Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2016 .
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SWT-ICBI based Single Image Super Resolution[Full-Text ] Arya A R, Sreeletha S H, Dr. M Abdul RahmanResolution of the image plays a key role in each and every field. Resolution is really very important aspect of the image. Inorder to achieve the natural look and feel removing of artifacts is essential.In order to extract out important information from the image, an image with super resolution is needed.The need of single super resolution image arised when the enhanced images lost its natural look and feel it. In this paper we describe a new upscaling method (ICBI, Iterative Curvature Based Interpolation) based on a two step grid filling and an iterative correction of the interpolated pixels with SWT wavelet transform. We show that this method is able to obtain very good results, especially for its ability of removing artifacts without creating ”artificial” detail and is superior to the existing techniques in terms of quantitative as well as qualitative aspects.
Assessment of groundwater quality of wells sited in close proximity to Waste Management Systems in Ahanta West District-Ghana[Full-Text ] Braimah Seth,Bentil JohnThe study investigated the physico-chemical and bacteriological qualities of water from wells sited in close proximity to waste management systems in the Ahanta West District. GPS was used to determine the geographical location of wells and waste management system. The physic-chemical and bacteriological parameter of samples of water taken from these wells were determined at the laboratoryand compared with the WHO guideline values for drinking water.
Centrality dependence of chemical freeze-out parameters in beam energy scan at RHIC energies[Full-Text ] M. Y. El-Bakry, D. M. Habashy, M. T. Mohamed and E. AbbasThe chemical freeze-out parameters (Tch and μb) were extracted from the experimental particle ratios for Au+Au collisions at mid-rapidity using Hadron resonance gas (HRG) Model at different centralities. The centrality dependence of these parameters is studied for beam energy scan at 7.7, 11.5 and 39 GeV. We find that the chemical freeze-out temperature does not show any noticeable dependence on centrality, where the baryon chemical potential decreases as we go from peripheral to central collisions. Furthermore, the grand-canonical approach is no longer satisfied in peripheral collisions.
Enhanced Approach for RSRP Based Handover in LTE Scenario[Full-Text ] Aparna L, Agoma MartinHard handover decided by handover margin (HOM) and time to trigger (TTT) has been adopted in third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) LTE with the purpose of reducing the complexity of network architecture. In the traditional handover scheme, the difference in the reference signal received power (RSRP) of host node and target node is obtained, which is then compared with the trigger threshold. To enhance this handover scheme two notions of handover management are considered: late handover for avoiding ping-pong effect and early handover for handling real-time services. Late handover is supported by disallowing handover before the TTT window expires, while early handover is supported even before the window expires if the rate change in signal power is very large.
Different Methods for Grain Refinement of Materials[Full-Text ] Safwan M. A. Al-Qawabah, Adnan I. O. ZaidSome metals and alloys solidify under normal casting conditions in columnar or dendritic structure with large grain size, unless the mode of solidification is carefully controlled, which tends to reduce their mechanical behavior, toughness and surface quality. Therefore, it is of vital importance to grain refine their structure to overcome these discrepancies. Different methods have been investigated by several authors and the results of their work are published in the open literature. It is therefore anticipated that reviewing of the different methods used for grain refinement is worthwhile doing. In this paper, critical review of these methods, (old and recent) including their advantages and limitations is carried out. Furthermore, a new method is described and the obtained results given and discussed.
