Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016.
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Experimental Investigations on Exhaust Emissions of Low Grade Semi Adiabatic Diesel Engine Fuelled With Linseed Oil and Its Biodiesel[Full-Text ] K. Vamsi Krishna, M.V.S. Murali Krishna, G.Chandra sekhar, Vaka.AkhileshInvestigations were carried out to determine exhaust emissions of a low grade low heat rejection (LHR) diesel engine with ceramic coated cylinder head [ceramic coating of thickness 500 microns was done on inside portion of cylinder head] with different operating conditions [normal temperature and pre-heated temperature] of linseed oil and its biodiesel with varied injector opening pressure and injection timing. Exhaust emissions of particulate emissions and nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels were evaluated at different values of brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) of the engine. Comparative studies were made with conventional engine (CE) with crude vegetable oil and its biodiesel and also with diesel operation with similar working condition. Particulate emissions decreased while NOx levels increased with engine with LHR combustion chamber with biodiesel in comparison with CE. Biodiesel operation on both versions of engine showed reduction of particulate emissions and increase of NOx levels, in comparison with crude vegetable oil
Enhancement of Optical Characteristics of ZnS:Pb Thin Films[Full-Text ] Salma M. Shaban, Hamed Mahmoud, and Ghaith H. JihadHigh quality for optical characteristics of ZnS:Pb thin films at 10% weight of Pb atoms. ZnS:Pb thin films were deposited by thermal evaporation method at room temperature onto glass substrates at 200 nm thickness. ZnS powder and ZnS:Pb films have polycrystalline structure as indicated by X-ray diffraction pattern. From the results of optical characteristics, the transmittance for the doped thin films of ZnS by Pb atoms decreases in a certain wavelength range and hence this decreases the optical energy gap for films. The refractive index for doped films of ZnS by Pb atoms increases has large value than the pure ZnS films, and then is nearly constant with the variation of wavelength range.
Effect of Using the Thermoelectric Exhaust Energy Recovery System on the Vehicle Emission[Full-Text ] Mohamed KhalilIn recent years, the world interested in how to use the lost energies of vehicle engines, especially the exhaust energy. The engine exhaust has tremendous amount of energy that can be recovered by waste heat recovery systems. The thermoelectric concept is seen as an efficient solution for recovering waste heat from engine exhaust and converts in to electric energy. In this paper, the effect of using the waste heat recovery system on the engine emission will be investigated. From the results, we can say that the engine emission will be improved by using proposed technique.
Effect of Recycled Aggregates On Mechanical Properties Of Concrete[Full-Text ] YAMINI JAYANTIBHAI PATELMany structures that were constructed in India during the construction boom of the 1970s are now required of either major repairs or possible replacement. Also due to new construction for better economic growth, structures are turned into debris resulting from natural disasters like earthquake, cyclone and floods etc. Demolition or maintenance work on such structures results in large amount of concrete rubbles. The sustainable development concept, which apart from the sociological and economic aspects comprises energy saving, environment protection, and conservation of non-renewable natural resources. Use of Recycled concrete wastes can solve the problem of dumping of such wastes on valuable landfill and decreases the depletion of natural resources. In this research, the fresh and hardened properties of concrete using recycled concrete aggregate as coarse and fine aggregates were evaluated. Two series of RCA concrete aggregates were used. In series I the mixtures were prepared with 0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 % Coarse RCA and in series II the mixtures were prepared with 0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 % fine RCA. The results indicates, the strength of recycled concrete can be 10–25% lower than that of conventional concrete made with natural coarse aggregate. Target strength was achieved and the use of recycled aggregates up to 40% was beneficial with regards to strength and durability when compared with a normal concrete made from natural materials.
