Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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Optimization and Analysis of a Hybrid system in Tromso, Norway by using HOMER Software[Full-Text ] Gelareh Hajian, Mohammad Saeed Ahadi, Mohamadreza eskandariIn the cold climate of Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway) energy is vital for survival. The scarcity and uneven distribution of energy resources, rising energy prices and concern for climate change have all contributed to growing global need for energy ef?ciency and increased use of renewable energy resources. In this paper PV-Wind-Hybrid systems have been studied in Tromso, Norway. The load is considered as a remote load, where grid connection is almost not possible, because of the various issues such as the high price of using transmission line or the difficulties in providing electricity from power line, so using energy generation system can be a reliable and optimized source of energy in such cases. The study has been performed with the simulation tool: HOMER software which is developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for techno-economic feasibility studies of hybrid systems. Here, HOMER is used to examine the most cost effective configurations among set of systems for electricity requirement of 53 KWh/day primary remote load with 7.8 kW peak load in order to obtain the most feasible configuration of a hybrid renewable energy system. Meteorological data about solar radiation throughout a year and wind speed in the Tromso city are taken from RETScreen software.
The Scientific Conceptualization of Time dilation[Full-Text ] Mr.Vijay A. KanadeTime dilation is an actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or differently situated from gravitational masses.The paper deals with the scientific conceptualization of Time dilation in a broader sense. The concept presented focuses on the apparent reason behind the time differences between various planets. Time dilation also encompasses the age old mystery of life in the outer space and the time constraints that they follow which ought to differ with the time standards followed by our universe.
Intelligent Industrial Digital Library for Measurement of Capacitor Parameter[Full-Text ] Mr. Suresh Y. Sankpal, Dr. Mrs. S. B. Patil, Mr. Abhijeet SheteThe Capacitors are used in power systems. Manufacturing process of capacitor is carried out in the industry. The objective of our system is to measure various parameter of capacitor while manual testing process is going on. The exact value of test parameter detected automatically and sent to the control room so that faults in the manual testing process is identified. In all, developed system generate a list of all the parameter detected automatically. Retain the same in computer so that it can be compared with standard values.Industrial Digital Library is sponsored by Sharada Electronics Pvt Ltd,Miraj MIDC.
Automatic Optical Inspection for PCB Manufacturing: a Survey[Full-Text ] Eid M. Taha, E. Emary, Khalid MoustafaAs the rapid development in electronic industries based on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designs and high volumes manufacturing capacities and the need for high quality products with minimum defect rate comes the importance of Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) technology. The basic objectives among different AOI system manufacturers are to improve lighting, computing capability, flexibility of part staging and vision software. These improvements make AOI products more intelligent, flexible, and with far more repeatable results that are superior to human visual inspection. For finding of errors in PCB many algorithms are proposed in literature. A variety of approaches for automated visual inspection of printed circuit have been reported over the last three decades. The last reported survey in this topic introduced by Moganti96 that is why the need to introduce this survey to cover reported work after 1996. Also Moganti survey covers solely bare PCBs visual inspection. In this survey, algorithms and techniques for the automated inspection of printed circuit boards are examined. A classification of these algorithms is presented and the algorithms are grouped according to this classification. This survey concentrates mainly on image analysis and fault detection techniques; these also include state-of-the-art algorithms.
Defending in the RFID system against eavestdropping[Full-Text ] Tibor RadványiIn this article we are going to deal with today’s most dynamically improving RFID technology connected to the topic of automatic identification. We are going to introduce the possible attacks, emphasizing the UHF and the HF/NFC frequency ranges. Different defend methods are also going to be mentioned. Analysing the possibilities of defeating eavesdropping will be highlighted as well. The suitable cryptographic algorithms are going to be listed besides the ones which are non-suitable according to the boundaries of the technology. The size of the implemented memory and the persistence or non-persistence of a chip which is able to solve the possible calculation operations in the RFID tag strongly influences this issue. Passive UHF and HF/NFC tags do not contain a controller with calculation capacity, only a memory chip to store data. In this case defense means a reasonably bigger problem than if we are working with active devices where hardware tools able to serve calculation purposes are available. On the other hand these transponders might be extremely cheaper than the active ones. In the next few years tens of billions of transponders are expected to be installed according to the European Union’s “Internet of Things” plan, and most of these transponders are going to be passive tags. This project is going to generate a large demand for using and distributing data that should be protected, in spite of the fact that their protection is not solvable or very hard to solve.
