Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016.
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Analytical Comparison between Sobel and Prewitt Edge Detection Techniques [Full-Text ] Deepika Adlakha, Devender Adlakha, Rohit TanwarEdge detection is the process of identify the presence and location of edges by sharp discontinuities of image. Edge detection plays an important role in image processing and helps in solving many complex problems. Edges are the boundaries between various regions within an image. Detection of edge in the image filters noise and unwanted data while preserves the structural properties of the image. Edge detection techniques transform original image into edge images which can be used for feature extraction, object recognition, data compression and image matching. In this research paper, two edge detection techniques, Sobel edge detection and Prewitt edge detection technique, are used to extract edges from the images of flowers. Performance of algorithm is judged by computing the pixels of the image to show which algorithm works better. From experimental results, it is observed that the Prewitt edge detection technique works better as compared to Sobel edge detection technique.
Effect of Chemoprophylactic Treatment on the Dynamical Spread of Malaria[Full-Text ] S.O. Adewale, S.O. Ajao, I.A.Olopade, G.A. Adeniran and A.A. OyewumiIn this paper, a mathematical model for the transmission of malaria is developed and analyzed. We establish the basic reproduction number for the model. The analysis shows that the disease free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable whenever the associated threshold quantity is less than unity i.e. < 1. Moreover, we show that there exists a unique endemic equilibrium whenever the associated threshold quantity Ro exceeds unity i.e. > 1. The numerical analysis shows that as the treatment rate of the exposed class increases the population size of the exposed reduces as they move out of the class and the population of the infected class reduces while the population size of the recovered class increases, which means that treatment of exposed class reduces the number of the people that will progress into infectious class which thereby reduces the spread of the malaria.
Performance Evaluation of Household Waste Plastic as Additive in the Bituminous Mix De-sign[Full-Text ] Md. Mintu Miah, Md. Tawhidul Islam Tanoy, Md. Sohel RanaRecently the frequency of traffic in the road has been augmented day by day. That’s why the strength of bituminous road should be in-creased. To increase the strength of bituminous mix design, many additives such as sulphur, rubber, organic polymer and plastic are added with the bitumen. In this study the household waste plastics were used as an additive in bituminous mix, as huge amount of non-biodegradable plastics have been wasted in every day. It is not possible to recycle all of these plastics. However the waste management operation for these waste plastic is also very difficult due to insufficient land and poor system. Thus the soil is polluted in a great extent as well as the environment. The aim of this study is to reuse these plastic as an additive of bituminous mix design. Also another aim of this study is to justify the strength of bituminous mix design by using these plastic. In this study household waste plastics were mixed as a percentage of 15, 20, 25 and 30 with the bitumen content of percentage 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6 and 6.5 of total aggregates. As a result, the optimum bitumen content have increased for 15%, 20% and 25% plastic but slightly decreased when 30% plastic is used. It is found that the amount of bitumen content is declined with the increase of plastic content with good strength. It is also found that the fire and flash point, penetration, ductility value has decreased but the softening point value and specific gravity are increased due to the increase of plastic in mix design. The flow value is increased up to 25% plastic then it started to decrease. The Marshall Stability value is amplified gradually with the increase of plastic content. Hence it can be used in warmer region for better durability and strength of road surface. It will minimize the cost of road construction and environmental pollution.
ANTIMICROBIAL POTENCY OF NEEM (AZADIRACHTA INDICA) LEAF EXTRACTS ON PATHOGENIC BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM WOUND INFECTIONS[Full-Text ] Ajaba, M. O, Brooks, A. A, Emanghe, U. EThe use of herbal decoctions in treating wound infections is increasing especially in developing countries including Nigeria. The increasing incidence of wound infections, coupled with the scarce foreign exchange to import potent antibiotics into the country and the inherent capacity of the wound pathogens to resist the therapeutic effects of such antibiotics have necessitated the use of alternative but effective medical remedies for wound treatment. The objective of this study is to determine the antibacterial activity of Azadirachta indica on common wound pathogens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Agar diffusion assay was employed to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethanolic and aqueous extracts of the neem plant at six concentration levels by measuring the diameter of zones of inhibition around the tested organisms. The data obtained was statistically analyzed using student t-test of unpaired comparison. Streak plate technique was used to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of the tested extracts. Both the ethanolic and aqueous extracts exhibited considerable antibacterial activity against the selected wound pathogens Using agar disc diffusion assay and at varying concentrations, the two extracts showed antibacterial activity against all test bacteria used. When compared, ethanolic extract showed greater zones of inhibition than the aqueous extract. The results showed that sensitivity is directly proportional to the concentrations of the neem extract. It is therefore important that because of the low cost of production of both types of extracts, it should be encouraged as an option in African countries especially Nigeria. This beneficial use of the plant forms a basis for further research and evaluation.
