Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015.
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PID based Dynamometer used in engine test[Full-Text ] Pradnya Kulkarni, Chandrakant KaduIn today’s modern world, IC engines are tested for its performances such as speed & torque developed. To test the performance of these engines dynamometer controllers & associated instrumentation is used. This paper describes how PID controller for dynamometer provides a mean for testing engine in desired & controlled conditions such as speed, torque with respect to throttle position in order to test engine. PID acts as dynamometer controller. For implementing this controller different test scenario can be simulated in lab for performing engine test with help of eddy current dynamometer. This paper presents the implementation aspects of PID in DDC using Labview and engine performance analysis in GUI( Graphical user interface).The simulation results revealed that the engine process is best tuned using Z-N technique through Labview. Finally, results extracted from simulation are displayed in GUI of test engine.
UNIVERSAL HELMET?...(RAMANUJAM “HELMET”)[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaCase study shows that HELMET is considered as a hard or padded “HAT”. There are various types of Helmet worn by soldiers, policemen, motorcyclists, sports persons and others. The helmet is like HEART of human. Many driving friends VIOLATING the rules of heart during traffic when there is no TRAFFIC POLICE available on the site.
Modelling and validation of magnetic field distribution in permanent magnet system[Full-Text ] Alicja Praczukowska, MichaÅ‚ Nowicki, Roman SzewczykThe modelling of the magnetic field distribution of complex systems often requires the use of complicated analytical methods. One of alternative ways of handling such an issue includes finite element method. The following paper presents that this problem may be simplified by modelling single elements and combining them into a system using Elmer software. The simulation requires the definition of element’s geometry created in Netgen software, as well as the boundary conditions and the specification of material’s magnetic properties. This paper discusses the whole modelling process including chart generation, results validation via measurements, and uncertainty budget.
Performance enhancement of ECDM process on Al2O3 ceramics using tubular tool[Full-Text ] M. R. Dhanvijay, B. B. AhujaThe ECDM process is mostly applied for machining non- conducting engineering ceramic material, such as aluminum oxides, zirconium oxides, and silicon nitrides, etc. Experiments on ECDM have been carried out according to designed experimental plan 9 data points on identified optimal parametric conditions of ECDM process found by Taguchi method of parametric optimization these are applied voltage (65 V), Duty factor (0.8), concentration of electrolyte (50 wt.%) and concentration of powder (2 wt.%). In this study, the signal-to-noise ratio for material removal rate and overcut were analyzed by Anderson-Darling Normality test. The improvement in overcut was achieved but needs more investigation in material removal rate.
Thin layer drying of Black Galingale in Thailand[Full-Text ] C. Phusumpao, J. PiwsaoadThis article presents the thin-layer drying of Black Galingales, which was conducted under controlled conditions of temperature by using a convective air dryer. The Black Galingales were dried for the temperature of 40à¹C, 50à¹C and 60à¹C, with the air flow velocity fixed at 1 ms-1. It was observed that the drying air temperature has strong influence on the drying rates of Black Galingales, so that the higher the temperature the less the drying time. Seven different thin-layer models were fitted to the experimental data of Black Galingales. The drying parameters of Black Galingales were found to be a function of drying air temperature. The Modified Handerson and Pabis model were revealed to be the best and it was followed by the Two term model. Moisture diffusivities of black galingales have been determined experimentally and moisture diffusivities were found to increase with the increase in drying air temperature. Moisture diffusivities of black galingales can be explained using an Arrhenius-type equation. The mean diffusivity values of black galingales in this study are 9.38×10−10 m2/s.
