Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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Tractive Performance Testing of Lug Wheel in a Soil Bin[Full-Text ] Taufik Rizaldi, Wawan Hermawan, Tineke Mandang, Setyo PertiwiTractive performance testing of lug wheel was carried out at Siswadhi Soepardjo Field Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Bio-systems, Leuwikopo IPB, Bogor. Tested lug wheel with 42 cm in diameter and varying numbers of lug which were 8, 10, and 12 lugs, respectively. Lug angle was varied from 30°, 35°, and 40°. Lug length and width was 15 and 8 cm, respectively. Wheel rotation was 1013 rps. The results showed that the smallest wheel torque was obtained when a 12 lug-wheel was used with lug angle 30°, while the highest was at 12 lug wheels and lug angle at 40°. The smallest tractive efficiency, about 21.91%, was obtained when a 10 lug-wheel was used with lug angle 40°. The highest efficiency was obtained when the lug wheel has 12 lugs with lug angle 30°, which was about 34.62%. The higher tractive efficiency, the better tractive performance would be achieved.
A Study and Design of an Automated Heart Sound Analysis Framework[Full-Text ] Anindo Chatterjee, Debasmriti GhoshHeart auscultation is a fundamental component of cardiac diagnosis. However, forming a diagnosis based on sounds heard through either a conventional acoustic or an electronic stethoscope is itself a very special skill, one that can take years to acquire. Because this skill is also very difficult to teach in a structured way, the majority of internal medicine and cardiology programs offer little or no such instruction. Despite its obvious utility, primary care physicians are documented to have poor auscultatory skills.Computer-aided electronic auscultatory devices have been developed that acquire, record, and analyze the acoustic signals of the heart. Using acoustic signal processing algo-rithms, a computer analyzes the recording to identify specific heart sounds that may be present, including S1, S2 and suspected murmurs. A graphic user interface displays the results. These computer-aided electronic auscultatory devices are intended to provide support to the physician in the evaluation of heart signals for the identification of the normal and abnormal heart signals. Certain sounds pertaining to the heart and lungs are heard in all normal persons. These normal sounds vary in quality and intensity for different individuals depending on the physical make-up of the particular organs producing them and also on the structure of bone and flesh through which the sounds are transmitted to the surface of the body. Pathological changes can often be detected by the modification of the normal sounds or by the appearance of abnormal sounds. In this article, consideration is given to the nature of normal and abnormal heart signals with a view to presenting preliminary information relative to their amplitude of the frequency and power-spectrum characteristics.
Real time Data Stream Mining Approach to Arrhythmia Prediction[Full-Text ] Rashmi K.Sonule, Dipti D.patilRecent data mining techniques are modeled to handle stream data by applying online and incremental approach where concept changes in dataset are learned efficiently. Streaming random forests algorithm is an extension of Breiman’s random forests algorithm which handles online and incremental stream data. Streaming random forests adapts ensemble framework where classification is based on majority of tree votes. The work proposed in this paper mainly deals with construction of an efficient arrhythmia prediction system using streaming random forests algorithm for classification of three arrhythmia types. We applied streaming random forests algorithm on arrhythmia dataset obtained from physionet website and found that its accuracy is highly acceptable.
2-ELEMENT DIRECTION FINDER FOR OPTIMIZING 2-TIER HETEROGENEOUS NETWORK[Full-Text ] D.O Abonyi, Okafor Patrick Uche, M. Alor,This paper presents a radio direction finder built with two dipole antennas for use in detecting location of high concentration of mobile phone users for optimum deployment of a pico cell or a femto cell. The design criteria are on low cost and simplicity. Four radiation patterns were generated by selectively altering the phases of the signals arriving at the two antenna elements. With a programmed arduino uno board, two 6 bit phase shifters were controlled to electronically alter the phases of the signals arriving at the antennas thereby switching between the beam patterns to monitor the signal strength in form of received signal strength (RSS) of the radio units in front of the array. Directions of arrival (DOA) of the signals were determined by comparing the RSS recorded by each pattern. With a two ray propagation model, the locations of the remote radios were estimated with an error margin of 5.30.