Cytogenetic Analysis of Couples with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss[Full-Text ] Jisha P, Sanuj C Breezevilla and Dinesh Roy DThe goal of this cytogenetic study was to evaluate the various risk factors and chromosome abnormalities in couples experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). This study was conducted among 50 couples with RPL. These study subjects were in the age group of 20 to 50 years. The cytogenetic analysis results were correlated with various demographic, lifestyle and clinical aspects of couples with RPL. Increase in number of gestations, spontaneous abortions and MTPs showed increased incidence of abnormal karyotypes among the study subjects with RPL. The study demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between duration of married life, history of infection, chronic illness and drug intake with chances for recurrent pregnancy loss. A significant abnormal karyotype among the study subjects along with the above parameters is suggestive of increased risk of recurrent pregnancy loss. Modification of life style along with proper medication for teratogenic infection and awareness of the role of Genetics in the etiology of RPL will help in reducing the risk for recurrent pregnancy loss.
Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study Of Chemical State Of Iron In Natural Samples Hornblendes From Udaipur District (Raj)[Full-Text ] ROHITASH KUMAR, H.S.SINGHMössbauer spectroscopy is based on the quantum mechanical “Mössbauer effect,” which provides a non-intuitive link between nuclear and solid-state physics. Mössbauer spectrometry provides unique measurements of electronic, magnetic, and structural properties within materials. Mössbauer study of hornblendes samples are reported here with Mossbauer parameters and also chemical analysis. The state of iron present in the form of Fe2+and Fe3+ cations in the samples. The ratio of Fe2+ and Fe3+ leads to oxidation state of iron oxides which is related to F-factor.
Renewable Energy as Circular Option: Climate Change Mitigation in Nigeria Energy Sector.[Full-Text ] A. Malah Umar, George Nosa Osaghae, H. AhidjoEnergy is the engine room that drives the economy of any nation. Nigeria as a nation is blessed with abundant deposit of this energy resources; these include reserves of crude oil, natural gas, coal, tar sands and renewable energy resources such as hydro, fuel wood, solar, wind and biomass. Despite these potential huge energy resources, the nation faces huge challenges meeting its energy demand thereby stalling the economic well-being and social infrastructures in raising the living standard of its citizenry. Nigeria is a Mono-economy with mainstay predominantly from oil whose exploitation has gradually given rise to environmental degradation contributing to global climate change phenomenon.
Validity Of Sonologic Soft Marker For Chromosome Abnormality[Full-Text ] Laly Jose, Alex K Ittyavirah and Dinesh Roy DA study was conducted to evaluate the validity of sonologic soft marker for chromosome abnormality. There were 200 subjects referred from Obstetrics and Gynaecology OPD of SM CSI Medical College, Karakonam, Trivandrum for a period of 2 years. The study was done using Siemens sonolin 50 USS scanner. The different sonologic soft markers used for the evaluation were nuchal fold thickness, short long bones, mild pyelectasis, echogenic bowel, echogenic intra cardiac focus and choroid plexus cyst. The karyotpe analysis was carried out in antenatal patients showing isolate and multiple sonologic soft markers. The study observed that there is no isolated soft marker is found to have higher risk for chromosome abnormality whereas cluster of markers seems to confer higher risk for aneuploidy. Thus sonologic soft markers can be used as a good tool along with cytogenetic markers to reduce the risk of chromosomal abnormalities during prenatal period.
