Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021
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Characterization of Composite Plates "Sandwich"[Full-Text ] CHAOUFI ATo determine the characteristics of a material one bases oneself on the method destruction; among the methods one finds the shearing, deflection test, tensile, torsion….etc. The evolution of current technology the researcher has to succeed has a method No destruction, among the methods, the method of vibration which one used this method to determine the characteristics mechanics of our materials composite.
Improved Off-Grid PV System for a Small Community in Niger Delta Case Study of Opobo Town in Rivers State[Full-Text ] EPELLE, Charles Tonye; D. C. IDONIBOYEOBU; S.L. BRAIDERenewable energy potential of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria was properly investigated and the use of active solar power technique was employed in this work. A typical community in Rivers State in the Niger Delta Region was used as case study. The work considered the essential loads in a typical three (3) room apartment in a clustered of an ideal community of the Niger Delta area. The materials and methods involved in the design included five (5) numbers of photovoltaic (PV) panels of 200W/12V, four (4) numbers of 12V deep cycle batteries connected in parallel giving a total power of 957.5AH to serve a total daily load of 3,516kw/h considering three (3) days of continuous power supply in a continuous raining days.
Exploratory Analysis On The Different Models And Approaches For Social Network Analysis[Full-Text ] Mansi Singh, Chandni Deb, Ashna Prasad, Naveen Renji The following paper consists of an overall comparative study of Social Network Analysis. The comparative study provides detailed information and is carried out based on the different models approached for Social Network Analysis. Social network analysis is a method capable of monitoring the interactions in an online environment.SNA can be used to reveal important information about the sentiments of different actors, such as the general activity and the active groups.
Evaluation of Access to Potential & Actual Health Care Along the Health Insurance Continuum in the United States[Full-Text ] Michael K. DzordzormenyohHealth insurance coverage and access to health care have long been of concern in health-policy formulation in the United States. Understanding the effect of health insurance coverage on access to potential care (access to physicians) and actual care (basic & specialized care) is critically important in efforts to develop and implement effective health care programs. Socially, economically, and ethnically diverse Americans are likely to exhibit different insurance coverage gradients and varying experiences when accessing health care, yet the literature and empirical finding on the topic remains inconclusive.
Structured Critical Review on Market Basket Analysis using Deep Learning & Association Rules[Full-Text ] Iqra Rehman, Dr. Hamid GhousMarket Basket Analysis (MBA) is a Data mining field to mine frequently buying patterns, helping retailers while proposing new business strategies. As demand of customer changes with growth of needs, sales data has increased massively in various businesses. To handle this massive data with changing frequently consumer buying habits there is demand of deep learning methods. In past many researchers performed MBA using deep learning and association rules on offline and online retail datasets. Association rules are used to mine frequently purchased items from retail dataset.
Research on Social Arithmetic Design Based on Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) for Junior High Schools [Full-Text ] Hanifa Muslimah, Edwin Musdi This study was aimed at producing an RME-based social arithmetic learning path to assist the students in figuring out the concepts of profit, loss, break-even, along with the percentage, gross, net, and tare, discount, double discount, and simple interest. This research was a design research that combined the Plomp model with the Gravemeijer & Cobb model, which consisted of 3 stages, namely the experimental preparation stage, the experimental design stage, and the retrospective analysis stage.
EMERGING TRENDS IN THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES IN INDIA:THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION RECONSIDERED[Full-Text ] Shaji,EThe purpose of this paper is to understand the changing outlook of the patients towards the use of alternative medicines (With reference to Bhopal city). The study was conducted in two medical colleges Hospitals of Ayurvedic, Homeopathy and Unani which included with in-patients and out-patients (n=300). This paper focuses on the sociological perspective on the alternative medicines. Alternative Medicine is defined as any therapeutic practices that do not satisfy the standards of the majority of the orthodox medical community.
Relationship between Natural Activators of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs) and Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Peripheral and Coronary Artery Disease[Full-Text ] Mohamed S. Abou-Taleb, Nagwa M. Assem, Kamal M. AhmedAtherosclerosis is considered as a systemic disease which leads to functional and structural changes in several segments of the arterial system. Morbidity and mortality is mostly caused by Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). Vascular endothelium, which is a versatile multifunctional tissue, had synthetic and metabolic properties. Endothelial injury may be responsible, for the initiation of atherosclerosis and vascular lesions which are followed by monocyte infiltration, macrophage differentiation, and migration of smooth muscle cells.