CLINICAL STUDY OF ABDOMINAL TUBERCULOSIS[Full-Text ] Jitendra sankpal, Spoorthy Shetty, Prakash Palave, Manjiri sankpal, charan kishorThis is clinical study of 101 cases of abdominal tuberculosis admitted to tertiary care hospital during May 2010-August 2012. Majority of abdominal tuberculosis patients presented in 21-30yrs age and 11-20yrs age groups which were 34.65% and 21.78% respectively.Majority patients were females, which found to be 62(61.39%) patients, while male were 39(38.61%) patients. Ratio of male to female was 1: 1.59.Majority pateints were from lower socioeconomic group i.e. 66(65.35%) patients.Most common complaint was abdominal pain, which in all i.e.100% patients. Followed by next complains were loss of weight and loss of appetite which were present in 77.23% and 73.27% patients. Past history of tuberculosis present in 8.91% patients.Most common sign was pallor which was present in 67.33 patients and abdominal tenderness, which was a present in 39.60% of patients.Anaemia was found 69.31% patients. Mantoux test was positive in 25.74% patients and ESR was raised in 67.33% patients.X ray chest showed positive finding of tuberculosis in 24.25% of patients. HIV was reactive in 4.95% of patients. Biopsy and CT abdomen pelvis has maximum sensivityof100%. In all ascites patients Ascites ADA level was increased. Surgical Management was done in 66.34% patients and 33.66% managed with chemotherapy alone.Most common surgical procedure was resection and anastomosis done in 26.87% of patients, followed by right hemicolectomy done in 23.88% patients. Diagnostic laparoscopy was done in 16.42% of patients.Most common operative finding was Ileocaecal mass .Most common complication was wound infection. Mortality occured in 1.49% of patients.In follow up 80% patients completed 6 months of AKT and 20% were on AKT.
Investigating inter-specific competition between two winter grasses in Beijing[Full-Text ] Sally Cheung, Colm MoorePoa annua is a perennial C3 cool-season grass, germinating in Beijing, late summer and early autumn with soil temperature below 20°C, whereas Festuca arundinacea, though C3 and a cool-season grass, grows from March to June. F. arundinacea is found as a large, well rooted and shooted species, whereas P. annua is much smaller, shallow-rooted and apparently requires disturbance such as grazing, mowing or trampling to attain full vigor.
Model for Analysis of Iron Extraction Based on As-Beneficiated Phosphorus Content and Iron Ore Grain Size Leached in H2O2 Solution[Full-Text ] T. O. ChimeQuantitative analysis of iron extraction was carried out based on iron ore grain size and as-beneficiated phosphorus concentration during leaching in hydrogen peroxide solution. A model was derived and used as a tool for the analysis.
STUDY OF BILE DUCT INJURIES IN TERTIARY CARE CENTRE DURING CHOLECYSTECTOMY[Full-Text ] Dr Jitendra Sankpal, Dr Spoorthy Shetty, Dr Arif Raja, Dr manjiri sankpal, Dr charan kishorCurrently, about 90% of cholecystectomies are performed using the laparoscopic approach. Despite the rapid incorporation of laparoscopic cholecystectomy into current surgical practice, open cholecystectomy remains an extremely safe procedure with low morbidity and mortality.Despite the extensive experience with laparoscopic surgery, the incidence of intra-operative injury with open cholecystectomy remains about half the incidence of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. There are several reasons that the bile duct is at increased risk of injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with open cholecystectomy. It has long been argued that surgeon inexperience is a major culprit, and that with increased familiarity with the procedure, the number of injuries will decrease: the so-called 'learning curve effect'. Several authors have shown an inverse relationship between the incidence of bile duct injuries and number of cases performed. Also, large population-based reviews have documented a decline in injuries over time and some authors have noted a decline in the number of injuries referred for repair. These trends, while encouraging, have not been observed by all investigators, however. Several contemporary reports have suggested no change in the incidence of bile duct injuries over time and the number and complexity of cases referred for repair has remained static at some specialist units. Moreover, reports of major bile duct injuries inflicted by surgeons with considerable experience continue to appear . The data would therefore suggest that postcholecystectomy bile duct injuries will remain a significant problem for the forseeable future.
