Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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Microarray Classification Using Intelligent Techniques[Full-Text ] Smitarani Satpathy, Pratikshya MahapatraMicroarray data classification is one of the most emerging clinical applications in the medical community. The classification process takes the detection of relevant and irrelevant probes into account, which is fundamental for subsequent classification. In this thesis, an efficient technique is proposed for the precise classification of microarray genes from the microarray gene expression dataset. The proposed classification technique performs the classification process with the aid of three phases namely, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and gene classification. Initially, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied for dimension reduction and significant features are extracted from high dimension microarray data. The original data is projected to the lower dimension for selecting the eigenvector for the co-variance matrix shown cumulative variance up to a label of 100%. After the implementation of PCA, the reduced feature matrix so obtained is divided into two sets such as, training and test data set. Feed Forward Neural Network is a train using Back Propagation Algorithm and the performance accuracy of the classifier is tested using the test dataset (untrained samples). The total number of epochs required to reach the degree of accuracy is referred as the convergence rate. To check the efficiency of the algorithm the convergence rate is considered by plotting graphs between numbers of epochs vs. means square error (MSE). The two keys controlling parameters of BP algorithm are learning rate and momentum which affects the accuracy as well as the convergence rate. Varying the values of the parameters various graphs are plotted.
Literturete Review & Survey of Spherical Bearing Patents [Full-Text ] Moti PeretsThis study is intended to introduce the earthquake proof technology particularly in the area of base isolation systems that have been used to protect structures, from earthquake damage. This chapter presents the exists technologies, theoretical background, experimental studies, numerical analysis, and the applications of the advanced insulation systems consisting of rolling- and sliding-type isolation systems for structures.
Design of Square Split Ring Resonator Shaped Metamaterial Structure for Enhancing the Microstrip Patch Antenna Parameters[Full-Text ] Abhishek Singh KushwahaIn this work, Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMPA) along with metamaterial which has Square Split Ring Resonator (SSRR) and Horizontal Rectangular Strip (HRS) structure is proposed at hight of 3.2 mm from the ground plane. The RMPA with proposed metamaterial structure is designed to resonate at 2.097 GHz frequency. This work is mainly focused on increasing the potential parameters of microstrip patch antenna. Proposed metamaterial structure is significantly reduced the return loss and increased the bandwidth and directivity of the antenna with compare to RMPA alone. These improvements are due to the Double-Negative (DNG) properties of metamaterial structure that acts as a lens when placed in front of the RMPA. All the simulation work is done by using CST-MWS Software. For verifying DNG properties of proposed metamaterial structure Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) technique is used.
The Graph on the Sphere[Full-Text ] S. Nada, E. El-ShafeyIn this paper, we will introduce new type of graphs on the sphere and explain the properties of this graph. The incidence and adjacent matrices will be defined for this graph. Some differences between this new graph and the normal graph will be discussed.
Comprehensive computational analysis of cis-regulatory elements in 5’ regulatory region of ADP Glucose Pyrophosphorylase in different plants[Full-Text ] Saroj Rani, Pradeep Sharma, Anil Sharma, Ravish Chatrath and Indu SharmaADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is a key regulatory enzyme for starch synthesis in plant. Starch is an important carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units and the primary energy source in plants. The essential transcriptional gene regulatory units are cis-acting regulatory elements as they control various stress responses. Therefore, understanding of the transcriptional gene regulation necessitates functional analyses of cis-acting elements. In this study, cis-acting regulatory elements present with in the 5_regulatory region of AGPase small and large subunit in rice, arabidopsis, wheat, barley, potato and maize were identified using bioinformatics approach. Prediction of folding state of AGPase in indicates that some of them also have disordered amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a high degree of homology to all available AGPase sequences using ClustalW2 and Neighbour-joining method. In addition to this, we also modeled the structure of C-terminal ß-helix domain of AGPase of wheat LS which interacts with catalytic domain and is responsible for the functionality of enzyme. This study revealed the possible role of cis-acting regulatory elements in the expression and regulation of AGPase gene in Triticum aestivum and other plants during cellular development or other biological conditions.