Creates a New GIS Tool for Classifying Brain Tumor[Full-Text ] Samira A. Hussain , Samar A. Kassir , Israa M. HassoonThe medical image processing technique for diagnosing diseases, is considered very important for human life. Pattern recognition is an essential part of any high-level image analysis systems. There are many practical applications of pattern recognition such as the recognition of handwritten letters, signature, fingerprints, face and others. A recognition system for tumor type in human brain is tackled in this work. This work displays a system that can diagnose some type(s) of tumor in the human brain by using the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images
Contract claim Analysis on Building Construction Project in Addis Ababa: A case study at Yeka Sub City[Full-Text ] Eshetu Zenebe, Prof.Emer T.Quezon, Alemu MosisaContract claims are an inevitable fact of life in the construction industry. Contract claims are one of the problems that construction project may face. Claims might cause many affects such as payment delay, extension of time and work suspension. The main aim of this research was analysis of contract claim on building construction project in Addis Ababa, Yeka Sub City by: investigating the causes of contract claim and determining the factors to be considered in the selection of appropriate methodology for contract claim analysis. Literature and survey based studies were made to provide an overview of the different contribution effects of contract claim analysis on building construction project at the selected site. Interviews were also conducted with the three parties which have direct involvement in construction activities to get concrete ideas on the subject matter. Total of 75 questionnaires was distributed to respondents in Addis Ababa, Yeka Sub City building construction projects. Out of these 12 for client’s representatives, 35 for contractors representatives, 20 for consultants representatives and 8 for others companies in order to identify claim causes that occurred in study area. The quantitative data were analyzed using Excel and SPSS version 20 software, while qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.
Erlang-B Based Optimization of Blocking Probability for Multiple Loads[Full-Text ] Shivani Sharma, ChandniAs technological advances are made in the world, communication needs tend to extend with the technology available. Mobile communications has potential for very rapid growth. Many researchers are participating in ventures, experiments, and developments that will expand mobile communications services globally. This paper discusses progress made in cellular systems, satellite systems, and the networking between them. The functionality of the cellular system and the satellite system is explained, followed by a description of a simulation study involving the hand-off aspect between the cellular and satellite systems. According to previous approaches the occurrence of traffic congestion and blocking probability in network is analyzed.
Analytical hierarchy process based framework for supply chain risk management[Full-Text ] EL KHAYYAM Yassine, HERROU BrahimFacing to a very risky economic environment, companies should implement effective supply chain risk systems which allows on one side to drive the performance (manage poor performance: “normal risks”) and on the other side to manage the abnormal risks (disruption, incidents, worker accidents, …). This paper proposes a supply chain risk management framework, that allows effective supply chain risk management and it permit also aligning risk management with performance monitoring. In this study we introduce also a new risk assessment method based on a multicriteria decision analysis in order to reduce the subjectivity of qualitative risk analysis.
Natural Gas Compressibility Factor Measurementand Evaluation for High PressureHigh Temperature Gas Reservoirs[Full-Text ] I.I. Azubuike, S. S.Ikiensikimama,O.D.OroduThe Natural gas compressibility factor is an important reservoir fluid property used in reservoir engineering computations either directly or indirectly in material balance calculations, well test analysis, gas reserve estimates, gas flow in lines and in numerical reservoir simulations. Existing gas compressibility factor correlations were derived using measured data at low to moderate pressures(less than 8, 000 psia) and temperatures (less than 212oF), and an extrapolation to High Pressure High temperature (HPHT) is doubtful. The need to understand and predict gas compressibility factor at HPHT has become increasingly important as exploration and production has moved to ever deeper formations where HPHT conditions are to be encountered. This paper presents laboratory measurement of gas compressibility factors at HPHT natural gas systems and the evaluation of some selected gas compressibility factors correlations. Samples of gas mixtures were collected from the high pressure gas reservoirs from the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Vinci PVT Cell was used to measure the gas compressibility factors for a pressures ranging from 6,000 to 14,000 psia and temperatures at 270oF and 370oF. The new laboratory data was compared to some of the gas compressibility factor correlations/ models used in the petroleum industry. Results showed that majority of the correlations studied overestimated the gas compressibility factor at HPHT. Mean relative and absolute error analysis were done based on the temperature difference; it was found that the total mean relative and absolute errors for the 370o F cases are higher than those for 270oF. Among all the correlations assessed, Hall and Yarborough equation performed better than other existing correlations with a mean absolute error of 3.545 and relative error of -2.668 at 270oF. At 370oF, Beggs and Brills correlation predicted better than other correlations studied with a mean relative error of -4.77 and absolute error of 7.187.
