Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE GLOBAL DYNAMICS OF A MODEL FOR HIV INFECTION OF CD4+ T CELLS[Full-Text ] T.O OLUYO, R.O AYENI AND O.O AYANDOKUNWe analyse a mathematical model that describes HIV infection of CD4+ T cells. We are interested in the effect of a small addition of infection on an equilibrium state. Using Rene Descartes’ theory of solutions, we show that if the so called basic reproduction number Ro<1, the infection will eventually die out but if Ro >1, then the infection will lead to full blown AIDS, In either case Ro is important in the eventual growth of the disease.
Estimation of Runoff by using SCS Curve Number Method and Arc GIS[Full-Text ] Ashish Bansode, K. A. PatilRainfall and runoff are important components contributing significantly to the hydrological cycle, design of hydrological structures and morphology of the drainage system. Estimation of the same is carried out to determine and forecast its effects. Estimation of direct rainfall-runoff is always efficient but is not possible for most of the location in desired time. Use of remote sensing and GIS technology can be useful to overcome the problem in conventional methods for estimating runoff. In this paper, modified Soil Conservation System (SCS) CN method is used for runoff estimation that considers parameter like slope, vegetation cover, area of watershed.
Effects of Blanching on Mineral, Vitamins and Some Physico-chemical Contents of Products from African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) Peels and Cotyledons.[Full-Text ] Eze, J. I., Okafor, G. I. and Okoyeuzu, C. F.This study focuses on the identification of the minerals, vitamins and physico-chemical contents in the peels and cotyledons of Afrian star apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) and evaluate the effects of processing on the chemical properties of their products. The peels and cotyledons were blanched at 1000C for 2,4 and 6 mins, wet milled with water in 1: 1.5 ratio, sieved with muslin cloth to obtain the extracts which were pasteurized at 800C for 10mins thus giving rise to 8 samples including their control samples coded as follows: peel extract control samples (A1, B1 and C1) of 2, 4 and 6 mins blanching respectively and cotyledons extract control samples (A2, B2 and C2) of 2, 4 and 6mins blanching respectively. The fresh peel and cotyledon contains the following vitamin E (4.80% and 19.00%), vitamin C (3.85% and 13.75%) and vitamin A (3.48% and 64.52%); minerals such as; sodium (205.25% and 281.44%), calcium (0.04% and 0.065%), iron (0.82% and 1.05%) and zinc (42.12% and 79.00%), respectively which reduced with increased blanching period. The physico-chemical contents; soluble protein (0.54% and 0.710%) and total soluble carbohydrate (TSC) (45.74% and 48.57%) - in both fresh peels and cotyledons respectively also reduced appreciably with increased blanching period. While ph (3.17% and 4.87%) contents in fresh peel and cotyledon respectively increased with increase in blanching periods, total soluble solids (TSS) (0.12% and 0.02%) contents in fresh peel and cotyledon respectively increased during 2mins blanching and decreased afterwards.
Effects of Blanching on the Proximate Compositions and Antinutritional Factors of Products from African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) Peels and Cotyledons.[Full-Text ] Eze, J. I., Okafor, G. I. and Okoyeuzu, C. F.This study focuses on the identification of the proximate compositions and antinutritional factors in the peels and cotyledons of Afrian star apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) and evaluate the effects of processing on the chemical properties of their products. The peels and cotyledons were blanched at 1000C for 2,4 and 6 mins, wet milled with water in 1: 1.5 ratio, sieved with muslin cloth to obtain the extracts which were pasteurized at 800C for 10mins thus giving rise to 8 samples including their control samples coded as follows: peel extract control samples (A1, B1 and C1) of 2, 4 and 6 mins blanching respectively and cotyledons extract control samples (A2, B2 and C2) of 2, 4 and 6mins blanching respectively. The fresh peel and seed contains the following moisture content (22.36%) protein (1.68% and 4.33%), crude fibre (8.21% and 5.99%), ash (0.18% and 0.30%), protein (1.68% and 4.33%), fat (0.50% and 3.05%) and carbohydrate (66.87% and 60.74%), respectively which reduced with increased blanching period. The antinutrients - tannin (0.400% and 0.240%), HCN (1.06% and 1.10%) and phytate (1.21% and 2.73%)- in both peels and seeds respectively also reduced appreciably with increased blanching period.