Synthesis and Characterization of Barium Titanate, Calcium Titanate and Strontium Titanate Thin Films[Full-Text ] P.N.Nirmala and G.SureshBarium titanate, Calcium titanate and Strontium titanate nano structured thin films have been successfully grown on glass substrate by Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) technique. These films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis, X-ray diffraction and UV analysis. From the UV study the band gap of Barium titanate, Calcium titanate and Strontium titanate were 1.8eV, 2.17eV and 1.9eV.
DRIFTING EFFECT OF ELECTRONS ON THE FORMATION OF ION-ACOUSTIC SOLITONS IN A PLASMA WITH NEGATIVE IONS[Full-Text ] R. DasTheoretical investigation of the propagation of ion acoustic solitons in a collisionless plasma consisting of positive ions, negative ions and electrons under the drifting effect of electrons is carried out. Both compressive and rarefactive ion-acoustic solitons for slow mode and only compressive ion-acoustic solitons for fast mode are found to exist depending on the drift velocity of electrons for different values of ( negative to positive ion mass ratio) .
PREDICTIVE MODELING OF THE EFFECTS OF RESERVOIR PROPERTIES ON THE EFFECTIVE APPLICATION OF MICROBIAL ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY (MEOR)[Full-Text ] Godwin C.J. Nmegbu, Lotanna V. OhazuruikeThe increasing need to improve recovery of residual oil from the reservoir had prompted the discovery of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) technology as an enviable and effective method of enhancing oil recovery. For optimum recovery, this technique requires the prediction of favourable conditions of reservoir parameters in addition to microbial and operating parameters. To achieve this, this work incorporates reaction engineering into the reservoir engineering aspects of MEOR, treating the bounded reservoir as a bioreactor. The models developed are based on the principle of mass conservation. A C++ program source code was used to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the models. Results from the simulation show that reservoir properties greatly affect the applicability, suitability and performance of any MEOR project.
Modeling heat flow across the fuel-fired crucible furnace using ADINA[Full-Text ] Atanda, P. O., Olorunniwo, O. E., Abioye, A. A. and Oluwole, O. O.The study simulated the heat flow across a fuel-fired crucible furnace using ADINA Software. Appropriate engineering materials were selected for the design and construction of the fuel fired crucible furnace. Among several parameters taken into consideration were strength/weight ratio, formability, cost and ability to fulfill specific service functions. Heat dissipation to the outside was minimal and this was clearly shown in the temperature gradient. Heat dissipation was uniform within the flame gap and inside the crucible pot. The Kaolin refractory material used showed very good insulation capacity significantly reduced heat losses. The modeled temperature distribution profile, heat flux and the temperature gradient were all in agreement with the validated results.
Material Selection for the Fuel Fired Crucible Furnace Using GRANTA[Full-Text ] Atanda, P. O., Abioye, A. A., Olorunniwo, O. E. and Oluwole, O. O.The study investigated the material selection for the fuel fired crucible furnace using bubble charts. The results were generated using GRANTA software. Different properties were considered during the selection of the materials for the furnace. The appropriate engineering materials were sought locally for the design and construction of the fuel fired crucible furnace. Among several parameters taken into consideration are strength/weight ratio, formability, cost and ability to fulfill specific service functions. All these were taken into consideration during the material selection process for the fuel-fired crucible furnace. These properties were plotted against each other in bubble chart and the selection of the appropriate candidate material was done on the bubble chart. The software plotted the properties of each unit of the furnace in form of bubbles and the candidate material where selected from the bulk of materials suggested by the software. The functions, objectives and constraints of the parts or the units to be designed were adequately specified and the material properties to be selected were determined based on these fundamental parameters.
PPAR-4: A novel and selective partial peroxi-some proliferator-activated receptor ? agonist with weak adipogenic effects.[Full-Text ] Dwivedee Mithilesh; Ahuja Anil; Chaudhary Sumit; Dube AakankshaThe peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear receptors that play key roles in the regulation of lipid metabolism and differentiation. Herewith characterized the pharmacological profiles of PPAR-4 chemically known as (5Z)-5-[3, 4, 5 trimethoxy-phenyl) methylene] thiazolidine-2, 4-dione), as a selective PPAR? agonist. In transient transactivation assay in NIH3T3 cells, PPAR-4 showed a activation against human PPAR? with an EC50 of 1.01 µM without activating human PPARa and PPARd. In adipocyte differentiation assay, PPAR-4 induced adipocyte differentiation, which was ~30-fold weaker inducer of GPDH activities than pioglitazone and also showed weak adipogenic activity in C3H10T1/2 pluripotent stem cells using Oil Red O staining. These results suggest that PPAR-4 acts as a selective partial PPAR? agonist having weak adipogenic activity.