Development of a Weight-Based Pricing System for Agricultural Produce Using C-Sharp Programming Language[Full-Text ] Z. K. Adeyemo, Adekunle Waliyyullahi, Abraham Amole and R.O. AboladeThe Weight-Based Pricing System is developed in a way to quantify items in kilograms and give their prices which have been programmed into the system. Some of the existing systems have superimposed noise on useful signal which serves as a constraint in achieving higher accuracy and wastage of energy. Therefore, this paper developed a weight-based pricing system for the agricultural produce using C-Sharp programming language with high level of accuracy. A weighing system consists of a weighing sensor that serves as transducer which converts weight to electrical signal and sends it to the developed digital pricing system which was implemented in C-Sharp programming language. The digital weight-based pricing system displays the price on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The system has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for easy assessment of the system and used to compute the prices of different agricultural produce such as yam tuber, maize grain, rice, cocoa seed, beans grain and cashewnut at various prices per kilogram. The performance of the developed system was evaluated using price(₦). The price in Nigerian currency (₦) of the weight-based pricing system for maize grain sold at ₦5 per kilogram obtained for 20kg, 40kg, 60kg and 80kg were ₦100, ₦200, ₦300 and ₦400 respectively. Similarly, the prices for various weight of each of the agricultural produce items stated above were computed at the appropriate price per kg. The system was developed put an end to visual assessment and local measuring techniques. It also enhances price stability as the transactions of every seller is monitored and recorded in the database.
Creating Remote Operating System to control Robot in remote area with Telematics[Full-Text ] MSc. Karwan M. Kareem Inventing and developing of remote control systems with tele-operated system have been an interesting field for producing new models of communications technologies that create high level of control of the operation of device, as a television set, from distance area. This needs a communication channel to transfer data between different electronic machines via using specific host, port number that is accepted by client and server side technologies.
Design of a Non-Ideal Buck-Boost Converter[Full-Text ] Abba Lawan Bukar, Dalila Binti Mat Said, Babangida Modu, Abubakar Kabir Aliyu, Abubakar Musa, Umar Ali BenisheikhDC-DC converters are nowadays employed in many applications of electrical and electronics equipments for converting DC voltages from one level to another. In this paper a buck boost converter is designed based on the given specifications and non-idealization of all the components used in the design is taking into considerations. Firstly formulas to be used in calculating the values of the components are derived, followed by calculating the component values and finally, simulation was carried out using Pspice simulation software to validate the operation of the buck boost converter circuit. The performance analysis, which includes the effect of non-idealization on key waveforms such as power output, voltage output and current are achieved and are discussed.
AGRICULTURE PRACTICE IN LOKOJA AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE INHABITANTS[Full-Text ] I.I.Y. Mallo, Balogun Joseph OlabodeThis paper investigates the roles and implications of agricultural practice in Lokoja urban area, the capital city of kogi state. The specific objectives of the paper are to determine the nature and magnitude of agricultural practice in Lokoja area, and to attempt on evaluation of the contributions of agricultural practice in Lokoja area in improving the livehood (benefits) of the inhabitants of Lokoja as well as the negative impacts resulting from the practice. Data on the socio-economic characteristic and agronomic practices by dry season farmers were used for this study. Dry season irrigated farming is done by both the indignous and migrants inhabitants. It is also observed that majority of the farmers have low or no formal education. The farmers use both chemical and non-chemical fertilizers to improve the crop production and these practice affect the soil in particular over time period.
Selection and Prioritization of The Best Strategies Based on Porter’s Generic Strategies. Focused on Waste Paper Recycling Companies in Domestic Market[Full-Text ] Dr.Mohammad Mehdi Taghizadeh, Mehrdad Sobhani, Shervin ZakeriRecently in Iran, One of the most successful businesses is the waste recycling. This business has opened its way as an old and a new business or industry form in domestic production chain. Old and new because of many different products that have recycled .Today many companies are producing and using recycles wastes and waste products as their industries raw materials. Cellulose wastes are widely used in the industries which use in paper mills for recycled paper products. By following of the growing industry and the untapped markets and the high volume of trade for industries, the wastes recycling companies need to choose the best strategies to obtain more shape of domestic markets or keep their shape. This paper aims to present a formulated selection of the best strategies due to the strengths, opportunities, limitations and threats of this special industry and market by analysis of a sample of the industry SWOT matrix and select them by FAHP. In this paper, the Generic strategies are used as criteria for prioritization of selected strategies to achieve and maintain optimum competitive advantage.
Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Coaxial Probe Feeding Technique for 5.2 GHz WLAN Application[Full-Text ] Tejal B. TandelIn this paper, the design of a co-axial fed single layer microstrip patch antenna for 5.2 GHz WLAN application is presented. The radiation characteristics of this proposed structure are studied and analyzed using “CST Microwave studio V14”, which is a commercially available electromagnetic simulator based on the method of finite difference time domain technique to achieve the desired specification. This antenna, based on a thickness of 2.4 mm Flame Retardant 4 (FR-4) substrate with a dielectric constant of approximately 4.3.The proposed antenna based on co-axial feed configuration has the maximum achievable bandwidth obtained about 350.2MHz (5.0408-5.391 GHz) at -10 dB reflection coefficient and the maximum achievable gain is 4.72 dB.
Design and Analysis of Polygon Slot Dual band Antenna[Full-Text ] K. Nikhitha Reddy, N.V.B.S.Subrahmanyam, B.Anusha, A. Gnandeep Reddy, K. Gopivasanth Kumar This paper presents a novel design of polygon shaped microstrip slot antenna for dual band operation. The dual bands are achieved by placing ring slot in the conventional polygon microstrip antenna. The impedance bandwidth of each operating band is found to be 6.58% and 27.53%. These bands are enhanced to 22.68% and 36.03% respectively by truncating two corners of polygon patch, which also reduces the overall size of the patch by 27.48% when compared to conventional square microstrip antenna. The enhancement of impedance bandwidth does not affect the nature of broadside radiation characteristics. Design concept of antennas is given and simulation results are discussed.
Image Based Face Detection and Recognition by Gabor SVM[Full-Text ] Sapna Rathor, Harsh Gupta, Dev Karan SinghLinear filters are normally applied to act as the pre-processing aspect in various category functions present in the computer acting vision. The basics applied are the Gabor filters in the next categorized level. Support vector machine (SVM) is normally used in computer vision usage for face identification and expression recognition. The main error is encountered but due to increased dimensionality present in the closely Gabor filter, the outcome responses as a result of more demand and computational better work efficiency when carrying out the tests. Mostly the capability of the Gabor filter need to be increased and to achieve this the invention of SVM technique was suggested and placed to function and it resulted to a 1% modification improvement of the available existing neural network for based Gabor filter on face recognition criterion.
Waste Water Production Treatment Method and Facilities available in Oil and Gas industry[Full-Text ] F. Elbrir, Prof A. Alhady, Dr. E. KheirIn this study, a review analysis of variety of processes that are used in the treatment and management produced water prior to reuse for petroleum operation (Hydraulic Fracturing and Injection) was measured. Samples of produced water from two locations in Heglig oilfield/in western of Sudan were taken and analyzed for their contents, some heavy metals, total suspended solids (TDS), total dissolved solid (TSS) and oil and grease. Moreover, two samples of water were tested biologically to detect the presence sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) that are most common found in water associated with petroleum.