Effect of Plan Irregularity on RC Buildings due to BNBC-2006 Earthquake Load[Full-Text ] M.Z. Habib, M.A. Alam, S. Barua, M.M. IslamTo dates irregular shape of building is being mostly designed by the architects; which offers more beauties. This irregularity may be plan or vertical. Plan or vertical irregularity makes structures vulnerable under seismic loading. Torsional irregularity, overturning moment can rise abruptly having irregularity in a structure. Hence, effect of irregularity is a very important issue to be considered during building design. Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2006 requires that practically all multi-storied buildings be analysed as three-dimensional systems. This is due to the irregularities in plan or elevation or in both. In the current study six buildings of different shape has been chosen and analysed by imposing seismic loads using finite element software (ETABS v 9.7.4). The shapes of the buildings are rectangular, square, Inverted L, T, U and L. Each of the building has G+6 number of storey and located at seismic zone-I of BNBC 2006. The current study discusses the performance evaluation of RC (Reinforced Concrete) Buildings with plan irregularity. Structural irregularities are important factors which decrease the seismic performance of the structures. The parameters whose effects are regulated such as: Lateral displacement, Storey Drift, Time period, Base Shear, Torsional Irregularity Ratio, Overturning Moment.Eventually it is revealed that, the rectangular shaped building undergo maximum lateral displacement as well as drift in both direction. No change in time period is observed due to change in building plan. Base shear and overturning moment is found maximum for T-shaped building. It has been studied that rectangular shaped building is torsionally irregular.
Assessment Of The Hearing Sensitivity Of People Exposed To Noise Generated From Welding Workshops In Calabar, Cross River State[Full-Text ] E. O. Onoyom-Ita., S. A. Ojomu., A. O. Ezugwu A comparative study to determine whether noise generated by Welding workshops could affect the hearing sensitivity of people within their vicinity was conducted. One hundred and thirty (130) people were selected at random. Among those selected were thirty five (35) operators and Ninety five (95) people living or working within the premise, which is 5meters away from the source, for a minimum of one year. The control subjects were one hundred (100) members of staff and students of the State College of Health Technology Calabar. Noise and audiometric measurements were obtained using MS6700 digital sound level meter and Proton DX 5 digital audiometer. A structured questionnaire was administered to each participant. Noise level measurements at the test sites ranged from 85dB to 110dB with a mean Noise Level of 99.88 ± 0.68(dB). They were higher than the control Sound Pressure Level 58.85 ± 0.631 (dB) at (P < 0.005). At tested frequencies, the mean hearing threshold of the test subjects were higher at 2 KHz, 4 KHz and 8 KHz (p <0.0005). Sensorineural hearing loss was prevalent among the exposed subjects (73%) compared to the control (27%; p< 0.01) sample. Tinnitus and headache were prevalent on the exposed subjects (67% and 65%) compared to the control sample; 30% had tinnitus (p<0.01) and 6% complained of headache (p<0.0001). The hearing thresholds at 2 KHz, 4 KHz and 8 KHz for both ears of the exposed subject correlated positively with duration of exposure. The correlation coefficient (r) obtained for the right-ear (RE) are 0.517, 0.594, and 0.582 they were all significant at 0.01. The correlation coefficient (r) obtained for the left ear (LE) was 0.497, 0.375 and 0.394 they were all significant at 0.01 for two-tail test. The correlation coefficient (r) obtained for the hearing thresholds at 2 KHz, 4 KHz and 8 KHz and age for the left ear are 0.189, 0.255, and 0.175. The correlation coefficient (r) obtained for the hearing thresholds at 2 KHz, 4 KHz and 8 KHz and age for the right-ear are 0.139, 0.181 and 0.121. Exposure to noise from these workshops for long durations could reduce human hearing sensitivity and increase the probability of the incidence of tinnitus and headache.