Data Gathering In Multiple Mobile Sink Environment for WSN[Full-Text ] Reshma C. Sonawane, Prof. Vijay S. BidveSensor nodes in wireless sensor networks are provided with limited battery power so power conservation is one of the most important issues in WSN. An energy efficient approach can be achieved for data gathering by distributing energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) by employing sink mobility. Existing data gathering schemes require the sink to periodically update its location to the network to ensure multi-hop connectivity as well as to specify the sinks trajectory in advance which makes it unsuitable for applications consisting of changing field situations such as precision agriculture. The purposed scheme combines approach of Sinktrail with aggregation. Gathering of data is done using Sinktrail i.e., proactive data reporting protocol which is passed further for data aggregation, that is base on slicing and mixing technique, which results into low power consumption for data reporting. Thus proposed work based on a combination of both Sinktrail and aggregation to improve the energy efficiency of data gathering.
Peristaltic transport of MHD Carreau fluid under the effect of partial slip with different wave forms[Full-Text ] M. Sukumar and S.V.K. VarmaThis article investigates with the effects of magnetic field and partial slip on the peristaltic transport of Carreau fluid with different wave form the model in an asymmetric channel has been investigated. The problem is simplified by using long wavelength and low Reynolds number approximations. The perturbation and numerical presented. The expressions for pressure rise, pressure gradient, stream function, magnetic force function, current density distribution have been computed. The results of pertinent parameters have been discussed graphically. The trapping phenomena for different wave forms have been also discussed.
Design and Comparison of PID Tuned with GA and FLC Optimized with GA Temperature Controller[Full-Text ] Ashish Singh, Lini Mathew, S. ChatterjiThis paper presents design of conventional PID controller and artificial intelligence based Fuzzy Logic Controller for temperature control of water bath system that is widely used in industries and is nonlinear in behaviour. Tuning of PID controller parameter is done using Genetic Algorithm. The response of Fuzzy Logic Controller has been optimized with Genetic Algorithm. MATLAB is used for the simulation with Genetic Algorithm toolbox. Simulation results of the designed controllers are analyzed.
Determination of Natural Radioactivity In Soil Samples Of Some Locations In Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Majolagbe S.B., Faromika I.P., Jeje S.OThis study assesses the level of natural radioactivity due to radionuclides, 238U, 232Th and 40K, in 16 soil samples collected from 16 locations in Akure township, Ondo State, Nigeria. The activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K varied from 0.15 to 4.41 Bq kg-1, 4.21 to 9.92 Bq kg-1, and 167.79 to 419.52 Bq kg-1, respectively, with mean values of 1.29±1.39 Bq kg-1, 6.98±1.82 Bq kg-1 and 278.16±69.40 Bq kg-1 respectively, measured from all the soil samples studied. The mean total absorbed dose rate was obtained and the value is 16.89 nGy.h-1 . This average calculated absorbed dose rate in air was found to be much lower than the world average of 57 nGy h-1. The outdoor annual effective dose equivalent ranged from 12.82 to 30.25 µSv.y-1 with mean of 20.71 µSv y-1. This is considered to be low when compared to natural external radiation of about 2000 µSvy-1 to which no harmful effect is expected directly.
Formation Mechanism of Barium Titanate by Solid-State Reactions[Full-Text ] Kolthoum I. Othman, Ahmed A. Hassan, Omar A. A. Abdelal, Ezzat S. Elshazly, M. El-Sayed Ali, S. M. El-Raghy, S. El-Houte The solid state reactions of BaTiO3 formation from a mechanically activated BaCO3-TiO2 powder mixture have been investigated. Thermogravimetric TGA, thermomechanical TMA, scanning electron microscopy SEM, X-ray diffraction XRD and reactions thermodynamic analyses have been used in the present study. The results of these analyses showed that, the formation of BaTiO3 proceeds through a direct reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2, not through the decomposition of BaCO3 to BaO neither through the formation of Ba2TiO4 intermediate phase. The agglomerated nature of the milled powder, its rearrangement during the course of the reaction, the particle size of BaCO3 and TiO2 and the effect of the evolved CO2 gas in the reaction zone are the major factors affecting the mechanism of reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2.
