Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015.
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Subsidence Phenomena of the Coastal Structures into Offshore Sandy Seabed: A Review[Full-Text ] A.B.M. Khan-MozahedyCoastal structures especially dikes and breakwaters may have balance on offshore sandy seabed. Foremost causes of lowering crest are consolidation of the foundation layers, wave-induced scouring and liquefaction. Many studies have been conducted to figure out the sinking phenomena of the coastal structures over the past decades. This article has reviewed the findings of observational, physical and real case studies to present comprehensive overview of the gradual sinking phenomena of maritime structures into sandy seabed. This study also reveals which sinking phenomena might have higher influence at what circumstances of marine hydrodynamics. Both consolidation and scour are quantifiable and may be incorporated during design of the crest level, while places susceptible to liquefaction are not suitable as construction site without ground improvement.
Utilization Elementary Siphons of Petri Net to Solved Deadloaks in Flexible Manufacturing Systems[Full-Text ] Mowafak Hassan Abdul-HussinThis article presents an approach to the constructing a class structural analysis of Petri nets, where elementary siphons are mainly used in the development of a deadlock control policy of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs), that has been exploited successfully for the design of supervisors of some supervisory control problems. Deadlock-free operation of FMSs is significant objectives of siphons in the Petri net. The structure analysis of Petri net models has efficiency in control of FMSs, however different policy can be implemented for the deadlock prevention. Petri nets models based deadlock prevention for FMS's has gained considerable interest in the development of control theory and methods for design, controlling, operation, and performance evaluation depending of the special class of Petri nets called S3PR. Both structural analysis and reachability tree analysis is used for the purposes analysis, simulation and control of Petri nets. In our experimental approach based to siphon is able to resolve the problem of deadlock occurred to Petri nets that are illustrated with an FMS.
Singularities in five dimensional Vaidya space time with exponential mass function[Full-Text ] RupaliTalole, Pradeep MuktibodhThis paper deals with nature of singularities for imploding radiations in Five dimensional Vaidya space times. We will examine the nature of singularities with exponential mass function. We observe strong curvature naked singularity is the outcome.
FINGERPRINT BASED ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] L.S. Ezema, C.K.A. Joe-Uzuegbu, J. N. Eneh and I. AmanzeIn many institutions and organizations, student and staff attendance is taken seriously as most management frown at absenteeism and sanction the individuals involved. Traditionally, the method of attendance taking used to be done manually using a physical register booklet. This method is prone to manipulation and impersonation. The attendance register could get damaged, stolen or lost. Therefore, several electronic techniques were developed to counter some notable flaws typical with the traditional method. These include clocking machine, RFID, biometrics, etc. While the clocking machine and RFID methods could not solve the problem of impersonation properly, some people fear the health effects of the use of biometrics like iris and facial scanner. Fingerprint scanning has been by far the more acceptable biometric system with the ability to eliminate all the trouble spots reported so far although computer support is always required. Therefore, this paper presents a fingerprint attendance system designed to also operate as a standalone and handheld system without the use of a computer, unlike other fingerprint attendance systems.
Cloud Computing Implementation in SME’S in Pakistan – An Empirical Study[Full-Text ] Aasma Akram, Abdul Hyee, Imtiaz AhmedNowadays, Cloud Computing is becoming the major source of inspiration for the global world which is a system based on the Internet to facilitate low budget small and medium enterprises and associations across the world to get them benefits from the real fun of information technology. In cloud computing infrastructure, web is the primary source which is being used as a software service to merge different high peak technologies. The high impact of cloud computing is being recognized by Small and Medium scale Enterprises very rapidly. The Cloud Computing concept actually incorporates Software as a Service (SaaS), Web 2.0, Web infrastructure and some known emerging technologies, and is gradually being attracted by the industry and the researchers’ community. In our paper, we described the experience and the lessons that we have learnt from the SME’s environment in Pakistan, in construction of a Cloud Computing platform. Essentially, we have given the output of the results attained by a web based survey, which was carried out on www.kwicsurvey.com, for the feedback regarding the Cloud Computing implementation problems in Small and Medium scale Enterprises across the country. Speciï¬cally, we have discussed some practical issues for system implementation. Our paper is presenting an attempt to implement a domain specific Cloud Computing Service as a platform in Small and Medium scale Enterprises in Pakistan, with large scale web based implementation of the said technology. We hope that researchers across the globe will be get beneï¬tted from the Cloud Computing implementation in SME’s when it is read.
