Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021
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Implementation on Tomato Cutter Robot using Image Processing and Raspberry PI[Full-Text ] Ms.Amruta Mane, Dr. Girish MundadaPromoting digital farming might be the answer for current challenges in the agriculture industry by employing a robot to provide continuous information of its deployed area and gives the right analysis in many aspects of farming. The fruit to be picked is red and yellow tomatoes. The objective of this study is to set the initial project in creating a series of robots applied in agricultural to realize the idea of digital farming. The novelty of this study is that this method is simple, and image processing is kept simple to accommodate processors limited computation resources. The robot designed is customized according to the size of the tomato tree and tomato.
The Purpose of The Gut Microbiota in Nutritional Interventions for Depression and Anxiet[Full-Text ] Dr. Namra HanifThere is growing evidence that unhealthy diets can increase the risk of depression or anxiety, while healthy diets can reduce it. Recent research suggests that dietary interventions can help prevent stress and anxiety. However, this relationship is complex, set by a number of confusing variables and can even be bilateral, while food choices are also fraught with stress and depression. This complexity is reflected in statistics, sometimes with contradictory results between studies.
Knowledge and Practices of Nurses towards Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Working in district Lahore[Full-Text ] Sobia Akhter, Dr Mansoor Ghani, ShahjahanCaring is one of the four most characteristics of nurses so they are required to have more knowledge and practices towards the patients with HIV and address patient's physical, mental and social necessities as the patient get no opportunity to recover. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge and practices of nurses towards patients with HIV, working in tertiary care hospitals of Lahore. Method: Cross-sectional descriptivedesign dependent on structured questioner was utilized in this study. The charge nurses serving in six tertiary carehospitals of Lahore, were chosen as population through non probability sampling strategy.
Manufacturing and Mechanical characterization of Injection moulded PET Glass fibres specimens with varying % of glass fibres[Full-Text ] Mr Yousuf Pasha ShaikThe main aim of doing this project is to get a proper understanding regarding the Extrusion, Injection molding machines and processes. In the process of literature work, I learned that Mold temperature, Pressure (Injection pressure, holding pressure, pressure at the gate), Velocity of injection and Gate position play a very important role in the properties of the final component, especially when fibres are involved.
Anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and wound healing properties of different types of honey[Full-Text ] Madhurima Adhikari , Telphy KuriakoseHoney is a complex mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins , water , minerals and anti-oxidants. The increasing demand for honey by each passing day is due to its medicinal properties. As a result of which different honey samples were collected from different geographical areas and floral origins to check the anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and wound healing properties of the honey samples.
The Impact of Using Cornstalk Ash on the Compressive Strength Concrete Mixes[Full-Text ] Yousra Hamdy, Mostafa Elshazly, Shady Salem, Amr ElsaidDuring the past years, researchers have introduced the concept of reducing the use of cement and natural resources, energy consumption, and water absorption within the concrete industry. Cornstalk is considered one of the widely available bi-products in Egypt that produces heavy pollution for its dumping. In this context, this study investigates the feasibility of using corn stalk ash as a replacement for cement. The behavior of three different mixes with 5, 10, and 15% cement replacement were compared to a control concrete mix.
An Intelligent Framework for Rice Yield Prediction using Machine Learning based Models[Full-Text ] N. Gnanasankaran, E. Ramaraj, T. ManikumarRice is considered as a major crop productivity in India. It is an essential staple food for the significant proportion of the population in the country. Rice productivity may be predicted, by the use of climate (seasonal) forecast to a crop yield model, at the start of the season or even long earlier the season begins. Several researchers have developed a set of automated rice plant productivity prediction models. This paper devises an intelligent machine learning (ML) based regression models for the prediction of rice plant productivity. The proposed model involves different ML models namely K-star, logistic regression (LR), bagging, multilayer perceptron (MLP), radial basis function (RBF) network, additive regression and gaussian process.
