Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016.
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Improved Password Selection Method to Prevent Data Thefts[Full-Text ] Akash MathurPassword thefts have become an important data security issue in the recent times. Hackers have been intruding into the websites and personal mail accounts of the users. Prevention from this unauthorized access is the need of the hour. So here lies the major key to overcome such a situation and that is to adopt more secure and advanced password selection methods. My paper throws light on one of the most secure methods to improve password strength and security.
Drivers And Facilitators Of High Tech Product Marketing Intent[Full-Text ] Late Prof KB Saji Nair, Deepak Kumar AroraCustomers in the high-tech market are flooded with many product launches in a short duration, many with varying attributes with threats of high competition, lack of adequate fit and changing technology environment. Firms need to invest in marketing to understand customer adequately and thus ensure products are successful in the first instance. Marketing capabilities an intangible asset for the firm, ensures R&D and new products development are aligned with customer requirements across psychological, sociological, geographical, life-style or attitude factors. The paper analyzes the drivers and facilitators of a firm’s intent to engage in high-tech product marketing practices with conceptualized frame-work.
An Efficient Replication Technique for Hadoop Distributed File System[Full-Text ] Eman S.Abead, Mohamed H. Khafagy, Fatma A. OmaraThe Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is designed to store, analysis, transfer massive data sets reliably, and stream it at high bandwidth to the user applications. HDFS is a variant of the Google File System (GFS). It handles fault tolerance by using data replication, where each data block is replicated and stored on multiple DataNodes. Therefore, the HDFS supports reliability and availability. The existed implementation of the HDFS in Hadoop performs replication in a pipelined manner that takes much time for replication. In this paper, an alternative technique for efficient replica placement, called Lazy replication technique, has been proposed. The main principle of this technique is that, the client allows to write a block to the first DataNode, which will send acknowledgement directly to the client without waiting of receiving acknowledgement form other DataNodes. The proposed technique has been implemented into two versions; Lazy and Reconfigurable Lazy. The experiment has been performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed HDFS replication technique with the default pipelined replication technique and the existed replication techniques; parallel (Broadcast) and parallel (Master/Slave) using TestDFSIO benchmark. According to the experimental results, it is found that the HDFS write throughput has been improved up to 15% in the proposed replication technique.
A New Approach to the Role and Effects of Modern Art on Graphics[Full-Text ] Seyed Maziar MohsenianGraphics is from Greek word which means something being and associated with drawing and designing. Another definition of graphics is any work and or method of drawing an image of something. Therefore, it involves all phenomena which are created as a form of symbol, sign, drawing, design, drawing from something and especially linear design of a phenomenon. Graphic arts are including drawing, designing stereotype and gravure for publication and graphic design. Graphic industries are including all techniques and activities which playing a role in producing publication work. Graphic design is the process or art of visual communication which synthesizes from mixing of images, words and ideas to deliver some information to spectator and to make a special effect on spectator. A graphic designer is a professional within the graphic arts and graphic industries such as graphic design.
An Analytical Investigation of Relation between Modern and Postmodern Art: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Seyed Maziar MohsenianThe huge revolutions in the fields of technology (such as invention and evolution of photography industry and art since 1839 and evolution of communication systems), science and philosophy, and economy and politics during second half of nineteen century were deeply affected worldview of artists. These revolutions changed economic condition of artists and affected their spiritual values and goals. The new regime of promotion, offer and sales of artworks brought a new found freedom for artists. Now, after centuries of dependence to supporters such as kings, monarchs, pops, bishops and nobles who are art lover and patron of art, artists are feeling freedom and standing on their foots but freedom is always adjacent to responsibility. Today artist is not similar to those artists who is lived in palaces of Medici, Philip, Charles and Louis and or relied on his/her benefactors at church and government organizations, followed the evolution of art using achievements of past artists and imitate “beautiful nature” with as high experience as possible. Now, artist should be looked at his/her ecology, searched his/her inside and discovered new horizons of external arena of life using his/her newly found information and freedoms. In such space, artist will search and invent new issues and find elegant notes in forgotten layers of personal and social life. Moreover, artist will feel he/she is deeply needed to search and grow up a new language and explanation.
