Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019.
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Linear-Quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem and its Stepwise Algorithm for solving a certain nonsingular Hamiltonian Symmetric matrices[Full-Text ] N.K OladejoThis paper investigate and examine various methods and techniques adopted by many researchers in solving linear-quadratic inverse eigenvalue problems and come out with a stepwise algorithm for solving the linear-quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem for a certain Hamiltonian symmetric matrices via Newton s iterative method.
AWARENESS ON BREAST CANCER AMONG STUDENT TEACHERS – AN ISSUE ANALYSE APPROACH[Full-Text ] Ms.K.KIRUPAVATHY, Dr.T.S.REENARUBYThis study examined the level of awareness on breast cancer among the student teachers in Women’s University College of Education, Kodaikanal. A structured questionnaire (which consists of knowledge on breast cancer, knowledge on risk factors of breast cancer, knowledge on screening techniques of breast cancer, knowledge on practise of self –breast examination and knowledge on cautious methods of breast cancer) was distributed among 138 samples through simple random sampling technique. The study gathered enough data to examine the awareness on a breast cancer that forms in the cells of the breast and also the study was carried out with the intention of assessing the level of awareness on breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE) among the female students teachers.. Both I & II year students are taken for this study.
EFFECT OF PHARMACY ON HUMAN GROWTH[Full-Text ] Shubhra PandeyThis article includes impact of pharmacy and its role in human growth in varying fields like customer satisfaction, patient care, heath care advice and career option open in pharma field including research institute, industry, academics and medical field. Here we discern different angles of pharmacy in career or human growth, drug discovery and research field.
PREVALENCE/CONTRIBUTION OF RECTUS ABDOMINIS IN LOWER BACK PAIN[Full-Text ] Dr. M. Faizan Hassan, Dr. Saba Sabir, Dr. Sadia Zaheer, Dr. Shaheryar Ashraf, Dr. Majid Buksh, Dr. Nvaid Us Saba, Dr. Zuhaira Farooqui, Dr.Breera Amjad Methods: The study was conducted among 124 patients (both male and female) with age between 20 to 40 years who have backache since 3 months. Before staring the data collection, a consent form was given to the participants. After signing the form, a questionnaire was given to participants, through which researcher was able to assess the criteria of patient’s pain. Patients were assessed on the basis of ODI i.e.; “osmerty disability index”, which help to measure the degree of disability.
EXERCISE IMPROVES PHYSICAL FUNCTION IN GERIATRICS[Full-Text ] Dr.Sobia Hassan, Dr.Sabika Minhaj, Dr.Rabia Khan, Dr.Rabiqa Saleem, Dr.Sajjan Iqbal Memon, Dr.Breera Amjad Methods: It was Cross sectional study design. It was survey analysis or a qualitative study in which participant was from Ameen Medical and Dental clinic Rehabilitation centers in Karachi and home base. A self-administered and health assessment questionnaire was used and also visual analogue scale use for pain in this study to identify the health assessment among the geriatric population. The participants are included who are above 60 year. Questionnaire along with informed consent were sent out to the participants. Questionnaires used in this study contained closed ended questions.
Work-Life Balance of Employees in Electronic Industry in Chennai and Bangalore based on Age and Gender[Full-Text ] Dr.B.Vimala , Dr.S.Mohan kumarThis paper aims at understanding the Work-Life Balance of Employees in Electronic Industry in Chennai and Bangalore based on Age and Gender. The study shows that the mean value reveals that both in Chennai and Bangalore the work-life balance is high among the female. But there is no independent and interactive effect of gender in the work-life balance among the employees.
Textile dying and tannery industries effluent physico-chemicals conditions before discharge to river around Dhaka, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Ahmed Shamim, Akter Tania, Ahsan Md. Aminul, Yasmin Sabina, Jamal AHM Shafiul Islam Molla, Uddin Md. Ripaj and Shajahan MdThe study was carried out in order to assess physic-chemicals conditions of effluent before discharge to river of the industrial area Dhaka, Narayanganj, Demra (D.N.D) of Bangladesh. Physiochemical parameters such as total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, alkalinity, salinity, biological oxygen demand (BOD), anionic parameters such as F-,Cl-, NO2- ,NO3- , Br- and SO4²- and heavy metal such as Cu, Cd, Mn, Fe, Pb, Cr ,Ni and Zn of the samples were investigated by using various techniques.