Effect of BFRP Post Tensioning System on Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Slab[Full-Text ] Sayed Abd El-Baky, Sameh Yehia, Arafa M. A. Ibrahim and Abdullah HadedThis paper represents the effect of post tensioning system on reinforced concrete slab. Three slabs were tested to ensure the system capacity of post tensioning by two techniques. The first specimen is a reference slab reinforced with traditional steel bars system, the second one is cast with an embedded duct (two holes) in slab to install post tensioning basalt fiber reinforced polymer bars (BFRP). Finally, the last one as first specimen but enhanced with external post tensioning BFRP bars. These systems have a fixed level of post tensioning 10% of bar stress.
The effect of variable load on the steam power plant in Kuwait[Full-Text ] Abdualrazzaq Al-Abdulrazzaq - Gamal Y.S. SalamhThis research aims to study the effect of changing loads during one day at the rate of fuel consumption as well as the efficiency of the steam unit, and with the rate of flow of steam and boiler feed water. Also, this research includes a study of the electric energy consumed in the operation of pumps, fans and compressors, which is affected by changing unit loads required at peak times and throughout the day.
Maximum Power Point Tracking Based Multi-Level Inverter for Grid Connected PV Systems[Full-Text ] Dina M. Barakat, Abd El-Wahab Hassan, Gamal E. M. AliThis paper presents an investigation of cascaded H-Bridge MLI, their modulation and maximum power point tracking techniques for the grid connected PV systems. Nowadays, solar energy has become one of the most important renewable energy sources. It is preferred to use multilevel inverter (MLI) based PV power stations over a conventional Two-Level Inverter based system, especially for large-scale PV power stations. The MLI produces an output voltage of staircase with low harmonic.
Job Satisfaction of Women Lawyers in Myanmar[Full-Text ] Dr. Elizabeth Furio PerezThis study used the descriptive method of research with impact of job satisfaction of women lawyers in Myanmar. The instruments used were validated questionnaires. When the questionnaires were accomplished and retrieved, the data collected were processed, analyzed and interpreted as to the stated problems of the study. The statistical treatments used were frequency, Pearson correlation and regression test and analysis of one variable.
Challenges and prospects for cataloguing and classification in academic libraries in Kwara State, Nigeria: a case study[Full-Text ] Abdrahman Atanda MOUSTAPHA The study aimed to investigate the challenges and prospects of cataloguing and classification in academic libraries in Kwara State that focus on the Kwara State University Library.The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The study population consists of 50 practicing librarians who attended the Nigerian Library Association Annual Workshop, 2020 held at the State LibraryIlorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. A questionnaire entitled "Cataloguing challenges and prospects and a classification questionnaire containing closed elements was used to collect data for the study.
Why the solar system is stable?[Full-Text ] Muhammad HubabThe solar system is stable because of two states.
CRIMINAL ACTIVITY MONITORING AND PREVENTION USING CCTV SURVEILLANCE[Full-Text ] Sumaira Hedaoo, Riddhi Shanbhag, Sakshi Sonalkar , Sayam Tukra, Prof. Shailesh HuleIn this paper, we describe a surveillance program which is to be designed that can automatically detect the gestures or signs of aggression and brutality on real time. A single CCTV human operator can handle very limited set of operations, so as the number of CCTV camera increases the need of the human intervention also increases which can also cause human errors so automation for certain detection operations is necessary.
USING BRAIN WAVES TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS AND CALCULATE OUR STRESS LEVELS IN OUR DAY TO DAY LIFE[Full-Text ] Sasiram AnupojuBrain Computer Interface (BCI) is the direct connection between the computers and human brain. The BCI reads the waves produced from the brain at different locations in the human head, translates these signals into actions and commands ,that can control the computers. We propose to integrate this technology with output devices. This interface system is especially useful to overcome or warn us with accidents that might happen in future due in improper working of brain.
Strengthening of Masonry Walls Using Textile Reinforced Mortar[Full-Text ] Mohamed Ibrahim, Mahmoud Galal, Mohamed kohail, Hany ElshafieUnreinforced masonry (URM) structures constitute the largest part of the current worldwide buildings. Many of these buildings are of historic and cultural significance. The need for retrofitting of these structures is urgent due to the poor seismic performance under moderate and high seismic demand. The main objective of this study is to investigate the out of plane behavior of URM walls retrofitted with the new rehabilitation technique of basalt textile reinforced mortar.
