Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017.
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A retrospective comparative study of Percutaneous Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy (PTED)and MicroendoscopicDiscectomy (MED) for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation in 160 patients[Full-Text ] Rama Shankar Gupta, Arjun Sinkemani,Feng Cai, Xin Hong, Feng Wang, Xiao-Tao Wu.BACK GROUND CONTEXT: Percutaneous Transforaminal endoscopic discectomy (PTED) and Microendoscopic discectomy (MED) are minimally invasive surgeries for management and treatment of pain and disability caused by lumbar disc herniation due to nerve compression. This two procedures have high success rate and good outcomes than other surgical procedures.
Application of Pairwise Comparison and Numerical Evaluation Techniques for Supplier Selection[Full-Text ] Parmod Kumar, Sonu RamanThe process of selecting suppliers for purchasing goods is an important and critical process in the manufacturing. Smoothness in operations and efficiency of any company is highly dependent upon the performance of their material suppliers. There are numerous variables for each vender on basis of which the vendor has to be selected. These variables are many times contradicting each other and hence an optimum mix of all these variables is required. In the present papers, we have prioritized the variables and compared various available vendors on these variables, with help of pairwise comparison and numerical evaluation. Based upon the performance of various vendors on each variable, an overall score or rating is calculated for each vendor which is used to take decision on selection of vendor(s).
Review on the important methods used to enhance the productivity of the solar still[Full-Text ] Hayder A. Dhahad, Wissam H. Alawee, Thamer A. MohammadIn this paper, a review is made on the various methods improving the productivity of the solar still systems. The studies on the methods improving productivity such as using solar collector, internal and exterinal reflectors, nanoparticles, and phase change materials are dis-cussed here. The methods used in the past years to improve the performance of the different designs of active and passive solar stills werere viewed in this paper.The review showed that the use of internal and external reflectors and improves the productivity of the solar stills. Initial heating of the feed water to the still basin by solar collector shows a considerable improvement in the performance.The studies showed that solar stills with phase change materials and heat storage medium phase change materials can plays a vital role in increasing the productivity through produce water distillate during night hours and thereby, enhance the total productivity. Also, adding different nanoparticles mateial in basin water of still is the main parameter that affects the productivity of the still, Also, different designs in the solar still systems such as weir type stills, multi effect distillation, thermoelectric cooling, inclined type stills, etc. enhanced the productivity.
Effect of Geometric Design of the Flow Fields Plat on the Performance of A PEM Fuel Cell: A Review[Full-Text ] Karrar H. Fahim, Ekhlas M.Alfayydh. Hayder A. DhahadThe performance of the proton exchange membrane fuel cells depends on a lot of physical and chemical factors including the operation conditions, transport phenomena inside the cell and kinetics of the electrochemical reactions, membrane electrode assembling (MEA) but the design of the flow channels is one of the most important factors affecting the performance of fuel cells. The homogeneous distribution of the reactive gases over the flow fields channels and catalyst surface, it leads to improve the chemical reactions and thus to improve the performance of the cell. The aim of this work is to review the most important results conducted in recent years related to the effect of the different geometric design parameters of the flow field channels on the overall performance of a PEMFC.
Performance Improvement Methodologies for Ground Support Equipments[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Mohamed Naguib, Prof. Dr. Abd-Elhakim Elmenhawy, Eng. Seif ElrefaeyGround Support Equipments cause a lot of aviation accidents which cause direct costs and indirect costs, so it is very important to improve their performance to be sure that all ground aviation processes are done correctly from the first time without any failures or wrong actions. Improving the performance is done by increasing efficiency, effectiveness and safety. There are many performance improvement methodologies that can be applied to Ground Support Equipments like Toyota Production System (TPS), Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma (6σ), Lean Manufacturing and ISO standards.
Antimicrobial Activity of Compounds from Ta-bernaemontana Stapfiana[Full-Text ] Serem Abraham Kipkemei The crude extracts of the plant Tabernaemontana stapfiana Britten exhibit antimicrobial properties and has been used by traditional healers in Elgeyo Marakwet County in Kenya highlands. The stem and the root extracts of the plant were subjected to isolation and characterization of the compounds using several chromatographic and spectros-copic techniques. The compounds isolated were Stigmasterol (1), α-Amyrin (2), Lupeol acetate (3), Conodurine (4) and Gabunine (5). They were tested for antibacterial and antifungal activity.
