Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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Microcontroller ATmega32 Based Automatic Vehicle Control[Full-Text ] Kanis Fatima, Md.Abul HossainThis paper proposes novel control architecture for automatic vehicle driving in a dynamic and uncertain traffic environment.In the present scenario accidents are increasing rapidly. We need to make such a system which can continuously detect obstacle around the vehicle and avoid them from collision. We choose ATmega32 microcontroller for the controlling of the system.The implemented design will increase the safety and reliability with reducing the risks of life.
An investigation about the adverse effects of un-implementation of global building code on energy saving in building in view of urban management[Full-Text ] Mansour Jafari, M. SohpfiThe excessive consumption of energy is one of the critical problems of the world. While the experts are continually looking for a solution of the problem in long last years, this is still a problem. The current study is aimed to investigate about the adverse effects of un-implementation of global building codes on energy consumption in building in view of urban management. Meanwhile, a descriptive-survey method of research is adopted to perform the study and data collection is performed by attributive and survey method.
Software Security Issues: Requirement Perspectives[Full-Text ] Nikhat Parveen, Md. Rizwan Beg, M. H. KhanWith the fast growing of software development life cycle, software engineering under a huge pressure to deliver the business requirements without paying too much attention to the security issues that the software might encountered. Many applications are outsourced too where the application development lacks strong integration of software security. For this reason security issues becomes a problem for the growth of a business and availability of requirement by its customers. Therefore, security should be tightly bound during the software development life cycle, right from the beginning. This paper discusses 21 issues related to security with respective to requirement that can eliminate vulnerabilities at the early development of life cycle. By keeping these issues at back of mind, working people in the area of software security can able to build more secure software and also the goals of security can easily be identified.
Is dilution of Standards in housing using conventional materials as against using alternative materials like bamboo a solution to increasing affordability among the urban poor?[Full-Text ] Chandra Sabnani, Mukesh Patel“Anything less than a ‘pucca’ (Permanent) house, is not a house at all”, is the myth which is rampant among the urban poor, even while they continue to live in a “kuccha”(Temporary) house for decades.The myth is such because even the pro-viders of housing believe in it. A “kuccha” ” (Temporary) house is rendered valueless, hence remains temporary, subserviced and figures as an inhabitable house in the national surveys. So much so that it is a house that attracts political and national attention in the form of an “unauthorised construction” because it sits on a piece of land which was meant for some other purpose. A “Pucca” (Permanent) house uses conventional materials, which have a history of becoming costlier over time; a “kuccha” house is valueless. Under the circumstances the urban poor are left at the mercy of local bodies for their survival, on urban land.
A new approach to strategic evolutions of culture and management in globalization process[Full-Text ] Mansour JafariThe globalization, globalism and strategic evolutions in cultural management are complicated, multi-dimensional concepts which are dis-cussed on different features and there are some reported approaches and theories about this context. In the current study, it aims to define the globalization and globalism in the field of management and culture. The most important issues in this term is the evolutions which happened in 20th century, especially, in 1970 and middle of 1980 which approximately affect the different fields and also the management systems which led to introducing the concepts of post-industrial and post-modern management and its peak was in 1990 which the concept of globalization was introduced. Therefore, in this paper, according to management and cultural basics and evolutions and performed analyses and identifying the mutual effects of globalization and cultural and management evolutions, some recommendations are provided.
A Study on Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation in Video Coding[Full-Text ] L.C.Manikandan, Dr.R.K.SelvakumarBlock-based motion estimation methods are the most popular and widely used methods in video coding systems. Motion estimation reduces temporal redundancies by exploiting inter picture correlation. This paper is a study of the existing block matching algorithms used for motion estimation in video coding. The algorithms that are revealed in this paper are widely used in implementing various standards ranging from MPEG1 / H.261 to MPEG4 / H.263. This paper also presents the computational complexity of the searching points of different block matching algorithms.
Demand & Supply of Parking System Analysis at Chittagong Commercial Area in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Sudipta Chowdhury, Kutub Uddin Chisty, Md. Shahjalal Misuk Chittagong is the Commercial Capital of Bangladesh. The study area at Agrabad in Chittagong is one of the most commercial activity centers of Chittagong. Many light industry and commercial land use and residential area are found by the both side of the road. This study is mainly focused on the demand & supply of parking system analysis in Agrabad commercial area. Existing parking accommodation, parking demand, parking index, parking turnovers, parking management, parking types are analyzed on the base of modified patrol survey. Both off street & on street parking have surveyed to find out the actual measurement of the demand & supply of parking in the Agrabad commercial area. Highest number of vehicles was calculated to find out the peak hour time where vehicles are parked in highest numbers. Some specific purposes are determined for which the illegal on street parking is increased day by day. The demand supply ratio is also finding out in data analysis part.
