Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2016 .
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Evaluation of the precompetitive state anxiety of cyclists[Full-Text ] Bessam Khalid, Abouqal Redouane, Hassar Mohammed, Ahid SamirWe assessed the precompetitive state anxiety experienced by male cyclists during the 2013 Tour of Morocco, its fluctuation and the factors influencing it. It is a prospective study using two types of questionnaires CSAI-2 or EEAC with a collection of cyclists sociological and sport data. The race had 10 stages with a total of 1 610 km and a slope of 6 783 m. Sixty one male cyclists participated in the study; average age was 25.07 years. The number of hours of training per week was 22.0 h [19.50 to 24.00h]. Precompetitive state anxiety levels have decreased over the 10 stages of the race while confidence has increased. The slope had a negative effect on the level of anxiety. In multivariate analysis, the elites had a high level of cognitive anxiety and low self-confidence (p<0.001) as opposed to local cyclists who had a low level of cognitive anxiety (p<0.05). More trained cyclists had a high level of cognitive and somatic anxiety and a low self-confidence (p<0.001). Cyclists with a mental coach had a high level of cognitive and somatic anxiety (p<0.001) and (p=0.001) respectively. Cyclists attended by a medical staff during the tour had a high level of cognitive and somatic anxiety as well as a high self-confidence (p<0.001). In this competition, the cyclists’ adaptation to the environment and the slope had a role in the fluctuation of the precompetitive state anxiety levels. Coaching cyclists by a sports psychologists and a qualified medical staff is essential for best performance
Resting Heart Rate and Indices of Ventricular Repolarisation in Acute Coronary Syndrome - Sex-Based Differences[Full-Text ] Nia E. Semerdzhieva, MD, Prof. Stefan V. Denchev, PhDOur purpose was making a comparison of electrocardiographic indices between sexes and assessment of their sex specific prognostic significance in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The resting heart rate (HR), corrected QT interval (QTc), its minimal (QTcmin), maximal (QTcmax) values and dispersion (QTcd) were measured at admission in 121 patients (61 men, 50.4% and 60 women, 49.6%) with ACS. The same electrocardiographic markers were re-assessed in 82 (40 men and 42 women) patients following therapy. HR and QTc were evaluated using automatic records. QTcmin and QTcmax were measured manually. All patients had the levels of endogenous sex steroids – total 17β-estradiol (E2), total testosterone (T) and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA-S) quantified using electrochemiluminescent (ECLIA) method. The female patients’ heart rates at admission were higher (82.0 ± 25.5 vs 71.8 ± 15.4 bpm, p=0.011), significantly shorter minimal QTc intervals were detected in the male group (380.6 ± 31.6 vs 391.3 ± 40.7 ms, p=0.041). A significant negative correlation of HR with T among men at admission (r= - 0.209, r=0.027) and a positive association of E2 with QTcmax following therapy among women (r=0.544, p=0.009) were found. The higher values of HR (p=0.015; OR 0.995; 95% CI 0.958-1.033) and longer QTcmax (p=0.020; OR 1.000; 95% 0.989-1.011) in conditions of acute ischaemia were associated with increased risk for adverse events in the female group.
Evaluation of Coconut Oil Biodiesel Fuels as Sustainable Alternatives to Petro-Diesel in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Fasakin Adeyinka OlubunmiThis work considers a viable alternative to the unsustainable dependence of Nigeria on petroleum. Coconut oil, its methyl and ethyl esters as well as blends were evaluated for both regulated and unregulated biodiesel properties. Transesterification process catalysed by sodium methoxide was used in preparing the esters. The esters, obtained in high yield and the pure oil were evaluated for biodiesel properties such as fatty acids profile, higher heating value, viscosity, density, flash point, cetane number, sulphur content, ash content, moisture and acid value. Gas chromatography was used for fatty acids profile while the American Society for Testing and Materials standards methods for biodiesel were used in evaluating each of the parameters. The values obtained were compared with international standards, particularly the India Biodiesel Standards (IBS). Also evaluated for biodiesel properties were 1:1:1 w/w blend of coconut oil, methyl ester and ethyl ester. A blend of equal weight of the ethyl ester and petro-diesel was also prepared and its properties evaluated. The qualities of the fuels were discussed with respect to applicability in compression ignition engines and environmental benignity. Coconut oil and all the fuels prepared from it were found to possess valuable biodiesel properties. The high regression between density and viscosity (0.98), flash point and density (0.94), and flash point and viscosity (0.98) of the coconut biodiesel fuels were attributed to the influence of an unregulated property - fatty acids profile of the oil. It was concluded that manufacturing of biodiesel from coconut oil is a sustainable project that can create job and wealth in Nigeria and other countries in the West Africa sub-region.