Biofilm Production in Response to DNA Methylation in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa[Full-Text ] Avanish MadhavaramPseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium play a comprehensive role in the development and persistence of harmful biofilms in many cystic fibrosis patients. This study is an attempt to analyze a possible genetic source for that biofilm production. With a rise in the popularity of epigenetics in bacteria, we proposed a regulation in the role of DNA methylation in P. aeruginosa through the extraction of the enzyme, DNA Methyltransferase, by its gene- WspF. Through doing so, we hoped to analyze the varying degrees of biofilm production in the mutant and control bacterial strain. Through our tests, however, the primer region indentified for extraction proved very difficult to identify and excise. This prevented the ability of testing the bacterial mutant initially. The remainder of this study operated in a much less conservative manner. Through ligation and electroporation techniques, we began preparation of this model. By staining the DNA and measuring its absorbance, the discovery of a clear difference in biofilm levels in this mutant strain became eminent. This led to the belief that DNA methylation has a direct impact in the biofilm production of P. aeruginosa and could directly correlate to the harmful effects of the cystic fibrosis condition. However, this belief cannot be substantiated thoroughly without the implementation of future research and analysis. Several measures and opportunities for error in the study must be noted in order to note the validity this bacterial relationship. In order to record the variance of the wsp operon on gene expression in a more thorough manner, further study must be implemented.
Patients and Healthcare Providers’ Perceptions Towards Privacy Rights of Patients: An Investigation of Listed Swiss Participating Hospitals[Full-Text ] Marvin Mondale Ama-AmadasunHealth is one of the most vital assets in every individual. Patients’ privacy rights should be viewed as personal concerns especially on how healthcare providers perceived privacy rights of patients and other human right contexts. A successful patient-physician relationship in healthcare services comes from maintaining the rights of patients, including privacy, integrity and confidentiality of medical information. The current study examines the perceptions of healthcare providers and patients with respect to privacy rights of patients in Swiss healthcare centres. This paper uses a qualitative research method by phenomenological approach of in-depth and follow-up interviews. A specific data collection form was designed for the purpose of obtaining the relevant data. Data was generated from 44 different public and private healthcare centres with a sample size of 45 participants, namely: patients, nurses and physicians. It highlights the challenges and benefits faced with privacy rights of patients in healthcare settings. The findings showed the absence of awareness and enlightenment of patient rights, on the part of healthcare providers. The paper also reports inadequate organisational and administrative measures, inconsistent and non-uniform regulations; and as well as non-compliance with existing laws and standards. Furthermore, the paper concludes by suggesting measures for maintaining a successful patient-physician relationship in healthcare environments, while ensuring a high level of data security in computerised patient dossiers. Finally, the paper provides recommendations that a national watchdog align the different patient privacy regulations and procedures across cantonal levels within Switzerland.
Development and Validation of Linear Programming Models for Gasoline and Fuel Oil Blending[Full-Text ] G.P. Essien and, A.O. KuyePetroleum fuels typically gasoline and fuel oils are manufactured by blending two or more different fractions whose quantities and qualities depend on the crude oil type, the way and conditions of processing. The Oil Refiner is faced with difficulty in calculating accurate quantities of these blendstocks subjected to limitations on finished product qualities, blendstock qualities and quantities. This study was aimed at developing linear programming models plus a computer software that enable prediction of optimum qualities and quantities for gasoline and fuel oil blend.The linear programming (LP) models were formulated using refinery blending results obtained from Port Harcourt Refinery. The proposed LP models were solved using newly developed computer software (Petroblend Optimizer) written in python, which uses the two-phase simplex algorithm. The maximized and minimized objectives of gasoline LP models predicted Fluid Catalytic Cracking Gasoline and Reformate as the major blending stock for gasoline production. Similarly, the maximized objectives of fuel oil LP models predicted Main Column Bottom, Heavy Gas Oil and Atmospheric Residue as the major blending stock for fuel oil production. Whereas the minimized objectives of fuel oil LP models predicted Main Column Bottom, Heavy Gas Oil and Light Cycle Oil as the major blending stock for fuel oil production. Furthermore, the gasoline LP models predicted specific gravity of 0.73-0.77, vapor pressure of 0.40-0.60 kgcm-2 and octane number of 89-95 while the fuel oil LP models predicted specific gravity of 0.95-1.03, flash point of 76-143oC, sulphur of 0.28-0.47%wt and viscosity of 18-37cst. The models predicted qualities for gasoline and fuel oil blend fall within the range of refinery actual qualities used for this study; and these results were approximately the same compared to similar results calculated using Microsoft excel solver.