MICROBIAL GEOTECHNOLOGY: EVALUATION OF STRENGTH AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF MICROBIAL STABILIZED MUD BLOCK (MSMB)[Full-Text ] Arya C F, Joseph Augustine, Haris Parengal, and A David RavindranMicrobial Geo-technology is a new branch of geotechnical engineering that pact with the applications of microbiological methods to geological materials used in engineering. In this research, microbes were isolated and analyzed for various pozzolanic reactions as well as microbial fibrous reinforcement properties. The precipitation of CaCO3 in their micro environment by conversion of urea into ammonium and carbonate were confirmed further. The bacterial spore which is immobilized in soil matrix becomes metabolically active when revived by water entering freshly into the soil. The mycelial network of isolated fungi will provide fibrous reinforcement to the mud block.
Techno-economic Analysis of Algae-oleum Production[Full-Text ] Hassan I. El Shimi, Nahed K. Attia, Guzine I. El Diwani, Shakinaz T. El SheltawyAlgal biodiesel "or algae-oleum" has recent interest worldwide due to the unique benefits of microalgae and the extra need to biofuels. Researchers have challenges in optimizing the algal biodiesel processes. In the present work, a material balance was performed for acid catalyzed in-situ transesterification of 10,000 t/ yr biodiesel production from Chlorella vulgaris microalgae based on the previously optimized conditions as no further discussion will be presented here. A techno-economic analysis for the production processes of 10,000 t/ yr algae-oleum was introduced to investigate the sustainability and profitability indicators of the plant production capacity. A comparison between acid catalyzed in-situ transesterification and alkali transesterification of algal biodiesel was presented. The techno-economic analysis showed that infeasibility algae-oleum production via in-situ process because of the huge consumed alcohol amountsand the high cost of raw materials; as the total capital investment of $802,220, annual manufacturing cost of $36,027,960 and no earnings were fulfilled on the basis of algal biomass price of $400/ t and biodiesel price to Jet Fuel Blend of $1875/t. Successful results for conventional production approach were reported; total capital investment of $1,093,398, annual manufacturing cost of $25,845,412 and gross profit/ yr of $550,600 with high percentage simple rate of return (%SRR) of 45.3%.
A Novel Study of Graphic Design Influence in Engineering Graphic Modelling: A Visual and Graphical Approach[Full-Text ] Seyed Maziar MohsenianAny specific art has a specific expressive interface and for photography, the expressive interface is light. Two main characteristics of light are its brilliance and color. Regarding the texture of subject, its color and considered contrast, each of these lights utilize. When using artificial light, the easiest way for changing its intensity is changing the distance.
Composite Action in RCC and Brick Masonry[Full-Text ] Praveena Rao and B.JenaIn a wall with openings lintels are built, thus the load carried by lintels is transferred of the masonry in jambs. Lintel with masonry above is a complex phenomenon known as the composite action. In this experimental work, the contribution of the masonry towards the load carrying capacity of the lintel is analysed in the composite action thus developed. Six specimens of sections (3 inches) 75 mm thick and (10 inches) 250 mm wide R.C. lintels with 4 Nos. of 10mm diameter bars are provided for spanning openings of 4 feet and 6 feet. Shear reinforcement comprising ties (90o bent) of 8mm diameter bars are provided at regular intervals throughout the span.
Dynamic Understanding of Colors’ Combinations and Terminology for Appropriate Effectiveness on Marketing[Full-Text ] Seyed Maziar MohsenianFor a person who works with color, classic color wheel is an important tool for dynamic understanding (being alive and moving) of color combinations. Knowing terminology of colors helps artist to understand nuance (details) of colors and their slight differences. After drawing attention of customers, its packing and visual condition should be expressed the value of product. For example, if the price of a product is higher than its similar competitor in the market, the color must induct its luxury condition and or when goods are comparatively priced, suitable color can makes stronger effect on customers’ mind than similar product. While thousands of products are placed on floors of stores and millions of dollars are considered as reward for customers, intelligently use of color can break maximum selling rate. For appropriate effectiveness on marketing, color of packing should satisfy feeling of achieving to dreams or explain the need that will be targeted by the product.
DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTOMATED UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION TIMETABLING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Nathaniel Olufisayo Oluwaniyi, Babajide Olakunle Afeni, Bukola Abimbola OnyekweluTimetabling is one of the most important administrative activities that require huge attention of the school authorities in all educational institutions. Part of which has to do with examinations. Examination timetabling is sometimes a serious challenge in most universities. The objective of this work is to design and implement a web-based automated platform for university examination timetabling. The system discussed in this paper was developed using Macromedia Dreamweaver for creating the websites while MySQL serves as the database. The programming languages used consists of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), Javascript, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and SQL (Structured Query Language). PHP is a scripting language that is embedded in HTML. PHP scripting code is used to connect web pages to MySQL databases to create dynamic web sites. The system was able to successfully schedule the university examination timetable within a few seconds without clashes of invigilators and examination venues. If the system is fully implemented and adopted, it will go a long way to correct the problems encountered during the manual method of examination timetabling in most universities.
Review On Fragility Analysis of High-Rise Building structure[Full-Text ] Prof. A. R. Darji, PROF. (DR.). K. B. Parikh Sumit, A. PatelIn general the most suitable choise in improvement of reinforcement concrete frame against lateral loding is used steel bracing system. The use of steel bracing was potential advantage over other scheme like higher strength and stiffness, economical, occupies less space, add much less weight to existing structure. Both empirical and analytical fragility curves was considered. the use of steel bracing systems for strengthening seismically inadequate reinforced concrete frames was a viable solution for enhancing earthquake resistance. almost all the software like ETABS, SAP2000 linear or Nonlinear static analysis presented by high-rise building structure. main parameter consider fragility curves, the P-∆ effect, base shear, lateral displacement, axial force, story drift, etc. it was found that all bracing system the lateral displacement of frame very effectively. The fragility curves were developed in trems of PGA for these limit states; namely: slight, moderate, major and collapse with lognormal distribution assumption. The aim of this study is to development of analytical fragility curves for high-rise building structure.
Capabilities of Rationalism and Minimalism for Contemporary Graffiti and Environmental Graphic: A Descriptive, Analytical and Comparative Case Study[Full-Text ] Seyed Maziar MohsenianIn early centuries, human created some magical and ritual artworks on the wall of caves, with the limited facilities, to achieve some goals. During time and by developing of sciences and technologies, factors such as change in material, variety of tastes, ideas and so on allow art to be applicable in various fields. One of the art branches which have a wide and multi–dimensional applicability from definition and performance points of view is graffiti. In the current time, graffiti is a symbol of urban and popular art. Although use of paintings, colors and decorative elements for decoration of architecture has been common since ancient era, graffiti is changed due to changing in urban structures and establishing new urbanism concepts in recent years.
A Buyer-Vendor EOQ model with time varying holing cost involving lead time as a decision variable under an Integrated Supply Chain system[Full-Text ] Sumana Saha , Tripti ChakrabartiIn this paper, a supplier retailer inventory model is developed. Here, we describe an EOQ model with changeable lead-time and time dependent holding cost under an Integrated Supply Chain System. This situation is very common in the market , once an enterprise has some key technology or product that others have not, as a supplier, it can decide the prices and lead time of the technology or product to the buyers or retailers according to its need . Then the retailer determines his optimal order strategy , i.e., decides on the quantity of products to order from the supplier . Under this circumstance , the problem that lead time, as a controllable variable of the supplier , and how it affects the cost to the supplier, retailer and whole supply chain is very important to the supplier and retailer because double-win benefits is a base of existence for the supply chain . In this discussion , with a fixed market and lead time as a controllable variable , Retailer’s Optimal Cost , Supplier’s Optimal Cost , the optimal lead time of the supplier and order cycle time of the retailer, respectively, are investigated and approximate solutions for them are derived. Numerical examples are presented to compare results between the different demand rates and solved by using LINGO software. The Sensitivity analysis is carried out to analyze the effect of critical parameters on the optimal solutions.