Optimization of Quality and Performance of Brake Pads Using Taguchi’s Approach[Full-Text ] Khomdram Herojit Singh, Abhishek Kumar, Rajender KumarSafety aspect in automobile engineering has been considered as a number one priority in development of new vehicle. In view of that data was collected from a servicing center of Thoubal District that the failure of disc brake is frequently happened now a day. After identifying mostly failure part (i.e. Disc Brake) through general observation, the reason of failure of disc brake is found through fish bone analysis and further evaluated by Pareto analysis to priorities and select the major reason of disc brake failure in this study. After finding the major reason it is again evaluated experimentally using Taguchi approach. Three control factors, back plates thickness, slots width and slots angle, for each higher and lower levels are identified and an orthogonal array layout of L8 are performed with the signal to noise (S/N) ratio. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) used to analyze the effect of selected process parameters along with their levels of influence. The optimized process parameter i.e. slot width of 3 mm is obtained and which lead to minimize the defects of disc pads.
Capitalism system, actuality and problematic in Albania.[Full-Text ] Ejona DuçiSince 1989, the year of the fall of the Berlin wall, put an end to the division of the world into two camps and at the same time marked the end of the communist system and the onset of capitalism. The word “CAPITALISM" is often heard in modern times to describe the current system which we live in. The aim of this paper is to examine the Capitalism System, its actuality and problematic. Secondary data were used from different sources and the data were analyzed to get conclusions and recommendations related to the topic. The study found out that in this system there are three main elements: profit, competition and rationality. The most important quality of capitalism is the idea of a free profit, snooty and without conditions. Also it was discovered that there are four types of capitalist system for different countries in the world and after all, there is a new economic model to improve Albanian economy, because the basis of this system is not man, but economic and political development and such material things that these provide. Orientation is toward mass production and the focus is to increase productivity. The study concluded that the present form of capitalist system in Albania had a lot of advantages but also many disadvantages and problems that are of interest to be resolved.
The Relation of Combustion Phases and Emissions of ULSD & HFO in a Common-Rail HSDI Diesel Engine[Full-Text ] Hayder A. Dhahad, Mohammed A. Abdulhadi, Ekhlas M. Alfayyadh, T. MegaritisThis study investigates the effect of combustion phase ( premixed and diffusion phases ) duration on the emissions emitted from a high speed direct injection (HSDI) diesel engine fueled with heavy fuel oil and run at a constant speed ( 1500 rpm ) with single injection strategy at constant fuel injection pressure ( 1200 bar ) and varying fuel injection timings ( -12,-9,-6,-3,0 ) ATDC , for two loads( 2.5 and 5 bars ) BMEP . The obtained results were compared with those obtained when the engine run at the same conditions but with ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD). In-cylinder pressure was measured and analyzed using (LABVIWE) program. calculation program specially written in (MATLAB) software was used to extract the apparent heat release rate, the ignition delay, combustion duration and specify the amount of heat released during the premixed and diffusion combustion phases ( premixed burn fraction PMBF) and ( diffusion burn fraction DBF) . Emission measurements included; NOx, CO, THC and smoke number (SN). The results showed that ULSD generate higher NOx due to higher combustion temperature, while, HFO generate higher soot, CO and THC. Measurements and calculations indicated that ignition delay of ULSD was shorter than that of HFO, which means less PMBF. This conflicting effect is probably due to the advanced start of combustion (SOC) leading to higher combustion temperature inside the combustion chamber with ULSD and the difficulty of heavy fuel atomization and incomplete combustion of the heavy components for the heavy fuel.
