Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition
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A Case Study on Clickjacking Attack and Location Leakage[Full-Text ] Lim Chin Nei, Loo Yow Cherng, Manmeet Mahinderjit SinghThe advanced in technologies such as mobile devices, GSP, WIFI, and 3G has encourage the information sharing using social media. The large amount of information shared on social media often lead to security issues which are unaware by the users. This information may include sensitive information such as a person’s name, location, relationship status and many more and can be dangerous if is put in a wrong hand. In this research, we provide a review on the type of social media ad what are the current threat in social media. We then focus on two specific threat namely clickjacking and location leakage, and proposed a solution for each of it as well as the evaluation of the solution.
Digital Image Watermarking using LSB Technique[Full-Text ] Anum Javeed ZargarWatermarking belongs to hide particular information, so that you can easily detect any tamper detection .It is used for confidenality, authentication and copy right protection. In this paper watermarking is done with the help of least significant bit technique (LSB).As LSB technique is used as it has less effect on image. This new algorithm is using LSB of original image and doing ‘&&’ operation with MSB of watermark image, and same watermarked image is then extracted from host image by replacing its LSB with MSB and making its LSB zeroes, so then watermark is extracted from host image
Cloud Computing Security threats and Countermeasures[Full-Text ] Hamza AhmedWithin the last decade, there have been several advances in technology that have created more opportunities for people to communicate around the world. Technology trends have reached not only the enterprise environments, but also in ordinary people’s homes. Cloud computing implementation has revolutionized the tech community, and spread throughout the business world. It is no longer just for the private sector, but has been widely adopted by the public sector, as more companies have turned to cloud services in collaboration and storage. Cloud computing is not a new innovation, but it is new in the aspects of constructing for advanced computation power, and improvement in storage capabilities. The change to cloud technology permits new mechanisms of technology that offer users abilities in storing, and sending information over the internet. Cloud computing is dependent on the framework of the internet, and suffers from the same vulnerabilities and security threats. While there are several advantages to adopting and moving to this new technology that makes it a formative option for consumers and companies, the security threats and vulnerabilities have the potential to seriously challenge its longevity. Within this paper, it will provide information backed by research and data that define cloud computing and its benefits, while also outlining the threats and countermeasures available.
Stability analysis of prey-predator model with alternative food sources and transition two diseases in the same population[Full-Text ] Rasha Majeed YaseenIn this paper, the effect of alternative food sources and transitive two different types of diseases in the ecological models, specifically a prey-predator model, is proposed and studied. Both of the diseases transition in the same population, specifically in the predators. The first one of which the SIS-epidemics is transmitted. The second one of which the SI-epidemics is transmitted. The model is characterized by a four of autonomous nonlinear differential equations with nonnegative parameters. All the model's equilibriums are determined and the dynamic behaviors of the model near them are investigated. Finally, contains the numerical simulation investigation at each equilibrium points
Data Mining[Full-Text ] Anas AlarfajData mining is a technique to process and analyse a huge amount of data from different sources to get a meaningful result. It utilizes the past information to generate possible solutions to the future problems. It helps in finding out relationship between different variables of a large field database. It is largely used for decision making in companies and government establishment (Doug, Alexander, 2011). It helps the companies to learn more about the customer behaviour, to generate business strategies and to forecast about the possible changes in business environments. It is cost effective and helps the companies to take critical decisions with minimumul efforts.
A New Segmentation Technique of Handwritten Offline Arabic Text[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Ban N. Dhannoon, Dr. Imad J. Mohammed and Muna khalafArabic handwriting recognition is the hardest applications in the optical character recognition (OCR) because of the characteristics of Arabic characters and the variety of written styles which differ from writer to another, even for the same writer at a different time. To get good recognition, there must be a correct segmentation. This paper proposes a new segmentation technique for Arabic text. Three stages are needed to reach to highest ratio of segmentation. Line segmentation which depends on the row density to detect spaces among lines and baseline for each line. The second stage is used to extracts dots information from each line and erases them. Final stage is shape segmentation which is proposed to segment word/sub word into characters. The segmentation model is designed based on the nature of Arabic writing. Results are tested on the IfN/ENIT database of Tunisian city names which indicate the effectiveness of the proposed system.
