Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2016 .
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Weight minimization of Speed Reducer design problem using PSO, SA, PS, GODLIKE, CUCKOO, FF, FP, ALO, GSA and MVO[Full-Text ] S.Elizabeth Amudhini Stephen, Christu Nesam David.D, Ajay Joe,AThe objective functions used in Engineering Optimization are complex in nature with many variables and constraints. Conventional optimization tools sometimes fail to give global optima point. Very popular methods like Genetic Algorithm, Pattern Search, Simulated Annealing, and Gradient Search are useful methods to find global optima related to engineering problems. This paper attempts to use new non-traditional optimization algorithms which are used to find the minimum weight of designing a speed reducer to obtain global optimum solutions. The weight, number of iterations and the total elapsed time to complete the problems are all compared using these ten non-traditional optimization methods.
A Study on Fuzzy Number[Full-Text ] Md. Mosfiqur RahmanIn this article, an alternative method to evaluate the arithmetic operations on fuzzy number has been developed, on the assumption that the Dubois- Prade left and right reference functions of a fuzzy number are distribution function and complementary distribution function respectively. This alternative method has been demonstrated with the help of numerical examples. Lastly; computations are done using Matlab.
Human Emotion classification based on Eyes and Mouth using Susan Edges[Full-Text ] Dileep M R, Ajit DantiHuman facial emotion recognition plays important role in the human mood analysis. Human emotion classification is done based on the facial features such as eyes, nose and mouth. The eyes and mouth plays dominant role in facial expression. Hence in this paper, instead of considering the features of the whole face, only eyes and mouth are considered for human emotion classification such as surprise, neutral, sad, happy and Anger based on the Susan edge operator.
An Opinion Trust Based Detection and Prevention Method for Defending Black-hole and Gray-hole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Mitali Khandelwal, Sachin UpadhyayIn a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Security is a key challenge due to its dynamic topology, open wireless medium, lack of centralized infrastructure, intermittent connectivity, resource constrained sensor nodes. The security of a wireless sensor network is compromised because of the random deployment of sensor nodes in open environment, memory limitations, power limitations and unattended nature. These weak entities make WSN easily mutual aid by an adversary to device abundant attacks resulting in disastrous consequences. Black Hole and Gray-hole attacks are of them wherein it exploits a trustworthiness of a network by promising routing of data packets to the destination knowing that it has a shortest path but in reality it drops all packets as well as selectively drops the packets, and consequently threatens reliability. In order to accomplish secure packet transmission, an efficient and opinion trust based secure protocol is proposed to defend against Gray-hole and Black Hole attacks. The Simulation results signify that the proposed protocol performs satisfactorily in secure routing and is strong against both Gray-hole and Black Hole attacks in a dynamic environment.
Effet of Broodstock Stocking Density on Semi Controlled Reproduction of Black Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) and Fingerling Production In Earthen Ponds Under a Semi Arid Climate. Deroua Fisheries Farm (Fkih Ben Salah, Morocco)[Full-Text ] A. Ouizgane, S. Farid, G. BEN Ali, M. Droussi, M. HasnaouiIn the present study, several Black bass ( Micropterus salmoides Lacepede 1802)reproduction aspects in ponds in a Moroccan semi-arid climate were studied during the 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasons in Deroua Fisheries farm, Fkih Ben Saleh (Morocco). The breeding season begins in late February at a water temperature of 16 °C and ends in early May at a temperature of 27 °C. This study investigated mainly the effect of stocking density on fingerling production. Pairs of male and female brood fish were stocked in the spawning ponds at densities of 1, 2 and 0.75 pairs/100 m². Fingerling production was highly affected by the brood fish stocking densities and the means were 11.06, 7.61 and 4.66 fingerling/pair/m² respectively for densities of 0.75, 2and 1 pairs/100 m².
PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF RIVER PRA IN THE WESTERN REGION, GHANA[Full-Text ] Braimah Seth and Bentil JohnThis research was carried out to assess the physico-chemical characteristics of River Pra. A total of eight (8) water samples were collected from four (4) selected communities. Laboratory analysis was performed on nineteen (19) physico-chemical parameters to determine the current state of the River.
