Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017.
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STUDIES IN DC GLOW DISCHARGE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] R. KUMAR and R. NARAYANANThe experimental studies of DC discharges in coaxial geometry have shown the presence or absence of a hysteresis in the discharge characteristic curve that is pressure dependent. Nonlinear oscillations have also been observed in these regimes. Thus the main aim of this research work would be to carry out experimental investigations of the plasma characteristics as well as understand the nonlinear aspects of such system using appropriate plasma diagnostics and analysis tools.
Construction and validation of Adolescent Parenting Attitude Four Factor Questionnaire(APA-FFQ)[Full-Text ] SHYNY T. YParenting style has been defined as a global climate in which a family functions and in which childrearing takes place .Four distinct parenting styles have been distinguished, namely the authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and uninvolved styles, based on the two underlying dimensions of parental support and strict control. Parental support refers to parental affectionate qualities and is associated with characteristics like warmth, acceptance, and involvement. Strict control reflects parental control over their children’s behaviours and as such includes parental knowledge of these activities as well as active monitoring attempts. Authoritative parents offer their children a democratic climate of both high support and strict control. Authoritarian parents provide strict control without being supportive, and are therefore perceived as demanding and power-assertive. Children experiencing support in the absence of strict control are being reared by indulgent parents, who are allowing and permissive. These parents apply few rules to constrain their children. Finally, parents with an uninvolved parenting style are neither supportive nor controlling, and are relatively more indifferent and uninvolved with respect to their children. In this study parenting styles of adolescent's parents are classified in to four categories like Authoritarian or Power asserting disciplinarians , Authoritative or Warm giving protectors , Permissive or Lenient freedom givers, Uninvolved or Selfish autonomy givers. Adolescent Parenting Attitude Four Factor Questionnaire (APAFFQ)is mainly constructed as a tool for measuring adolescent's attitude towards their parents .This study has great importance in the world of psychology by providing efficient tool to measure adolescent's parenting attitudes. This instrument give good insights to teachers, counsellors, psychologists etc. in finding out root causes for adolescent behaviour problems as well as poor academic achievements and to give proper guidance and interventions for both parents as well as adolescents whenever necessary.
On best proximity points for multivalued Geometric F - contraction mappings[Full-Text ] A.Mary Priya Dharsini and Dr.U.KaruppiahIn this paper, we introduce the concept of property UC and Geometric F - contraction. We establish and prove the existence of best proximity points for multivalued Geometric F - contraction mappings in complete metric spaces.Our results improved and generalizes the results of Konrawut Khammahawong et.al.
Estimation of two layer soil parameters usingtraditional and evolutionary methods[Full-Text ] Dr. Abraham George, Soni.MIn this paper, the optimum values of the parameters of a two-layer soil model, are estimated by a traditional method and an evolutionary method.
Cloud Computing Security Breaches and Threats Analysis[Full-Text ] DebaPrasead Mozumder, Md.JulkarNayeen Mahi, Md WhaiduzzamanCloud solutions deliver a powerful computing platform which enables individuals and Cloud users to perform variety levels of responsibilities such as - use of online storage system, embracing of business applications, growth of customized computer software, and formation of a realistic network environment. In recent years, the number of people using cloud services has been intensely increased and plenty of data has been put away in cloud computing environments. In consequences, data breaches of cloud services are also increasing every year due to hackers, who are always trying to exploit the security vulnerabilities of the architecture of cloud. In this paperwork, we investigate and analyse real world cloud attacks to demonstrate the techniques that hackers used against cloud computing systems and prevention against such malicious activities.
θ in a conventional correlated perturbative chiral quark model (CPXQM )[Full-Text ] A.R. HaghpeimaAssuming a conventional correlated perturbative chiral quark the ðÂÅ“Æ’+ baryon is a bound state of two vector diquarks and a single antiquark, the spatially wave function of these diquarks has a P- wave and a S- wave in angular momentum in the first and second version of our model respectively, as the result of these considerations we construct the orbital - color - flavor - spin symmetry of contribution of quarks and by imposing considerations such as HF interactions and suitable diquark currents we leads to a conventional pentaquark interpolating field which may be used for QSR analysis. In order to get an idea of the general features of the spectrum we have calculated the mass spectrum of exotic pentaquark states using Radicati mass formula.
An Analysis into the Efficiency of Ciphers[Full-Text ] Alka Benny, Mesly MathewsCryptography is the branch of science which deals wth secure communication using codes. It is a part of cryptology whch includes both cryptography and cryptanalysis where we analyse the degree of security of a particular coded text (cipher). In this paper, we analyse different ciphers and make a comparison study on them and find out the most efficient cipher discovered till now. The criterion used for comparison is the degree of security and the ease in the process of key generation. We also consider different attacks to which each cipher is prone to and thus, be able to analyse each cipher from the corresponding perspective. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, we arrive at a concusion by finding out the most efficient cipher among the ones considered.
