematics. The findings of the study indicate that the student's language difficulties in two categories the first one are semantic difficulties. These difficulties include that student suffering mathematics due to the specific terms.The terms having different meaning in other description, in the theorem properties, and the use of notation. Another difficulty is syntactic difficulty; this difficulty is the use of language. Mathematics need to be explained with the help of language every language has its specific formal structure and patted which is called the syntax of language.The study concluded that the ethnic students have great discontinuity between their everyday life and school activities as they get practical knowledge in home and theoretical knowledge at school.This research tries to find out the problem faced by the ethnic student in learning mathematics to be making co-operative class environment and to be serious thought while making decision about curriculum and teaching learning process.
Learning Practice for Binary Age Group Stratification by Iris-Pupil Thickness[Full-Text ] Jannatul Ferdous, Nakib Aman Turzo, Pritom SarkerAnticipation of age has a significant role in different fields. It has prime importance in determining age in social networking, forensics and in archaeology. Machine learning has a pivotal role in determination of age and reached to an advanced level in the previous years. Rapid progression of these studies demands its preciseness and highly structured estimation.
EVALUATION OF HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATION IN AGRICULTURAL SOIL, A CASE STUDY OF DAMATURU AND ITS ENVIRONS[Full-Text ] Agada Livinus Emeka and Habu Tela AbbaThe accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soil due to increase in both natural and anthropogenic pollution sources is an issue of serious concern to crop production, human and animal health. Some heavy metals are essential in trace quantities for healthy growth and efficient plant yields, e.g. iron, zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt, and chromium. But in excess concentration, they constitute health hazards to plants, humans and animals. Heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and arsenic are purely nonessential micronutrients to plants and they inhibit plants growth and eventually destroy them.
MACHINE LEARNING BASED MALICIOUS WEBSITE DETECTION[Full-Text ] Jino S Ganesh, Niranjan Swarup.V, Madhan Kumar.R, Harinisree.AIn the present generation of the digital world era there are a lot of opportunities to steal data. The data can be any type and any form. Some are mention like Top classified data, industrial data, finical data, intellectual property data, personal data, IOT & IIOT, and big data. threats and different viruses where used against people to steal data or amounts of money through the internet by using different types of malware. In the present world, the whole life of people is depending on the mobiles or pc or laptops with the internet.
The Idea of Religion: Narratives, Ideologies, Misunderstandings and bridging the gap[Full-Text ] Vishesh DwivediI feel perplexed, baffled, flummoxed and at the same time critical while I pen down this paper that focuses on Religion and its complicated yet systematic factors and varied notions. I wanted to begin by introducing, religion and it’s varied narratives to the readers but I prefer something much more important should be critically analyzed before that.
An Investigation of the Experiences of Inclusion of Four University of Queensland Students with a Disability Who Have Previously Studied In Education Queensland Schools[Full-Text ] Muhammad Sajjad HaiderThis study focuses on the context of Queensland Education Australia in perspective of inclusive education and accessibility. However, the other related areas such as disability experience and social exclusion have been glanced at during the process of this research. This is a qualitative research, hence the case study has been used as the methodology and the interview has been used as the method of the study.
Experimental Study of Concrete Using Iron and Marble as Partial Replacement of Sand[Full-Text ] R. Urmila, B. Balraj, Prudhvi Vasanth Saikumar, R. Sridhar, P. VetriselvanNow-a-days environmental problems are very common in India due to generation of industrial by-products. Due to increase in industrialization the waste products also increase and to utilize these waste products is a big concern. Iron granules and marble dust are some of the industrial by-products from the iron and marble making industries.
Role of Emotional Intelligence in Developing Speaking Skills: A Study Conducted at Degree Level in Rawalpindi (Punjab)[Full-Text ] SABA SARWARBy the present study entitled as “Role of emotional intelligence in developing speaking skills: a study conducted at degree level in Rawalpindi (Punjab)” researcher has to highlight the importance of emotional intelligence in speaking skill. Studies have shown that learners with high level of emotional intelligence hold better speaking skills than those who have low level of emotional intelligence. The researcher applied the study over the Pakistani learner of English, however only one aspect of communication skill that is ‘speaking’ is been under consideration.
THE EXISTENCE OF THE KHALWATIYAH TAREKAT IN SOCIAL CHANGE IN NORTH LUWU REGENCY[Full-Text ] Abdain/Iain Palopo, Rahmawati Beddu/IAIN Palopo, Takdir/IAIN PALOPOThis paper discusses how the existence of the tarekat Khalwatiyah and how the influence of social change on the existence of the Khalwatiyah order in North Luwu Regency. The type of research is qualitative. The research subjects were the leader (khalifah) and followers of the tarekat Khalwatiyah. Information gathering is done through library reseach and field reseach. The authors obtained data by observing, interviewing and documenting. The instruments used were interview guidelines, writing instruments, mobile phones as recording devices in both audio and video.
EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF STEEL FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE WITH CARBON RUBBER AS PARTIAL REPLACEMENT FOR FINE AGGREGATE[Full-Text ] A. Alton, C. Prasanna Kumar, J.J. Shajan Rose, S. Sri Harikara Jaswanth, M. YoheshwaranCarbon rubber (subtypes are acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp black and thermal black) is a material produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products such as FCC tar, coal tar, or ethylene cracking tar. Carbon black is a form of procrystalline carbon that has a high surface-area-to-volume ratio, albeit lower than that of activated carbon. It is dissimilar to soot in its much higher surface-area-to-volume ratio and significantly lower (negligible and non-bioavailable) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content.
COMPARATIVE MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSES OF MINI-ROBOT AND MANUAL ARC WELDED MILD STEEL PLATES[Full-Text ] Oladebeye, D. H., Adejuyigbe, S. B. and Ayodeji, S. P.Mild steel plates of variable thicknesses 0.5 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.8 mm, 0.9 mm and 1.0 mm were selected as parent materials to conduct arc welding. Thirty welding numbers each were prepared using robot welding and manual arc welding, respectively. Time, welding length and welding speed, and material thickness were chosen as variable input parameters.
Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards of Bangladesh: Challenges, Issues and Sustainable Development[Full-Text ] Hossain A.T.M.S., Toll D.G., Shushupti OBangladesh is a tropical monsoonal South Asian Country. In this research, an attempt has been made to see the influence of precipitation pattern on slope failures. Thousands of families become homeless each year due to this disaster along with causing agricultural loss. Hill cutting for urban development and settlement at the bottom hills has significantly increased the risk of landslides during monsoon.
Computer Integrated Product Manufacturing Development[Full-Text ] Zoya LaghariComputer Integrated Product Manufacturing Development is a method or program which tells how computer (including robotic hands, modern machinery, etc) are helping in the manufacturing of the products at industry level. We have discussed some basic essential functions, uses and characteristics of Computer integrated product manufacturing along with the bit of information about the Finite Element Analysis.
Artificial Intelligence – Impact on Public Governance[Full-Text ] Dr. Gurbinder Randhawa, Nikhil GoelAdoption of AI will empower the government to take accurate and flexible decisions, deliver personalized citizen services. Though feared to reduce employment as it replaces redundant work, AI can significantly help in improving its employees’ productivity and efficiency. However, turning its vision into a reality is not easy and there are certain challenges which plagues the Indian public sector. In this academic / scholarly article, it has been explored how Artificial Intelligence will form the foundation of new Public Governance and highlight the advanced cases across the value chain.
Leveraging Customer Behavior to increase Mortgage Lending Wallet Share using Analytics[Full-Text ] Gurbinder Randhawa, Nikhil GoelThe consumer demand and behavior in changing and the change is majorly driven by the expectations of consumers from the brands. Every consumer is looking for amazonization of their experience with brands and due to this consumer are leaving lot of their behavior traces on digital properties and elsewhere. Banking as a business is a highly customer focus business and has got troves of consumer behavior data.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS[Full-Text ] The U.N has launched 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. It was adopted by 193 member states; the goals represent a vital international step in setting humanity on a trajectory towards sustainable development. We will also get an overview of how sustainability has been understood, as well as an introduction to the SDGs – what are they, how progress can be determined and measured, and how the SDGs are relevant for the system management of the world. We will also examine how various societal actors are responding to and implementing the SDGs.
A Case Report on Ankylosing Spondylitis in a Pakistani Patient[Full-Text ] Mohammad Danyal KayaniBackground: Ankylosing Spondylitis is the most common type of seronegative spondyloarthropathy. It is characterized by inflammation of multiple articular and para-articular structures, which in turn often leads to osseous ankylosis.
COVID -19 (by SARS-CoV-2) an Endemic to Pandemic : A Review[Full-Text ] Dr.Meenakshi SinghOn 31 December 2019, WHO was informed about a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City, China. SARS-CoV-2 found a new virus responsible for such an outbreak of respiratory illness known as COVID-19. The pathogen responsible for the outbreak of this disease belongs to a large family of coronaviruses. Such family also includes the viruses that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
INFLUENCE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS OF THE WORLD ECONOMY: IN CASE OF TOURISM AND INTERNET MARKETING[Full-Text ] Jurabek Babaev The article discusses the impact of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic on the global economy in the field of tourism and Internet marketing. the author stated that due to the epidemic of coronavirus infection that broke out in central China at the end of 2019, in January, the Chinese authorities announced unprecedented security measures: there are strict restrictions on movement throughout the country, public transport does not work, New Year's holidays for industry stretched out for three weeks. the supply of goods was called into question, and tourism activity in the world fell to zero.