One-pot synthesis of Benzimidazole derivatives catalyzed by stannous Chloride under solvent-free condition[Full-Text ] KHANDU D WARAD, R P PAWAR, CHANDRASHEKHAR G DEVKATE, RAJIV V KHOBAREThe present work is mainly designed to synthesize a variety of new benzimidazole derivatives from condensation of 1, 2-phenylendiamine and aldehydes catalyzed by anhydrous stannous chloride. The salient features of this method include simple procedure, mild conditions, no waste produced (only by-product being water), easy purification, moderate to good yields of products and high generality.
PREDICTIVE FACTORS OF BREAST SELF EXAMINATION (BSE) SCREENING BEHAVIOUR AND KNOWLEDGE OF BREAST CANCER SCREENING AMONG WOMEN IN NNEWI NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ANAMBRA STATE[Full-Text ] Makachi Monica C, Anarado Agnes N, Frank Maureen D, Anieche John E, Chiejina Edith N, and Nwankwo Clementina UThe increase of breast cancer incidence and late presentation has risen four times for about four decades. Early detection has been shown to reduce cancer mortality. This study investigated the predictive factors of BSE screening and knowledge of breast cancer screening among women in Nnewi North Local Government Area. Demographic variables of age, level of education, place of residence, and knowledge of breast cancer screening were considered. The sample consisted of 425 women.
Laser Cleaning of Metal Surfaces: A Review[Full-Text ] Maha S. HirmazMetal surface cleaning is becoming increasingly significant in modern manufacturing. Using processes that are safe, efficient, economic and environmentally safe is most important. Laser cleaning is such a process. This paper covers the characteristics of laser cleaning operations, kinds of lasers used in cleaning metal surfaces and the applications of laser cleaning in industry.
TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION TOWARDS OUTDOOR EDUCATION ACTIVITIES IN TEACHING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN ENUGU EDUCATION ZONE[Full-Text ] Casmir N. Chime, Ogah Raphael Okwudili, Iketaku Roseline IfeomaThis study examines teacher's perception of outdoor education activities in teaching the English Language in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. The researchers adopted descriptive survey research design such that a portion of a bigger population was sampled for study and the findings generalized to the entire population. This study was carried out in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone of Post Primary School Management Board (PPSMB) Enugu.
Solvability of non-linear integro-differential equation[Full-Text ] Mahmoud. M. EL BORAI, W. G. EL-SAYED and R. M. BAYOMIThe aim of this paper is to study the existence of weakly continuous and continuous solutions of an integro-differential equation in the space C[0,1].
Scientific Writing Automation[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezIn this article we pretend to provide insights into the topic of scientific writing automation, an issue without excessive exploration and with great potential to develop in the near future. It can be said this topic is crucial to the understanding of scientific writing because it involves the automation variable. In that sense, scientific writing is not seen as a half-manual, divergent process any longer but as an activity bordering total automaticity, at least conceptually.
Identification of colour pigments in root vegetables - Carrot (Daucus carota) and Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) by foldscope[Full-Text ] Subramani Prabhu and Mani RajasekarFoldscope is an inexpensive and light weight microscope, magnetic strip attached with ball lens for magnification aspects, and a battery-powered LED for illumination. In this paper carrot (Daucus carota) and beetroot (Beta vulgaris) are used to study with foldscope. The study led to identification of pigments in root vegetables which is the reason for the color of those vegetables. Carotenoids present in the cell leading to Daucus carota orange colour and Beta vulgaris contains betalains in vacuole showing red colour.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN ATTENDING ANTE NATAL CARE SERVICES[Full-Text ] George Ouma, Prof. Simon Karanja , Dr.Rahma UduPurpose: The main purpose of this study was to establish the effect of social economic and socio demographics characteristics influencing male involvement in safe motherhood among communities of Kwale and Kilifi Counties of Coastal Kenya.
Enhanced Decision Support Processing of Autonomous Agents Based on Cortical Learning Algorithm[Full-Text ] P.O. Asagba, Uchechukwu-Njoku Uchenna, C. UgwuMaking good decisions and solving problems effectively is the basis for the work we do. Individual, organizational, national, and global success and survival depend upon making good decisions over the long term. The goal of this dissertation is to design a new generation of decision-support processing of autonomous agents that are capable of handling the increasing complexity of the problems in their domains of application based on cortical learning algorithm using anticipatory adaptation and cognitive reasoning in an unsupervised manner using xml dataset as an in memory of the information for the algorithm to run on.