An Experimental Investigation of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection system (ICCP) In Basra Soil[Full-Text ] Amel S. Merzah, Adnan A. Ateeq ,Ali A. MustafaThis work involved experimental investigation for impressed current cathodic protection. The work involve site reading for the soil resistivity and potential difference between pipe and soil in four sites (AL-Zubair1, AL-dawajin, Sport city and Hamdan) along oil exporting pipeline in Basra /Iraq. Simulated cathodic system has been installed in Laboratory in order to calculate current density required for full cathodic protection of steel pipe (X60). Depending on data survey and experimental work results; optimum cathodic system has been designed. The result of optimum design reduce the current required for Cathodic Protection system from 247 Ampere to 206 Ampere, Also the number of anodes reduced from 139 to 116 anodes.
SOCIOECONOMIC CORRELATES AND LANDUSE CHANGE IN MOKOLA RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD OF IBADAN, NIGERIA [Full-Text ] ADEYINKA Samson Ajibola, OJO Akintayo Oluwagbemiga, ISOLA Omodara LateefatThe study examined the influence of socioeconomic attributes of the residents and landuse change within Mokola residential neighbourhood of Ibadan. Data for the study were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. A total of 249 residents were surveyed by systematically selecting every 5th building out of the 1,245 buildings in the neighbourhood. Data collected were analysed using frequency distribution table, percentages, mean, chi-square and Kendall tau (Ï„) correlation. Findings revealed that majority (90.8%) of the residents were in the active age group of 20-60 years, as much as 95.0% were literate with at least primary school education while their occupational status showed that they were mostly artisans and traders constituting 80.0% of the residents
The Correlation Between Physical Elements and the Level of Wayfinding and Orientation in Cities[Full-Text ] Masomeh Roustaei Sadrabadi, Norsidah Ujang, Somayeh Roustaei SadrabadiThis study is set up to provide the conceptual framework of legibility in the urban environment particularly in the new urban area of Yazd (Safaieh). In fact, investigating urban environment and its effect on dwellers’ spatial cognition is a subtopic under Environment and Behavioral studies. Moreover, this recognition helps to contribute to residents’ quality of life and well-being. The significance of the study can be divided into two parts; first, from a view of theoretical aspect, discussion of spatial configuration in urban environments is the initial root to shape human cognitive. The study tries to provide appropriate empirical evidence to support the discussion in the new case. Second, in practice, the application of the study can inform planners and designers to consider different elements that will influence the urban legibility in Yazd city, Iran. The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between physical elements and psychological aspects by identifying the physical elements that can enhance the people’s wayfinding and orientation of the Safaieh neighborhood in Yazd city, Iran. The results clarify the importance of physical elements and psychological aspects to improve the legibility of Safaieh neighborhood in the city of Yazd, Iran. Therefore, it is necessary for planners and designers to have more consideration on the physical elements and psychological aspects to create legible neighborhoods around the world. In order to enhance legibility of Safaieh neighborhood, physical elements of the neighborhood should contribute to wayfinding and orientation.
Modification and Improvement of Civet Cat Cage[Full-Text ] Gutu Birhanu Oliy & Ashebir Hailu GaresuCivet cat is locally restrained in very narrowed and uncomfortable structure for general movement or exercise. Meanwhile, it influences animal condition mainly resting and retreatment during stress and may cause death of many civet cats living in captivity. To solve the problems, locally prepared cage has been modified to comfortable structure and research was conducted. Modified cage has several advantages over traditional and sub-divided into various compartments. Many of cage parts are designated for get rid of stress from civet cat during musk extraction and increase life span of the cage. Moreover, parts help in facilitating extraction of musk without damage caused on civet cat and cage. Here, three different modern cages were manufactured with three replicas. Totally nine modern cages were prepared and given to one farmer. In addition, traditional cage were used as control. For civet cat living in both modern and traditional cage, the same treatments were provided. At the end of research, each civet cats living in modern cage yield approximately 10g of musk per season where as in traditional cage yields approximately 7.2g of musk per season. A season is marked with a day ranging from 10 to 12 days.
Organizational Culture Methodology[Full-Text ] Dr. Ahmed El-Rawas, Sarah YasseinAll organizations have their own techniques of accomplishing things that controls more or less every section of working life from how long respites are to how supplies and services are traded. Thus, organizational culture refers to the basic values, beliefs and ideologies that provide groundwork for an organization's managing system, and the series of management practices and behaviors that both represent and highlight those fundamental principles. These ideologies and practices last because they have connotation for the members of an organization. They signify strategies for durability that have worked well in the past and that the members consider will work again in the future. Some aspects of organizational culture, such as individual behavior and group customs, are very observable. "Working hard," "dressing conventionally" or "acting sociable to customers" are aspects of culture that are easy to monitor. Other aspects of culture are harder to monitor, since they stand for the undetectable assumptions, values and interior beliefs. Examples of this less observable level of culture might be a belief in the consequence of "doing things accurate the first time," "being sincere and decent in all dealings," or "overreach expectations to persuade the customer." The messages that issue from an organization's culture are strongly associated with the organization's policy and managing practices, and have great force on the people who work there. The cultural system cannot be effortlessly seen or touched, yet it is there all the same. And more prominently, the people in the organization know it very well. The rule of the culture often surpasses any other rule. In many organizations, it may be the strongest message of all.