A Novel Method of Optimization and Matching Generation of Photovoltaic Modules and Wind Turbines Models using Matlab[Full-Text ] Abdelrahman Atallah Z. Saleh, Loai S. Nasrat, Ahmed F. M. A. Elbendary, Barakat M. Hasaneen This paper presents the site matching with given data about the percentage of availability of renewable energy resources in the selected site to choose the optimum and the best suitable wind turbines and photovoltaic modules for this site in Egypt using different techniques such as capacity factor (CF) and turbine selection index (TSI), programs used (Matlab). The selected site is "Qena Al Gadida" City, New Urban Communities Authority, Egypt.
Suspended solid growth method for the removal of organic matter from industrial effluent[Full-Text ] Pratibha R.Gawande,Kalyan Patil,Dr.Kalpana S.DeshmukhThe purpose of this this research works, in order to study the effectiveness of activated sludge process at laboratory scale basis. Activated sludge process is the biological aerobic wastewater treatment that uses micro-organisms and air to biolog-ically oxidize the organic pollutants. This uses naturally occurring bacteria and protozoa thus it is eco-friendly as well as economical process. Activated sludge process was found to be effective method with scope for further research in terms of cost effectiveness, good quality effluent, efficient removal of BOD and COD. A study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of Activated Sludge Process (ASP) for the treatment of tannery wastewater and to develop a simple design criteria under local conditions. A bench scale model comprising of an aeration tank and final clarifier was used for this purpose. The model was operated continuously for 30 days. Settled sugar industry and textile industry wastewater was used as influent to the aeration tank. Five days Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the influent and effluent were measured to find process efficiency at various mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) and hydraulic detention time (?). The results of the study demonstrated that an efficiency of above 90% and 80% for BOD5 and COD, respectively could be obtained if the ASP is operated at an MLVSS concentration of 3500 mg/L keeping an aeration time of 10 hours.
Implementation of 802.11n MIMO OFDM Transceiver[Full-Text ] Amar Mandekar, S.D. Patil, D.S. AroraMultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless technology in combination with Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) is an attractive air-interface solution for next-generation wireless local area networks (WLANs), wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs), and fourth-generation mobile cellular wireless systems. This paper first focuses on 802.11n standard, MIMO-OFDM system. This paper focuses on high level Matlab Simulink 4 x 4 spatially multiplexed (SM) MIMO OFDM transceiver encoded at ½ rate using 64 size FFT which is designed and implemented on Spartan Virtex 6 FPGA board.
Embedded Web Server based on ARM Cortex for DAC System[Full-Text ] Smita Salgaonkar, Mrs. J. D. Bhosale, Mrs. Padmaja BangdeThe scope of embedded devices is increasing day by day and the demand will be further more when networking technology is incorporated into these devices. Network embedded system have become quite important; especially for monitoring and control of the industrial devices or home appliances. HTTP protocol is able to provide communication between larger distant client servers. In this paper a hard-wired web server is proposed using ARM cortex M3 micro controller. This microcontroller is 32 bit and supporting 10 X 100 Mbps Ethernet communications. Since ARM processor has fast execution capability and Ethernet standard can provide internet access with reasonable speed, this system is suitable for enhancing security in industrial conditions by remotely monitoring various industrial appliances where high safety and care is a necessity. In this paper we design a system using arm cortex micro controller to read data on HTTP protocol continuously and this design can be used for monitoring and controlling various devices which supports internet connectivity. This architecture is suitable for distributed measurement/control system and provides scalable networking solutions which can be optimized for educational laboratories, instrumentation and even in medical field.
