Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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Towards Sustainable Solar Power System in Nigeria: The Planning and Budgeting Considerations[Full-Text ] Daniyan O.L., Daniyan I.AThe whole world is yearning for a sustainable renewable energy solution that could possibly provide efficient alternative to the fossil fuels and be a worthy deviation from over dependence on fossil fuels and its attendant pollutions. Solar power systems provide this option. In Nigeria today, it is sad that with her strategic location on the globe and her purported 80% sun hours, there is a strong disaffection for solar power system as only very few people among the large populace embrace this system. This paper identifies the critical problems in implementing a decent and sustainable solar power system design in Nigeria, which has hitherto disenchanted the hearts of the populace from making the best out of nature’s free energy gift to humanity and it provides essential planning and budget considerations for a decent and sustainable solar power facility.
Idea Transformation between L1 and L2 as a Writing Problem for Kurd EFL Learners at different University Levels[Full-Text ] Areen Ahmed Muhammed, Chalak Ali Mohammed AmeenIdea transference from First Language (L1) to Second Language (L2) is considered as a major problem of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Many EFL learners are vulnerable to the negative effect of L1 on their L2 learning. Composing in L2, as one of the four skills of second language learning, is considered as one of the problematic skills for EFL learners that needs much effort and trials by the learners; thus, it is thought to be worth of investigation and research. In this paper, the researchers attempt to identify the writing problems of Kurd EFL learners and specifically the idea transferring problems from L1 to L2 while composing in L2. And consequently, suggest solutions for the problems raised and identified.
Reynolds Number Dependence on Laminar Flow in the Developing Region of a Rotating Pipe[Full-Text ] Ojo Anthony O., Odunfa Kamilu M., and Oyewola Miracle O.This paper investigates the Reynolds number dependence on laminar flow in a rotating pipe. The viability of the commercial CFD modeling tool, Comsol Multiphysics, in numerically simulating laminar flow in a straight axially rotating pipe, was employed to facilitate this investigation. With a view of capturing the Reynolds number dependence on the velocity profiles that result due to pipe rotation, emphasis is placed on the effects of pipe rotation rate and varying axial Reynolds number on laminar flow and then, analysis of the axial, tangential and radial velocity profile is carried out at sections downstream of the pipe. Results using this numerical procedure, however shows, a typical undisturbed laminar flow for a straight non-rotating pipe and a destabilization of this laminar flow as a consequence of turbulence intensity introduced due to swirl. With pipe rotation, at low Reynolds number, increase in Reynolds number causes a breakdown and instability of laminar motion. For low Reynolds number of 20, a small range of rotation rate is possible within which a converged solution is obtained and upon an increase in Reynolds number, the range of rotation rate decreases owing to stability issues. At the vicinity of the pipe inlet, the influence of the increased Reynolds number and rotation rate is seen to make flow reversal more pronounced as the pressure gradient is large.
Management and Minimization of Construction Waste for Residential Site.[Full-Text ] Archana Khorate, Prof. S. V. PataskarPast research into the causes of waste in construction projects indicate that waste can arise at any stage of the construction process right from inception, design, planning, actual construction, etc. to operation of the built facility. Waste in the construction industry has been the subject of several research projects around the world in recent years. It is commonly acknowledged that a very high level of waste exists in construction. Waste indicates both, the incidence of resources and energy losses and execution of unnecessary work. It generates additional cost to the product but does not add value to it. Therefore waste should be defined as any losses produced by activities that generates direct and indirect cost, but do not add any value to the product from point of view of client. Since construction has a major and direct influence on many other industries by means of both purchasing inputs and providing the products to all other industries, eliminating or reducing waste could yield great cost savings to the society. This paper identifies the sources and causes of generation of construction wastes, especially cement and steel, on construction sites. The main tools for the collection of data included questionnaires, interviews and available data from construction sites. This study is an attempt to find the main causes of construction waste, which may be Method of Storage, Material Handling, Documentation, Workmanship, Planning and Controlling and Procurement, Variation in Design, etc. The factors which has major effect on the material wastage are identified and analyzed based on Correlation & Regression analysis using SPSS16 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 16) software. In this study an attempt is made to suggest ways to reduce construction waste, based on the analysis by Correlation and Regression using SPSS16 software. By using these identified sources and causes, construction industry players may become aware of how the waste is generated and how this can be avoided. It will give a great benefit for not only the construction industry but also the country in terms of economic, social and most importantly, protection of the environment.