High Impedance Fault Detection on Rural Electrical Distribution System[Full-Text ] Shalini S. GhorpadeHigh impedance is difficult to identify through conventional protection such as distance or over current relays. Fault location plays very important role in power system engineering in order to clear fault quickly and restore power supply with minimum interruption. The major faults in distribution lines are line to ground fault, line to line fault and three phase faults. In this paper a 100 km, 11KV, 50 Hz power distribution line model is developed using MATLAB to obtain fault voltage and current waveforms. The fault conditions are simulated using MATLAB-SIMULINK and fault detection is implemented with Daubechies wavelets. During the occurrence of faults, the grid current and voltages undergoes transients. Discrete wavelet transform has been applied as a noble technique for non-stationary signal analysis. These transients can be analyzed using discrete wavelet transform and the fault can be classified. The result shows that the algorithm is capable of performing the fault locations with accuracy.
Automation Assisted Car Parking System[Full-Text ] Mahalakshmi T, Shivashankara B.S.Car parking is becoming very difficult due to increase in number of cars at very rapid pace while the availability of parking space is limited. Certain amount of time is spent by people on searching for parking space & thus traffic slows down resulting in congestion. The parking space availability information is not available for the people who are looking for the space to park their vehicle. As a solution to this problem, the present work made an effort to develop an automation assisted car parking system with the capabilities like finding the empty space along the path, detecting the obstacle & avoiding collision and parking itself into the parking space effectively. This system enhances the comfort & safety of driving in constrained environment. The proposed system makes use of ATmega32 microcontroller which acts as brain of this project for monitoring and controlling various hardware components. Hardware components such as infra Red (IR) proximity sensor, magnet door sensor & MAX sonar sensor are utilized as controlling elements of this automation assisted car parking system.
Efficiency Comparison Of Different Extreme Pathways By Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Gourav Mukherjee, Aditya Dwarkani, Mrs. Satarupa BagchiExtreme Pathway analysis method includes determination of extreme pathways consider all the necessary reaction steps of a network that must be used to complete the synthesis process.Extreme pathways can be characterized by their lengths . As an example of this application ,RBC metabolism and its metabolic physiology have been interpreted as an application of extreme pathway.Genetic Algorithm are adaptive heuristic search algorithm based on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetics. It is an optimization method for searching optimums(global maximums or minimums).Through genetic algorithm it is possible to detect the global optimum of the extreme pathways which we have implemented.
Finite Element Comparative Analysis of the Crushing Behaviour of Square Steel Tubes[Full-Text ] Isaac C.W Oluwole OThe dynamic axial crushing of a thin-walled hot-rolled carbon steel square tubes are performed and their results were compared with published numerical and experimental data of a thin-walled high-strength steel. The goal is to determine and compare the mean crushing force, collapsed mode, energy absorption and crush force efficiency of the tube with respect to their different length sizes and impacting velocities using the commercial finite element Abaqus/Explicit package. The parameters used in this study are the peak crushing force, energy absorption, crush force efficiency (CFE) and specific energy absorption (SEA). The mild steel tube showed an increase in energy absorption with increased velocity of the striking plate. The overall crushing behavior of our models also showed a good correlation with experimental results.
GPS Satellite Signal Strength Model for Ionospheric Total Electron Content in Sarawak, Malaysia[Full-Text ] Voon Pai Bong, Wan Azlan Wan Zainnal Abidin, Mardina Abdullah, Kismet Hong Ping, Thelaha Masri, Shapiee Abdul Rah-man, Siti Aminah Bahari, Ibrahim AbbaSatellite signals for communication and navigation experience impairment effects due to ionosphere especially in the equatorial region. The causes and significance of ionosphere disturbances are a kind of research that is of great interest in this area. Space-based radio communication systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) is providing a unique chance to explore the impact of the ionosphere as the signals propagate from the satellites to the GPS receivers. Sarawak which is located near to the equatorial region has been selected for the aim of this research. By utilizing the Total Electron Content (TEC), data recorded by the GPS Ionospheric Scintillation & TEC Monitor (GISTM), the ionospheric effect was examined and related to the signal strength performance. The recorded TEC were tested by comparing to TEC obtained from CODE Global Ionosphere Maps (GIMs) in time series. The results have shown a high consistency of TEC in the time domain with their corresponding minimum and maximum values of TEC that occurred at the same time. The preliminary developed SNR empirical model using regression curve fitting approach is a function of slant TEC from the satellites to the reference station path. This model will be used to forecast the satellite signal strength performance with an input parameter of slant TEC.