Fuzzy Pattern Matching Algorithm for Location Based Approximate Strings[Full-Text ] Anu Sebastian, Joby GeorgeString matching is a classical problem in computer science. The problem of string matching has been studied extensively due to its wide range of applications from Internet searches to computational biology. Applications may require exact or approximate string matching. There are many approximate pattern matching algorithms proposed in the literature. They mainly focus on solving the k-mismatch problems and k-difference problems. K-mismatch problems find all occurrences of a short pattern in a long text string with at most k mismatches. But these mismatches can be anywhere in the pattern. But in some applications it is essential to find the fuzzy patterns varying only in some specific positions of the pattern. For example finding Transcription Factor Binding Site along the DNA is an application of such type of fuzzy pattern matching. The paper proposes an approximate pattern matching algorithm that allows only position based variation in the pattern. The algorithm can be used to determine the potential Transcription Factor Binding Sites along the DNA and for similar applications.
Synthesis of surfactants derived from 3-méthyl-1,2,4-triazole-5-thione and their inhibitive effect on carbon steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid medium[Full-Text ] B. AitHaddou, D. Chebabe, A. Dermaj, D. Moustafa, K.RHattass N. Hajjaji, S. Ibn Ahmed, A. SrhiriA series of new amphiphiles based on 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazole-5-thione have been synthesized and characterized by different spectral methods such as NMR and IR spectra. Their surface and self-aggregation properties in hydrochloric acid medium were evaluated. The critical micellar concentrations (CMC) decrease with increasing chain length. The synthesized compounds were tested as cor-rosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1M HCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization, impedance spectra and surface analysis. It has been observed that corrosion rate decreases, meaning an increase of efficiencies with increasing surfactants concentrations. Potentiodynamic polarization results revealed that the tested compounds act as mixed type inhibitors. The EIS measurements show that the inhibition effect is the results of formation an inhibitor film on the mild steel surface. This result was confirmed by the SEM techniques.
Design of a Plastic Extrusion System Controller[Full-Text ] Mbaocha Christian C., Amaeze Nosiri C., Eze Paulinus C.Most polymer processing industries nowadays employ plastic extrusion as a highly efficient and reliable method. In a plastic extrusion system, the output variables are the outflow from the die, the polymer pressure and temperature. Acceptable output variables cannot be achieved without an effective control of the process. The main controlling variable is the screw speed in relation with the pressure and the temperature. The screw requires a high degree of speed accuracy in order to ensure the best performance of the process. Unfortunately, in many industrial processes involving plastic extrusion, inadequate control of the screw speed, the pressure, and the temperature has resulted in a poor performance of the overall system. This research deals with the modeling and control of an overall plastic extrusion system. A suitable digital compensator or controller has been designed using the MATLAB software, to improve the screw speed and the pressure of single screw plastic extruder. The compensator D(z) ensures an optimum control of the plastic extrusion process with 5.11percent overshoot, 6.66 seconds settling time and a rise time of 1.96 seconds to a unit step input.
An Adaptive MCE-KISS Metric Learning Approach For Person Reidentification[Full-Text ] Sree Vrinda G M, Dr. P.JayaprakashRecently, person reidentification is getting an intensive attention in the field of Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVR). The main procedure of reidentification is to match an instance of a person captured from one camera to the instance captured from another camera. Reidentification is considered as a complex task for human tracking. Nowadays, KISS (Keep it Simple and Straightforward) metric learning algorithm and Minimum Classification Error-Based KISS (MCE-KISS) metric learning algorithm has been regarded as top level algorithm for reidentification. KISS metric learning estimated the covariance matrices by maximum likelihood (ML) estimation and the matrices are biased for large training samples. In MCE-KISS metric algorithm, it integrates MCE criterion and smoothing technique to improve the performance of KISS metric learning. Smoothing technique is done for enlarging estimated small eigenvalues while considering small training samples. Here we introduced maximum likelihood function for smoothing technique which will selects small eigenvalues in an adaptive way. Also we proposed a method for selecting appropriate features for reidentification using principal component analysis (PCA).
