Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2022 Edition
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2022
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Design and Laboratory modelling of Waste Stabilization Pond for Abattoir Wastewater Treatment[Full-Text ] I.H. Nwankwo, N.E. Nwaiwu, J.T. NwabanneThe discharge of untreated abattoir wastewater into water bodies results into water quality deterioration of the receiving water bodies. Treatment of abattoir waste using waste stabilization pond is one of such potential cheap and simplest methods of wastewater treatment. A field scale prototype pond which comprises of one anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds were designed for wastewater treatment. The field scale prototype of waste stabilization pond was reduced to a laboratory-scale model using dimensional analysis.
TO EVALUATE THE EFFECT OF RECYCLING ON SHEAR BOND STRENGTH OF STAINLESS STEEL BRACKETS AND CERAMIC BRACKETS: AN IN VITRO STUDY[Full-Text ] Dr. Jyoti Mishra, Dr. Rahul Paul, Dr. Vineet Golchha, Dr. Deepti YadavRebonding of isolated brackets is an economic option that can be conducted using available in-office or commercial recycling methods. Thermal, sandblasting, tungsten carbide bur, and lasers are known as an efficient modality for composite removal.
THE IMPORTANCE OF USING RADIOTRACER IN DIAGNOSING CANCER[Full-Text ] James, D and B JAMESNuclear Medicine is a medical specialty that allows modern diagnosis and treatment of cancer using radiopharmaceuticals original radiotracers (drugs linked to a radioactive isotope). Radiopharmaceuticals are considered a special group of drugs and thus their preparation and use are regulated by a set of policies that have been adopted by individual member of countries. The radiopharmaceuticals used in diagnostic examinations are administered in very small doses. So, in general, they have no pharmacological action, side effects or serious adverse reactions.
Chaos Engineering – Approach, Tools & Case study[Full-Text ] Pavan Kumar Yarragunta, MD Ejaz Uddin, Bhushan JainWhen application, Infrastructure and Network crashes on Production, it can have huge impact on the business, Chaos testing and engineering helps to identified the vulnerabilities in the system. Chaos experiment/attack is a team effort. This paper will provide overview of what is Chaos testing, Approach for Chaos testing, different tools and attacks that can be considered for Chaos experiments along with well established case study
A study of Degrowth : A way forward for Social Sustainability in the Businesses[Full-Text ] Ajinkya Patki, Nilakantha KuilaSustainability as defined by the Bruntdland commission, has been widely accepted and the significance is appreciated in many economies. The article however argues about the importance of the factors that are inculcated in the definition of sustainability, namely the triple bottom-line. A concept of degrowth is studied in this article as an enabler for sustainable development. It is further argued, that Social well-being should be prioritised over the economic growth and the implications of the same alongside the paradoxes are mentioned.
A Comprehensive Review and Architecture of a Decentralized Automated Direct Government System Using Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain[Full-Text ] Md. Faizul Haque, Shah Reza Fahad Hossain, Mohd Arafat HossainThe current state of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence technology has ushered in a new age of governance and government. Human incon- sistencies and limits can be eliminated from governance and government systems. This article examined the feasibility of constructing a Decentralized Automated Direct Government system using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence and various political and legal ideas through an exhaustive analysis of the literature.
Application of Graphene in Cement Based Composites – A Review[Full-Text ] B. Amutham, P. SaravanakumarSustainability in construction is the need of the hour, which can be achieved on a large scale by producing high-strength, high-durability cement-based products and utilising the recycled materials. One way is to incorporate nano-materials into the cement-based materials as reinforcements and additives. This not only improves the strength and functional properties but also prevents natural mining of raw materials.
A Comprehensive Review and Architecture of a Decentralized Automated Direct Government System Using Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain[Full-Text ] Faizul Haque, Shah Reza Fahad Hossain, Mohd Arafat HossainThe current state of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence technology has ushered in a new age of governance and government. Human inconsistencies and limits can be eliminated from governance and government systems. This article examined the feasibility of constructing a Decentralized Automated Direct Government system using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence and various political and legal ideas through an exhaustive analysis of the literature.