Optimizing Parameters in Turning of Aluminum Alloy using Uncoated and Ceramic Coated Inserts[Full-Text ] K Sai Subramanya Pawan Bhagawan, G.Vinod ReddyIn this thesis, the effect of cutting parameters cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, cutting tool and cutting fluid is investigated experimentally, to determine surface roughness and material removal rate during turning of Aluminum alloy7075 using L12 orthogonal array in Taguchi Method. The experiments will be conducted by varying machining parameters cutting speed 800rpm, 2400rpm, feed rate 0.2 mm/rev, 0.5mm/rev, depth of cut 0.3mm, 0.9mm, cutting tool Uncoated Carbide Insert, Ceramic coated Carbide Insert and cutting fluids Synthetic, Semi synthetic.
Exploratory research on youth offending: Risk Factors Associated with Youth Offendingin East Gojjam Zone,Ethiopia[Full-Text ] SintayehuTilayeThis research examines the risk and protective factors of youth offending conducted in East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional state of Ethiopia. Guided by qualitative (constructionist) approach, qualitative exploratory case study strategy is used. Interview and document review were the central data collection technique: in-depth interview was made with youth offenders whereas key informant interview with police officials, community elders and non youth offenders to explore the risk and protective factors of youth offending. Generally sixteen youth offenders and twelve key informants, a total of twenty eight participants were participated. To select participants, non-probability sampling methodand purposive sampling technique was employed. Especially, maximum variation purposing sampling was used. To get comprehensive information, elements such as age, gender, and social setting of rural vs. urban were considered to select research participants. The finding of the study shows that there are several multi level personal, peer, familial, school, cultural, community, and political and administrative risk factors contributing to youth offending. Moreover, this study also suggested opportunistic factors that can curb the risk factors and reduce youth offending behaviors which will be presented with another section.
In vitro Antibacterial activity of Phoenix loureiroi KUNTH against selected Gram negative and Gram positive pathogenic bacteria[Full-Text ] S. Deborah and S.P. AnandIn vitro antibacterial activity of Phoenix loureiroi fruit extract were examined using Ethanol, chloroform and aqueous as solvents were tested against human pathogen such as two grams Gram-positive: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and five Gram-negative: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella typhimurium, Serratia marcescens by using a disc diffusion method. All the fruits extract shows significant activity against all human pathogens, but the Ethanol extract of Phoenix loureiroi showed maximum zone of inhibition against all the microorganisms than Chloroform. The minimum zones of inhibition were determined in water extract which shows less antibacterial activity against the pathogens strains. The result of an antimicrobial activity of three extract (Chloroform, Ethanol & Aqueous) of Phoenix loureiroi fruit showed positive effect in all tested microorganism. Thus it shows the efficacy of the plant Phoenix a loureiroi fruit has a possible source to obtain effective novel drugs to treat bacterial infections. Hence it is necessary for the tribal to uses of Phoenix loureiroi edible fruits as folk-fore medicine.
Baseline study of Estuarine Oceanographic Effects on Benthic foraminiferain Qua Iboe, Eastern Obolo andUtaEwa/Opobo River Estuaries, Southeastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Thomas A. Harry, Clement Bassey, Paul A.Udofia,Saviour DanielA total of 428 living benthic foraminiferal species (286 calcareousbenthics and 142 agglutinated) which wereretrieved (identified and obtained) from 60 sediment samples from Qua Iboe River, Eastern Obolo River and UtaEwa/Opobo river estuaries were used to establish a relationship between oceanographic effects on their distribution within the coast. Foraminiferal abundance and diversity as well as oceanographic parameters were measured and monitored over a period of three months.Characterization of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages, oceanographic-estuarine properties, living foraminifera and water depthwas carried out and the relation between foraminiferal distribution and estuarine oceanographic properties achieved by utilizing a set of statistical methods, including Q and R mode clustering, Pearson correlations, principal component analysis, species rarefaction and multivariate regression linear modeling.Rarefaction analysis with 95 % confidenceshow the following results: 32 taxa from > 200 species (Eastern Obolo), 15 taxa from ≤ 125 species (Qua Iboe) and 4 taxa from ≤ 25 species(UtaEwa). This give maximum average specimens and taxa expected in the area which shall hereby serve as a baseline for future studies.The species diversity of the study areas shows a clear pattern with distinct disparities. Based on maximum average species distributions, UtaEwa/Opobo River estuary shows minimum diversity compared to Qua Iboe and Easter Obolo/Opobo river estuaries.Thisworkserves as a reference material for understanding paleobiogeography, biostratigraphy and paleoecology in paleoenvironmental reconstructions,as well as for oil exploration.