The cytoskeletal intermediate filaments alterations of rat colon after exposure to immobilization stress and the curative role of diazepam[Full-Text ] Nabila I. El–Desouki, Gabry, M. S. and Nagi. H. MThe present work was planned to study the cytoskeletal intermediate filaments changes that may occur in the colon of the immobilized-stressed albino rats and the ameliorative role of diazepam injected intraperitoneally with therapeutic dose (0.1 mg/ kg b.w.). Sixty adult male albino rats weighing 110 ± 5g were used and divided equally into 6 groups (10 animals / each), group(I) served as control rats; group(II) rats treated with diazepam; group (III) and (IV) served as stressed rats: in which the rats were immobilized individually for 2 hrs. daily for two durations (5 and 30 days, respectively); groups (V) and (VI) served as immobilized- stressed rats for 2 hrs daily for 5and 30 days and treated with diazepam for 30 days, respectively. The results recorded a significant increase in sera cortisol of the stressed-rats for 5 and 30 days. Immunohistochemical results of colon demonstrated marked intense cytokeratin immunoreactivity at the apical part and the lateral borders of epithelial and goblet cells. Also, an obvious intense vimentin immunoreaction in the lamina propria and the blood vessels walls of the colonic mucosa of the immobilized-stressed rats for 2hrs/ daily for 5 and 30 days, these alterations were time-depended. Treatment with diazepam resulted in decreased cortisol levels, marked improvement and restoration of the cytoskeletal proteins alteration. The results indicated that diazepam is recommended to be used as a curative drug to improve the disturbances in the cytoskeletal intermediate filaments of colon induced by stress.
Stereotactic NeuroEngineering (Depression dealt the Techno way)[Full-Text ] Rushika Verma, Neelam TikoneA study based on the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey, 2011 has said that India has the highest rate of major depression condition in the world. Major depression is a kind of neuropsychiatric disorder which can be treated by neural modulation. A region of the human brain called Brodmann area 25 (part responsible for rise of emotion) grows hyperactive, disrupting neural signal causing depression. When anti-depression drugs and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) fail to control the hyperactivity in this region, the condition thereafter is known as Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD). TRD patients can then be treated by Deep Brain Simulation (DBS). DBS system consists of three components - Implanted Pulse Generator (IPG) also called as stimulator, the lead and the extension. The device sends electrical pulses to the brain to interfere with neural activity at target site. Having any part of the device go through the skin would create a risk of infection, so the surgeon typically tunnels a small path under the skin from IPG to the electrode. There was considerable mood upliftment noticed in the patients. DBS is proving to be one of the most recent and novel intervention that involves high end technology for severely disabled patients with TRD.
Experimental study of modulus of elasticity due to change in steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) and size of aggregates[Full-Text ] N.Anusha, AVS.Sai kumarThis paper presents a experimental study considers the effect of aggregate size &steel fibers on the modulus of elasticity of concrete. The modulus of elasticity of concrete is a very important parameter reflecting the ability of concrete to deform elastically. Modulus of elasticity of high strength concrete is very important in avoiding excessive deformation, providing satisfactory serviceability, and avoiding the most cost-effective designs. The present experimental study considers the effect of aggregate size and steel fibers on the modulus of elasticity of concrete. Crimped steel fibers at volume fraction of 0%.0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% were used. Study on effect of volume fraction of fibers and change of aggregate size on the modulus of elasticity of concrete was also deemed as an important part of present experimental investigation. This work aims in studying the mechanical behavior of concrete in terms of modulus of elasticity with the change of aggregate size reinforced with steel fibers of different series for M30 and M50 grade concretes.
Comparative Study and Design Optimization of Supercapacitors for High Powered LED Flashlight Camera Phones[Full-Text ] Nikita Mahjabeen, K.M.A SalamA supercapacitor (SC), sometimes ultracapacitor, formerly electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) is an electrical energy storage device which offers high energy density compared to conventional capacitors. One recent application of supercapacitors is to power the LED flashlight of high resolution camera phones. To eliminate dark and blurry photos, the camera phone designers have to meet three possible requirements while using LED flashlight: high capacitance, low ESR and suitable device thickness. Cap-XX Inc. is one of the supplier of supercapacitor to meet these requirements. In this paper, a thorough study has been done to evaluate that compared to the prismatic supercapacitor of Cap-XX Company, laser-scribed graphene (LSG) supercapacitor with gelled electrolyte is comparatively smaller in size and can provide more capacitance. Moreover, the proposed research is to optimize the capacitance of LSG supercapacitor by choosing suitable electrolyte, size and shape of electrode, and mobile ion of electrolyte for the purpose of powering LED flashlight of camera phones. The validation of the design has been done by analyzing three models of EDLC structure through MATLAB simulation tools.