Free Space Optical Communication: The Main Challenges and Its Possible Solution[Full-Text ] S. Babani, Y. S. Abdulmalik, A. Abdul’aziz, A. Z. Loko, M. M. GajiboFree Space Optics (FSO) is a promising solution for very high data rate point-to- point communication. Recently, it has received significant attention as a possible alternative to overcome the bottleneck connectivity problem and as a supplement to more conventional RF/microwave links. FSO communications has become attractive for a number of reasons including unlicensed spectrum and a narrow beam width. Moreover, FSO becomes the best solution to solve the problems occurred in conventional wireless system by using optical fiber because it uses laser light to transmit data between two points. The FSO uses beam of light to provide optical connection that can send and receive video, voice, and data information. In this paper Free Space Optical communication concept will be introduced. In addition, the performance of FSO communication link will analysis and illustrates its main challenges and it possible solutions.
Multitenancy in SaaS: A comprehensive survey[Full-Text ] Pallavi G B, Dr. P JayarekhaCloud computing is a technology which provides enterprise-grade computing resources as services to customers through internet. One of the popularly available services is software viz., software as a service (SaaS). Many of the SaaS providers make use of a multitenant model to host their applications. Multitenancy is an architectural approach in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers referred as tenants, where one application is run on a single database instance for multiple organizations. However, since sharing of a single instance of software leads to distribution of underlying hardware resources among tenants, a multitenant platform poses challenges with respect to architectural, implementation and security issues. In this paper, we have made an extensive survey to understand the various aspects of these issues. The study results can be used not only to identify advantages and disadvantages of these aspects, but also to identify areas requiring future research.
Electric Load Forecasting in Smart Grid Environment and Classification of Methods[Full-Text ] B. R. MoreA Review and Categorization of Electric Load Forecasting Techniques is Presented Smart Grid Environment and its impacts on grid loads, existing forecasting principals, Parametric methods and artificial intelligence based methods are discussed.
An introduction to Inverters and Applications for system design and control wave power[Full-Text ] Alimorad Khajehzadeh, Moslem Amirinejad, Sasan RafieisarbejanInverters are used in a large number of power applications. The function of an inverter is to convert DC power to AC, these are referred to as Voltage Source Inverters (VSI). VSI are divided up into three categories: Pulse-width Modulated Inverters, Square-wave Inverters, and Single-phase Inverters with Voltage Cancellation. This paper will talk about the different types of Inverters and how they work. It will continue on with examples of some types of inverters and what types of factors affect their efficiencies.
Establishing Spare Parts and Maintenance Workshop in ‘Tikur Abay Transport PLC’[Full-Text ] Yichalewal GoshimeThis research focused on the establishment of spare parts production workshop in Tikur Abay Transport PLC. It has five broad chapters. The first section discussed about the existing problems of the company related to productivity/service-delivery capacity. Objectives were clearly stated, its scope was delimited and the expected benefit of the study was briefly highlighted. The second chapter elaborated about theory of spares parts production and principles of lay out design. Following this, the principal data which are crucial to analyze the problem (questionnaires, interviews, observation and secondary data), were collected, presented, analyzed, interpreted and their findings were summarized. In the fourth section, the basic equipments and tools of the new workshop were identified followed by layout design and cost estimation. Finally, outcomes of the study were concluded and possible measures were recommended by the researcher.
Studies on the Establishment of Foundry Workshop in Kombolcha Textile Factory[Full-Text ] Yichalewal GoshimeThis research focused on the establishment of foundry workshop in Kombolcha Textile Share Company (KTSC). It has six broad chapters. The first section discussed about the existing problems of the factory related to productivity. Objectives were clearly stated, its scope was delimited and the expected outcome of the study was briefly highlighted. The second chapter elaborated about principal operations of textile industries, failures of textile machineries, causes of failures and their remedies. In the third section the basic foundry practices starting from design till inspection were explained together with foundry equipments and tools. Following this, the principal data which are crucial to analyze the problem (questionnaires, interviews, observation and secondary data), were collected, presented, analyzed, interpreted and their findings were summarized. In the fifth section, the basic equipments and tools of jobbing foundry were identified followed by layout design and cost estimation. Finally, outcomes of the study were concluded and possible measures were recommended by the researcher.