The use of Kohonen self-organizing maps to study meteorological parameters in Meknès city (Morocco)[Full-Text ] Mustapha BEN EL HOUARI, Omar ZEGAOUI, Abdelaziz ABDALLAOUIIn order to classify the meteorological parameters in Meknes city (Morocco), we have proposed in this study a linear analysis based on the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and unsupervised classification (clustering). This allowed to identify groups of similar objects from monthly weather parameters recorded between 1996 and 2013. These parameters are the air temperature (Tair), the atmospheric pressure (Pr), the humidity (H), the precipitation (P), the visibility (Vis), the wind speed (V), and the dew point (Tr). This study is based on the use of the Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM). The obtained results showed good correlations between meteorological parameters and the existence of three classes depending on the period of the study, and directly related to typical meteorological conditions in Meknes city.
INVESTIGATION OF THE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF WASTE COOKING OIL AS AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF FUEL FOR DIESEL ENGINE USING BREAK THERMAL EFFICIENCY AND VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY ON ENGINE SPEED[Full-Text ] Festus L. T, T. Onah , nebe K.OPerformance evaluation of used cooking oil as diesel fuel for testing the effect of brake thermal efficiency on brake power load on diesel engine were studied. It involved the fuel production and analysis phase as well as the engine performance and analysis phase. In the first phase, biodiesel was produced from used waste cooking oil. The used waste cooking oil was collected from big restaurants and transesterified by heating the oil with large excess anhydrous methanol using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst to speed up the reaction. The fuel properties such as kinematic viscosity, oxidation stability, carbon contents, cetane number, density, flash and cloud points and calorific value of the biodiesel were determined. The obtained values were compared with those of petroleum-based diesel and the ASTM recommendation values for biodiesel. The analysis enabled the chemical formula of the biodiesel to be given which helped to determine its stoichemetric combustion equation. In addition, emission/pollution problems associated with the production and consumption of biodiesel and the techno-economic analysis of biodiesel production from used waste cooking oil where also discussed. In the second phase, the biodiesel was introduced to one diesel engine test-bed in the mechanical Laboratory, Innoson Nigeria Limited Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria, where the engine performance criteria such as thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency and performance engine speed were analyzed. These performance criteria were also determined using petroleum-based diesel as feedstock and the result were compared, it was observed that: decrease in the brake power leads to decrease in brake thermal efficiency with increased loads whereas higher brake power leads to higher thermal efficiency with lower loads.
Expression of Entropy for <111> Tunneling model[Full-Text ] Mukesh UpadhyayWithin the framework of two parameter octahedral potential for a dipolar impurity in ionic crystals, it is possible for impurity to posses minimum energy orientational configuration in two crystallographic directions simultaneously. In the present paper we have investigated defect contribution to the entropy for <111> tunneling model.
Some Aspects of the Refusal to Open the Proceedings under the Civil Procedural Legislation of Ukraine[Full-Text ] Oksana HnativThe analysis of court practice in Ukraine shows the lack of a common approach to the use of the grounds for refusal to open proceedings. In addition, under the same conditions the civil procedural legislation of Ukraine envisages adoption of various decisions, not always specifying their procedural legal nature. The article aims to identify issues of grounds for refusal to open proceedings application depending on the type of trial in civil proceedings of Ukraine, and to develop the solutions for such issues. Despite the exhaustive list of grounds for refusal to open proceedings, in practice judges should also consider the provisions of substantive law.
Application of HADOOP Technologies on Text Processing[Full-Text ] Prof.T.Venkat Narayana Rao, S. Manminder Kaur, Shaik Sohail Ali, G. Jahnavi ReddyThe outbreak of massive data and the extent of databases used have become a considerable issue in present-day’s business organizations as it is facing rapid change in its rate of growth. The amount of data to be handled and interpreted demands modern approach as it has turned to be quicker than the power of computing. “BigData” is used to develop applications of data that are immense and complicated. This paper deals with “Hadoop” which turned up as a prominent tool for performing BigData functionalities. The architecture of Hadoop, its significant approaches i.e. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce and also the two programming languages, Pig and Hive which aids the MapReduce programming quickly within a short span are illustrated in this paper.