Etching Effect on Sensing Behavior of CuO:NiO/PS Hydrogen Gas Sensor[Full-Text ] Isam M. Ibrahim, Yahya R. Hathal, Fuad T. Ibrahim and Mudhafar H. ALIIn this paper, thin films of copper oxide nanoparticles mixed with 2% wt of nickel oxide are deposited on glass and porous silicon (PS) substrates with orientation (111) etched at 30 minutes. The current density was varied from (10 to 50) mA/cm2 with a step of 10 utilizing pulsed laser deposition technique for the manufacture of hydrogen gas sensor. The films are annealed in air at 400 °C for two hours. The PL result of PS shows that the peak position is shifted to the higher wavelength region due to increase etching current. On the other hand, the atomic force microscopy shows an increase in average diameter with increasing etching current (10-30) mA then decrease. Moreover, the FTIR spectra of porous silicon exhibit that the pore surface includes a high density of dangling bonds of Si for original impurities such as hydrogen and fluorine, which are residuals from the electrolyte. Finally the sensitivity of the hydrogen gas sensor are increased with increasing operating temperature.
To develop Prototype for Experimental Computed Tomography[Full-Text ] Gayatri Surti, Nishant PatilThe development of measurement geometry for Experimental computed tomography scanner is used for cross-sectional imaging of an object from transmission data collected by illuminating the object from many different directions. The aim of this research is the development a first generation Experimental CT scanner to institute laboratory for learning which perform highly efficient to understand the actual CT working. It also plays vital role to get the knowledge of data acquisition & image reconstruction techniques.
Design & Performance Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Plant-D at Tirumala[Full-Text ] G.Chandrakanth, S.Teja reddy, P.Jaswanth, G.KiranmaiThe increasing of population in pilgrimage area Tirumala near Tirupati in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, observed as a result of the development of the modern societies is accompanied by concerns in the water sector, as a result of the increasing requirements for water supply and wastewater treatment. This situation justifies the evaluation of the system performance that covers protection of water resources &management. Poorly treated wastewater with high levels of pollutants caused by poor design, operation or maintenance of treatment systems creates major environmental problems, when such wastewater is discharged to surface water or on land. Considering the above stated implications an attempt has been to evaluate the performance of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) near balaji nagar area at Tirumala (Plant-D) capacity of 3 MLD, were collected from each units (Screening & Grit chamber, Aeration tanks, Secondary Clarifier, Storage Tank) at a peak hour.
Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics of Bispyribac-Sodium Pesticide in Eight Soils in South of Iraq[Full-Text ] Layla Balasem Almalike, Anis Al-Najar, Zaki N. KadhimKinetic batch experiments were used to study the adsorption-desorption behavior of bispyribac-sodium (Herbicide, pyrimidinyl oxybenzoic acid) in soils from different locations in south of Iraq, Nasiriya, Amara, and mostly Basrah soils to study their physico-chemical properties which are regarded as responsible for adsorption-desorption properties, such as moisture content, loss on ignition, pH, organic matter contents, particle size distribution, analysis and exchangeable cations and anions. The kinetic study of adsorption processes were performed with four different initial concentrations of each pesticide, 3, 5, 10, and 15 µg ml-1 ( ratio1:10 ). The kinetic experiments were carried out after equilibration for 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 24, 48, and 72 hours for each pesticide. Desorption was evaluated using the samples in the tubes after the adsorption tests.