Influence of Bilingualism On The Academic Performance of Hearing Impaired Students In Cross River State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Eyong, Emmanuel Ikpi, Arikpo, Ikpi Abam, Nyango, Martina OngbonyaThis study was conducted to find out the influence of bilingualism on the academic performance of hearing impaired students in Cross River State. The study utilises the ex-post facto research design using a questionnaire titled bilingualism and academic performance of hearing impaired students (BAHIS) consisting of subscale of individual personal data and structured questions on students first language, second language and first and second language on academic performance of hearing impaired students. A pilot testing was conducted to establish the reliability of the research instrument using test retest reliability estimate. The stratified and simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the schools and the sample. Validated questionnaire was later administered on the sample size of 400. The mean (X), the standard deviation (SD) was used to answer the descriptive statistics while the independent t- test was used to analyse the stated null hypothesis. Three research questions and hypothesis were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings reveals that bilingual students learn earlier than their monolingual counterparts based on their understanding that objects and their names are not the same and that one object can have more than one name based on this findings, however, it was concluded that Bilingual students are often wrongly assessed as having hearing difficulties, because basic mistakes are made in assessment and categorizations as bilingual students learn earlier than their monolingual counterparts. Possible recommendations on handling bilingualism on the academic performance of hearing impaired students in Cross River State were offered.
Nickel Manganese Ferrite For Thermochemical Water-splitting And Hydrogen Production[Full-Text ] OMAR A.A.ABDELALNickel- manganese ferrite ," NiMnFe4O6 " for thermochemical water splitting and hydrogen production has been prepared. Starting with the stoichiometric ratios of the oxides of Fe, Mn,and Ni," NiMnFe4O6 " was prepared through solid state reaction at 1200°C to form the spinel structure as detected by XRD. 8mol.% Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ), and Ceria – 20mol.% Gadolina were used as supporting materials. The effect of the sintering temperature on the properties of the produced ferrite mixed with the supporting materials was studied. It was found that the open porous material cannot be produced with a sintering temperature = 900°C. The weight loss of the different porous materials and their powders were studied using thermogravimetry in air.
Network Security[Full-Text ] J.Sathish kumarComputer networks were primarily used by university researches for sending email, and by corporate employees for sharing printers. Under these conditions, security did not get a lot of attention. But now, as millions of ordinary citizens are using networks for banking, shopping, and filing their tax returns, network security is looming on the horizon as a potentially massive problem. In the following sections, we will study network security from several angles, point out numerous pitfalls, and protocols for making networks more secure.
On The (P, Q)-type And Best Approximation Of Entire Functions Of Two Complex Variables In Banach Spaces[Full-Text ] Dr.D.P.Singh, Dr.Deepti GoyalIn this paper the characterizations of (p,q)-type of entire functions of two complex variables have been studied in terms of approximation errors. The results can be extended to m variables but to reduce the mechanical labor we have considered only two variables.
Trend Free Orthogonal Arrays using some Linear Codes[Full-Text ] Poonam Singh, Veena Budhraja, Puja ThapliyalA method for constructing trend free orthogonal arrays using the parity check matrix of a linear code is proposed. This method can easily be used to construct the trend free orthogonal arrays of higher level and higher strength.
Design and Fabrication of Pipe Line Climbing Robot[Full-Text ] The project aims in designing a pipe climbing Robot which is operated using computer wirelessly from a remote location wirelessly using Zigbee modules. The advent of new high-speed technology and the growing computer Capacity provide realistic opportunity for new robot controls and realization of new methods of control theory. This technical improvement together with the need for high performance robots created faster, more accurate and more intelligent robots using new robots control devices, new drivers and advanced control algorithms. This project describes a new economical solution of robot control systems. The presented robot control system can be used for different sophisticated robotic applications.
Effect of heat input on microstructure and mechanical properties of the TIG welded joints of AISI 304 stainless steel[Full-Text ] T.A.Tabish, T.Abbas, M.Farhan, S.Atiq, T.Z.ButtAISI 304 stainless steel plates were butt-welded through manual tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) process. The process was applied to different specimens by varying heat inputs (low, medium and high). The microstructural features and mechanical properties of the welded joints were examined. The results showed that the tensile strength of welded specimens was greater than that of the base metal. Maximum tensile strength was possessed by the specimen welded using low heat input and vice versa. Microhardness measurements implied that hardness near the upper surface of the weld is high and that near the center of the weld is low because of the faster cooling of the exterior than the interior of the weld. Microhardness increased from 205 VHN to 230 VHN for low heat input, 194 VHN to 211 VHN for medium heat input, and 182 VHN to 195 VHN for high heat input welded specimens. The microstructural study indicated that the high heat input produced larger dendrites than those produced with medium, and low heat input.