Energy Efficient Architecture for 4-TAP FIR Filter using Reversible Logic Gates[Full-Text ] Naveen K B, Divya K P, M N SreeRangarajuFIR filter remains existing via a concentrated calculation structure by constant representation. The handling of arithmetical indications contains design and implementation of entities called filters. They have true interval invariant systems. This filter design implementation is carried out by using a 65nm technology. They essential three components toward define the digital filter structure such as adders, multipliers, and delay elements. The FIR filter performs the weighted summation of input sequences, which are frequently used to implement different types of filters. Finite impulse response filter with huge filter bangs are vital to control with the high random sample rate. Reversible logic is very substantial popular low-power circuit design. Digital signal processing (DSP) is used to achieve filtering, decimation and down alteration in communal infrastructures systems, similar voguish oversampling analog to digital converters in wireless besides audial applications.Unique of the chief appearances of reversible circuits remains their smaller amount control consumption. By way of the capability improves the quantity of constituents besides in future the total of transistors filled on to the damage also rises. This leads growth in power consumption. Therefore compact power consumption claimed by the reversible logic awareness requires tolerable reputation popular the current scenario. Reversible logic must a widespread solicitation popular small power VLSI circuits.
Copy Move Image Forgery Detection Using SURF Feature Point Extraction[Full-Text ] Jaseela S, Mrs.Nishadha S. G.The talk about image forgery is very common in the digital image forensic area. But with advanced image editing tools exposure of tampered part from the original image is hard. Human cannot visually identify the fabricated region from the Image. So, it is imperative to advance a technique which can detect the forged image from the original one. Copy-move/paste image forgery is a frequent category of image forgery, in which the precise part of image is copied and pasted in the same image to hide some important or useful information.
Effective Security and Energy Aware Approach for Performance Augmentation of Underwater Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Pramod H B, Rajeev KumarUnderwater Acoustic Networks are in research from a long time since the inception and integration of defense based applications. With the increasing terrorism based threats, it is mandatory to secure the submarines and underwater resources of national security so that the opponent adversary cannot damage or violate the region. This research work is having key focus on the security and integrity which is main aspects in any network based environment or distributed processing. A number of algorithms are devised so far for the integration of security and integrity so that the overall performance of underwater network can be enhanced still there is colossal scope of research as the vulnerability analysis is one of the domain that it taken by the cracking community. In this research work, a novel and effective cryptography approach is devised and implemented taking care of network defense and overall performance of underwater wireless network. The proposed system can be integrated on any type of network environment ensuring the security and effectiveness of data transmission. In this research work, a hybrid cryptography approach is devised to enrich and congeal the security during data transmission for security of defense submarines and merchant navy ships. In the proposed approach, the overall performance and security of system is extremely effective and giving better results than classical approach.
Experimental Investigation of Thermal conductivity of natural Palm Tree Trunk’s Tissues and Fibers[Full-Text ] Ali M. Othman, Adnan I.O. Zaid, Omar BadranIt was repeatedly reported that the clay bricks industry faces both weak mechanical strength and poor quality which normally causes marketing problems where it is expected to serve the increasing demand of housing generally in the third world countries and particularly in Jordan especially after the political crises in the neighboring countries Iraq and Syria. It is therefore anticipated that improvement of the mechanical strength and thermal insulation characteristics utilizing the available waste material in addition to the quality of the produced clay brick industry is worth investigating. Thermal conductivity is an important parameter in material selection for design, manufacturing and application of engineering and industrial components either when used as insulator or conductor.
A Survey on VOC Monitoring and Detection Techniques[Full-Text ] Armaan Suhel Shaikh, V. B. GaikwadWireless Sensor Nodes have found wide acceptance in field of environmental monitoring in both industrial and residential settings. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which are a major source of indoor pollution and health disorders, are also monitored using WSNs. This paper provides an overview of current as well as traditional techniques for monitoring VOCs and an outline of current scenario of technology regarding this subject. Different approaches to accomplish the system have been viewed unbiasedly to help understand the core of the matter and help build a more flawless system. After a detailed introduction containing points from reports of various Environmental agencies, different measurement techniques along with their and drawbacks are explained which includes Canister, Sorbent tube, DNPH and Photoionization detection techniques for VOCs. Notable related works and researchs are then covered in terms of infrastructure and architectures, sens-ing mechanisms and energy consumption and philosophies to manage energy consumptions to prolong lifetimes of the WSN systems. The report is concluded with future research directions and exploring trends in the field.
3D Facial Expression Analysis - A Review[Full-Text ] Mrs. Sushama V. Telrandhe, Dr. Prema DaigavaneAutomatic facial expression recognition (FER) is a sub-area of face analysis research that is based heavily on methods of computer vision, machine learning, and image processing and plays an important role in human computer interaction, biometric security, social interaction, emotional intelligence and social intelligence. The 3D dynamic facial geometry contains ample information about human facial expressions.