A Systematic Review of PCA and Its Different Form for Face Recognition[Full-Text ] Reecha Sharma, M.S. PatterhFace recognition is an important part of our daily life. Face recognition is used either for verification (one-to-one matching) or for identification (one-to-many). Mainly face recognition consists of two categories feature based and appearance based. Feature-based method first process the input image to identify and measure distinctive facial features such as the eyes, mouth, nose, etc., as well as other fiducial marks and then compute the geometric relationships among those facial points, thus reducing the input facial image to a vector of geometric features. Appearance based method used holistic features of 2D image attempt to identify faces using global representations, i.e., descriptions based on the entire image rather than on local features of the face. In this paper holistic method is discussed using Principle Component Analysis. This paper presents a systematic review of different forms of Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for face recognition. Based on the brief review of different forms of PCA, comparison table of recognition rate for ORL and FERET database are prepared.
A Novel Nearest Neighbour Information based Security Scheme (SS) against Wormhole Attack in MANET[Full-Text ] Sunil Kumar Sharma, Sitesh Kumar Sinha, Mukesh KumarMobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of nodes that are capable to form a temporary dynamic network without the support of any centralized administration and fixed infrastructure. Because of the absence of central controller it is difficult to determine the reliable & secure communication in Mobile Ad hoc network. That’s why the security is the one of the most significant issue in MANET. Worm hole attack is a type of attack that are work as to established path in between sender and receiver but if the sender has start data transmission then in that case the worm hole attacker has create a direct link, referred to as a wormhole tunnel between them and all the data pass through that tunnel. In this research we proposed detection as well as prevention Security Scheme (SS) against wormhole attack, for detection we use nearest neighbor information of hop count and get attacker node information like node number, number of attacker and infected packets it means trustful communication among the nodes by that the higher successful data communication process rates may well possible. After that we prevent wormhole attack using neighbor trust valuable base technique and secure the mobile ad-hoc network communication, through our proposal we provide secure as well as reliable communication in network from wormhole attack and measure the performance of network on the bases of network parameter like packet delivery ratio, throughput and routing load.
Consolidation Behavior of Cochin Marine Clay under Constant Rate of Strain[Full-Text ] M.N.Sandeep, T.C.ReshmaThe consolidation behaviour of soft clays is of considerable importance in the settlement calculations. The conventional incremental loading consolidation tests are carried out for determining consolidation parameters. Due to the longer duration taken for the conventional incremental loading consolidation tests, nowadays constant rate of strain consolidation (CRS) tests are also used to study the consolidation behavior of clayey soils. CRS tests also are conducted to study the strain rate effect on consolidation. The objective of this study is to compare the consolidation behaviour of Cochin marine clay under incremental and CRS tests. The CRS tests were conducted in an oedometer modified for this purpose. The main parameters investigated are coefficient of consolidation (Cv), Coefficient of compressibility (av) and consolidation yield stress (pc). An attempt has been made to investigate effect of strain rate on consolidation behavior of Cochin marine clay by conducting constant rate of strain (CRS) tests at strain rates 0.12, 0.6 and 3.0 %/minute along with conventional IL tests for comparison. The results indicate that CRS tests with 0.12%/min strain rate gives comparable results with IL tests. Although there are scatters on test data, generally for the strain-rate tested (0.12 – 3%/min), consolidation yielding stress (pc) increased with strain-rate.
