Volume 9, Issue 7, July 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 7, July 2018.
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TAILORING A GLOBAL HARMONIC MODEL XGM2016 TO THE TERRITORY OF EGYPT[Full-Text ] Moamen A. Gad, Oleg R. Odalovic, Khaled M. ZakyThe aim of this research is to tailor the Experimental Gravity Field Model [XGM2016] harmonic model to Egypt for better modeling of the Egyptian gravity field. This can be made by computing the differences between local gravity anomalies and those derived from the geopotential model, then the harmonic analysis of the residual gravity anomalies yields correction terms that are added to the original spherical coefficients of the relevant model to give the final modified coefficients of the fitted model.
Influence of Goals-Orientation and Leadership Styles towards Performance based on Vision and Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation Sector, Malaysia: A Framework Paper[Full-Text ] Siti Nur Syahirah Mohd Adnan and Raju ValliappanOne of the important agenda in realizing Malaysia to become a developed country with strong science, technology and innovation sector is to become a scientific and progressive society. In line with the country’s agenda, this study discuses the concept of scientific and progressive society as stated in 2020 Vision to identify the gaps and challenges that are faced in implementing the next vision; TN50, and proposes a framework model to study the identified sector in Malaysia.
Time Series Forecasting of Postponement Rates in Operation Theaters of Advanced Eye Centre -A Robust Optimization Strategy[Full-Text ] Momia Yashpal, Gupta Anil, Koushal Vipin, Kumar Ashok, Talati Shweta, Bhagat Hemant, Singh RanjanaBackground Hospital contributes significant Tangible and Intangible resources on a concurred plan by scheduling of surgery in OT List. Postponement decreases efficiency by declining throughput leads to wastage of resources hence burden to the nation. Patients and their family face economic and emotional implication due to postponement. Postponement Rate being a quality indicator, control check mechanism could be developed from the results.
UNDERSTANDING RENEWAL AND FINDING ITS SCOPE FOR INNER-CITY AREAS IN INDIAN CONTEXT[Full-Text ] Kanad PankajUrbanization has accelerated in the past few decades in India causing an increase in sprawl and transformation in inner-city areas. Currently the inner-city areas have become affected with myriad social, economic and environmental problems, which have undermined their significance and exacerbated the quality of life. In the context of revamping the quality of life, it is often seen that three terms have overlapping connotationss: renewal, regeneration and revitalisation, creating a muddle. This paper is an exploratory attempt to distinguish the connotations of each, understand renewal and find its scope for the inner-city areas in the Indian context.
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of HDPE Composite for Automobile Application[Full-Text ] Hemanth GThe Composite materials are having a widespread application in almost all aspects of daily needs. The requirement for a lightweight component in industries like aerospace and automobile is very significant. This study on short glass fiber reinforced and Silicon Carbide filled High-Density PolyEthylene composites concentrates on one such application in the automobile sector, to be specific, bumper and bonnet is the main focus. The composite was tested for its Tensile, Flexural and Impact properties. EDAX and SEM images were also considered to justify the results. The tests results showed an increasing behavior with silicon carbide particles. This study provides a novel way for replacing a conventional sheet metal components with composites.
The formation of particles in the Universe[Full-Text ] To have the law of universal gravitation is hardly enough to explain the formation of particles. The formation of particles takes place in the Universe, under very dynamic circumstances. Objects rotate, circle around other objects; they melt and collide; all objects put together move in the same direction (the orbit around a larger object; inside a local group of objects; inside clusters and superclusters of galaxies; inside the Universe, multiverse and probably inside two or (at the most) three even larger groups of multiverses. 1Space is filled with radiation (waves) of different kinds and very different intensities (force). This image of space is to be kept constantly in one's mind during the discussion about the formation of particles, because there are no static or "frozen" images or events.
Machine learning applied to Cervical Cancer Data[Full-Text ] Vineet Menon, Dhwaani Parikh Cervical Cancer is one of the main reason of deaths in countries having a low capita income. It becomes quite complicated while examining a patient on basis of the result obtained from various doctor’s preferred test for any automated system to determine if the patient is positive with the cancer.