Critical Review of Extended Agile Process Model[Full-Text ] Rajesh H. Kulkarni, P.Padmanabham, Vishal NayakwadiConcrete efforts to integrate Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction exist in the form of models by many researchers. Many efforts in this regard lead to various proposals of smooth integration of SE (software engineering) processes with HCI (human computer integration) for product development. One such effort is extended Agile process model. This paper presents a critical review of extended Agile Process model. It also suggests means to bring nearer the two diverse communities of SE and HCI. The objective of closing the gap between SE and HCI is to increase product usability.
Cone Type CVT with High Speed Variations[Full-Text ] Srinath NThis paper describes the design and development of power transmission through manual CVT. This design simplifies the transmission of power from rotary motion and also over comes the complexity of changing the speed ratios of pulleys and gears. The main purpose of this design is to attain ‘n’ number of speed ratios between designed limit. This contrasts with other mechanical transmissions that offer a fixed number of gear ratios. The flexibility of a CVT allows the input shaft to maintain a constant angular velocity. Here two conical component having required roughness is used. Power is transmitted through belt. This belt can be moved along the axis of conical components. Thus different speed ratio can be attained easily. This design can be applied in automobiles which has more efficiency when compared to automatic CVT.
More Authentic Proof of Fermat Number that it is composite for n > 4[Full-Text ] Debajit DasThis is the extended version of my earlier publication in this journal i.e. for the month of June edition 2015. I mentioned there that the proof of Fermat number to be composite beyond n = 4 is fully based on a conjecture that if u2 + 1 is composite, u4 + 1 is also composite. This conjecture was proved by the property of N-equation which was published in August edition 2013. To prove this conjecture I considered the fact that (u4 + 1) satisfies only the left hand odd element of a second kind N-equation a2 + b2 = c2. But (u4 + 1) may also satisfy the left hand odd element of a first kind N-equation except k = 1. This paper includes the fact that in both the cases the proof remains undisturbed. Because all the left hand odd elements except k = 1 are composite.
Environmental Impact Assessment of traffic in Sohar, Oman[Full-Text ] Miqdam T Chaichan and Kadhim A H Al-AsadiAt present, the numbers of transport vehicles on the road are increasing all around the globe despite its environmental pollution. The variety of vehicles on the road leads to emission of different types of greenhouse gasses and particulate matter. These severely affect the environment and significantly affect the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere. In Oman, at the end of 2014 the number of new cars increased by 8.6%. In Sohar, which is in the Al-Batinah region, around 48882 per day vehicles pass through Al-Batinah highway in front of Sohar University.
HVDC Light: Transmission Technology Simulation Study & Application to Indian Grid[Full-Text ] Ms. Manali Kshirsagar, Dr. Archana ThosarThe key driver for deployment of sustainable Micro Grids in developing countries like India is need to provide electricity in remote & rural areas, energy security especially in urban areas and power quality. The enabling technologies like HVDC Light will play an important role in the success of Micro Grids. HVDC Light is the most interesting power transmission technology developed for several decades. It is ideal component in transmission network, which can control both active & reactive power instantaneously. HVDC Light/Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology provides key benefits like controllability, compact modular design, ease of system interface and low environmental impact. This paper describes Indian Power scenario, Concept of Micro Grids, different issue faced in implementation of Micro Grids. This paper also deals with Indian Grid, renewable potential in India, HVDC Light Technology and application of HVDC Light to Indian Transmission grid so as to build reliable & stronger grid for future. This paper also includes MATLAB Simulation for HVDC Light with mathematical analysis & output waveforms are verified as per mathematical analysis.