Investigation of the Performance of Synchronous Generators Equipped with Nonlinear Excitation Controller[Full-Text ] Ayokunle A. Awelewa, Cluadius O.A. Awosope, Ademola Abdulkareem, Ayoade F. AgbetuyiInvestigation of the dynamic performance of a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus (SMIB) system is carried out in this paper. The generator is equipped with a nonlinear excitation control law based on the concepts of geometric homogeneity and feedback linearization. A new positive parameter, called the dilation gain, is introduced in the control law for improved damping of oscillations and better dynamic performance. Two models of the system are employed for the study, and a disturbance in form of a network fault with varied durations is applied to test the performance of the system. Simulation results as well as MATLAB® code for testing for exact linearization of an affine nonlinear system are provided.
MODEL PREDICTION TO MONITOR THE RATE OF WATER ABSORPTION OF CONCRETE PRESSURED BY VARIATION OF TIME AND WATER-CEMENT RATIOS[Full-Text ] Ode .T. and Eluozo S.NStrength as a parameter to obtain in any concrete is determined from mix design approach that is why water cement ratio is important parameters. Concrete formation using locally occurring 3/8 gravel to generate higher concrete performances was carried out, but for these study focus on the rates of water absorption on concrete formation at different water cement ratios and curing age. The model predictions for water absorption were also studied. The behaviour of water absorption were expressed through graphical representation showing various absorption rates at different water cement ratios and curing age, these were generated through calibration that express various resolved model equations at different water cement ratios, the results observed fluctuations of water absorption predominant from washed and unwashed locally occurring 3/8 gravel at different water cement ratios. the rates of absorption are also determined from porosity as significant factors in various mix, it also include some inhibition of impurities especially on those unwashed on locally occurring 3/8 gravel that can reduces higher concrete strength, the study is imperative because the behaviour of water absorptive at different mix proportion for washed and unwashed has been developed, the rate of strength from these dimension can be monitored.
PREDICTIVE MODEL ON COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE MADE WITH LOCALLY 3/8 GRAVEL FROM DIFFERENT WATER CEMENT RATIOS AND CURING TIME[Full-Text ] Ode .T. and Eluozo S.NCompressive strength of concrete were generated through thorough empirical applications, the study focus on application of locally occurring 3/8 material characterized in unwashed and washed conditions, the concept were to determine the rate of higher concrete strength, various water cement ratios were used to generate these results for compressive strength at different curing age. These results were calibrated to generated resolved mathematical equations, predictive values were generated, these values were compared with measured values, both parameters developed favourable fits validated the developed model, graphical representation has express the rate of compressive strength as it is characterized, some values attained it maximum strength between twenty eight and ninety days, while some generate very low strength base on the variations of compressive rate thus porosity developing bleeding of concrete, the derived model from its predictive values express its compressive behaviour base on this influences, experts will definitely apply these empirical solutions in design of higher concrete strength.
CALIBRATING THE DENSITY OF CONCRETE FROM WASHED AND UNWASHED LOCALLY 3/8 GRAVEL MATERIAL AT VARIOUS CURING AGE[Full-Text ] Ode .T. and Eluozo S.NConcrete densities were calibrated at different water cement ratios and curing age, the study expressed the rate of fresh mix cement design with locally occurring 3/8 gravel to monitor its performance base on these conditions, the densities calibrated expresses model equations from washed and washed gravel as it characterized. The results express concrete densities at different water cement ratios and curing age, the variations are base on mix proportion thus variation on compactions, most results calibrated express variations base on the influences from mix proportion and compactions, other influence are impurities from unwashed 3/8 gravel, it express some variation of densities from graphical representation, these affect the densities of concrete as it express in various curing age, the developed model will be apply to predict the densities of concrete to determine variations of concrete performance.
