Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015.
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Design and implementation of a Smart PV Gen-eration System using Proteus Software[Full-Text ] K.M. Abo-Al-Ez, A. Y. Hatata, M.S. KandilSmart Grids are intelligent power networks that utilize resources efficiently and involve a greater degree of remote and automatic pro-cesses than previously. Future smart grids will have an increased amount of renewable energy systems. The solar energy systems will have a considerable share of the future energy market. Accurate design of the photovoltaic (PV) system is essential for reliable and controllable operation within the smart grids. The smart and efficient operation of a PV generation system for both off-grid and grid-connected operation requires four main functions that need to be developed accurately. These functions include: the solar tracking system, the DC-DC converter with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm, the battery control charger, and the DC-AC power inverter controller. This paper presents the design and simulation of a smart PV generation system using proteus software. According to the proposed design a practical system is built and connected to a PV panel. Different measurements are taken or different radiation levels. A comparison between measurement and simulation results shows a very good agreement.
Second Grade Fluid performing Sinusoidal Motion in an Infinite Cylinder[Full-Text ] Nazia AfzalThe purpose of this work is to obtain some new results for non-Newtonian fluid of type second grade performing sinusoidal motion. Exact solution of the velocity field and shear stress corresponding to second grade in an infinite cylinder are obtained by applying Laplace and Hankel transforms. Generalized function G.,.,.(.,t) and Bessel functions have been used to write solutions in the form of series. Similar solutions for Newtonian fluids performing the same motion are recovered as a limiting case.
Investigation of the importance of performance indicators in the control of the supply chain of the Moroccan industrial sector[Full-Text ] Naciri oumaima, Alami Ayoub, Herrou Brahim, El Hammoumi MohammedThis article presents the results of our questionnaire survey, which had as objectives to identify the most relevant performance indi-cators in the Moroccan industrial sector, which has been run since January 2013.
Studies on Sewage Pollution in Some Residential Areas of Chandrapur City, Maharashtra[Full-Text ] Manisha .V. Pidurkar; Nilesh .P. NandanwarThe present investigation deals with the analysis of physiochemical parameters of wastewater from some residential areas and commercial areas of Chandrapur city, Maharashtra. The samples of wastewater were collected from an eight different open drains flowing through the city and finally join the surface water bodies. The samples were collected in the month of July and August 2012 at morning 7:00 am to 9:00 am. Several working parameters such as PH, conductivity, Total dissolved solids; Alkalinity, DO, COD and BOD were analyzed by using Standard methods recommended by NEERI(1998) and the analyzed result were compare with standard values recommended by CPCB(Central pollution control board,India). As per obtained results the values of BOD were found above the prescribed limit and may be concluded that the quality of wastewater is harmful for direct discharged into surface water.
Editing the Solar Radiation values during all Stages of Building Projects in Sudan[Full-Text ] Eltayeb Hassan Onsa, Mahmoud Hassan Onsa, Taymour Abd Elghafoor Zamil, and Omer Abdalla Abu ElzeinThis paper draws the attention of the structural designers and architects to the importance of employing the environmental data in all design and construction stages of buildings. The paper dispelled the fact that final design of buildings cannot be performed ignoring the environmental data and solar radiation, especially in Sudan asone of the hot-dry tropical regions. In that respect, the paper focused on the introduction of the solar radiation values that are received by the buildings during the day into the selection of most suitable construction material, as well as the design of thermal insulation thickness for walls and roofs of buildings at Khartoum State in Sudan.