Independent component analysis for single channel source separation using wavelet packet decomposition[Full-Text ] Pasala Gowri, P. V. Ramana, N. Padmaja(ICA) Independent Component Analysis is recently developed computational method for separating the multiple channel source. Each component of ICA representation is a linear combination of the original variable. The common ICA method cannot be directly applied for single channel mixed signal. A novel method is proposed based on ICA that is Convolution Type Wavelet Packet Decomposition. This method provides new approach for separating the limited source. Convolution Type Wavelet Packet is non down-sampled therefore the sequence in the different levels and frequency sets can be same length as the original signal. Each sub-band sequence is same as the original signal and corresponding to certain frequency division. Different wavelet functions are used for decomposing the signal for example symlet (order8), haar, daubechies(order4) biorthogonal(order 3.5) and coif let (order 3) wavelet function. Using this wavelet functions the signal decomposed into multiple channel mixed signals and that mixed signal can be applied to ICA (Independent component analysis) which gives the separated signal as same as the original signal. Therefore this paper focused on a comparative study of different wavelet functions to find the most convenient wavelet function for getting exact output from the five wavelet functions for mixed sinusoidal signals and motor vibration signals. From analysis values of Signal to noise ratio (SNR), Bit error rate (BER) and Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) can be calculated before and after applying wavelet packet transform for each wavelet functions. Daubechies (order 4) and coiflet (order3) wavelet functions performed relatively better separation results when compared to other wavelets. For the purpose of a simulation results, mixed sinusoidal signals series and motor vibration signals are used.
Quantitative relationship between leaf rust and wheat grain yield in some Egyptian wheat cultivars[Full-Text ] Soliman N. E. K, Negm S. S, Abd El-backi A. M and Ola Mabrouk IThis work was carried out to study the response of seven Egyptian wheat cvs., i.e. Gemmiza 7, Gemmiza 9, Gemmiza 10, Sids 1, Sids 12 , Misr 2 and Sakha 94 to the infection by leaf rust with relation to grain yield under field condition at Sids Agric. Res. Stat., Beni Sweif , Egypt during three growing seasons ,i.e. 2012/2013 , 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 with and without fungicide protection under high disease pressure. Disease severity was recorded weekly and area under disease progress curve AUDPC was estimated. The infection significantly reduced grain yield of all the tested cvs. compared to the protected ones. The loss in the grain yield and 1000 kernel weight of the different wheat cvs. was variable according to the varietal response. The grain yield and 1000 kernel weight of the protected plants of cvs. were higher than that in the infected ones. Also, significant differences were found between the infected and protected cvs. under the study.
Gesture Controlled Robot[Full-Text ] Shaunak Chokshi, Shashank Sharma, Hardik Joshi Even after more than decades of input devices development, many people still find the interaction with the computers and robots an uncomfortable experience. Efforts should be made to adapt computers and robots to our natural means of communication: speech and body language.
Impact Assessment of Educational Level and TrainingBackground of Welderson Safety Awareness and Analysis of Safety Issues in Welding Industries in Ghana[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Adu, Andrews DanquahThis study investigates the educational and training background of welders in welding industries in Ghana and assesses the impact of educational level, training background, age of welders and number of years of welding after qualification on safety awareness in industry. The study also investigates some safety practices associated with welders and the welding industry. Designed questionnaires were used to collect the data for the study. The study respondents were 200 welding industries across the regions of Ghana comprising of sixty eight (68) from the formal sector and one hundred and thirty two (132) from the informal sector.Some of the results from the study are that, about eighty eight percent (87.50%) of the welders do not go beyond secondary and vocational school education and the majority in this group attains their welding training through apprenticeship.Sixty-seven percent (67.00%) of the welders have high level of knowledge of hazards in industry.About fifty-seven percent (56.50%) of welders are highly prone to hazards in industry. It was also found out that sixty percent (60.00%) of welders suffer from various eye problems and about fifty-one percent (50.50%) suffer from various skin diseases likely stemming from long periods of exposure to radiations from the welding arc/flame daily in their work environment and the unavailability of PPE’s. The paper recommends among others that all welding industries in Ghana must institute some form of insurance policies for the industry and the welders due to the hazards and dangers associated with welding activities.
Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Anchored on Montmorillonite via Chemical Reduction[Full-Text ] Danica Louise S. Bonga, Ma. Manna Farrel B. Pinto, and Mary Fatima, T. TayadMontmorillonite clay particles were decorated with silver (Ag) nanoparticles by chemical reduction of Ag nitrate with sodium citrate. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) confirmed the presence of metallic Ag on the surface of montmorillonite. The average crystallite size of the Ag nanoparticles obtained from the broadening of the 111 Ag peak ranged at 13-16 nm.
Fast and Efficient Random Forest Technique for Face Verification[Full-Text ] Amina K, Lekshmy P LFace verification systems aim to find out whether two face images belong to the same subject. The existing system uses a generative model such as Joint Bayesian method, it formulate verification task as a binary Bayesian decision problem. This method treats the samples as random variables respecting certain data-generating models, and treats the subjects of the samples as latent variables. However in Joint Bayesian method, accuracy is low due to the inaccurate feature selection. And the classifier does not support for highly non linear data. In this paper uses a random forests technique to deal with the above challenges in the face recognition. The proposed algorithm first extracts features from the face images using SIFT, LBP, Gabor and HoG. And uses a Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) method for appropriate feature selection. And then uses the random forest algorithm to classify the images based on the selected features. Non-negative matrix factorization is a linear, nonnegative approximate data representation. This can be used to reduce the feature size. Random forest can also support for highly nonlinear data. And it has a good convergence property and achieves a higher verification rate than both the Joint Bayesian method and other state-of-the-art classifiers on the labeled faces in the wild face database.
Sustainable Engineering in Developing Countries: A World of Limitless Opportunities[Full-Text ] Israel DunmadeMany developing economies are making concerted effort at achieving development that would fulfill the aspiration of its populace for comfortable living. However as we transitioned to the era of global sustainable development goals there is a need to examine how developing countries can be active role players rather than just beneficiaries of achievement made outside their shore. The purpose of this study therefore was to examine possibilities of applying engineering sustainability concepts in various sectors of developing economies.
Morphometric analysis based on GIS-approach for Major Sub-Watershed in upper Helmand River Basin, Afghanistanration[Full-Text ] Khan Mohammad Takal, Jyoti Sarup, Sushail Kumar MittalThe present study revealed the morphometric analysis for the Upper-Helmand river basin of Afghanistan. Basin- is further sub-divided into five sub-watersheds, namely SW - I, SW - II, SW - III, SW - IV and SW – V. ASTER DEM data has been used in Arc-GIS for carrying out morphometric analysis, stream order (U) and its correlation with other characteristics are obtained. Stream order for all the sub-watersheds is varying between 5 to 8 which shows drainage pattern as a dendritic to sub-dendritic pattern. The mean bifurcation ratio ranges 4.117 to 5.888 that shows sub-basins are under normal condition and high bifurcation ratio illustrate high control of drainage structure. The mean bifurcation ratio of the whole basin is 4.230, which depict that geological structures are not influenced the drainage pattern. Drainage density exhibits coarse drainage and texture exhibit fine drainage texture. Sub-watersheds elongation ratio is 0.44 to 0.496 that shows elongation pattern. The most suitable software in the present study for watershed delineation, using ASTER DEM data is Arc-GIS.
