Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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Backpressure Algorithm Technique a Tool to Improving Congestion Control in Data Communication Network.[Full-Text ] EKWE O.A, EMOLE, E. C.Congestion in network occurs when the traffic generated by the network users exceeds the available transport resources in the communication system. In such circumstances, not all the packets sent by the sources can be immediately relayed on the route towards their destination. Instead, they accumulate in the buffers at the intermediate nodes and wait for the bandwidth increase. Therefore, in order to combat the congestion and at the same time ensure high throughput in the network, it is not sufficient to merely extend the physical channel capacity, introduce connections with higher baud rates, or install faster transceivers. A successful solution to the dynamical resource allocation problem must involve the use of appropriate flow control mechanisms, which will guarantee stable and efficient network operation. In this paper, we present the description and analysis of the backpressure algorithm, a solution to address both of the above issues in the case of fixed-routing network scenario where the route of each flow is chosen upon arrival.
Towards the use of New Forensic Approach as a Panacea in Investigation of Cybercrime[Full-Text ] DANLAMI GABI, NASIRU MUHAMMAD DANKOLO, DALHATU MUHAMMEDTodays’ cybercrime has spark doubt on whether data across network infrastructure are secure. Crime such as denial of service, spoofing, ID theft, DDOS, Sniffing, hacking, are used to compromise critical network infrastructure. These growing menaces have posed lots of damages to cyberspace thereby causing valuable data and financial losses to both users and companies. The emerging perpetrations of these crimes have no doubt unveiled the security implementation on network infrastructure as mere illusion. Today, end users can no longer ascertain that cybercrime can be eradicated, viewing at the kind of damages it causes in our time. Inevitably, we need to understand how these crimes are being facilitated to ensure proper design of counter mechanisms that will help in the apprehension of perpetrator(s). Tracing perpetrator(s) becomes an ever growing challenges’ for cyber investigators, as perpetrator(s) can immediately cover their track when they facilitate an illicit act. A miscreant can take just 30 minutes to facilitate a crime online that can cause forensic investigator(s) 34 hours to discover traces and retrieve evidence that the perpetrated act has occurred. This show how lacking forensic investigators are in terms of response and proper forensic approach towards investigation. On the basis of this research, we explore the limelight of cyber forensic as an emerging field in unveiling cybercrime activities. We further proposed a new forensic approach that will serve as a panacea towards in-vestigation of cybercrime. The model unveils how perpetrator(s) in the cause of their illicit act can be apprehended by team of cyber investigators
Intelligent Energy Saving Control of UV lamp in water filter[Full-Text ] Trupti N. Bhoskar, Prof. V. R. IngleInterest in using ultraviolet (UV) light to disinfect drinking water is growing among public water systems due to its ability to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms without forming regulated disinfection byproducts. Ultraviolet water purification is a unique and rapid method of water disinfection without the use of heat or chemicals. Through the years ultraviolet technology has become well established as a method of choice for effective and economical water disinfection. In order to disinfect properly, conventional UV water-treatment systems keep their light intensity at maximum level regardless of the operating condition; this will result in unnecessary energy waste along with lamp-life-span reduction. In this paper, a UV water treatment system is proposed with intelligent energy saving control of UV lamp For the purposes of energy saving, fuzzy rule based control system is proposed to dim the luminance of the UV lamp according to the measured water flow rate, temperature and amount of impurity.
Design of a Dual Stack DNS Server with Dynamic Updates[Full-Text ] Olaleye Oludare, Olaniyan Ayodele, Famuyiwa KolawoleThe need for dynamic reconfiguration of IP addresses increases mostly due to the increased mobility among internet connected devices. A previous research work was able to develop a solution for dynamic DNS with updates initiated by the client based on already available components. The solution works but only supports IPv4. The adoption of IPv6 is on the increase due to IPv4 depletion. The aim of this study is to adapt the provided solution to dual stack mode that supports both IPv4 and IPv6. The conclusion of the study is that the concept works and it was possible with some effort to solve the problem in a relatively simple way.