Effects of Sludge Settleability in Final Sedimentation Tank[Full-Text ] Ahmed Lawal Mashi, Muhammad Sulaiman RahamaThe study investigates the validity of Pitman and White correlation on sedimentation efficiency of a ferric dosed sludge using the sludge volume index (SVI) and stirred specific volume index (SSVI) settleability tests. This was conducted using a 2000ml graduated cylinder, mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentration and mean sludge volume of 3 replicate samples after 30 minutes analysis, based on the Water Research Council (WRC) method. The SSVI and SVI parameters were analysed to determine the most suitable approach to be adopted in examining the operating state of the clarifier using the Pitman and White solid flux correlation. The SVI test yielded a better sludge settling characteristics with an SVI of 240 ml/g while the SSVI test produced a poor sludge settling characteristics with an SSVI of 316.6 ml/g, anticipated to be due to the stirring and non-stirring variations. After a series of simulation, the Pitman and White model was found to be suitable for ferric dosed sludge settling at boundary conditions of MLSS≤3000mg/l, SSVI≤120ml/g, particle settling velocity 7.78m/h≤vo≤8.16m/h, tank diameter of 28.5m≤d≤29.2m and a reduced number of tanks. For increased MLSS (3000mg/l
Can Acupuncture Change anthropometric measures: a study in Obese Egyptian Population[Full-Text ] Laila A.Abouismail,Hemat Allam,Ghada Helmy, Aida M.Abdelmohsen,Somia I.Salama, Layla LabibObesity is a public health problem, reaching epidemic proportions, with an increasing worldwide prevalence. Acupuncture is one of the traditional modalities that has proved to help in weight Loss. Acupuncture needles can be used either at body acupoints or as ear acupunture.
The effect of stitch types and sewing thread types on seam strength for cotton apparel[Full-Text ] Mahmuda Akter, Md. Mashiur Rahman KhanThe purpose and objective of this study is to investigate and scrutinize the impact of sewing thread types and stitch types on seam strength and efficiency of superimposed seam for cotton apparel. An experimental design was employed for the study which included four types of thread and two stitch classes for cotton apparel. The performance properties investigated were seam strength and efficiency. The seam strength and efficiency of the fabric were determined using the tensile testing machine (Tinius Olsen).Seam strength have been measured and analyzed both in warp and weft directions.. Mean and inferential statistics (Analysis of Variance at 0.05 alpha levels) were used for the analyses of the data. The results in this study revealed that differences existed between the four thread types with regard to seam strength and efficiency. Polyester-wrapped threads with a polyester filament core thread shows better seam strength and seam efficiency in all stitch types involving in this study. The study has also brought to light the behavior of seams in the different stitch and threads of cotton fabric. The statistical analysis showed that the significant and positive impact of the stitch types and thread types on the seam strength and efficiency. Finally this work will therefore help manufacturers of apparels to know the suitable thread type on the market to decide on and stitch types that would help to achieve quality seams to meet consumers’ desire in terms of seams.
Analysis and evaluation of the public participation role in rural guide plans (The case study of the villages of Sistan)[Full-Text ] Sadegh Asghari Lafmejani, Mostafa BeikmaddahThe rural guide plan is one of rural development plans that can have a fundamental and infrastructural role in the widespread development of rural areas. Using its potentials and capabilities, this plan will be able to prepare background for improving the public and welfare facilities of rural life condition. The present research will explore the rate of villagers' involvement in relation to the rural guide plan. The questionnaire and field observations forms have been used to analyze the data. The results show that the villagers have the positive average in indices of physical participation and decision making but they have a weak participation in financial participation due to the economic problems. At the end, some strategies have been proposed according to the results of the research.
The Corellation Between The Values Of Hba1c And Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Hdl, Ldl And Treatment Of Hyperlipidemia In Patients With Diabetes Type 2 In Tetovo Region[Full-Text ] Nexhibe Nuhii, Enis Redjep, Sihana Ahmeti Lika, Xheladin CekaThe aim of this study is analysis of correlation between the values of HbA1c and cholesterol, triglycerides, hdl, ldl and treatment of hyperlipidemia in patients with diabetes type 2 in tetovo region.