Synthesis, Structural and Biological Studies of N-(3-Tetra-O-Acetyl-β-D-Glucopyranosyl ) -1H ( 1,2,4-Thiadiazolo ( 3,4-C) (1,2,4) Thiadiazol-5(3H) Ylidene ) Arylamine[Full-Text ] M.R.Ugale, B.N.Berad, S.M.Bhiwgade N-(3-tetra-O-acetyl β-D-glucopyranosyl)-1H ( 1,2,4- thiadiazolo ( 3,4-C) (1,2,4) thiadiazol-5(3H) ylidene) arylamine have been prepared by the interaction of 3-amino- 5- arylimino-1,2,4 thiadiazoline and N- tetra-O- acetyl β-D-glucopyranosylimino chloromethane sulphenyl chloride . The synthesized compounds have been characterized by analytical and IR, NMR and mass spectral studies. The synthesized compounds were screened for their antimicrobial activities. These compounds showed moderate to good antibacterial and antifungal activities.
Modeling and Simulation of a Differential Drive Mobile Robot[Full-Text ] Anirudh TopiwalaDifferential drive robots have wide application in the fields of defense, reconnaissance, in house hold applications like house cleansing robot and many others. This paper intends to present a simple and a reliable method to circumvent the physical intricacies of the actual world, by developing a realistic simulation system. A prototype model was first made to understand the logic of obstacle detection using ultrasonic sensors and Arduino Uno as the microcontroller, but optimizing the robot physically by experimentation was very difficult. Therefore to solve this problem an identical simulation is carried out in matlab for easy optimization. The Kinematic equations used to control the robot is presented.The output data of the kinematic model is used to actuate the 3D model in virtual reality toolbox of matlab. The rotation of the robot about the central axis is also observed. The obstacles are de-tected by the ultrasonic sensors mounted on the robot which enables the robot to navigate in an unknown environment.
A Fuzzy Approach for Delay Potential in Construction of Building[Full-Text ] Kamlesh A. Naykar and Ravindra K. LadDelays in the construction projects are often unavoidable circumstances. The modelling for delay analysis in the construction of building assumes greater complexity due to the involvement of human perception in the evolution of decision making process. Further, the complex human perception is subjected to the physical surroundings, social environment and also to its own household structure over and above the economic constraints. The calculation of delay in the construction of building has a major bearing on the human decisions regarding the importance of the construction activities. Both the decision processes are complex with higher degree of subjectivity involved and therefore call for the analytical tools which can imitate this behavior and bring the results close to the reality. In the present study, the Fuzzy Rule Based System is developed to calculate delay status in the construction of building.
ON LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF AIR COMPRESSOR USING ADAPTIVE NEURO FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ganesha.B, K.N.UmeshThis paper presents a study of the use of hybrid intelligent system in detection of vibration faults in Air Compressor. It enables predictive maintenance. The performance of this technique is investigated through experimental study of real online vibration signals. The results demonstrate that complexity analysis and velocity parameters in conjunction with ANFIS provide an effective measure for machinery health evaluation.
A Fuzzy Framework for Selection of Appropriate Residential Flat[Full-Text ] Bhagyashree S. Khartode and Ravindra K. LadThe construction of residential building developed rapidly and with variety of options so that the selection of appropriate flat for residential purpose becomes a complicated to the flat purchaser. This invention is related to selection of appropriate residential flats. The study highlights potential of appropriate flat for the fulfillment of client. Eight criteria, Client’s need, Flat details, Infrastructural facility, Neighborhood amenities, Public Utility Services, Environmental Friendly Systems, Maintenance Charges and Other facility have been considered for the potential of appropriate flat. By considering multi criteria, it is very difficult to take a decision as whether flat is appropriate or not? So an attempt has been made to formulate a fuzzy approach for selecting appropriate flat. Various sub criteria related to the selection of appropriate flat have been considered for this study. Appropriate flat selection is a multi-criteria decision problem and has a strategic importance for many customers. The aim of this study is to propose a fuzzy approach for appropriate flat selection. This study presents a case study of selecting appropriate flat under multiple criteria decision making that are fuzzy in nature. The AFPI model using Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making technique has been developed in the present study to evaluate AFPI to decide appropriate flat. By using fuzzy FMCDM, uncertainty and vagueness from subjective perception and the experiences of decision maker can be effectively represented and reached to a more effective decision.