A NOVEL ATTENTION CONTROL MODELING METHOD FOR SENSOR SELECTION BASED ON FUZZY NEURAL NETWORK LEARNING[Full-Text ] Navdeep, Nisha PhogatA sensor network is defined with large number of energy nodes. As of the adhoc network, the nodes are distributed over the network randomly. Because of this, unequal distribution of nodes over the network is occurred. This unequal distribution also raises many communication problems over the network. To resolve this problem, it is required to monitor the critical nodes or area over the network so that effective timely decision can be taken. The identification of these critical nodes over the network is called attention control. In this present work, an intelligent parametric approach is defined to identify the critical nodes over the network so that effective node monitoring will be done. The presented work will be divided in two three main stages. In first stage, the identification of attention nodes will be done. The identification will be done based on multiple vectors such as energy, connectivity, load etc. To perform this identification, a at first fuzzy rules will be derived to obtain the parametric values in nominal form and later on the classification algorithm such as probabilistic neural network will be applied to identify the attention nodes. Once the attention nodes will be identified, the next work is about to identify the agent nodes that will monitor these critical nodes over the network. Here, an intelligent approach will be applied so that minimum nodes will be taken to monitor all the critical nodes. Once the agent nodes will be defined, the next work is to identify the alternate nodes to the attention nodes that can replace the nodes so that effective results will be drawn from the network. The work is about to improve the network again such problems and to improve the network life and communication. The presented work will be implemented in matlab environment.
Data Mining: A prediction for Student's Performance Using Decision Tree ID3 Method[Full-Text ] D.BHU LAKSHMI, S. ARUNDATHI, DR.JAGADEESHKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) is a multidisciplinary area focusing upon methodologies for extracting useful knowledge from data and there are several useful KDD tools to extracting the knowledge. This knowledge can be used to increase the quality of education. But educational institution does not use any knowledge discovery process approach on these data. Data mining can be used for decision making in educational system. A decision tree classifier is one of the most widely used supervised learning methods used for data exploration based on divide & conquer technique. This paper discusses use of decision trees in educational data mining. Decision tree algorithms are applied on students’ past performance data to generate the model and this model can be used to predict the students’ performance. The most useful data mining techniques in educational database is classification, the decision tree (ID3) method is used here.
SMART HELMENT FOR MINERS USING WSN[Full-Text ] UTHIRA MOHANSafety plays an important role in mines. A number of parameters need to be monitored in coal mines as it can be hazardous for human life. Few such are the exposure to temperature, humidity, free oxygen and methane gas in that atmosphere. The paper produces an idea in which the helmets are used as monitoring devices. The wireless sensor networks are used for communication between the node and the base station. The methane sensor (MQ-4), the temperature sensor (TMP102) and the humidity sensor (SHT11) are used for sensing methane content, temperature and humidity respectively. The sensed signals are then sent to the base station using wireless sensor networks. WSN has a dynamic topology. The sensor nodes convey the necessary information about the parameters to the base station. A gateway node is used in delivering the information from the sensor nodes to the base station. A hybrid protocol is used for routing purpose. This protocol combines advantages of both the proactive and reactive protocols. A sensor node has a microcontroller (AT89C52) connected to the sensors, transmitter. In addition, it also gives an indication to the workers if the values exceed the safety limit. This shall further be simulated with MATLAB.
Research Trends in Controllable Fluids for Landing Gear Applications[Full-Text ] M Hari Prasad, K V GangadharanLanding gears are an important element in an aircraft to facilitate safe takeoff and landing by protecting both passengers and aircraft structure. The efficiency of landing gear depends on the damping characteristics of shock absorber which will convert shock loads into heat energy. The landing gears are designed for a particular landing conditions. Any deviation in landing conditions will influence landing gear performance. In order to make to perform efficiently in the entire permissible landing conditions there is a need to develop a new class of landing gears which are adaptive to the landing conditions. The continual development of controllable fluid devices such as, electrorheological (ER) and magenetorheological (MR) shock absorbers will be one of the novel technologies leading to the development of smart landing gears. The present study brings out the research trends towards development of landing gears based on controllable fluids.
Fixed Point Theorems using Absorbing Maps in e- Chainable Fuzzy Metric Spaces[Full-Text ] Syed Shahnawaz Ali, Jainendra JainThe introduction of notion of fuzzy sets by Zadeh [17] and the notion of fuzzy metric spaces by Kramosil and Michalek [9] has led to the extensive development of the theory of fuzzy sets and its applications. Several concepts of analysis and topology have been redefined and extended in fuzzy settings. The numerous applications of fuzzy metric spaces in applied sciences and engineering, particularly in quantum particle physics has prompted many authors to extend the Banach’s Contraction Principle to fuzzy metric spaces and prove fixed point and common fixed point theorems for fuzzy metric spaces. In this paper, we prove a common fixed point theorem for six self mappings using the concept of absorbing maps in e- chainable fuzzy metric space introduced by Cho et al. [2].