Fluidized bed combustion of coal: effect of heating rate and particle size on activation energy[Full-Text ] R. C. Borah Coal is a heterogeneous substance and as it is not a good conductor of heat, so, in all pyrolysis and combustion processes the reaction occurs in non-isothermal conditions. In this work the effect of heating rate and particle size of a single coal particle during pyrolysis by thermogravimetric (TG/DTG) analysis is reported. All the experiments were conducted at non-isothermal conditions in the temperature range of in argon gas atmosphere. TG/DTG curves have shown variation in, peak temperatures and residual values for particle sizes and heating rates. The experimental data were evaluated by different existing kinetic model. A third order model fitted to the data very well. Kinetic parameters were evaluated by existing non isothermal methods. Activation energy and pre-exponential factor A has been found to vary with heating rate. As the heating rate increases the activation energy and pre-exponential factor A increases. Correlations have been given. It has been found that extrapolated activation energy resembles data in literature.
Rare -earth element concentrations in vesicles filling materials, magnetite and their host basalt, south west Gulf of Suez, Egypt[Full-Text ] M. BlasySouth west Gulf of Suez, an outcrop of amygdaloidal basalt intruded by an alkali –feldspar granite and partly covered by Miocene sediments .The basalt is tholeiitic and rich in magnetite. The amygdales components are mainly of epidote, calcite, prucite- periclase and quartz. The abundances of LREE are high in both magnetite and epidote amygdales while HRER is high in calcite and prucite –periclase amygdales. Ho, Eu, Lu, Tb, Sm and Tm are negligible in most amygdales. REEs are not detected in quartz amygdales. The concentration of Nd in magnetite is high while Y abundance is high in calcite- and prucite –periclase amygdales. Epidote is rich in Ce, Gd, Nd and Pr .The partition coefficient of REEs between magnetite and its host tholeiitic basalt, indicate that Tb, Gd, Lu, Er, Pr and Nd are highly partitioned in magnetite.
Is Pittsburgh a good city for investing in rental properties ?[Full-Text ] Jamil EnaniInvesting in the United States of America can be a lucrative process. Even many Canadians come to the U.S. to buy and invest in rental properties. It is more about knowing the process in detail and being prepared for small but important fees such as a landlord’s license. As of 2014, Pittsburgh has been listed in the top 25 cities for buying residential rental properties. While there is a clear division of wealth in the City, there has been recent, hardy growth in all sections of the City: north, south, east, and west.
Employee Motivation and Performance[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahMotivation is the process by which managers may influence the behavior of their employees and inspire them to take certain actions. It has been well-established in research that employee motivation has a positive impact on employee performance. The current article establishes this relationship through academic references. Various strategies that may be used by organizations to enhance employee motivation have also been discussed.
Decision making based on fuzzy approach for end milling parameters selection when machining SS400 steel using HSS Co8 tool[Full-Text ] Paul SAWADOGO, Pai-Chung TSENG and Hsueh-Yu LIAOIn this paper, a fuzzy modeling technique is used for the selection of end milling parameters for a required surface roughness (SR) with maximum material removal rate (MRR). Feed rate (Fr), radial depth of cut (Dr) and axial depth of cut (Da) are the inputs and outputs are MRR and SR. Three different levels of each input parameter were used to curry out the experimental work: Fr = 100; 200; 300 mm/min, Dr = 0.1; 0.2; 0.3 mm, Da = 3; 3.5; 4 mm. Optimal sets of parameters were identified using artificial neural network (ANN) coupled with genetic algorithm (GA). Fuzzy logic model (FLM) was used to develop a fuzzy rule base in the form of IF-THEN rules for the selection of cutting parameters. The performance of the developed model was evaluated through a validation test and shows that FLM is a successful tool for end milling parameters selection with closer relationship with the experimental results. The accuracy of the developed model is around 98%.