STOCHASTIC MODEL FOR MANPOWER LOSS DUE TO ABSENTEEISM WHEN PREVENTIVE STRATEGIES ARE ADOPTED[Full-Text ] Dr.T.Chitrakalarani, A.YogeswariThe aim of this paper is to estimate the expected time to reach the breakdown point of an organization when some motivational factors are introduced to reduce absenteeism.
Structural Properties and Mechanical Characterizations of Graphene Based Cobalt-ferrites Nanocomposites for Load Baring Applications.[Full-Text ] MuhammadSiyar, Nasir Khan, Asghari Maqsood, Muhammad Younas, Muhammad DaudIn this study we developed graphene based cobalt ferrites composites by in situ co-precipitation route. Four samples were prepared with 0%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% graphene sheets to cobalt ferrites. The samples were characterized by XRD, and FTIR, while SEM was used to observe the hybrid structure of embeded graphene sheets in cobalt ferrites. SEM confirms the successful adhesion of cobalt ferrites particles (10-20 nm) on graphene nano sheets, which are dispersed in metal oxide matrix.
Study of morphology and Zeta Potential analyzer for the Silver Nanoparticles[Full-Text ] Mohammed J. Haider, Mohammed S. MehdiThis work was devoted for production of colloidal silver nanoparticles via chemical reduction method. The colloidal silver nanoparticles were characterized using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Zeta potential. The controllability of particle size and size distribution is shown in this paper to be dependent upon the type of measurement conditions in addition to it proved that the smaller mean diameter at average electric field (-14.42 V/cm) and average current (-0.06 mA). The obtained particles were spherical in shape and having an average particles size of 5-20 nm, zeta potentials range between -25.5 to -38.3 mV. The dissolution data indicates that the release of the silver nanoparticles is inversely correlated with the size of the nanoparticles i.e. the release increased with smaller size particles. The results showed that the Ag NPs would be stable in the pharmaceutical preparations and will be easily to the infection site. The colloidal silver nanoparticles were found to be very efficient antibacterial agents for different types of bacteria. The results provided strong evidence that could warrant the consideration of silver nanoparticles as antibacterial and antifungal agent.
Optimization of Shared Path Protection for SONET/SDH Network[Full-Text ] Deepak Dhadwal, Ashok Arora ,VR SinghHigh bandwidth applications and services requirements are provided by the SONET/SDH network. Because of this high bandwidth requirement fault tolerance and network recovery are important issues to optimize. SONET/SDH is time division multiplexing technologies popularly used in transport networks to provide bandwidth services. Dynamic services provisioning is one of the technique in which the algorithms are required that automatically compute the paths to which need to follow for routing purposes. This is needed to satisfy the service requests. In this paper, algorithms for multiplexing structures to provide the efficient bandwidth structures has been defined and implemented. Bandwidth is an important factor which is needed to optimize for efficient uses of SONET/SDH network. Two types of bandwidth protection is here one is Shared path protection and Dedicated Path protection. In this paper, Shared path protection studied, analyzed and implemented. An optimized shared protection algorithm is also discussed and implemented.
Effect of Recycling Process on Paper Properties[Full-Text ] Afaf Ghais, May MutealiTo confront with the sustainable development need, alternative respond to enormous necessity and application of paper shall arise. Therefore, one way in dealing with the problem is to replace or just decrease the use of paper made entirely from primary components, mainly wood fibers. Analysis of mechanical properties of waste samples with and without deinking agent can reflect the prospect of paper recycling. Experiments were performed on four samples, two A4, two booklets with and without deinking agent. Results, obtained from measurements, confirm that the A4 and booklets strength are improved when deinking agent added. Shrinkage rate of less than 20 was obtained as a technical challenging in paper recycling.