New Media for local e-governance “FRIENDS” and the changing consumer behavior[Full-Text ] Dr. Prasanth Koothoor, Dr.C.PichandyIn the Global media presence, the diffusion of new media technology even at the grassroots level brings about a new changing pattern of living is visible. A lot of experiments are taking place in this direction and it is important to evaluate, how it is working and what is its effect on the society. In this paper, the researchers attempted to observe, how the ICT enabled local governance project FRIENDS visibly brought about change in the urban social environment of the selected nine districts in the state of Kerala and how far the use of new media technology for development brought about desired change.
Performance Efficiency of College of Computer Science of State Universities and Colleges in Region I: A Data Envelopment Analysis Study[Full-Text ] Eduard M. AlbayUsing the Multi-Stage Input-Oriented Constant Returns-to-Scale Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Model, this study determined the performance efficiency of the Colleges of Computer Science/College of Information Technology (CCS/CIT) of the State Universities and Colleges in Region I (DMMMSU, MMSU, PSU and UNP) based on their intellectual capital (Faculty and Students) and governance (Curriculum, Administration, Research, and Extension) from A.Y. 2008-2009 to A.Y. 2010-2011. Specifically, it sought answers to the following: 1) performance efficiency of the CCS/CIT as to intellectual capital and governance; 2) respondents’ peer groups (model for improvement) and weights (percentage to be adapted to become fully efficient); 3) virtual inputs and outputs (potential improvements) of the respondents to be in the efficient frontier; and 4) fully efficient CCS/CIT operating with the best practices. Findings of the study showed that: 1) CCS/CIT A, CCS/CIT B and CCS/CIT D are “fully efficient” in all the performance indicators. CCS/CIT C is “fully efficient” in Faculty, Students, Curriculum, Administration and Research, but “weak efficient” in Extension; 2) “Fully efficient” CCS/CIT A, B and D have no peers and weights. CCS/CIT C needs to adapt 46% of the best practices of CCS/CIT D, being its peers and weights in Extension; 3) “Fully efficient” CCS/CIT do not have any virtual inputs and outputs. However, CCS/CIT C needs 76.92% decrease in the number of extension staff/personnel, 26.15% decrease in its number of linkages, and 168.21% in the number of clients served; and 4) All the colleges have the best practices in Faculty, Students, Curriculum, Administration and Research. CCS/CIT D has the best practices in Extension. In general, CCS/CIT D has the best practices in all the studied performance indicators.
Anomaly Intrusion Detection Techniques: A Brief Review[Full-Text ] Anurag Jain, Bhupendra Verma, and J. L. RanaIn a broader sense detection of any unauthorized access of any information system is the basic aim of any intrusion detection system. However due to cost considerations it is practically impossible to provide total protection to an information system from intrusion for its entire useful life time. In this paper we provide a brief introduction to anomaly based intrusion detection systems that classify all reported techniques, including artificial immune systems (AIS), fuzzy logic (FL), swarm intelligence (SI), artificial neural networks (ANN), evolutionary computation (EC), and soft computing (SC). The various techniques of anomaly based intrusion detection system reported in the literature have been sorted out on the parameters like their strength and weakness. The important research contributions have been systematically compared and summarized to reflect the current status of research and challenges ahead. This will be helpful in knowing the new research directions. We also highlight the role of machine learning techniques for IDS. The contributions of research papers based on machine learning (ML) have also been considered. ML system have intrinsic properties like resilience to noisy data, adaptability, fault tolerance, robustness, low computational overhead etc, that provide a versatile tool in developing better intrusion detection techniques. We aim at providing a concise but comprehensive overview of research in progress and give direction to intrusion detection methods based on ensemble of ML techniques. This review work should be helpful and also provide critical insight into the current trend in IDS research especially in the application of ML approaches to IDS and related fields.
