Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019.
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The Challenges of Learning English - A Focus on LSRW Skills[Full-Text ] Shailaja SangaraboinaThe importance of language as a medium of expression need not be over emphasized. Among the languages used worldwide, English has the distinction of being primary language of many countries. Competency in English is indeed necessary for Indians of all ages that see themselves as global “movers and shakers”. In India, English has acquired a distinct status basically for two lessons : i) wider acceptance in the country and; ii) growing significance of the language in the context of globalization, A language acquires a number of accents, if it is spoken by large sections of people, separated from one another socially, geographically and educationally.
EFFECTIVENESS OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK IN CREDIT RISK ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Betty JepkemeiArtificial Neural Networks play an increasingly important role in financial applications for such tasks as pattern recognition, classification, and time series forecasting. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of non - performing loans in kenya which has affected many financial institutions . In this paper, the researcher evaluates how neural network model can be used for loan default prediction. The prediction is performed by taking into consideration the financial and personal details provided by the potential customer.
Government Science teachers’ perception on ICT Integration and instructional materials in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Tahmina Hoq,Asha Rani Das,Hasina AkhterDespite world wide acceptance of ICT in education and after providing several interventions to integrate ICT in classroom, teachers of higher education (HE) in Bangladesh remain passive. Classroom practice reflects the image of direct instruction using the textbook to transmit knowledge irrespective of subjects which eternalizes incoherence from the modern concepts and technologies resulting less involvement of students and demotivation. Therefore, the aim of this research is to understand science teachers’ perception on integrating ICT in their subject as instructional materials.
MULTIPURPOSE SMS ACTIVATED PROGRAMMABLE TIMER SWITCH[Full-Text ] Julius Moises S. AlbalosThe study aimed to design and develop a Multi-Purpose SMS Activated Programmable Timer Switch. Specifically, it utilized the mobile phone short messaging service (SMS) to activate the timer switch to the desired time in minutes. The device replies to the user the time set, which is equivalent to the time requested or texted by the user and the status of the switch if it is ON or OFF.
Preliminary Survey in to Biodiversity, Length - Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of some Fish Species in Waya Dam, Bauchi State[Full-Text ] Mustapha Umar NadamaThis study was carried out with the aim of generating the data on Biodiversity, Length – Weight Relationship (LWR) and condition factor (K) of fish species in Waya dam, Upper Benue River Basin Authority, Bauchi. Total catches (TC) were randomly sampled thrice a week from fishers fishing in Waya dam (from September 2014 to December 2015) covering a period of two months in the dry season and two months in the wet season. Lengths (L) and weights (W) of each fish species were measured from random samples of the catches once a month for the four months.
Protein Function Prediction using SVM Kernel Approach[Full-Text ] Anjna Jayant Deen, Manasi GayanchandaniBioinformatics are rapidly and fast growing area of proteomics and genome. Protein datasets and their vector space are large in size. This results in difficulty for SVM classifier to train large group of protein sequence datasets. Therefore, the basic classification algorithms cannot handled the problem to train large support vectors. The objective of this study is using kernel, optimize the classifier support vector and enhance the classification accuracy.
Insincere Question Classification Using Deep Learning[Full-Text ] Bishal Gaire, Bishal Rijal, Dilip Gautam, Saurav Sharma, Nabin LamichhaneThousands of Questions are asked in QA forms every day and manual classification of them as ‘sincere’ and ‘insincere’ is unrealistic. Insincere questions affect the user experience across the platform and is a severe concern. Thus, to dilute such questions we implement a machine learning model for such Question classification. Dataset was provided by Quora through the website Kaggle and it consists of a training set of over 1.3 Million labeled examples and around 300 thousand of unlabeled examples as a test set.
Estimation The Size Of The Parallel Economy In Tunisia: An Analysis With The MIMIC Approach[Full-Text ] AKROUT Zied &GHRISSI ElKamelDespite making significant progress in its political democratic transition, Tunisia remains highly vulnerable to economic shocks. The growth rate is too low and unable to reduce high unemployment, and the budget and current account deficits are large, inflation has increased and the population is very unhappy with the economic situation. Indeed the growth rate stood at 2.6% during the third quarter of 2018 against 2% in 2017 and 1% in 2016.