Voice Synthesis of Text in Images using Supervised Learning [Full-Text ] Cephas Paul Edward VThis paper deals with the synthesis of voice/speech for the text obtained from the image after detection and recognition using supervised learning. The main advantage over the traditional OCR systems is that, it can potentially recognize more complicated scene images with numerous variations in font, texture and background. In this proposed system, we extract various features from scene images after pre-processing and predict the actual text using support vector machines (SVM), unlike certain existing approaches employ a variant of k-means clustering for this. The result of the recognition is synthesized into voice/speech using suitable text-to-speech library. This system can be used to aid the illiterate and people with poor eye sight.
IMPLEMENTATION OF AMPLITUDE MODULATED SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO[Full-Text ] Bima Muhammad Enagi, Aliyu AhmedThe surge in improvement and development of new communication technologies has led to the need for a radio which doesn’t get obsolete with technology. The concept of Software Defined Radio (SDR) was suggested as a potential solution. The focus of this paper is to design algorithm for a software defined radio to carry out demodulation of Amplitude Modulated Double Side Band (DSB-WC) signal. The designed system was evaluated for its selectivity. It was discovered that a great deal of flexibility can be derived from the use of SDR and the functionality of the radio is only limited by the capability of the hardware device (sampling speed etc.).
Evaluation of performance characteristics of Plate Fin Heat Exchanger[Full-Text ] Suhas B ShindeHeat exchangers are main equipmants in the process industries . Heat exchangers having high heat transfer surface area per unit volume(725m2/m3) are called compact heat exchangers. Plate fin heat exchanger is one of the type of compact heat exchanger which is widely used in automobiles, cryogenics, liquifires and chemical industries need to be highly efficient becausein gas liquification,effectiveness is the main parameter which denotes the performance of the heat exchangers in terms of heat transfer rate between the lowing fluids.The effectiveness of thesecompact heat exchangers before putting them in to operation should be checked and it should not be below 90 percent in case of gas lequification. The trial is conducted under steady condition i.e the mass flow rate for both sides of fluid stream is same ,and the experiment is carried out at different mass flow rates. Various correlations are available in the literature for estimation of heat transfer and flow friction characteristics of the plate fin heat exchanger, so the various performance characteristics like effectiveness, heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop obtained through experiments are compared with the values obtained from different correlations .
Quantify Assessment of Flood Affected Areas (2010-2012) Using Remotely Sensed Data[Full-Text ] Muhammad Usman, Saif Ur Rehman Khalid, Muhammad Waqar YasinThe objective of this research is to give a way how MODIS time serious imagery is utilized to monitor the extent of flood tempo-rally affected areas by quantify assessment of land cover/land use. MODIS time serious imagery is very useful to map out the flood extent. In addition of other spatial data infrastructure damage assessment is quantified as flood is risk to society and economy therefore a better and sustainable management plan is required to access flood risk. Remotely sensed data is used to monitor the land use changes and to locate the flood prone areas in the lower Indus basin, Sindh, Pakistan. For monitoring and mapping MODIS (Terra) with daily rainfall and discharge data is used while for the detail assessments of selected areas, medium resolution satellite data.
Quantitative analysis of HRM components: A case Study in Public Sectors[Full-Text ] Roopali Bajaj, Shalini SinhaThis study aims to conclude the main findings from the research carried out by both primary and secondary research of the study of some Human Resource (HR) components in Public Sectors. The study tries to find the crucial HR components which are going to affect the Employee Relationship in an organization and the quantification of those components especially in Public Sectors. The quantification shows that some components are negatively related and they need to be seriously attended and some are positive but if paid more attention can benefit PSUs on improved level.
Performance Evaluation of Discrete Wavelet Transform for compression of encrypted color images[Full-Text ] Hina Shakir, S Talha Ahsan, Haroon RasheedWith the invasion of multimedia content over public networks and its subsequent confidentiality aspect, images are often required to be secured via encryption. The encrypted images can later be subjected to compression to utilize the available bandwidth efficiently. This research paper presents the performance evaluation of discrete wavelet transform when used for compression of encrypted color images. The test images are first encrypted with stream cipher RC4 and then compressed using wavelets including db1, db2, sym1, sym2, coif1, coif2 and bior1.5 with various compression rates. These encoded images are transmitted. On the receiving end; they are first decompressed and then decrypted. It is found that the wavelets coded encrypted images perform well for bit rates of 2 bits per pixel and above, with Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) greater than 39 dB and Mean Square Error less than 6.9. The PSNR of encrypted images is compared with the PSNR of unencrypted images subjected to the same wavelets based compression and decompression process. The PSNR of unencrypted images is found to be typically 40 to 45 dB and at maximum 270 dB larger than that of encrypted images. The results of this study will be useful in compression of encrypted color images.