Comparison of Space Vector and Carrier Based Pulse Width Modulation Technique for Three Level Inverter[Full-Text ] Darshni M.Shukla,Brijal PanchalThis paper presents two different PWM techniques: the sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) technique, and the space-vector PWM (SVPWM) technique for three level voltage source inverter. These two methods are compared by discussing their ease of implementation and by analyzing the output harmonic spectra of various output voltages (poles voltages, line-to-neutral voltages, and line-to-line voltages) and their total harmonic distortion (THD).Simulation results for both the method is presented here.
GIS-Based Frequency Ratio Model for Mapping the Potential Zoning of Groundwater in the Western Desert of Iraq[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Mudhaffar S.Hasan AL-Zuhairy, Assis. Prof. Dr. Alauldeen Abdulrahman Hasan, Fadhil Mezher ShnewerCombination of remote sensing (RS) data with the geographical information system (GIS) for the investigation of groundwater (GW) resources has become an advance in the field of GW researches, which helps in evaluating, protecting and monitoring GW resources. The aim of this paper is to apply a bivariate statistical model such as frequency ratio (FR) for mapping of GW potential at the region of interest as a part from Iraqi western desert (located at Al-Ramadi and Shithatha). The exploration of GW in this area is a very important step to increase and develop the water resources because the absence of surface water in that region.
WaterManagement: Prospects on Effective Role for Saudi Women[Full-Text ] Elsayed IlhamStressing on the central role women play in provision and managing water, this paper aimsto analyze the current situation of Saudi woman andprospects of an effective role that she would contributeto water management in Saudi Arabia. The data was collected from various national and international resources such as Statistics of Saudi Ministry of Economics and Planning, Saudi Ministry of Water and Electricity, Saudi Statistical Year Book of the Central Department of Statistics and Information 2015, FAO statistics, in addition to UN and UNEP reports.
Where is the truth about Big Bang theory?[Full-Text ] Weitter Duckss Based on the findings of the WMAP, astronomers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center proclaimed the age of Universe as 13.7 billion years (Benett et al. 2003). They claim that the WMAP data along with the complementary observations from other CMB experiments like CBI (Cosmic Background Imager) and DASI (Degree Angular Scale Interferometer) confirm the inflationary Big Bang model of the Universe (Figs. 1 and 2).
Classification of Intrusion Detection using PSO-SVM and Improved Decision Tree[Full-Text ] Stuti Tiwari, Amit DubeyIntrusion Detection is an efficient way of detecting the abnormal behavior of packets in the network, Although in data mining there are various effective decision tree based algorithms are implemented for the classification and detection of Intrusions in KDDCup99 Dataset. Here an efficient technique is implemented for the classification and detection of Intrusions in KDDCup99 Dataset using Feature Selection and Decision Tree based algorithms. The Proposed methodology works in two Stages Feature Selection using Particle Swarm Optimization with Optimization of PSO by Support Vector Machine and then Classification of Intrusion using Horizontal Partition Decision Tree. The Proposed Methodology implemented is more efficient in comparison with Decision Tree based algorithms.
Complexes of Nickel(II) with Peripherally Substituted Porphyrin; Synthesis, Spectral and Biological Evaluation[Full-Text ] Gauri D.Bajju, Altaf Ahmed, Sapna Katoch, Ashu, Gita Devi, Deepmala and Padma DechanThe synthesis of a series of new Nickel(II) porphyrin complexes, NiTMP(5-XSA), where 5-XSA(X=Cl, F, NO2, NH2,) = substituted salicylate – the out planed ligand and TMP– the dianion of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-p-methoxyphenyl-21H,23H-porphine is reported. The obtained complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, UV–Vis, vibrational spectroscopy, 1H NMR and ESI Mass spectroscopy. The nature of substituent on the axial ligand is shown to affect the electronic absorption spectra. The data of 1H NMR spectroscopy have allowed us to conclude that the salicylate ligand is in the cis-geometry to the porphyrin plane. The biological screening viz., in vitro antibacterial, DPPH radical scavenging activity and in vitro cytotoxicity of uncomplexed free base and corresponding metallated and axially ligated derivatives has also been carried out.
