Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019.
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Study of Dimensions of Soil Pollution by Pesticides in Crop fields of Saran, Chapra, Bihar[Full-Text ] KUMARI BINDUThe worldwide impel for sustainable agriculture systems involve optimizing agriculture resources to gratify human needs and simultaneously maintaining the quality of the environment and uphold natural resources. India being a developing country is facing constraints in agriculture such as land area and immense use of expensive chemical fertilizers & pesticides, such constraints diminish crop yield that is unbearable for the low-income farmers. Due to all these factors the production of crop is inadequate to stay pace with increasing population (Hafeez et al., 2002).
Land Change Modeler for Characterizing the Spatial Trend of Land Use Land Cover Change: Case study Kilombero District-Tanzania[Full-Text ] Job Asheri ChaulaInvestigating the spatial trend of LULC change is vital in taking a broad view about the spatial pattern anthropogenic activities while portraying the hotspots and spatial direction of LULC degradation. Thus, this research study took a broad view about the pattern of LULC change from 1985 to 2018 using classified Landsat image in Kilombero district. The overall objective was to determine the transition of forest and agriculture using Landsat image of in year 1985 to 2018 using LCM of Idris Selva software.
Performance Nexus of Mutual Funds: A Case Study of Pakistani Mutual Fund Market[Full-Text ] Muhammad Asim Gul, Javaria Qais Joyia, Faisal MustafaPakistan is a developing country with a growing mutual fund industry. There have been lack of evidence on the performance and determinates of performance in Pakistani Markets. Most of the models and measures in this regard are developed for the developed world and mature mutual fund markets. This research is conducted to provide comprehensive evidence on the per-formance measurement of the mutual fund industry in Pakistan.
An Analysis of Assessment of Financial Distress in Textile Sector of Pakistan (2012-2018)[Full-Text ] Talha Majeed Khan, Qais AslamAs business expand in modern global economy, cutthroat competition also becomes a reality. It becomes more important for businesses not only to diversify but also to break through with their respective products on different markets through cost cutting techniques and technologies. For survival and carrying on business activities, an organization should have to manage their finances on priority matters that need utmost care and attention.
Use of electrosurgery (ESG) for treatment of Seborrheic Keratoses (SK)[Full-Text ] Dr.Hashim Fathi Yaseen, Dr.Sabhan M. AL.maulaSeborrhiec Keratoses (SK) are benign lesions that are most often irritating. Hard to cover or use cosmetic methods. The first treatments were for these lesions using liquid hydrogen(crytherapy), Scrape the skin, and other methods of treatments that use topical surgery, which leave lasting side effects, especially when these lesions are numerous in number and areas.
Structural and dielectric properties of PbxZr1-xTiO4 (x=0.1- 0.4) ceramics by solid state reaction method[Full-Text ] B. Yugandhar, S. Dastagiri, V. Manjunath, and M. V. LakshmaiahA series of lead doped zirconium ceramics PbxZr1-xTiO4 (x=0.1-0.4), have been synthesized via conventional solid state reaction method, to understand the effect of Zr substitution at Pb site on the structural and dielectric properties. X-ray diffraction for confirm that orthorhombic structure thereby finding the lattice parameters. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images was showed that there is less roughens, no agglomeration, good distribution and matrix of PbxZr1-xTiO4 (x=0.1-0.4) Dielectric studies were carried out for the all prepared samples using LCR controller, here the temperature is effects on structure and dielectric properties of the prepared samples of PbxZr1-xTiO4, has been studied systematically.
MIMO-OTFS in High-Doppler Fading Channels: Signal Detection and Channel Estimation[Full-Text ] A. Chockalingam, P. Vijay Kumar and K S A R AmbedkarOrthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation is a recently introduced multiplexing technique designed in the 2-dimensional (2D) delay-Doppler domain suited for high- Doppler fading channels. OTFS converts a doubly-dispersive channel into an almost non-fading channel in the delay-Doppler domain through a series of 2D transformations. In this paper, we focus on MIMO-OTFS which brings in the high spectral and energy efficiency benefits of MIMO and the robustness of OTFS in high-Doppler fading channels.
EFFECT OF QUALITY PRODUCTS, BRAND IMAGE ON BUYING DECISIONS THAT AND IMPACT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION[Full-Text ] Hendrikus Buto Ritan and Arifin SitioThis study aims to determine whether there is influence between product quality and brand image and purchasing decisions and their implications on customer satisfaction in PT Bumi Kaya Steel Industries. The method used is the method of survey by distributing questionnaires to 115 customers Rich PT.Bumi Steel Industries.