Kitchen Location and Chances of Escape during Fire Outbreak in Residential Buildings[Full-Text ] Adetunji Abdulrasaq Bello, Aminu Umar, Usman Bukar Wakawa, Yakubu Aminu Dodo, Kadi Ja’a Adamu, Elnafaty Abbas Said One way of measuring escape potential is in terms of the number of possible routes from any room to a location of safety, while the existence of an escape route is a basis for analyzing the necessary conditions for egress; other factors must be consider in the location of escape route in a residential building. This paper takes a look into contributions of kitchen location within residential buildings to the occupants’ chances of escape during fire outbreak emanating from the same location. Structured questionnaires were administered to students of Architecture, practicing professionals in building industry and occupants of a selected estate in the study area. Respondents were required to examine each item on the questionnaires and indicate their degree of acceptance or non-acceptance on a 5-point Likert scale. The results were analysed using percentages, chi-square and rank order tables. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that Kitchen is one of the parts of a house where fire usually starts before spreading to the other parts and its location can inhibit occupants escape. The paper suggests appropriate location of kitchen in residential buildings, by creating awareness among professionals especially architects and future architects so as to reduce trapping of occupants during fire outbreak emanating from the kitchen.
Data Mining and Data Pre-processing for Big Data[Full-Text ] Ashish R. Jagdale, Kavita V. Sonawane, Shamsuddin S. KhanBig Data is a term which is used to describe massive amount of data generating from digital sources or the internet usually characterized by 3 V’s i.e. Volume, Velocity and Variety. From the past few years data is exponentially growing due to the use of connected devices such as smart phone’s, tablets, laptops and desktop computer. Moreover E-commerce which is also known as online market, internet services and social networking sites are generating tremendous user data in the form of documents, emails and web pages. This generated data volume is so vast and overwhelming which makes complex to process and analyze using traditional software systems consuming more time. This paper presents a pre-processing algorithm to extract real time user accessed data from windows operating system environment and an approach from Apache’s Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) framework using Map Reduce functionality to mine and analyze this large dataset. The ability to mine and analyze Big Data gives organization richer and deeper insights into business patterns and trends. The performance metrics of the proposed system can be evaluated on the basis of execution time, data heterogeneity, scalability, flexibility and mining algorithm used.
Dynamic Object Identification Using Background Subtraction And Its Gradual Development[Full-Text ] Mr.B.Ramesh Naik and Mr.N.V.RamanaiahThe project proposes efficient dynamic identification and people counting based on background subtraction using dynamic threshold approach with mathematical morphology. Here these different methods are used effectively for object identification and compare these performance based on accurate detection. Here the techniques frame differences, dynamic threshold based detection will be used. After the object foreground detection, the parameters like speed, velocity motion and sensitivity will be manipulated. For this, most of previous methods depend on the assumption that the background is static over short time periods. In dynamic threshold based object detection, morphological process and filtering also used effectively for unwanted pixel removal from the background. The background frame will be updated by comparing the current frame intensities with reference frame. Along with this dynamic threshold, mathematical morphology also used which has an ability of greatly attenuating color variations generated by background motions while still highlighting dynamic objects. Finally the simulated results will be shown that used approximate median with mathematical morphology approach is effective rather than prior background subtraction methods in dynamic texture scenes and performance parameters of moving object such sensitivity, speed and velocity will be evaluated.
Computation of Brain Asymmetry in 2D MR Brain Images[Full-Text ] P. KalavathiThe automatic computation of brain asymmetry is needed to study structural, volumetric and functional differences between the left and right brain structures to quantify and correct several MR brain deformities. This paper proposed a method to compute brain asymmetric measures such as Asymmetric Volume Index (AVI) and Asymmetric Shape Index (ASI) between the segmented left, and mirrored and registered right brain images. In order to register the right brain with the left brain for shape asymmetric measure, an image registration method based on Fourier-Mellin (FM) transformation is developed as a part of this brain asymmetric analysis.