Modeling and Simulation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for Water-quality models[Full-Text ] Hussein Tbena Kadhim, Ali H.Kadhym, Mohammad E .AbdullahThis paper focuses particularly to design a Ladder logic diagram a for monitoring qualities within a drinking water system. This system includes sensors & Electrical Interfaces to PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) for transmitting/receiving control and status data. The chosen water quality parameters , one is the physical quality parameter of a water is Turbidity which provides an inexpensive estimate of total suspended solids (NTU) concentration and one is chemical pH value which stands for "potential of Hydrogen". Exposure to extreme pH values results in irritation to the eyes, skin and mucous membrane and free chlorine CL concentration should be monitored to ensure that it is sufficient for its purpose .A program and a laboratory prototype were built to simulate the real water system. The research was compared with water and Environmental research center of MOST.
A review paper on Background Extraction[Full-Text ] Miss. Jyoti Danve, Prof. (Dr) S. K. JagtapThis paper studies reviews of background extraction techniques. Object detection is most important step in video analysis. There are various background subtraction techniques for detecting the objects in video sequences. In a visual surveillance system dynamic scene due to fast illumination changes. There are various background subtraction algorithms available for determination of moving object in a scene, but many of them fail with dynamic background, noise, camouflage, camera shake, moved object, bootstrapping, shadows and illumination changes.
Monitoring Power Quality System Based on Wireless Sensor Network Using VB6[Full-Text ] Muthanna Ali Saihood , K. Lakshmi Bhavani , S Nagakishore BhavanamThe question of power quality has been widely discussed due to the increase of electrical loads in industrial facilities and in service and residential sectors, which has led to an increase in the load sensitivity to power disturbances. The objective of this paper goes beyond concepts and definitions to describe the basic philosophy of a system created to monitor electrical power quality, perform a true inspection of the power system, and assist utilities in making decisions related to cost reduction and easily solving power quality problems through clear indication of power load . It is interesting to note the degree of importance given to certain events in the electrical system. Obviously, the more serious the disturbance, the greater the interest is in analyzing and detecting the causes This paper discusses a new concept in power quality monitoring through the use of digital millimeters specially designed for use in circuits with nonlinear loads, together with other intelligent electronic devices. These devices allow utilities to monitor and analyze relevant disturbances in the distribution system. Interconnected equipment on a high-speed communications network provides the basis for an electrical power quality monitoring system. This system is a powerful tool for evaluating and minimizing the costs of interruptions, maintenance, and any other influencing factors that may negatively impact the power system. To implement these type of system for monitoring the transformers globally the transformer data like power quality, temperature, current parameters are taking using sensors and controllers and uploaded to server dynamically using WSN . The powerful device that use in this system is ZigBee.
Laboratory Investigation on the Interface Bond Strength between Old and New Concrete[Full-Text ] M. R. Islam, M. Z. HabibRetrofitting of structural member by reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is a common practice in Bangladesh. Therefore, a new layer of concrete is to cast on the old concrete. The old concrete may found made of brick or stone aggregate and the overlay varies in the similar manner. So new bond is formed between the new and old concrete. Therefore it is essential to know the interface bond behavior between the new and old concrete. In this regard some literatures are reviewed and set parameters those affect the interface bond. From the literatures, it has been found as follows: the bond strength, such as surface pre-wetting, surface roughness, bonding agents, existence of micro cracks, steel connectors, compaction, curing, compressive strength of concrete, etc and these are studied in the current research. In the present study the effect of pre-wetting and surface roughness on the interface bond strength between brick aggregate concrete to brick aggregate concrete found better because of their similarity in texture and monolithic bond at interface. In the Direct shear test bond strength is increased by 105% when roughened by chipping with 24hrs pre wetting and 32.5 % in Slant shear test (SST) than the normal condition.
