Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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Performance analysis of D-BLAST aided Turbo Encoded SC-FDMA wireless communication system[Full-Text ] Md. Sarwar Hosain, Shaikh Enayet Ullah and Rubaiyat YasminIn this paper, an effort has been to assess critically the performance of a punctured Turbo channel coded SC-FDMA wireless communication system under consideration of Diagonal Bell Laboratories Layered Space Time (D-BLAST) architecture. The proposed system under investigation adopts MIMO technique with 4 × 4 antenna configuration. Various channel equalization schemes such as Minimum mean square error (MMSE), Zero-Forcing (ZF), ZF-SIC, MMSE-SIC, Lattice Reduction-Based ZF and Lattice Reduction-Based MMSE Scheme have been used. From MATLAB based simulated study on synthetically generated binary data transmission, it is found that the system shows its improved and robust performance in perspective of QAM digital modulation and Lattice Reduction-Based MMSE Scheme.
Taguchi and ANOVA analysis of shrinkage of Injection moulded polypropylene Component[Full-Text ] Tejendra Singh , Mahendra pratap Singh, Mohd Mukhtar AlamIn the present era, competition gets tougher; there is more pressure on manufacturing sectors to improve quality and customer satisfaction while decreasing cost and increasing productivity. These can be achieved by using modern quality management systems and process improvement techniques to reduce the process variability and driven waste within manufacturing process using effective application of statistical tools. Taguchi technique is well known technique to solve industrial problems. In this study, effect of injection molding parameters on the shrinkage in polypropylene (PP) is investigated. The relationship between input and output of the process is studied using Taguchi method and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique. The selected input parameters are melting temperature, injection pressure, packing pressure and packing time. Effect of these parameters on the shrinkage of above mentioned materials is studied using mathematical modelling. The determination of optimal process parameters were based on S/N ratios.
Design of DDR SDRAM Controller with inbuilt Memory Integrity Verification Module[Full-Text ] Suvarna P, Nandakumar R.The increasing demands of PC technologies have led to the development and realization of fast memory devices. There are several solutions for fast and efficient memory modules suitable for PC’s starting from flip flops to SDRAMs, DDR SDRAMs, its generations and more. Memory devices should also be supplemented by a well implemented controller in order to establish an interface between other hardware’s and itself. However it is a hard problem to protect the memory from corrupted data transfer and storage. Memory corruption can happen due to several reasons such as virus attacks, spyware or malware attacks, intermediate hackers etc. So in-order to prevent the memory from getting corrupted it is necessary to sense any real time changes in the data and correct it. Several integrity verification mechanisms can be incorporated along with the memory controller module to solve memory corruption. This paper deals with designing and implementing such a controller to appropriately control a DDR SDRAM. The paper also contains a method that can be realized along with the memory control logic in-order to perform memory integrity verification by making use of a popular hash function such as the SHA-2.
Design and characterization of a Fully Associative Cache Controller IP core[Full-Text ] Deepa C, Nandakumar R.Cache memory is a small, but fast memory that is used to store data that have been accessed recently and are likely to be referenced again soon in the future. Cache controller responds to the read and write requests issued by the processor. In this paper an architecture design of Cache controller core for fully set associative cache with write-through policy is described. This paper proposes to address detailed investigations about the different categories of cache memory, deriving a suitable behavioral model for custom controller, for targeting a cache memory.
Analysis of Malondialdehyde (MDA) Contents in Frozen Fish Sold in Two Fish Markets in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria[Full-Text ] Tunde Ajayi; Folashade Ajasin; Yewande Ajayi; Francis Sonibare; Matthew Ojezele; Oludolapo Abraham; Samson OjoThe aim of this study was to analyse the Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations in frozen fish sold in Nigerian markets. Thirty-six samples each of Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and Sardine (Sardinella eba) were purchased at 8:00, 12:00, and 16:00 hours of the day from twelve fishmongers purposively selected from two fish markets in Ibadan. MDA contents were determined colorimetrically using thiobarbituric acid. MDA contents in both fish types increased with hour of the day. Chub mackerel had higher MDA contents compared to Sardine. It can be inferred that the fish samples analyzed had unacceptable levels of MDA, though; the concentrations of MDA that can cause toxicity have not been established. Thus, there is need for stricter government regulations on the quality of imported fish, sold in Nigerian markets because of MDA toxicity and its implications for public health.