The Contextual Meanings of Kurdish Lexeme “BAS” and its Equivalents in English[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Mohammed Ali MuradThe meaning of a linguistic unit is normally tied to both linguistic and physical contexts- this is something inevitable. The present paper attempts to explore the meaning of a frequently used term in Kurdish daily interactions, namely BAS, via highlighting it in the above mentioned contexts to identify what meanings it may produce. Having done this, the study pinpoints the appropriate counterpart in English for each of the meanings detected.
Waste process steam heat recovery system[Full-Text ] Rana Darshak DWaste heat is heat generated in a process by way of fuel combustion, chemical reaction or process steam, which is then “dumped” into the environment and not reused for useful and economic purposes. The essential fact is not the amount of heat, but rather its “value”. The mechanism to recover the unused heat depends on the temperature of the waste heat and the economics involved. Large quantities of process steam are exhausted into the environment by pharmaceutical and chemical industries. If some of the waste heat could be recovered then a considerable amount of primary fuel could be saved. The energy lost in waste steam cannot be fully recovered. However, much of the heat could be recovered and adopting the following measures as outlined in this project report can minimize losses. In any heat recovery situation it is essential to know the amount of heat recoverable and also how it can be used. The most commonly used waste heat recovery methods are preheating combustion air, steam generation and water heating, and load preheating. Low pressure steam may also be used to preheat the feed water. This principle is used in Indirect Contact Heat Exchanger and finds wide use in a steam generating station. When a vapor contains the waste heat, it usually condenses, giving up its latent heat to the liquid being heated, i.e. feed water. Present work is based on the recovery of the waste heat of process steam, utilizing that energy, i.e. Increasing the temperature of the feed water by using shell & tube heat exchanger. The topic presented aim is enhancing the efficiency of the process This is reflected by reduction in the utility consumption & costs, and process cost.
Performance Analysis of Channel Models of LTE in Various Transmission Modes[Full-Text ] Rashedul Haque Chowdhury, Mostarina Zinnat-Ara, Dilara AfrozLong Term Evaluation (LTE) is an emerging 4G wireless technology.Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems are a primary enabler of the high data rate to be achieved by LTE . According to LTE Release 9 there are 7 MIMO configurations from mode 2 to 8. An LTE base station is expected to select and switch among these transmission modes based on channel quality feedback like Channel Quality Indicator (CQI). And the ITU standard multipath channel models proposed by ITU used for the development of 3G 'IMT-2000' group of radio access systems are basically similar in structure to the 3GPP multipath channel models. In this paper we have investigated the effect of different multipath channel models at different SNR levels on the performance achieved through transmission mode 1 to 4. The simulation output shows that the mode 3 and 4 which are open loop and close loop spatial multiplexing respectively using 4 transmitting antenna outperforms all other mode in terms of high throughput at very reasonable BLER.
Effect of Waste Thermostone as an Aggregate in Concrete Containing Nano-SiO2[Full-Text ] Rami Joseph Aghajan SldozianIn this paper, the study included of adding waste thermosone as coarse aggregates with adding nano scale size of SiO2 as a replacement by the weight of cement, the ratios was (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). Destructive and non-destructive tests was conducted on the samples, the results show in destructive test the compressive and tensile strength decrease in the samples include thermostone and increase when adding nano-silica, and also noted that the butter ratio in nano-silica is 15%. The results of non-destructive tests Ultra sonic (pules velocity) that the better quality was in 15% ratio of nano-silica, but comparison with the samples that contain thermostone aggregates, the quality decrease with samples contain normal aggregate. And also the density of samples that contain thermostone decreased clearly, and noted very little change in density when add non-silica.