Identification and Optimization Key Parameters for Anoxic Denitrification and Deodorization of a Novel A2/O Process[Full-Text ] Haq Nawaz Abbasi, Xiwu Lu, Feng Xu, Seema NazThe performance and the characteristics of anoxic digestion of a laboratory scale A2/O were investigated for denitrification and deoderization. Key parameters such as; reflex ratio, dissolve oxygen (DO) and nitrogen load were studied to optimize chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia (NH4-N), threshold odor number (TON) and sulfide removal in anoxic tank. The reflex ratios of 100%, 200% and 150% were optimal for summer, winter and spring, respectively. Optimum TON removal efficiency was 92% in summer, 93% in winter and 90% in spring. The TON value increased linearly with the concentration of sulfide. By increasing of influent DO the removal efficiency of TON and sulfide increased whereas dnitrification process decrease. The system characteristic is high anoxic digestion for denitrification and deoderization.
A REVIEW OF THE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES WASTE WATER TREATMENT METHODOLOGIES[Full-Text ] Deepa ChandranTextiles is one of the largest industries in the world. The textile industry generates huge quantities of complex chemical substances as a part of unused materials including dyes in the form of wastewater during various stages of textile manufacturing and processing. The textile industry effluents which are discharged are treated with various physical and chemical treatments such as coagulation, flocculation, ozonation and biological treatment for the removal of nitrogen, phosphorous, organics and metal traces. This paper reviews the various treatment methodologies for textile wastewater with the advantages and disadvantages of the same.
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a Micro Turbojet Engine’s Performance[Full-Text ] Aly M. Elzahaby, Mohamed K. Khalil, Hesham E. KhalilA micro turbojet engine is modeled using energy and momentum equations, which are solved to predict its performance and the flow parameters across it at design conditions. In order to simulate the engine’s performance at off-design conditions, the complete performance maps of the different engine components are required. Therefore, empirical equations are used to predict the maps of the compressor and the combustion chamber, and then the off-design engine performance is obtained. The model results are compared with the results of a commercial software and verified with the experimental results. The analytical model predicts the experimental performance of the engine successfully (Thrust and fuel consumption), and it is proved to be more accurate than the used commercial software. The model's accuracy can be increased furthermore if there is more data available about the turbine performance map. The engine used in this study is mounted with a load cell to measure its net thrust and a fuel flow meter to measure its fuel consumption. It was already mounted with a temperature sensor at the exhaust and a rotational speed sensor. The variation of these parameters is monitored across its speed range of 33,000 to 112,000 rpm.
The characteristics of the team's success[Full-Text ] Mishari Saad AlabdullatifIn this article I explain how to success among team members. How to overcome any difficulties that might occur among team. To achieve team objectives it should follow some significant principles in order reach peak.
Investigate the use of steel plate shear walls in buildings[Full-Text ] Shahin banaee, Mohammad Hossein Adibrad, Armin roohbakhshanFor construction activity normally we use materials as concrete and steel to build up buildings. In concrete there are different constituents like aggregate, cement, sand, admixtures, water and plasticizers from which we can achieve the characteristic strength according to our structure.
Experimental Study Of Heat Transfer By Free Convection For Horizontal Cylinder Of Composite Material Under The Effect Of Vibrations[Full-Text ] Dr. Muna S. Kassim1, Dr. Fahim Alhimdani & Ihab RaheemIn the present work, experimental studies of heat transfer from cylinder which is made of composite materials have been accomplished. In addition, the effect of vibration on the heat transfer by free convection with different composite materials and samples . The samples contain eight cylinders, two of the random fiberglass, two of the woven fiberglass, two of the woven fiber carbon, and the final two of aluminum. Lee's disk samples were manufactured to measure the thermal conductivity of the samples. The cylinders were heated at a constant heat flux by electrical current through a resistance, which is passed through the internal space of the cylinder. The cylinders used in this research have internal diameter (40mm) and external diameter(50mm). A cylinder made from aluminum which has a 38 mm diameter, is used for comparison. values of the implemented heat flux rates were between (500 – 1000 W/m²). Excitation frequencies were at the range of (0-20 Hz) were applied at the cylinders. It was found that increasing both,the number of layers of composite material and the frequencies of vibration will lead to an increase in heat transfer coefficient . However, the increase in heat flux will cause a decrease in the vibration heat transfer coefficient.