Practices of Electronic Media and It’s Alignment with Code of Ethics[Full-Text ] Muhammad Wasil Solangi, Khuwarzam iftikharMedia ethics includes truth, equality, justice, right, and responsibility. Ethical practice is as important in media as it is in any other walk of life with high level of public impact. All professionals have specific ethical codes based on long tradition. Probably the best known is the Hippocratic Oath in which a physician vows to “do no harm”. Similarly, the society of professional journalists says that the media should “minimize harm” and have “compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage”. Reporters, editors, broadcasters, advertising executives and others in the mass media need to understand and rely on ethical codes to guide them. Journalists are ethically bound to seek the truth in order to act independently and to serve the public interest.
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTROCADIOGRAPHY (ECG) FOR MEASURING THE ELECTRIC ACTIVITY OF THE HEART[Full-Text ] Tomiwa, A. C. This work describes the design and construction of a system that can be used to measure the electrical activities of the heart using the principles of Electrocardiography (ECG). When there is a depolarization of the heart muscle, which occurs in every heartbeat, electrical signals are triggered. The motivation behind the research was the need for a portable and ultra-low power ECG recording system that can be built from commercially available electronics components to analyze heart beat rate signals in real-time as well as allows the medical practitioners to get the heart beat in order to interpret and attend appropriately to any abnormalities of the heart. Electrcardiography is a medical diagnostic test that captures the electrical workings of the heart.
Next Generation Remedy For Spine[Full-Text ] AprajitaSpinal cord injury like Tetraplegia, paraplegia is serious diseases of the centre nervous system (CNS). It causes loss of nervous tissue and consequently loss of motor and sensory function. With more technology on roadways, mobs getting more prone to accidents and these kinds of injuries. The present study is about attractive strategies offered for spinal cord repair. The transplantation of SCs promotes remyelination, neurite outgrowth and axonal elongation, and activates resident or transplanted progenitor cells across the lesion cavity.
Parameters for Delivery Improvement of Indian Automotive Sector in Make to Order Environments: An ISM Analysis[Full-Text ] Shweta Bisht, Abhinav GuptaIn the world of technology & development, delivery performance plays a critical role in reputation of Indian manufacturing sector. Generally, in make-to-order environments, which act only in response to the orders made by the customers, manufacturers should offer the best price and delivery time for an order considering the existing capacity and the customer’s satisfaction to maximize the profits. The present study states that Production rate can play an important role in on-time deliverance of finished goods in Indian Automotive sector. The study identifies ten parameters affecting on-time delivery in the Indian Automotive sector. Based on the rigorous literature review, ten major parameters are obtained. The Delphi technique is applied as a potentially valuable tool for the grouping these parameters
Do Government expenditures on agriculture affect agricultural exports? Evidence from (COMESA) countries[Full-Text ] Ahmedalmojtaba MahjoubThe paper aims to estimate the effect of Agricultural government subsidies on Agricultural exports measured by agricultural raw materials exports as a percentage of merchandise exports. It delivers simple estimate equation across nine COMESA members. The data covers the period (1980-2012). Using two-way fixed effect and controlling for GDP per capita, rural population, inflation rate, real effective exchange rate and Agricultural areas, I find a significant and positive effect of agricultural government expenditures on agricultural exports, an increase in agricultural government expenditures by 1 billion dollar will increase agricultural raw material exports as percentage of merchandise exports per 1.8%.
The Rhetorical Features on Some of the Ayahs of Marriage in the Qur'an (A Contrastive Study)[Full-Text ] Dr. Amira WasfyThe Ever-Glorious Qur'an is obviously distinguished in form and style from any other form- whether poetry, rhythmic or non-rhythmic prose. What distinguishes the language of the Qur'an is mainly the precise choice of words and expressions. The power of the Qur'anic expressions lies in the subtle grammatical devices as the syntactic structures, (itnab) the long exposition, (hadhf) ellipsis and (taqdeem w ta’kheer) word order which are precisely put without any defect in meaning. As the language of the Qur'an is poetic, yet it is not poetry; it is prosaic, but not exactly prose.