Marshall Test Properties of Bituminous Concrete Mixes Using Fly Ash Modified Bitumen[Full-Text ] Poorna Prajna.S, Dr. Mohamed Ilyas AnjumFlexible pavement with bituminous surfacing is used in India. Distress symptoms, such as cracking, rutting, etc., are being in-creasingly caused earlier by high traffic intensity, over loading of vehicles and significant variations in daily and seasonal temperature of the pavement. Investigations have revealed that modifiers can be used to improve rheological properties of bitumen and bituminous mixes to make it more suitable for road construction. Also there are many materials that may be tried as modifiers in bitumen. This paper reports an investigation carried on Bituminous concrete mixes corresponding to grade-1, prepared at mid-point gradation using Fly Ash as modifier. The conventional Marshall Stability test was conducted on the specimens as per ASTM D 1559. The present investigation comprises of determining the Marshall test properties of Bituminous Concrete Mixes Using 60/70 penetration grade bitumen modified with Fly Ash as Modifier. The results such as stability, flow, volume of air voids, voids in mineral aggregates, voids filled with bitumen, bulk density etc was determined. The study helps to ascertain the suitability of Fly Ash as modifier.
Clusters using High Dimensional Data for Feature Subset Algorithm[Full-Text ] V. Abhilash, K. ShanthiThe importance of bringing causality into play when designing feature selection methods is more and more acknowledged in the machine learning community. This paper proposes a filter approach based on information theory which aims to priorities direct causal relationships in feature selection problems where the ratio between the number of features and the number of samples is high. This approach is based on the notion of interaction which is shown to be informative about the relevance of an input subset as well as its causal relationship with the target. The resulting filters, called m-IMR (min-Interaction Max-Relevance), is compared with state-of-the-art approaches. Classification results on 25 real microarray datasets show that the incorporation of causal aspects in the feature assessment is beneficial both for the resulting accuracy and stability. A toy example of causal discovery shows the effectiveness of the filter for identifying direct causal relationships.
Double Authentication In ATM Machine To Prevent Fake ATM Machine Fraud[Full-Text ] Darshan Thakorbhai Bodawala, Pradeep LaxkarToday, ATM has become an irreplaceable channel between the bank and its customers. But nowadays ATM skimming are increased. The biggest skimmers of all is FAKE ATM MACHINES. This paper is hoped to describe a general picture of ATM crime. When someone uses this fake ATM machine they got failure message for their requested transaction but the ATM card information and the PIN are stored in that fake machine. In this paper the mechanism is described by which authentication of the customer and the machine both are done and by which customer can recognize that whether the ATM machine is fake or real. So, by applying this method we can prevent the fake ATM machine attack.
Estimation the quantity of sediment transport upstream of Al- Hafar regulator using different formulas[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Saleh I. Khassaf, Sahar Munder RessenIn this research, the sediments transport and estimating their amount have been studied in up-stream of Al- Hafar regulator on Euphrates river which is located in the south of Iraq within Thi-Qar governorate. For the analysis of the applicability of sediment transport formulas to the study reach, eight formulas were chosen for that purpose, namely: (Engelund-Hansen , Ackers-White, Van Rijn, Yang, Abed-Al- Rahman , Ariffin, Jasem and Sadiq).
Corrosion Behaviour Of Zinc Plated 1018 SteeI in Tomato Fluid[Full-Text ] Oloruntoba.D.T, Oluwole, O.O, and Awheme.O This research work investigated the corrosion resistance of zinc plated 1018 steel in tomato fluid. It simulated the effect of continuous use of the material in a tomato environment where corrosion products are left in place. 1018 steel samples were zinc electroplated at voltages between 0.5V to 0.9V for 5 to 20minutes.The plated samples were then subjected to tomato fluid environment for 30 days. The electrode potentials mV (SCE) were measured every day. Weight loss was determined at intervals of 5 days for the duration of the exposure period. The result showed corrosion attack on the zinc- plated steel, the severity increasing with the increasing weight of zinc coating on substrate. The result showed that thinly plated 1018 steel generally did not have any advantage over unplated steel and were quickly stripped of their zinc plating with resultant corrosion of the underlying steel substrate. Heavily zinc-plating steel was observed to offer some form of protection for the plated steel. The pH of the tomato solution which initially was acidic was observed to progress to neutrality after 5 days and then became slightly alkaline at the end of the thirty days test (because of corrosion product contamination of the tomato) contributing to the reduced corrosion rates in the plated samples after 10 day. Zinc coating of 1018 steel was found to be unsuitable for the fabrication of tomato processing machinery in this environment.