Looking Through The Lens Of Students: Instructional Shift To Modular Distance Learning Modality Amidst the New Normal[Full-Text ] Regie M. BangoyWhen the face-to-face engagement was suspended due to the Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic, it paved the way for the utilization of flexible learning in higher education and one of its forms is modular distance learning modality. The key purpose of this study is to discover the challenges and the coping mechanisms of the students of West Visayas State University-Himamaylan City Campus in the modular distance learning modality as well as to develop possible curriculum enhancement plan.
A Conceptual Model for Process Mining Based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory Plug-in[Full-Text ] L.U. Oghenekaro, M.O. MusaMost organizations only have knowledge of what ideally should happen in their working environment but have little or no details about what actually happens. This disconnect between an ideal process structure and the actual one gives rise to hidden inefficiencies and deviations that result in a significant increase in process cost for organizations and a decrease in business profit.
Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Selected Crops from two Gas Flaring impacted Communities in Rivers State. Nigeria[Full-Text ] Baridakara Sordum C, Enemugwem Rachel I, Samuel-Penu Barisi, Uyo Chijioke N, Felix-Samuel Barisi C and Franklin Ifeoma RThe process of burning associated gas from wells, hydrocarbon processing plants, or refineries, either as a means of disposal or to relieve pressure, is known as gas flaring. This study assessed the levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on selected crops from Agbada11 and Umuebulu communities in Rivers State.The following crops; bitter leaf, plantain, pawpaw, pepper, cassava and water leaf were randomly sampled from two study areas; Umuebulu and Agbada11.
The Effect of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social influence and Ability on Customers Acceptance of Internet banking in Sudan[Full-Text ] Adam Haroun Omer Khater, Fathi Ahmed Ali Adam, Mohammed Hamad MahmoudToday, people increasingly need banking services. People expect more and faster services with higher quality; so attracting new customers and retaining current ones requires an efficient and effective management at all aspects of banks with emphasis on marketing management.
EFFECTS OF VARIETY AND CORM DIAMETER ON CORM PROLIFERATION AND PLANTAIN (MUSA PARADISIACA L.) SEEDLING PERFORMANCE USING MACRO CHAMBER PROPAGATION TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] Murphy Kayode M., Ozigbo Emmanuel S., Alamu Oyewole L., Adunoye Francis O. and Atu Obinna A.This work investigates the effect of variety and corm diameter on corm proliferation and plantain seedling performance using macro chamber propagation technology (9 x 6 x 5 ft) at IITA, Ibadan, Oyo State. The experiment was a split plot experiment laid out in a Completely Block Design (CRD) with four replications. The treatments comprised of the eight plantain varieties (Pita 14; 17; 23; 24, Agbagba; Big Ebanga; Mbi Egome; and Obino Lewai) and three corm diameter ranges (20-30 cm, 31-40 cm and 41-50 cm) which gave 24 treatment combinations.
Analysis of Surface Wave Characters in the Prediction of Wave Restoring Forces[Full-Text ] Kibet Hillary, David O. Manyanga, Patricia W. Gathia.Floating and offshore structures are prone to water waves and are affected by waves in different ways. These structures generate their own waves when oscillating in water. The generated waves have varied impacts on the structures and on other offshore bodies. The commonly known impact is the creation of periodic loads which are the added mass, damping and the restoring moments and forces. Restoring forces act on the body to bring it back to the steady equilibrium state. Restoring forces are therefore important to ocean and marine engineers in modelling of both offshore and floating bodies.
Effects of Incorporating Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder on the Zootechnical Performance of Broilers in Karakoro (Northern Cote d'Ivoire)[Full-Text ] BROU Gboko Konan Gatien1, Loukou N’Goran Etienne*2, Coulibaly Fatoumata1, The present study was conducted in the commune of Karakoro to evaluate the effects of incorporating Moringa Oleifera leaf powder on the zootechnical performance of broiler chickens. A sample of 200 broiler chicks was divided into 4 batches of 50 birds. Batch 1 was fed feed without Moringa Oleifera.