Performance Evaluation of 802.11g Architecture Using Security Protocols Based on Index Policy Method[Full-Text ] Sagar Kakade, Dr. Rajesh S. Bansode Data security has a major role in the development of communication system as wireless local area networks (WLANs) are beginning to play a much larger role in corporate network environments. Wireless local area networks are very popular for home networking applications, therefore this increase in accessibility has created problems for data security.To deal with these problems stronger security methods such as advanced encryption algorithms and efficient authentication process are used. However, these security methods often hamper network performance. This research examines the effects of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption algorithms on packet transmission time, encryption time, computational complexity, and space complexity for 802.11 networks. The work also includes calculating authentication time for Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), IP Security (IPSec), MAC address authentication and Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). Reports reported till date showed the combined effect of encryption and authentication on response time and throughput. Response time increases by 268% and throughput decreases by 73% for 802.1X model. In case of VPN model the researchers observed that there is increase in response time by 130% and decreases in throughput by 50%.The results obtained in this work show significant difference in both the models for packet transmission time, computational complexity, space complexity and encryption time. For lower security levels packet transmission time taken is 17.37secs for 802.1X model while for VPN it is 21.99secs. The packet transmission time taken for higher security levels for 802.1X is 18.42secs whereas for VPN it is 19.63secs. Computational complexity, space complexity and encryption time are 41.16secs, 7853 bytes and 1.26secs repectively in somecases for 802.1X model whereas for VPN it is 78.6secs, 8090 bytes and 1.53secs repectively. 802.1X model is observed to be fastest out of the two methods at all security levels. VPN model proves better for all parameters except for packet transmission time, its performance is not good as compared to 802.1X model. The future scope of this work can be based on researching and implementing other different categories of countermeasures for policy index method and measuring the performance evaluation for each on different hybrid systems namely AES-IPSec, ECC-EAP, ECC-CHAP etc.
A Novel Approach for Semantic Based Friend Recommendation System for Social Networks[Full-Text ] Dr.V.Goutham, T.Ruthvik Manikanta The social media sites are apt for advertising activities and over the preceding years, users have seen an uptick in the amount of publicising on the sites. The present social networking services endorse friends to users established on their social graphs, which may not be applicable to reveal a user’s inclinations on friend choice in real life. In this novel approach for semantic based friend recommendation system for social networks that is Friendbook endorses friends to users built on their life styles of users from user-centric sensor data, assess the resemblance of life styles between users, and acclaims friends to users if their life styles have high resemblance. Upon acceptance of a request, Friendbook proceeds a list of people with utmost sanction scores to the query user. Lastly, Friendbook assimilates a feedback mechanism to promote advance in the recommendation accurateness.
Sel Csp-A Frame Work to Facilitate Selection with Transparency of Cloud Service Providers[Full-Text ] Dr.V.Goutham, B.Vijitha, P.HarshiniWith the innovative advancements in technology, cloud marketplace countersigned frequent emergence of new service providers with similar offerings. Nevertheless, service level agreements (SLAs), which document assured eminence of service levels, have not been created to be reliable among providers, even though their proposal of services has with related functionality. In provision of outsourcing environs, like cloud, the quality of service levels are of primary prominence to customers, as they use third-party cloud services to pile and route their clients’ data. The key encounter for a customer is to choose a suitable service provider to confirm assured service excellence. Supporting customers sustenance in consistently classifying ideal service provider and this lead in introducing a framework, SelCSP, which combines dependability and competence to assess risk of interaction. Dependability is computed from personal experiences added through straight connections or from comments linked to standings of sellers. Competence is measured based on limpidity in provider’s SLA sureties.
Video Based Steganography in Skin Tone[Full-Text ] Reshma R Pillai, Smitha Vas PSteganography is the method of concealing a file, message, image or video with in another file, message, image or video.Steganography is the study of invisible communication that deals with the way to hide the existence of the communicated message. It is achieved in such a way that, the message does not attract attention from eavesdroppers and attackers.The information can be hidden in different embedding mediums, known as carriers. The carriers can be images, audio files, video files, and text files. The carriers having messages is called stego.Biometric feature (Skin tone region) is taken to implement steganography. Biometrics is defined as the automatic recognition of individuals based on their behavioural and biological characteristics. The biometrics used here is skin tone. Instead of embedding secret data anywhere in image, it will be embedded within the skin tone of an image. The skin tones are taken from the face images.