Compressive strength Characteristic of Cowdung ash blended cement Concrete[Full-Text ] T. Omonyi, S. Duna, A. MuhammedThis work reports on an investigation into the use of cowdung ash(CDA) as Supplementary Cementitious Material(SCMs) in concrete . Cement was replaced with cowdung ash (CDA) up to 30% at 5% interval. Setting times (initial and Final) and slump test were carried out on the fresh cement/CDA blended paste and concrete respectively. A total of 105mm cubes of 150mm dimensions were cast and cured in water for 7,14,28,60 and 90days and tested for compressive strength. The result of setting times indicates that as the percentage of CDA increases, the initial and final setting times increased by 12.2%-59.3% and 2.74%-43.90% respectively indicating the potential of Cowdung ash as a set retarder. The workability of concrete decreased as the cowdung ash content increases. The results on compressive strength showed a decrease with increasing cowdung ash content and an increase with curing age. There was no significant difference in compressive strength between the control concrete and those containing up to 15% Cowdung ash at 5% level of significance. A regression model showing the relationship between compressive strength, curing age and cowdung ash content was proposed which was highly significant and revealed that curing age and cowdung ash are useful predictor.
Thermal Performance of Perforated Pin-Fin Arrays in Staggered Arrangement[Full-Text ] Ashish B. Samarth, Kapil S. SawankarThe present paper gives the experimental analysis of on heat transfer enhancement and the corresponding pressure drop over a flat surface equipped with cylindrical cross-sectional perforated pin fins in a rectangular channel. The channel had a cross-sectional area of 250-100 mm2. The experiments covered the following range: Reynolds number 13,500–42,000, the clearance ratio (C/H) 0, 0.33 and 1, the inter-fin spacing ratio (Sy/D) 1.208, 1.524, 1.944 and 3.417. Nusselt number and Reynolds number were considered as performance parameters. Correlation equations were developed for the heat transfer, friction factor and enhancement efficiency. The experimental implementation shows that the use of the cylindrical perforated pin fins leads to heat transfer enhancement than the solid cylindrical fins. Enhancement efficiencies vary depending on the clearance ratio and inter-fin spacing ratio. Both lower clearance ratio and lower inter-fin spacing ratio and comparatively lower Reynolds numbers are suggested for higher thermal performance.
Synthesis and Characterization of L-Threonine doped NiS Nanoparticle for Optoelectronic devices[Full-Text ] Madhav N Rode, Vivek B.Kawade, Bhagwat R.ChavanL-Threonine doped NiS Metal Nanoparticle, a nonlinear optical materials has been syhtesized by chemical route method . The synthesized materials were subjected to various characterization studies such as XRD, SEM, FTIR, and UV spectrum and powder nonlinear optical test. Optical behavior such as UV spectra and Second Harmonic Gerneration (SHG) was investigated to explore the NLO characteristics of the material. The NLO test was confirmed by Perry and Kurtz method. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed with that the morphology of the NiS: L-Threonine nanoparticles have Hexagonal structure. NiS: L-Threonine nanopaticles thus prepared 4nm to 2nm size. Morphology was determined by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infreared spectroscopics has been performed which confirm the coordinatios of compound.
Breast Cancer: CD3+ Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes Differences among Molecular Subtypes[Full-Text ] Nidhal A. Mohammed, Sahera A. Ali, Saad M. Saleh, Ahmed S. AboodCD3 is a receptor present on all T lymphocytes. Controversy still surrounds the prognostic role of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) within a tumor microenvironment. The present study was done to evaluate CD3 TIL in BC patients and correlation with the molecular subtypes. Sixty-one cases as patients group and seven have been selected as normal group for the study. IHC was used to evaluate the expression of ER, PR, Her2\neu and CD3. Modified Allred scoring was used to evaluate the ER and PR, while Dako Her2 guideline was used for Her2. CD3 assessed by H-SCORE system in two locations (intratumoral and stromal). CD3 shows significant differences in intratumoral lymphocytes and stromal lymphocytes scores among molecular subtypes (p =.047 and .045 respectively). The tumor microenvironment differ according to molecular subtype, moreover, this difference in the microenvironment can modulate the immune response inasmuch CD3+ TIL percentage varies from one molecular subtype to another.
