Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016.
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Data Security in Cloud Using Attribute Based Encryption with Efficient Keyword Search [Full-Text ] Ms.Dipali Patil, Dr.P.K.DeshmukhIn today’s world there are many new challenges for security of data and access control when users outsource sensitive data for sharing on third party server known as cloud servers, which are not within the same trusted domain as data owners. The existing technique used to maintain confidentiality of personal medical record (PMR) against untrusted servers by disclosing data decryption keys only to authorized users.
Helicobacter pylori: The association between CagA positivity and p53 expression[Full-Text ] Ahmed Sattar Abood, Samir Sabaa Raheem, Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy and Nidhal Abdulmohaimen MohammedH. pylori had been recognized as the causative agent of several gastric diseases and possessed wide variety of virulence factors, one of most important factors is CagA. p53 have central role in many cellular activities, one of them is the apoptosis. This study investigated the expression of p53 in the gastric epithelial cells in patients with Helicobacter pylori gastric illness in association with CagA positivity. Paraffin embedded tissue had been made form biopsies taken from 30 patients undergo O.G.D. and selected according to exclusion criteria. In addition, 10 apparently healthy volunteers were included as a control group. Procedures of ISH and IHC were used to detect CagA and p53 respectively. The CagA cytotoxin was detected in 21(70.0%) patients out of 30 and 9 (30.0%) gave negative results, p53 immunostaining shows 26/30 cases strong staining and 4/30 cases gave a moderate staining. The CagA positive H. pylori strains causes a higher p53 expression than the CagA negative strains.
THE STUDY OF STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOR OF A HIGH RAISED R.C.C SKELETON STRUCTURE BY MEANS OF E-TABS FOR DISSIMILAR PLAN ARRAYS[Full-Text ] Borra Tejaswi, Ch.SrinivasETABS stands for Extended Three dimensional Analysis of Building Systems. ETABS is a special-purpose computer program developed specifically for building structures. ETABS is commonly used to analyze parking garages, sky scrapers, steel and concrete structures, low and high rise buildings and portal frame structures. These features are fully included in a single, Windows-based, graphical user interface that is unmatched in terms of ease-of-use, productivity, and capability. The case study in this paper mainly emphasizes on structural behavior of multi-storey building for different plan configurations like T shape and L shape. Modeling of 10-storey’s R.C.C. framed building is done on the ETABS software for analysis and design. Post analysis of the structure, maximum shear forces, bending moments, maximum storey displacement and design results are computed and then compared for all the analyzed cases.
Electrochemical and Analytical Study on 3-Carbohydrazide Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors for Different Types of Low C-Steel in Acidic Medium[Full-Text ] Hala M. Hassan, A. M. Eldesoky, A. Attia and Awad Al-RashdiThree 3-carbohydrazide derivatives have been investigated for the corrosion of different types of low C-steel in 2 M HCl solution at different concentrations at 25±1â—¦C using potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) techniques. Generally, inhibition efficiency of the investigated compounds was found to depend on the concentration and the nature of the inhibitors. These studies have shown that 3-carbohydrazide derivatives are very good ‘‘green”, mixed-type inhibitors. Electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method of analysis are also presented here for monitoring corrosion.
Solving TSP using Genetic Algorithm and Nearest Neighbour Algorithm and their Comparison[Full-Text ] Khushboo Arora, Samiksha Agarwal, Rohit TanwarTravelling Salesman Problem is an intensively studied problem in the field of Combinatorial Optimization. Being an NP-Hard problem it is widely studied in the area of optimization. A problem is NP-Hard if its approximate solution is derived from the solution of NP problem, i.e. an algorithm that is used to solve NP problem can be modified to find the approximate solution to NP-hard problem.The main objective of TSP is to find the minimum distance by traversing each of the given set of cities atleast once and then traversing back to the start city.The paper is aimed to provide a method for solving TSP using both Genetic Algorithm and nearest neighbour Algorithm and provide efficient results. Also, this paper provides the comparison between the two algorithms based on various parameters that helps to choose the better algorithm as per the needs.