Seroprevalence of HIV transmission from moth-er to child during the antenatal period[Full-Text ] Kaur RishabhpreetOBJECTIVE: the purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of HIV infection among the pregnant mothers attending ICTC at Rajindra hospital and medical college, Patiala for a period of 1year i.e. April 2014 to March 2015. The children born to the seropositive mothers were regularly tested for their seropositivity till date. MATERIAL AND METHOD: a total of 2695 clients attended ICTC and serum samples were collected after taking informed consent and pre test councelling was done. In India for all ICTCs, NACO, a National guideline has been followed for HIV testing, reporting and release of results with post test councelling. RESULTS; out of the total 2695 mothers tested for HIV ,21(0.77%) were found seropositive. With intervention i.e starting of ART,out of children born to 21 seropositive mothers 2(9.5%) babies became seropositive till date (approx. 6 months). Conclusion: HIV prevalence of 0.77% among the mothers attending ICTC RH, Patiala puts light on the risk of MTCT. On proper prevention and councelling for ART risk of transmission of HIV to baby is reduced to 9.5% against without intervention (which is about 25-35% globally). This study focuses that prevention of MTCT of HIV in infants is the Gold standard for decreasing prevalence of HIV among children.
Citric Acid Production from Aspergillus niger using Banana Peel[Full-Text ] Naaz Abbas, Wardah Safdar, Sakhawat Ali, Shahnaz Choudhry and Sana IlahiThe Citric acid is an important organic acid which is being globally consumed and produced in large numbers. In the present study, mango peel was utilized for citric acid production by Aspergillus niger and the fermentation parameters were optimized. Maximum yield of citric acid was obtained using banana peel 20%, inoculum 5%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and ammonium nitrate at pH 5 and 32° C after 8 days of fermentation.
AXISYMMETRIC MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC(MHD) SELFGRAVITATING STABILITY OF FLUID CYLINDER[Full-Text ] HAMDY. M. BRAKATThe axisymmetric (MHD) self gravitating stability of uid cylinder has been discussed. The stability of a uid cylinder under the action of self-gravitating , inertia, and electromagnetic forces is developed. A general eigenvalue relation is derived studied analytically and the results are con rmed numerically. The jet is gravitationally unstable for small axisymmetric disturbances and stable for all other disturbances. The electromagnetic force has stabilizing and destabilizing in uences in the axisymmetric mode.
GLOBAL BEHAVIOR OF THE DIFFERENCE EQUATION[Full-Text ] E. M. Elabbasy, M. Y. Barsoum, H. S. AlshaweeThe main objective of this paper is to study the qualitative behavior for a class of nonlinear rational difference equation. We study the local stability, periodicity, Oscillation, boundedness, and the global stability for the positive solutions of equation. Examples illustrate the importance of the results
Early goal directed Physiotherapy in Patients undergoing Extracorporeal cardiac life support[Full-Text ] Gottschalk, Antje, MD, PhD; Bräunig, Jochen, BA,; Bause, Daniela, RN; Volkert, Thomas, MD; Lanckohr, Christian MD; and Ellger, Björn MD, PhDObjectives: We evaluated active early goal directed physiotherapy (EGDP) by implementing a physiotherapy algorithm in patients undergoing ECLS for post-cardiotomy shock with special respect to safety.
FACE DETECTION AND COLOUR DETECTION CONTROLLED WMR USING MATLAB[Full-Text ] SARTHAK BHATT, PIYUSH JAINIn this paper, a system is designed to control 2-Dimensional motion of 2x2 wheeled mobile robot (WMR) through the camera capturing the colour shown by the bands wore on the finger . I fused three(one customized and 2 standard) algorithms:Viola-Jones in [1] for face detection, Colour Detection[2] to detect the colour strips attached to user’s fingers and Motor synchronization algorithm to convert the detected finger band’s colour into WMR’s locomotion . To reduce the noise detected in each frame I designed the system in such a way that first user’s face will get detected and then only system will proceed to track the colour attached to the finger. The WMR’s motor controlling is performed by an Arduino platform and the Real-time Image processing [6] is implemented on a PC by using Matlab.
Reliability Of Time Dependent Stress Strength nth Repair System for Finite Mixture Model[Full-Text ] N.SwathiIn this paper considered a situation where stress follows mixture of exponential distributions to find the reliability of a system. It has been studied when strength follow exponential distribution and stress follow finite mixture of exponential distributions. The general expression for the reliability of a system is obtained. The reliability is computed numerically for different values of the stress and strength parameters.
Laser-Induced Damage to Mechanically Loaded Laminated[Full-Text ] Satyender Kumar, N R DasThis paper describe the lethality of laser-directed energy weapons in causing structural failure to mechanically loaded laminated composites in UAV. Failure of laminated composites is controversial, even under ambient temperature. However, a successful attempt has been conducted here to predict the mechanical and thermal behavior of the heated panel. This is further complicated by the anisotropic behavior of the composite material and the thermal effect.