Implementing Toll-Free Communication Framework as Smart Campus Initiatives for Tertiary Institution Sustainable Development[Full-Text ] O.V. Johnson, M. Ganiyu, O. I. AladesoteThe era of smart computing is initiating innovative ideas and making life more comfortable with its diverse implementations. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) framework, as an integral part of smart computing, is an increasingly used technology for modern telephoning system. Tele-com and Mobile Internet Service Providers especially in Nigeria are constantly introducing flexible cost user-friendly services for individuals and organizations to lower cost on communication
Good Governance Practices and Public Service Delivery in Jimma Town, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Sherif Abagelan Abakose and Rida Abasambi Abagojam The objective of good governance in the public sector is to encourage better service delivery and accountability by establishing a benchmark for good governance. The main objective of this study was to assess the role of good governance practices in enhancing service delivery in public institutions of Jimma town in Ethiopia. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative research design, and a random sampling method was used to select respondents.
Qualitative Analysis in Personal Authentication Systems for construction workers Cuenca Ecuador[Full-Text ] Felipe López, Carlos Flores-Vázquez, Marco Avila CalleThe management of employees in various professional fields has a great impact on the growth of an organization. This activity evolves with technology, and in the area of construction it is no exception. In the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, masonry attendance control faces a challenge, since it cannot adapt to its respective new trends. However, its difficulty seems to be not only technical, but also cultural, due to the discordance of the users’ behavior regarding to sundry existing solutions.
Power Management Strategy Based on Fuzzy Inference System for AC Microgrid[Full-Text ] Hesham M. Fekry, Azza Ahmed ElDesouky, Ahmed M. Kassem, Al-Moataz Y. AbdelazizThese Microgrids (MGs) are being increasingly adopted as more efficient and resilient electrical networks. However, the output fluctuations of the integrated renewable energy sources (RESs) renders the system stability a challenging problem. A robust power management strategy (PMS) of the MG is needed to overcome this issue.
Data Stream Management: Efficient Data Processing in Network Traffic[Full-Text ] Mrs.Swapna Vanguru, Ms.Shubhangi Mahule, Mrs.P.SwaroopaDue to the sheer volume of data and complex processing, most current network traffic management applications process the collected data offline. Data after loaded into data warehouse it can be processed into offline and online. Offline Processing is appropriate for applications using decision-support type queries. like Capacity Planning and Provisioning or determining pricing plans. However, many other traffic management applications would benefit from online data processing. Like Tracking changes in network topology and traffic distribution online would enable congestion cause detection, Adaptive intra-domain and inter-domain policies.
Challenges of computational intelligence ap-proaches as an alternative tool for diagnoses of covid-19 based on medical images[Full-Text ] Abdullahi Isa, Ismaila Idris Sinan, Hayatu Alhaji Saidu, Hauwa Ahmad AmshiThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is spreading all over the world, requires a crucial diagnosis of individuals to help reduce virus transmission. The current gold standard for covid-19 diagnosis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can take a few hours/days, which is problematic. The most promising and inspiring domain for the utilization of computational intelligence (CI) ap-proaches is medication, and furthermore one of the most challenging domains to see an effective and successful adoption by clinician. However, CI approaches further strengthen the power of the imaging tools and help medical specialists in the global fight against COVID-19 with help of clinical imaging such as X-ray and computed tomography (CT).
Indigenous Furniture Industry Marketing and Brand Innovation Assessment[Full-Text ] Paul Benedict Inkum, Wu ZhihuiThis paper aims at the assessment of market and branding of indigenous furniture industry and offering appropriate solutions to branding in the indigenous furniture industry. There as, the studies reviews research of 23 patterns and sub-patterns under 5 criteria of market and brand equity, effect of brand, client satisfaction, promotions, and the effectiveness of the brand through hierarchical analysis procedure method (AHP). In conclusion, it revealed that, client faithfulness, appropriate quality, understood quality, appropriate price, exhibitions, solutions, the training of skilled managers, as well as the influence of brand and effect of brand have respectively been the most appropriate solution and the most sensitive criteria.