Unjust System & Ferocious Practices of Promoting Life Insurance Products: Panoramic view[Full-Text ] Lieutenant - Yashodhan P MahajanIt is marked by IRDA (Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India) formally Governing Body of Insurance Council in its report that insurer parties and their agents are often play foul while promoting the product. Mis-selling has become a common phenomenon in publicizing of insurance products especially in life insurance products. Therefore it is an acute need to curb this social evil. Not only that when due claims are made they are rejected on any fishy and unreasonable grounds. Insurer parties exercise its right to reject as privilege, considering that insured does not have right at all to get satisfied the claim. Despite order by Ombudsman, similar nature of complaints has been observed subsequently, it shows insurers are not serious about customer complaints.
A Low Cost ‘Umbrella Rainwater Harvester’ for Open Air Markets in Nigeria: Design, Fabrication, Yield and Quality Assessment[Full-Text ] Hammed T.B., Sridhar M.K.C. and Fawole O. BThousands of traders under umbrella shades in Nigerian markets have no safe water, hygiene or sanitation. There is therefore a great need to develop a simple and low cost device for harvesting rain water in the markets. Two umbrellas of diameters 1.2m and 1.9m were sourced locally and used to fabricate a rainwater harvester. Water samples from rainwater harvested by this harvester, roofs with galvanized iron sheets and the rain collected directly into a container fromopen spacewereanalysed for physicochemical and microbiological parameters using standard laboratory methods. Harvestable rain water and rainfall intensity were correlated. A cost-benefit analysis and key informant interviews (KII) were carried out to assess the efficacy of the umbrella harvester and its acceptability by Nigerian traders. Physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of water samplesharvestedby the umbrellaharvester were comparable significantly to those obtained in open space. They were however, different from those obtained from the galvanized roofsas shown below (umbrella harvester, open space and galvanized roof, respectively) :pH (6.42±0.30 Vs. 6.31±0.24 Vs. 6.48±0.46), electrical conductivity (40.79±9.25 Vs. 41.48±2.35 Vs. 52.43±2.35) µS/cm, total dissolved solids (32.97±2.82 Vs. 32.73±2.45 Vs. 41.67±2.10) mg/L, total suspended solids (0.82±0.72 Vs. 0.93±0.14Vs. 4.02±0.68) mg/L, total coliform count (MPN per 100 ml sample 0.00±0.00 Vs. 0.33±0.82 Vs. 97.83±12.03), and total heterotrophic plate count(cfu per ml sample, 0.00±0.00 Vs. 0.00±0.00 Vs. 60.17±94.58). All the physicochemical parameters in all the samples were within the WHO limits. The cost-benefit analysis showed that the derivable benefitsoverweigh the cost in terms of regular safe water availability, savings from buying water from vendors, and improved health benefits due to safe water. All the market leaders agreed that this innovation was viable and reliableand they were ready to utilise the umbrella rain harvester.
Impact of Liquidity Management on Profitability in the Pakistani Commercial Banks[Full-Text ] Ibrahim, Muhammad AqeelThe purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the liquidity management on profitability in the Pakistani commercial banks during the period (2004–2013). Total of Three banks having more than 1767 branches are chosen to reflect the whole Pakistani commercial banks. The liquidity indicators are investment ratio, current ratio, capital ratio, credit facilities and liquid assets ratio, while return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) are the proxies for profitability. Hypotheses are tested by using regression analysis and correlation. The empirical results show that increase in the current ratio and the investment ratio of the available funds have positive effects on the profitability, while there is a negative effect of the capital ratio and the liquid assets ratio on the profitability of the Pakistani commercial banks.
An overview of Ullmann Reaction, Its importance and applications in synthesis of Dibenzopyranones[Full-Text ] RuchiRupanwal, AvidhaKulshrestha, Nidhi Singh, NeelmaniSahni, M.Shujauddin, RichaKhare and Jaya Pandey3:4-Carbocyclic and 3:4-heterocyclic fused ring systems constitute an important class of natural products with immense pharmacological properties. Recently, the dibenzopyranones nucleus have surfaced as common ring system of a group of antibiotics, antibacterials, antitumors and immunomodulators, etc. exemplified by alternariol, ravidomycin, shilajit, ellagic acid etc. Our continuing effort on the development of 2,3-diarylbenzopyrans led us to synthesize some dibenzopyranone/pyran molecules by Ullmann’s reaction and reviewd its importance and applications.