Preparation and characterization of Core/shell CdSe/CdS QDs[Full-Text ] Meikandan M S.Uma Maheshwari Deepthi MIn the present study we have focussed on preparation of core/shell CdSe/CdS quantum dots (QDs).CdSe and Core/shell CdSe/CdS QDs were prepared via colloidal synthesis in aqueous medium. CdSe and Core/shell CdSe/CdS QDs optical properties and size were characterized by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectra, Photoluminescence spectra and DLS measurement. The result showed that the absorption spectra clearly indicate the absorption peak shift from 500 nm to 650 nm on increasing; the emission maximum of CdSe/CdS is at 598 nm and the particle size average diameter of the core/shell CdSe/CdS quantum dot is reported as 13.36nm.
An approach based on balanced scorecard for the implementation of overall performance indicators of a supply chain Case Study of a Moroccan SMEs [Full-Text ] Naciri oumaima, Alami Ayoub, Herrou Brahim, El Hammoumi Mohammed.A company's performance in its supply chain is apprehended through the satisfaction of a set of objectives inherent in the chosen strategy. These objectives are based on several horizons and this is called strategic, tactical and operational objectives. This involves the variation of the performance on these same three decision-making levels [4] and to assess the degree of achievement of each objective, a company then uses to measure its basic performance. For this, it relies on a set of performance indicators or indicators system.
A Comprehensive Study of Ambient Noise Reduction in Mobile Phones[Full-Text ] Chandra Srinivas Potluri, Sreedevi KadiyalaUsing a mobile handset is noisy environments makes the far end speech difficult to be perceived from the near-end user perspective. As, the person is surrounded by a loud back ground noise, the handset user needs to concentrate hard to understand the far-end speaker conversion. There are numerous noise cancellation solutions that filter and improve the voice signal from the microphones and create a high quality transmission from one to the other person on the call. Active and passive noise cancelling technologies can minimize background noise in high end headphones; however these technologies today cannot provide the same benefits in mobile handsets. Active noise cancellation (ANC) has been used in headphones for several years, often used to cut out the drone of an aircraft on a long journey. But the full benefit of the technology has not been realized the potential is for noise cancellation to be used in a much wider range of applications creating a field of quiet for users of a range of consumer equipment. A highly effective noise cancelling scheme would not only benefit consumers by helping to save our hearing, but carriers would benefit from longer calls, more calls and more satisfied consumers resulting in higher revenues.
Comparitive Analysis of Fuzzy based Wildfire Detection Techniques[Full-Text ] Balwinder Kaur ,Manju Bala ,Manoj KumarWireless sensor network make use of sensing units deployed in an effective manner so that they can communicate in efficient manner. In this paper we have compared various Fuzzy based wildfire detection techniques with our proposed technique. The proposed technique make use of cluster gateway switch gateway routing protocol in which there are cluster heads which acts as master and this cluster heads have many sensors connected to it which acts as slaves. The sensors on detecting the fire sends the information to the cluster head and then cluster heads communicate with each other and the information is passed to the controlling authority. The proposed technique make use of Gaussian member functions and make use of more fuzzy rules so as to detect fire more effectively along with its intensity and the direction as well. In this paper the result of the proposed technique is compared with the previous techniques and later on the comparison shows how the proposed technique performs better than the other techniques.
Experimental and Numerical study of influence the loading mode on Fatigue Life in Notched Steel Beam[Full-Text ] Qasim Bader and Emad K. NjimFatigue life experiments were carried out on plain cylindrical specimens made of low carbon steel alloy AISI 1020 at room temperature, on a cantilever rotating-bending machine .Test results are obtained for constant amplitude load in fully reversed bending with mean stress equal zero with various notch geometries and dimensions. By using Stress Life approach, fatigue life analysis are obtained experimentally. Simulation by FEA method for smooth (reference) and notched specimens have been done based on three types of loading mode (Reversed bending ,Reversed Axial and Reversed Torsional). The results show that the life of the specimen tested based on reversed bending is greater than those subjected to Axial and Torsional loading mode respectively and there is acceptable error between experimental and numerical works.