Cryptographic based Security Algorithm for Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Mayank PatwalWe know that Cloud Computing provide a broad range of features but the safety and confidentiality of data are major challenges here. It is required that data comes through a valid sender, and valid receiver might access it without any interruption and it is also required that if any intruder makes changes in data then receiver may identify it. For this we are using combine features of DES Algorithm and RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data in this paper.
Hyper spectral Video Data Across Wimax Networks[Full-Text ] Dr. T. Arumuga Maria Devi , V. SenthilkumarIn this paper, we propose a novel scalable video broadcast/multicast solution, SV-BCMCS, that efficiently integrates scalable video coding my project is optimal resource allocation problem for scalable video multicast in 3G networks. We show that the system-wide video quality can be significantly increased by jointly assigning the channel resources for enhancement layers. Our solution strikes a good balance between the average and worst-case performance for all viewers in the cell. An efficient helper discovery scheme for viewers to obtain additional enhancement layers from their ad-hoc neighbors a few hops away. Also a multi-hop relay routing scheme is designed to exploit the broadcast nature of ad-hoc transmissions and eliminate redundant video relays from helpers to their receivers.
OPTIMUM TILT FOR SOLAR COLLECTORS IN RAJSHAHI, BANGLADESH[Full-Text ] Debazit Datta, Md. Jamal Hossain, Bimal Kumar DattaIncident solar irradiation of photovoltaic collector is affected by tilt and azimuth angles. This study measures the optimum tilt and azimuth angles for Photovoltaic Applications at Rajshahi in Bangladesh on yearly and seasonal bases. The result shows optimum tilt angles for PV applications. This study finds that optimum tilt angle is as the local latitude at Rajshahi for grid connected PV system to obtain maximum yearly energy generation where energy increment rate is 8.1% than horizontal radiation. Seasonal optimum tilt is found as 50 degree for months November-February and 10 degree for months April-September, 30 degree for March & October. Energy produced is 4.4% more than that of annual optimum tilts.
Remote Access and Protection of Smartphones using Short Message Service[Full-Text ] Madhu Kumar G M, Sandeep KarnamThe smartphone usage among individuals is growing speedily. With the unique growth of smartphone use, smartphone stealing is additionally increasing. This paper proposes a prototypical to secure smartphones from stealing as well as provides choices to access a smartphone through another smartphone or a traditional mobile via Short Message Service. This model provides choice to track and secure the mobile by lockup it. It provides facilities to receive the incoming call and SMS data to the remotely connected device and permits the remote user to normalize the mobile through SMS. The projected model is valid by the standard operation in Android platform.
Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items Having Two Component Mixture of Pareto Lifetime and Selling Price Dependent Demand[Full-Text ] Vijayalakshmi. G, Srinivasa Rao. K and Nirupama Devi. KIn this paper, we develop and analyses an inventory model with the assumption that the life time of commodity is random and follows two component mixture of Pareto distribution. It is also assumed that the demand is a function of selling price. Using the differential difference equations, the instantaneous state of inventory is derived. With suitable cost considerations, the total cost function per a unit time and the profit rate function are obtained. Sensitivity analysis is also carried out for this model. This model is useful in practical situations like food processing industries, market yards dealing with agricultural products.