Calculation of wet areas from the geometric modelling of the shape of sections of the lagoon of Cotonou,Benin[Full-Text ] CODO François de Paule and SENOU LaurisThe main causes of the hydrologic and hydraulic changements which are taking place in the lagoon of Cotonou, are the construction of the seaport and the construction of the dam of Cotonou. They are the principal responsible for the trapping of the discharged sediments in the lagoon of Cotonou by the nokoué lake.
The Obtaining CAD Models from Point Clouds of Curvilinear Object Images[Full-Text ] Gürcan SamtaÅŸThe purpose of this study is to develop a system capable of interpreting the images of objects taken with a digital camera for obtaining 3D point clouds, and further rendering such 3D point clouds into surface and solid models with a design software. The software analyzes, on pixel basis, the images obtained with a digital camera naturally, without the need to a special shooting setup. These analyses are performed by the user in the area defined by reference points on the image. By interpreting the defined region with pixel values, one can swiftly obtain 3D point cloud of the object in the marked area. Furthermore, in the study, a different approach, involving image processing, is presented for reverse engineering applications in 3D design and manufacturing process. In this study, presented as a reverse engineering application, algorithms employed by the system for image processing are described on a sample image, and some sample images processed in the system are provided in combination with the point cloud and the solid model. These instructions give you guideline for preparing papers for IJSER JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
An Enhanced Cloud Based Security System Using RSA as Digital Signature and Image Steganography[Full-Text ] Adamu Ismail Abdulkarim, Boukari SouleyCloud computing is a collection of configurable shareable resources accessible via the internet. Cloud computing save individuals and organizations the cost of buying and maintaining resources such as memory storage, software, network, server, operating system by using the one available on cloud by paying according the resources used. The major drawback of cloud computing is security challenges. This is because cloud resources are managed by third party. Some security techniques such as cryptography and steganography are used to protect data to be stored on the cloud from intruders. This work proposed an enhanced security system using RSA as digital signature and image steganography to improve the security of data stored on the cloud in order to prevent the access of those data when uploading or downloading them from the cloud from unauthorized users and also evaluate the efficiency of the system by measuring the computing resources such as memory storage, CPU processing, power and network bandwidth consumed by the algorithms using different data types and size.
Efficacy of tap water or tap water and soap on Handwashing to remove hands contaminated bacteria[Full-Text ] Nidham M. JamalludeenThis study was conducted to identify the efficacy of handwashing by using tap water alone and soap with tap water together at the self-contaminated hands. Handwashing is stated to be influential for the prevention of transmission of several contaminated microorganisms.One hundred twenty (120) volunteer students were participated in self-contaminated hands by touching door handles and other public handles at the college of medicine and teaching hospital buildings.
An Ecofriendly Approach to Utilize Water Hyacinth for Ethanol Production[Full-Text ] Anurag Das & Pranjan BarmanWater hyacinth is a free floating perennial aquatic plant, native to the amazon basin. It is considered as an ornamental plant in some Euro-pean countries. However, in tropical countries like India, china, Bangladesh etc., due to its high replicating capability, invasive nature, and adaptability to a wide variety of fresh water aquatic ecosystem, it is considered as a noxious weed and poses a serious threat to the ecosystem. Because of its biological structure, low lignin content and high cellulose and hemi-cellulose content, it can be sustainably managed and utilized in highly promising biofuel production. The current study reports a method to utilize the cellulose and hemicellulose content of water hyacinth for ethanol production by strong acid hydrolysis followed by fermentation. With further studies, there are possibilities that the method can be made commercially viable.
Benefits of Nigeria Grazing Bill to Biogas Industry[Full-Text ] Olisa S. C, Asiegbu C. N, and Ewuzie J. E.Nigeria is well endowed with good soil and weather conditions for high quantity of forage production.The prolonged period of rainfall in the south predisposes the south to production of forage for a prolongedperiod of the year. It is noted that the annual rain fall of the south is above 2,000mm (78.7 in) while the eastern part annual rainfall is between 2,000 – 3,000 mm (118.1in). The Fulanis of the Northern Nigeria breed cattle. The Fulanis’ drive their cattle to the South especially with shortage of the forage in the North and in so doing invade the farm and destroy farmer’s crops. This engenders quarrels and fights between the crop farmers and the Fulani herdsmen.Establishing ranches should be considered rather than free grazing in order to solve the problem of conflicts between the crop farmers of the South and the Northern cattle herdsmen. This work studied the economic values that could be harnessed by establishing ranches as it relates to Agroindustry. The study shows that the projected amount of biogas that could be produced by 50 cows in a year isto be 57713 m3. The 50 cows were also able to generate 675.25 tons of manure per year based on calculations. It equally shows that the annual manure production increases at an average percentage of 12% which is sufficient enough to sustain a biogas industry.