Toxic Metal Concentration In Soils: A Case Study Of A Cocoa Research Field in Ibule, Ondo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Elijah O. Openiyi, Okiki N. Quadri, Wasiu B. Tomori Environmental pollution of the natural environment by heavy metals is a global concern. These metals are not degradable and can bioaccu-mulate in reservoirs and biomagnify along the food chain thereby having toxic effects on living organisms. Many ailments and birth defects have been linked to the ingestion of heavy metals which can occur by inhalation, leaching into our foods and water from the soil and many other routes.
Level of Adherence to Gluten-free diet among Celiac Disease patients in Qassim region[Full-Text ] Rabah AlharbiCeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder characterized by hypersensitivity to gluten, a protein found in certain foods like wheat and rye, in genetically susceptible individuals and leads to enteropathy and villous atrophy[1].The prevalence of celiac disease ranges from 0.15% to 2.67% by serologic testing with variation across different countries [2]. There are no published national statistics about the prevalence of CD in Saudi Arabia.
THE FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL CONTAMINATIONS IN PLANT TISSUE CULTURE GROWTH MEDIA[Full-Text ] Jayarama Reddy, Ramesh B S, Praveena V, Sherry noronha, Simran P Nayak, Beena NThe contamination in tissue culture can be originated mainly from two sources, where one through carryover of the microorganisms present in the tissues or the surface of explants and second being by the faulty procedures which we take up in the laboratory. Fungal and bacterial contaminations cause major problems which makes it harder to deal with media of the plant tissue cultures. Vessels used for tissue culture are generally loose fitted in order to allow gaseous exchange with external environment, this is how the fungal or bacterial contamination takes place.
OBJECTIVE NECESSITY OF INTRODUCING AN AUDIT OF CUSTOMS DUTIES IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Zokirjon MakhkamovThe article reveals the advanced methodology effectively used in the experience of developed East Asian countries in the organization and conduct of customs audit and the possibility of applying their experience in Uzbekistan.
CURRENT ANALYSIS OF SMALL INDUSTRIAL ZONES AND DEVELOPMENT FACTORS[Full-Text ] Bakhodir Salimov, Sayfulla Arslanbekov, Nilufar ShanazarovaThis article discusses the theoretical and economic foundations of the concept of small industrial zones. The economic development of small industrial zones is analyzed on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the relevant conclusions are formed. At the same time, conclusions and recommendations for further improvement of small industrial zones have been developed.
Extraction and polymerization of lactic acid to polylactic acid[Full-Text ] Sanhita Chatterjee, Dr. Preetha Nair Polylactic acid is one of the most famous biodegradable polymers, because it is eco-friendly, can be produced from renewable sources. It has been studied extensively because of its various applications in biomedical field. PLA can be used in human body. There are various methods of synthesizing PLA such as ring opening polymerization, melt polycondensation, microwave irradiation etc. Lactic acid can be produced by fermentation of sugar and various other renewable raw materials. In this review paper, different polymerization reactions of PLA from lactic acid is discussed. Also important applications of PLA such as drug delivery system, implants, tissue engineering etc are outlined.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES[Full-Text ] Guzal Juraeva In the article have been studied the foreign experience in the development of personnel management, the author investigates methods for improving the personnel management system. The advanced foreign experience in the field of personnel management is structurally analyzed, the structure of the human resource management system in management schools is disclosed. Also, the main trends in the development of personnel management systems in the United States and the main problems in the field of human resource management in Japan are identified.
Impact of communication skills and risk taking on employee entrepreneurial orientation[Full-Text ] Mehjabeen Safdar, Ayesha Iqbal, Iqra UroojThe purpose of this study was to find out the Impact of two independent variable communication skills and risk taking on dependent variables namely employee entrepreneurial orientation. The data collected from EFU Hemayah Takaful Company of Pakistan. A sample of 101 employees were included in the study. The data was collected through online questionnaires. A structured questionnaire was developed using the past literature as the bases.