Designing Oil Fired Power Plant Incorporated with Renewable Energy and Analyzing Capacity Improvement[Full-Text ] Engr. Bony Francis Rozario, Dr. Mohammad Abdul MannanGlobal electricity generation contributed from Oil fired power plants is 1,103 TWh, which is around 5.5% of the total generation capacity. The amount is said to increase in the upcoming years by 2-3%. Considering the fact, gas emissions [NOx (2,000 mg/Nm3), SOx (2,000 mg/Nm3), and Particular Molecule (50 mg /Nm3) per 100 MW] of these plants equivalently have immense environmental impact. Rendering the consequences the design has been focused to mitigate the impacts incorporating green energies such as solar system, wind energy and cogenerations. The incorporation will also improve the overall capacity as well as efficiency. The efficiency of FO power plant is around 45% depending on the alternators’ rated capacity and engine’s fuel consumption ability at flat 80% plant factor. The design primarily emphasizes on ‘generated heat’ for certain fuel consuming engines which is to be extracted and in-conjunction of a steam turbine (referred to as ‘cogeneration’) the net output shall be increased by 0.38% (approx.). The gas emission velocity through exhaust stack shall also be utilized with the help of VAWT (Vertical Axis Wind Turbine) to utilize certain amount of energy. The preference has been focused to VAWT operated through emitted gas which enables the mounting at the edge of exhaust stack more feasible and practical. The design also incorporates solar panel to be placed at the roof top of power (engine) house occupying 37% of the entire plant area. These three separate energy sources can be incorporated in each of the existing plants for a comprehensive effect to overall outcome of the electricity generation. The paper has been segmented to improvise these design outcomes based on a 100 MW (Net) HFO power plant. The simulation comprises real data collected from various operating plant as to ease the merging of theoretical results with practical implications.
Image Segmentation For CT Image With Artefact[Full-Text ] Sharmila.G , Dr.V.Valli Mayil Image is considered to be a function of two real variables ,a(x,y) with ‘a’ as the amplitude of the image at the real co-ordinate position(x,y).An image contains sub-images sometimes referred to as ROI(Region-Of-Interest). So one or each part of the image(regions) can be processed to improve the quality of the image. In medical CT images there are chances for the artefact image which affects the diagnosis. So to reduce the artefact and improve the quality of the image ,the image has to be segmented. In image segmentation, clustering algorithms are very popular as they are intuitive and are also easy to implement. The K-means clustering algorithm is one of the most widely used algorithm in the literature. In this paper, K-means clustering algorithm has been used to segment the image. The k-means algorithm is an iterative technique used to partition an image into k clusters. The standard K-Means algorithm produces accurate segmentation results only when applied to images defined by homogenous regions with respect to texture and colour since no local constraints are applied to impose spatial continuity. The results shows the segmented images of the artefact image.
A study of User Adjustment plans for the Introduction of Facebook Timeline[Full-Text ] Noe Elisa, K. Suresh Babu, Nicholaus Gati, Thabiso Peter MpofuThis work applies coping theory to learn user adaptation strategies to major interface changes on Social Networking Sites (SNSs). Specifically, we qualitatively examine 1,798 user comments posted to the Facebook’s official Timeline blog in order to get a large and blended sample of real Facebook users’ perceptions about the launch of Timeline. Our data suggests a high level of stress associated with the transition to the new interface introduced by Timeline. We also found evidence which suggests that increasing users’ perceptions of control over major interface changes may help facilitate user adaptation to these changes. This study offers valuable insights to SNSs for mitigating user stress and facilitating successful adaptation during major interface changes.
Biosynthesized Gold Nanoparticles as Catalyst[Full-Text ] Swarnali Maiti, Gadadhar Barman and Jayasree Konar LahaCitrullus lanatus (watermelon) fruit juice is a delicious multivitamin drink of great medicinal significances. Nutritionally, Citrullus lanatus is a good source of vitamin A and C. We have used this juice for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNP) under very gentle condition. The resulting AuNP has been used as a catalyst. The catalytic activity of the as-prepared gold nanoparticles was observed in the reduction reaction of 2, 4- Dinitrophenyl hydrazine to 2, 4-Diaminophenyl hydrazine in presence of NaBH4. The reduction progression with time has been monitored from the UV-Vis spectra. No change in absorption spectrum was observed on addition of freshly prepared aqueous solution of sodium borohydride in 2, 4-DNP solution. Reduction of the nitro group to amino group only took place when AuNP solution was added in the mixture and the reaction was very fast. A new peak due to the reduction product (amino analogue) developed immediately at 300 nm as soon as AuNP solution was added and the peak due to the 2, 4-DNP at 358 nm was abolished. The intensity of the new peak gradually increased with time. Complete elimination of 358nm peak and subsequent emergence of 300 nm peak within a few minutes indicated the catalytic activity of the AuNP solution.