Development and Performance of an Auger Type-Metering Device for Variable Rate Fertilizer Applicator[Full-Text ] Abdul Azis S, Radite P.A. Setiawan, Wawan Hermawan, Tineke MandangA new fertilizer metering system for variable rate fertilizer applicator (VRFA) was designed to get a better performance of the metering device. The auger-type metering device was considered to have a better performance compared to the edge-cell type and other types. The objectives of this study were to do performance test and analysis of the auger-type metering device which was controlled using a proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller. The auger was rotated by a DC motor, and the motor speed was controlled using a PID controller. The PID tuning was conducted using Internal Model Control (IMC) with Tustin model approach. The first test was conducted to get a calibration equation by measuring the fertilizer discharge at a particular set-point of DC motor speed. The metering device performance test was conducted using stair-step response method. The results obtained showed that the fertilizer discharge has a linear relationship with the motor speed (R2 = 0.998). Stair-step response test results showed that the system can follow any set-point given, either on the step up or step down.
Outcome of Different Types of Osteotomy in Primary and Revision Rhinoplasty[Full-Text ] Moath, M. S. Alshanqity , Mohammed Saad ElDin Ali , Noran, A. M. Sultan, Waed, S. Jameel, Lamees, I. H. FilimbanObjective: Rhinoplasty enhances facial harmony and the proportions of the nose. The ultimate goal of our research was to observe variations between two techniques of lateral osteotomies, low-to-low and low-to-high, to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each and to measure overall patient fulfilment.
Modeling Extreme ASA & AHT values using Extreme Value theory[Full-Text ] Ashish PandeyEVTdeals with the stochastic behavior of the extreme values in a process which is in contrast to the Central limit theory where we model central tendency. Paper applies the framework on 2 key metrics (ASA & AHT) of a call center. ASA is the average speed of answering an incoming call that measures the service level from the customer’s perspective. AHT is the average handle time to service calls and directly relates to the cost of operations as an additional second of AHT can have significant impact on the costs. Statistical inference about extreme events deals with the estimation of the probability of occurrence of extreme events.Article gives the initial overview on how to estimate the probability of extreme stress on AHT & ASA that directly relates to the risk of increased costs and customer dissatisfaction. Objective of the paper is to describe how Extreme value theory can be applied in the Contact center space where Average Handling Time and Average speed to answer an incoming call are the key KPI’s.
Knowledge, attitude and practice of physical activity among male students at Taibah University in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Physical activity (PA) is an important component of sound heath and is inversely related morbidity and mortality. There has been a gap of data about this issue among adolescents and university students in Saudi Arabia. The authors conducted a University-based cross-sectional study at Taibah University during October and November 2014 to study the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of physical activity among a random sample of students.
CT Based Finite Element Analysis Of Human Lumbar Vertebra With Accurate Geometric and Material Property Assumptions[Full-Text ] Shamnadh M, Aravind C, Dileep P NOsteoporosis is considered as the one of the major diseases affecting human lumbar spine. It is the reduction in Bone Mineral Density (BMD).This disease increases the risk of fracture and ability to carry load. Computer Tomography (CT) based estimations are not adequate enough to predict the effect of BMD reduction in daily life. Finite Element Method (FEM) is an effective tool for analyzing mechanical properties of bone and characterizes some phenomenon that cannot be done by Vitro Experiments. The accuracy and reliability of the analysis depends upon the link between the Bone and its 3D Model. The Bone material properties are considered as complex, time dependant and age related. In this work a continuous relation between the bone and its 3d models were maintained. The geometries and material properties of the Lumbar Vertebrae were extracted from the CT –Scan of the same bone. Inhomogeneous material properties are used to get more realistic results.