Evaluation of Canaanland Camp House B, Ota, Ogun State[Full-Text ] Dare-Abel O.A., Izobo-Martins O.O. and E.A. Ayo-VaughanPost Occupancy Evaluation (POE) has been identified as one of the key methodologies in identifying the performance of buildings. It is important for building industry professionals as well as end users to understand the efficiency and effectiveness of their buildings through proper analysis of feedback. The purpose of POE is to improve how buildings are constructed by reducing design and maintenance costs, enhancing occupant satisfaction, comfort, and performance, and to increase return on building owners’ investments. This paper adopts a strategic review using POE in an investigative format with particular focus the Camp House B which served as accommodation for post-graduate students of Covenant University and lodging for groups on spiritual programmes. A survey was carried out using a structured questionnaire as research instrument. The 48 Masters students of architecture representing 30.57% of the total of 157 Post Graduate students were chosen as the sample. The study variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics, tests for correlations and significant relationships were established. The results show significant correlation between the time spent in the rooms and the perceived air quality of the building and significant relationship between adequacy of room space and change in needs of the occupant. The paper concludes with results that show relative user comfort in the buildings and rated the buildings condition as good with a rating of 2.88/4.00. The paper recommends concerted efforts towards improving plumbing services and the inclusion of passive cooling features in design solutions.
Mobile Devices into Information Systems: risks, facilitating factors and benefits[Full-Text ] Alberto CarneiroThis article intends to contribute to a better understanding of the mobile devices roles in information systems and its contribution to communications processes as a systemic competitive weapon. The main objective of this research has been to explore the evaluation of risks, facilitating factors, and benefits of mobile devices in small medium sized enterprises (SME). The results indicate that many SME are encountering significant benefits from the use of wireless technologies as other sectors of the economy, however they recognize that risks should be taken into account. Further empirical work will be required in order to appreciate executive's opinions, managerial implications, and to evaluate their statistical meaning. The major factors are discussed and directions for future research are suggested.
Implementation of PLC for CNC Flame cutting machine[Full-Text ] Harshitha N, S M NarasimhanIn this modern era where everything is becoming automated, the business sector especially the manufacturing companies have gained so many benefits from using machines and technology to increase their profits and productivity rate.This paper presents Implementation of PLC logic for CNC flame cutting machine. And it involves the implementation of the hardware and software for CNC system i.e. development of PLC logic for CNC flame cutting machine and designing of circuit for interfacing of CNC System to the Flame cutting Machine. CNC Flame cutting Machines are automated that make Industrial components with less human interaction. Computer is used for processing of data and controlling various activities of the machine. PLC interfaces the Machine and the System. A great level of accuracy and speedier cycle times can be gained with the use of a CNC machine. Since this automation has a high repeatability, it can increase the consistency and yield.
Model for developing efficient E-waste recycling system in India[Full-Text ] Amanjot SinghElectrical and Electronics industry is one of the fastest growing industry at the present time. Where large scale industrialization and development is not possible without the availability of these electrical and electronics equipments (EEE) ,they serve a lot in daily life. This ever increasing demand for electronic equipments with the presence of hazardous materials in them makes it an issue of concern and look for e-waste recycling after their end of life. The paper underlines the presence of formal and informal sectors of e-waste recycling in India. The paper highlights the existence of inefficiency in the present formal and informal recycling systems. Formal sector is facing challenges in collection of E-waste and high cost of transportation of waste to processing units. An entry survey results conducted to seek solutions and enhance collection are also presented in the paper. System modeling based on k-means clustering algorithm comprising of collection ,processing and financial models as a great tool is emphasized for the development of an efficient e-waste recycling system in India.
Power and Delay Characterization on Full Adder Performance[Full-Text ] Bhuvaneshwari.N.K.The 1-bit full adder circuit is a very important component in the design of application specific integrated circuits. Here, the full adders are designed for the comparision of delay, power consumption, and power-delay product. These include three new full- adder circuits namely the standard adder, the data driven dynamic logic and the split-path data driven dynamic logic. By optimizing the transistor size in each stage the power and delay are minimized. The investigation has been carried out with properly defined simulation that runs on a Cadence VIRTUOSO environment using a 45-nm, 90-nm and 180-nm CMOS technology. The comparisons between these full adders have been done to show the better performance in terms of power consumption, area (number of transistors) and delay. These circuits are suitable for arithmetic circuits and other VLSI applications with very low power consumption and very high speed performance.