Dielectric Relaxation Studies of Ternary Liquid Mixtures of Dimethyl Phthalate with Octanol and Isobutanol in the Microwave Region[Full-Text ] M.Subramanian, SathishThe dielectric relaxation time ("Ï„" ) and dipole moment of the ternary mixtures at different molar concentrations of dimethyl phthalate with octanol in benzene and dimethyl phthalate with isobutanol in benzene have been calculated for three different temperatures 303K, 308K and 313K. Using standard standing wave microwave technique using microwave frequency (9.36GHz). The molecular structure and molecular forces in liquids and solutions in particular have been investigated by dielectric relaxation studies. The nature and strength of the molecular interactions have been established as the main cause for the chemical behavior of compounds. Different dielectric quantities like dielectric constant (ε′), dielectric loss (ε″), static dielectric constant (ε0 ) and dielectric constant at optical frequency (εα) have been determined. The relaxation time ("Ï„" ) has been calculated by both Higasi’s method and Cole-Cole method. The complex systems investigated shows the maximum relaxation time values as the concentration and temperature increase by both Higasi’s method and Cole-Cole method.
Approximation Of Cauchy Principal Value Integrals In Two Dimensions[Full-Text ] P.M.Mohanty, M. AcharyaCubature rules have been formulated for the numerical approximation of real CPV integrals in two dimensions. The expressions for the error associated with the rules have been determined and numerical verification of the rules has been made using suitable examples.
On the nonlinear rational difference equation[Full-Text ] E. M. Elabbasy, A. A. El-biatyWe investigate some qualitative behavior of the solutions of the difference equation where the initial conditions are arbitrary positive real numbers such that where and are positive constants.
Investigation of resistant to microbial substances for 100% Cotton Knitted fabric treated with water & methanol extracts from Punica granatum fruit and its influence on physical properties[Full-Text ] Kamrul Hasan, Mohammad Neaz Morshed, Ashraful Islam, Mohammad Amir Hamzah, Md. Kamrul Hasan MunnaAlong with ease and aesthetic properties resistant to microbial substance is one of the prioritize parameter for textile and clothing materials. “The consumers are now increasingly aware of the hygienic life style and there is a necessity and expectation for a wide range of textile products finished with antimicrobial properties”, says O L Shanmugasundaram. With a profound literature analysis and reference, in this study the water and methanol extracts of Punica granatum fruit was obtained and treated with 100% cotton fabric. The fabrics were tested for its antibacterial activity against bacterial strains like Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, and Salmonella tophi. Earlier works was mainly focused on results of this method for cotton woven fabric, but not labelled its influence on knitted fabric and its physical possessions, in this study the consequence has been investigated for knitted fabric (Double Lacoste) along with different type of physical tests as like Color fastness to wash, Color fastness to Rubbing, Strength, Busting and Agaric Diffusion test etc. The result indicates an unblemished microbial resistance of treated knitted cotton fabric by using Gromophenal. Treated samples showed better result in hand feel property than the untreated samples. Shade variation has been found from the treated sample to untreated sample.
Intelligent Traffic Management of the ABR/UBR Service for TCP/IP in Fair Rate ATM Networks[Full-Text ] P. Rajan,Dr. Arul Lawrence SelvakumarA Central issue in congestion control for available bit rate service ATM networks is the comparison of the fair rate for every connection at each switching node in the network. The objective is to determine the fair rate for all the connections in a distributed network under dynamic changes in the changes in the absence of centralized knowledge about the network and without the synchronization of different network components. The problem of fair rate allocation specifying the requirements of a fair rate allocation algorithm and providing a survey of various proposed fair rate allocation strategies in the content of ABR service. Design of congestion control mechanism for multimedia streaming over the mobile network is challenging. Streaming applications require a smooth transmission rate which the internet is unable to provide whenever there is congestion in the network. The standard TCP congestion control mechanism is not able to handle to special properties of a shared wireless multichip channel well. The frequent changes of the network topology and the shared nature of the wireless channel post significant changes. We propose a router assigned approach where router provides explicit feedback which allows quick increase of throughput.