ROLE OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (H2O2) AND UREA (NH2-CO-NH2) IN MUNG BEAN (VIGNA RADIATA) SEED GERMINATION PROCESS[Full-Text ] S. KarthikeyanThe imbibition of mung bean seeds with hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) and urea(NH2-CO-NH2) increase germination as well as the seedling growth, producing an the invigortion of the seeds . We propose that and could acts as signaling molecule in the beginning of seed germination involving specific changes protermic and hormonal Levels.These findings have practical implication in the content of seeds priming technologies to invigorate law vigour seeds.
Materials Procurement Order Development for Feed Manufacturing in a Teaching and Research Farm in Western Nigeria using Multi-objective Optimization Approach[Full-Text ] Mojisola A. Bolarinwa, Esther M. AkinrindeAlthough an essential but scarce resource, money is constantly required for the purchase of raw materials necessary for a continued production of livestock feeds. Improper management of available capital can lead to stoppage of production activities, low productivity and loss of customers’ good will.
MOTHER’S KNOWLEDGE ABOUT DIARRHEA AMONG CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS AND ITS MANAGEMENT IN RURAL COMMUNITY LAHORE[Full-Text ] Ayesh Siddiqua, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Azhar,Prof.Dr.Syed Amir GilaniThis cross-sectional research conducted and assess mother knowledge about diarrhea among children under 5. What’s more, its administration in rustic group of Lahore? The runs in kids is one of the fundamental reason of death and maternal passing in creating nations. Diarrhea is also a major public health issue in Pakistan with 51 % prevalence. Diarrhea is one of the communicable diseases which are both treatable and preventable. In community level diarrhea in children is common due to unhygienic condition and contaminated food. This study was carried out to generate data that can help mothers in the community to manage diarrhea in home.
Longevity - a strain on Public Pension Funding or is a new opportunity for Private Pension Funds?[Full-Text ] Narcisa Roxana Mosteanu, Carla AlGhaddafThe working paper intentions to determine the contemporary of Private Pension Funds approach compared with Public Pension and its unknown crucial importance represents for each person. The research comes aims to show how the establishment of Private Pension Funds can relieve the state budget of additional expenses, related to the assistance of its citizens, after they retirement, by taken care of a part of pensioneers financial burdern. The paper presented the modern approach as well and the changes done during the last years in Europe and Middle East/GCC.
Optimum location of a shear wall in a R.C building[Full-Text ] Mr.Madhu sudhan rao.kondapalliShear walls are commonly used as vertical structural element for resisting the lateral loads that may be induced by the loads due to wind and earthquake. Besides that, they also carry gravity loads. A well designed system of shear wall in building frame improves seismic performance significantly. This study aims at comparing various parameters such as storey drift, storey shear and storey displacement of a building under lateral loads based on strategic positioning of shear walls. Linear static analysis has been adopted in this paper. The software used is E-TABS.
The Effect of Wear Endmill Two Flutes on AISI 1045 Machining with CNC Milling[Full-Text ] Agung Ari Purwanto, Ahmad Yusran Aminy, Onny SutresmanThis study describes the tool life of the cutting tool Endmill 2 flute in the machining process. This study aims to analyze the effect of Rake angle Endmill to the perforation process by using CNC milling machine. The machining parameters used Vc= 75 m/min and 50 m/min. Type of Endmill used in this study Endmill cutter 2 flute. The material used in the perforation process is steel AISI 1045. The perforation is done by giving the initial diameter 6 mm before the perforation process with Endmill. The perforation process with Endmill is done by varying the Rake angle of endmill 2º, and 3â°. This is done to determine the extent of the incision Endmill strength in the manufacturing of the hole. Measurement wear is performed on the Endmill by measuring the extent of damage occurring to the Endmill after the machining process. From this research it was found that with Rake angle 2º wear which happened smaller, while at Rake angle 3º Endmill wear value tends to be bigger.