Multiobjective Optimal Design of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for Directly Coupled Wind Turbines[Full-Text ] Narges Taran, Mohammad ArdebiliFactors such as high efficiency, high power density, the possibility of realizing a compact multistage machine and the feasibility of applying a large number of poles make the Axial Flux Permanent Magnet (AFPM) generators highly appealing for use as low speed wind power generators. This study puts forth a multi-objective optimization of the efficiency and power density of a low speed AFPM synchronous generator. The optimization problem was formulated by means of general sizing equations and then Genetic Algorithm (GA) was utilized. This study uses a weighted fitness function which offers a tool for ascertaining the priority of objective functions. This fitness function includes two variables whereby an increase in either of them leads to more improvement in one of the objective functions than in the other. The merits of this method are especially palpable in situations where it is necessary to prioritize the objective functions as is indeed the case with generators used in wind turbines which should have not only a high efficiency but also a reduced weight and volume. Finally, the results are verified through the three dimensional Finite Element Method (3D-FEM).
Effect of Heavy Metals on Growth of Rhizobium[Full-Text ] Madhavi D Rane, Eshrat A Shaikh, Ulka G Malusare Rhizobium isolates were obtained from sewage sludge of Mula-Mutha River.The isolated rhizobia were found to form root nodules on soybean. Cross-inoculation studies were carried out with soybean legume. Studies on the effect of five metals (Fe, Al, Mo, Co, Hg) were carried on all strains of Rhizobium. The effects were assessed on bacterial growth in culture. Cobalt (Co) & Mercury (Hg) was found to have detrimental effect in vitro condition at all its concentrations. Iron (Fe), Molybdenum (Mo), Aluminum (Al) was found to support bacterial growth at all the concentrations in culture of Rhizobium-1, Rhizobium-2, Rhizobium-3, Rhizobium-4, and Rhizobium-5 strains of bacteria. These Rhizobial isolates were screened for their ability of Siderophores production. One of the goals of present study is the selection of strains of rhizobia which are highly effective nitrogen fixers and biocontrol agents against most plant pathogens from their ability to produce siderophores.
Fuzzy Scheduling Algorithm for Real –Time multiprocessor system[Full-Text ] Nirmala H, Dr.Girijamma H AIn a multiprocessor environment scheduling is very essentially done with greater challenges. Researchers are in the edge of finding solutions to these challenges. Scheduling is the art of allocating limited resources to competing tasks over time. A feasible schedule satisfies the constraints that are associated with any particular set of tasks and resources. So as to improve the performance of the . The problem is generally NP-Complete and is not easily solvable. Many techniques are applied like Fuzzy and Genetic algorithms. In this paper we are proposed a scheduling algorithm to real time tasks using fuzzy technique.
Classification of hyperspectral images using scattering transform[Full-Text ] Ashitha P S, V Sowmya, K P SomanIn this paper, we applied scattering transform approach for the classification of hyperspectral images. This method integrates features, such as the translational and rotational invariance features for image classification. The classification of hyperspectral images is more challenging because of the very high dimensionality of the pixels and the small number of labelled examples typically available for learning. The scattering transform technique is validated with two standard hyperspectral datasets i.e, SalinasA_Scene and Salinas_Scene. The experimental result analysis proves that the applied scattering transform method provides high classification accuracy of 99.35% and 89.30% and kappa coefficients of 0.99 and 0.88 for the mentioned hyperspectral image dataset respectively.
Novel Multi-modal Image Fusion Techniques[Full-Text ] Y.G.SrilathaImage fusion is a versatile technique studied for detecting targets, weapons, surveillance, military and many more applications. In this paper, two algorithms for multi-modal image fusion have been developed. In one of the algorithms, wavelet transform was used to combine the most significant information in both the images by a particular fusion rule. The second method was based on segmentation and weighted average fusion wherein the hot spots can be visualized by pseudo coloring the IR image. The feasibility of the algorithms discussed is demonstrated by some experimental results.