Power Flow Control and Voltage Management of Distribution Grid Supported With Renewable Generation[Full-Text ] Mr. Pradeep Maheshwari, Dr. Sushma GuptaIn late years, hybrid solar wind energy has become one of the most significant and promising sources of renewable energy, which requires an additional transmission capability and safer means of maintaining system voltages and reliability. With a large number of distributed generation access, the impact of distributed generations of the grids’ security, reliability and stability cannot be ignored. The purpose of this work is the development of a solar-wind hybrid power system that harnesses the renewable energies in the Sun and Wind to generate electricity. This report makes the hybrid distribution system, solar generation, asynchronous wind turbine and the micro-grid model based on Matlab/Simulink simulation platform.
Toxicity of Heavy Metals Pollutants in Textile Mills Effluents[Full-Text ] Vipul Bhardwaj, Paresh Kumar, Gaurav SinghalEnvironmental problems of the textile mills are mainly cause by discharge of wastewater. The main pollutants come in textile effluents from dyeing and finishing processes, in effluents heavy metals are present. To assess the pollution impact of textile effluents, eight textile industries effluent samples have been collected and analyzed their heavy metals concentrations like Cupper (Cu), Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd), Iron (Fe), Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), Zinc (Zn) and Arsenic (As). In this study, the concentration of each of the metals varies in textile effluent Sample S1 to S8 with the following ranges: Cupper (Cu) between 0.17 – 0.28 mg/l, Chromium (Cr) 0.11 mg/l to 0.21 mg/l, Iron (Fe) 0.39 mg/l to 0.90 mg/l, Lead (Pb) 0.02 -0.10 mg/l, Nickel (Ni) 0.11– 0.22 mg/l, Zinc (Zn) 0.11 -0.51 mg/l, Cadmium (Cd) determined 0.01 mg/l only in two samples, whereas Arsenic (As) was not determined in all the samples. It is concluded that the effluent samples of textile industries were highly polluted and serious problem for living being and ecological environment.
Modeling and Simulation of an Activated Sludge System for Industrial Wastewater Treatment[Full-Text ] Dagde Keneth Kekpugile and Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin JacobIndustrial wastewater generated during refining operations needs to be before being discharged so as to avoid environmental pollution and its detrimental effects. This work develops a model for an activated sludge bioreactor, which describes the dynamic behaviour of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) utilization and biomass growth. The activated sludge system was modeled from mass conservation principle, incorporating biodegradation kinetics. The model was solved numerically by employing the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm and simulated using Visual Basic 6.0 compiler. The model prediction of BOD degradation (30.67mg/l) as compared to plant data (30.0mg/l) showed a deviation of 2.23%. Functional parameters such as retention time; recycle ratio; and yield coefficient were simulated to study its variation on the system. These results, which are in concurrence with the plant design parameters implies that wastewater treatment plants could be described using system of CSTR configuration.
Removal of heavy metal ( phenol) by using various adsorbents[Full-Text ] S. B. Divate, R. V. Hinge, S.R. KadamThere are many methods such as adsorption, microbial degradation, chemical oxidation, precipitation, ion exchange and solvent extraction to remove phenols from aqueous solution. This paper presents review on removal of phenol by using various adsorbents like Ground nut shells, Peanut shells, cashew seed shells, leaf filter, Coconut shell carbon, silica gel ,activated alumina, polymeric resins, activated carbon, rice husk, zeolite, mango peels, tamarindus indica wood, Tea waste, hycinthe, date stone activated carbon, pineapple peels, sawdust. Effects of various parameter like pH, initial concentration, particle size have been studied by various researchers. In most of the cases Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm studies carried out by investigators.