Assessing the Out of Sample Forecast Performance of Financial Data[Full-Text ] AKINTUNDE, M.O., OYEKUNLE, J.O AND OJO, T.OThe study focuses on the assessment of out of sample forecast performance of financial data with special reference to Gold Price data using Autoregressive Moving average (ARMA) model. The data used for the study was obtained from KITCO via the official website www.kitco.com. The data was subjected to various stationarity tests (graphical, correlogram and unit root test), the data was stationary at the second difference. Thereafter, various ARMA model was fitted from which ARMA(1,1) was chosen. The model fitted has a very powerful forecasting ability as Theil-U index value (0.997333) obtained was moderate, bias proportion (0.000003) and variance proportion (0.005521) almost tends to zero, and covariance proportion (0.994475) is very high. All these combined together enhanced good forecast performance and the forecast values for the year 2015-2020 were estimated monthly.
Smart Green house and insect monitoring through WSN[Full-Text ] Rashid Hussain, Dr J L SahgalAgriculture is one of the most widespread activities practiced in India. A huge population of Indian farmers depend on the same for their day to day livelihood. But in recent years as population has increased a lot, so fulfilling of basic food requirements for people has become a challenging task. Also as the Indian farmers are uncivilized they are unknown to the new and latest advancements in technologies which would help them to grow crops quickly and efficiently and that too in good amount. To make all these things happen WSN technologies need to be implemented in agricultural farms efficiently and successfully. Farmers should be trained to use these technologies to their possible understanding.
SESeLE and ITS EFFECTIVENESS: An Empirical Study[Full-Text ] Dr. Virender Singh In this research paper, the author have evaluated the SESeLE (Software Engineering Simulation Based e-Learning Environment) on the basis of subjective data gained from a controlled experiment that evaluated the effectiveness of SESeLE with the help of a standard software project model. This was done by providing a scenario-driven interactive single-learner environment that can be accessed through the internet by using a standard web-browser through the SESeLE tool. The training module used in the study is composed of course material on project planning and control. The core element of the training module is a set of inter related project management (i.e. planning) models, represented by a simulation model that was created by using the System Dynamics (SD) simulation modeling method.
Optimization of Axial Compressor for the instability measurement of Fluid[Full-Text ] MU SOHAIL (M.Umer Sohail)Control and Modeling for stall and surge phenomenon in axial flow compressors have received great importance in recent times. In power generation plant and aerospace propulsion compression system are prone to the aerodynamic instabilities of stall and surge. In aero engine compressors higher pressure ratio has always been a growing stipulates which has over involved by diverse rotating stall and surge of aerodynamic instability. Due to interrupted mass flow variation in compressor, plenum, throttle i.e. in whole pumping system, surge may occur. Stall can be described by a wave travelling about the boundary of the machine. Blades become overheated due to decrease of pressure rise in the compressor, which is being caused by fluid instabilities i.e. stall and surge. These instabilities of fluid result mechanical damage to the compressor. The objectives of this research are to restrain stall and surge, to enlarge steady working of the axial flow compressors and to expand the stable fluid flow. This review report surveys the most recent optimization research literature on stall and surge effects in axial compressor. Success of this research field will significantly improve the efficiency of the axial compressor and aero-engine performance in future.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ERYTHROPHLEUM SUAVEOLENS CHARCOAL-FIRED CUPOLA FURNACE[Full-Text ] A.A.G. Olorunnishola, S.A. Anjorin, and M.A. AkintundeAn experiment was conducted by using Es charcoal to fire the cupola furnace. The furnace was operated between air pressure of 1.02 and 1.03 bars while the readings of melting time, fuel consumed per kg of metal were taken. The melt rate of 355 kg/hr. was estimated and when compared with fuel consumed, the melt ratio of 1:7.2 (charcoal: metal) was estimated. While the percentage charge charcoal for this furnace ranges from 15.38 13.89 percent, that of India ranges from 25 to 13.33 percent. This implies that the difference between the India most energy efficient cupola and Es charcoal-fired cupola furnace is slightly insignificant. Also while the modified and re-fabricated cupola furnace in-situ at the Engineering Workshop of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) in Abia State, Nigeria produced an estimated melting heat of 89.113.5 MJ/hr with a melting rate of 123kg/hr, the Es charcoal-fired cupola furnace produced melting heat of 255.9 MJ with a melting rate of 355 kg/hr. This implies about 65.3 % better performance of the latter in terms of melting rate. The performance of Es charcoal-fired cupola furnace in iron melting shows that it can be used as a foundation for building better and cheaper foundry industries in Nigeria.