Geophysical Resistivity Survey in Subsurface Characterization for Heavy Construction in Nairobi City, Kenya[Full-Text ] Caroline K. Onyancha, Eliud M. Mathu, Sixtus K. Mwea and Wilson M. NgecuNairobi City is located in an area that may have been part of a large lake or a series of lakes that extended from Ol Doinyo Sabuk to almost Kajiado in the Tertiary Period. Volcanic rocks deposited in these lakes vary in lateral and vertical extent and in strength. Geotechnical investigation of sites with high variability by use of boreholes can be very costly. Electrical resistivity surveys are cheaper and quicker. The investigation program in this study involved 1-D geophysical resistivity surveys carried out at 48 sites with electrode distances ranging between 80 m and 500 m. The focus of the study was on how site investigations can be carried out cheaply and quickly in the context of design of heavy buildings and in underground excavations in Nairobi City. Results for the resistivity survey are presented as log-log curves for the various sounding sites alongside the borehole logs while fractures traced in the borehole logs are indicated on a map. The results of this study indicate that the Nairobi subsurface consists of five different profiles with strata having resistivity values in the range of 4.3 Ohm-m to 480 Ohm-m. In spite of the similarity of the curves, the number of layers detected in each profile is variable. In areas dominated by clays or alternating layers of weak and strong materials, the resistivity values are less than 100 Ohm-m. Electrical geophysical resistivity can be used to determine stratigraphic information at a site to pinpoint spots for geotechnical investigation in order to detect any variation that can pose challenges in building structures that can stand the test of time.
Evolution of Test case Prioritization Approach in Software Testing and Role of Genetic Algorithm-Research in Progress[Full-Text ] Surendra Mahajan, Dr.S.D.Joshi, Dr.V.KhannaNumerous outgrowths can be noted such as effort, schedule as well as estimation of the testing. Hence, diversified approaches as well as methodologies have been anticipated for acquiring awareness of these outgrowths. Application of genetic algorithms for automatic test development has been a domain of attentiveness for many researchers. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one analogous aspect of evolutionary algorithms. In this research paper, we evince contemplate of GA approach for approaching the diverse outgrowths dealt with during software testing. There is a confirmed curtailment between academic as well as practitioner convictions on software testing. This paper benchmarks to secure the gap by benchmarking both convictions regarding the merits and boundaries of test case Prioritization. The academic convictions are examined with a consistent literature review while the practitioner’s convictions are approximated with a survey, where we accumulated acknowledgments from plural software experts. The consequences of the balanced literature review materialize that the conception of apotheosis regarding merits and boundaries is quite superficial as only 30 papers ascribe the apotheosis. The survey emerged that merits of test case prioritization were accompanied to test case reusability, repeatability, test case coverage as well as effort reserved in test case executions. The boundaries were high alpha invests in Prioritization setup, tool preference along with educating. Comprehensively, 51% of the respondents accepted that feasible tools in the market assist a poor fit for expects and GA can be an alpha grade towards test case prioritization.
Chimney Height-optimisation in Thermal Power Plants[Full-Text ] KK.PANDIANThis proposal is based on my Experience on height optimization of chimney in thermal power plants without deviating from the stringent environmental norms laid out. It is the outcome of my exposure to projects, thermal power plants present status & analysis of reports. Outcome of above said confirms that chimney height reductions/ optimization is a viable option and directly proportionate to chimney cost as well.