Review of Multi Year Generation Tariff structure in India[Full-Text ] Ashok UpadhayayThis paper mainly presents the review of multi-year tariff framework for recovery of cost of power generation from thermal power stations. In the Indian context, generation activity has become partly competitive with introduction of competitive bidding, while transmission is a monopoly activity and distribution and retail supply is still largely an area-specific monopoly, despite provisions of open access and parallel licensing provisions. All the three segments are regulated by Electricity Regulatory Commissions in India and mainly regulated through Cost-Plus Regulation. The approach of tariff setting plays an important role for attracting investment in power generation. In line with the objectives of safeguarding consumer interest and to ensure recovery of cost of electricity in a reasonable manner, performance based cost of service regulation adopted in all previous tariff periods. A Multi Year Tariff framework will divide all costs into two broad categories, controllable and non-controllable. The Controllables are those costs which are endogenous to the utility whereas non-controllables are those which are external to the utilities over which they have no control. This paper mainly cover commercial issues involve in determination of the cost of energy generated from thermal power stations. This paper also focuses on distract features of Multi Year Tariff approach and its impact on development of the sector.
Review of Mode Decision Algorithms for Video Compression[Full-Text ] Umesh W. Kaware, Dr. Sanjay M. Gulhane, Ather Ravish KhanThe last decade has seen a quiet revolution in digital video technology. Digital video take a large amount of storage or transmission capacity and so video compression is essential. This survey paper discuss various mode decision algorithms used for intra prediction in video compression. In intra prediction there exists high similarity among neighboring blocks in a video frame. Consequently, a block can be predicted from its neighboring pixels of already coded and reconstructed blocks. It exploits the spatial correlation between the adjacent blocks to reduce spatial redundancies within a picture. Compression performance of H.264/AVC is greatly due to the new inter and intra prediction technique. Rate distortion optimization (RDO) technique is adopted by H.264/AVC to select the best intra prediction modes. It achieves remarkable improvement in compression performance, but the computational complexity of coding increases extensively. Therefore, the development of high performance mode decision algorithm for video compression is one of the most challenging theme.
Design and Implementation of MAC Protocol based CDMA system for solving Near Far Effect using VHDL[Full-Text ] Aakanksha Devrari, Adesh Kumar, Shraddha Singh, Amit KumarThe paper focuses on implementation of MAC protocol system for solving near far effect in Ad-hoc networks. The main issue in Direct Se-quence Code Division Multiple access (DS-CDMA) Ad-hoc network is the issue of a near-far problem. The near-far problem can severely affect packet reception, and consequently, network throughput. In the article, focus is done on utilization of both power and medium access control approaches. For the problem, a design based on DS-CDMA system is developed and channel access is governed with the help of MAC protocol. Modelsim10.2 (MXE) tool is used for functional and logic verification of each block. The Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) of Xilinx ISE 14.2i tool is used for synthesis of transmitter and receiver using Virtex 5 FPGA.
A Fault Tolernt Mechanism for Networks-on-Chip[Full-Text ] Yerkingali TileugaliAdvances in CMOS integrated circuit fabrication technology has made it possible to integrate a large number of transistors in a single chip.
Reading and Writing NetCDF Datasets: Tools and Techniques[Full-Text ] Gurbrinder KaurGRIB (GRIdded Binary or General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form) is a data format commonly used in meteorology to store historical and to forecast weather data. It is standard format made by the World Meteorological Organization's Commission for Basic Systems. GRIB is a WMO format for gridded data. GRIB data is used by the various meteorological centers for storage and the exchange of gridded fields. GRIB's major advantages are files are typically 1/2 to 1/3 of the size of normal binary files (floats), the fields are self describing, and GRIB is an open, international standard. A major advantage of GRIB is that is self describing. Each record has information such as: resolution of the grid, time, variable, level, who created the field. There are a number of GRIB decoders available.After decoding these files can be read in any language C, Fortran, Java or even Basic programs. This paper introduces the grib files, their decoders and tools to visualize the weather data.