CONSTRUCTIVIST INSTRUCTION IN SCIENCE EDUCATION[Full-Text ] KIBIWOT K. MUREI, DICKSON KIMELI RUTTOKnowledge is not passively received either through the senses or by way of communication, but it is actively built by cognising subject (Ernst Von Glasersfeld). Hickey et al (2001), explains that the trend in educational reforms is to teach from a constructivist perspective. Thus teachers should focus more on this approach during instruction. Martin et al (1997), observes that rather than putting fully formed knowledge into the learners’ minds, teachers should guide them in constructing knowledge through scientifically valid approaches. As such in all systems of education, science teaching and learning should involve constructivism. Basing on these ob-servations this article is aimed at exploring detailed information about constructivist instruction; its approach-es, processes, methods and the roles it plays in science instruction & science education in general.
EFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS AND SOURCES OF FISH MEAL ON THE PERFORMANCE OF BROILER CHICKS[Full-Text ] S. Raza, H.Mubeen , M.W.Shoaib T.N.Pasha and A.S.HashmiThe present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of different levels and sources of fish meal. 180 day old chicks were randomly divided into 18 experimental groups of 10 chicks each. The chicks of two commercially available fish meals with three levels of Gwadar and Sindh meals were compared in this study. Results revealed significant differences between the two sources and non-significant difference among the various levels of fish meals for weight gain which showed that Gwadar fish meal was better as compared to Sindh fish meal and apparently 8% level was better than 11 and 14% levels of fish meals. Feed consumption of chicks fed on ration containing two sources of fish meal was non-significant. On the other hand there was significant differences in feed consumption of chicks fed on ration containing various levels of fish meals. Apparently better feed consumption was observed in Gwadar fish meal as compared to Sindh fish meal. Statistically non-significant difference was noticed in the feed efficiency value for both different sources and various levels of fish meals. Apparently Gwadar fish meal had better feed efficiency than Sindh fish meal while in case of levels 8% had better feed efficiency as compared to 14 and 11% respectively.
SUNSPOTS EFFECT ON COSMIC RAYS[Full-Text ] Akande P. I, UMAHI, A. E, Edebeatu Chinedu C, Akpan E. EThe data used in this work is gotten Mexico observation centers and Spider observations for cosmic ray and sunspots respectively. These data is for the period of three months (January to March 2011). Using the data of sunspot counts with cosmic ray counts, graphs were plotted. The result shows that sunspots formation decreases when cosmic rays production increases. Hence sunspots have effect on cosmic rays production. It further revealed that both sunspot and cosmic rays do not correspond.
Crystallographic Independent Parametric In-stability Of Laser Beams In Material With Strain Dependent Constant By Doping Rh+4 in BaTiO3 Matrix[Full-Text ] Shivani saxena, Sanjay Dixit, Sanjay SrivastavaIn this present article, the parametric excitation of acoustic wave along the crystallographic direction in strain dependent dielectric constant of doped BaTiO3 matrix was analyzed by the hydrodynamic model of plasma. The coupled mode theory was used to calculate the threshold electric field and growth of acoustic wave along the certain direction of the crystallographic plane of the material. These analyses are investigated in electron- phonon collision dominated regime of the material. BaTiO3 itself show high dielectric constant due to temperature dependent crystallographic phase transformation. By introducing the dopant in the crystallographic plane, the resultant structure of BaTiO3 shows slightly modification in dielectric constant as well as stiffness of the material, which is responsible for changing the acoustic velocity in the different crystallographic plane. With the help numerical calculation, the anomalous growth can be obtained in high dielectric constant along the different crystallographic plane. But their results show no changing of parametric instability of laser beam along the crystallographic plane because of the retention of centrosymmetric structure in doped BaTiO3.
Recent advances in visualization, volumetric analysis and 3D reconstruction in musculoskeletal imaging using the OsiriX open source DICOM software[Full-Text ] Dr. Fausto Salaffi, Sonia Farah, Dr. Marina Carotti, Ing. Sandro FiorettiFor decades, diagnostic imaging in rheumatology has used conventional radiography. The development of imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and image processing methods provide rheumatologists with powerful tools that may hopefully lead to reliable diagnosis, quantitative evaluation and intuitive visualization. The standard open-source functional Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine (DICOM) software, provides the tools for interactive reconstruction of 3D images and multiplanar reformatting of data from any imaging modality. OsiriX is a free and open-source DICOM software that allows anyone to reconstruct and manipulate 3D images. It is highly practical from the perspective of user-friendliness, and its high performance processing power allows rheumatologist to easily generate a variety of images in real time and select the most adequate view of the specific anatomical structures that are of interest. The present article aims to discuss the key issues related to diagnostic imaging in patients with inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue diseases (CTDs) or systemic vasculitis, and to increase the awareness of rheumatologists about this field.