ECONOMIC VALUATION OF MANGROVE FOREST AREA IN KOLONO BAY SOUTH KONAWE REGENCY[Full-Text ] Awaluddin, Usman Rianse, Ayub M. Padangaran, Manat RahimIt is greatly necessary to take into account to degradation of resources since any management policies neglecting degradation of natural resources will result inmisleadingpolicies. Thus, it is necessary to conduct a research to determine economic valuation of mangrove forest resources. It is expected that results of this research can support management of coastal areas particularly mangrove forest in order to create conservation and habitat restoration policies. This research aims to determine the economic value on mangrove forest in Kolono Bay.
21st CENTURY TEACHING: The Teachers’ Perceptions in the Used of Blended-Learning Approach in Teaching[Full-Text ] Cincy Merly B. Gecolea, Marian B. Diaz, Peejay G. GecoleaThe study mainly focused on determining the perception of teachers towards blended learning approach in teaching. This study employed the qualitative research. A qualitative research using phenomenological approach was conducted to assess the validity and strength of teachers in using technology as result to blended learning in the classroom.
Housing Market in Albania[Full-Text ] Elvis Bregu, Bitila Shosha, Armela AnamaliThe purpose of this study is to analyze the housing pricing trends as well as the immovable property market development and problematics in Albania. The data on the immovable property market over a given period of time constitutes a crucial progress indicator of the country’s economic performance. Potential investors find immovable property attractive as it provides capital gain in the long run and a good barrier to inflation.
ROLE OF SERVICE QUALITY AS A MEDIATOR ON ACADEMIC INFORMATION SYSTEM INFLUENCES ON UNIVERSITY STUDENT SATISFACTION[Full-Text ] Misriani, Asmira, Widhi Lestari, Ilin SukmaThis research aims to (1) analyze the influences of information system on service quality, (2) the influences of service quality on university student satisfaction, (3) the influences of information system on university student satisfaction and (4) role of service quality in mediating information system influences on university student satisfaction. Population in the research is 312 people. Determination on the number of sample is by Slovinformula,meanwhile, the sampling is conducted by Proportional random sampling namely taking samples proportionally from the number of university student department.
Teacher Perception on Mentoring for Effective Professional Development in the English Language Teaching of the Oracy Skills Among Secondary School Teachers in Enugu Education Zone[Full-Text ] Casmir N. Chime, Nnene Blessing Ginika, Oga, R. O. Mentoring is indispensable in effective teaching, particularly in view of the innovations in English Language teaching across nations. This paper investigates the teachers perception on mentoring and how it can help to inculcates confidence, motivation, encouragement, attention and interest needed for effective teaching of the first two language skills known as oracy skills listening skills and speaking skills and professional development of the teachers. The researchers made use of 150 teachers drawn from secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone and structured questionnaire for data collection; mean, standard deviation and t-test were used for data analysis.
BIOMETRIC ACCESS SYSTEM USING FACIAL RECOGNITION[Full-Text ] Ifeoma B. Asianuba, Ayegba SundayIn most developing countries, security of lives and properties is increasingly threatened on daily basis. Traditional security system requires the use of a key, a security password, an RFID card, or ID card which probably can be forgotten and lead to access denial. However, these security items can also be stolen by unauthorized persons. As a result, there is a need to look into aspects that can guarantee a higher security level for access in area of restrictions.
Family Ethnographic Approach to Explore the Causes of Suicide among Married Women of 20-40 Years in Chitral, Khberpakhtunkhawa, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Jafaryad Hussain, Rozina Karmaliani, Rozina Somani, Kausar Khan, Murad Khan MusaThe study was conducted to discover the factors that contribute to the suicide among married women in Chitral, through exploring the experiences of 24 immediate family members of six women who had committed suicide during the last one year. A qualitative study using the family ethnographic approach was employed.
Manufacturing Lead Time Improvement by Reducing Changeover Time with The Application of SMED[Full-Text ] Nusrat Hossain Zerin, Md. Liaqut Hossain, Mahbuba ZannatIn global market, a manufacturing company has to deal with many buyers concurrently and they have to produce multifarious products in their industry so that they can meet DIFOT (delivery in full, on time). To stand with this competition, Apparel industry needs to follow smart way to improve productivity and operating principle which helps to reduce manufacturing lead time.
Learning and teaching methods[Full-Text ] Vebina ResuliFrom the case study, empirical data has been derived from a research where consequences of the large size of classes are analyzed as well as the implications for the achievement of undergraduate scholars. A discussion of the inferences of the studied research for adequate training of undergraduates is established and factors such as identification of ideal class size, administrative decision-making, institutional mission priorities and standards are discussed.