Usability of Crystalline Basement Rocks as Construction Materials: Case Study of Ajaokuta Area, Kogi State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adiotomre, E. E.Five crystalline basement rocks (porphyritic granite, migmatite, quartzite, granite gneiss and mica schist) located in the Ajaokuta area are investigated to evaluate their mechanical strength, physical and petrographic characteristics. Results illustrate that the migmatite has the highest uniaxial compressive strength (12.77N/mm2), and the micaceous quartzite has the minimum uniaxial compressive strength (2.85N/mm2). Other rocks in the area such as porphyritic granite, granite gneiss and mica schist have uniaxial compressive strength of 3.11N/mm2, 5.68 N/mm2 and 3.13N/mm2 respectively. There is a reasonable correlation between the mechanical and physical strengths parameters. Specifically, an increase in mechanical strength of the analysed rocks is analogous to an increase in specific gravity and dry density, and a decrease in porosity. Furthermore, rocks that are high in quartz and mica content, anisotropic, coarse-grained, and with micro-structural cracks and poorly interlocked mineral grains are characterized by lower mechanical strength values. The results of the study illustrate that the migmatite, quartzite and the granite gneiss are the most suitable for use as construction materials, and the porphyritic granite and mica schist are least suited.
Essential Elements in Children Hospital Environment: Role of Perceived Affordances[Full-Text ] Usman Bukar Wakawa, Aminu Umar, Elnafaty Abbas Said, Abubakar Alkali IbrahimConventional loose items and elements have proven to possess learning and stress-reducing properties in educational settings. In order to explore on the effective stress-reducing effects of loose items, the study investigates the stress-reducing effects of conventional loose play items on paediatric patients because such play items is perceived to be inherently attracted to children. An experimental study (ward: conventional loose items vs. no conventional loose items) was used in which participants (n = 13) were presented with a photo of a hospital ward setting with conventional loose play items with a setting that is commonly used in Nigerian context. Afterwards, perceived stress and the perceived affordances of the hospital room were measured. The study was conducted from November to December 2013 in a children paediatric ward at Bauchi, Nigeria. Subsequently, results shows that participants exposed to the hospital room with conventional loose items reported to develop lesser expression in the change of their behavior such as mood, anger and restlessness than those that are not exposed to such environment. Descriptive content analysis confirmed that conventional loose items in a children hospital room reduce their feelings of stress though there perceived inherent play attachment to such play items. This study confirms the stress-reducing properties of conventional loose items and elements in the built healthcare environment.
The Benefit of Using Project Management tools on Industries[Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammed AbouhenidiProject management includes the process of planning, arranging, managing resources and procedures to achieve the organizational goals. Goals are set and achieved in the project management and it’s all about processing and controlling. Project management is about the organizing and controlling how the organizational goals are met. Just like the business managers who supervise a specific business area, project managers supervise the overall project assigned to them and control cost and production matters within industries.
Expermental Investigation Of A Solar Vehicle For Poliomyelitis Effected People[Full-Text ] Koteswararao.B, D. RaviThe Developing Countries like India facing so many health problems in that Poliomyelitis (often simply called polio) and florolasis are the major problems. In our paper we invented a vehicle that shows a bright opportunity to the people for their enlistment. So we developed a vehicle which will work on solar power, electrical and muscle power (according to requirement). Day by day consumption of conventional fuels goes in rapid way. So we concentrate on Non-conventional fuels. This vehicle will helpful for both the elderly and the handicapped people in their daily routines. The fact that they are no longer depending on someone else to perform daily duties so a big step forward. A large variety of mobility vehicles are available, from which one is to be selected as per. Mobility Vehicles are designed based on the usage, i.e. either indoor or outdoor. While making vehicle we observed the people very nearly and consider their requirements. The each and every part of design specification considered after analyzing the problems from the poliomyelitis person. Comfort of the person in the vehicle is an important for their smooth journey. This paper shows good ideas for transportation of the people those who are suffering from poliomyelitis and Florolasis in their legs or hand for that type of persons this vehicle well suitable.