Existence of soul[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaWe can realise our soul because we can think it. When we die we can not think , sleeping and death are alike. If we put the dead body in a box then it will be in the simplest form as bacteria or virus then it transforms to a small living body which can not think after it can change into human again and that total period can not be memorised by us so we say we can not live after death.
Perfect Eyes for Doctors and Computer[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaIf you are a doctor then you must have a dense eye. If the doctor looks at the patient from his dress to naked body then he can get an overview of the patient. Now if he can compare the well body or a standard disease less body's out view then he can think that the patient is affected or not.
Business Rules (BR); Expert Systems (KBS); LATC Algorithm - A proposal for functional integration[Full-Text ] Raul A. Raggio, Carlos A. Russell It is quite interesting to analyze the BRG manifesto and observe both the highlight of the role and the location of the logic surrounding decision management within an Organization. In general, since the introduction of Information Technology (IT) to support data processing, software applications ended up being the repository of said logic and owning it. In fact, the area with the opportunity to introduce a change within a part of this decision making scheme is the only one that can make it operational: the IT function. Up until now, IT has been the counterpart of the advantages of computerization: IT has enclosed the logic of the decisions surrounding those matters in a Black Box.
Reducing Energy Consumption in Residential Building Using Architectural Low Energy Solutions[Full-Text ] Mamdouh A. Mohamed, Dr. Asmaa N. Elbadrawy, Prof. Lamis Elgizawi.Energy saving is the way for developing countries to achieve sustainable development, in recent decades the energy problem has become more difficult, especially in the residential building sector, which consumes nearly 40% of the total energy in Egypt, while providing new opportunities and pillars for the development of future generations.
A STUDY OF UNFAVOURABLE SURGICAL OUTCOMES AMONG TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY PATIENTS AND THE ASSOCIATED INTRAOPERATIVE RISK FACTORS[Full-Text ] DR. SUVIDHA LAKSHMI M, DR. LAKKANNA SUGGAIAH1. To determine the frequency of occurrence of unfavourable surgical outcomes like hypocalcemia, recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, hematoma and seroma among patients undergoing total thyroidectomy.
Utilization of Coal Bottom Ash as a Partial Re-placement for Fine Aggregate in Concrete[Full-Text ] Mouzzam Ali Lohar, Syed Naveed Raza Shah, Manthar Ali KeerioEnvironmental Pollution, because of the emission of carbon-dioxide (CO2),is expanding continuously with each progressive day which make enormous deterioration for environment and is likely to be reduced in any possible manner. Besides bulk of Coal Bottom Waste scattered on the surface is another environmental issue of Pakistan.Through a look, via literature review, at the versatility of concrete this study was based on a suitable replacement of fine aggregate with coal bottom ash and opted to reuse such waste in production of concrete rather than filling it in empty lands which reduced energy requirement and became environment friendly.
Plant Based Sources Of Lipase, Their Application and Recent Advances in Immobilization Techniques[Full-Text ] Annesha Paul, Dr. Sindhu AnoopLipase is a class of hydrolytic enzyme, which catalyses the breakdown of tri-glycerides and is used in different food processing, cosmetic, detergent and various other industries because of its multi-functional properties. In this review, the work has been mostly focussed on the studies that have been done on the lesser explored source of lipase, which are the plant based sources. The study conducted so far on various plants parts such as germinating and dormant seeds, leaves, fruits, as well as waste parts for the extraction of lipase has been analysed. The various application of such plant based lipases that have been so far reported has also been analysed and reported. This review also provides an insight into the recent advances in techniques that have taken place for the immobilisation of enzyme which could be used to make the enzymes more economical and feasible for industrial scale application.
Behavior of Columns Reinforced with BFRP Bars in case of Centric and Eccentric Conditions[Full-Text ] Sayed Abd El-Baky, Sameh Yehia, Arafa M. A. Ibrahim and Abdullah MoubarakThis paper represents an experimental study to investigate the axial behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns which reinforced with steel or Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) bars. Three reinforced concrete columns with 2000 mm high and of square cross-section 200mm width were tested under compression loading test up to failure. The key parameters considered in this study were: reinforcement type, centric or non-centric load with small eccentricity of 5cm. The study gives a clear result for judge the capability of using BFRP in RC columns.
