Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2020
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Hybrid Optimization Methods for Analyzing the performance of Advanced FACTS Device in Transmission System[Full-Text ] Dr. A. Hema Sekhar, Mrs. A. Haritha, Mrs. A. VandanaThe multiplicity of transactions frequently leads to the conditions where the operating zone will not remain secure in the field of emerging electric power systems. In the system of power security advancement, the highly Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTs) controllers will play a prime role. But because of large scale capital investment it is required to locate the FACTs controllers in the power system in optimum condition.
Assessing the physical accessibility of Debre Markos University for students with disabilities[Full-Text ] Birhanu Mekuria, Mulat Seneshaw, Alemihun Fenta, Samrawit DessieEducating students with disabilities in an inclusive school setting has been a global agenda. However, inaccessible social and physical environments may hinder these students from fully participating and benefiting in their education and social life. This study was therefore conducted to investigate the physical accessibility of Debre Markos University for students with disabilities. To achieve the objective, a mixed method design was employed.
Reduction of Earth Pressure for Non-Yielding Retaining Walls using EPS Geofoam[Full-Text ] Sayed M. Sayed, Tamer M. Sorour, Mohamed S. BelalDue to backfilling and surcharge pressures from the foundations of adjacent buildings, retaining walls are built to withstand the ground pressure and lateral thrust. Expanded low stiffness polystyrene (EPS geofoam) panels mounted vertically against the rigid non-yielding retaining structures to minimize lateral earth pressure due to their compressible nature. Numerical models are being developed in the present study to validate the recorded physical test results for a rigid non-yielding wall (Ertugrul and Trandafir 2011).
Study on The Effectiveness of Water Hyacinth on Textile Dye House Effluent Treatment: An Eco Friendly Approach[Full-Text ] Shamima Siddika, Humayra Akhter Himu, Rafid Ahmed Khan, Md. Mahafazur HasanThe effluents from the various branches of the textile industry, leather industry, paper production, food technology and agricultural industry produces water pollution when they are discharged directly without any treatment in natural resources like underground stream, rivers, ponds and lakes.Textile dye house effluent contains substantial pollution load which increases the change of physicochemical parameters of water body. Aquatic macrophytes like water hyacinth uptake contaminants and stores in its biomass.
Acoustic Impedance (AI) Inversion for Porosity and Reservoir Quality Prediction in Kakawa Field, Onshore Niger Delta[Full-Text ] Magnus O. Kanu, I. Tamunobereton-ari, O. I. HorsfallIn this study, the transforming of seismic reflection data into an intrinsic rock property model in Kakawa field, onshore Niger delta, Nigeria have been quantitatively examined. Specifically, an application of a methodology that allows interpreters to obtain porosity distribution from post-stack 3D seismic amplitude data, using measured density and sonic well log data as constraints, is presented here. 3D acoustic impedance model was calculated from seismic reflection amplitudes by applying a constrained sparse-spike inversion algorithm.
A Review and Evaluation of Alternative Fuel Sources for Transportation in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Omo-Irabor Imuetiyan Elizabeth, Omo-Irabor Omoleomo OlutoyinAlternative fuels have been the current focus of attention of many researchers as a result of the adverse effects fossil fuel has on the environment and the fluctuating crude oil prices. Many nations are therefore moving from conventional fuel sources to more non-conventional and sustainable fuel sources. Due to technological advancement, alternative fuels such as ethanol, hydrogen, electricity, biodiesel and natural gas have become the bane of fossil derived fuel.
EVALUATION OF SHEAR BOND STRENGTH BETWEEN REPAIR MATERIALS AND SUBSTRATE CONCRETE[Full-Text ] ASSOC. Dr. Khaled Mohamed Morsy, Dr. Mohamed Ragab Masoud, Eng. Noura Elsayed AbdelsadekBond tests between repair materials and substrate concrete have been developed for several specific applications. Till now there is no consensus among practitioners for evaluating the bond strength under a shear state of stress that is commonly encountered in concrete structures. It is simple to carry out tension bond test in situ or in laboratory than shear bond test. The main aim of this work is to try to find out correlations between tensions and shear bond tests.
Tensile strength of GFRP plates manufactured manually by Hand-Layup technique with different fiber angle orientations[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohamed A. Khalaf, Dr. Mohamed Ragab MasoudFiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) materials are used extensively in the field of repair and strengthening of different types of structures. The used FRP can be in the form of sheets or plates. There are different manufacturing techniques used to produce these plates either manually or mechanically
Assessment of Water Quality Index for the potable water in Dahanu Taluka, Maharashtra State, India[Full-Text ] Miss.Pooja JhaThe present work is aimed at assessing the quality of the potable water of Bordi area, of Dahanu taluka. This has been determined by collecting potable water samples from five different schools and colleges and subjecting the samples to a comprehensive physicochemical and microbial analysis.