Larvicidal Effects of Hyptis suaveolens and Chenopodium ambrosoides on Anopheles Mosquito Larvae[Full-Text ] A.Dawet., A. G.Ikani and D. P. YakubuAnopheles mosquitoes which are vectors of many disease pathogens pose a great threat to global health and attention on control is spreading from adult to include developmental stages. Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the larvicidal activity of ethanolic extracts of leaves of two plants. H. suaveolens and C. ambrosoides at various concentrations ranging from 0, 300, 350, 400 and 500 mg/l against 3rd and 4th instar larvae of the Anopheles mosquito. Mortality was recorded from 3, 6 and 24 hours after administration of the plant extracts and the LC 50 value was obtained at 400mg/l and 450 mg/l respectively. The larvicidal effect of each plant extract was compared with the synthetic insecticides (Rambo). The two tested plant extracts in their different concentrations have shown larvicidal effect on Anopheles mosquito larvae. At 300 mg/l, mortality was 12.22 % and 11.11 % for H. suaveolens and C. ambrosoides respectively. While at 500 mg/l, H. suaveolens caused 90.00 % mortality and C. ambrosoides caused 84.44 % mortality rate. Statistical analysis shown that, there was highly significant difference (p<0.05) in the mean mortality of Anopheles species larvae across concentration after 3, 6 and 24 hours exposure time using H. suaveolens and C. ambrosoides respectively. While there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the mean mortality of Anopheles species larvae between extracts of both plant species after 3, 6 and 24 hours exposure time respectively. The results indicate that H. suaveolens extract had the highest larvicidal effect against Anopheles species larvae with the lowest LC 50 of 354.81 mg/l and 24 hours upper and lower confidence s limit of 585.44 and 236.54 followed by C. ambrosoides extrac with highest LC 50 of 389.05 mg/l and 24 hours upper and lower confidences limit of 825 and 345 respectively. This study suggests that, the leaf extracts of the two plant species should be considered as promising larvicides against Anopheles mosquito larvae.
EFFECT OF MODIFICATION ON THE STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-12% SILICON ALLOY[Full-Text ] Ilona, E.I, Nwambu,C.N and Nnuka,E.E.This paper examines the influence of cobalt, magnesium and sodium fluoride on the mechanical properties of aluminium-12%silicon alloy. In this research, cobalt and magnesium were used as modifying elements at three different ratio while sodium fluoride was used as a refining element, 1.0%, 2.0%, and 3.0% of cobalt and magnesium were added in the melt while sodium fluoride was added at a compositions to the percentage of silicon present in the alloys (1% of Si: 4% of NaF). These alloys were produced by melting a calculated mass of the charged aluminium and silicon, and subsequently the additives were added to the melt, which were cast into cylindrical ingots from which mechanical and microstructure examination were conducted. The Tensile, hardness and impact strength test were determined using universal testing machine and microstructure examination was done using metallographic microscope. The results of the mechanical properties test were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), which confirms that these additives are significant and improves the mechanical properties of this alloy.
Power Supply Control from Different Sources[Full-Text ] Mr.Shahaji Dudhate, Mr.Amol Attargekar, Mr.Dhanaji Desai, Prof. Mrs.Aditi PatilThe main purpose of this project is to provide continuous power supply to a load, by selecting the supply from any of the four sources namely solar, inverter, main and generator automatically in case if one the source is absent. The need of electricity is increasing day by day and the frequent power cuts of electricity are causing many problems in different areas like banks, colleges/schools, hospitals, houses and industries. Thus there is requirement for an alternate arrangement of power supply. This arrangement can be designed by using ARM7 microcontroller and relays. When a source, say mains fails the supply automatically shifts to next priority source generator and so on. LEDs (Light emitting diodes) can be used to show that which source is used to provide the supply.