Performance Evaluation and Implementation of Page Ranking Algorithm Based on Counts of Link Hits (PRCLH) for Interactive Information Retrieval in Web Mining[Full-Text ] Zaved Akhtar, Saoud SarwarWhile huge amount of data has become a highlighted buzzword since last some years, “big data mining”, i.e., mining from big data, has almost immediately followed up as an emerging, interrelated research area. Extracting useful information has proven extremely challenging task. The Search engines generally return a large number of pages in response to user queries. To assist the users to navigate in the result list, ranking methods are applied on the search results. We have discussed about most of the page ranking algorithms based on link or content information retrieval in Web Mining. Here in this paper we have used page ranking Algorithms Based on Count of Link Hits (PRCLH) for calculation of page for interactive information retrieval in Web Mining.
Advanced Compilation Techniques for Data Distribution and Chip Multiprocessor[Full-Text ] Amruta Salunkhe, Prof, R. D. BharatiThe limiting factor in the performance of chip multiprocessors is data access latency. Data access latency increases significantly as the number of cores in non uniform architecture are increased. To moderate this effect, we use a compiler-based approach to leverage data access locality. Multithreaded memory access patterns (MMAPs) are resolved and used by a partitioning algorithm to choose a partition of allocated memory blocks among the forked threads in the analyzed application. This partition is used to impose data ownership by associating the data with the core that executes the thread owning the data. Based on the partition, the communication pattern of the application can be extracted.
Concentration Technique during the recovery of alkaline phosphatase from Red Shrimp Hepatopancreas.[Full-Text ] Krishna Prasad NooralabettuAlkaline phosphatase was released from the Red shrimp hepatopancreas by homogenisation at 3,000 rpm for 10 min at 4oC, and the homogenate was clarified at Relative Centrifugal Force of 1681.1×g for 5min at 4oC. The efficiency of pH and ammonium sulfate saturation to concentrate the enzyme with optimum yield determined by subjecting the homogenate to 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75 or 85% saturation level at 0oC in 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer of pH 8.4 or 2 M KCl solution of pH 7. The saturation level of 65% at pH 8.4 was able to efficiently precipitate 92.63±0.06% of the alkaline phosphatase into one third of the bulk volume resulting in 7.55±0.04 folds purification, and retain half of the protein impurities in two third of the bulk volume. Whereas, the enzyme yield was reduced below 65% saturation level and enzyme purification was reduced above 65% saturation level.
New Approach for Automatic Separation of ROI and BG in Crime Scene Images and Compression using DWT (ASRBDWT)[Full-Text ] Yogesh Dangar, Vinita Shah, Bhargesh PatelCrime scene images are very sensitive to do any kind of preprocessing and compression, but the use of images is increasing in exponential manner in crime detection and crime solving, so we require to compress the crime scene images as well. For more compression ratio we can use Region of Interest (ROI) compression. For crime scene images our ROI may be evidences of crime. We might have multiple ROIs in crime scene images. Sometimes it may not possible to select ROI manually; because ROI may be too small and even sometimes we can miss some evidences in manual ROI selection. The solution to this problem is automatic separation of ROI and background (BG). In this paper, we had implemented one algorithm for automatic separation of ROI and BG for crime scene images. We had use color crime scene image for automatic separation of ROI and BG and then compression is done using DWT.