Spatial variability mapping of micronutrients to improve productivity using Geo-informatics Technology in Gujarat state, India[Full-Text ] Kartik M. Thakor, Nishith Dharaiya, Vijay Singh, Ajay Patel, Khalid Mehmood, and Manik H. KalubarmeSoil surveying and mapping is an important operation, since it plays a key role in the knowledge about soil nutrients and how it can be used for agriculture. The major objective of present study was to map the spatial variability of soil micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B) in North, Center and South districts zones of Gujarat state, India. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used in this study to analyze the data of the soil micronutrients which were obtained from Anand Agriculture University (AAU), Gujarat. The micro-nutrients data was analyzed through spatial interpolation techniques namely Inverse Distance Weightage (IDW) method in GIS envi-ronment for suitable mapping in a selected North, Central and South districts of Gujarat state.
Nonlinear Lifting based New Wavelet Transforms for Improved Medical Image Compression[Full-Text ] A. Hazarathaiah, Dr. B. Prabhakara RaoIn this paper, the construction of new lifting based wavelets by a new method of calculating lifting coefficients is presented. First of all, new basis functions are utilized to facilitate new orthogonal traditional wavelets. Then by using the decomposing poly-phase matrix the lifting steps are calculated using a simplified method. The attractive feature of lifting scheme is that the construction of wavelet is derived in spatial domain only; hence the complexity in the design of traditional wavelets is avoided. Lifting scheme was used to generate second generation wavelets which are not necessarily translation and dilation of one particular function. Short and sharp basis functions are chosen so as to extract the non-uniform nature of usual image classes. Implemented wavelets are applied on a number of medical images. It was found that the compression ratio (CR) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) are far ahead of that are obtained with the popular traditional wavelets as well as the successful 5/3 and 9/7 lifting based wavelets. Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) is used to incorporate compression.
Face Detection And Recognition: A Review[Full-Text ] Yadvinder Singh, SSIET, PTU, DERA BASSIIn this research project, an energy efficient face detection technique for smart phones by combining the normalized cross correlation and generalized cross correlation is purposed. Normalized cross-correlation method is used for the template matching with image light level normalization hence minimize the lighting and exposure conditions in the image. This is typically done at every step by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. Whereas, generalized cross-correlation adds a windowing (or filtering) function prior to the inverse transform. Its purpose is to improve the image quality depending on the specific characteristics of the images and noise. In our proposed algorithm, both of the normalized and generalized cross correlation is combined, which will cover all of the aspect covered by the both of the former candidate algorithms. Hence our algorithm will be able to tackle light variations, noise and other specific image characteristics. In addition, algorithm will be able to work with various shadow effects cause by various face angles.
Practical Implementation Of Four Quadrant Operation Of Three Phase Bldc Motor With Fuzzy Logic Controller Using Fpga[Full-Text ] Julin K Austine, Dr. A.K. ParvathyBrushless DC (BLDC) motor drives are becoming more popular in industrial, traction applications. This makes the control of BLDC motor in all the four quadrants very vital. This paper deals with the digital control of three phase BLDC motor. The motor is controlled in all the four quadrants without any loss of power; in fact energy is conserved during the regenerative period. The FPGA controller is used for the implementation of four quadrant operation of BLDC motor .Fuzzy logic controller is used to achieve precise speed control.
Control of a Multimodal Transportation System using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Faiza Mahi, Fatima Debbat, Mohamed Fayçel KhelfiThis paper proposes a control approach using Fuzzy Logic for analysis and control of a multimodal transportation system. More precisely, the study focuses on the improvement of users’ service in terms of minimizing their waiting times in the exchange platforms of passengers. Many studies have been developed in the literature for such problematic, and many control tools are proposed. In this paper we focus on the use of fuzzy logic technique to control the system during its evolution in order to minimize the arrival gap of connected transportation means at the exchange points of passengers. An example of illustration is worked out and the obtained results are reported.