Relationship Between Dividend Payouts and Firm’s value in Kenya[Full-Text ] ABDULKADIR SHEIKH ALI BANAFAThe main purpose of this research is to verify the relationship between dividend payout and the firm’s value in Kenya. The literature on dividend policy has produced a large body of theoretical and empirical research, especially following the publication of the dividend irrelevance hypothesis of Miller and Modigliani (1961). No general consensus has yet emerged after several decades of investigation and scholars can often disagree even about the same empirical evidence. This paper aims at providing the reader with a comprehensive understanding of dividends Policy and dividend payouts; perceived effects on firm’s value, by reviewing the main theories and explanations of dividend policy including dividend irrelevance hypothesis of Miller and Modigliani, bird-in-the-hand, tax-preference, clientele effects, signaling, and agency costs hypotheses. The paper also attempts to present the main empirical studies on corporate Dividend policy in Kenyan perspective.
Performance Evaluation of Discrete Wavelet Transform for compression of encrypted color images[Full-Text ] Hina Shakir, S Talha Ahsan, Haroon RasheedWith the invasion of multimedia content over public networks and its subsequent confidentiality aspect, images are often required to be secured via encryption. The encrypted images can later be subjected to compression to utilize the available bandwidth efficiently. This research paper presents the performance evaluation of discrete wavelet transform when used for compression of encrypted color images. The test images are first encrypted with stream cipher RC4 and then compressed using wavelets including db1, db2, sym1, sym2, coif1, coif2 and bior1.5 with various compression rates. These encoded images are transmitted. On the receiving end; they are first decompressed and then decrypted. It is found that the wavelets coded encrypted images perform well for bit rates of 2 bits per pixel and above, with Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) greater than 39 dB and Mean Square Error less than 6.9. The PSNR of encrypted images is compared with the PSNR of unencrypted images subjected to the same wavelets based compression and decompression process. The PSNR of unencrypted images is found to be typically 40 to 45 dB and at maximum 270 dB larger than that of encrypted images. The results of this study will be useful in compression of encrypted color images.
Structural Analysis and Comparative Study of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Wheel[Full-Text ] Sreenath A.R., SrihariThe main aim of this paper is to promote use of magnesium alloy for motorcycle wheels to reduce weight. Structural analysis of wheels made of A356.2, AM60B and redesigned AM60B under same service conditions were carried out, revealing that the peak stress is reduced. The peak stress in the redesigned Magnesium alloy wheel is found to be less than that in aluminum alloy wheel, revealing the fact that proper designing of Magnesium alloy wheel can meet service conditions along with improved fuel efficiency due to reduced weight.
Simulation of Bridgeless Boost Rectifier for Low Voltage Energy Harvesting Applications[Full-Text ] Vrinda Vijayan, Vinida K.The conventional power converters for low voltage energy harvesting consist of two stages-diode bridge rectifier stage and dc-dc boost conversion. This paper presents an efficient AC-DC power converter that avoids the bridge rectifier stage and directly converts low AC voltage to a required high dc output voltage. The circuit is a unique integration of boost and buck-boost converter to condition the positive and negative half portions of the input AC voltage, respectively. The topology uses only a single inductor and capacitor to reduce the size of the converter. The input AC voltage of 0.4V amplitude is rectified and boosted to 3.3V dc which could be used to power wireless sensors, electronic devices and bio-medical implants. This topology provides an efficiency of 71% and is designed with the purpose of minimizing the size, weight and power losses. The closed loop simulation has been carried out in power electronic simulation software PSIM©.