A Comparative Study on Mining the Healthy Food Preferences of Women Clusters [Full-Text ] K. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. M. Vinayakamurthy, Dr. V. AnuradhaA lot of studies have been conducted on behavior of customers generally, but very fewer studies have been conducted specifically on women customers’ behavior on healthy food products. In the modern days, where the life is at fast pace, time has become very valuable to every woman and hence importance of spend ing quality time on food choices becomes very critical. At the same time, it is highly crucial to manage the healthy food habits, as preferences and change in lifestyle always play a vital role. The paper highlights the significance in building a healthy society through a survey on socioeconomic factors on food behavior of women who are in domestic, profession or in education using data mining techniques. The work in the paper is carried as a kind of cluster analysis on women dataset using WEKA tool. It consists of a comparative study on the results of various clustering techniques derived using WEKA and determines the influencing factors with various levels of awareness on healthy food products for women clusters. The survey is been conducted to different age groups of women who lives in the gated community of Bangalore, Karnataka state in India.
Experimental Study of Using External Confinement Materials on High-and-normal Strength Circular Specimens Concrete Columns[Full-Text ] Jasim Mohammad AbdThis paper devoted to investigate the behavior of FRP confined concrete columns subjected to axial compressive loading. 28 high-strength concrete specimens were externally encapsulated using CFRP and fiber glass straps and subjected to a concentric load. A different number of CFRP and GFRP wrapped layers are tested, the experimental results show that external confinement can enhance the properties of high strength concrete columns. The improvement in strength for the E-glass fiber-wrapped specimens is not so clear, as is the case with carbon fiber specimens. However, when wrapped, the columns achieved a significant gain in strength and deflection compared to no wrapped concrete columns.
Study of the Nonlinear Duffing Equation Expanded by the Shock-Term to Mitigate Chaotic Components in its Solutions[Full-Text ] Volynski R., Ben-Asher J., Selezov I., Gulko N. The property of the nonlinear Duffing equation is arrival of the chaotic components in its solution. The main objective of this work is to mitigate above components by means of the addition of the shock-term to its right-hand side. In present paper it was found using Runge-Kutta method that negative shock-term indeed essentially mitigates chaos in the solution.
Heterotaxy Syndrome With Asplenia And Complex Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease In A 38 Weeks Neonate: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Arwa K. Alharthi, Ahmad S. Alharthi, Inas A. SaadA full term baby girl born at 38 week of gestation, couldn't be weaned of oxygen in spite of timely continuous intervention, oxygen saturation did not raise above 85% .Echocardiogram , Chest x-ray and gastrographine was done. Diagnosed with heterotaxy syndrome with asplenia , situs inversus totalis and complex congenital cyanotic heart dis-ease for future uni-ventricular repair.
Risks and Propsed Solutions for Dynamic Analysis of Offshore Structures[Full-Text ] Anis A. Mohamed Ali, Jaffar A. KadimThis paper focuses on two main matters. The first deals with the risks have been found in the dynamic analysis of offshore structures while the second is related to the proposed solutions of these risks. The main reasons of these risks are usually resulted from the simplifications of the domain of the whole problem (fluid-structure-soil) into subdomains (fluid-structures and structure-soil) so that these risks can be classified into three categories which are the loads estimation methods, the structural behavior assumptions, and the type of soil molding. The proposed solutions involve conservative method in load estimation, the investigation of imperfection of constructed structure, and the selecting accurate method for molding the soil condition including the seabed state and gap formation effect.
UNIQUE COMBINATION OF PALLET TRUCK & CRANE MACHINE FOR REDUCING HUMAN EFFORT IN INDUSTRIES[Full-Text ] Amit Tiwari, Mahendra Labana, Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Himanshu VasnaniIn this Paper we used Machine for small scale industries as well as in domestic purpose. this is having a very low initial and maintenance cost. the main important part of our paper is there are rollers or wheels which can be move from one place to another and also it is light in weight this paper is very useful as is reduces human effort also thus overall the paper is having a great advantages thus can be used in domestic purpose in future it is the combination of both pallet truck and crane machine our paper can also lift the load of 100kg.