RFID Enabled Arms and Ammunition Depot Management System with Human Tracking Capacity[Full-Text ] Victor O. Matthews, Etinosa Noma-Osaghae, Uzairue Stanley IdiakeIn developing nations, arms proliferate on the streets due to intentional and unintentional leakages from depots managed by the armed forces. The somewhat manual system used to manage the inventory of arms stored in depots can be blamed for the leakages. This paper proposes the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to manage ammunition depots in developing nations. The RFID enabled solution has a human tracking capability and provides updates on a regular basis to a database. This gives the implemented RFID ammunition system a real-time monitoring capability.
Use corrugated beds to improvement downstream local scour Characteristics[Full-Text ] Mohamed E Basiouny, Tarek H Nasrallah, Fahmy S Abdelhaleem, and Amir S IbraheemLocal scour downstream of radial gates in Non-erodible beds by using a physical model, corrugated beds are employed downstream of hydraulic structures to dissipate the energy and to control the downstream scouring. Several experiments were performed in which beds were considered at four different aprons with corrugation heights of 22, 29, and 41 mm in open channels with zero slope. This paper experimentally explored the effect of the height of corrugation elements on the scour geometry downstream of submerged hydraulic jumps. A case of smooth apron was included to estimate the influence of corrugation types on the scour hole dimensions. Obtained results were analyzed and graphically presented and the scour profiles were drawn in dimensionless forms. The results indicated that as the scour hole increases as the submergence ratio increases, the corrugated beds reduce the scour hole by rate from 27% to 50% in comparing with the scour hole of smooth bed.
Wireless Sensor Network: A Framework for Power and Temperature Monitoring Utility System[Full-Text ] Olanrewaju Lawal, Joseph Odiete, Oyebiyi OyediranWireless sensor network provides a backbone for various applications ranging from health care to remote monitoring especially in inaccessible terrains. In this paper, a smart power and temperature monitoring utility system using wireless sensor network is proposed. The system utilizes wireless power and temperature monitoring devices and control units. The proposed framework would be used to monitor electrical parameters such as voltage, current and power of household appliances as well as their corresponding temperature. The measured electrical parameters and temperature values are transmitted via ZigBee node to the base, a central controller which receives the transmitted data.
Corporate Governance and Earning Management of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olaoye, Festus Oladipupo, Adewumi, Ademola AThis study examines the effect of corporate governance on earnings management of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria for five years (2006- 2015). The data for the study were extracted from the annual reports and accounts of the sampled banks for the study period. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and regression technique were used to analyzed the data with the aid of SPSS version 21.
Zakat versus Income tax - the real beneficiaries[Full-Text ] Narcisa Roxana MosteanuThis paper is intended to illustrate the aids that these two forms of imposing have over the citizens of the country and comes to show which of these forms of taxation directly benefit citizens of the country. The research starts from the history of those two forms of imposing and is emphasizing the possibility of a combined these two forms of taxation, taking on attributions from both Zakat, as well as from the Income Tax.
Experimental Study of Utilization of Plant Seed Oil as Pour Point Depressant for Nigerian Waxy Crude Oil[Full-Text ] Akinyemi O. P., Udonne J.D., Oyedeko K.F.K.Wax deposition has been of great concern in flow assurance during crude oil production and transportation. Pour point depressants (PPDs) are used as chemical additives when transporting crude oils at temperatures below their wax appearance temperatures (WAT) to prevent this wax deposition problem. Various chemical additives used so far are synthetic products and quite expensive.
ROLE OF DEMOGRAPHY AS MODERATING EFFECTS OF SATISFACTION, TRUST AND COMMITMENT ON BANK CUSTOMER LOYALTY[Full-Text ] Abdul Razak This research aims to determine the effects of satisfaction, trust and commitment on customer loyalty and role of customer demography as moderating variables of the effects of satisfaction, trust and commitment on BNI customer loyalty.
A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF PEROVSKITE-BASED OPTO-ELECTRONIC DEVICES[Full-Text ] IYASELE, Edgar OmondialePerovskite based devices have gained significant attention recently owing to their excellent properties, low processing cost, and outstanding optoelectronic merits. Organic-inorganic metal halide Perovskites have been demonstrated to be promising materials in a variety of opto-electronic applications such as in light emitting devices (LEDs), lasers and photodetectors.