Wellbore Design and Optimization through Rock Properties Analysis and Evaluation[Full-Text ] J. O. Ogunrinde, A. Dosunmu, G. J. UdomThere are numerous problems encountered during drilling such as wellbore instability, drilling mud weight estimation, as well as selecting good casing and bit for the drilling operations. It is therefore important to understand and accurately determine the strength of the rock in order to avoid these common drilling problems which are mostly encountered during well operations. It is of paramount importance to determine uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) from core and log data so as to accurately predict rock strength for better well planning.
Mandapa: Its Proportion as a tool in Understanding Indian Temple Architecture[Full-Text ] Ragima N RamachandranProportion and measurements were the guiding tools for Indian temple construction starting from the 5th century onwards and it continuous even now. Through out the history proportion dominated as a tool, which determined the monuments both spatial arrangements as well as form. The ancient texts, therefore, insist on a high degree of precision in their measurements. The standard text Mayamata mentions- ”Only if the temple is constructed correctly according to a mathematical system can it be expected to function in harmony with the universe.
Policies of Higher Education in India: NKC Vs.Yashpal Committee[Full-Text ] The ability of a nation to use and create knowledge capital determines its capacity to empower and enable its citizens by increasing human capabilities. Today, India has the largest number of young people in the world (600 million below the age of 25). Following a knowledge-oriented paradigm of development would enable India to leverage this demographic advantage.
Extracting Tawaf parameters using video analysis techniques[Full-Text ] Hajer Aljehani, Mohamed Dahab, Gibrael AbosamraHajj and Umrah is important for every Muslim, every year people from around the word visits makkah to perform the hajj, and due to large number of people the place which is limited is always full. To manage this huge number of pilgrims is a huge challenge for the management team, to resolve the issue related to the crowd, management team always conveys the specific information about the number of people and their density.
Near Infrared Technology as a Fast and Non-destructive Method for the Prediction of Quality Parameters in Intact Coffee Beans[Full-Text ] Yusmanizar, Imas Siti Setiasih, Sarifah Nurjanah, Mimin Muhaemin, Bambang Nurhadi, Santi Rosniawaty, Agus Arip MunawarThe main purpose of this present study is to apply the near infrared technology in predicting and determining two main quality attributes namely moisture content (MC) and caffeine of intact coffee bean samples. This study also investigated the impact of spectra enhancement method to the prediction accuracy and robustness. Near infrared spectral data in form of diffuse reflectance spectrum were acquired in wavelength range from 1000 to 2500 nm with co-added of 64 scans per acquisition.
Effect of Chinese Remainder Theorem on Principal Component Analysis[Full-Text ] MADANDOLA Tajudeen Niyi, GBOLAGADE Kazeem Alagbe, YUSUF-ASAJU Ayisat WuraolaPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) has proved to be one of the most successful dimensionality reduction algorithms but its computational time and memory usage requires improvement. As a result of this, Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) is employed. YALE face database which contains frontal gray scale face images of 15 people, with 11 face images of each subject, giving a total of 165 images is adopted. 120 images are use for training while 45 images are use for testing.
Exploring the Impact of Family Communication Patterns on Students’ Financial Literacy in Pakistan: A Case Study of Jamshoro Educational City[Full-Text ] Rashid Ahmed Mangi, Waqar Ahmed Sethar, Shah Muhammad KamranFamily communication patterns have been playing a vital role in the advancement of financial literacy among students particularly at university level. This study is aimed to explore the impact of family communication patterns on students’ financial literacy. Jamshoro educational hub (Mehran UET, University of Sindh & Liaquat University of Medical Health & Sciences) are selected a case study.
Reduced Components Dual-Module Multilevel Inverter with Symmetric and Asymmetric Configurations[Full-Text ] Cathrine E. S. Feloups, Essam E. M. MohamedIn this study, a dual-module MLI is presented which is based on the single construction from a previous topology. The presented MLI offers reduced number of controlled power switches compared with recent topologies. Also, the proposed inverter offers low total standing voltage as it provides the overall cost of the presented topology. Reductions of power switches count, reduced blocked voltage across power switches in addition to decreased number of DC voltage sources are considered the main advantages of the proposed dual-module MLI topology.