Bacteriological Quality of locally-produced Sorrel Beverage (Zobo) Vended in Awka Campus of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria[Full-Text ] S.C. Onuorah; C.A. Akudo; N.A. Okafor; I.E. Obika; and U.C. OkaforThe bacteriological quality of locally-produced sorrel beverage (Zobo) vended in Awka Campus of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria was studied. Nutrient agar was used as the growth medium while the spread plate technique was employed in the isolation of the bacteria. A sample aseptically produced at the microbiology laboratory of the University was used as the control. The pH of the vended and control samples were also determined. The bacteria counts ranged between 10 and 30 cfu/ml while the control sample had no bacterial in it. Sample 4 had the highest count of 30 cfulml while samples 2 and 3 had the lowest counts of 10 cfu/ml. The pH of the vended samples ranged between 2.2 and 2.4 while that of the control sample was 2.1. The bacteria isolated from the samples were characterized and identified on the basis of their morphology and biochemical characteristics as Pseudomonas spp, Escherichia spp, Proteus spp and Klebsiella spp. Pseudomonas spp, Escherichia spp and Proteus spp were most frequently isolated in the samples examined. The bacteria may have entered the samples through the air, soil, water, packaging containers and handlers and have been reported to cause diseases of man and animals through the production of toxins. Good manufacturing practices must therefore be observed during the production, packaging and handling of Zobo beverage. The incorporation of effective food preservatives into the drink is also recommended.
Fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space[Full-Text ] Shams-ur-rahman, M. I. Bhatti, Fakhar Haider, Muhammad Yar Baig and Shabana AzamIn this paper, we generalize fuzzy metric space in term of fixed point theorem in Intuitionistic fuzzy metric space.
Moment of Inertia & Rotational Energy[Full-Text ] In this lab, the physical nature of the moment of inertia and the conservation law of mechanical energy involving rotational motion will be examined and tested experimentally.
Analysis of Artificial Neural Network Based Direct inverse controller with conventional PI (Designed At Lower Dilution Rate)controller for Bioreactor[Full-Text ] Ballekallu Chinna EerannaIn this paper presents about control of Bioreactor useing Artificial Neural Network based direct inverse controller. Bioreactor has become an active area of research in recent years. Neural network based direct controller designed for the control of bioreactor. In the first step the neural network model of bioreactor is obtained by levenburg- marquard training the data for the training the network generated using mathematical model of bioreactor.
Paradigm as a method in the political science[Full-Text ] Hassan AziziFollowing Thomas Kuhn’s notions toward fundamental sciences has been very useful for scientists and his notions presented a new perception of the science progress and forgetting some of the scientific frameworks. When Thomas Kohn paid attention to the history of science, he noticed that there was another possible meaning for science rather than its traditional meaning. Since humanities confront various methods, theories, and scientific laws, the political science passes its scientific progress process along with other sciences. In between, paradigm plays an important role in scientific evolutions as a scientific method. Social and political thinkers saved politics from limits of positivism with the help of Kuhn’s paradigm. Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm is a new method to know sciences, therefore, the process of accepting a paradigm in the political science is accepted with considerations. In fact, the political science has taken a step from pre-science period to normal science, and then from normal science to evolutionary science. In the present paper, the processes of producing political science, accepting paradigms, and turning it into a scientific method have been studied. The purpose is to determine paradigm as a methodology not only for fundamental sciences but also for other sciences.
Elevation of Survivin correlated with APC mutation in Iraqi Patients with Colorectal Adenocarcinoma[Full-Text ] Fuad Ghazi Hassan, Nidhal Abdul Mohaimen, Jasim Ghadbban Al-MalikiObjective: To investigate expression and elevation of Survivin protein and expression of mutation in APC gene in colorectal cancer, and analyze the correlation between these two parameters. Method : Immunohistochemistry was employed to detect expression of Survivin protein and PCR technique for detection of mutation in APC gene in 50 patients with CRC lesions. All patients were admitted to Gastroenterology and Hepatology Diseases hospital, and Baghdad Teaching Hospital, between periods from March 2013-November2013 Results: Positive rates of Survivin expression were detected in 21(42%). Positive frequency of survivin were detected in 4(19%), 9(42.9%) and 8(38.1%) in well, moderate and poorly differentiated tumour respectively. No significant differences in scoring between the three grade of tumour. High positive rates of the expression of APC gene mutation detected in 33 (66%) for in CRC also the high percentage of mutation appeared in well 14 (42.5% ), 17 (51.5%) in moderate differentiated and low 2(6.1%) in poorly differentiated tumour p value < 0.05. The results showed high percentage 18(85.7%) of patients have mutation in APC gene with expression of Survivin protein with P value 0.012. Conclusion: The expression rates of survivin higher and increased with progression of tumour suggesting decrease the chance of apoptosis in cancer cells. The rate of mutation in APC gene was higher in sporadic colon cancer suggesting that the expression of this mutation in tumour suppresser gene (APC) play an important role in tumourgenesis and malignant transformation.