Improvement of the Durability of Blended Concrete using Nano-materials for Geotechnical Aspects[Full-Text ] Galal T. Abdo, Nasser A. A. Radwan, Abdelfadil, MostafaIt is known that concrete foundations are chemically affected by harmful substances present in surrounding soil or groundwater. It is therefore important to take the necessary precautions to protect the foundations from any chemical activity between the concrete components and the surrounding medium.
Technical Efficiency of Edible Mushroom production farms in Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam[Full-Text ] Hien Thi Vu, Ke-Chung Peng, Meidiana PurnamasariEdible mushroom plays an important role in the diet of human as well as an economic field because of its efficiency. The aim of this paper was to measure technical efficiency of edible mushroom production by using Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit regression model. The results showed that the average of technical efficiency level were 0.567, 0.834 with input-oriented CCR-DEA and BCC-DEA, respectively.
Evaluation of buffering capacities of milks from cross bred cows and the indigenous breed- Vechur[Full-Text ] Ammiti Murali Krishna, Dr.Ligimol James,. Dr. S N Rajakumar, Dr. A K Beena, and Dr. K.A.MercyBuffering capacities (BC) of milks of cross bred cows and the indigenous cattle breed Vechur were assessed in this study. The acid-buffering capacity (BC) was calculated based on the differences in pH values upon every incremental addition of one ml each of 0.1N hydrochloric acid. Variations were observed between the milk types in their buffering capacities (BC) such that Vechur cow milk exhibited a maximum BC value of 0.083 at pH values 5.09 and 4.97 whereas in the case of cross bred cow milk the maximum BC value was 0.066 and was at pH values 5.18 and 5.11.As higher buffering capacities are attributed to higher protein contents, the higher protein content of Vechur cow milk might be one of the reasons for the higher BC value exhibited by it. However further studies are required to elucidate other factors contributing towards the differential buffering capacities observed in this study.
The Role of Data and Program Structures on the Precision of Building Energy Performance Evaluation[Full-Text ] Fatma Zehra Cakici, Arzu Gönenc SorgucSince design decisions play an important role in determining the energy performance of buildings, assessment tools are vital for the evaluation of the energy performance of buildings throughout the design process. Such tools should be precise and reliable, while complying with the local legislations and taking into account the local settings. It is also important for the user to understand the reliability/applicability of any tools to be used in the decision-making process. Since each of such tools uses different building codes, standards and data as well as legislative framework and/or rating special to the region of interest with different program structures and schedules, prominent differences are observed in the evaluation results. In this context, this paper investigates four different building energy performance evaluation tools in terms of program structures, which are highly acknowledged for their validity. It is aimed to map their program structures with similarities and differences so as to understand possible differences in the evaluation results.
Potential Role of some endocrine disruptors in the appearance of diabetes and obesity[Full-Text ] FZ. Elmadani, N.Idrissi, N.Elallaoui, K.Lahlou, F.El Hajjaji, Y.Metarfi, M.Benabou, K.EL Rhazi, M. Merzouki, M.Taleb and Z.RaisTo date, the revolution in industry and agriculture contributes to the increase in water pollution thus causing the appearance of serious diseases of endocrine origin. However, given the different scientific data growing, other substances are likely to occur, such as chemical pollution from endocrine disruptors, some are in widespread use. This is the case of bisphenol A and phthalates.
BACTERIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERN OF URINE SAMPLES AMONG ADULT PATIENTS ATTENDING THE OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENT AT A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN KOLKATA[Full-Text ] Debolina Chatterjee, Sarthak Kumar SenUrinary tract infections(UTI) are the most common infections of the urinary tract mainly caused by the Gram negative bacteria like E.coli, predominantly affecting women atleast once in a lifetime. UTI is a worldwide concern due to the anti microbial resistance conferred by the micro organisms towards the commonly used antibiotics.
Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing (MI) on the Academic Performance of low-academic status senior secondary school students in Niger State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adaeze Chike-Okoli, Tochukwu C. Praise Okoli, Success Chiboke OkoliThe study investigated effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing (MI) on the academic performance of low-academic status secondary school students in Niger state, Nigeria. The study adopted quasi experimental design that employs pretest, posttest and control group. This involves three groups, two experimental (motivational interviewing) and a control group (conventional teaching method). Educational Materials and Methods Performance Test (EMPT) was used for data collection from 85 low-achievement status students that formed the sample for the study; while student-observation/MI checklist was used for the motivational interviewing session. The reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained from Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) formula.
