Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2019.
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Performance Evaluation of Haliru Abdu Rotary Intersection[Full-Text ] Abubakar Ibrahima, Yusuf Babangida AttahiruThe aim of this research is to fill the gap by assessing the existing capacity of Haliru Abdu rotary intersection with a view to suggesting a feasible solu-tion in order to develop its performance on the ground of sustainability. Therefore, the data were collected at a suitable location along each of the ap-proach legs for the three days three hours (rush or peak hours) in the morning session (7:00 to 10:00 am), and three hours (rush or peak hours) in the evening session (3:00 to 6:00 pm) of the rotary.
Systematic Review of the State of the Art in Fuzzy Database Model[Full-Text ] Otokwala, Uneneibotejit Job; Ofut, Ogar TumenayuMost real-world data are vague, imprecise and imperfect and so classical relational databases are lacking in ability to inte-grate and manage them. The fuzzy database model uses the fuzzy set and fuzzy logic to extend the Classical relational da-tabase models as a functional way of supporting and managing imprecise, vague and imperfect data especially in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making. The Systematic review of the State of the Art in Fuzzy Database Model is therefore, a review and condensation of the various approaches by different authors to integrate the crispy and imperfect data.
Performance and Slip Factor Prediction for Radial and Mixed Flow Pumps[Full-Text ] Abdullah H. I. Aboelnil, Mohamed A. Abdellatif, Ibrahim Shahin, Mohamed A. Moawad, Mohamed F. Abd RabboIn the present paper, the slip phenomenon is studied numerically and experimentally for radial and mixed flow pumps. Sixteen cases are studied for pump with specific speed range from 10 to 75 with step 5; the slip factor is calculated for each case by using a new technique.
Analysis of Skin Cancer Image Processing Using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Thin Thin, Yu Yu Mon Win, Dr May Thwe OoThis paper focuses on the feature extraction, feature selection, feature reduction, classification the skin cancer images and analysis of skin cancer images for images retrieval which will aid for computer assisted diagnosis. Skin cancer images have been collected from the dermatology. Preprocessing steps is necessary to improve the quality of image. The preprocessing steps are grayscale transformation to eliminate the hue, resize the image and filtering the image. Vector Quantization (VQ) method is used to reduce the texture image feature values and edge image feature values. This analysis contains the Non-melanoma and Melanoma of skin cancer images.
DOES NIGELLA SATIVA INCREASE THE SHELF LIFE AND CHANGE TEXTURE OF BREAD?[Full-Text ] Muzaynah AlkhairatBackground: Among medicinal plants, Nigella sativa (NS) is emerging as a miracle herb with a rich religious and historical background, since many types of research have shown its broad spectrum of pharmacological potential.
People Perspective on Climate change and its impacts on Livelihoods –Tribal Villages Field study in Koraput District, Odisha[Full-Text ] Pitabash SahooClimate change is one of the greatest challenge faced by all the nations across world, especially monsoon dependent country like India. Even though there is not significant change in the amount of rainfall over the years, there is huge regional variations in its intensity and frequency and also there is a slower temperature increase which altogether affects people livelihoods in a greater manner.
Usability Analysis of Instant Messaging Platforms in a Mobile Phone Environment using Heuristics Evaluation[Full-Text ] Muhammad Muaz Naeem, Mr. Abid RafiqToday, the mobile phone has become popular for everybody. It is playing an important role in social and political interaction. The fast evolution and adoption of mobile phones, the chance of developing an application and user interface are also increasing. Most of the applications are the complex and sophisticated user interface. It’s necessary to take the usability test of mobile applications.
Possibilities of Renewable Energy Technologies to Address the Pollution Hazard Due to Backwater Tourism in Kuttanad Area of Kerala, India[Full-Text ] A. Afsal, J. Haritha and P. Shaji JamesKuttanad is one of the major wetland systems in India, which is included in the Ramsar sites and comprise of a unique ecology located below 2.2m from mean sea level. The present study was focused on the major ecological threats due to backwater tourism. The methodology included field surveys for data collection and analysis of secondary data.
Design and Testing of a Spiral Plate Heat Exchanger for Textile Industry[Full-Text ] Sufiyan Memon, Prof. Prakash Gadhe, Shripad KulkarniA heat exchanger is a system designed to transfer heat between two fluids to control the temperature of one of the fluids. In textile industries, heat exchangers are used to reduce the temperature of the dye liquor to be discharged. To meet this requirement, plate type and shell and tube type of heat exchangers are used.
Role Portrayals of Women in Bangladeshi Television Advertisements and It’s Changes with The Context of Time[Full-Text ] Kazi Kamrun NaharConventionalizing based on gender type is a very common prodigy all over the world since former days of civilization. Discerning women only regarding their body also transpired in visual media and this division was already established as a form of culture. Bangladesh is not an exception in viewing women in similar ways in the media. Advertisments are part of the media. This study aimed to find out what kind of role women are portraying in advertisements of Bangladesh and if these role portrayals are changing with the context of time and the reasons behind the changes.
SEASONAL VARIATIONS OF STREAMS AND GROUNDWATER QUALITY USING QUALITY INDEX[Full-Text ] EBIN OKAH INAHThe study examined the seasonal variation of streams and groundwater quality using quality index in Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria. Water samples were collected with plastic bottles well washed with chlorites nitrite acid followed by distilled water and rinsed thereafter, dried the plastic bottles and rinsed with the water to be collected.