Analysis the Effect of Spectral Efficiency on Digitally Modulated OFDM Communication System over Realistic Channel Condition[Full-Text ] Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Farhana Enam, Halida HomyaraIn OFDM communication system, the choice of modulation technique is considered very important for good system performance. It is our primary need today to achieve high data rates in limited spectrum bandwidth to improve the performance of signal. Spectral efficiency describes the ability of a modulation scheme to accommodate data within a limited bandwidth. In this paper, the performance of spectral efficiency for different modulation techniques namely BPSK, QPSK, and 16PSK have been investigated over AWGN and Fading channel conditions. The simulation model that is build for this paper, demonstrated that 16PSK modulation scheme has a better performance than BPSK and QPSK over any channel condition. MATLAB R2010a is used as a simulation tool and synthetic data is used as input data for this research work.
TRAVELLING SALESMAN PROBLEM SOLUTION USING ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION[Full-Text ] ANAMIKA MADAAN, KANCHAN VASHISHT, Dr. Rinku DixitThis paper presents a solution to travelling salesman problem using an optimization algorithm i.e, Ant colony optimization . ACO is a heuristic algorithm mostly used for finding an optimal path in a graph, and which is inspired by the behavior of ants who look for a path between their colony and a source of food. Hence this algorithm can provide a solution to travelling salesman problem which aims at finding the shortest distance. TSP starts from a city, finds a shortest tour by visiting each city in the graph not more than once and comes back to the same city where it started.
Call Recording Mobile Application on Android[Full-Text ] Parul Singla,Smriti Arya, Shailee L.ChoudharyAndroid is a most widely used mobile operating system which has been developed by Google. It is being used by various smartphones, such as the Motorola Droid, the Samsung Galaxy, and Google's own Nexus One. Android programs are generally written in Java and run through Google's "Dalvik" virtual machine, which is optimized for mobile devices. Users may download Android "apps" from the online Android Market such as Google play store. Call Recorder is an Android based mobile application for any type of user for general purpose. Its use is to record the phone calls whether calls are incoming or outgoing. This would be helping for investigation purpose a lot because a user will be recording every call he/she receives or makes.
Environmental Impact Assessment for Sulfur Recovery Unit in Natural Gas Liquids Plant[Full-Text ] A. A. Al-Sarawy, W. E. Raslan and M. A. TawfeekIn all environmental regulations and requirements, it is important to control the industrial emissions to avoid any adverse effects. One of these requirements is the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies. This study will provide an EIA for a typical Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU). There are three main parts in this study, (i) A brief description for the history of the EIA, importance, requirements and procedures, (ii) A brief description for the sulfur recovery processes and (iii) EIA study for a typical Sulfur Recovery Unit.
Cultivating Productive Water in Valukai Aru Catchment in Valikamam Division of Jaffna District of Northern Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Visnuvarthanan, N and Sivakumar, S.SValukaiaru is a wet weather drainage scheme in the Jaffna peninsula. It is situated in the middle part of the Valikamam division. Valukaiaru basin has a total area of 57 sq. km covering the District Secretariat (DS) divisions of Tellipalai, Sandilipay, Chankanai and Uduvil.
Design Vedic Multiplier Using Reversible Gates[Full-Text ] MISS. SHRUTI D. KALE, PROF. GAURI N. ZADEIn modern times reversible logic fascinate attention to produce something better in certain fields like nanotechnology, quantum computing and low power design. Along with high speed multiplier architecture becomes need of the day as multiplier unit forms an integral part of processor design. Vedic Mathematics is the ancient system of mathematics which has a unique technique of calculations. In this paper we introduce a novel architecture of 4-bit reversible vedic Multiplier is represented which is based on vedic mathematics and reversible logic. In proposed design we try to optimize path delay & memory usage compared to conventional Vedic multiplier.
Effective Methods of Teaching Business Education[Full-Text ] Talal AlbaqamiBusiness education is the area that covers our daily lives. Despite the profession pursued by an individual, we are exposed to the business at every step of life. Business varies from taking decisions about buying a pair of shoes or a loan for the purchase a house. All of these decisions are driven by our knowledge of the business. In today’s world, there is a need for every individual to understand business and have knowledge about its activities. This article highlights the efficient methods for business education that can help the students in fulfilling their goals and objectives. This paper concludes recommended the teachers of business to go beyond the traditional methods of teaching and take valiant steps to make the business education more lively and interesting for children.