Lipid Peroxidation and Lipid Profile in Dyslipidemia and Coronary Artery Disease[Full-Text ] Supriya Simon A, Jeena Sara Mathew, Sumina Cherian, and T VijayakumarDyslipidemia is one of the conventional risk factor whereas enhanced oxidative stress is one of the novel risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). This study was conducted to compare lipid peroxidation and lipid profile in dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease and also to correlate the lipid profile parameters with MDA, the product of lipid peroxidation. One hundred and twenty three clinically proved coronary artery disease patients and 109 age and sex matched subjects without coronary artery diseases were included in this study. The subjects were classified into four groups as CAD patients with dyslipidemia, CAD patients without dyslipidemia, subjects without CAD but with dyslipidemia and subjects without CAD and without dyslipidemia. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and MDA were estimated. Statistical analysis was done by using one –way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the significant difference of various parameters between groups of subjects. Correlation coefficient was calculated to test the correlation of various lipid profile parameters with MDA.In the present study total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol values were significantly higher for CAD patients with dyslipidemia and subjects with dyslipidemia only than the subjects without CAD and dyslipidemia (p = 0.000). We found that HDL cholesterol levels were significantly low in CAD patients than the subjects without CAD (p = 0.002). CAD patients with dyslipidemia had a significantly high level of triglyceride than the rest of the groups. MDA level was significantly higher in CAD patients (p = 0.000) and in subjects with dyslipidemia but without CAD (p = 0.000) than subjects without dyslipidemia and CAD. A statistically significant correlation was found between high levels of total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride and low levels of HDL with MDA in the study subjects. From these findings it can be concluded that dyslipidemia especially low HDL is a predictor for CAD. Abnormal lipid profile parameters are significantly correlated with lipid peroxidation which is elevated in dyslipidemia. Both dyslipidemia and lipid peroxidation independently contribute to the development of CAD.
Experimental Investigation and Comparison of Bend Tube Parallel & Counter Flow and Cross Flow Water to Air Heat Exchanger[Full-Text ] Dipayan Mondal, Md. Owal Ikram, Md. Fazla Rabbi, Md. Nawsher Ali MoralThis present work represents the experimental investigation and comparison among the parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow arrangements. A characteristic of heat exchanger design is the procedure of specifying a design, heat transfer area and pressure drops and checking whether the assumed design satisfies all requirements or not. Here bend tube heat exchanger used for parallel and counter flow arrangements and cross flow heat exchanger was chosen not only for occupying less space and better performance but also for comparing the performances. The primary aim of this design is to obtain a high heat transfer rate without exceeding the allowable pressure drop. The type of design that is utilized determines the coefficient of heat transfer and thus has an effect upon the surface area needed to obtain the desired level of heat exchange. The flow pattern through most heat exchangers is a combination of counter flow, cross flow and parallel flow. But in bend tube heat exchanger, parallel flow and counter flow are considered therefore counter flow is the most effective configuration for minimizing the needed heat transfer surface area. Within the experimental limit the gain in temperature for parallel flow was to a maximum value of 120C and the maximum logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), efficiency and effectiveness were found 29.130C, 42.24% and 0.69 respectively. And for counter flow the gain in temperature was to a maximum value of 130C and the maximum logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), efficiency and effectiveness were 29.360C, 48.59%and 0.86 respectively. Again in cross flow heat exchanger the gain in temperature was to a maximum value of 100C and the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) was found from 34.630C to 8.370C. The efficiency and effectiveness were found to maximum of 23.11% and 0.96 respectively.
AN INVESTIGATION ON USE OF POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER ON DYNAMIC STABILITY OF POWER SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Mr. Bhuwan Pratap Singh, Dr. M. P. SharmaThe low frequency electro mechanical oscillations (LFOs) are occurs in power system after change in generator reference voltage and generator reference power. Magnitude of these oscillations depends upon loading on generators and strength of power system. Magnitude of oscillations is comparatively high in weak transmission system and increases with loading on generator. In the present work, the effectiveness of AVR, without and with Power System Stabilizer (PSS) has been compared on low frequency oscillations. Simulation studies indicate that AVR having supplementary control signal from PSS, dynamic stability of power system increase. With PSS, power oscillations damp out faster after disturbance. Settling time of power system parameters is also reduce.
Crucial Factors of Nonperforming loans Evidence from Pakistani Banking Sector[Full-Text ] Kiran JameelThe purpose of conducting this study is to examine the impact of bank‘s significant determinants on nonperforming loans in the Pakistani banking sector. To accomplish this purpose 11 years (2000-2010) time series data have been collected which has explained the relationship between non performing loans and several bank’s determinants. Quantitative data examined by using Econometric models with the help of Eview 6.0.The study occupy time series data multiple liner regression model. For this purpose, bank’s specific indicators such as Gross domestic Product, Weighted average lending rate, loan’s maturity time period, Credit deposit ratio, and Capital adequacy ratio are regressed against amount of nonperforming loans to total advances. The study found that GDP growth rate, maturity time period of loans, capital adequacy ratio and credit deposit ratio have negatively associated with NPLs in Pakistan banking sector. While weighted average lending rate has positive relation with NPLs in Pakistan.