Study of Android Applications Based on Astronomy[Full-Text ] Rohan Jain, Shashank NawatheThe paper presents a detailed review about the evolution of contemporary apps on astronomy running on android devices by presenting a series of statistical data ,using variety of parameters and measurements. The paper also emphasizes how variety of features and functionalities influence the sales of these apps. Based on our research and analysis, we also developed an android app on astronomy tailored to meet the user- requirements.
Design, Fabrication and Performance analysis of a low cost cylindrical Trough collector with Aluminium Receiver[Full-Text ] Parvathi Gorantla, B. Janarthanan and J. ChandrasekaranIn the present work, an attempt has been made to design, fabricate and test Cylindrical Trough collector system (CTC) to produce hot water. The concentrator is made of PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) with a rim angle of 90° and aperture area of 0.92 m2. The concentrator has a concentration ratio of 5 and it is provided with supporting stand made of galvanized iron. The receiver made of aluminium has been mounted on the focal plane of the trough pasted with reflector having reflectivity 0.85. The Overall instantaneous thermal efficiency obtained is 30.77%.
ENHANCEMENT OF PROPULSION PERFORMANCE THROUGH FLUIDICS INSERTION TECHNOLOGY IN EV BURNER : A REVIEW[Full-Text ] Sameh Hassan, Ahmed Emara, Mahmoud ElkadyThe essential usage of the turbine engine in different ways as civilian and military branch made a lot of engineering sections searched for the enhancement of combustion performance by using different techniques one of this was the Fluidics insertion technology inorder to achieve our main goal which is stable combustion at low emissions . The main goal of this paper is to provide an overview of , the operation charactrestics , the flow field investigations, and flow field interaction of a fluidic oscillator . Inorder to fulfill our main goals, modern concept was inspected. This concept was applied by using a new model of feedback fluidic oscillator inserted in the EV burner (manufactured at the T.E.S company, cairo) , The effect of this modern technique on the flow field and on stability and combustion control was discussed .
Solutions of two Diophantine equations[Full-Text ] Md. Al-Amin Khan, Abdur Rashid, M.A.Halim and Md. Sharif UddinThis paper is focused on solutions of two Diophantine equations of the type , where is an odd prime number. We show that the Diophantine equation , where and are non-negative integers, has infinitely many solutions but has no non-negative integer solution.
Distribution and Seasonal variation of heavy metals in sediments of Urban surface water, South- West Nigeria[Full-Text ] Abata E.O, Aiyesanmi A. F, Ayodele O, Olasehinde E. F, Adebayo A. O, Takeda K and Sakugawa H.IThis study was carried out to deal with seasonal variation of heavy metals in sediments of Ala River, Southwest, Nigeria from April 2013 to October 2014. Geo-accumulation index (lgeo) , Enrichment Factor (EF), Degree of Contamination (Cd ), Pollution Load Index (PLI), potential Ecological Risk Index (PERI) were used to quantitatively assess the influences of heavy metal pollution. Heavy metals were determined by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrom¬eter (ICP-OES). There was significant difference (p<0.05) in metals levels between different seasons and stations. The minimum concentration of heavy metals in all the stations were found during the raining seasons and the maximum concentration of heavy metals in all the stations were found during the drying season.