Adaptive TTT Scheme to Optimize Handover in High Speed Environment[Full-Text ] Sumy Jose K, Agoma MartinIn high speed railway environment, to provide efficient communication handover plays an important role. Handover is the process of changing the connection of mobile terminal from one base station to other. In high speed railway environment, base stations are deployed along the tracks and due to this large cell overlapping area is created. This can cause frequent and unnecessary handover which can lead to connection loss. In order to reduce the handover issues in high speed environment, an optimized A3 algorithm is used in LTE. In the existing system, if the condition of A3 event has failed, then instead of resetting the handover, the signal quality of target cell is considered for further process. This results in unnecessary handovers in high speed environment. In this paper, another approach is used where the time to trigger value is adjusted when the serving cell is sufficient to maintain connection.
Remote interaction with devices through hardware and software extended Wake On LAN server to ensure their access and work[Full-Text ] Gencho Stoitsov, Zhelyan GuglevThe article describes hardware changes and software innovations applied to an original cheap and economical server platform, that is IEEE 802.3 compatible with HARVARD architecture and based on 8 bit microcontroller PIC18F67K22. Two controllable ports with relays have been added to the platform, designed specifically to remotely reboot or turn on hardware devices and to perform remote power control of photovoltaic plants by acting on their ControlBox specialized devices.
Experimental Studies For The Thermal Storage Tank Used In Elec-Tro-Solar Hybrid Station[Full-Text ] Mohamed R. Jassem, Dr. Jamal Y. Abass, Dr. Bassam A. BadranThe experimental and design work of the developed thermal storage tank is revealed by the geometric form of the designed thermal stor-age pattern, and presentation of design methodology of this pattern, through existence of thermal isolator of (mineral wool) on the long of nitrates salts pot, this stored energy is used for covering the different loads at decreasing of normal solar radiation intensity in electro-solar station during the day. In this research,we concentrated on the study of the experimental results of the Latent Heat Storage which uses a mixture of phase change materials( PCM:phase change material), the selected (PCM) in this research is a mixture of sodium nitrates salt and potassium nitrates salt (NaNO3: KNO3) in ratio (60:40%), where we tested this salty mixture using the special apparatus called (Differential Scanning Calorimetry ,DSC) for recognition the physical and chemical specifications of the salty mixture , it became clear that the melting temperature of this mixture is (228.521°C) and the latent heat of phase change from solid to liquid is(114.321 KJ/Kg),the results were identical for the temperature and latent heat according to many of the references in addition that the heat storage tank pattern possesses energy efficiency reaches to percentage (0.96) while the other types of thermal tanks working on ( PCM ) reach to energy efficiency(0.66-0.70),consequently, the heat storage tank has high latent energy suitable for the work of electro-solar stations during different period in a day.
Is There A Regional Airline Market Monopoly On Air Ticket Prices? - Inspecting the established notions, forces and factors driving ticket pricing behaviour[Full-Text ] Vaman BajnathCaribbean Community (Caricom) air operators, Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) and Leeward Islands Air Transport (LIAT) are accused of manipulating their ticket pricing policies during the non-appearance of North American competition. The Caricom citizenry claim the state airlines CAL and LIAT wield monopoly and market power and unjustifiably ratchet-up ticket prices. This action results in a damaging effect on businesses and consumers. Conversely, the state airlines demanded their prices are defensible, appropriate, practical and realistic as far as their costs are concerned in the current aviation climate. The findings advocate ticket prices are driven by uncontrollable external driving forces in conjunction with hard lined industry features and internal business coping mechanisms.
Experimental study of the Influence of the shock on composite material plates “Sandwich”[Full-Text ] Ali. Chaoufi, Ahmed. TafraouiMany works are already realized in the fast field of dynamics which is expressed in our case by the request of impact which always remains of news. Associated with the various difficulties of the request of shock the problems of study of composite materials in particular their homogenization or characterization comes to be added. In this objective our present investigation is interested under investigation of the influence of the impact on composite material plates. For an impaction with weight falling a used.