Community Detection based on Relationships Clustering in Complex Network[Full-Text ] Owais Muhammad, Phouvyrath PHENGSAVATH, Sajid Saleem, Hashmi Samar Research on complex networks has always been a research hotspot in many fields. In particular, the discovery and clustering of community structures is of great significance to our understanding of network characteristics. With the continuous development and popularization of information technology, the world has propel into the network era, there are various reasons for complex systems in the real world can be referred by complex networks, such as transportation networks, collaborative networks, social networks, and biological networks.
Optimum Amount of Zirconium in Barium Titanate for Better Electric and Dielectric Properties[Full-Text ] A.Sobha,Nandana S, Sumangala RBarium zirconium titanate ceramics Ba (ZrxTi(1-x)) O3(x=0.,0.05,0.10,0.15 and 0.2) were prepared by a sol-gel method. Perovskite-like single-phase compounds were confirmed from X-ray diffraction data. Morphological analysis of calcined samples done by scanning electron microscopy shows that the addition of zirconium ions affects the size of the grain and remarkably changes the grain morphology.The effect of zirconium addition to barium titanate on its dielectric properties were analysed. Increasing zirconium content in the BaTiO3-based compositions caused an increase in the width of Curie temperature (Tc) and an increase in the permittivity.
License Plate Recognition System using Deep Learning[Full-Text ] Vivek kumarNumber plate recognition is currently a research area for much. Number plate recognition is a technique using which vehicle number is identified. This paper shows the implementation of Deep Learning convolutional neural networks for detection and identification of the images of handwritten characters into editable text format. We make use of convolutional neural networks method for identification of number plate of vehicle and image denoising for get noise free image.
INDICATORS OF EFFICIENCY OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AND METHOD OF ITS EVALUATION[Full-Text ] Ulugbek AripovThe article defines the concepts of an electronic store, an electronic department store and an electronic kiosk. The main indicators of the effectiveness of electronic commerce and the methodology for its evaluation are proposed. According to the author, the analysis of economic efficiency is based on the calculation of the main cost items and cost reduction through the use of e-commerce systems.
“EUCALYPTUS GLOBULES”: NATURAL PESTICIDES[Full-Text ] Mr. Sadanand S. Kadam, Dr. Jyotsna S. WaghmareThe objective of this research work was to investigate antifungal activity, insecticidal activity and chemical composition of eucalyptus globules (eucalyptus oil) against grain bugs originated in stored grains. In this study, essential oil of Eucalyptus globules was obtained by hydro-distillation using Clevenger apparatus. Cineole was major chemical constituent isolated from eucalyptus oil. Presence of cineole in eucalyptus oil was determined and confirmed by GC and FT-IR analysis. Organoleptic and Physio-chemical properties of eucalyptus oil were also analyzed. Apart from cineole other compounds present in eucalyptus oil were ?-pinene, ?-pinene, and terpenene-4-ol. 78.77 % of cineole was quantified in Eucalyptus oil.
ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN CHANGING MARKETING TRENDS (A REVIEW)[Full-Text ] Ms. Priyanka Agarwal, Mr. Abhishek Singh ChauhanOver last few decades, retailing activities has largely demanded to become Technology- oriented to survive and to grow in extensive dynamic market. Digital Marketing not only helps marketers to reach customers across the globe but also they can measure their performance metrics. AI applications have significant effect on marketing practices and company cultures.
CHALLENGES IN NURSING EDUCATION-PRESENT & POST COVID 19 ERA[Full-Text ] Dr. R. Sudha & Dr. S. Ani Grace KalaimathiThe global pandemic COVID 19 has brought an everlasting effect on the educational sector. The schools, higher education institutions and the universities were shut down as a measure to contain the spread of COVID 19. This pandemic leads to the transformation of the age-old chalk-talk method to technology-driven online teaching. For the vast majority of the teachers and young learners, online education during this COVID 19 is the first experience. COVID imposed threat to nursing education creates a lot of demands on the future health workforce.
Navigation Control of an Autonomous Mobile Guide Robot[Full-Text ] Amir Noabahar Sadeghi NamDesigning and manufacturing of an intelligent, autonomous guide robot, its navigation in indoor environments with the user communication, are the principal objectives of this work. The presented behavior-based maples navigation control architecture performs the robot localization, obstacle avoidance, wall following, and path planning to steer it from any initial pose to any assigned location, by employing the onboard sensors.