Application of Mathematical Principles in Analysis of Impact Energy as a Basis of Crush Severity in Vehicle Accidents[Full-Text ] Mr. Elphas M. Khata, Dr. Kiroe Anthony, Dr. Ominde ClavinVehice speed and mass play crucial role on energy transferred during vehicle accidents. This energy is exhibited as kinetic energy (K.E) and is significant in determining the crush severity (vehicle damage) during accident reconstruction analysis. However, conventional road vehicle safety systems play little role in regulation of ths energy. Thereby leaving a gap when road safety and impact energy are mentioned with regards to changes in vehicle structures and road safety. Understanding the role of K.E in relation to vehicle damage will help come up with effective measures towards the generation, transfer and controlling effects of impact energy during vehicle road accidents.
Design & Implementation of Customer Targeted Ecommerce using Recommendation Systems[Full-Text ] Keshav MaheshwariThe Thesis is concerned with the basic study of E-commerce with recommendation systems enabled. Understanding your target demographic is a cornerstone of good business performance management, or BPM. Recommendation systems were evolved as intelligent algorithms, which can generate results in the form of recommendations to users.
A Recent Development of Supply Chain Management on RMG industry in bangladesh[Full-Text ] Parvez Alam Rocky,Md Sumon Uddin, Md Mahfizur Rahman Supply chain management is the mostly discussed topic in rmg sector of bangladesh. Supply chain management consists of all parties involved directly or indirectly in rmg sector of Bangladesh. As different parties i.e. the suppliers, manufacturers, buyers etc. are involved in different phases of supply chain of this industry, every stage (procurement, manufacturing, replenishment, customer order) is conflicting with its next stage with the goals and objectives. it links all the supply interacting organizations in an integrated two-way communication system to manage high quality inventory in the most effective & efficient manner.
TEACHERS' PERCEPTION TOWARDS OUTDOOR EDUCATION ACTIVITIES IN TEACHING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN ENUGU EDUCATION ZONE[Full-Text ] Casmir N. Chime, Ogah Raphael Okwudili, Iketaku Roseline IfeomaThis study examines teacher's perception of outdoor education activities in teaching the English Language in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. The researchers adopted descriptive survey research design such that a portion of a bigger population was sampled for study and the findings generalized to the entire population. This study was carried out in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone of Post Primary School Management Board (PPSMB) Enugu.
Financial Crisis 2007-08 & FCA Rules to Protect Client Assets[Full-Text ] Varsharani Dattatray PawarThis review article concludes the causes of 2007-08 financial crisis and steps taken by the United Kingdom government post crisis. It gives an overview of the FCA functionalities and CASS rules designed to protect the client assets and money.
The State of Forensic Science in Crime Investigation and Administration of Justice in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ogechi Juliet Alisigwe, Oluwa Moses OluwafemiIn Nigeria crime rates and insecurity have become high over the last years. Nigeria has been on the global crime map since 1980. The nature of crimes ravaging Nigeria includes armed robbery, murder, rape, fraud, human trafficking, kidnapping, drug trafficking, and terrorism. The sophistication in terms of how these crimes are perpetrated in Nigeria has made traditional crime investigative techniques unproductive and ineffective.
INTEGRATED TRAPEZOIDAL COLLOCATION METHOD FOR SOLVING THIRD ORDER INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS[Full-Text ] Jimoh A. KIn this paper, the Integrated Trapezoidal Collocation Method for solving third order linear and nonlinear Integro-Di erential Equations is presented. The highest derivative that appeared in the problems considered is approximated by the Power series and Canonical polynomials which are constructed for the problem considered.
Challenge Of Cubosomes In Advanced And Targeting Drug Delivery Systems[Full-Text ] Yara E. Elakkad, Mona K.younisCubosomes are Nanostructures particles of the bicontinuous cubic liquid crystalline phase. Compared to liposomes, cubosomes have advantages including ease of preparation, better physical stability, and special liquid crystalline properties. Cubosomes drug delivery has achieved a challenging role in various applications and targeting issues. As different approaches have been studied for targeting anticancer cubosomes to cancer cells, Efficient cytotoxicity and cellular uptake of Resveratrol cubosomes were attained with a particle size range 45-76 nm.