Satellite Model for Yaw-Axis Determination and Control Using PID Compensator[Full-Text ] Mbaocha C. C, Eze C. U, Ezenugu I. A, Onwumere J. C.The attitude determination and control of satellites are some of the most important subsystems of a satellite since the accuracy of its mission depends on this subsystem. The control task of this subsystem demands an optimal controller capable of accurately rotating the satellite body into desired attitude. In this paper, a PID controller was designed as the compensator to step the yaw-axis angle of the satellite body through the accurate angular position of a DC motor with optimum response as permissible. A mathematical model for the whole satellite yaw angle control system has been derived. Again, the powerful computational tool of MATLAB was used to perfect the controller design and verify the result obtained. Thus, the design of control system for the yaw angle with the fastest settling time, 1.09seconds, 4.55% overshoot and final value of 1 were achieved.
Conversion Factor of Radioactivity Measurements Counts per Second (cps) into Dose Rates in Aqaba-Jordan Phosphogypsum disposal piles[Full-Text ] Jamal M. H. AbuqubuJordan occupies the fifth rank among the global producers of phosphate, where more than 8 million metric tons from Al Hasa, Al Abiad and the Esh shidiya areas are exported per annum. The alteration products of fertilizer industry from phosphate rocks produce Phosphogypsum, where it is containing rare earth elements (REE) that may contribute natural radionuclides in Aqaba area, where accumulated piles near the Red Sea shorelines. The volume of phosphogypsum piles evaluated as more than 100 million metric tons. The gamma ray spectrometry was used to measure the average activity concentrations of radioactive materials, the recorded measurements in the field of the study area were ranged between 300 and 550 counts per second (cps). This study is recommended in order to clear the effect of the assumed radioactive materials in the constituent of phosphogypsum in Aqaba and then to suggest a suitable solutions.
Causes and Consequences of Child Marriage: A Perspective[Full-Text ] Santosh K. MahatoThe incidence of child marriage is not only in Nepal but also in the world. It is mostly in South Asia, Africa, and Latin America. High incidence rate of child marriage in Nepal among South Asian countries is the key alarm in terms of child protection. However, child marriage occurs in poor, economically deprived and dalit communities of terai. There were major three forces those drive child marriages i.e. poverty, the need to reinforce social ties and the belief that it offers protection. It directly affected the girls’ health and education. Most of the girls’ drop out from school even not completing their primary or basic education. Worsen health of girls due to maximum workload at home i.e. engaged in cooking, grass cutting. Girls’ became pregnant early in spite of maturity and led to maternal and child mortality rate. Girls’ faced domestic violence from mother in law at home. Most of them suffer from sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, these are the central concern of this paper. Therefore, this paper studies the causes and consequences of the child marriage. Furthermore, this paper will bring the possible solution for the reduction or elimination of child marriage especially in terai region of Nepal.
DETERMINATION OF PHYSIOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF WELL WATER IN OZORO, ISOKO NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF DELTA STATE[Full-Text ] B. T. Sawere, O. C. OghenokowhoyanWater has always been a subject of great interest to man since it is essential for human survival. The rural people have less access to good quality water and rely on the available ground water sources and also use local purification methods to get clean drinking water in order to prevent health problems (waziri et al., 2012). The quality of drinking water is a powerful determination of health. Assurance of drinking water safety is a foundation for the prevention and control of water borne diseases (Onojah et al., 2013).
FLOOD MITIGATION STUDY IN ADAYAR RIVER USING MIKE-FLOOD[Full-Text ] Vidyapriya.V and Ramalingam. MThe present paper aims to model the hydrodynamic transport of flood runoff located in Adayar river in Chennai, Tamil Nadu from the Nandambakkam bridge up to the sea mouth of Adayar river through 1D – 2D coupled MIKE FLOOD hydrodynamic models. Secondly, the study aims at finding the specific reason for the occurrence of floods and the promising measure such as to study the impact of bed geometry of Adayar river to be taken for different scenarios and concluded in suggesting site specific preventive measures for the annual floods so that there are no severe flood events occurs in the coming future. The study compares the result obtained from the model with the help of observed flood level taken during 2005 flood event. According to the results from the model, the model was found satisfactory after validated.
Serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone is available test to predict ovarian follicular Status In Infertile Women[Full-Text ] Azza Bensalem, Leila A Keskes, Tarek RebaiIn the ovary, Anti-Mulllerian hormone (AMH) is produced by the granulosa cells of early developing follicles. The aim of our study was to assess the value of the AMH as a test to predict ovarian damage in groups of infertile women. Ninety seven infertile women were divided into four groups: (G1=29) with regular menstrual cycle, (G2=30) with prolonged or irregular cycles, (G3=21) with secondary amenorrhea and (G4=17) with polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. A control group of fertile women was included in the study. AMH levels were higher in fertile women than in G1, G2 and G3, but in PCOS women (G4) AMH was higher than in fertile group, reflecting the increased number of small antral follicles in these categories of patients. FSH levels in infertile group were higher in G3 than in G2 and G1 (p=0.002); in fertile women, FSH was (9.2±3.0 UI/ml). There was negative correlation between AMH and age (r=-0.40; p=0.00) and between AMH and FSH, in infertile group. A positive correlation was also found between AMH levels and antral follicle count (AFC) (r=0.6; p=0.00).Our findings suggest that the measurement of AMH seems to be an ideal test for ovarian status which can be assessed in different group of infertile women.
Generalized Pseudoanalytic Functions with Partial differential Equations[Full-Text ] Mohammed Ahamed Osman TomWe investigate the pseudo-analytic functions of the first kind and the second kind . Some relationship of pseudoanalytic functions with differentiation and integration also considered. The objective of present paper is how to the (F,G)-pseudo-annlytic functions of the first (second) kind are reduced pseudo analytic function of I by using general linear homogeneous partial differential equation (with real coefficients).
The Hadith of Rajab Fasting in a Simultanneous Research[Full-Text ] Dr.DamanhuriThe researched Hadith of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. about Rajab fasting was a narrated hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas booked by Muslim. In hadith above, there were some narrators/rawi such as Abu Bakr Ibn Aby Shaybah, Abd Allah Ibn Numair, Uthman Ibn Hakim al Ansari, Sa’id Ibn Jubayr and Abd Allah Ibn ‘Abbas.
REVIEW: AUTHENTICATION IN CLOUD COMPUTING[Full-Text ] Kapila Purohit, Mr. Anurag Rana Cloud computing is becoming popular. This is defined as a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle. It is a general term for the delivery of hosted services over the internet. Cloud offers various services that not only stored but can also be shared among multiple users. However, the security of cloud computing is always center of attention of various potential cloud customers, and big obstacle for its widespread applications.
VERIFICATION OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION OF TIRUPATI TOWN AT LEELA MAHAL CIRCLE[Full-Text ] Chammireddy Anil Kumar Reddy , J. Karthikeyan, V. Sampath Kumar Reddy, M. Sri MuraliCurrent increases in population growth have resulted in an increased transportation demand worldwide. Due to increasing motorization and Transport network, the noise level has exceeded the prescribed limits in numerous Indian cities. Migration of people from rural to urban areas, development of urban areas, infrastructure development, population growth and urbanization are important component resulting in motorization and consequent increase in levels of various urban noise pollution. With the advancement of industrialization at an unprecedented pace, the urban centers of today’s world have experiencing heavy noise pollution which has become a part of our day-to-day lives.
Paraplegia due to chloroma as the initial presenting feature of acute myeloid leukemia[Full-Text ] Zahra K, Bouneb Rania, Fathallah Neila, Zaghouani Houneida, Zaier M, Ben Youssef Y, Khelif AGranulocytic sarcoma (or chloroma) consists of neoplastic granulocytic precursors and myeloblasts. Paraplegia due to a spinal cord epidural chloroma is an extremely rare presentation of undiagnosed leukemia. Here, we report a case of 21-year-old-man who presented with acute paraplegia and urine retention due to thoracic epidural mass. The tumor was totally removed by surgery. The histopathological examination was consistent with granulocytic sarcoma. The bone marrow aspirate confirmed the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). After a subsequent systemic chemotherapy, the patient was completely asymptomatic. Granulocytic sarcoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of an epidural mass in patients with or without acute leukemia, because early diagnosis followed by appropriate combined chemotherapy and radiation may obviate surgical intervention.
Study of Classification Technique in Pattern Recognition[Full-Text ] Prof. Sapankumar B Singh, Dr.VilasNandwadekarIn this paper, we audit some example acknowledgment plans distributed lately. In the wake of giving the general preparing ventures of example acknowledgment, we talk about a few techniques utilized for ventures of example acknowledgment, for example, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in highlight extraction, Support Vector Machines (SVM) in arrangement, et cetera. Various types of benefits are displayed and their applications on example precognition are given. The goal of this paper is to compress and think about a portion of the techniques for example acknowledgment, and future examination issues which should be determined and explored further are given alongside the new patterns and thoughts.