Co-benefits from opportunities: The Built Environment, Climate Change and Health[Full-Text ] Ruchi Rameshchandra GandhiThe earth’s climate is changing day by day since decades due to largely done air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions due to unstoppable and unmanageable human activities. These gases are generated from different aspects of the built environment such as transportation systems, infrastructure, building construction and operation and land use planning. All these aspects influence climate change though their contribution such transportation end use consumer of energy affecting human health i.e., respiratory effects directly through air pollution and indirectly through physical activity behavior; building contribute in climate change which influence transportation and affect health through material utilization, on site decisions, electricity, water usage and landscape surroundings.
Educational Electronic Analog of the Mechanisms of the Water Table Management Modes Using Arduino Uno[Full-Text ] Faridoun A.M.AllawiThe objective of this research study is to use Arduino Uno Microcontroller for the design of an educational electronic analog to be used inside the classroom for teaching water table management modes in drainage engineering. The educational analog of this study simulates the mechanisms of controlling the drainage and subirrigation water management modes. The mechanisms of the modes are entirely based on mathematical equations simulated by the microcontroller who controls the analog and digital readings of a rainfall sensor, a capacitor for measuring the timely water table elevations during the management modes, a solenoid water valve and an irrigation water pump. A graphic Nextion display is used to simulate graphically an elegant 2D cross-sectional design of a typical drainage and subirrigation layouts.
Dictionary Attacks for the Franko-Arabic Password using GPUs[Full-Text ] Mohamed A. Khalil, Naglaa M. Reda, H. M. B. IbrahimA password is the most important technique for a user authentication in application software. It is commonly secured by hashing it. In this case, we call the hash value a hashed password. After that, the hashed password is saving in a password table. When a user logs in his account, for example, this password is hashed again and compared with the saved hashed password in the password table to authorize user access.
Climatological variation of meteorological parameters over Daman[Full-Text ] Chirag LuthraThe report is the analysis of the variation of observed and recorded data of various meteorological parameters such as maximum temperature, minimum temperature and average rainfall (Jun-Sep) of Daman over past 31 years 1991-2021. The effect of system formation (D, CS, SCS) over Arabian sea and its neighbouring coastline for the analysis of climate over Daman.
Oil Price Optimisation: The Case for Zambia[Full-Text ] Eng.Lloyd Lishandu Chinjenge, Prof.Lloyd John Chingambo The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Zambia Honourable Minister grew increasingly concerned about the financial losses from fuel supply chain in Zambia which led to mounting arrears to fuel suppliers and failure to settle the debt. Ministry of Energy was mandated to procure petroleum products and ensure security of supply through a self -financing and cost reflective mechanism, however the mechanism had proved unspecific because of high built-in costs, making its local pump prices among the highest in the Sub-Saharan Africa for both petrol and diesel at the pump.
Modeling Industrial Park: Strategic Decisions for Implementation[Full-Text ] Atoyebi, Adeyinka Abiodun, Akinnuli, Basil Olufemi, Kareem, Biliaminu, Oluwadare, Samuel AdebayoThis research developed a system model that enables allocation of land space to every proposed industry, that is, the allocation that consistent with the constraints, will produce the highest annual revenue to the investor through land leasing and taxes. Strategic decisions which are Annual Revenue from Labour Force spending pattern; Annual Income from utility and service charges; Annual Revenue from tax on Industrial Production and Annual Income from Plant Building Area to be leased for industries were formulated as the objective function.
Distribution and Monitoring of Electricity Using GIS in World Bank Housing Estate, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] C. S. Nmeregini; A. A. Akinpelu; I. A. Amusa* & S. M. Oludiji Electricity plays a vital role in human existence and development. Man’s growth and development on earth surface completely are hinged on energy and power. No meaningful development takes place without efficient and effective power and energy supply. The study looked at the role of Geographic Information System (GIS) in effi cient and effective electricity distribution and monitoring in World Bank Housing Estate, Umuahia. Spatial database was designed. The study adopted GIS and Remote Sensing methods to acquire data and process the data. Spatial database was also created for the entities of interest in the study area.