AN ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIALS FOR RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF LAKES IN CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Oba, D. O., Itu, Prince-Charles O. & Ntuyang, E. ItakuiTourism the world over is being viewed as a viable means of economic enhancement. Different kinds of tourism destination have been identified and patronised due to how it is appealing to tourists. After the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century, there has been a shift to tourism development as a means of economic development. This has however caused urban-rural migration as most natural destinations are located in the rural areas, making rural areas very popular attracting domestic and international tourist to patronise the potentials of rural tourism.
The Parable of the Talents and Economic Management: Lessons for the Nigerian Nation[Full-Text ] Rev. Ubong E. Eyo,This paper investigated "The Parable of the Talents and Economic Management: Lessons for the Nigerian Nation." The subject matter of economic management in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular is one that concerns nearly every discipline, and which has, inevitably lent itself to much pontification by economist and non-economist alike.
Malaria Parasite Classification based on Severity level: A Comparative Evaluation of Sigmoid and Radial Basis Function[Full-Text ] Adetayo A. Adebayo, Tomilayo Oguntuyi, Olatubosun Olabode, Mosud Y. Olumoye, John C. NwaiwuMalaria, one of the commonest life-threatening diseases in Africa, is caused by a single-celled parasite from the genus plasmodium. Once an individual gets infected by this parasite, the liver is first infected then the red blood cells. Malaria parasite if not properly diagnosed and treated in early stages might lead to severe conditions and even death. Detecting the levels of the malaria parasite from a thin blood smear becomes challenging when a lot of symptoms are present, and the inadequate approach is used.
D2D COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY: AN IMPORTANT TOOL FOR RESERVOIR AUTOMATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] AMADI CHRISTOPHER C., IHEKWEABA CHUKWUGOZIEM And OKEREKE EZE ARUDevice to Device(D2D) communication is an essential part of the future automation and improvement of the gas station that can be seen as a "network of networks" consisting of multiple seamlessly integrated radio access technologies. Devices unanimously communicate with each other in a gas station in a bid automate and manage the process. Such devices include sensors, microcontrollers as well as actuators. and the wifi module could communicate when properly interfaced.
Design and Development of a Smart Reservoir Monitoring System[Full-Text ] IHEKWEABA CHUKWUGOZIEM, AMADI CHRISTOPHER C. And OKEREKE EZE ARU.Recently Liquid dispensing systems are controlled and managed manually which consumes time and also requires manpower to operate. This gives room for irregularities in the management and a resultant flow in business expectation. The management and proper organization of the operations in the liquid dispensing systems has become a rising issue which led to this deci-sion to come up with a proper and more efficient way to handle effectively the management system of the liquid dispensing sys-tems and other typical systems. The result of this development is that owners of several dispensing systems will find it easier to monitor and manage the operations in their several outlets remotely
Dispersion Compensation Technique Analysis of DWDM[Full-Text ] Nouman BalochIn today's technological age driven by enormous amounts of information being added to the networks daily, the need for greater bandwidths and enhanced speeds is growing with every passing day. With the introduction of dense wavelength division multiplexing technology, a single fiber can take care of multiple channels at the same time. They all have different wavelengths hence the interference between the signals is prevented.
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hepatitis B among Pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Abuja Nigeria[Full-Text ] Laura Madukaji, Ifeanyi Ossamulu, Grace Mambulla, Musa Galadimma, Faruk KutaNigeria is one of the countries considered as a highly endemic country for hepatitis B, mainly due to perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV). The prevalence of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) carriage in pregnant women is a relevant marker for the risk of mother-to-child HBV transmission. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Hepatitis B virus infection among pregnant women visiting antenatal clinics in Abuja Nigeria. A total of 350 pregnant women were screened for hepatitis B virus surface and core antibodies. Out of the screened women, 34(9.7%) were positive for HBsAg while 10(2.9%) were positive for HBsAb.
Experimental Test Effect of Water Content in Methanol on the Performance and Sick Emissions of Direct Injection Diesel Engines with Jatropha Solar and Oil-Fueled Cold EGR[Full-Text ] Johan Firmansyah, Syaiful, Eflita YohanaDiesel engines are widely used as a mode of transportation because of their durability and high efficiency compared to gasoline engines. This has increased the number of diesel engine use which has an impact on increasing the amount of diesel fuel consumption and air pollution from diesel engine exhaust gases, especially soot emissions. To reduce dependence on diesel fuel and overcome these soot emissions, jatropha and methanol oil with various variations of water content are mixed into diesel fuel.