Change Detection in course of River Ganga near Kanpur using Remote Sensing & GIS techniques[Full-Text ] Mahendra Kumar Nigam, Sunil Kumar Katiyar, Sushil Kumar MittalThe River Ganga, lifeline of India has been a source for irrigation, navigation, drinking water, power generation, etc. In the developing countries like India the increasing population and rapid urbanization have posed various types of problems and environmental issues like soil erosion, sedimentation, water pollution etc. In the wake of changed land use pattern and increased demographic pressure, the river has been subjected to a several sequential phenomena such as bed forms, turbidity, bank erosion, aggradations and scouring, shifting of its course, formation of meandering channels and so on. The Kanpur stretch of river is a glaring testimony of such phenomena. In the present paper we have analysed the shifting of river Ganga using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. For the change detection, we have used Landsat satellite images of 12 different years starting from 1973 to 2015. Multi-temporal maps are generated for 12 different years and shifting of river course is calculated using these satellite images. Finally shifting in course of river Ganga near Kanpur city for 12 years are given in meters.
Capital investment strategies for target revenue generation under performance based contracting for aviation assets: Use of evolutionary algorithms[Full-Text ] G Srikantha SharmaAviation capital assets are characterised by huge Capital, long pay-off period, deep technology and maintenance intensive over their life cycle. Decision making on Capital investment on these assets hence involve not just the one time acquisition cost but also the maintenance infrastructure that needs to be established to maintain the levels of availability. Performance based contracting (PBL) is fast becoming the preferred mode of contracting for maintenance of these assets. The revenue structure in PBL is a stepped incentivisation and penalty system. The availability of the asset is a stepped function on the investment in maintenance infrastructure. Investment appraisal on design and maintenance infrastructure for targeted revenue generation involves a multi objective optimisation which cannot be analysed using traditional approaches. Calculus based approach fail when the functions are discontinuous and non linear. Models developed on the Evolutionary algorithm approach serve to address multi-objective optimisation with discontinuous variables by following heuristic processes. This approach, thus far used in chemical formulation developing and similar laboratory applications forms a potent tool for capital investment appraisal with discontinuous functions. This paper analyses the Evolutionary algorithm approach and illustrates the same with a case study on Helicopter maintenance decision making in Performance contracting regime.
Investment appraisal for reparable assets using Performance costing approach: A case study on reliability investment on Helicopter systems[Full-Text ] G Srikantha SharmaTraditionally, in competitive markets, bids for procurement of capital equipment are evaluated based on least acquisition cost. Sellers strategies to minimize the initial acquisition cost of their product while building in profits through upgrade offers, spares and maintenance services. For long life cycle assets requiring recurrent maintenance interventions, cost of ownership gets skewed by adopting least acquisition cost philosophy. In order to overcome this, organizations are adopting Life Cycle Costing (LCC) approach for high value procurement of repairable assets.
ENHANCED BUG TRAIGING WITH DATA TRUNCATION[Full-Text ] KRISHNAVENI V.L,KARTHIK.MSoftware bugs being an inevitable substance ,which is growing up daily as a distractor for the software field. Assigning an efficient and well experienced developer for the bugs are a hazardous task. Bug traiging is a processing that is defined in a manner that to properly select a developer who can handle and fix the bug in an effective manner. Historical dataset plays a major role as a supporter in tariging process, that is we could use it as a reference when a new bug arrives. As per the traditional mannerism, the human traiger does the work of assigning the developer,but it overpowered with automatic startegy. Automatic bug traiging with truncated data source could pave the way much more easier and thus could select the accurate developer for the processing.The Instance and Feature Selection combination help in the case of reduction data.Large amount of data can be truncated throughout.Finally the classifier is demanded for the classification.The most efficient binary classifier(Naive Baye's),moved on to Multi Classifier(Random Forest)is used for classification.Finally it will lead to the assignment of most accurate developer for the present software bug.
The Roles and Challenges of the Private Sector Involvement in Solid Waste Management within Sekondi -Takoradi Metropolis - Ghana[Full-Text ] John BentilThe Private Waste Services providers were contracted to assist the Municipal, Metropolitan and District Assemblies in Ghana to effectively and efficiently manage the huge volumes of waste generate and to educate/sensitize the citizenry on proper waste management practices. This study upon assessing roles and challenges of the private sector involvement in municipal waste management found out that combination of factors (lack of personnel, logistics, poor attitude of the people, lack of enforcement of sanitation bye-laws) from the actors involved to ensure effective and efficient execution of their mandates has led to the unsustainable and appalling state of waste management within the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis.