Towards Sustainable Solar Power System in Nigeria: The Planning and Budgeting Considerations[Full-Text ] Daniyan O.L., Daniyan I.AThe whole world is yearning for a sustainable renewable energy solution that could possibly provide efficient alternative to the fossil fuels and be a worthy deviation from over dependence on fossil fuels and its attendant pollutions. Solar power systems provide this option. In Nigeria today, it is sad that with her strategic location on the globe and her purported 80% sun hours, there is a strong disaffection for solar power system as only very few people among the large populace embrace this system. This paper identifies the critical problems in implementing a decent and sustainable solar power system design in Nigeria, which has hitherto disenchanted the hearts of the populace from making the best out of nature’s free energy gift to humanity and it provides essential planning and budget considerations for a decent and sustainable solar power facility.
Idea Transformation between L1 and L2 as a Writing Problem for Kurd EFL Learners at different University Levels[Full-Text ] Areen Ahmed Muhammed, Chalak Ali Mohammed AmeenIdea transference from First Language (L1) to Second Language (L2) is considered as a major problem of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Many EFL learners are vulnerable to the negative effect of L1 on their L2 learning. Composing in L2, as one of the four skills of second language learning, is considered as one of the problematic skills for EFL learners that needs much effort and trials by the learners; thus, it is thought to be worth of investigation and research. In this paper, the researchers attempt to identify the writing problems of Kurd EFL learners and specifically the idea transferring problems from L1 to L2 while composing in L2. And consequently, suggest solutions for the problems raised and identified.
Reynolds Number Dependence on Laminar Flow in the Developing Region of a Rotating Pipe[Full-Text ] Ojo Anthony O., Odunfa Kamilu M., and Oyewola Miracle O.This paper investigates the Reynolds number dependence on laminar flow in a rotating pipe. The viability of the commercial CFD modeling tool, Comsol Multiphysics, in numerically simulating laminar flow in a straight axially rotating pipe, was employed to facilitate this investigation. With a view of capturing the Reynolds number dependence on the velocity profiles that result due to pipe rotation, emphasis is placed on the effects of pipe rotation rate and varying axial Reynolds number on laminar flow and then, analysis of the axial, tangential and radial velocity profile is carried out at sections downstream of the pipe. Results using this numerical procedure, however shows, a typical undisturbed laminar flow for a straight non-rotating pipe and a destabilization of this laminar flow as a consequence of turbulence intensity introduced due to swirl. With pipe rotation, at low Reynolds number, increase in Reynolds number causes a breakdown and instability of laminar motion. For low Reynolds number of 20, a small range of rotation rate is possible within which a converged solution is obtained and upon an increase in Reynolds number, the range of rotation rate decreases owing to stability issues. At the vicinity of the pipe inlet, the influence of the increased Reynolds number and rotation rate is seen to make flow reversal more pronounced as the pressure gradient is large.
Management and Minimization of Construction Waste for Residential Site.[Full-Text ] Archana Khorate, Prof. S. V. PataskarPast research into the causes of waste in construction projects indicate that waste can arise at any stage of the construction process right from inception, design, planning, actual construction, etc. to operation of the built facility. Waste in the construction industry has been the subject of several research projects around the world in recent years. It is commonly acknowledged that a very high level of waste exists in construction. Waste indicates both, the incidence of resources and energy losses and execution of unnecessary work. It generates additional cost to the product but does not add value to it. Therefore waste should be defined as any losses produced by activities that generates direct and indirect cost, but do not add any value to the product from point of view of client. Since construction has a major and direct influence on many other industries by means of both purchasing inputs and providing the products to all other industries, eliminating or reducing waste could yield great cost savings to the society. This paper identifies the sources and causes of generation of construction wastes, especially cement and steel, on construction sites. The main tools for the collection of data included questionnaires, interviews and available data from construction sites. This study is an attempt to find the main causes of construction waste, which may be Method of Storage, Material Handling, Documentation, Workmanship, Planning and Controlling and Procurement, Variation in Design, etc. The factors which has major effect on the material wastage are identified and analyzed based on Correlation & Regression analysis using SPSS16 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 16) software. In this study an attempt is made to suggest ways to reduce construction waste, based on the analysis by Correlation and Regression using SPSS16 software. By using these identified sources and causes, construction industry players may become aware of how the waste is generated and how this can be avoided. It will give a great benefit for not only the construction industry but also the country in terms of economic, social and most importantly, protection of the environment.