Consolidation Properties of Compacted Soft Soil Stabilized with Lime-Silica Fume Mix[Full-Text ] Mohammed Y. Fattah, A`amal A. Al-Saidi, Maher M. JaberSoft soils constitute the most prevalent materials for the construction of engineering structures. Assessment of the consolidation properties of compacted soft soil stabilized with lime (2, 4, 6), silica fume (2.5, 5 and 10) and lime-silica fume (2-5, 4-5, 6-5) mix were carried out using time dependent one dimensional consolidation test to enhance the usage of the material in geotechnical applications. The liquid limit and plasticity index of the studied soils were optimally improved on the addition of stabilizer. Pre-consolidation pressure increased with stabilizer content. A reduction in the compression index (Cc) was observed with increase in stabilizer content. The optimum percent of lime and silica fume as a stabilizer to soft clayey soil for compression and compressibility characteristics is at proportion of 4-5%. The coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) decreases with increasing stabilizer content and the optimum percent for lime 10% and 5% for silica fume and (4%-5%) for lime silica fume mix. The coefficient of consolidation (Cv) also decreases with increasing percentage of stabilizer contents.
Environmental Friendliness of Project Cost Management Process in Nigeria: The Role of the Quantity Surveyor[Full-Text ] Mee-Edoiye M. AndaweiEvery activity of man takes place in a given environment. Such man-induced activities naturally create disorder in the ecosystem. This follows that man’s activities creates environmental disequilibrium within the project location and adjoining environment. This convinced view have posed a challenge to all professions, particularly those involved in reshaping the built environment have placed an onerous responsibility to exhibit high level of environmental friendliness by ethics and practice. Secondly, project cost planning, management and control without environmental considerations is considered not adequate particularly for those projects that are contained in the mandatory list of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. This paper is therefore aimed at highlighting the urgent need for the professional quantity surveyor to think green in discharging his professional functions throughout the life of the project. In this light, the professional quantity surveyor will not only be advising on the appropriateness of the cost of the project alone but also have an eye on the environmental architecture of the project and its accompanying cost.
Theoretical Modelling of Electro-cyclone Separator For Arresting Diesel Soot Particulate Matter[Full-Text ] Dr. N.Mukhopadhyay, Ashim RoyDesel soot particulate matter is considered to be the most harmful pollutant as because the air borne particulate matters are known to constitute a major human risk. Recent epidemiological studies reported that particles with diameters of less than 2.5 micron are most fetal for living beings due to inhaling of the same. The reduction of particulate emissions from diesel engine is one of the most challenging problems in modern society. Diesel particulate emission can easily enter human respiratory system and are capable of causing cancer because of their association with absorbed and condensed potential occupational carcinogenic compounds such as poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbon, Nitro–PAH and sulphates. The main particulate fraction of diesel exhaust consists of fine particles. Diesel particulate matters are inhalable and may easily penetrate deep into the lungs because of their small sizes. The rough surfaces of these particles make it easy for them to bind with other toxins in the environment, thus increasing the hazards of particle inhalation.
Determination of changes occurrence in physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of papadam during storage[Full-Text ] S.B NavaratnePapadam is a delicious food product and highly susceptible for quality deterioration during shelf life. In order to asses quality degradation, four kilo gram of finely ground black gram flour (300 micron) was taken and mixed with 1kg of wheat flour and added 2 liters of salt-bicarbonate solution while mixing. The mixing process was carried out for 10 minutes until formation of a dough with a suitable consistency. Prepared dough was passed through rollers to form a sheet with about 4cm thickness. The thin dough sheet was passed through nylon rollers to get a very thin dough sheet (1mm) which was cut into papadam disks using a disk cutter.