General Analytical Solution for Estimating the Elastic Deformation of an Open Borehole Wall[Full-Text ] Asad Elmgerbi, Gerhard Thonhauser, Michael Prohaska, Abbas Roohi and Andreas NascimentoFew analytical solutions have been published in the past decades for quantifying the ballooning volume caused by elastic deformation of an open borehole; nevertheless none of them takes into consideration the effects of permeability and thermoelasticity. This paper introduces new analytical solutions aiming at predicting a radial elastic displacement for any point along an open borehole wall. The presented analytical formulas here are general and taking into account the effective stresses, thermoelasticity and the poroelasticity effects. Two analytical formulas are derived, one for impermeable borehole, whereas the second is for permeable borehole. To utilize the proposed analytical solution for estimation the volumetric expansion and contraction of an open borehole, a recognized mathematical method has been adapted to be used for defining the areal elastic deformation of an open borehole at a given depth, which later can be used to quantify the volumetric change of an open borehole for specified depth interval. In order to validate the proposed formulas a finite element simulation was utilized. Several cases have been examined and compared, generally good results were observed with relative error less than 15%. Finally, results of a sensitivity study which was performed in order to assess the effects of different parameters on volumetric deformation of the open borehole are presented and discussed in details, the main finding of this study was that the deformation area of the borehole due to the elastic deformation is not significant and controlled mainly by the wellbore pressure.
Sensitivity and specifity of multifocal and full-field electroretinography in diabetic retinopathy[Full-Text ] H.I, Abdelkader, Mona Abdelkader, Hagar H. MossaNon-invasive recordings of the retinal activity have an important role in the diagnosis of retinal pathologies and in defining the state of retina. The current study described the responses of F-ERG and MF-ERG in patients with diabetic retinopathy (DR) compared to normal subjects, to establish whether there were differences in MF-ERG first order response among normal, NPDR, and PDR eyes, to correlate their results in detecting dysfunction in patients with diabetic retinopathy and to determine their sensitivity and specificity. Twenty patients with DR and 20 eyes of 10 normal subjects were examined using MF-ERG and F- ERG. The latencies and amplitudes were measured, recorded and compared among the three groups. The mean and standard deviation (SD) were evaluated using statistical package for social science (SPSS.15). Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of abnormal values in patients compared to the normal controls.The results of this study showed that Diabetic retinopathy (DR) markedly affected on all parameters of MF-ERG. The response densities of MF-ERG were decreased and latencies of p-wave were prolonged. The MF-ERG responses obtained from eyes with DR were significantly different (P > 0.05) from those of normal eyes.in F-ERG latencies of a-waves photopic response and 30HZflicker were not different among the groups. In DR significant correlation found between ring 5 and standard combined response amplitudes and latencies and also with cone response. In non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, the areas under ROC curves (AUCs) were larger for the MF-ERG (0.648 to 0.857) than those for the F-ERG ( 0.457 to0.573) which means that MF-ERG responses yielded greater sensitivity and specificity than F-ERG. In proliferative diabetic retinopathy, there was no difference in the AUCs and sensitivities between MF-ERG and F-ERG.
The Role of Public Relations in Organiza-tional Crisis Management[Full-Text ] Fahad AlzahraniThis paper is about the role of public relations in the face of crises whether the crisis is either economic, political, or social. The reason why I chose this topic is because many people do not exactly know what public relations is about, and they also do not know the work of public relations especially in crisis.
Practical Steps in the Design and Analysis of an efficient Off-Grid Solar Power System for Homes: Panacea for the Lingering National Energy Crises[Full-Text ] Obaitan E. B, Momoh F. PThe possibility of employing photovoltaic system in the generation of large and ‘clean’ Electrical Energy to power, at least, homes has generated a whole lot of global interest in the recent past. In the Nigerian situation, it can be a veritable panacea for her continued raging National Energy crises. It is common knowledge that the Power Holding Company of Nigeria has not been able to power industries and cities effectively, not to talk of rural areas. This prevailing abysmal energy situation has thus imposed great constrain in the rapid socio-economic development and transformation of the Nation, and the rural areas in particular, as envisaged in the Millennium Development Declaration. This paper discusses practical steps that may be taken in the design and installation of efficient off-grid solar power system for homes, as a way of reducing, if not ending, the lingering National Energy Crises.