How Nano-Silica addition can change Ultra High Strength Properties[Full-Text ] Mohamed Y.Elshikh, Ahmed M.Tahwia, Walid ElmetwalyThe present paper intends to investigate How Nano-Silica addition can change Ultra High Strength Properties. The emergence of nanotechnology in concrete industry has made great changes in many of the concrete properties. nano-silica with 99.8% Sio2 content and average particles size 12 nm used in concrete mixes as a replacement of silica fume content, the percent of silica fume and nano-silica together was 20% of total binder content. To produce ultra high strength concrete, the water to binder ratio used in all mixes was (0.23%) with high range water reducer was used by percent 3.5%.The constructed concrete samples with (0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5%, 3.0%) nano-silica content and two different binder content 550, and 650 kg/m3 were experimented. compression test, indirect tensile strength test, and flexural strength test were carried out in this investigation. Also to compare microstructure of concrete with and without nano-silica, scanning electron microscopy was carried out. The compressive strength of block samples of 10x10x10 cm3 were evaluated in duration 7, 28 and 56 days. the tensile strength of cylinder samples 15cm diameter and 30 cm length were tested after 56 days. The flexural strength test was carried out on 10 x 10 x 50 cm3 beams. the result of compressive strength experiment showed that Using 2.5% nano-silica with 17.5% silica fume increase the compressive strength by percent 12.9%, and 20% for 550, and 650 kg/m3 binder content respectively at age 56 days. the indirect tensile strength and flexural strength increase with increase in nano-silica content.
Temperature distribution in two teeth in mesh of spur and helical gears in 3D FEM simulation and experiment[Full-Text ] SALAH ELSHOURBAGYThis work introduces the temperature distribution on the two spur gear in mesh experimentally and simulation using finite element method. In experiment; two test rigs, first test with spur gears and second one with helical gears. The gears used in the experiments and simulations are of the same dimensions. Verification of experiments was done using the finite element method,a high technique to investigate the temperature distribution for two teeth of spur gear in mesh. This research deals with the study of the temperature of two teeth from the start to the end of mesh. In experimental we used laser Gun instrument to measure the temperature of the two teeth of spur gear in mesh. Measure the temperature distribution along the face width of tooth during mesh with another tooth from the start to the end of mesh. The results of simulation are close to the experimental, but in fact we can measure the temperature at any point on the gear surface as well as the temperature on the area of contact between two teeth on mesh without any difficulty of experimental setup especially in the area of contact between two teeth in mesh as well as save wasting time and cost for measure-ments, besides, simulation presents higher accuracy and precision of finite element mesh. These temperatures are compared between numerical and experimental results. Both results agree very well. This indicates that the experimental model is successful and leads to excellent results compared with numerical results (COMSOL-Program).
Chemical composition and herbicidal effects of Melaleuca bracteata F.Muell. essential oil against some weedy species[Full-Text ] A.Almarie, A. Mamat, I. RukunudinThe chemical composition of Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell. Essential oil isolated by hydrodistillation was analyzed by Gas Chromatography –Mass Spectrophotometer. Twenty – two compounds were identified, representing 92.09 % of the total isolated essential oil. The main constituent of M. bracteata was methyl eugenol (81.04%). The herbicidal effect was tested in different doses 1.25, 2,5 ,5 and 10 µL/ml against two grassy weeds Panicum virgatum and Digitaria longiflora and two broad leaf weeds Stachytarpheta indica and Aster subulatus. In a laboratory bioassay, the highest concentration of essential oil 10 µL/ml was inhibited seed germination and seedling development in all targeted weeds completely. Chlorophyll content was decreased with increasing concentrations of the essential oil, indicating that essential oil interferes with photosynthetic metabolism. As well as, M. Bracteate essential oil causes an electrolyte as a result of membrane disruption and loss of integrity of treated weed leaves. Results showed the possibility of using essential oil of M. bracteata as an alternative to synthetic herbicides for future weed control.
Truck Drivers Shortage in USA[Full-Text ] Thamer R. AltuwaijriThis research paper discusses the causes behind the shortage in truck drives in the U.S. as well as the possible solutions.
Customers’ Contributions in Value Co-creation and Gaining Competitive Advantage[Full-Text ] Waleed BamousaRecognizing and fusing clients' aptitudes and capabilities has empowered organizations to serve their customers all the more viable and proficiently. Client strengthening through the selection of current innovations has further quickened the procedure of joint value creation among firms and their customers. This article plans to decide the different contributions made and roles played by clients in the value co-creation. This study looks upon the various types of value co-creation from the customer's viewpoint while explaining on the different assets contributed by the customer and presents a theoretical structure of worth value co-creation. Both scholastics and professionals could gain from practices showed by customers in each of their contributions and oversee them in like manner.