Performance Comparison of dynamic Web scripting Language: A case Study of PHP and ASP.NET[Full-Text ] Ogunrinde Mutiat Adebukola, Olorisade Babatunde KazeemWith security, performance, manageability, and scalability requirements for enterprise applications rapidly increasing, choosing the best scripting language in today’s competitive environment remains imperative. Scripting language are improving on every front, but enterprises continue to face the arduous but necessary task of evaluating solutions to find the best fit for their unique needs. The paper tends to analyse and compare the performance of the two most popular dynamic scripting languages used in web development, the PHP and ASP.NET. The comparison is based on testing and comparing the performance of the two technologies using software called WAPT. We measure the performance of these two languages using one application benchmarks; an online bookstore. This similarity helps to establish realistic comparison of applications performance. WAPT provides a load and stress testing a tool that provides an easy to use, consistent and cost effective way of testing websites and intranet applications with web interface.
Morphometric, Anatomical and histological features of Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) of Freshwater Turtle, Pangshura tentoria[Full-Text ] Monim Shah Rahman, Dhirendra Kumar SharmaThe gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of reptiles draws our attention as numerousresearches in the field of biological science have been going on using reptile as a model animal. The GIT morphology and physiology elaborates the variety in food and feeding habits. The aim of present investigation is to study the morphometrical and histological features of gastrointestinal tract of freshwater turtle, Pangshura tentoria. The oesophagus, stomach and intestine of Pangshura tentoria is buildup of fourlayers from outside inwards are serosa, muscularies, submucosa and musoca. The oesophageal mucosa consists of simple columnar ciliated epithelial and goblet cells. The intestinal glands are absent. There are no much differences between the length of oesophagus and Stomach but the small intestine is larger in case of female. The length of whole gastrointestinal tract is sex dependent. In conclusion, the characteristic variation of the gastrointestinal tract is related to their ecology and physiology.
Exploring Highly Structure Similar Protein Sequence Motifs using Granular Computing Model based on Adaptive FCM[Full-Text ] E.Elayaraja, K.Thangavel, M.Chitralegha, T.ChandrasekharProtein sequence motifs are very important to the analysis of biologically signi?cant conserved regions to determine the conformation, function and activities of the proteins. These sequence motifs are identified from protein sequence segments generated from large number of protein sequences. All generated sequence segments may not yield potential motif patterns. In this paper, short recurring segments of proteins are explored by utilizing a granular computing strategy. Initially, Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and Adaptive Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithms (AFCM) are used to separate the whole dataset into several smaller informational granules and then succeeded by K-Means and Rough K-Means clustering algorithms on each granule to obtain the final results. By comparing the results of two different granular techniques shows that Adaptive FCM granular with Rough K-Means clustering is capable to capture better motif patterns suggests that our granular computing model which combined AFCM granular with Rough K-Means have a high chance to be applied in some other bioinformatics research fields.
Impact of Derivatives on Efficiency of Stock Market: Evi-dence from Karachi Stock Exchange.[Full-Text ] Ali Raza M.Shafi, Syed Shabib ul HassanThrough the proper use of derivatives, a firm, even country can hedge, manage and transfer the systematic and unsystematic risks. Many studies have been conducted for determination of the factors which influences the reluctant and usage of financial derivative instruments & risk management practices of financial corporations and non-financial corporations, have built a lot of materials to the literature. In Pakistan such studies encompass the driving factors like history of derivative in Pakistan, measurement of risks (especially interest rate and foreign exchange risks), and knowledge of financial managers of Pakistani corporation towards modern financing. Financial deriva-tives business regulations (FDBR) have been created and allowed by State Bank of Pakistan to regulate and handle the derivative deal-ings in Pakistan. To enhance the liquidity and flow the capital to the right path for economic growth, the introduction of derivative market in Pakistan could be a pioneer step. The purpose behind this study is highlighting the impact of derivatives on the efficiency of Karachi stock exchange of Pakistan. The study first focuses on the concept of the derivative market, products, and participants and secondly, it provides auxiliary for development of an efficient derivative market in Pakistan.
Experimental Study of Emission and Performance of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Running On Groundnut Oil Based Biodiesel[Full-Text ] G.VENKAT SUNDARAM, Dr.S.THIRUMALINIThe primary objective of this project was to study the effect of Groundnut Oil based Biodiesel on a CI engine operating at a constant speed under a range of loads. Biodiesel is being considered nowadays as an alternative to Petro-diesel, with advantages in favor of Biodiesel being it’s lowered emissions and performance comparable to diesel. This experiment was done by synthesizing Biodiesel from Groundnut oil and mixing it in different ratios with diesel to run a Single Cylinder Field Marshall Diesel engine and thereby obtaining the different performance and emission characteristics for the Biodiesel.