An Efficient Optical Recovery Searching Technique with Optimal Fault Evaluation using Genetic Algorithm for Mesh Network[Full-Text ] Harish Kumar Sable, Dr. Setu Kumar ChaturvediLink protected routing structures have a fundamental requirements in connection-oriented optical communication networks for achieving reliable communication for each connection in case of failure irrespective to the link failure between any of the nodes. Currently many techniques are proposed for protecting the network, such as 1+1 protection mode, in which a signal is transmitted on two link disjoint circuits, and the destination chooses the stronger of the two signals, hence recovery from failures is instantaneous; 1: N and 1:1+N protection, in which a p-Cycle can be used to protect a number of bidirectional connections. However using any of these methods does not ensure the optimal survivability with limited numbers of auxiliary (recovery) links while maintaining cost minimization, path priority and link failure probability. These considerations are practically unavoidable in the many situations for example if a link path is passes through a geologically sensitive site or under development areas that link will always have higher probability of failure and an additional measure must be taken to handle it properly similarly a path many be preferred for the point of future requirements. This paper presents a genetic algorithm based solution for the addressed problem for that we formulated it as optimization problem and a proper objective function is derived to achieve fittest results.
Interpretability Assessment in Fuzzy Rule Based Systems[Full-Text ] Arun Kumar Shukla, Akhilesh YadavRule based systems are basically knowledge base systems. They imitate the functionalty of human decision making process in machines. The knowledge is stored in the Knowledge Base of the fuzzy rule based systems. The knowledge is expressed, manipulated and processed by using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic represents the human knowledge very well because its mathematical framework is very strong to deal with uncertainity and vaguness inherent with human knowledge. Interpreatbility is the subjective feature of the fuzzy rule based system that quantifies the understandability of the system functioning by a user. Due to its subjective nature, it is not easy to quantify the interpretability. No global index has been developed till now to deal with interpretability assessment. In this paper the authors have proposed a new interpretability assement index. The experimental activities are carried out by using open access software “Guaje”.
Synthesis of 8–benzoyl–3–(substituted)–benzo[4,5]imidazo[2, 1–d][1, 2, 3, 5] tetrazin–4(3H)–one and evaluation of their antimicrobial and antiproliferative activity[Full-Text ] Saravanan Raji, S. Raja Mohamed Kamil, Paramasivam Subbaraj, Jeyaprakash DharmarajaIn the present study, a number of new benzimidazo [2,1–d][1,2,3,5]tetrazine–4(3H)–one derivatives have been prepared for the purposes of evaluating antimicrobial and anticancer activity studies. Comparing and in vitro study of inhibitory effects of anti gram positive and gram negative bacteria, also in anti fungal studies by well dish method technique, remarkable activity was observed. Furthermore, anticancer activities of these compounds have been investigated against some breast (MCF–7, T47D & BT–549), prostate (PC–3 & DU–145), lung (H1975) and colon (HCT–116 & HCT–15) human cancer cell lines. All the derivatives were efficiently synthesized by five steps process. The structures of the newly synthesized compounds were elucidated by their 1H & 13C NMR, LC–MS/MS, IR spectral data and elemental analysis. The detailed synthesis, spectroscopic and biological evaluation data are reported.
A Land Use Land Cover classification System Using Remote Sensing data[Full-Text ] Nayana S. Ratnaparkhi, Ajay D. Nagne, Dr. Bharti GawaliGeospatial Technology has developed at a significant pace over the past two decades and will play a key role in the development of the nations in the 21st century. In a developing nation like India where many people reside in the rural area and very few live in urban areas, we require a very structural planning and procedure such that the developmental activities and infrastructure facilities are available for both urban and rural areas. The rapid expansions of urban areas are due to rise in population, economic growth and migration from rural to urban areas. Therefore serious problem associated with rapid development such as additional infrastructure, informal settlements, pollution and scarcity of natural resources has to be studied carefully using Geospatial Technology. GIS and RS data along with collateral data which help in analyze the growth pattern and nature of urban sprawl. In urban expansion, open land is converted into residential area, industrial area, transport facility. The accuracy of change-detection system of urban area is important for understanding the relationships and interactions between human and natural phenomenon. In this paper, we investigate the major techniques, among that post-classification comparison and PCA are mostly used in change detection System.