Modeling and Analysis Magnetic Field Shielding for Underground Power Cables[Full-Text ] Suad Ibrahim ShahlThis paper presents finite element model that can be used to investigate the effect of various shield geometries and shield materials around the 132KV Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) single underground cable. In this paper, a three-dimensional eddy-current field model for calculating the eddy-current losses in the shielding model is proposed. The power loss density generated by eddy currents and the temperature rise due to the generated heat in the shielding model, must be analyzed as a coupled model using finite-element method when solving the governing thermal equations. The shielding effectiveness and the power losses are compared for shields with the same geometry but two shielding materials: conductive material (Aluminum) and magnetic material (Cold Rolled Steel). It is concluded that a partial ring shield is the optimal design for shielding the zone around the cable; also the losses in the Aluminum shield and the corresponding temperature rises are much lower when comparing with magnetic material shield.
Study of light trapping geometries for different structure of photoanode in dye-sensitized solar cells[Full-Text ] Swati Sahu, Mohan Patel, Anil Verma and Sanjay TiwariIn dye-sensitized solar cells, light trapping or harvesting strategy has explored in order to increase the absorption of incident light on the photoanode of DSSCs and to reduce the recombination losses throughout charge carrier extraction retaining the charge carrier transport paths as short as possible. To stabilize the power conversion efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells different light trapping geometries have been studied for the enhancement of light absorption, TiO2 photoanode geometries like flat, pillar, prism has been used. One more approach for better charge collection is the alternative of the messy nanoporous TiO2 layer by nanostructured photoelectrodes like nanotubes, nanowires. The main purpose of these nanostructures is to increase charge collection by the involvement of a direct pathway for electron transport and also squashed recombination loss. By changing the structural design of the TiO2 photoanodes, more than 20% increment in light absorption along with photocurrent of DSSCs has been achieved.
Phonological Constraints Governing Nicknaming Conventions in African American Vernacular English[Full-Text ] Bradley W. LunsfordThis paper shows the close interaction between morphology and phonology through an OT analysis of AAVE. AAVE exhibits a lot of identity between the base and the truncated form that forms the beginning of the analysis because truncation is often the starting point of suffixation and reduplication. This paper looks at different models used to analyze AAVE nicknaming conventions using optimality theory and has arrived at a good starting point. AAVE has not been heavily researched because it was considered an inferior language in the United States and it has only just started gaining international notoriety in the academic community as many state governments have debated the idea of educating the elementary school teachers in the linguistics of AAVE thinking that it will translate into having better prepared teachers to improve the failing reading scores of the African American community. Finally, the United States encourages linguists to analyze AAVE.
EASY bikemakes traffic Congestion in urban area &its battery littering makesmore slow poison on human health in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] MD. ABUL KHAIR SIKDER,Engr. Shubhra PramanikEasy Bike Traffic density is more vulnerable in Bangladesh &its battery littering emittedmore radiation makes the human society as damaged. Easy Bike battery first component as Lead is a toxic metal that can enter the body by inhalation.Acid and lead particles contaminate the soil and become airborne when dry. Pregnant women are most vulnerable to lead exposure because their bodies are developing.Lead can affect a child’s growth, brain damage &kidneys and dull ofhearing.
The Influence of Cloud Computing Adoption Challenges on e-Government Services A case study: Jordanian e-Government[Full-Text ] Ayat M. Salem , Feras S. Al-Shalabi and Mohamad M. AL-laham Jordan has invested in cloud computing technology in the e-government to provide the service in the form of (Infrastructure as a service) since 2014. This study aimed to understand the influence of cloud computing adoption challenges on e-government services in Jordan. The population of the study consists of top, middle and operational level in the information management departments and e- government departments in (12) ministries and government institutional, the total number of involved employees in these ministries and government institutional is (163). A comprehensive survey method was conducted to cover the target population. The researcher developed a questionnaire to gather the necessary data to conduct the study. Number of (163) questionnaires were distributed among all involved employees, however (98) questionnaires were returned and used in this study. The results showed that the cloud computing adoption challenges influencing the e-government services in Jordan. And the highest effect of the challenges was marked for the integration challenge since the employees of e-government was worried about the data migration and the cost of this integration process.