Ticket-Based Security Architecture for Achieving Obscurity and Ascribable in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text ] Bhuvaneswari.S, Sangeethalakshmi.G, Sivasankari.AObscurity has received increasing attention in the literature due to the users’ awareness of their privacy nowadays. Obscurity provides protection for users to enjoy network services without being traced. While Obscurity-related issues have been extensively studied in payment-based systems such as e-cash and peer-to-peer (P2P) systems, little effort has been devoted to Connectionless mesh networks (WMNs). On the other hand, the network authority requires conditional Obscurity such that misbehaving entities in the network remain traceable. In this paper, we propose a security architecture to ensure unconditional Obscurity for honest users and Ascribable of misbehaving users for network authorities in WMNs. The proposed architecture strives to resolve the conflicts between the Obscurity and Ascribable objectives, in addition to guaranteeing fundamental security requirements including authentication, confidentiality, data integrity, and nonrepudiation. Thorough analysis on security and efficiency is incorporated, demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed architecture.
Advising on the CSR strategy using DEMATEL: A case study of a MNC in the IT consulting industry[Full-Text ] Fadwa Chaker, Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi, Abdellah El ManouarDecision support models have proved useful in helping managers build and implement business strategies. In this paper, we propose to use a revised version of Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique to help advise on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy of an organization. More particularly, we explore the case of a Multi-National Corporation (MNC) operating in the IT consulting industry where we apply the proposed method to appraise the cause-effect relations of 24 indicators in 4 areas of management. In addition, we propose a more intuitive and informative graphical representation of DEMATEL outcomes to categorize sustainability performance indicators by importance and by strength of impact produced or received. Results show that boosting professional gender equality and work ethics is a top priority. We also find that financial performance is influenced subsequently to an HR-centered CSR policy. Based on our findings, we suggest guidelines for the CSR strategy to be adopted.
Design of MEMS Single Pole Double Throw Switch based on PZT[Full-Text ] Arko Mukherjee, Abhijeet Pasumarthy, Aminul IslamWith technological advancement in modern era, sizes of various tools used in various engineering applications has become smaller and smaller. Especially, the field of micro- engineering has gained a tremendous impetus. Working at micro-level has been a challenging job in the field of engineering for quite some time. This paper proposes the design of a 3-dimensional microelectromechanical system (3-D MEMS) model of an inverse piezo- electrically actuated single pole- double throw switch. Inverse Piezoelectric actuation has the advantage of fast response and reasonable power consumption. This paper also focuses on the optimization of the structure which will yield the best possible switching displacement (more displacement) for a particular voltage applied to the piezo – material. We have used Finite Element Method (FEM) of COMSOL Multiphysics version 4.4 to analyze all the structures. Various models have been tried out, each being subjected to numerous dimensional, structural and material variations, and the structure with best possible output has been put forward. All the parametric studies, which included total displacement of the piezo-material, stress developed has been carried out by linearly varying the voltage from 0-10 Volts.
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Distribution in A Tri-Cycle Engine Piston[Full-Text ] Alabi Ismaila Olanrewaju, Olaiya Kamorudeen Adesina, Kareem Mutiu OlalekanPistons as one of the most complex components among all automotives and other industry field components are designed to withstand damage caused due to extreme heat and pressure of combustion process. Many of experimental studies regarding the internal combustion engines process have been carried out, but few had only focused on the numerical studies like stress distribution, thermal and heat transfer analysis. This present study focuses on a 3-D transient state temperature distribution analysis on a gasoline piston model of a tri-cycle. Mathematical model was formulated, solved and simulated using a Finite Element Method (FEM) in-built in the COMSOL Multiphysics software 4.3a to determine the temperature distribution and gradient of the piston model ranging from 523K – 673K. The parameters used for the simulation were liquid (Gasoline), Gases (Air) and Aluminium alloy UNSA96061 (Piston). The Completed mesh tetrahedral consists of 86225 elements and the number of degrees of freedom solved for were 18553 in 367 s (6 minutes, 7 seconds) in the mesh optimization. It was discovered from the results obtained that the temperature in the combustion chamber of the tricycle engine varies with respect to time, along the piston.The transient analysis from the time dependent solver revealed that the temperature of the piston at the TDC (Top Dead Centre) in the first power stroke is higher compared to the subsequent power strokes, which is an indication that more heat was transfer at subsequent power strokes. Probable recommendations were later made.