A Survey of Real-Time Data Warehouse and ETL[Full-Text ] Fahd Sabry Esmail AliData warehouses (DWH) are typically designed for efficient processing of read only analysis queries over large data, allowing only offline updates at night. The current trends of business globalization and online business activities available 24/7 means DWH must support the increasing demands for the latest versions of the data. Real-Time Data Warehousing aims to meet the increasing demands of Business Intelligence for the latest versions of the data. Informed decision-making is required for competitive success in the new global marketplace, which is fraught with uncertainty and rapid technology changes. Decision makers must adjust operational processes, corporate strategies, and business models at lightning speed and must be able to leverage business intelligence instantly and take immediate action. Sound decisions are based on data that is analyzed according to well-defined criteria. Such data typically resides in a Database Warehouse for purposes of performing statistical and analytical processing efficiently. Achieving Real-Time Data Warehousing is highly dependent on the choice of a process in data warehousing technology known as Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL). This process involves: 1) Extracting data from outside sources; 2) Transforming it to fit operational needs; and 3) Loading it into the end target (database or data warehouse). Not all ETL’s are equal when it comes to quality and performance. As such, optimizing the ETL processes for real time decision making is becoming ever increasingly crucial to today's decision-making process. An effective ETL leads to effective business decisions and yields extraordinary decision- making outcomes. This study overviews the theory behind ETL and raises a research vision for its evolution, with the aim of improving the difficult but necessary data management work required for the development of advanced analytics and business intelligence.
Objective Performance of Picture Quality Measures based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT)[Full-Text ] Dr.P. SumitraImage compression is an important tool to reduce the bandwidth and storage requirements of practical image systems. It has been successfully implemented to provide high compression rates while maintaining good image quality. Wavelet transform is the latest method of compression where in ability to describe any type of signal both in time and frequency domain. To explore the effect of various image features on the coding performance, a set of gray level image statistics have been analyzed by using SPIHT (Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees) algorithm. Applying the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients and using SPIHT, image quality measures are determined for a standard Lena image, Boat and Cameraman image. SPIHT has been proposed as a method for effective and efficient embedded image coding. This method holds important features like MSE, PSNR, NCC, NAE. SPIHT has been successfully used in many application.
Implementation on Feature Subset Selection Using Symmetric Uncertainty Measure[Full-Text ] Mrs.Jyoti Praful Gaidhani, Prof. S.B.NatikarFeature selection involves identifying a subset of most useful features that produces compatible results as the original entire set of features. In the process of Feature Selection the algorithm may be calculate from the efficiency and effectiveness points of view. The efficiency concerns the time required to get a subset of features and the effectiveness is related to the quality of subset of features. Using this criterion the clustering based feature selection algorithm is proposed and it uses computation of symmetric uncertainty measure between feature and target concept. Feature Subset selection algorithm works in two steps. In first step, features are divided into clusters by using graph clustering methods. In second step the most representative feature which is strongly related to target class is selected from each cluster to form subset of features. Features in different clusters are independent; the clustering based strategy of algorithm has high probability of producing good subset of result
Improve Performance of TCP over Mobile Ad-Hoc Network using a cross-layer solution[Full-Text ] Mr. Yassine DOUGA, Dr Malika BOURENANEThe Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is tuned to perform well in traditional wired networks, where packet losses occur fre-quently because of congestion. Unfortunately, in mobile ad hoc networks TCP is known to suffer from performance degradation since TCP connections are faced with problems such as high bit error rates, frequent route changes, multi-path routing and temporary network partitions. In our paper we present a new approach called Hybrid TCP or H-TCP that tries to adapt TCP for use in Wireless ad-hoc environment. In H-TCP we show that we can obtain better connections on the wireless links, while maintaining the advantages of TCP on the wired networks at the same time. We evaluated our approach via simulation with NS3 and compared the results with standard TCP-Reno scheme and a recent improvement of TCP performed on the basis of the signal strength. This comparison is done in terms of transmission time, interferences and mobility of nodes. The numerical results reveal that H-TCP achieves a significant improvement in the TCP transmission performance over mobile multi-hop wireless.