An Improved Automated Digital Power Frequency Meter for Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)[Full-Text ] Peter T. O., Onuodu F. E.There is a need to improve Digital Power Frequency Meter for Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). The major setback is that any small error in the frequency readings of the meter system employed by the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) can lead to substantial loss of revenue by the company. The precision and efficiency of frequency meter often determine the performance and benefit of the meter.
Toxicity Profile of Crude Oil on Degrading Bacterial Isolates[Full-Text ] Uwem Okon Edet, Ogemdi Chinwendu Anika, Elizabeth UmorenIn order to assess the tolerance of crude oil degrading microbes naturally present in pristine soil to crude oil toxicity, pristine soil samples were collected from the garden of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Calabar, while Bonny light crude oil was collected from the retail outlet of Exxon- Mobil Nigeria Limited. Isolation and characterization of hydrocarbonoclastic microbes from pristine soil sample were all done using pour plate and vapor methods.
PPP (Public-Private Partnership) and Managing Accountability: A Narrative Review[Full-Text ] Mariam Haider, Siddiqa ZubairThis Narrative Review elaborates the Public –Private Partnerships with complexities of accountability in hybrid organizations and presented evidences of various principles and forms of accountabilities which are prevailing in Partnerships. The current publications and research on Public-Private Partnerships is highly rhetoric based. Under the domain of new public management (NPM), a Public private partnership is considered efficient and effective in terms of accountability
Parametric Meta-Technology Frameworks to Study Technical Efficiency of PPP development: comparative study MENA zone and Latin America[Full-Text ] AKROUT Zied & KAMMOUN Karim The evolution of economic theory towards economic liberalism, observed since the 1970s, has accelerated the processes of deregulation and privatization. The ideology of the government has a strong influence on the processes of deregulation and privatization in the MENA and Latin America countries.
Development of an Improved Groundnut Oil Expelling Machine for Medium Scale Industries[Full-Text ] Mogaji P. B, Ayodeji O. Z, Akintunde OIn the present study, an improved groundnut oil expelling machine was developed to address some of the problems common with the existing expellers including bucky design, large space usage, low product quality and a high degree of impurities. The method used involved selecting appropriate materials, and utilization of theories of failure that enable the determination of allowable shear stress on the bearing supports.
Products of spontaneous biodegradation of saw dust[Full-Text ] Lennox, Josiah Asime John, Godwin Egbe, Henshaw, Effiom Henshaw, Idika, Precious AdaugoThe aim of this research was to determine if natural microorganisms indigenous to sawdust can degrade the sawdust waste and also to determine the products of the degradation. Two types of sawdust, fresh dry and wet decomposing samples were collected from timber market in Calabar. Serial dilutions of the wet sawdust were prepared and inoculated onto the following media, nutrient agar, MacConkey agar, Sabouraud dextrose agar and CLED agar using pour plate and spread plate techniques and incubated at 370C for 24 hours.
Academic Performance of Senior High School 4Ps Educational Grantees[Full-Text ] Hailymae A. Magtagad , Cherubim A. Gimarangan , Keithley M. AbellarAcademic Performance of Senior High School 4Ps grantees was assessed using descriptive survey method during school year 2017-2018. Forty three educational grantees participants with the teachers in Senior High School Department. Research showed a fairly satisfactory academic performance of the educational grantees in English, Science and Mathematics. Parents educational attainment, combined monthly family income and family size were significant related to the academic performance of the educational grantees.
6-Triethylenetetramine 6-deoxycellulose grafted with crotonaldehyde as adsorbent for Cr6+ removal from wastewater[Full-Text ] Ahmed Eleryan, Ahmed El Nemr, Mohammad Mashaly, Azza KhaledRice husk cellulose was isolated and tosylated with p-toluenesulphonyl chloride followed by substitution with triethylenetetramine to give 6-Triethylenetetramine 6-deoxycellulose. This was then grafted with crotonaldehyde in the presence of FeCl3 and the product was evaluated as a biosorbent for the removal of Cr6+ ions from wastewater. The unloaded and loaded biosorbent with Cr6+ ions were characterized by FTIR, SEM and EDX analysis.