Evaluation of Cocoyam Corms Processing and Storage in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Igbozulike A. O.Cocoyam is a crop valued for its tubers and leaves in West Africa and beyond. In recent times, there is an increase in demand and consumption of ‘local’ food in Nigeria. This rise is as a result of the widely held belief that these local delicacies are natural and hence obviate fear of contamination from consumption of processed or artificial food. Nigeria is the world leading producer of cocoyam, however, the prevalence traditional methods of cocoyam production, processing, and storage has hampered its utilisation and farmers’ access to export market for profit optimization. It then becomes necessary to evaluate the present postharvest operations of cocoyam with a view to ascertain their adequacy and shortcomings, and highlights the areas that need research focus to drive revolutionary approach in cocoyam study and guarantee value addition to cocoyam food chain. Thus, this work reviews efforts in cocoyam research so far and propose ways to meet up with future demands.
Investigation on Wastewater Treatment of Maize Processing Effluent[Full-Text ] Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, ‎H. O. Sherif, and S. I. HawashIn this study a treatment unit for wastewater resulted from maize processing for sucrose, fructose and starch production is pro-posed. Wastewater obtained with a capacity of 3960 m3/day is analysed. Main pollutants in wastewater are settable matter, sulphide, SO2, ammonia; COD and BOD while no problems concerning pH, temperature, oil and grease. The recommended treatment process is a high rate aerobic activated sludge (sludge load 0.5 kg BOD/ kg sludge day). Total dissolved solids will be critical even after aerobic. Most of the organic will be removed, but inorganic salts may be too high. This will require some type of reverse osmosis (RO) treatment which is suitable also for Cl--removal; while total phosphorus removal will be done by chemical precipitation.
Appraisal of Water Quality in Sungai Johor Estuary using Three-dimensional Hydrodynamic Modelling[Full-Text ] Al-Amin Danladi Bello, Noor Baharim Hashim, Mazna Binta IsmailSungai Johor is considered the main river in Johor that flows roughly north-south direction and empties into the Johor Strait, thereby affects the water quality in the Strait due to high pollutant inflow along the river. For modelling the hydrodynamic and water quality, Environmental fluid dynamic code (EFDC) is used.
Folic acid alleviates oxidative stress in thy-roxine-induced spleen injury in hyperthyroid rat[Full-Text ] Ehab Tousson, Faten Zahren, Mohamed A. Mahmoud, Reem A.M. El-sheikhObjective: Thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of basal metabolic state and in oxidative metabolism. This study evaluated some biochemical alterations in post-pubertal hyperthyroidism. Additionally, the ameliorating role of folic acid supplementation was investigated. Methods: A total 60 male albino rats were equally divided into six groups; the first and second groups were the control and folic acid groups respectively while the 3rd group was the hyperthyroid rat group; the 4th and 5th groups were co- and post treated hyperthyroid rat with folic acid respectively and the 6th group was self treated hyperthyroid rat group. Results: Serum T3 & T4 levels were a significant increase while TSH levels were a significant decrease in rats receiving thyroxine indicating the induction of hyperthyroid state. Serum cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL levels (lipid profile) were a significant decrease in hyperthyroid rats when compared with control group. On the other hand; MDA, catalase and nitric oxide levels in spleen tissues were a significant increase in hyperthyroid rats when compare with control group, while glutathione and total protein levels were a significant decrease in hyperthyroid rats when compared with control group. Treatment of hyperthyroid with folic acid were improved this alterations. Conclusions: Our results revealed that, folic acid as a treatment was better if it is administered as an adjuvant after returning to the euthyroid state.