STOCHASTIC MODEL FOR MANPOWER LOSS DUE TO ABSENTEEISM WHEN PREVENTIVE STRATEGIES ARE ADOPTED[Full-Text ] Dr.T.Chitrakalarani, A.YogeswariThe aim of this paper is to estimate the expected time to reach the breakdown point of an organization when some motivational factors are introduced to reduce absenteeism.
Structural Properties and Mechanical Characterizations of Graphene Based Cobalt-ferrites Nanocomposites for Load Baring Applications.[Full-Text ] MuhammadSiyar, Nasir Khan, Asghari Maqsood, Muhammad Younas, Muhammad DaudIn this study we developed graphene based cobalt ferrites composites by in situ co-precipitation route. Four samples were prepared with 0%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% graphene sheets to cobalt ferrites. The samples were characterized by XRD, and FTIR, while SEM was used to observe the hybrid structure of embeded graphene sheets in cobalt ferrites. SEM confirms the successful adhesion of cobalt ferrites particles (10-20 nm) on graphene nano sheets, which are dispersed in metal oxide matrix.
Study of morphology and Zeta Potential analyzer for the Silver Nanoparticles[Full-Text ] Mohammed J. Haider, Mohammed S. MehdiThis work was devoted for production of colloidal silver nanoparticles via chemical reduction method. The colloidal silver nanoparticles were characterized using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Zeta potential. The controllability of particle size and size distribution is shown in this paper to be dependent upon the type of measurement conditions in addition to it proved that the smaller mean diameter at average electric field (-14.42 V/cm) and average current (-0.06 mA). The obtained particles were spherical in shape and having an average particles size of 5-20 nm, zeta potentials range between -25.5 to -38.3 mV. The dissolution data indicates that the release of the silver nanoparticles is inversely correlated with the size of the nanoparticles i.e. the release increased with smaller size particles. The results showed that the Ag NPs would be stable in the pharmaceutical preparations and will be easily to the infection site. The colloidal silver nanoparticles were found to be very efficient antibacterial agents for different types of bacteria. The results provided strong evidence that could warrant the consideration of silver nanoparticles as antibacterial and antifungal agent.
Optimization of Shared Path Protection for SONET/SDH Network[Full-Text ] Deepak Dhadwal, Ashok Arora ,VR SinghHigh bandwidth applications and services requirements are provided by the SONET/SDH network. Because of this high bandwidth requirement fault tolerance and network recovery are important issues to optimize. SONET/SDH is time division multiplexing technologies popularly used in transport networks to provide bandwidth services. Dynamic services provisioning is one of the technique in which the algorithms are required that automatically compute the paths to which need to follow for routing purposes. This is needed to satisfy the service requests. In this paper, algorithms for multiplexing structures to provide the efficient bandwidth structures has been defined and implemented. Bandwidth is an important factor which is needed to optimize for efficient uses of SONET/SDH network. Two types of bandwidth protection is here one is Shared path protection and Dedicated Path protection. In this paper, Shared path protection studied, analyzed and implemented. An optimized shared protection algorithm is also discussed and implemented.
Effect of Recycling Process on Paper Properties[Full-Text ] Afaf Ghais, May MutealiTo confront with the sustainable development need, alternative respond to enormous necessity and application of paper shall arise. Therefore, one way in dealing with the problem is to replace or just decrease the use of paper made entirely from primary components, mainly wood fibers. Analysis of mechanical properties of waste samples with and without deinking agent can reflect the prospect of paper recycling. Experiments were performed on four samples, two A4, two booklets with and without deinking agent. Results, obtained from measurements, confirm that the A4 and booklets strength are improved when deinking agent added. Shrinkage rate of less than 20 was obtained as a technical challenging in paper recycling.