TRIBAL EDUCATION AND NORTH EAST INDIA[Full-Text ] The objective of the paper is to study the status of tribal education in India. The analysis is based on secondary data of Census of India, 2011. The percentage of literacy of tribes was only 8.54 per cent in 1961 which has increased to 63.1 per cent in 2011. The gross enrolment ratio is higher in class I to V which is 137.2 for ST boys and 136.7 for ST girls.
Magnetohydrodynamic Couette Flow Of A Non-Newtonian Fluid In A Rotating System With Heat And Mass Transfer[Full-Text ] Manjusa JenaAn analytical solution is obtained for the steady Couette flow of an electrically conducting fluid between two parallel plates when the fluid and the plates rotate in unison about an axis normal to the plates. The equations of motion and energy have been solved with the help of complex variable technique pertaining to the imposed boundary conditions. After necessary computation with the various numerical values of the fluid parameters the expressions for primary velocity, secondary velocity of flow and temperature have been obtained. Then, the expressions for shear stresses and the rates of heat transfer have been derived. The results obtained are discussed with the help of graphs and tables to observe the effects of various parameters. It has been found that the primary velocity decreases with the increase of rotation parameter whereas the secondary velocity rises in reverse direction. The increase in the value of Prandtl number increases the rate of heat transfer at the stationary plate but reduces at the moving plate. These results are in good agreement with earlier results.
PEDOLOGICAL STUDY OF SOILS DEVELOPED FROM CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS OF EZE-AKU SHALE GROUP IN YALA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Uquetan, U. I., Abua, M. A., Essoka, P. A., Osang, J. E., Egor, A. ODetailed pedological characterization of soils developed from cretaceous sediments of Eze-Aku shale group in Yala Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria was carried out. The soils varied from sandy loam to sandy clay loam to clay in texture. The soil structure varied from weak fine granular to moderate medium sub-angular blocky, the soil consistence was friable under moist condition, the bulk density ranged from 1.28 to 1.49gcm3. Water content 13-18kpa in pedon 1, 3, 4 and 28-55KPa in Pedon 2. The soils are strongly acidic (pH 5.0-5.6) and non-saline. Organic carbon content (<2.0) and total Nitrogen (0.04-0.28) were rated moderate while available P and exchangeable cations were low to moderate (2.42mgkg).
Investigation of the Relative Humidity Profile Variations in Calabar, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Osang, J. E , Egor, A. O, Uquetan, U. I.C, E, B. E.A, Emeruwa, C., Pekene. D. B. JThis paper focusee on the Investigation of the Relative Humidity Profile Variations in Calabar, Nigeria. Base on available data, simple descriptive analysis was employed. The results among others show that, Relative Humidity Profile Variations is one of the Climatic factor that can indicate Climate change. Using the relationship of the expression In equation (1) {R.H= W/WS X 100 } , the values of Relative humidity for January to December in Calabar (2003 - 2012) was derived by NIMET Calabar using Dry & Wet Bulb Thermometer. The results of relative humidity during the period of study shows a variations over the years and exceeded 65%, except for January 2007. Studies show that, Stations within the tropical rainforest always have high relative humidity throughout the year. Calabar happens to be one of this stations, its item exceed 70% in all months. The Relative Humidity per year also varies inconsistently over the years. The hihgest total Relative Humidity was observed in July and August 2011, while the lowest is 61 in January (2007) with these impacts, the research work therefore recommends further studies in the area which enhance predictability as well as help in studies on global heating and climate change.
A CASE STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF OIL POLLUTION ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND GROWTH OF TREE CROPS IN CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Uquetan, U. I, Essoka, P. A, Egor, A. O, Osang, J. E, Bawan A. MThe effect of oil pollution on soil properties and growth of tree crop seedling was investigated for 20 weeks in a greenhouse experiment. Response of tree crop seedlings of cocoa, cashew, pawpaw and mango to pollution levels of 0, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1000ml/20kg of soil was assessed at 6, 12 and 20 weeks after planting. Results obtained showed significant variation in physico-chemical properties of the soils. Organic carbon increased from 1.52 to 3.66%, nitrogen (0.12 – 0.32) total hydrocarbon (23.86 – 4684.0) in polluted soils. Available P(93.40 – 41.00), exchangeable Ca2+ (0.42-0.26), K+ and Na+ (0.19-0.05) and (0.14 – 0.04), ECEC and Cd also decreases with increase Cu, Mn and Pb with treatment concentration. Seedling germination and plant heights were significantly influenced at high pollution levels. However, these elements were still within the permissible range for agricultural soils. Farmers are advised not to cultivate oil polluted soils until remediation processes are carried out on the land. Liming, fertilization, enhanced ploughing and harrowing were recommended.