Study and Simulation of a DC/DC Converter in Hybrid Electric Vehicle[Full-Text ] Alimorad Khajehzadeh, Alireza Malekzadeh JavadiThe paper first introduces the basic drive system of a kind of hybrid electric vehicle. It demands high power bidirectional flow capability, with wide input voltage range, and output voltage of energy storage devices such as super capacitors or batteries vary with the change in load. Then the selection and design of aforementioned converter is proposed in this paper. The converter which is like a half bridge topology, has high power flow capability and minimum device stresses that can suitably interface a super capacitor with the drive train of a hybrid electric vehicle. Furthermore, by comparing of the main characteristics and applications with some typical isolated bidirectional DC/DC converter, the proposed converter has low device rating and can be controlled by duty cycle and phase shift. At last, the most important characteristics of this converter is that it uses the transformer leakage inductance as the primary energy transfer element and control parameters, Simulation waveforms based on SIMetrix are given to demonstrate the goodness of this novel topology, and this converter is also suitable for high power application, in particular for controlling the charge-discharge of super capacitors or batteries that can be used in hybrid electric vehicle.
Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self Compacting Concrete[Full-Text ] Prof. Shriram H. Mahure, Dr. V. M. MohitkarSelf-compacting concrete (SCC) is one of the High Performance Concrete with excellent strength and durability properties. However, its mix proportioning and testing methods for flow characteristics are different from those of the ordinary concrete. SCC has high powder content and a super plasticizer for enabling flow while keeping coarse aggregate in a viscous suspension. The powder is usually cement and a filler material. In this paper an attempt has been made to study fresh and hardened properties of self compacting concrete using Rice Husk Ash as partial replacement of cement in different percentages in addition to filler. Modified Nan-su method has been used for design mix as the study was carried out for medium strength of concrete.
The Application of Fourier Transform in Determining the Velocity of Two Dimensional (2D) Interfering Waves. [Full-Text ] Enaibe A. Edison, Akpata Erhieyovwe and Daniel A. Babaiwa In this paper we considered the propagation of a carrier wave in a free 2D cylindrical coordinate space. A carrier wave as the name implies is the resultant interference of a ‘parasitic wave’ on a ‘host wave’. It is assumed that the initial characteristics of the ‘host wave’ are known while that of the ‘parasitic wave’ is not known before the superposition. The attenuation mechanism of the total phase angle, the characteristic angular velocity and the radial velocity of the carrier wave produced by the two interfering waves is effectively studied by using Fourier transform technique. This study provides a method for determining the characteristics of a ‘parasitic wave’ in the carrier wave whose initial characteristics were not known. It is shown that when the basic features of a carrier wave is undergoing attenuation under any circumstance, they do not consistently come to rest; rather they show some resistance during the decay process, before it is finally brought to rest. The irregular complex behaviour exhibited by the maximum displacement of the carrier wave during the damping process, is due to the resistance pose by the components of the ‘host wave’ in an attempt to annul the destructive effects of the interfering ‘parasitic wave’. Also the inconsistent decay behaviour of the carrier wave is caused by constructive interference (high attraction) or destructive interference (high repulsion) between the ‘host wave’ and the ‘parasitic wave’.
Root systems of the complex reflection arrangements (A (G_25)and A (G_26))[Full-Text ] Abid A. Al-Ta,ai, Rabeaa G.A.AL-Aleyawee, AND Raghad Abdul –RahmanIn this paper we study the root systems of the complex reflection arrangements A (G_25 )and A (G_26).Where we found coxeter graph and coxtere matrix through the derivation of the angles between the simple roots of the complex reflection groups G25 and G26.
Cloud Computing for Mobile World[Full-Text ] M.SwapnaCloud computing in mobile platforms has invoked a new wave of evolution in the rapidly developing mobile world. Although several striking research work has been conducted in the high computing counterparts of mobile technology, the field of cloud computing for mobile world is vastly unexplored. In this paper, i introduce the concept of Mobile Cloud Computing(MCC), it’s inner workings and the various implementable architectures related to MCC.