High Strength Concrete Using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (Ggbs)[Full-Text ] Thavasumony D, Thanappan Subash, Sheeba D.Concrete is a brittle material when it undergoes heavy loads, cracks will form and to reduce this and improve high strength in concrete certain admixtures are used. To produce high strength concrete these Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag is used. It is obtained by quenching molten iron Slag (a by-product of iron and steel making) from blast Fornance in water or steam. GGBS is used to make durable concrete structure in combination with ordinary Portland cement and (or) other pozzolona materials. Concrete containg GGBS cement has a higher ultimate strength than concrete made with Portland cement. It has a higher portion of the strength enhancing calcium silicate hydrates (CSH) than concrete made with Portland cement only and a reduce content of free lime which does not contribute to concrete strength, concrete made with GGBFS continues to gain strength overtime, and has been shown to double its 28-day-strength over periods of 10 to 12 years. Our project is a testing project compared with the compressive strength of PCC and GGBFS, used concrete. Here the amount of cement is reduced and that amount is replaced with GGBS.
Three Phase Two Switch High Power Factor Buck Converter[Full-Text ] Nimi N P, K PremelakumariThis paper presents Three phase two switch buck converter with high input power factor. The key feature of the proposed converter is the switches in the converter have lower peak voltage stress compared to conventional three phase single switch buck converter.The voltage stress in the proposed converter is limited to the peak value of the phase voltage of the input capacitors rather than the peak value of the line-to-line voltage, as is the case in the conventional converter. The reduction in the voltage stresses is therefore almost half as compared to that of conventional converter. This allows lower rated, standard devices to be used in the converters and reduces switching losses. In the paper, the steady state operation of the converter is proposed and general properties and design considerations are discussed. The feasibility of the proposed converter is confirmed with simulation results.
A Comparative Analysis of conventional inverter with multilevel inverter - a simulation study[Full-Text ] Er.Rimpy kalyan, Er.Neeraj BagriAdvances in power electronics technology allowed the wide investigation of multilevel inverters that provide high safety voltages with less harmonic components as compared to the conventional two-level structures. In this paper multi-level inverter topology Diode clamped multi-level inverter (DCMLI) and conventional inverter (180 0 and 120 0) are considered for comparative analysis. The comparative analysis is carried out in terms of THD of output voltage. A pulse width modulation (PWM) based switching technique is employed for the switching of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) of the inverters. Moreover, operating principle, features, parameters and potential application of these inverters are also discussed. MATLAB based simulation results are presented for the comparative study and analysis of DCMLI and conventional inverter (180 0 & 120 0).
Assessment of Physio-Chemical Parameters of Water at Environmentally Degraded Pallikaranai Marsh Area, Chennai, India[Full-Text ] J.Aravindkumar, K.Saravanakumar, M. Gokulakrishnan, B.IndiraThe groundwater is contaminated greatly with acidity, alkalinity, noxiousness, heavy minerals, and microorganisms throughout the world due to population growth, urbanization and industrial development. Henceforth, evaluation of water quality of groundwater and surface water is extremely important to prepare for remedial measures. The slice of research was carried out to study the ground water as well as surface water quality, and physico-chemical characteristics of Pallikaranai Marsh Area, Chennai, India. The study area is situated between latitudes 12º 55? 30? to 12º 58’30” N to longitudes 80º 12’ 20? to 80º 14’ 25? E and 1.362 meters above sea level. The present work has been conducted by monitoring two types of ground water i.e. ploughed well water and bore well water of 10 wards of the town. Attempts were made to study and analyze the physico-chemical characteristics of the water. Various parameters like pH, Total Dissolved Solids, Chlorides, Sulphates, Total Alkalinity, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand and the Biological Parameters like Coliform Bacteria give a picture of quality parameter in both dug well and bore well water as well as pond water of the town. By observing the result it can be concluded that the parameters which were taken for study the water quality are exceeds the pollution level for ground water which shows that the water is not safe for the use of various purposes like domestic, aquatic life, agricultural, industrial etc.
Consideration of security in the design process[Full-Text ] Alami Ayoub., Naciri oumaima., Herrou Brahim., El Hammoumi Mohammed.Detailing the integration of security design model This article aims. It is a systematic integration and earlier security during the devel-opment of the industrial system. The objective is to take into consideration the security inherently in the design of final industrial system. To do this we derive the characteristics of the correspondence points (or mapping) between design and security. We offer three types of interaction design with man. We have created a process of risk evolving with a design process mutually reinforcing. This process of risk admits six contexts of risk analysis.