Rainfall prediction in Nigeria using Artificial Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Ewona, I. O., Osang, J. E, Uquetan, U. I, Inah, E. O, and Udo, S. O.Rainfall data from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Oshodi, Lagos collected over thirty (30) years and from twenty three weather measuring stations spread across Nigeria have been used for the study. By applying stochastic and data reduction procedures the data was filtered to fast track the actual variables to be used for modeling rainfall. There were a total of 360 monthly mean data points for each station. The first 300 data points representing 25 years were used for training the network. The remaining 60 data points representing 5 years were used to cross validate the model. Each set of data was trained for 5 different sets of epochs. The number of epochs was chosen at intervals of about 500, 1000, 1500 2000 and 3000 epochs. By varying the weights and learning cycles, 5 different sets of predicted values were obtained. The predicted values were then correlated with actual values for corresponding periods. We obtained correlation coefficients between measured and predicted values up to 0.80 with an average value of 0.56. Compared on latitudinal basis, the coefficients were in ascending order from south to North. This means that the predictability of rainfall using Neuro Xl was better at higher latitudes.
Multi Tenancy Access Control Using Cloud Service in MVC[Full-Text ] Sonia guptaCloud Computing is the next generation Internet service and data center, and it is also used for public utilities and on-demand computing. Cloud computing is not a totally new technology, but rather a derived concept of application and service innovation in which, multi-tenancy is one of the important issues among the core technologies of cloud computing applications. Many tenants can access the different applications and computing resources in the same cloud server, whereas concurrent use by many users on a database or application will lead to large data volume, time consuming and security issues. Under these circumstances, it is particularly important to separate application and data for conflicts avoidance to enhance the system and data security. This paper emphasizes the cloud service model under a Multi-Tenant Architecture (MTA), using identity management and Role Based Access Control, to propose a Design Security Multi-Tenancy Access Control (DS-MTAC).The DS-MTAC applies identity management to determine the user’s identity and applicable roles, since different users possess different functional roles with respective privileges for processing. Such role-based assignments can easily and efficiently manage a user’s access rights to achieve application independence and data isolation for improving the processing performance of cloud multi-tenant services and hardening the security and privacy of cloud applications
Determination of Stable and Unstable manifolds of Periodic Points of a Two Dimensional Nonlinear Map[Full-Text ] Ranu Paul and Hemanta Kr. SarmahIn this paper we have presented a numerical technique to determine the stable and unstable manifolds of periodic points of a two dimensional nonlinear map (Henon Map) and used the Mathematica software to visualize these manifolds. Our investigation has suggested that the stable manifold at an unstable periodic point forms the boundary of a region in which the domain of attraction lies. Further, we observed the existence of homoclinic and heteroclinic points for different values of the parameters.
Institutional Mechanism for Improving Urban Transport System in Bangalore[Full-Text ] S.Gopiprasad and B. ShankarThe Institutional setup for the urban transport is very different and distinct to that of prevailing land management institutions and therefore needs to be designed to meet the goals and objectives of national urban transport policy. This paper delves into aspects that enable the design of institutional framework and its position within the overall institutional landscape of BMA to support urban transport and mobility. The introduction of the Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA) may be the first step in the reform process. The author emphasizes that as part of the institutional strengthening; along with the legislative backup, there is a need for including the wider section of citizens. Participation of the citizens in the formulation as well as during implementation is necessary for improving urban transport system in Bangalore Metropolitan Area.
Emerging Issues of Land Management in Bangalore Metropolitan Area[Full-Text ] S.Gopiprasad and B. ShankarComprehensive planning, operations and management with sustainable maintenance are possible only by adopting the integrated approaches with the help of Land Use Planning that is Master Plans and its implementation. The master plans are statutory documents intended to guide the development of the city through the land use and regulations. The plans are also required to render itself effective in addressing the environmental issues such as climate change, conservation of water bodies , preservation of sensitive lands, Parks and open spaces, etc. The sensitive zones and the conservation areas require intervention through a mix of technical, managerial and community based initiative. In this paper, the role of the revised master plan 2015 in preservation and conservation of the sensitive lands earmarked in the master plan is reviewed. The steps taken up by the Authority in attempting the implementation of the proposal is discussed. The learning’s from this implementation are useful for carrying out improvements enabling better implementation of plans in the future.