Evaluation of Water Quality index of Some Borehole Water Sources in Ishiagu South-eastern Region of Ebonyi State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Osareme Mercy Ogbeide, Kosoluchi Chisom Menechukwu, Adanwo Joy Bamidele, Dickson ObukohwoWater Quality Index (WQI), an effective tool to assess water quality and ensure sustainable safe use of the water for drinking. The present work is aimed to assess the suitability of borehole water of Ishiagu quarry town for the purpose of drinking and other domestic purposes using the weighted arithmetic water quality index (WAWQI) technique. In carrying out the experiment, Sampling was done twice every month in each of the selected three stations which lasted for three months. In-situ experiment was conducted for some parameters like pH, Temperature, Electrical conductivity (EC), Total dissolved solids (TDS), and Dissolved Oxygen (DO), while the rest of the parameters were determined in the laboratory.
MODERN TRENDS IN TRACTION[Full-Text ] Mr. Ankit AloniThe modern trend in the railway sector is the Maglev trains. Maglev, also called magnetic levitation train or maglev train, a floating vehi-cle for land transportation that's supported by either electromagnetic attraction or repulsion. The maglev transportation have very bene-fits such as high level of safety, no derailment, reliability, high speed, ecofriendly, low maintenance fees, energy efficient, the quietest transportation system, less space required, climbing grade and maneuverability, etc. This paper involves all the aspects, design, technology, applications, future us-es of these trains.
Light Vehicle Suspension System Types in the Early 21st Century[Full-Text ] Eyere Emagbetere, Damisa Olatunde, Amatullah Ajoke UsmanThe variability in types of suspension systems applied to auto vehicles remains unclear and can be an impairment to vehicle manufacturers. This work aims to assess the different road vehicle suspension systems and the variations in their application within the early part of the 21st century. The suspension systems applied to 442 different car models produced within the period were identified. Inferential and descriptive statistical tools were first used to explore the data, then Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was carried out. Results showed that, although the number of each suspension system type applied annually varied significantly (P<<0.05), it strongly correlates with year as deduced from the Pearson Correlation analysis.
EFl Teachers’ Assessment Literacy: Impact of Experience and Academic Attainment[Full-Text ] Fryad Hama Najib MuhammadAssessment plays key role in teaching process; therefore, it receives academic consideration more and more. This paper uses a survey to test how knowledgeable are the EFL teachers about the fundamentals of assessment. The questionnaire, Classroom Assessment Literacy Inventory [CALI], based on the seven standards of assessment competence for educational assessment of students, which was recognized by the American Federation of Teachers, National Council on Measurement in Education and National Education Association [1990].
Virtual Reality in Medicine and Health - Care: A Comprehensive Study of the Method and Applications[Full-Text ] Mohamed Rifat A K A simulated experience that can be like or completely different from the real world is known as Virtual Reality. It is an emerging industry that has scope in various sectors including Health Care and Medicine. From developing new life – saving techniques to training doctors of the future, Virtual Reality has multiple applications in the Heath Care industry, from the clinical to the consumer. By 2020, the global market for Virtual Reality could be worth up to $3.8 billion.
Migration of Buddhist Population for Right Livelihood: A Case study from Sindhupalchock in Nepal[Full-Text ] Awadhesh Kumar TripathiMany people migrate to different place and even countries for many reasons. This article presents the patterns of movements of the Buddhist population in Sindhupalchock district of Nepal. Disaster impacts societies and people are forced to move and in the course of the movements from place of destination people’s livelihood and professions are impacted and significantly changed. This paper shows an analysis how the people have moved, what been their impacts and their status after the migration.
OBSERVATIONAL STUDY COVID-19[Full-Text ] Hitesh Mohan, Dr Zahoor Ahmed LoneThe high and rapid spread of the disease caused by the COVID-19 virus has led to the use and application of various measures to counter it (Wilder-Smith, et al., 2020). It has also led to the use of very many therapeutic agents whose efficiency has not been fully demonstrated, or it has been demonstrated, but the clear results are not yet been found. This study's objective was to analyze and check if the preventive measures employed by the affected people due to the virus were effective.
A detailed study on Leadership Effectiveness and Personality Traits of Employees working in HMT Machine Tools Ltd.,India[Full-Text ] Hiralal Bhattacharjee, Kailash Chandra Saraswat and Dr. Ritika MoolchandaniThis Study is being aimed to find out influences of effectiveness of leadership on the employees' personality traits and organisational processes which, in turn, gives positive outcomes to the organisation. This study is made to explore certain personality traits taken as determinants of Leadership effectiveness. An endeavour is made to find out the relationship between leadership effectiveness and personality traits of employees working in HMT Machine Tools Limited, which is a Public Sector undertaking, under Govt. of India.