Histopathological and immunohistochemical alterations in the hippocampus of thyroidectomized rats and the role of hemin and ketoconazole in treatment[Full-Text ] Ehab Tousson, Faten Zahren, Mohamed A. Mahmoud, Samr MW. GhonimBackground: The thyroid hormones are recognized as key metabolic hormones that play a critical role in brain development, mediate important effects within the CNS throughout life and regulate the metabolism and functions of various neurotransmitters. The hippocampus is a major component of the rat brains, where it belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in long term memory and spatial navigation. In Alzheimer’s disease, the hippocampus is one of the first regions of the brain to suffer damage; memory problems and disorientation appear among the first symptoms. Heme oxygenase (HO) is a heme-catabolizing enzyme that converts heme into biliverdin, iron and carbon monoxide. Promising therapeutic effects of increased brain HO-1 levels have been reported in models of neurodegenerative disorders and brain infection including Alzheimer disease (AD), Parkinson disease (PD), and malaria. The present work aimed to declare the effect of low thyroid hormone status on hippocampus tissue histopathological and immunohistochemical changes of p35 and caspase. Also, the present study aimed to elucidate the role of hemin and ketoconazole (KTZ) supplementation as a HO inducer and inhibitor respectively. Material and method: Seventy male Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: GI, Control group; GII, Thyroidectomized group; GIII, Sham operated group; GIV, Thyroidectomized & Hemin group; GV, Thyroidectomized & KTZ group; GVI, Sham operated & Hemin group and GVII, Sham operated & KTZ group. Results: the results obtained revealed various histopathological changes showed a large number of damages neurons, diffuse vacuolar degeneration, degenerating (i.e., shrunken, argyrophilic) neurons with reduction and distortion of the pyramidal cells in the hippocampus of thyroidectomized rats when compared with the hippocampus of control or sham rats. Hippocampus coronal sections in thyroidectomized rat that treated with hemin revealed little tissue injury with mild neuronal damage and a few diffuse vacuolar degeneration. There were a moderate to strong positive reactions for p53-ir (grade 3) and cas-ir (grade 4) were detected in hippocampus on thyroidectomized rat group. A marked decreased (grade 1) and (grade 2) in the intensity of p53-ir and caspase 3 respectively on the hippocampus in thyroidectomized rat that treated with hemin when compared with thyroidectomized rat. Conclusion: our results revealed that hemin has an ameroliating role in hippocampus of thyroidectomized rats by improving the histopathological alternation and the intensity of p35 and caspase 3.
Experimental Investigations of Dust Type Effect on Photovoltaic Systems in North Region, Oman[Full-Text ] Hussein A Kazem, Miqdam T Chaichan, Samira A Saif, Asma A Dawood, Shaima A Salim, Abeer A Rashid and Ali A. AlwaeliSolar energy advanced to occupy a significant place between the used energies of the near future. The operational principles of photovoltaic (PV) devices become more understood that led to an increase in the power conversion efficiencies of such devices. Solar cells or PV systems performance is affected by dust and dust storms highly impact the collected energy. Many studies showed that the accumulated dust reduces the performance of solar panels; however, these results were not clearly quantified.
Management Information System[Full-Text ] Hamza AhmedThe pace by which information flows cross organizational boundaries is rapidly increasing. Individuals and groups in organizational contexts are exchanging more information across different – often isolated – platforms. Against a backdrop of conventional information management, present business ecosystem mandates more systematic management of information and hence holistic systems. This paper highlights how management information systems have come to be increasingly adopted. Initially rejected as of little relevance to companies' operations and strategy, information systems have shown more enhancements as to necessitate adoption. Therefore, management information systems have been widely adopted in many industries, most notably supply chain, environment stewardship and hospitality. User acceptance is one major consideration information system developers should integrate into conception and design. Three considerations, on a negative side, should be made in developing a management information system: (1) past usage behavior, (2) (national, organizational and group) cultural influences, and (3) company size. The paper concludes by recommendations.
Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Cuba[Full-Text ] Mishari Saad AlabdullatifAt this point in life as I enter a program of graduate study, it is difficult to conceive of a more meaningful activity than a self-study that addresses such questions as: Which people and events have shaped me? What motivations drive me? What are my core values? What is my self-concept or self-image? Where am I in my life right now?