Solution of variational Problems using New Iterative Method[Full-Text ] Tahir Kamran, M. Yaseen, M. Shafeeq Ur Rehman, Zafar AliI used New Iterative Method (NIM) on the variational problems. This is recently developed method which is very easy and efficient developed by Daftardar Gejji and Hossein Jafri [1].In this study the variational problems are solved to check the ability of this method for solving non linear and linear ordinary differential equations. The results obtained are very useful and close to the exact solution.
Transmission and Retrieval of Information from Scanned Images using Medical Informatics Model[Full-Text ] Ambika.G.N, Vidya R, Bharathi R, Shruthi JThe existing infrastructure in medical imaging is being improvised with new technologies which has revolutionised medical industry. The main reason for its predominant use is the interrelatedness of the various departments. Sharing and transmission of patient data has become a great challenge. At present paper based patient records are replaced by electronic patient records. This documentation can be transmitted across a network, thereby improving the performance by making the system secure and reliable. In this paper we focus on a new paradigm which unifies the methods to extract information from images combined with implementing a new doctor’s portal with enhanced features and security. We suggest a new system for efficient management, storage, retrieval and transmission of data over a distributed environment. Doctors across the globe can jointly collaborate for quick diagnostics and treatment. The combination of various techniques incorporated in our model not only improves the quality of healthcare but also focuses on minimising the medical errors and cost.
Innovative Routing and Time Synchronization in Underwater Sensor networks[Full-Text ] Vidya.R, Ambika.G.N, P Haripriya, Poojashree N.STime synchronization plays a critical role in distributed network system. Here, we investigate the routing and time synchronization problem in the context of underwater sensor networks (UWSN’s). There are many time synchronization and routing protocols designed for terrestrial wireless sensor networks, but they cannot be directly applied on UWSN’s because most of these protocols do not consider long propagation delays, configuration of nodes and sensor node mobility which contributes to the performance and scalability of the system. To overcome this we implement a new time scheduling and routing scheme for mobile UWSN’s. We employ a DSR based Depth Based Routing approach for transmission of packets, which achieves very high packet delivery ratio. Then we propose a framework to estimate the Doppler shift caused by mobility, to refine the relative velocity estimation and to enhance the accuracy of the synchronization Kalman filter is employed. Finally, through simulation we show the energy efficiency of the proposed method.
SURVEY OF AUTOMOBILE SMOKE EMISSIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN NIGEERIAN CITIES[Full-Text ] Tanimowo N. BThis paper analyses the composition of automobile traffic in five Nigerian cities, namely Akure, Ibadan, Ilorin, Ogbomoso and Oyo. with respect to smoke emitted at different hours of the day time and the visual obstruction created, as well as the kind of automobile generating smoke as a pollutant. Findings of the study reveal that, more than half (i.e. 59.33%) of vehicles plying city roads emit visible smoke. On the average, every type of vehicle emits smoke. In terms of thickness of smoke emitted, trucks and motorcycles give the greater amount, but the lower volume comes from private and official vehicles whose smaller emission is possibly due to their relatively younger age and better maintenance. More smoke is observed in the ascending motion than the descending motion; carrying implication for people and buildings located along the hill slope. The findings call for more intensive control and monitoring of use, operation and maintenance of vehicles in cities. The findings also point out the need for more stringent transport policy as relating to environmental planning and management in cities. The study, being exploratory, is to stimulate further studies in the area of city transport and environmental pollution.
Using Flexible Composite for Retrofitting the Installations against Man-made Hazard[Full-Text ] Ehab Hanafi mahmoud, Hend El-Sayd FarouhOne of the greatest threats from a terrorist bomb attack comes from fragmentations pieces of walls, windows, fixtures, and equipment flying at high speeds can result in extensive injury and death. A key tactic to defeating this threat is to ensure the exterior wall of a building can survive the bomb blast without breaking apart and contributing to the fragment problem. The usual approach is to add strength and mass to the wall- to “beef” it up, usually with concrete and steel. Such “fortress” approaches are difficult to implement, time-consuming, and prohibitively expensive. An easier, less expensive, and lighter weight solution was needed so the architects began looking for ways to introduce ductility and resilience into building walls. The use of textile and flexible composites for the containment of high-speed fragmentation is well established; the design of body armour, fragmentation curtains and bomb blankets are end products, routinely deployed. In this paper a simulation program is conducted to test, by simulation, a mitigation effect of a new composite material of (3D-weaveTM Kevlar-129/ LINE-X xs-350), which is a two-component spray-in-place flexible 100% solids Polyurea/Polyurethane system. Mitigation response of this new composite is compared to that of (3D-weaveTM) Kevlar-129; the multi-layered targets of the two materials are subjected to impact by 20 Kg TNT equivalent. The pressure and impulse values are calculated. Calculations show that the composite (Kevlar-129/ LINE-X xs-350) targets are generally more efficient than the Kevlar targets in defeating impacting blast waves.