Review of Modal Transport Operations in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Amiegbebhor D.E., Dickson O.F.Analysis so far has shown the operation of Nigerian transport system to be modally deficient and developmentally skewed occasioned by the existing imbalance between resources allocation to modes and inadequate infrastructures. The goal of modern government in its transport sector is to have an efficient operation and to achieve a well developed sustainable transport system, more so, in the development of its economy. This calls for policy review that will not only develop improved strategic framework for committed operation and infrastructural development, but formulate sustainable operation and viable long term maintenance of the developed infrastructure and the existing ones. This paper exposes the deplorable state of existing transport operations and infrastructures in Nigeria, reviews the impact of integrated transport infrastructures on national economy and identifies transport infrastructures that need accelerated investment geared towards national development. It also establishes the need and area of immediate policy review and suggests possible policy recom-mendations.
Performance Enhancement of Radio over Multimode Fiber System using Fiber Bragg Grating for Micro and Pico Cell Applications[Full-Text ] Shuvodip Das, Ebad ZahirRadio over Fiber (RoF) is a promising technology for short range transmission applications within multimode optical fiber. Typically, the RoF link employs a single mode fiber. But the signal power at the remote antenna become small due to the power loss in the electrical to optical and optical to electrical conversion process. Coupling efficiency of an electrical to optical converter can be improved with multimode fiber. But multimode fiber suffers from dispersion. Therefore, the paper proposes a simplified and efficient Radio over Multimode Fiber (RoMMF) system that can reduce the effect of dispersion by employing Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG). The performance analysis based on maximum Q-factor, minimum BER, threshold, eye height and jitter are extensively investigated. In addition, the effect of fiber length on these performance metrics is presented. Finally, a FBG based RoMMF system is proposed by providing a side-by-side comparison between the proposed and traditional system for micro and pico cell applications.
Security Constrained Unit Commitment Based Load and Price Forecasting Using Evolutionary Optimized LSVR[Full-Text ] Ehab E. Elattar and Tamer A. FarragIn this paper, a local predictor approach based on proven powerful regression algorithm which is support vector regression (SVR) combined with space reconstruction of time series is introduced. In addition, real value genetic algorithm (GA) has been utilized in the proposed method for optimization of the parameters of the SVR. In the proposed approach, the embedding dimension and the time delay constant for the load and price data are computed firstly, and then the continuous load and price data are used for the phase space reconstruction. Subsequently, the reconstructed data matrix is subject to the local prediction algorithm. Then the forecasted loads and price are fed into IEEE 30 bus test system for security constraint unit commitment to show the reactions of unit commitment to load and price forecasting errors. The proposed model is evaluated using real world dataset. The results show that the proposed method provides a much better performance in comparison with other models employing the same data.
AUTOMATION OF DEFORMATION ANALYSIS USING FPGA AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] Konadbolu Nishanth, P.S.S.SashankThis paper details a machine vision algorithm for strain analysis by edge detection method. The algorithm was developed on universal testing machine .The current work improves the deformation analysis by Robert’s edge detection. The algorithm extends for computation of deformation and Comparative analysis with digital image correlation. It demonstrates automation by stipulated hardware and strain analysis with matlab image processing toolbox. The software implementation of deformation analysis through edge detection is slower due to the constrained processor speed so Dedicated processors can increase the process speed. This paper tries to increase computational capability of metal deformation by design of dedicated hardware with the help of FPGA.
4TH GENERATION VOTING MACHINE[Full-Text ] Dr.M G Gireeshan, Akhilesh K4TH GENERATION VOTING MACHINE is that it is compactable and user friendly. It will be more secure if this system is implemented along with the ATM facility. This technology hasn’t been launched yet .We anticipates it will come true in future .We hope it will be a better alternative for our sophisticated life style. The project is the very important and useful