Dual Feed Double patchy Broadband Microstrip Antenna for UHF Communication Applications[Full-Text ] Rahul Chowdhury, Pranta BanikThree short circuited microstrip patch antenna structure with dual feed has been proposed with conical via. The design is based on rectangular hole structure with conical via loading and slit loading technique. The simulation is based on method of moment method, using IE3D software. It is also observed that by cutting slits of different areas, the resonating frequencies are getting changed along with bandwidth and return loss. This antenna can operate at GSM frequency, UHF communication. and also this antenna can be applied for 30-300 GHZ applications.
Enhancement of Digital Images by Combinational Neuro-Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Vishwajeet Kumar, Anupriya Asthana, Rashmi Kumari, M.RahmanCombinational Neuro-Fuzzy (NF) logic is the mixed technique generated by the combination of artificial neural network and fuzzy-logic. Various methods are proposed in the literature to restore the image degraded by impulse noise using soft computing technique where all methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. A novel idea is proposed in this paper where the ANFIS is used to detect the impulse noise and mean of the median of 3x3 window of noisy image is taken for the removal process. Experimental result shows the effectiveness of the proposed method by visual illustration and quantitative analysis.
A Load Balancing and Status Evaluation in Public Cloud[Full-Text ] Miss. Tarka Bakde, Prof. Mohan Kumar, Prof. G. Rajeshbabu“Cloud Computing” is a term which involves the virtualization, distributed computing, networking, software and web services. It has gained a lot of hype in current world of I.T.. A cloud consist of several elements such as main controller, distributed servers and clients. It includes reduced overhead for users, reduced cost of ownership, on demand services, fault tolerance, scalability, high availability, flexibility etc. Effective load balancing algorithm helps to improve the system performance and maintain stability. Load balancing is the phenomenon that distributing load among various nodes in a distributed system. Load balancing algorithm ensuring that every node which is in the network having equal amount of work at any instant of time. In this paper introduces a better load balance model for public cloud based on cloud partitioning concept with a switch mechanism for different situations to resolve the issue of load balancing in public cloud computing.
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Iris Biometrics Technique[Full-Text ] Mrs Sayalee P. Deshmukh, Dr S.H.PatilA new architecture based on Iris Biometric Technique is a very recent concept and it is very useful for decrease Credit Card Frauds over Internet. . This technique is use for the security purpose. The non-intrusive property of iris recognition leads to several problems to the images of natural-open eyes and it is hard to increase the accuracy of iris recognition because of these problems. In order to ensure the non-intrusive property as well as achieve an iris recognition which has high accuracy simultaneously, this paper presents a novel iris recognition method based on the natural-open eyes. Firstly, makes pre-process to iris image, ensures the effective iris area adaptively. Secondly, finds all iris feature points by directional information, length information, and width information of texture, the neighbouring gray information and relativity in the effective iris area. Thirdly, makes codes to feature points and figures the iris pattern by iris codes. Finally, sorts the different iris patterns by auto accommodated pattern matching method and gives the recognition results. Many experiments show the recognition rates of this method can reach 99.687% that can meet the demand of iris recognition. As compare to other methods proposed mostly this method is used for iris recognition.
Apparent molar volumes and viscosity B-coefficients of sodium salicylate in different solvent systems at different temperatures.[Full-Text ] Arun B. Nikumbh , Ravindra C. BhujbalApparent molar volumes (?v) and viscosity B-coefficients for Sodium salicylate solutions in NS (Normal Saline), DNS (NS with dextrose), RL (Ringer lactate) and pure water solvent systems have been determined from density (?) and viscosity (?) measurements at 298.15 to 313.15 K using a bicapillary pycnometer and Ubbelohde viscometer respectively. The data were analyzed using Masson’s equation to obtain limiting apparent molar volumes (?v°) and experimental slope (Sv). The Jones-Dole equation have been used to analyze viscosity data to obtain viscosity ‘A’ and ‘B’ coefficients. The drug interacts with various ions or molecules or biological membrane present in the biological system is an important phenomenon. The parameters derived from these equations have been interpreted in terms of solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions.