The Audio Frequency Conductance and thermodynamic studies of Some Metal Glutarate salts in Aqueous Medium at Different Temperatures (Part II: Zinc, Nickel and Cobalt glutarates)[Full-Text ] Ibtighaa K. Radhi and Anis A. AL-NajarThe electrical conductances at audio frequency of aqueous solutions of zinc, nickel and cobalt glutarates have been measured at four temperatures in the temperature range 298.15K to 313.15K. The limiting molar conductances (?o), association constants (KA) and the closest distances of approach (a) were calculated using the complete and modified forms of Fouss-Hsia (F/H) and Pitts (P). Quantitative results showed that these salts do not behave as "strong" electrolytes, and that their dissociations are far from complete. The abnormally law conductances of these electrolytes are not due to the ion pair formation. The standard thermodynamic functions (?Ho, ?Go, ?So) for association reactions as well as Walden product have been evaluated.
Triple Band Multi-Input-Multi-Output Antenna for Wireless Applications[Full-Text ] Ahmed Shaker, Hossam Helaly, Ahmed KhaledThis paper presents a design of multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) microstrip antenna using E-shape model . The MIMO antenna consists of four patch elements that operate at WIFI application (2.4GHz) , LTE application (2.6 GHz ) and WIMAX application (3.5 GHz) . Orthogonal polarization and electromagnetic band gap structure methods are used to reduce the mutual coupling effect between the elements to increase the MIMO system performance . The return loss results are below -10 dB which are accepted results . Also, the mutual coupling coefficients of the four elements are below -20 dB which are accepted results .
FPGA Based, Supervised Learning Incorporation in Arithmetic and Logic Unit[Full-Text ] Shubham Mishra , Shailendra Kumar DhakadIn this paper incorporation of machine learning(supervised learning) in arithmetic and logic unit has been described .This unit was targeted for VIRTEX -6(xc6vlx240t)FPGA using VHDL. The unit is capable of learning various arithmetic operations (trigonometric, polynomial, exponential mixed functions in one variable).The unit also has a capability to learn a series of operations from the learning sets. The unit was successful in achieving a learning rate of more than 90% for the tests (for at least 5 training sets) .Technique used for interpolation consumes (2n2 – 4n ) number of multiplier blocks and (n) number of divider blocks where 'n' is the number of training sets.
Optimization in Software Testing using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Jinkal Javia, Arpita Gupta, Sapan GandhiThe software should be reliable and free from errors. Software testing is an important part of the software development life cycle. Software testing is the critical element of the software quality assurance and gives the ultimate review of the specification, analysis, design and development. As the human is prone to errors, the software development life cycle should be accompanied by the quality assurance mechanisms. Hence, the software testing comes into the picture. Well defined test case is the key to success. Time, cost and other parameters does not permit us to perform the exhaustive testing. This arise the need for the automated testing process. The intention is to find maximum the number of errors and with the minimum effort and time. This paper presents the optimization of testing in software engineering using the Genetic algorithm (GA). Genetic Algorithm is used for the solving of the non linear problem. The software path clusters are generated by GA in accordance with the criticality of the path and tested. The paper discusses some key concepts of the Genetic Algorithm viz. Selection, Crossover, Mutation. The paper shows that GA has positive influence on the performance of the software test cases.
Two Person Fair Division of Indivisible Items by Envy Free Algorithms[Full-Text ] Arpita Gupta, Jinkal Javia, Sapan GandhiThe problem of fairly dividing the divisible item like a cake, land or a pie goes back to the dawn of civilization. There has been a plethora of solutions given to divide these divisible items among two people. But every property cannot be achieved with the finite number of cuts. Here we deal with the fairly allocation of indivisible items among two people. In this paper two algorithms are presented for the fair division of indivisible items among two players. In both of them both the players have to rank the items starting with the most preferred one to the least preferred one. The job of the play-ers is done here. The algorithms only need this information and no other detail is needed. Hence this is fairly simple algorithm. The algorithms are called BT and AL algorithms. Both algorithms gives envy free allocation of the items among both persons. Same number of items is allocated to both the per-sons. And the unallocated items are kept in contested pile (CP). Thus in this paper we describe the algorithms and check different scenarios and find out which one is better, which one gives an optimal solution and which one gives a maximal solution.