Voltage Profile improvement and Loss Reduction in LV Distribution network using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] O. O. Osaloni, A. S. AkinyemiThis paper investigates the use of Genetic algorithm to find the optimal size and location of distributed generation units to address voltage profile and power loss in a Low distribution system. The total active and reactive power losses are minimized and voltage profile is improved. GA fitness function is introduced, including the active power losses, reactive power losses and the cumulative voltage deviation variables with selecting the weight of each variable. GA fitness function is subjected to Voltage Constraints, active and reactive power losses constraints and DG size constraint.
Geotechnical assessment of subgrade and sub-base quality for the design and construction of road pavement in parts of the coastal section of Akwa Ibom State, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Fidelis Ankwo AbijaPre-design and construction geotechnical assessment of subgrade and sub-base materials was carried out for optimal performance and pavement sustainability. Method involved boring of 59holes and trial pits, sampling and geotechnical testing. Soil profile indicates a top inorganic clay layer (CL) from surface to an average depth of 0.55m, a silty sand layer (ML and MH) to 1.1m and a poorly graded sand layer (SP) to 2.0m. Subgrades classify as USCS CL – CI clays, AASHTO A3, A-2-4, A-2-6, A-2-7, A-7-6, A-7-5 with 58.85% of the subgrades rated as poor to fair and 41.15% good to excellent.
Level Set Based Feature to Segment Brain Tumor Segmentation for Human Head Scans[Full-Text ] T.Chithambaram, K.PerumalThe research proposes a method to segment brain tumor from magnetic resonance images (MRI). The method uses artificial neural network (ANN) with novel level set and wavelet based features. Automatic brain tumor segmentation methods are very essential in many diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Existing works used more number of features but the proposed method uses only minimal number of strategic features and compared against support vector classifier (SVM). Quantitative and qualitative results of both methods compared and proved the outstanding result of the proposed method.
Community-based Assessment Activities On Dispersion: Bridging The Classroom And Community In Improving The Academic Performance Of Students[Full-Text ] Loreto D. Cabural, Jr.It tries to draw a line that will connect classroom experiences to learning opportunities in the community. The basic premise of this research is that the community offers wide-array of educational resources and experiences not only in developing the cognitive capability of the students but also in translating understanding into relevant experiences in solving community issues and problems, thereby gaining self-worth (Villani & Atkins, 2000).
ACCEPTABILITY OF ECONOMIC INSTRUMENTS FOR IMPROVING THE MANAGEMENT OF PLASTIC BOTTLED WATER SCRAP IN ENUGU URBAN[Full-Text ] Ijeoma-Harriet Onyejekwe, Okechukwu Agukoronye, Arthur EssaghahThis paper appraised the acceptability of Deposit Refund System (DRS) under an Extended Producer Responsibility (DRS-EPR) for improving the management of PET bottled water scrap (PBWS) in Enugu Urban. It explored how DRS and EPR have been significant in managing plastic drink wastes while generating revenue in several parts of the world and how it can be applied to improve the management of PET bottled water scrap (PBWS) while generating revenue.
Increasing problem-solving skill using electronic educational game[Full-Text ] M.E.El-Alami, A.E.Amin, O.M.El-SaadawiThe use of educational games is one of the modern trends in teaching. Educational games are one of the most promising technologies for teaching practice in and out of formal educational environments. As a part of educational games technology, the electronic instructional game can be used to improve different skills of pupils in schools. Reviews of relevant researches show that there is a shortage in Arabic electronic instructional game. Through this paper, authors investigate the importance of using Arabic electronic instructional games
Studying the Impact of Using Building Information Modeling BIM in mitigating Risks for Construction Projects[Full-Text ] Nashwa S. Badawy, Ibrahim M. Mahdi, Ibrahim Abdul RashedThe construction industry faces significant risks because of decline in its production and performance compared to other industries. This is mainly due to lack of realistic planning, coordination and ‎communication among project' parties. ‎Introducing Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a new technique in Project Management (PM) can promise improvement to the construction planning and its performance. This paper is focusing on studying the impact of BIM implementation to mitigate risks in construction projects.