THE EFFECT OF REFRIGERANT VAPOUR FLOW FLUCTUATION ON CONDENSATIONPARAMETER “AN ANALYTICAL MODEL APPROACH”[Full-Text ] Njoku Cosmos Chibuzo, Kinigoma Boma Samuel, iliyasu NachaThe condensation process in the condenser unit is affected by some factors affiliated with heat transfer problems which include fouling resistance effect, corrosion and fluid flow fluctuation among others. Hence this research was carried out to investigate the relationship between refrigerant vapour flow fluctuation and condensation process parameters. In this study, an analytical model was developed to determine the relationships between refrigerant vapor flow rate and condensation parameters which includes flow rate of condensate, rate of condensation dimensionless parameterand condensate film thickness using laws, assumptions and boundary conditions from relevant literatures. The model developed predicted a direct linear relationship between refrigerant vapor flow rate and condensate flow rate, an inverse linear relationship between refrigerant vapor flow rate and rate of condensation dimensionless parameter and an inverse linear relationship between refrigerantvapor flow rate and condensate film thickness. The model was tested using a plant data collected from an LNG company in Nigeria.The plant data plotted agree with the predictions of the model for upper layer film thickness, side layer film thickness, lower layer film thickness and average film thickness with percentage fitting deviations of 6.50%, 4.20%, 94.60% and 4.20% respectively. Also the plant data plotted agree with the predictions of the model for refrigerant condensate flow rate with percentage fitting deviation of 3.40% .
Interactive Adaptive Learning Management System (IALMS)[Full-Text ] Olajuwon, A. M., Adebayo, A. OMany institutions are adopting online learning systems in order to create equal learning opportunities for every learner around the globe. Adaptive learning management systems were designed to capture the learning styles and behaviors of students. However, these adaptive learning systems failed to sufficiently capture students’ learning styles, and also lacked interactivity. Therefore, there is the need for a new system which would capture the learners’ styles via a static and automatic modelling approach and also boost interactivity, which is the focus of this study.
Design and Simulation of Standalone Hybrid (Solar/Biomass) Electricity Generation System for a Rural Village in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Engidaw Abel Hailu, Chalachew MezgebuThis paper presents the design of off-grid hybrid electric power generation system by utilizing both solar and biomass energy resources for a rural village of 420 households in Ethiopia. The work was begun by investigating biomass and solar energy potentials of the desired rural village. The data regarding biomass energy potential of the site is found from the available livestock population and its waste. However, the solar irradiation data is collected from the NASA surface meteorology and solar energy database. According to the results obtained, the site has abundant solar energy potential and there is considerable biomass energy potential that can be exploited for generating electric energy for the village. The design of a standalone solar PV-bio-generator hybrid power generating system has proceeded based on the promising findings of these two renewable energy resource potentials, biomass and solar. Electric load for the basic needs of the community such as lighting, water pumping, a radio receiver, flour mill, TV and refrigerator for the local health post has been suggested. The design and simulation has been carried out using the HOMER software. By running the simulation, the results, which are lists of power supply systems, have been generated and arranged in ascending order according to their net present cost.
Chemical Composition of crude extract of the tubers of Cyperus articulatus L. From Meru in Kenya[Full-Text ] Karambu E. Muriithi, Jacob O. Midiwo, John M. Wanjohi, Stephen G. Kiama, Mbaabu P. MathiuThe root tubers of Cyperus articulatus were collected from Meru in Kenya and extracted with organic solvents (CH2Cl2, 50%CH2Cl2 in CH3OH, 5% H2O in CH3OH). The crude extract of 100% CH2Cl2 was subjected to a combination of chromatographic techniques including column chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatography for the isolation of compounds. The fractions obtained during the isolation were each subjected to GC/MS analysis. The GC- MS analysis was carried out at Surrey University (U.K.) in order to determine the structures of the compounds. A total of 59 compounds were identified, of which 48 (82.76%) were terpenes. Amongst the terpenes were 27 sesquiterpenes (45.76%), 20 monoterpenes (33.90%) 1 triterpene (1.69%) and there were 11 non-terpenes (18.64 %). The major sesquiterpene identified was α cubenene. The crude extract was subjected to anti-bacterial tests using Staphyloccocus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonae and Salmonella typhi bacterial strains. Average inhibition diameters of the extracts showed positive activity towards the three bacterial strains. The 100% dichloromethane crude extract inhibited the growth of the micro-organism. The 100% DCM extract was repellent against the adult Aedes egyptii mosquitoes. The column chromatography method of isolation failed to produce any pure compound, this was attributed to the large number of monoterpenes present in the extract which are known to appear in complex mixtures too similar to isolate.