The Business Transformation Management (BTM) and its impact on the Continuous Quality Improvement(CQI) for having an effective Strategic Business Intelligence as well as a valuable Competitive Intelligence[Full-Text ] Dr. Mahmoud Ahmady RamadanThis paper aims to explain how can the organizations develop a unique position in the marketplace , achieve a dominant strategic success and have a valuable sustainable competitive intelligence by trying to cut over the loop effectively of dealing with very dynamic and stressful forces of changes for exceeding the stakeholders’’ expectations which are usually the highest reasons that is pushing the organization to act reactively and working on unexpected direction .Consequently, here is the golden question, how can the organization react with these toughness forces for changing and improving with assurance and proactively? Is just applying CQI technique or applying one of the major change strategies -as developmental change or transitional change or even transformational change-only or applying the both. Here is a sub-questions will be pop up as, which approach should be implemented first, is there any conflict in interesting between them, which one will lead to Continuous improvement (CI)
The Formulation of a model to establish the lean score through the lean attributes by eliminating major losses to improve lean performance[Full-Text ] Srinivasa Rao P & Malay NirajLean manufacturing concept is becoming a very important strategy for both academicians and practitioners in the recent times, and Japanese are using this practice for more than a decade. Although it was being adopted by many industries throughout the world, but due to lack of clear understanding of lean manufacturing practices, it is difficult to achieve the best performance and measurement through it.
INVESTIGATIONS ON BIOSORPTION OF COLORANTS IN DISTILLERY SPENT WASH BY NONVIABLE ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE MTCC 7691: KINETICS AND ISOTHERM STUDIES[Full-Text ] ayavati Patil and Mohan KulkarniThis study presents the ability of dried and nonviable biomass of fungal strain Aspergillus oryzae MTCC7691 to absorb coloring components of distillery spent wash at different spent wash and biosorbent concentration. Increasing spent wash concentration was directly proportional to biosorption profile up to certain time. Maximum color removal was found in 10 % spent wash with 0.5 gm sorbent of Aspergillus oryzae MTCC7691. pH range 2-4 was observed as most suitable for biosorption. Decolorisation up to 58 % and 61% of 50% diluted spent wash was possible at pH 2 with 0.5 gm and 1 gm biosorbent concentration of Aspergillus Oryzae MTCC 7691. Desorption profile of the absorbed spent wash components was maximum by using 75 % alcohol in the period of 80 - 100 minutes. Statistical clarification of the biosorption equilibrium was presented with Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption model and the obtained information was the proof for an best possible fitness to these isotherms. Kinetic parameters point out the supremacy of pseudo second -order kinetic model by Ho for adsorption.
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Kinematics of 6 DOF Robotic Arm[Full-Text ] Karna PatelThe control of a Robotic Arm includes the calculations of kinematic models. The calculations for inverse kinematics are comparatively complex and require more computational power as the degrees of freedom increase. An Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System can be employed to simplify this process and reduce the computational time. Here ANFIS uses the forward kinematics to learn the membership function which can be used to replace the solution from inverse kinematics. Further analysis is carried out to reduce total error or the accumulated error in the model output for a region of interest in the work envelope of the robotic arm. The analysis is carried out for 6 degrees of freedom robotic arm.
Organizational Management of Groundwater by Farmers for the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resource in Jaffna District of Northern Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Tharmendra, P and Sivakumar, S.SGroundwater is categorized as a common pool resource and is characterized by exclusion and substractbility. Given the nature of groundwater, user exclusion is an extremely difficult task. The cost of exclusion measures could outweigh the benefits generated from the use of the resource.
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN DIBETES[Full-Text ] Doc.Dr.Nexhbedin Kahremani, Pprof.. Dr. Sci. Med. Lutfi ZYLBEARI, Prof. Dr. Nasir Behxheti, Prof. Dr. Koco CakalararovskiKidney disease is a common finding in people with diabetes, with up to half of demonstrating signs of kidney damage in their lives(1,2,3).Diabetes mellitus still remains a serious health problem with a high prevalence worldwide in developed and developing countries, and with major impact on increasing the level od cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Diabetes is counted as the fourth cause of mortality in developed countries. (4). In the United States and in Western countries diabetes with diabetic nephropathy, is recognized as the leading cause of kidney disease and chronic kidney disease at terminal stage. A large number of epidemiological studies have shown that one third of patients with hemodialysis or kidney transplanted patients with diabetes mellitus are tip 2. (8,9). Purpose of the paper.