Improvement of the Voltage Quality of Hyderabad Network in India[Full-Text ] Ibrahim A. NassarIn this paper the performance of the electrical network of India is studied by considering a small part on the network (Hyderabad city). The transmission network of Hyderabad city was created for 220 kv, 132 kv, 33 kv and 11 kv in the digital simulation and electrical network calculation (DIgSILENT Power Factory Software) to study the voltage profiles. The load flow operational analysis was performed to obtain the voltage magnitudes at every bus bar. The voltage magnitudes in 33 kv and 11 kv networks were 10% to 15% less than the nominal value due to overloading of the transmission lines and the voltage magnitudes in 132 kv and 220 kv were within permissible limits. By using automatic tap-changing transformer or Static VAR System, the main idea of this paper is to obtain the voltage profiles at every bus bar to improve the voltage quality of the networks, so as to achieve better voltage profiles on the low voltage side without much affecting high voltage side under various operating conditions.
11 kV Feeder Analysis Using GPS mapping for Improving the Network[Full-Text ] Krishan KumarDue to complexity and heavy density of 11 kV distribution system, it becomes very difficult to map it manually for improvement point of view. In this research work the proposal is to do the load flow studies for the 11 kV Aminagar Sarai feeder which is situated in Baghpat District of UP India. The mapping for this feeder was carried out using GIS technique using MAPSOURCE software tool. The data collected contains length of 11 kV feeder, capacity/conductor type and loading conditions. This data will then be used for betterment of existing network by means of improvements in transformer loading, conductor resizing, change in conductor and VAR compensation etc.
Detection and virulence of Ralstonia solanacearum the causal of potato brown rot disease[Full-Text ] El-Habbaa, G.M, F.G. Mohammed and M.S.YoussefThis work aimed to detect and determine the virulence in addition to the host range of Ralstonia solanacearum the causal of potato brown rot disease. Isolation from naturally infected potato tubers of three different cvs. (Spunta, Draga and Nicola) showing brown rot disease symptoms revealed that all isolated bacteria showed typical morphological growth of R. solanacearum on SMSA medium where; colonies were fluidal white with red center. Also, IFAS test (Immunoflurescence Microscope Antibody Staining) confirmed that these isolated bacteria are R. solanacearum. The traditional identification of the three tested pathogenic bacteria isolates exhibited similarity among them based on their cultural and morphological characteristics where, these isolates were non-sporulating short rods with weak Gram negative reaction. Also, their developed colonies on nutrient agar (NA) medium were irregularly/round, convex, smooth surface, entire margin, translucent and yellowish brown in colour. Meantime, these colonies were whitish-gray in colour on King’s B (KB) medium forming brown pigments in most cases. Also, the physiological and biochemical tests of the three bacterial isolates showed oxidative metabolism of glucose and positive results with oxidase reaction, catalase reduction, H2S production, nitrate reduction. However, the three isolates were negative to Indole production, gelatin liquefaction, Arginine dihydrolase, starch hydrolysis, Voges proskauer test and Levan formation. Also, the three tested isolates of R. solanacearum showed virulence against potato and tomato plants. While, these isolates were avirulent to eggplant, pepper, tobacco and banana plants under artificial inoculation conditions which reveal that theses isolates belong to race 3. Also, all three tested isolates utilized maltose, lactose, cellobiose and glucose but not oxidized mannitol, sorbitol and dulcitol. As for virulence of the three tested R. solanacearum isolates, results exhibited different percentages of disease severity on potato plants (cv.Nicola) at 15 days of incubation period. Also, Draga- isolate was the fastest one followed by Nicola -isolate. Draga-isolate of R. solanacearum infected many hosts with different degrees of wilt severity where it was virulent to tomato, mallow, datura and little hogweed. Also, positive results were obtained with SMSA, IF and PCR techniques to confirm the infection with Draga-isolate.