The Effect of One Divided by Zero is Big Bang[Full-Text ] Abul Kalam AzadWhat is the reason behind big bang happened? before to answer this question let us try to know what is the creator. The creator is energy to whom it is not necessary at all to transform from one state to another (different energy). It is the extreme static circumstances of smallest atom (foton or smaller than foton which is greatest or Big O by imagination) of light energy where every kinds of information or knowledge are stored and where time is zero. As a result of extreme static circumstances and extreme timelessness, big bang or move of time is created from the birth of wish of getting move and time.
IMPROVED OIL RECOVERY THROUGH LOW SALINITY WATER FLOODING[Full-Text ] EREKOSIMA GOLDENThe need to produce more oil and gas fields efficiently as well as more economically is generally on the rise due to the ever-increasing demand for petroleum worldwide (Meshioye et al., 2010). With the decline in discovery of new oil and gas fields, and more mature fields still holding significant volumes in reserves. The need to use secondary recovery process as a means of recovery for these fields that are yet to recover optimally is becoming more and more imperative. Waterflooding is one of the most widely used secondary recovery means of production after primary depletion energy has been exhausted (Ogbeiwi et al., 2017).
The Biological Roles of Angiotensin II in Target Tissues, G-Protein Mediated Signaling Mechanisms, Activation of the Jak / STAT Signaling Pathway and Stimulated ROS Generation and in Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] DR ZELALEM KIROS BITSUE Angiotensin II (Ang II) activates a wide spectrum of signaling responses via the AT1 receptor (AT1R) that mediate its physiological control of blood pressure, thirst, and sodium balance and its diverse pathological actions in cardiovascular, renal, and other cell types.
Global and Unique Aspects of Japan’s Religious Law: A Critical Analysis[Full-Text ] Foysal, Sumaiya Akter MimJapan constitutionally claims to be a completely secular state. In this context, the state has been separated from religion by enacting a law in Article 20. Its sole purpose is to ensure religious freedom among the people so that no religion or religious community can dominate. This article analyzes the question of how global and unique Japan's religious law is. At the beginning of the article, Japanese religious law is mentioned very briefly.
EFFECT OF TRAFFIC ON RUDEAL PLANT (Sida acuta): A CASE STUDY OF TWO MAJOR HIGH WAYS IN SOUTH WEST, NIGERAIA[Full-Text ] Ekundayo, O.TVehicular emission is one of the major sources of pollution of roadside vegetation and soil. Degree of pollution by vehicles depends on the traffic congestions on roads. This study aims at identifying and investigating the metal uptake and leaf anatomy of Sida acuta (a diagnostic flora) growing along Akure-Ilesa and Ife-Ibadan roads.
A Study Of Fracture Mechanics Behaviour Of High Strength-Low Alloy Steel Of A Welded Penstock Structure[Full-Text ] Maftah H. Alkathafi and Mahdi M. AlgoolA study of fracture mechanics behavior of an under-matched weld joints with small and large surface cracks for high strength low alloy steel of penstock structures has been performed by the J-R curve approach. Suminet 80P ( SM 80P ) grade steel plate was butt welded by submerged arc welding. Three tensile panels with surface cracks positioned in the base metal (BM), weld metal (WM) and the heat affected zone (HAZ) were tested at room temperature.
THE INFLUENCE OF WORK PLACEMENT, MOTIVATION AND WORK ENVIRONMENT ON PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES UPTD PHARMACEUTICAL INSTALLATION, KERINCI DISTRICT[Full-Text ] Suhelmi Helia, Zetra Nopal, Setrol Nadi, Charles Wandi, HadismantoThis study aims to see the effect of (1) Work placement on the performance of UPTD employees of the Kerinci Regency Pharmacy Installation (2) Motivation on the performance of UPTD employees at the Pharmacy Installation of Kerinci Regency (3) The work environment on the performance of UPTD employees of the Kerinci Regency Pharmacy Installation (4) Work placement, motivation and work environment have a joint effect on the performance of UPTD employees of the Pharmacy Installation of Kerinci Regency
Cyclic Axial Performance and Energy Dissipation of Cold-Formed Steel Zee Sections[Full-Text ] Hanan H. Eltobgy, Anwar Badawy, Emad Darwish, Andrew NabilThis research investigated the axial performance of Cold-Formed Steel, CFS thin-walled Zee-shaped sections under cyclic pure axial loading. The experimental studied a zee section with a depth of 200mm and a thickness of 2mm. The experiment program was conducted for three full-scale specimens to examine the three buckling failure modes: local buckling, distortion buckling, and global buckling modes with a length of 600mm,1000 mm, and 2500 mm.