Secured Authentication Using Mobile Phone as Security Token[Full-Text ] Monalisa P. Kini, Kavita V. Sonawane, Shamsuddin S. KhanThe inherent challenges of the security issue have become a top priority in every organization that makes use of information. Securing digital identities is getting more and more crucial. For authentication the usage of passwords is no longer sufficient because it faces most modern means of attacks and thus stronger authentication schemes are needed. Strong authentication solutions having two identification factors require often an additional device, which could be difficult for the user and costly for the service providers. In order to avoid the use of additional device, mobile phone is adopted as security token. This paper introduces a concept where mobile miss call is used as an additional password to the application. For lot of security reasons one generally requires a very secure password, to implement the same the focus of this paper is on Authentication using mobile phone as security token and a mobile missed call is a unique one.
Development of a Screw Press for Palm Oil Extraction[Full-Text ] O. A. Adetola, J. O. Olajide and A. P. OlalusiA palm oil screw press was designed, fabricated and evaluated for small and medium scale palm fruit processors in order to mechanize the extraction process and increase production output. The major components of the machine are standing frame, threaded shaft, speed reduction gear motor, driving & driven pulley and discharge outlet. The highest oil extraction ratio (OER) of 17.90% and oil extraction efficiency (OEE) of 79.56% were obtained at the sterilization time of 60 min, digestion time of 10 min and screw speed of 10 rpm. The production cost of the press is $650 and it is powered by a three- phase 5hp electric motor.
Dustion acoustic waves propagation with degenerate ions and nonextensive electrons[Full-Text ] G.Mandal, S.Asharaf and A.A.MamunIn this recent investigation we have studied the nonlinear wave propogation of dust-ion-acoustic (DIA) waves in an unmagnetized collisionless plasma system containing degenerate ions following only non-relativistic limits, nonextensive electrons, and negatively charged dust grains.
An Embedded System Laboratory Training Using dsPIC30F6014A[Full-Text ] Swapna Chintakunta and Raghavendra Rao KanchiIn this paper, we present a series of experiments useful for an embedded system laboratory. These experiments can be introduced to the under graduate students of engineering: electrical, electronics and communication, computer science and post gradute science students specialized in electronics. They are built around the dsPIC30F6014A low power RISC Digital Signal Controller, which suggest the MPLAB IDE programming. The salient feature of dsPIC30F6014A chip module is that each experiment is explained by its hardware description, software development, which includes the dumping of program on to the microcontroller flash memory. The series of experiments described in the present paper will be a point of take–off to start a journey on working in the area of embedded system. It gives an opportunity to think individually and tom develop creativity towards the fast growth of technology about an embedded system
A Comparison of Medical Waste Generated in a Selected Private and Public Hospitals in Abeokuta Metropolis, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Olatunbosun. B.E, Uguru-Okorie, D. C, Ekpo, DMedical waste management (MWM) has received very little attention in waste management process in Nigeria. Neither the government nor hospital authorities pay proper attention to its management. Hospital workers and patients are at risk of acquiring infection from sharps and contamination of environment with multiple drug resistant microorganisms if wastes are not properly managed. A survey of medical waste management (MWM) practices and their implications to health and environment was carried out in Abeokuta Metropolis, Nigeria. This study assessed management practices in two (private and public) hospitals. Empirical data was obtained on medical waste generation, segregation, storage, collection, transportation and disposal. The observed MWM practices in all hospitals indicate absence of full compliance with the protocol for handling medical waste as stipulated in the relevant sections of the guidelines and standards for environmental pollution control in Nigeria. The private hospital demonstrated high priority for segregation of infectious medical waste. The average solid waste generated rate per bed/day was found to be 0.232kg of solid waste of which 15.6% was hazardous in nature. Infectious wastes account for about 13.6% of the total waste. Only the private hospital investigated carry out treatment of her infectious and sharp waste types by incineration before final disposal. Waste management officers do not have formal training in waste management and techniques and hospital administration pay very little attention to appropriate management of medical waste. The study proffers recommendation to include: (1) Formulation of a medical waste management policy separately from a hospital waste management policy. This can be done by a multidisciplinary team including Environmental Health experts and waste management experts. (2) All staff and personnel handling medical waste in each hospital should be trained on methods and new techniques of medical waste.