Anti-Theft System For Vehicles Using Fingerprint Sensor[Full-Text ] JoelSachin, Kiran Rana GillThis paper focuses on preventing car theft using microcontrollers and GSM modules. We are generating the results with better accuracy and proficiency. It can be helpful to those people who want better and more advanced security in their vehicle.
A Survey on Protein Sequence Classification with Data Mining Techniques[Full-Text ] C. Nandini, I. Laurence AroquiarajToday biological data like protein sequence and DNA sequence is increasing at vast rate due to improvement of technologies. From this vast data we have to derive the hidden knowledge so that it is used in wide range of areas to design drug, to indentify disease, and in classification of protein sequence etc. Today most of the researchers show their keen interest in finding unknown protein sequence and classify them in already defined protein sequence family. Data mining consist of number of techniques used to extract the knowledge for this vast biological data. One of the important areas of research is to classify protein sequence into different families, classes and sub classes. Feature selection also plays an important role in sequence classification as it increase the accuracy of classifier SVM. A number of different classification techniques or algorithms have been proposed by different researchers to classify protein sequences. This paper explains various techniques used by different researches in classifying the proteins and also provides an overview of different protein sequence classification methods.
Analysis of Flat Slab Resting on Shear Walls[Full-Text ] Durgesh Neve, K.K. TolaniShear Walls are specially designed structural walls included in the buildings to resist horizontal forces that are induced in the plane of the wall due to wind, earthquake and other forces. They are mainly flexural members and usually provided in high rise buildings to avoid the total collapse of the high rise buildings under seismic forces. This paper aims to investigate the performance of flat slab building structure completely resting on shear walls instead of columns. In this study, a building model is compared in different aspects such as storey drift, story displacement etc. for flat slab with columns and flat slab resting on shear walls.
A Preliminary Survey of Combinatorial Test Design Modeling Methods[Full-Text ] Preeti Satish, Krishnan RangarajanCombinatorial Testing is a systematic black box testing method. Combinatorial test model derivation is the first and primer step in it and till date it is practiced manually. The paper provides an insight into, to the best of our knowledge, the first survey specific to the test model derivation step of combinatorial testing. The survey focuses on comprehending and consolidating the state-of-art work carried. The survey reveals that there is huge scope for future work in terms of more empirical studies and new automated approaches as the automation of the same is still in a very naive stage.
An Optimal Sparse Encoding Assisted Robust Fingerprint Compression[Full-Text ] R M Aparna, Manoj Kumar GFingerprint compression which is based on sparse representation already exists. Here by constructing a complete dictionary from a group of fingerprint patches, allows us to represent them as a sparse linear combination of dictionary atoms. Initially, construct a dictionary where fingerprint image patches that are predefined are stored. For a new given fingerprint images represent the patches according to the dictionary by computing I0-minimisation and quantize and encode the representation. The algorithm has higher complexities due to the block by block processing mechanism which need to be taken care of.Here , we propose a method for solving sparse representation with the help of an optimization algorithm.The optimization algorithm used here is harmony search.The compression ratio, PSNR obtained by the proposed method is high compared to the one produced by existing method.
OPTIMIZATION OF PIER SHAPES FOR BRIDGES[Full-Text ] Atluri.Neehanjali, SR.M.KantaRaoNow- a- days many bridges are constructed on slender piers to provide adequate stiffness and strength with substantial saving of dead load where the reduction in dead load by choosing optimum shape of pier can facilitate applicable savings in foundation cost. Use of hollow pier construction could produce great savings in foundation cost. In this study, pier model has been analyzed using FEM in SAP. Maximum principal stresses and Von misses stresses are calculated for different types of pier shapes using SAP-2000 software. In this study we found that rectangular sections are economical when compared to other sections. Several iterations have been carried out for making pier hollow and is analysed for the variation of the stresses. Hollow cross sections are made at the core of the cross sections. The stress level in the solid pier and hollow pier are nearly same and it proves that the hollow sections act same as the solid section.