Evaluation of GPS Data in Point Feature and 3D Building Modeling[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Essam M. Fawaz, Prof. Dr. Said A. El-Maghraby, Dr. Mostafa H. Mohamed and Eng. Mohamed A. El-ShewyRecent years have seen significant improvements in the performance of the Global Positioning system (GPS) in different applications with different accuracy level. 3D building modeling has made a rapid development parallel to the technology, especially with the using of these models becomes more frequent than it was before. Hence, the present paper investigates the quality of the GPS observations in point feature (with different session duration) and 3D building modeling comparing with total station observations using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and quality indices. The quality indices are the detection rate (????), the quality rate (????), the branch factor (????), the miss factor (????) and the false alarm rate (????). These factors depend on the relations between the intersection or union areas for the reference (total station) and tested (GPS) data. The results supported by statistical analysis showed that, for point feature the discrepancy between fast static GPS coordinates and total station coordinates show about 13 mm as position mean value, while the maximum position error 40 mm. The errors decrease with the increase in session duration until five minutes, while after that the errors decrease with no significant effect. For 3D building modeling, the RMSE for the differences between total station and GPS observations for the top points is 0.143 m but it becomes 0.006 m when the observations of points beside obstacles are removed. The RMSE for the differences between total station and GPS observations for the bottom points is 0.061m. The values of two quality indices (?d and ?q) are close to one and the other three quality indices are close to zero. This means that the characteristic of planes extracted from both datasets are closed with a good quality.
Notification of the updated time table[Full-Text ] Garima Malik, Kavita Bhati, Rohit TanwarThis paper will provide a user friendly and easy to implement Time Table which is very important part of any educational institute. This document will provide a time table module for the university administration software system, in which different working algorithms are used to update the time table schedule as per the requirements, So that each faculty and student can view their timetable once they are finalized for a given semester and if there’s a need to make changes in the given time table then it would be administrators responsibility to make some updates according to the requirements. This timetable Generation System has to manage all the different aspects of the process that would generate a timetable for every class and faculty only if all the requirements that have been gathered are satisfied such as availability of faculties, availability and capacity of physical resources (such as classrooms, laboratories and computer rooms etc) and the rules applicable for different classes, semesters, teachers and subjects level, allocation of faculty to the classes, announcing an important event or coming up with a sharp change in time allocation for the faculty can be a day-to-day activity that must be updated on time.
Integrating business analytics with performance management[Full-Text ] Sultan GashgariCurrent paper analyses the role of business analytics for managing performance and discusses the way business analytics can be integrated with performance management. Business analytics consist on chain and Bayesian models. In addition, it also plays an important role regarding data involvement and structuring to gain the objectives in performance management. Business analytics enables management to take rationale and affective decision making based on historical data. However, its affective implementation requires supportive organizational culture, stakeholder awareness and support from top-level management. Integration of business analytics require consideration of internal and external factors of the organizational business environment, identifying performance drivers, integrating performance drivers with performance and management action and control system.
Technical note on Acoustic emission testing-An effective NDT tool for the structural Integrity evaluation of pressure vessels[Full-Text ] P.Arun Bose, T.Sasikumar, P.Arul JoseAerospace vehicle systems necessitate light weight, high strength pressurized tanks to store propellant, nitrogen, oxygen and other medium. Health monitoring of such vessels are indispensable preceding to its installation and in its operation. Acoustic emission technique is one of the powerful NDT tools capable of detecting a few atomic movements in a structure/material. AE testing is the only active NDT technique which can observe the growth of discontinuities and their severity while functioning. Consequently the incorporation of structural integrity evaluation with acoustic emission technique is critical in the aerospace and petrochemical industries. The structural integrity of a pressure vessel is generally assessed by proof testing. While proof testing the pressure vessel, the pressurisation of the vessel may lead the catastrophic failure without any significant deformation and prior indication. Such a bursting is frequently originated from the weldments of pressure vessel. This may cause remarkable damages in the aerospace industry. Hence the role of acoustic emission test is predominant to accomplish safe and controlled proof testing of pressure vessels and pipe lines. This study summarizes how the acoustic emission technique was handled effectively while proof testing towards the structural integrity assessment. Also it gives a good insight to the prior prediction of failure of the pressure vessels.