Treatment of Waste Water from the Pharmaceutical Industry by Tio2 based Photocatalysis: an advanced oxidation Method[Full-Text ] Chetan S. Solanki, Nitesh ParmarPhotocatalytic treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater an advanced oxidation technique was studied for the removal of organic pollutants by using photo-driven Titanium dioxide Nanoparticle using as a catalyst. The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of Pharmaceutical wastewater is significantly reduced by Photocatalytic oxidation. A constant intensity of UV light was utilized in the experimental setup.
Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students: Review of Academic Literature[Full-Text ] S. Glory Swarupa and Ravi Kumar GoyalEntrepreneurship can be taught or at least directed through entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education aspire to motivate and nurture the students to be entrepreneurs. It is more effective when administered at university level. Because graduate students have more potential to become entrepreneurs and they are relatively close to the stage of career choice. Despite the fact that most of the higher education institutes are conducting entrepreneurship courses, very less prominence was given to the findings towards the effect of entrepreneurship education and their intentions to become entrepreneurs.
An Integrated Approach to Well Development and Delivery for Niger Delta Marginal Fields Operators[Full-Text ] Boniface A. Oriji, Lazarus A. Musa, Chisom Glad Boni-OrijiThis paper is aimed at bridging the operational gap in some of the marginal fields caused by lack of investors to provide funds for the hiring of competent Engineers for complete surveillance of the oil and gas assets. Also to assist marginal field operators on how to keep and manage data in order to identify challenges in individual wells for possible maintenance and repairs, A program was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Version to aid Engineers for an effective well maintenance, production technology inputs, formation damage and pressure depletion analysis.
Productivity Assessment of NSE Listed Public and Private Sector Banks In India by Using CAMEL Rating Approach[Full-Text ] Mr D. Balakrishna, Dr. Abdul noorbashaThe liberalisation and growing integration of the Indian financial sector with the international markets and practices are continuously posing serious challenges to the Indian banking sector. The stringent supervisory norms and guidelines and which the banks are required to conduct business demand banks to gear up to the harsher realities. Enhanced levels of competitions, diversification business activities are the new vistas in which the banks function.
Impact of Heavy Metals Concentrations on the Periwinkle (Tympanostonus fuscatus) and the Mangrove Crab (Uca arcuata) from Mini-Nda Creek, Rumuolumeni, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] OWOH-ETETE, Ukamaka And BOB-MANUEL, Fayeofori G.The study investigated the heavy metal level on the periwinkle (Tympanotonus fuscatus) and the mangrove crab (Uca-arcuata) from Mini - Nda creek. Samples were collected in four (4) different stations. Heavy metal was determine using atomic absorption spectrophoto meter- model spectra AA2O.
On an EPQ Model with Generalized Pareto Rate of Replenishment and Dterioration with Constant Demand[Full-Text ] K. Srinivasa Rao,B. PunyavathiInventory models create lot of interest due to their ready applicability in analyzing situations at several places such as market yards, warehouses, raw material scheduling, production control, civil supplies etc. The major string in developing the Inventory models is characterizing the constituent processes such as replenishment (production), demand and life time distribution of the commodity.
IDENTIFYING PASSIVE COOLING TECHNIQUESINVERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF HIRABAD HYDERABAD SINDH[Full-Text ] Komal soomro, Dr bhai khan shar, Raheela leghariThe aim of the research is to identify material in the ancient buildings, analysing the passive cooling techniques in traditional building design and strategy in Hirabad Hyderabad. This research is aiming to identifying passive cooling techniques and the conditions of indigenous and raj period buildings in vernacular architecture of Hyderabad.
Comparative study on raw and modified forms of sugarcane bagasse for biosorption of Cu+2 from wastewater[Full-Text ] Ammara Waheed, Rabia Sabir, Awais SalahuddinBiomass based natural adsorbents have become center of interest for wastewater treatment to remove toxic heavy metals. Sugarcane bagasse has potential for the removal of heavy metals from water. In the current research work a comparison of raw sugarcane bagasse (RSB) and its two modified forms (Chemically treated sugarcane bagasse CTB, and bagasse fly ash BFA) has been presented.
SMALLHOLDER FARM-BASED BUFFALO BREED-ING IN BOMBANA REGENCY REVIEWED FROM FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY ASPECT[Full-Text ] La Ode Nafiu, Musram abadi, La Ode Arsad Sani, Idrus SalamThis study aims to evaluate the condition of buffalo breeding based on smallholder farms from the aspect of financial feasibility in Bombana Regency. The study was conducted in the form of a survey in June - November 2018. The survey location covered six sub-districts with the highest buffalo population representing the land area and the island of Kabaena. All buffalo breeders in the six sub-districts namely 74 people were taken as respondents.
THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF RECESSION AND THE ILLUSION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN DEPRESSED THIRD WORLD STATES: NIGERIA IN FOCUS[Full-Text ] GODWIN O. UNANKADrawing from orthodox economic perspective, Phil Drew did not intend to provoke the anger of Third World scholars when he wrote in The Guardian article of January 14, 2014: "The global recession was a good thing for sustainability." In this view, economic recession, though painful, is presumed to be "a necessary path (that requires fiscal and monetary policies) to transition and development of the Nigerian economy (Eneji et al. 2017).