Animal Abuse referring to the Novel Black Beauty by Anna Sewell[Full-Text ] Dr. Amira M. Wasfy(Canadian International College (CIC))The English novel Black Beauty (1877) written by Anna Sewell is an autobiography of a horse “Black Beauty” tackling the problem of animal abuse during the Victorian age. Since Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty (1877) appeared, horse stories were favored by children as they were part of their culture. The story shows how Anna Sewell was not only concerned with animal abuse, but she was also concerned, whether directly or indirectly, with many of the social issues of her time, such as poverty, unemployment, drinking, etc. She says, in her introduction, that her purpose in writing, is ‘to induce kindness, sympathy, and an understanding treatment of horses.’
The Process of Learning for Teacher Students Effect to The Quality of Teacher Students Aspect of Knowledge and Morality to support ASEAN Community of Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University[Full-Text ] Kanporn AiemphayaThe purpose of this research was to: study the process of learning for teacher students that affects the quality of teacher students in aspect of knowledge and morality to support ASEAN community. Sample were teacher students of the Faculty of Education, Rajanagarindra Rajabhat University, 5th in academic year 2017, obtained by sampling according to Kreicie and Morgan's schedule a total of 248 samples were collected by comparing 31 Kindergarten studies, 31 Mathematics, 39 Computer Studies, 10 Counseling Psychology
DESIGNING A LAPTOP CHARGING SYSTEM BY USING SOLAR PANEL[Full-Text ] MD Tanvir Ahsan RanaPower is one of the most important factors for a developing country like Bangladesh. Like the rest of the countries of the world, the demand for power is increasing day by day in our country. Power failure has become an acute problem for rural areas.
An Optimized Data Management Model for Maternal Mortality in Bayelsa State[Full-Text ] Ide, Mercy A., Mathias Daniel & Anireh V. I. E.Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is the quantity of maternal deaths in a given duration per 100,000 of reproductive aged (15-49) women. This amounts to both the obstetric risk and the rate of recurrence at which women are unprotected to this risk. In Bayelsa State, the maternal mortality has high rates. The driving reasons for death are related with hypertensive disorder, severe bleeding, infection and other complications of delivery that could be avoided.
Automatic Packaging Line Control System Using PLC[Full-Text ] Thin Thin, Yu Yu Mon WinThis system uses of programmable logic controller in automation industry for packaging process. The main idea of the system is to design and fabricate a small and simple conveyor belt system, and automate the process for packaging apple samples into small plastic box (5 × 3.5) inches. IR sensors were used to detect the information to the controller. Gear motors used as output actuators for the system to move the conveyor belts after get the orders from the control system.
Survey on Text to Speech Synthesis Models and Methods[Full-Text ] Pooja A.Gundle, R.K. ChavanTTS provide an overview of existing text to speech techniques by highlighting there recent works, models, challenges and advanced techniques. The quality of text to speech synthesis is like natural sounding. Hence today’s interest is in high quality speech for applica-tions.
Advance Approach of Finite Dimensional Frame Theory and its Difference Application in Engineering[Full-Text ] Satpal Panika & Dr. S. Biswas Kalinga University Naya RaipurThe study of frames in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Frames, as a whole, are a very broad area and our focus is clearing the basic concept and it’s important in basic science as well as in various branches of applied engineering. Previously, frames were used in signal and image processing, non harmonic Fourier series, Data compression, sampling theory.
Removal of methylene blue dye from wastewater using ZnONPs in the dark and light[Full-Text ] Elhossein A. Moawed, Talaat A. Hegajy, Tamer R. Kosbar and Mai S. EissaIn this work, the efficiency of ZnO nanoparitcles for the removal of methylene blue dye from wastewater was studied through a sorption process. The effects of various parameters such as solution pH, initial dye concentration, contact time and temperature were examined. Sorption kinetics followed Pseudo second order and sorption isotherms followed Freundlich, assuming to chemisorption process. Thermodynamic parameters indicated spontaneous and exothermic sorption process.
Chemical Composition Of an Apple Plant[Full-Text ] Hajiyeva Sevinj, Rafiyeva Hicran, Samadova Aytan, Jafarova NailaIron, ammonium cations, nitrates, nitrites, phosphate anions have been determined by Visocolor Um Weltkofffometer PF-12 for the purpose of determining the usefulness of the sorts Sirienko and Cir haci in our country. As a result of the analysis, quantities of cations and anions included in the human body have been determined and how much they affect it.
Synthesis And Investigation Of New Sulphadimezine Compounds Based On ?-Chloroalkyl And Acyloxymethyl Ether[Full-Text ] S.R.Hajiyeva, Q.I.Bayramov, H.L.Rafiyeva, Z.T.Valiyeva, A.A.Samadova, N.M.JafarovaNew sulphadimidinecompounds were prepared based on ethers of ?-chloroctoxymethyle, ?- chlordesoxymethyle, ?-chlordedesoxymetil, 2-chloro-5-oxohexen-2. As the prepared compounds all have –CH2OR functional group in their composition the higher ecological inhibition effect of each of the said compounds were determined at 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/l concentrations.
Professional Development of Teachers in the Global Setting: A Systematic Review[Full-Text ] Dolynessa J. Galeon, Joanne E. Berongan, Lucila C. Habac, Emmanuel L. Tapales, Regina P. GaligaoIn view of the strong belief that the professional development of teachers plays an integral part in the achievement of learners and in providing quality education, this study analysed the professional development needs of teachers in the global context. Specifically, it described the professional development needs of teachers in the five components namely: the ability to conduct scientific research, professional teaching knowledge, technology use in education, content area knowledge and community service. The findings were, then, used as basis for human resource development planners in education to propose an intervention program suitable to the needs of teachers.