Periodontal Infection: a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases[Full-Text ] Bhadoria Kiran, Tomar Akhilesh, Bhadoria Shailendr.Periodontal infection has emerged as useful tools to study the hypothesis that infection is a cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. Periodontal infections are a leading culprit, with studies reporting associations between periodontal disease and CVD. The recent focus on the potential link between periodontal and cardiovascular disease (PD and CVD) is part of the larger renewed interest on the role of infection and inflammation in the etiology of atherosclerosis and its clinical manifestations. Periodontal disease is considered an inflammatory disorder that damages tissue through the complex interactions between periodontopathic bacteria and host defense systems. It is likely that the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is common to both bacterial- and host-mediated pathways of tissue damage. In recent years, there has been a tremendous expansion in the medical and dental research concerned with free radicals (FR), ROS and antioxidant defense mechanisms. This review is intended to provide a critical up-to-date summary of the field with particular emphasis on the evidence for the risk of cardiovascular status in periodontal diseases.
Design and Optimization of Roller Conveyor System[Full-Text ] D.K. Nannaware, R.R. KhardeIn this paper we studied existing conveyor system and optimized critical parts of roller conveyor system like Roller, C-channels for chassis and support, to minimize the overall weight of assembly and material & cost saving. Paper contains geometrical modeling and finite element modeling of existing design and optimized design. Geometrical modeling is done using Catia V5R19 and finite modeling was done with the help of Ansys .Results shows safe design of optimized design. Optimization gives optimum design for same loading condition with huge amount of weight reduction. Using optimized procedure and using practical available structure 39.26% weight reduction is achieved
Processing Image By Reordering Of Its Patches Using Parallel Approach[Full-Text ] Ainapure Amruta Narsinha and Jogalekar Usha AnirudhaIt is observed that there is great increase in use of images in all fields. The sources of image may be digital camera, scanned copy of image or from any source. The different source has different formats for image and can introduce some kind of distortion in it. The increase in use of images increases need to develop technology of image recreation of clear image from corrupted one. The same idea is proposed in the paper which introduces new technique to reorder the contents of image to improve image quality. This technique can be applied to images captured from all the sources and also in case where image does not contain many details. One of the major applications of this technique will be in security related applications. The technique explained in this paper introduces an image processing scheme based on reordering of its patches. For a given corrupted image, the image is divided into set of patches with overlaps and orders them by applying shortest possible path essentially solving travelling salesman problem. The result of ordering is applied to the corrupted image enabling good recovering of the image.
The Silence of Women in Toni Morrison's Paradise[Full-Text ] Zanyar Kareem AbdulParadise (1997) is a Nobel-Prize novel which completes the trilogy including Beloved (1987) Jazz (1992). Morrison in Paradise depicts a vivid portrayal of women who live in a Convent in the town Ruby (Oklahoma). The conflict is between these women and the men who run the Convent. Throughout the story, the treatment of the women is noticed which denotes the patriarchal society that they live in, disturbing their own freedom and choices. The novels of Morrison are basically a focus on black women rather than a feminist approach. Morrison deliberates these concerns of sexual oppression, patriarchal society, and racist issue; but she doesn’t allow them to control over her whole experience.
An Evaluation of "Quality of Service" Schemes for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs Using OPNET Modeler[Full-Text ] Shalini Chaudhary, Munendra Kumar Das, Vijay MaheshwariIn the era of information and communication technology, WLANs are being used for military, multimedia and health application, where high system performance and the ability to stay in link is extremely required. WLAN supports best-effort service at lower investment and cost. Apart from low cost ,IEEE 802.11 technology is relatively easy, quick to install , and operating on a unlicensed frequency of 2.4 GHz which can be built independently by the individual or organization without reliance on operator. With the increasing demand and penetration of wireless services, users now expect good Quality of Services (QoS), in terms of delay; media access delay, throughput, and retransmission attempts.