Aquaculture Benefits of Macroalgae for Green energy Production and Climate change Mitigation[Full-Text ] A .O, Amosu, D.V, Robertson-Andersson, E, Kean, G .W, ManeveldtIt is an established fact that climate change caused by human-induced concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG), especially CO2 emissions, are increasing in the earth’s atmosphere and is one of the greatest challenges the world is currently facing. Algae play significant roles in normal functioning of the atmospheric environment and are important candidates for climate change mitigation. Macroalgae (over 20 commercial seaweed species) are the second most cultured species of aquatic organisms after finfish. More than 92 % of the world’s macroalgae production comes from mariculture. Macroalgae have a higher photosynthetic efficacy (6 – 8 %) than that of terrestrial plants (1.8 – 2.2 %). An investigation into seaweed as a food source for the South African abalone (Haliotis midae L.) has led to an increased knowledge of its fisheries and aquaculture conditions. Ulva spp are grown on a large scale in paddle wheel ponds and is currently South Africa’s largest aquaculture product. Its growth rate, ease of harvesting, resistance to contamination by other algal species and minimal production loss make it preferable to microalgae and to other macroalgae for large scale renewable energy production and CO2 capturing systems. Of all macroalgae, Ulva spp are exciting prospects in terms of energy efficiency. Findings have further revealed that biotransformation of Ulva to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is viable. Large scale aquaculture production of Ulva spp is occurring in South Africa and biotransformation to LPG is possible and economically feasible with additional benefits from farming activities including bioremediation, ocean de-acidification, mineral-rich plant stimulants, and the capturing of atmospheric and dissolved CO2 during growth to assist in climate change mitigation.
GSM Networks: Substantiation of GSM Stationed algorithm[Full-Text ] Romil Gandhi, Amitha Nair, Jason D’SouzaGlobal System for Mobile Communications also referred to as GSM, is a standard developed by the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) which consist of protocols defined for 2G networks used for mobile phones. Wireless as per the frequency of operation and access legality, various applications are distributed. GSM is a second- generation digital mobile cellular communication standard with international roaming initiated by ETSI. It uses two 25GHz frequency bands (890GHz- 915GHz for reverse link and 935GHz- 960GHz for forward link). It uses FDD (frequency division duplexing) and combination of TDMA and FDMA for access between users.
THERMAL DEFORMATION OF 150 cc PULSAR DISC BRAKE[Full-Text ] Mr. Milind H. Pendkar, Prof. S. P. Gaikwad, Mr. Dnyanraj.J.SomnathWe are studding the velocity reduce in every 0.3 sec time interval and calculating heat flux in every 0.3 sec of time interval. Calculating of that heat flux inputs of Ansys and abacus software and calculating of thermal stress, maximum temperature increases and maximum deflection in disc of disc brake and comparing their result and calculating minimum distance required between two shoo of disc brake of 150 cc pulsars during Un braking condition for avoiding jamming of brake.
High Security Video Steganography[Full-Text ] Putti DeepthiChandan, Dr. M. NarayanaVideo Steganography is a technique to hide any kind of files into a carrying video file. Textual data is hidden in red, green, blue components separately in specific frames of the carrier video file. The least significant bit insertion method is an important and simple approach for embedding textual information in the carrier video file. If the location of the pixel exceeds the size of the video-image, choose the pixel location within the boundary of the video-images. The specific location of the pixel is chosen by using pseudo random equations. This method protects messages as it is passed in innocuous content like image. Using Video Steganography, we can hide large number of characters when compared to Image Steganography. Video Steganography provides high security in hiding maximum number of characters as the video consists of many images.
Requirements Definitions of Real-Time System Using The BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS ANALYSIS (BPA) Approach: Intelligent Transportation System[Full-Text ] Dr.Assem El-AnsaryThis paper illustrates the event-oriented Behavioral Pattern Analysis (BPA) modeling approach in developing an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The Event defined in BPA is a real-life conceptual entity that is unrelated to any implementation.
Niching Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Clustering for Multi-mode Resource-constrained Project Scheduling Problems[Full-Text ] Omar S. Soliman and Elshimaa ElgendiThis paper proposes a novel niching estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) based on fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering for solving the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP). FCM clustering is employed to partition the population into niches to avoid premature convergence of the EDA. Then, the niche capacity is determined by Boltzmann scheme according to the adaptive clearing radius and niche fitness. Besides, a restart up policy is employed based on a new diversity measure. A random walk local search is applied based on delete-then-insert operator (DIRW) to achieve a trade-off between exploration and exploitation abilities. The proposed algorithm is tested and evaluated using benchmark test problems of the project scheduling problem library PSPLIB, and compared with the standard EDA algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and outperform the standard EDA.