KNOWLEDGE BASED ON ANTIDEPRESSIVE DRUGS USE[Full-Text ] S.Bilalli, N.Nuhii, D.Selmani, Sahmedin Salii, Jehona XheladiniAntidepressants are drugs used to treat major depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, chronic pain and help manage some addictions. [1]The use of antidepressants is increasing over the years. Antidepressants usually are used on doctor's recommendation to relieve the symptoms of various conditions emotional and mental to maintain health and well-being or to promote and improving emotional and mental health. Given the fact that use and misuse of antidepressants is not studied as well, aroused interest to accumulate data on their use and misuse, as important preparations for the best possible functioning of mental health.
Optimizing the Performance Grade (PG) for Bitumen at the elevated Temperatures by EVA Waste and Evaluated helping superpave Tests on binder[Full-Text ] Essam I. Ghally, Hazem F. Khalil, Ragab A. A, Moustafa F. BakrMany studies were conducted to investigate addition of WEVA materials as construction materials, the suitability of improvement of both the workability of the asphalt during pavement and its deformation resistance in service at 2%, 4%, and 6% (by weight) from binder was verified via the estimation of physical properties implying (penetration test, softening point, flash point and viscosity test) and this study too was investigate the effects of addition EVA wastes to asphalt binders which evaluated. G*/sin δ (Rutting résistance) values for tested binders were determined at different temperatures to determinate Rutting résistance parameter
Modified BCR Speciation Pattern of Heavy Metals in the Soil Sediments Around Areas of Mining Activities atRimin-Zayam, Toro LGA, Bauchi State of Nigeria, West Africa[Full-Text ] Ogunleye A.O , Hassan U.F, Prof. Boryo D.E.A, Prof Adamu H.MBCR Speciation Patternof Heavy metals in soil sediments collected from the vicinity of the mining areas of RiminZayam, Toro LGA, Bauchi State were evaluated and the fractionation pattern were studied.Generalizing, the recorded high abundance of heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, Lead, Nickel and Zinc, which were noted to be mainly bounded to the Residual fraction, pointing to their Lithogenic origins and thus the conclusion that they had nothing to do with the mining activity.
Experience of Abuse by The Elderlies in an Urban setting[Full-Text ] Aging brings with it physical and mental frailty which requires depending on others for the fulfillment of their needs. In such, abusive conduct towards them left them vulnerable and helpless. The present study aimed to observe the situation of elderlies in terms of experiencing abuse, in urban household setting with a cross sectional study design with assessment instruments of the “Questions to Elicit Elder Abuseâ€.
Proportion of Traumatic Dental Injuries to Permanent Anterior Teeth among Patients attending the OPD, GDC-Kottayam - A Cross Sectional Study[Full-Text ] Dr. Anupama RamachandranThe aim of the study was to measure the proportion of permanent anterior teeth fracture in patients attending the OPD, GDC Kottayam and its association with predisposing factors such as, overjet, lip coverage, molar relationship and variables such as age, gender, etiology, place of occurrence of trauma, teeth involved in trauma, type of tooth trauma & time gap between trauma and treatment. Materials and Methods.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Day Surgery: Feasibility and Outcomes in Taiz-Yemen[Full-Text ] Abdulkafi Shamsan, Tark Noman, Khulood Shukri, Maha Hizam, Ismail Al-ShameriMajor surgery performed as a day surgery procedure is not uncommon. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of day surgery procedures in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in Taiz Yemen. METHODS: Between January 2017 to May 2020, in our hospital 203 patients were selected for day surgery LC. The indication for surgery was symptomatic cholelithiasis confirmed by ultrasonography. All patients were informed about the same-day discharge policy and received the postoperative instruction form on discharge.