Utilisation of Plastic Waste Bags as Concrete Additives[Full-Text ] John Bentil, John Jackson NsiahThe study is an exploratory research work aimed to find out the possibility of plastic waste bags as additive to improve the performance of concrete mix in the construction industry. Fifteen (15) concrete cubes measuring 150 mm * 150 mm * 150 mm were made from concrete mix prepared by adding 0.00 %, 0.20 %, 0.40 %, 0.60 % and 0.80 % plastic waste bags. The workability of the mix was evaluated using the slump test. The water absorption rate was observed by curing for the 28 day period while the compressive strength was determined by the crushing test. It was observed that the compressive strength gradually decreases with increasing percentage of plastic waste. The workability of the concrete decreases with increasing percentage of plastic waste. The water absorption rate of the concrete decreases with increasing percentage of plastic waste. Although the compressive strength was lower than the recommended value (32.5N/mm2), it could be used for a variety of applications including concrete paving blocks and pre-cast concrete wall elements.
Wireless cycle power-meter system with load cell[Full-Text ] Stefanov L.G.This article describeswireless power-meter system detectingthe force on the cycle pedals.The system consists of two specialized pedals for the left and the right foot, build from identical mechanical and electronic parts. We used commercial type MTB pedals with mounted therein load cell model MLC929B-75KG.The electronic part is composed of instrumentation amplifier for each pedal, one microprocessor Arduino Pro Mini, one XBee communication module, respectively for the left and right pedal, a module that reads the rotation of the pedals - also built with XBee communication. All signals are integrated through a receiving XBee module connected to a microprocessor that transmits the received data to a PC. The software - PLXDAQ-Recorder enters data directly into an EXCEL spreadsheet, where you can make various statistical and graphical analyzes. Signals from each pedal are transmitted to the receiving unit every 100 ms. The speed with which the pedals are rotating per minute (RPM) is also being directly entered in the spreadsheet. The system was evaluated at a pressure on each pedal from 0 to 60 kg. Every kilogram meets certain "arbitrary units" that are from 0 to 1024. The relation between the pressure power and the "arbitrary units" is described by a function which is a polynomial of the third degree.
A Secure Binary Image Data Hiding and Comparison Technique[Full-Text ] Honey Mol M, Prof. Reji P.IBinary images are increasingly common in everyday life, such as signatures, drawings, and scanned documents. Hiding data in binary images can facilitate authentication, annotation, and tracking of many important documents. However, hiding data in binary images is much more difficult than hiding data in color images because black and white are the only two colors and drastically different to our eyes. One method of hiding data in binary images is to identify flippable pixels first and then manipulate them in a certain way to hide a message. After identifying the flippability of pixels, we want to manipulate them in a certain way to hide data in binary images. Here, extract the complement, rotation and mirroring-invariant local texture patterns (crmiLTPs) from the binary image, the weighted sum of crmiLTP changes when flipping one pixel is then used to measure the flipping distortion corresponding to that pixel. Based on the proposed measurement, a practical data hiding scheme is developed.
A Total Model for Deployig Hybrid Cloud Computing Paradigm for B2C E-Commerce in SMEs[Full-Text ] Dr.Khader Musbah TitiOver the last years, technology developments have permanently changed the way how businesses are working. Organizations are forced to become visible online and stay connected to take advantages of costs reduction and improved utilization of existing resources.
Properties of Concrete Mix with Crushed Pavement Blocks as Coarse Aggregate[Full-Text ] Wadhah M. Tawfeeq, Othman AlShareedah, Taimoor HossainWith continuing rise in urbanization, the problem of accumulation and management of construction and demolition waste becomes a significant problem. Construction and demolition waste can be recycled and used as raw material for new applications. The main aim of this study is to investigate the possible use of crushed pavement blocks as coarse aggregate for the production of new concrete. In this study, concrete specimens are prepared by 100% natural coarse aggregate; which will then be replaced by crushed pavement blocks at various percentages (50 and 100%). The mechanical and physical properties of crushed pavement block aggregates such as specific gravity, clay percent, grading, water content and water absorption were tested. Experimental results indicated that absorption of coarse crushed pavement blocks aggregate were about 221% higher than that of natural aggregate. The compressive strength of 28 days by using crushed pavement blocks aggregate showed an increment of nearly 8% when it fully replaced the natural aggregate in concrete mixes.