Newton Raphson Method[Full-Text ] Saba Akram, Qurrat ul AnnThe paper is about Newton Raphson Method which is all-inclusive to solve the non-square and non-linear problems. The study also aims to comparing the rate of performance, rate of convergence of Bisection method, root findings of the Newton meted and Secant method. It also represents a new approach of calculation using nonlinear equation and this will be similar to Newton Raphson simple method and inverse Jacobian matrix will be used for the iteration process and this will be further used for distributed power load flow calculation and will also be helpful in some of the applications. The paper also discusses the difference between the use of built in derivative function and self-derivative function in solving non-linear equation in scientific calculator. The derivation Newton Raphson formula, algorithm, use and drawbacks of Newton Raphson Method have also been discussed.
A Survey of Image Denoising Methods[Full-Text ] Anjali Bhusagare, Sonali RangdaleA survey of different image denoising methods is performed. The different noise removal methods can be used based upon the nature of the noise that the images contain. Hybrid Graph Laplacian Regularized Regression method of noise removal gives the best result when the type of noise is Salt and Pepper and Gaussion noise.
Energy Efficiency In Ad-hoc Wireless Network Using Topology Control[Full-Text ] Ms. Pallavi S. Donadkar, Prof. R. B. Singh.When energy efficiency is considered then cooperative communications may not be responding since it involves multiple nodes in network. Use of distributed user Cooperation is necessary in cooperative wireless ad hoc networks (WANETs),Here we propose a Energy-Aware Reliable Routing (EARR) algorithm in topology control system to improve energy efficiency in the network. Here we jointly consider coalition of network using coalition formation algorithm which gives stable coalition(topology) structure and selecting particular path by comparing their energy consumption in bits per joule using their relay nodes in network. Simulation results show the performance which is improvement of EARR in energy efficiency compared to the existing topology controlling algorithm.
Assessment of the Effects of Heavy Metals from Dumpsite Leachate on Groundwater Quality: a case study of Oyo Town, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olumuyiwa Idowu Ojo and Oluwatobi Idowu AlawodeThe aim of this work was to assess the impact of heavy metals from a functional waste dumpsite leachates on the groundwater integrity in the vicinity of the waste dumpsite located in Akunlemu/Ogeese community in Oyo town. Soil samples were collected from six different locations on the dumpsite at the surface at different location on the dumpsite. Six different groundwater samples were collected at various distances from the dumpsite. All the samples were examined for zinc, lead, copper, iron, cadmium and manganese. The levels of concentration of the heavy metals in the groundwater samples were compared with the WHO (World Health Organization) standard to check if their concentration is higher than the permissible limit or lower in the standard laid down.
CLUSTER BASED SECURE DATA TRANSMISSION IN WSN[Full-Text ] A.S.Syed Navaz, J.Antony Daniel Rex, S.Jensy MaryIn wireless sensor networks, services may fail due to various reasons, including radio interference, de-synchronization, battery exhaustion, or dislocation. Such failures are caused by software and hardware faults, environmental conditions, malicious behavior, or bad timing of a legitimate action. In general, the consequence of such an event is that a node becomes unreachable or violates certain conditions that are essential for providing a service, for example by moving to a different location,
Fuzzy Decision Approach for Selection of Sustainable and Green Materials for Green Buildings[Full-Text ] Sunita Bansal, Srijit Biswas, S.K. SinghAn Integrated Design approach has to be adopted while making decisions for different aspects of Sustainable and Green Buildings. Among these decisions, is selection of sustainable and green building materials because many new products of different qualities, costs and environmental impacts are entering into the market at an increasing pace. This has increased the workload and responsibilities of the specifiers who will require constant flow of information about their environmental, technical and aesthetic aspects. But genuine and authenticated information about every aspect of the material is seldom available and its suitability within the project requirements is always debatable. Environmental decisions, being closely coupled with society’s built-in uncertainties and risks, are genuinely uncertain since ecological systems as well as social systems change in the future. The selection of a suitable sustainable and green material among alternative materials is a multi-criteria decision-making problem including both quantitative and qualitative Green Building criteria. The conventional approaches to material selection problem like life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) tend to be less effective since qualitative criteria are often imprecisely defined for the decision-makers. The experts in the decision process make linguistic assessments about alternative materials and can state their order of preference with sufficient degree of conviction quantified using membership function in Fuzzy Logic. The aim of the paper is to solve material selection problem using approach of fuzzy group decision-making using individual fuzzy preference relations. The proposed model allows for the individual decision-makers to possess different aims and priorities while still assuming that the overall intention is to reach a common acceptable integrated decision on material selection apt for the project module.