World of Business Analytics[Full-Text ] Saivishal BadriBusiness analytics begins with a data set (a simple collection of data or a data file)or commonly with a database (a collection of data files that contain information onpeople, locations, and so on). As databases grow, they need to be stored somewhere.Technologies such as computer clouds (hardware and software used for data remote storage, retrieval, and computational functions) and data warehousing (a collection of databases used for reporting and data analysis) store data. Database storage areas have become so large that a new term was devised to describe them. Big data describesthe collection of data sets that are so large and complex that software systems arehardly able to process them.Little data describes thesmaller data segments or files that help individual businesses keep track of customers.As a means of sorting through data to find useful information, the application ofanalytics has found new purpose.
BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSES OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN GOMBE METROPOLIS, GOMBE STATE NIGERIA[Full-Text ] MAINA BENJAMIN, KOLLOS NGUNE PAUL, SULE SAMUELBacteriological analyses of groundwater were investigated in six (6) selected Communities of Gombe Metropolis with the aim of examining the impact of sewage on groundwater quality using culture media. T- Test was used to compare the result obtained with the general standard for coliform bacteria acceptable standard, afterwards One way analysis of variance was also employed to test the spatial variation in the concentration of tested bacteria among low, medium and high density areas. Water samples were collected from boreholes and hand dug wells. Culture media laboratory result indicates the present of bacteria in the entire water sample collected from all locations and confirmatory test reveals the types of bacteria as coliform bacteria.
Control The Flow Of Water in Multi Storey Building[Full-Text ] Ashish Aher, Ruturaj Chinchani, Kunal Chopde, Girish BhideRoof tank solutions were originally created more than a century ago, as buildings grew taller and taller. The required water pressure for both fire-fighting and domestic use increased and mains water was insufficient to supply a whole building. Moreover, reliable and efficient pumps for pressurised systems were not available. The immediate solution was to use standard pumps to lift the water to the tank. From the tank, gravity ensured a natural downwards flow and sufficient pressure. The use of roof tanks to ensure adequate water pressure in buildings, and especially tall buildings, is very common. The alternative to roof tanks is the use of pressurised systems, where a number of booster pumps provide the necessary pressure.
DESIGN OF INTZE WATER TANK USING JAVA PROGRAM[Full-Text ] Kulkarni Reshma, Prof.M.N.MangulkarThis Paper presents the work which will be helpful to the design engineers simply to change the data Water demand is not constant throughout the day. In order to supply constant amount of water, we need to store water. So to meet the public water demand, water tank need to be constructed.. This paper gives in brief about the designing stage of reservoir or tank using JAVA program, Water tanks are traditionally designed by working stress method but as per revised IS 3370 water tank can also be designed by limit state method . The paper consists of manual procedure i.e. design program as per working stress method. Comparative study of design between program and manual outputs. Key Words : Intze Tank,IS 3370,manual Design,JAVA,comparative study.
Reversible Data Hiding For Image with Contrast Enhancement and Video Using Encryption and Decryption[Full-Text ] Asha S Raj, Mrs.Gayathri Nair PThe Reversible Data Hiding is a widely used technique. The host image can be recovered exactly. Reversible Image Data Hiding Using Encryption and Decryption with Contrast Enhancement. It is applied at medical and military applications. The data embedding process will usually introduce the continuous loss to the cover image. In several areas such as medical, military, and law forensics degradation of cover image is not allowed. For the sake of Reversible Image Data Hiding Using Encryption and Decryption with Contrast Enhancement.
SIBER-DELTA: Swarm Intelligence Based Efficient Routing with Distance, Energy, Link quality and Trust Awareness[Full-Text ] A.R. Naseer, V. NeelimaWireless sensor networks are prone to behavior related attacks also termed as insider attacks due to the misbehavior of nodes in forwarding the packets. Trust aware routing is crucial for both securing obtained information as well as protecting the network performance from degradation and network resources from unreasonable consumption due to insider attacks in wireless sensor networks. This paper presents swarm intelligence based Efficient Trust Aware Routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks termed as SIBER-DELTA which takes into account trust rating of the nodes along with energy, distance, link quality of the path to select the best quality path from source to sink for packet forwarding. The performance evaluation of our proposed Trust-Aware Routing approach SIBER-DELTA was conducted using NS-2 Simulator considering non-forwarding attacks in both Static and Dynamic Scenarios with varying network sizes. Our simulation results indicate that SIBER-DELTA performs extremely well in terms of malicious nodes detection and avoidance, Packet Delivery Ratio, Energy Efficiency and latency.