Measurement of physical environment characteristics for supporting transit-oriented development areas for the Kufa city -Iraq[Full-Text ] T. R. Alrobaee, A. S. Al-Khafaji, S. M. Al-JawariPlanning for transit-oriented development TOD around existing stations or transportation nodes contributes to the development and improvement of the region in economic, environmental, and social terms. Therefore, this article seeks to identify the characteristics of the areas that encourage the establishment of a successful TOD project, and it was concluded that there are four basic characteristics in achieving, these are: adequate density, diversity in land use, mobility and accessibility, high economic development, good urban design, which in turn are divided into many measurable indicators, to provide a way to measure the potential TOD in these nodes, as the current transit-oriented development conditions will be assessed, and identifying the characteristics that need improvement, this matter will contribute to drawing up policies, plans, programs and financial interventions most effective in planning a successful and effective TOD that serves the city and contributes to its development.
Use of Audiovisual Aids improves the performance of Special Children in Mathematics[Full-Text ] Fatima Mahmood"This article is about Teaching Math to Special Children. It based on the hypothesis that " Use of Audiovisual Aids improves the performance of Special Children in Mathematics". The subjects are Class KG 1,KG 2,Form 1 Hearing Impaired Children of Govt Special School Faisalabad ,Pakistan .A.V.AIDS used are flash cards, solid toys with and without battery, Pictures in class while delivering lesson in routine The result showed Significance difference Between achievement level of HI students before and after the use of A.V.AIDS.
Experimental Study on Steel-FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams with Large Rectangular Openings[Full-Text ] Sameh Yehia , Arafa M. A. Ibrahim and Badr Faihan This paper investigates the structural performance of concrete beams reinforced with steel and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars that having large rectangular openings. An experimental study was conducted on three FRP steel reinforced concrete (FSRC) beams using basalt FRP (BFRP) bars. The FSRC beams were consisted of one beam without openings served as a reference beam; one beam with non-reinforced openings and one beam with reinforced openings. All beams were tested under the effect of two line loads bending test up to failure. Based on the test results, it was found that the presence of opening produces earlier cracks at opening locations.
A Review on Bioethanol Production from the Orange Peel Waste (OPW) Using Cellulolytic Soil Bacteria[Full-Text ] Vani B S, Dr. Sindhu Anoop To avoid economic impact and environmental effect of agricultural waste, the reuse of the agricultural waste is needed. For this purpose, the naturally available cheap soil microorganisms with potential application can be used. Many soil microbes have cellulase enzyme which can act on lignocellulosic waste material. The current research on producing bioethanol are aimed to reduce the production cost using low-cost substrates and enzymes. In line with this, in this study the orange peel waste will be used to produce bioethanol using the soil isolated microorganisms in the cost-effective way.
The usage of different sludge wastes in the manufacture of ceramic tiles[Full-Text ] E.M. Abdel Hamid, KAM. El-NaggarSludge wastes produced from different sectors such as construction, industries and urban. About 1.3 billion tons of different sludge wastes produced per year in Europe. Disposal and landfilling of these wastes become unuseful to the environment. The strict conditions and requirements of environmental protection in different countries prompted the necessity to find a safe alternative to dispose of these sludge wastes, from an environmental point of view and also to use it as an alternative to the much more expensive raw materials that serve sustainable development and saves limited resources for future generations.
Ethenobotanical Studies on Climbers of Chotanagpur Plateau Region[Full-Text ] Dr. Pushpa Singh and Dr. Suyashi SharmaChotanagpur Plateau in Jharkhand state is biodiversity rich in medicinal plants. Flora of Jharkhand is rich and much more diverse as compared to other states. The state possesses about 40% of the total area as forest having rich and diversified flora. A number of herbs, shrubs and medicinal plants, perennial and seasonal both are in abundance found here, to which tribal and local peoples depend for their health care. About 32 tribal communities are found in Jharkhand who depend on medicinal plants for their treatment of various ailments as traditional knowledge of its utilization in health care. Traditional medicinal practioners are the primary health care providers in rural Jharkhand.