Impact of Dietary and Socioeconomic condition on Nutritional Status of Government school going children (6-12 years) in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Ashikur Rahman, Farhana Akter, Mehboba Khan, Ashim Kumar Arjo,Md. Abdul Bari, Rokhsana huqueHealthy children lead to wealth nation. Now a day nutritional status of school going children is burning issue especially developing country. The study was done to find out the nutritional status of primary school going children. The study was conducted among 100 children (62 boys and 38 girls) out of 300 boys and girls student in the government primary school at Santosh under Tangail district in Bangladesh, with a view to assessing their nutritional status, socio demographic condition, dietary intake pattern as well as clinical condition.
PLANETARY THEORY BASED UPON RIEMANN’S VECTORIALGEODESIC EQUATIONS OF MOTION AND GENERAL GRAVITATIONAL FIELD OF A STATIC HOMOGENEOUS SPHERICAL SUN[Full-Text ] Omonile, J.F, Ogwu,A.AWe apply the Riemann’s Vectorial Geodesic Equations of Motion to a planet in the general gravitational field of the Sun, regarding it as a static homogeneous spherical distribution of mass.
Assessment of Effects of Encroachment of Grazing Reserves on Herdsmen Livestock in Kano State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] A, Dahiru, Abdullahi, K. Y., Abdullahi, J. B., Eeded - Andivi and U. A., Shu'aibThe research was conducted with a view to assess the effect of encroachment of grazing reserves on herdsmen livestock in Kano state, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed in selecting herdsmen. The purposive sampling was used in selecting the respondents. One hundred and eighty herdsmen were interviewed using structured questionnaire.
Germination and growth stimulation of Triticum aestivum L. seedlings by consortium treatment of Azotobacter chroococcum and Pseudomonas putida[Full-Text ] Saket Jha, Anand Pandey, Ravikant Singh, Sharad Kumar Tripathi and Anupam DikshitThe microorganisms with the aim of improving nutrients availability for plants are an important practice and necessity of agriculture. During the past decades, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) had started replacing the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, horticulture and environmental cleanup strategies. To increase the yield of the Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) the present study was focused on the growth effect of two PGPR strains viz. Azotobacter chroococcum (MTCC) and Pseudomonas putida (MTCC) on wheat.
Nature and Human Kinship in Alice Munro’s “In Sight of the Lake”[Full-Text ] R. Jayasri, Dr. M. Anjum KhanNature is a source of human life. There cannot be any life without nature. Further, both nature and humans are inter-reliant. Beauty inspires literature and nature is one such beautiful entity which has always acted as muse, subject matter, and theme of sev-eral literary texts. There are many writers who write about nature, and one among them is the great fiction writer, Alice Ann Munro. She portrays nature through her short stories in simple words, which makes the readers to fall in love with the nature. In the short-story, “In Sight of the Lake,” Alice Munro sees the beauty of nature through the eyes of the protagonist, Nancy. The proposed paper titled, “Nature and Human Kinship in Alice Munro’s ‘In Sight of the Lake’”, is an attempt to portray the kinship between nature and human beings.
DEVELOPMENT OF BIODEGRADABLE FILM FROM ACETYLATED CELLULOSE OF COTTON STALK[Full-Text ] Abdulhanan Bello, Abdulazeez A. Abdulazeez, Abdulmutalib O. Usman, Chukwudi Ezugwu, Hammed YusufThere has been increased concern on the deterioration of the environment due to solid waste pollution from petrochemical based polymers which are non-biodegradable and harmful to both sea life and humans, when dispersed in nature, creating a global waste disposal problem.
Singular Value Decomposition Based Dual Channel Spectral Subtraction[Full-Text ] Sandhya N.KSVD based Dual channel Spectral subtraction algorithm [SVD-DSS], is a new approach to enhance the speech using spectral subtraction [SS] method and low-rank approximation. This method mainly uses new class of earphones/headphones consisting of two microphones at different positions.
THE EXTRACTION OF ESSENTIAL OIL FROM RED PEPPER (Capsicum annum); FORMULATION AND PRODUCTION OF PERFUME FROM THE EXTRACT[Full-Text ] Tolulope, F.A. Olubanwo, Moses O. Ekeoma, Blessing Onuora, Stephena E. Tolubanwo.The word perfume is used today to describe scented mixtures and is derived from the Latin word, "per fumus," meaning through smoke, is fragrant liquid that is sprayed or rubbed on the skin or clothes to give a pleasant smell. Extraction of perfume from various plants resources is of ancient origin. In fact the natives from different tropical regions of the globe have long been extracting oil from numerous oil bearing plants.