Forecasting of Severe Thunderstorms using Upper Air data[Full-Text ] Sonia Bhattacharya, Anustup Chakrabarty and Himadri ChakrabartySevere local thunderstorm is the extreme weather convective phenomenon generated from cumulonimbus cloud. It has a devastating effect on human life. Correct forecasting is very crucial factor to save life and property. Here in this paper we have applied artificial neural network to achieve desired result. Multilayer perceptron has been applied on upper air data such as sunshine hour, pressure at freezing level, height at freezing level and cloud coverage (octa NH). MLP predicted correctly both ‘squall’ and ‘no squall’ storm days more than 90% with 12 hours leading time.
Case study on surrounding area of Barapukuria coal mine impeding soil fertility[Full-Text ] Tusher Mohanta,Sharmin Akter, Chowdhury Quamruzzaman3, Md. Lal mamud4, Md Zonaed Hossain Sazal, K.M. Imam Hossain6Coal is the world's most abundant and widely distributed fossil fuel source. As an energy resource of Bangladesh it’s contributing a lot in the economy as well as a solution to the power starvation throughout the country. About two third of the population in North-western part of Bangladesh is making their livelihood by food production but the decreasing rate of production caused by the degradation of soil is an direct effect of the Barapukuria coal mine which is the only operating coal mine in the country. A survey on the area shows that a lot of farmers are changing their profession due to the loss of their labor and invest. This paper shows the effect of mine drainage water and other potential factors impelling dreadful conditions on soil at the neighboring areas of Barapukuria mine. Authors suggested a proper effluent system which can provide a supply of fresh water needed for irrigation and some special soil treatment methods that might be useful for the betterment of the agricultural lands.
Knowledge Management in Construction Organi-zations: A Study of the United Kingdom[Full-Text ] Bima, Abubakar MuhammadKnowledge management has become an intangible asset that organizations use in gaining competitive advantage and improving organizational processes in their operations. Various forms of knowledge management strategies have been employed in construction organizations. However, the result from practice shows social mechanisms are not exploited to their full capacity which therefore, reduces the level of benefits organizations can accrue from effective KM implementation. This work investigated and identified that social processes where been unheeded in construction organi-zations in the United Kingdom. Quantitative analysis was carried out within organizations to determine if the hypothesis is true and to identify the social mechanisms in place to support knowledge sharing. The results identified coaching , mentoring, communities of practice among other mechanism were implemented in construction organizations, however, priority seems to be placed on some mechanisms more than others based on the most easily implementable for the company.
Relialibty and Control of Wireless Data Acquisition System for Natural Gas Pipeline Network[Full-Text ] Mohamed S. Zaghloul , Mohamed M. M. Omar ,and Moataz E. MohamedIn the normal system for gas supply we have different nodes through the path. Each node is controlled by a hand pump for on/off status. The proposed system, in this paper, offers two parallel paths at each node where there is a two solenoid controlled by the remote station. This control is done through data transmitted from a pressure sensing switch nearby solenoid. The data measured from each pressure switch is sent wireless to control central using zigBee.The control central reply back with a suitable control order for the two parallel paths to overcome the problem may be faced.
Friendly Environmental Oily Water Treatment System[Full-Text ] Dr.Mohamed Saad Zaghloul, Dr.Mohamed Elghamry, Mohamed Osama Mohamed KamalIn this paper we simulate the total operation of friendly environmental oily water treatment system by using a ladder logic Siemens S7. This system is implemented to make sure anticontamantion for sea water to keep the marine life safe.
Design and Analysis of 8x8 Static RAM[Full-Text ] Mansi S. Warde, V. Chandana S., Madhushree P. Wagh, Sangeeta ParshionikarStorage of data is required in all the high performance VLSI circuits used today. The need for the day is large amount of data to be stored and accessed as fast as possible. Approximately, after every two years, the maximum storage capacity that can be practically implemented doubles. The area efficiency of the memory array, the number of stored data bits per unit area is an important design criterion. Another important performance criterion is the memory access time. The access time determines the speed of the memory array. The area and delay are key parameters that decide the overall efficiency of an SRAM. This paper deals with designing an SRAM chip to improve the efficiency of memory array by reducing the area and observing the variations in delay for variations in process parameters. The schematics are implemented in ELECTRIC VLSI software and simulated using LTSpice.The layouts are also implemented using the same.