Optimization for Microstrip Antenna using Split Ring Resonator and Thin Wire Metamaterial[Full-Text ] Saish Bhende, Sufyan MukriExtensive use of Microstrip antenna motivates researchers for its optimization. May techniques are there for antenna optimization which results up to 30% reduction in patch dimensions. Today’s world of minituration needs more optimizations for effective utilization of patch antenna. The paper proposed technique for optimization of microstrip antenna using Split Ring Resonator and Thin Wire Metamaterials. This Metamaterial structure gives negative refractive index at their plasma frequency. The frequency of optimization for microstrip antenna is same as that of plasma frequency of metamaterial structure. Simulation of Unit Cell for Metamaterial gives S-parameters for the same. Parameter extraction from those S-parameters gives operating range of frequency. When patch antenna is loaded with Metamaterial structure negative permeability and negative permittivity enhances antenna parameters. This results in optimized patch dimension and similar antenna performance. Approximately 44 % reduction at frequency 5.2 GHz and 4.7 GHz had been observed. The proposed technique results in almost 6 dB of gain over a impedance band over 200 MHz at frequency 5.2 GHz and 4.7 GHz. Limitation of the suggested technique is that it operates over a limited band of frequencies.
Separation and characterization of a new Alkaloid from Sarcococca saligna[Full-Text ] Tahira Moeen KhanA New pregnane type Alkaloid named Sracosalgminol [(20S)-20-(dimethylamino)-3β-methoxy-16β-hydroxyl-pregn-5-ene] was isolated from sarcococca saligna and its structure was established on the basis of spectroscopic techniques including1H,13C-NMR and inverse 2D-NMR techniques (DEPT,HMQC and HMBC) UV,MS etc.
Maximize the Production of Environmental, Clean and High Octane Number Gasoline-Ethanol Blends by using Refinery Products[Full-Text ] Abdel-Monem A. EL-Bassiouny, Tarek M. Aboul-Fotouh, Tamer M. M. AbdellatiefGasoline produced in Egypt is a low-grade gasoline that contains a high concentration of harmful components that are having a toll on our environment. In addition, those pollutants cause countless diseases and deaths annually to the Egyptian population. This paper investigates the effect of ethanol-gasoline blends on fuel properties characteristics using standard laboratory methods. Fuel properties tests are conducted for density, RVP, ASTM distillation, RON, MON, PON, PIONA, and benzene content of ethanol-gasoline blends with different percentages of ethanol. Straight run naphtha, isomerate, reformate, Coker naphtha and hydrocracked naphtha which produced from crude distillation unit, isomerization process, catalytic reforming and conversion processes respectively are blended with an oxygenated compound ( ethanol) to produce environmental gasolines A98 and A95 respectively which satisfy all specification of Euro-6 regulations. The new blends are friendly environmental and contains the less amount of benzene content. Fuel properties test-results showed that blends densities increased continuously and linearly with increasing percentage of ethanol, while Reid Vapor pressures decreased. Furthermore, ASTM distillation curves for blends are found to be lower than pure gasoline fuel. The tested blends Octane rating based on Research Octane Number (RON) increased continuously and linearly with increasing the percentage of ethanol. Results from this study will be valuable on the assessment of the suitability of ethanol-gasoline blends as bio-fuel for the automotive industry to cover for the country demands.