Agricultural valorization of sludge compost: the case of the potato[Full-Text ] K. Lahlou, M. BEN ABBOU, F.Z. ELmadani, Z. Majbar, O. Karzazi, F. El-Hajjaji, M. Taleb, M. El Haji, Z. RaisIn Morocco, the protection of the public health and of the environment depends of the preservation of resources in water and of ground. The storage not controlled of sludge threatens these resources and constitutes one of the major environmental problems which concern the researchers and the Moroccan authorities.
Use of Social Media Platforms to Promote Library Services and Profitable Librarianship[Full-Text ] Bakare, Olatunji Azeez, Yacob, Haliso, Umar, Musa YilaThe study was conducted to determine the use of social media platforms to promote library services and profitable Librarianship. For this study, descriptive survey research method was used. The sample for this study consisted of 200 students at the National Open University of Nigeria, from 3 selected NOUN centers in Kogi State, Nigeria. Data were collected using questionnaire. Frequency and Means method were used to analyze the collected data. The study showed that blogs and whatsApp are the widely used social media platforms for promoting library services in libraries.
The Integration of Smart Anti-Collision Robotic System[Full-Text ] Dlnya Abdulahad AzizThe robot is the unit that can sense sensitively, think wisely and interact properly. The robot can work effectively in any environment with or without supervision. The cognitive robots can perform numerous tasks such as decision, processing, route selection, planning, and taking decisions with respect to the environmental modifications. Mental robots incorporate the desired specification of the smart systems in the naturalistic environments. This project displays a typical design of a smart robotic system to avoid the obstacles that might be encountered while moving freely in an ambiguous path by using ultrasonic sensor. In addition, the robotic system can be changed over to follow another behavior to operate the robot manually based on android phone application via (HC – 05) Bluetooth module.
The Challenges in “Affordable Housing” for Urban Poor in India - Deciphering the “Housing for All by 2022” - A Comprehensive Approach to Decrement Housing Shortage - A Case Study of Delhi[Full-Text ] AR. Noopur GuptaHousing for All is a paramount problem in the nation for low-income groups. The market forces are delivering houses to middle and higher income groups since they are considered marketable. The gap between the supply and demand of affordable homes to low-income groups is escalating, since it is impossible to develop homes within their affordable limits for this housing segments. Affordability for urban poor should not exceed rent/EMI 30% of the household’s gross monthly income.
Polarity-based Classification of Subjective Micro-posts using Machine Learning Technique[Full-Text ] Arshad Arain, Rajesh kumar, Nudra Siddiquie, Komal Naz, Sabeen gul, Shahbaz WahabThis paper covers the two methodologies for notion investigation: I) vocabulary based strategy; ii) machine learning technique. We depict a few methods to execute these methodologies and talk about how they can be embraced for supposition order of Twitter messages. We exhibit a relative investigation of various dictionary mixes and demonstrate that upgrading assumption vocabularies with emojis, contractions and internet based life slang articulations expands the exactness of vocabulary based order for Twitter. We talk about the significance of highlight age and highlight determination forms for machine learning assumption characterization.
The Effect of Internship on Job Performance: An Assessment of Students’ Perception[Full-Text ] Hashamuddin Yaakob; Kamaruizam Mat Ail; Noor Farazila RadziThis study is to determine students’ perception on the internship embarked upon by students of Polytechnics on their eventual job performance. Variables used in the study include working environment, internship reporting, and transfer of knowledge across context and organizational participation. Primary data for the study was collected using questionnaires that were distributed to 526 students that have completed the internship course at Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO). The result showed that most of the respondents concurred with the fact, that working environment, internship reporting, knowledge transfer across context and organizational participation obtained during internship has positive effects on graduates’ on the job performance. The findings of the study therefore indicate, that the internship course of the PUO by students view and assessment has positive impact on graduates’ performance on the job.