A Method Based on K-Center Problem for Efficient Client-Server Assignment in Internet Distributed Systems[Full-Text ] Saheeda A, Shanavas K A, Sandra GThe internet is a modern collection of interconnected networks of various systems that share resources. Such a system consists of various nodes communicating with each other directly or indirectly. The client server assignment takes part in optimizing the overall performance of these systems. The optimal client server assignment can be done on internet distributed system based on some pre-specified metric on communication cost and load balancing. When we use heuristic via relaxed convex optimization for finding the approximate solution to the client-server assignment problem, inter server communication become increases, while making an average traffic equal in all groups. So in this paper an algorithmic solution based on the k - center problem is introduced to solve the client-server assignment problem for optimizing the performance of a class of distributed systems over the Internet. This algorithm gives better results and done a performance comparison of this algorithm with heuristic via relaxed convex optimization.
Energy harvesting from sound waves for low voltage devices[Full-Text ] Aviral Vijay, Bharti Prajapati, Neha Singh, Ankita Gupta, Ankit SinghEnergy harvesting techniques provides an excellent alternative to the existing energy sources. These include wind, solar cells, Power and Vibration energy. Radio frequency (RF) energy is currently broadcasted from millions of radio transmitters around the world including radios, mobile phones and mobile base stations. The ability to harvest RF energy, from ambient sources, enables wireless charging of low-power devices and has ensuing benefits to product design, serviceability, and dependability. In this paper, we present a study on ambient RF energy harvesting techniques and also present a new technique for charging mobile phone battery by using RF energy.
Modelling and Analysis of a very Low Head Kaplan Turbine Runner Blades for Rural Area of Punjab[Full-Text ] Muhammad Abubakar, Saeed Badshah, Talal Ahmad, Noor RahmanThe world have a huge potential of small hydro kaplan turbine power plants. The world energy demands are increasing. In this sen-ario the micro hydro Kaplan power plants gains special attention. The development of micro hydro kaplan power plants on large scale will generate enough energy for the world inhibitants.This paper presents the modeling and Analysis of the runner of a low head Kaplan for a specific site at RD 216+852 Jhang branch Canal in Punjab, Pakistan where the net head and rated flow of water is 1.16m and 7.07m3/s respectively. The turbine is Single regulated Kaplan turbine with runner diameter 1.25m, hub diameter is 0.36m, runaway speed is 13s-1 and net power capacity is 60 KW. The Kaplan turbine runner was modelled in 3-D model of runner of Kaplan turbine in Pro-E engineer software and after calculating the blade operating conditions from the hydrodynamics properties of the water flow at the jhang branch canal in Punjab we performed Analysis on runner blade in ANSYS 14 software.
Fabric Drape Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks and Finite Element Method[Full-Text ] Hassen Hedfi, Adel Ghith and Hédi BelHadjSalahIn this paper the mechanical behavior of woven materials is investigated in order to study and predict their dynamic draping. This model can simulate fabric deformation, taking into account its physical and mechanical properties. Once the model is tested and validated, an artificial neural network designed to train fabric drape is coupled with the finite element model to predict the drape behavior of various fabrics. The designed artificial neural network predicts physical and mechanical properties of the fabric from its technical parameters (design parameters). The predicted properties are used as inputs for finite element model that simulates and calculates parameters related to the fabric drape. The process is repeated until the difference between the actual drape and the simulated one becomes smaller than a limit value.
DESIGN OF OPTIMIZED 8-LEVEL TURBO ENCODER USING VLSI ARCHITECTURE FOR LTE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] AMUTHA PRABHA.N, VENKATESH.D, SYED FARHATHULLAH.S.FTurbo Code is able to closely reach the channel capacity of Shannon limit. It increases the performance in the latest standard in the mobile network technology tree, LTE. A new architecture of Turbo code encoder is based on 3GPP standard. It is developed by implementing optimized 8-level parallel architecture, dual RAM in turbo code internal inter leaver, recursive pair wise matching, and efficient 8-level index generator in turbo code internal inter leaver. The proposed architecture successfully increases the speed of encoder 16 times faster compared to conventional architecture.
The Shooting method for Solving Fuzzy Linear boundary Value Problems[Full-Text ] Marwa MohamedIn this paper, we apply the shooting method for solving the fuzzy boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations in connection with a – level sets(upper and lower a- levels)