How Technology Influences Communication[Full-Text ] Ibrahim AlhadlaqThis paper will discuss the methods of communication and how it is influential. Moreover, when it is appropriate to use communication and when it is not.
Evaluation of serum trace elements among preeclampic women in Kirkuk city[Full-Text ] Razaw Omer Ibrahim, Najlaa kadhim Ali,Israa Abdkareem al .qasabPreeclampsia is one of the major causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Thought the etiology is obscure; studies indicate the role of ant oxidative stress and antioxidants in the prevention of preeclampsia. Micronutrient such as copper and zinc act as antioxidant, Mg also has role in prevention of preeclampsia this mineral act as calcium channel blocker and prevent hypertension. This study done in Azady Teaching Hospital in Kirkuk to asses serum level of zinc copper and magnesium for 30 healthy pregnant women and 60 mild preeclampsic women. Results obtained from this study showed that zinc and magnesium levels were significantly lower in preeclampsic patient in comparison with normal pregnant women, while the level of copper was statistically not significant.
Suitability Analysis of Secondary School Accessibility in Andoni L,G.A, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] J. U. Richard, Dr. Chima OgbaThe problem of accessibility to secondary schools is a serious concern to policy makers on education. Andoni L.G.A. River State, Nigeria is one of these areas that encountered similar challenge due to River network forming barriers for accessing secondary schools, this study seek to address selecting suitable site among several settlements without secondary school for siting new secondary school in the study area. The dataset used for this study include settlement, secondary school point data, and land use/ land cover. The settlement and school data were collected using hand held GPS in UTM Zone-32 North, and the lu/ lc was obtained from Landsat image downloaded from its web site. The software used for the study is ArcGIS 10.1 and Idrisi Taiga 6.0. The lu/ lc was classified into water body, built up, nypa palm, and vegetation using maximum likelihood classification method in Idrisi Taiga 6.0. In other to performed Multi-criteria for selecting suitable sites for new schools Euclidean distance was first performed for the settlements and schools location data in ArcGIS 10.1, reclassified and rank according to most suitable with value 5 and least suitable with value 1. The reclassed settlement, school data and lu/ lc was weighted using weighted overlay tool with 50 per centage of influence for settlement, lu/ lc and school 35 and 15 per cent respectively. The study shows that Oronija, Akaradi, and Isiodum are the most suitable site for locating new secondary schools because of their distance from existing secondary schools and barrier caused by River network in the study area. Geographic information system has been proven as an effective tool in solving multi-decision problem of this nature. It is therefore recommends that local and state government should strategies on ways of constructing bridges and road network that will make all settlements accessible.
The effect of Copper Concentration on the Structural , Morphological and Optical Properties of CdS:Cu Nanocrystalline prepared by chemical bath deposition[Full-Text ] Nada K. Abbas, Ahlam M.Farhan, Ruqayah A.Alwali and Nagham Y. AhmedUndoped Cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanocrystalline thin film and doped copper are prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique onto glass substrates at ( 80± 2°C), with average thickness of about (300 nm ) have been investigated. The characterization of the product was done by UV-VIS absorption, x-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) . The effect of copper content on structural, morphological and several optical properties have been studied The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that the films were polycrystalline with hexagonal structure and preferential orientation along (002) and exhibited two phases; cubic and hexagonal structure . Atomic force microscopy images show uniform, homogeneous and strong adherent to un doped (CdS) nanocrystalline and doped Copper over the entire glass substrate surface without any voids, pinholes or cracks .This reveals a continuous granular morphology for the films and the band gap of the thin films which are found to be direct allowed transition . The result also shows that the absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant are tending to increase with the increasing of Cu concentration.