Computer environment for human learning using ontology[Full-Text ] Adil KORCHI, Fayçal MESSAOUDI, El houssine MABROUK, Lahcen OughdirIn this manuscript we are interested in the implementation and use of ontologies in the computer environment for human learn-ing (CEHL) field, which draws its strength from semantic web technologies. This interest also relates to the valuation of the CEHL that have; over time ; lost their value in the eyes of people seeking to learn through the web.
Prevalence & Biochemical characterization of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Pakistan, Rawalpindi[Full-Text ] Abdul Rafay*, Hira Arooj, Muammad Noorul AminPresent research study was conducted to reveal prevalence percentage of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and its biochemical characterization in Rawalpindi institute of cardiology (RIC) Rawalpindi. Five fifty six (556) samples were processed resulted in tentative isolation of 183 pathogenic strains from which only 10 were found to be the cause of MRSA cases, characterized on the basis of Catalase test, coagulase test, DNase and Kirby Bauer test. Such reported cases comprised approximately 2% of total samples collected and processed.
Analysis of Radio Propagation Characteristics for an Operative GSM Network: A case Study of Makurdi Town.”[Full-Text ] Pahalson, C. A. D, Nuhu Habila and Brice Noumsi. DThe analysis of radio propagation by a GSM operative network seeks to ascertain the signal strength within a giving cell during the planning stage of the GSM network. The frequency of propagation of the GSM operator contacted during this research work lies within the SHF range which has several advantages (like reduced antenna size amongst others) for line-of-sight transmission, however, transmission at such range experiences great losses during its propagation.
Investigation the Accuracy of Different Global Geo-Potential Models Data over Egypt[Full-Text ] Dr. Tarek M. AwwadGeoid Undulation value can be calculated by several GGMs and due to the huge area of Egypt, each GGM calculates a different undu-lation value of the same point, therefore the accuracy for the calculated geoid undulation values will affecting directly on the accuracy of the converting process between Geodetic height and Orthometric height.
Extraction, Characterization and utilization of Collagen from Fish Waste: Review[Full-Text ] Asmelash Berhie and Archana PanditaCollagen incorporates about 30 of the animal frames total protein and it’s the most abundant animal protein polymer. In animal skin, bone and connective tissue, it is the most important structural protein. Collagen is also determined in invertebrates inside the body partitions and cuticles.
Increasing Coding Efficiency of Chipless RFID Tag for IoT Applications[Full-Text ] Adeel Abid BalouchThe latest research is being done in designing chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and coming up with innovative encoding schemes to increasing the coding efficiency. This has been further triggered by cropping up of the Internet of Things (IoT) Applications. This research work will look at enhancing the coding capacity by analyzing the tag capacity. In order to come up with a best solution, the strips of various widths are analyzed by varying the amplitude and applying amplitude shift keying technique.
Seamless Handoff between WLAN-Mobile Networks[Full-Text ] M. Haseeb RafiqThe growth of wireless technology has brought about a revolution in the lives of people and has redefined as to how people communicate with each other. This has changed human life styles with the new generation hooked up to utilizing its enormous applications in their everyday lives. With the advancements taking place in micro-electronics and wireless communication, ubiquitous applications and services are being used by mobile users through their smart devices is gaining momentum.
Improved Microstrip Antenna Design for LTE Advanced Applications[Full-Text ] Wajid MehmoodOver the years a lot of research has taken place in the field of Micro strip patch Antennas, specially looking at their use in the mobile communications. Long Tern Evolution (LTE) is the future of cellular communications which works typically at 700 MHz frequency band. LTE is leading cellular communications towards fourth generation networks and was originally conceived for the improvement of the capacity of the network and its speed. LTE provides downlink capacity of 100 Mbps and has the uplink capacity of 50 Mbps.
Efficient Monitoring of Network Failure Through RADIUS Servers and External Database[Full-Text ] Syed Mansoor-ul-Hassan BukhariFailure detection and resolving problem before the customer register complaint remains an unresolved issue for a service provider and telecom companies. Access and aggregation networks plays vital role in extending uninterrupted and QOS to end users for which efficient monitoring is an important factor that cannot be neglected. Standard monitoring servers commercially available are either product specific or have limited features and are not capable enough for auto detection of important type of failures that can help in instant recovery.