A golden gateway towards the development of zinc bio-fortified Rice (Oryza sativa L.)[Full-Text ] Aijaz Ahmed Soomro, Zhang JianIn tropical and sub-tropical developing countries of the world peoples are suffering from zinc deficiency. Therefore, keeping in view the scope of zinc bio-fortified rice in future, this study had been conducted to develop the zinc bio-fortified rice for controlling the hidden hunger from the peoples of zinc deficient countries. Two parents MH63 indica and 02428 japonica along with their respective 200 reciprocal introgression lines (RILs) brought under study in green house conditions. Zinc in the form of ZnSO4.7H2O at the rate of 200 ppm and control was consequently applied to the rice seedlings for the extended period of 26 days in hydroponic culture solution. Highly supplemented zinc efficient RILs were discovered. However, the phenotypic performance of zinc supplemented RI lines was better than zinc supplemented parents.
Comparing methods of predicting pore pressure[Full-Text ] Nwonodi Roland IfeanyiComparative analysis uses certain criteria to judge various alternatives in the analysis. These criteria include the values of the alternatives and the likelihood of obtaining them. The petroleum industry constantly seeks for ways to cut down cost of exploration and development. An improvement on the ability to predict events ahead of the bit is the key to achieving this goal. Estimation of pore pressure finds itself so vital in the industry, especially in planning and drilling a modern deep well. No wonder there abound several methods for its prediction. The most common methods of predicting pore pressure in the industry were compared in this study. Seismic travel time data for a well in the Louisianan basin was used for the comparison. The methods compared were the equivalent depth, ratio, Eaton, Pennebarker, Hottman and Johnson, and, Matthew and Kelly. Based on the analysis in the study, the method by Eaton is the most accurate.
BIOACCUMULATION OF POTENTIALLY TOXIC ELEMENTS AND RISK ASSESSMENT IN EDIBLE VEGETABLES FROM URBAN FARMING AREAS WITHIN JOS METROPOLIS, PLATEAU-STATE NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ayuba, M.S, Garba, I.H, Adamu, H.M. Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in the environment and the food chain is a major concern in the whole world. This is as a result of increase in the application of fertilizers and other agro – chemicals to boost agricultural yield to meet the increasing food demand for human consumption. This work evaluated the concentration of some potentially toxic elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Fe and Cd) in some selected vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, carrot and tomato) cultivated in Jos metropolis and consumed in cooked or raw form. The results showed the levels of Zn and Pb to be high in lettuce and carrot; their values range from 1.50 + 0.003 and 1.90 + 0.11 respectively and 0.30 + 0.003 and 1.40 + 0.003 respectively. Furthermore, the results revealed the trend in metal uptake from soil to vegetable to be Cu> Ni > Mn> Pb> Cd > Zn.
Feature Extraction for Hand Gesture Recognition : A Review[Full-Text ] Sana’a Khudayer JadwaaBody language is an important way of communication among humans, adding emphasis to voice messages or even being a complete message by itself. Human hand has remained a popular choice to convey information in situations where other forms like speech cannot be used. Hand gestures which can represent ideas using unique shapes and finger orientation have a scope for human machine interaction. Gesture recognition can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language, thus building a richer bridge between machines and humans than primitive text user interfaces or even GUIs (graphical user interfaces), which still limit the majority of input to keyboard and mouse. The performance of a general recognition system first depends on getting efficient features to represent pattern characteristics. There are several methods of representing such gesture trajectory feature. The aim of this paper is to show different features for hand’s image used with different approaches that yielding arobust and reliable hand gesture recognition.
A review of Degraded Document Image Binarization techniques[Full-Text ] Ms. Abolee PatilImage binarization is vital step within the OCR (Optical Character Recognition). There are many techniques used for image binarization , however it is difficult to choose best technique that can be used for degraded images. The most objective of this paper is to present the survey on varied existing binarization techniques .This paper can act as guide for fresher’s to begin their work on binarization.
BIO-ACOUSTIC SENSING OF SKINPUT TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] R.LAWANYA, Mrs.G.SANGEETHA LAKSHMISkinput is a technology that appropriates the human body for acoustic transmission, allowing the skin to be used as an input surface. Skinput is a new skin-based interface that allows users to use their own arms and hands as touch screens by sensing different ultra low-frequency sounds that are generated when knocking various parts of skin. The feature of providing input using this projection is a boost.