Measurement of activity concentration levels of radionuclides and associated hazard Indices in soil samples collected from Aurangabad, Maharshtra-India[Full-Text ] Abdu Hamoud Al-Khawlany, A. R. Khan, P. P. Pawar, J. M. PathanThe activity concentrations of natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) in the soil samples collected from different area of Aurangabad, India were determined by gamma ray spectroscopy using a well calibrated NaI (Tl) detector system. The range of activity concentrations of (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) were found to be (4.169 to 12.862, 8.658 to 21.316 and 40.088 to 130.87) Bq.kg-1 respectively. With an average value of 8.178, 17.408 and 96.496 Bq.kg-1 respectively, which are low when compared with worldwide average of 35, 30 and 400 Bq.kg-1. The radium equivalent activity concentration was found in the range from 29.379 to 50.638 Bqkg-1, the absorbed dose rate was found to be in the range from 13.640 to 22.825 nGyh-1 with an average value of 18.317 nGyh-1, and the outdoor annual effective dose was found to vary from 0.017 to 0.027 mSvy-1, which is below the safety limit of 1 mSv.y-1 as recommended by International Commission on Radiological Protection .Also, the internal and external hazard indices and gamma index were found to be less than unity, therefore the soil samples exhibit radiation well within the permissible limit and thus are safe.
Heat and Mass Transfer in oscillatory flow of a non-Newtonian fluid between two inclined porous plates placed in a Magnetic field[Full-Text ] Rishab Richard Hanvey, Rajeev Kumar Khare, Ajit PaulIn the present paper a study on heat and mass transfer during the flow of a non-Newtonian fluid between two parallel plates in a magnetic field has been made and after forming the governing equations of the flow and establishing the boundary conditions according to the nature of the flow, the equations have been solved for velocity profile and graphical study has been done with respect to various parameters to verify the results which are very useful in metallic industries.
Preparation and Addition of Graphene to Enhance the Thermal Conductivity for Recycled Electrical Wires[Full-Text ] Fadhil A. Chyad, Akram R. Jabur, Hussein A. Alwan In current study, effect of graphene on thermal conductivity of as-cast and heat-treated alloys was investigated. The contents of graphene nanoparticles were added in 0.3 and 0.5wt% into 99.5% pure aluminum (scrap wire damaged). The aluminum matrix composites were reinforced by graphene, which prepared using pyrolysis method of asphalt. On the other hand, the aluminum-graphene composites were fabricated by stir-casting technique followed by Thermo-Mechanical Treatment (T81) which including solution heat treatment, cold rolling and artificial aging in a sequential order. Raman spectroscope was applied for graphene to characterize as received of graphene produced by pyrolysis method. Examination of the microstructure of fabricated alloys was done using the optical microscope. Compared with the base alloy wire, the thermal conductivity of heat-treated Al-0.5wt% GNPs wire was 214 W/m.k, which increased by 12% respectively.
KNOWLEDGE and BELIEFS of IMMUNIZATION DURING PREGNANCY among REPRODUCTIVE AGE WOMEN in SAUDI ARABIA[Full-Text ] Zainab Mohammed Al Eid, Mohammed Ali AlMatar, Jihad Bagir AlGadeeb, Rabel KhawajaBackground and Objective: Various infectious diseases affect pregnant women cause serious complications which are preventable through vaccines that serve as a protection tool for both mother and fetus during pregnancy and further after delivery. This study aims to is to explore the level of awareness about infectious diseases and importance of immunization, safety, and beliefs among reproductive age women in Saudi Arabia to identify the needs for initiating educational programs.
Sleep Disturbance and Depression: Effects on Psychological Wellbeing[Full-Text ] NamraShahzadi, AablaAkhalq and Misbah ArshadThe current study was aimed to find relationship between sleep disturbance and depression and its effect on psychological well-being among hostel living students. The sample of the study was 400 (200 male and 200 female) hostel living students from University of Gujrat. To measure sleep disturbance, depression and psychological well-being three standardized scales Pre Sleep Arousal Scale (Shahzadi and Ijaz, 2014), Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, 1996) and Ryff Psychological Well-being Scale (Ryff, 1989) were used respectively. Correlation analysis was carried out and results indicated significant positive correlation between sleep disturbance and depression (p < .05). Results also indicated a significant negative relationship between depression and psychological well-being (p < .05). Results of the study are also discussed to explain the findings with reference to Pakistani culture and previous empirical evidence.
Eliminating GPS Uncertainty[Full-Text ] Rushill ShahThis research has been conducted to create a filtration algorithm in order to remove outliers from a given set of GPS data by creating parameters and using mathematical and logistic regression. To a small extent, trial and error too has been used, in order to ensure that the system is functional for all GPS points in the JSON format. Other methods discussed in this Python (3.6)-based research report involve usage of Google’s ‘SnapToRoads’ API and curve smoothing in order to better eliminate outliers.