STUDY OF INCENTIVES (MONETARY AND NON-MONETARY) ON THE EMPLOYEE'S INTENTION OF TURNOVER[Full-Text ] YASIR AMIN KHATRI, ZARA RASHID KHATRIEmployee Turnover Intention has been an issue in the corporate circle and the banking industry and the same is growing over the time. With many options available to the employees, the employees are constantly in search of new jobs and upon finding the replacement of their existing one, they tend to switch. Monetary and Non-Monetary incentives are the basis of the decisions of the employees.
Status of Marine Fisheries in Bangladesh: Resource Utilization, Production Pattern, Performance and Prediction[Full-Text ] Sanjoy BaulThe fisheries sector is one of the most prolific and dynamic industries in Bangladesh’s agricultural economy, with enormous potential for future development. The goal of this paper is to provide a current status of the Bangladesh marine fisheries industry in terms of resource utilization, production patterns, and performance using liner regression model on the basis of secondary data. Both fish output and productivity have increased in the culture, capture, and marine fisheries sectors during the last three and a half decades, but aquaculture has achieved substantial gains. The marine fisheries are discussed in terms of constraints, potential solutions, and future prospects. This paper emphasizes the relevance of marine fish production for Bangladesh's economy and food security. Focusing on marine fishing may help Bangladesh's economic growth and to reduce unemployment rate. The summary of the article may help Bangladeshi policymakers’ create future fisheries policies, as well as other nations.
AERODYNAMIC STUDY OF A NEW DESIGNED HYPERLOOP[Full-Text ] Saswata BhattacharyaEnabling trade, commerce, communication & establishment of civilization is one of the most important roles of transportation. Out of the five most important mode of transportation namely, Roadways, Waterways, Railways, Airways & Pipeline-ways here the main focus is on Pipeline-ways of transportation. Exploring the world at most affordable rate as well as at the earliest is the main focus of the transportation industry.
A Case study on simulation of heat equation by Crank-Nicolson Method in Accordance with digital image processing[Full-Text ] Irfan Raju, Mst. Sharmin Banu, Sadia Alam Mim, Soayeb Hossain, Hridoy Kumar SahaWe present an approach for computing the temporal variation of heat destitution for a (2+1) dimensional heat equation of some originally heated coins without the use of an external source in this paper. The algorithm is based on digital image processing, in which an image is turned into an array of small integers, known as pixels, which represent a physical quantity, which in our case is temperature. Our goal is to provide the initial temperature of the image of our model physical domain, which will be used to determine the heat equation's initial properties. Finally, using the Crank-Nicholson Method, solve the model equation.
The thinking energy[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaEnergy of a man is the power of thinking. Actually if we denote a person's thinking as T and energy as E then E= mT , where m= number of people . For a single person the relation is E=T. But for many men involved in thinking and if the thinking is dependable with smelling, touching, looking, hearing, tasting then E=mT^n (E=m(T to the power n)) where n= 5 , for five ways of feelings. This E and T can be acted as vectors also.
Ethical Issues with Artificial Intelligence[Full-Text ] Jeong Jihwan, Dr. Jeong CheonsuThis study investigated the ethical issues that may arise as the use of artificial intelligence technology increases as the un-tact period is prolonged due to the recent COVID-19, and investigated the risks and the need for solutions through case analysis of chatbots and self-driving cars.
Parasitization Rates of Adult Individuals of Eurydema ornatum (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) by Tachinids in Manisa Province[Full-Text ] Buse Korkmaz, Åžener TarlaCabbage bug, Eurydema ornatum (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is one of the important pests that suck the sap of plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family, especially cabbage, cress and radish. There are not enough studies on the effect ratio of adult parasitoids belonging to the Tachinidae family on the population of this pest under natural conditions. For this reason, it was aimed to determine the parasitization rates of E. ornatum adults in Manisa province in 2019 and 2021. Adult individuals were collected on the host plants from March to October during both years.