Diversity in Nepalese Wheat Genetic Resources as Revealed by Agro-morphological Markers[Full-Text ] Krishna Hari Ghimire, Raju Thada MagarWheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the third most important crop of Nepal after rice and maize. Large numbers of local landraces are still grown in western and far western hills of the country. Most of them are conserved ex-situ but their utilization in breeding is very less. This study was carried out to study level of phenotypic variability among wheat genetic resources conserved National Agriculture Genetic Resource Centre (Genebank) based on twelve quantitative and ten qualitative traits. A total of 237 accessions were planted at Khumaltar (1360masl) with non-replicated rod row design. Both univariate and multivariate statistics were used to determine the extent of variation among germplasm. Wide range of variation has been observed among the accessions for both quantitative and qualitative traits, revealing Standardized Shannon-Weaver diversity (H') ranging from 0.55 to 0.87 for quantitative traits and 0.24 to 0.94 for qualitative traits. The dendrogram constructed to describe the relationship among the landraces, resulted in six clusters at 73.7% of similarity, based on average linkage and Euclidian distance. Correlation analysis between quantitative traits showed significant positive correlation among days to heading and days to maturity (r=0.54), 1000-grain weight and grain width (r=0.43), 1000-grain weight and seed length (0.39). The study of variability among accession for different quantitative and qualitative traits could be used to select advantageous adaptive traits for crosses in the breeding program, direct use by farmers and also can be used as an important tool for the management of crop germplasm collection.
Reservoir Life Time Service Estimation Based on Agroforestry System[Full-Text ] Devianti, Nurpilihan Bafdal, Chay Asdak, Edy SuryadiReservoir service life time is largely determined by the amount of erosion and sedimentation as a consequence of land use management system in water catchment area especially related to the land use pattern in a cultivated area. Actual life time service in Jatigede reservoir, recorded in 2009, was estimated 69,274.97 ha (87%) from a total of Jatigede reservoir catchment area 80,522.35 ha. The widest cultivated area was Tegal field cultivation 35,972.32 ha, As a result, this affected on the amount of erosion 44,993,316.14 ton and sedimentation into the reservoir 38,995,344.24 ton, with a service life time Jatigede reservoirs remaining 13 years from its initial 50 years estimation in 1986, where the percentage of the area cultivation of 70%. One way to improve reservoir service life time can be performed by applying Agroforestry system. This system generated erosion volume 23,540,224.77 ton with corn intercropping turmeric+maize+red beans+local chili. On the other hand, agroforestry models with intercropping patterns turmeric+maize+red beans decreased erosion volume to 30,691,255.23 ton and monoculture agroforestry local cayenne can reduce the amount of erosion 40,592,682.02 ton of the amount of erosion of the mixed field. This resulted a decrease in the amount of erosion and sedimentation volume entering the reservoir in a row to be 14,930,267.70 ton, 17,399,355.72 ton, 31,857,924.77 ton with a service life time 30, 26 and 14 year of the actual condition of 13 years.
Experimental and Computational Investigations on two phase flow throughcryogenic ball valve using liquid nitrogen[Full-Text ] Bindu. S. S, Archana B Suresh, Vivek R I, K. E. Reby RoyIn this paper cryogenic two phase flow experiments were conducted on a ½” stainless steel cryogenic ball valve which is provided with poly-isocyanurate foam insulation. LN2 is used as the working fluid and is fed to the test section by the method of external pressurization. Experiments were conducted for three mass flow rates 2.29 g/s, 2.71 g/s and 3.31 g/s. The experimental result shows that the chill-down time of valve body is higher due to its high thermal mass and chill-down time decreases with increase in mass flow rate. The experimental results were compared with CFD analysis. The flow is assumed to be unsteady with multiphase characteristics. The fluid properties are constant. The valve geometry is designed by using Solid works. Then the fluid domain is created by importing the valve geometry to the Design Modeller of ANSYS FLUENT. Meshing of the geometry is created by using ANSYS Mesh software. The measured wall temperature werecompared with the wall temperature obtained from the analysis.
Preparation and investigation of fulvic acid and its metal derivative complexes with application[Full-Text ] Abdou. S. EL-Table;Magdy. A. Wassel and Mahmoud. M. ArafaThis work was focused on the preparation of fulvic acid and its derivative, also characterization using analytical techniques as elemental analysis (C, H, N and M) spectral techniques as IR, mass spectra. The preparation of metal complexes by reaction of fulvic acid derivatives with metal ions such as : Cu(II), Co(II), Cd(II), Ca(II), Ni(II),Mn(II), Fe(II) and Mg(II). The characterization of the prepared solid complexes using analytical techniques , spectral techniques as IR, UV-VIS, H-NMR, ESR and thermal techniques as TGA and DTA. Also illustrated its applications ( agriculture and biomedical).