Economic and Energy Balances of Jatropha Production in Tanzania: A Case of Monduli and Mpanda Districts[Full-Text ] Leonard KiweluThe increase in the use of fossil fuels has led to an increase in Green House Gas (GHG) emissions which are believed to be the main reason for global warming. The world is now encouraged to use bioenergy as a solution in reducing GHG emission from fossil fuels. Jatropha has received much interest as a feedstock for biofuel production because of its minimal adverse effects on the environment and food supply.
Assessment of Couple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Portable Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sensor for Precision Agriculture of Crops[Full-Text ] Balogun Wasiu A., Keshinro K.K, Momoh-Jimoh E. Salami, Adegoke A. S., Adesanya G. E., Obadare Bolatito JThis paper proposes an improved benefits of integration of Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) and Portable Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PMRI) system in relation to developing Precision Agricultural (PA) that is capable of carrying out a dynamic internal quality assessment of crop developmental stages during pre-harvest period.
Mechanical Properties of Polyethylene-Sand Blocks Produced from Recycled Plastic Bags[Full-Text ] Murad Ali, Naveed Iqbal, Saddiq Ur Rehman, Mohammad Adil, Muhammad AnwarPlastic polythene bags are non-biodegradable waste, generating on daily basis creating environmental pollution and adversely affecting life style of human beings. It is a common practice worldwide to use the waste plastic bags as a construction material.
A Cross Sectional Descriptive Study To Assess The Satisfaction Of Nursing Students Regarding Team-Based Learning In School Of Nursing Madinah Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Yasmin Mahboob, Iram Khadim ,Sofia Arshad, Shazia yaqubBackground--Team-based learning is emerging as a strategy for enhancing learning in nurse education due to the promotion of individual learning as well as learning in teams. Most studies on the effects of active and passive methods of teaching, have considered learning variable as independent variable and the emphasis is on learning and academic achievement of students, however, less attention has been paid to the effects of active techniques on classroom environment.
Compression Technique based Iris Recognition via Statistical and HOG Measures on DWT[Full-Text ] Srinivas Halvi, K B Raja, Shanti Prasad M J and Sujatha B MAn Iris recognition method is very effective in identifying human beings for several applications. We propose a Compression Technique based Iris Recognition via statistical and HOG measures on DWT in this paper. The Iris image databases viz., CASIA and UBIRIS are considered to test the algorithm by resizing them to 280x320.
An Overview of Social Engineering Attacks and Protection Against Them[Full-Text ] Dhruv Yadwadkar, Prayag Vin, Maharath SinhaSocial Engineering is a domain of system security that has posed a serious threat over the years and has become a very effective way of exploiting individuals as well as employees. These attacks have two sides to them, a technical side and a psychological side, hence to understand the concept fully one needs to know both the technical and nontechnical part of it. This persistent threat has increased the need to be aware and knowledgeable about the issue at hand and having the necessary tools to deal with them.
Assessment of Work Exposure, Barriers In Health Care Utilization And Perception Causing Treatment Delay Among Male Inguinal Hernia Patients In A Rural Area (Chunian) of Punjab, (Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Dr. Ahmed Saud, Naseem Sarfraz, Dr. Unsa Athar, Dr.Saba MahmoodThe protrusion from the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal is called inguinal hernia. This study was intended for the assessment of work exposure, barriers in health care utilization and perception causing treatment delay among male inguinal hernia patients in a rural area (Chunian) of Punjab.
Attitude of Scholars towards Electronic-Learning: A Case of Undergraduates of Sehore District[Full-Text ] Ms. Santosh Jagwani, Dr. Rajesh SharmaElectronic learning is an upcoming process which uses technology to support learners with the vision of enhancing learning activities. In the several existing areas, Electronic-learning is frequently observed as an "innovative" method of learning at the affordable cost to transform the education into interactive way. An Electronic learning is shown very dynamic in the ground of education; it allows individuals to learn at their own pace, the process of Electronic learning comprises with online or offline aptitude. Electronic-learning is comprises with drill work, the supply of information and direction from professionals quickly and accurately.
Effect of Aerobic Circuit Training and Suspension Training on Balance And Power Among Senior Athletes[Full-Text ] Shaik. Hassan Jany, Dr.Vairavasundram and Dr. P.BabuThe purpose of the study was to find out the effect of aerobic circuit training and suspension training on selected balance and power among senior athletes. To achieve the purpose, 30 male senior athletes were randomly selected as subjects from Alagappa University and its affiliated colleges, India. Their age mean and height were 38?2.1 years, 172?1.5 cm respectively.
Effect of approximation of extended Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii solution and Harmonic balance (HB) solution matched asymptotic solution of a strongly nonlinear differential systems which Vary with Time[Full-Text ] Mrinal chandra Barman, Sanjay Kumar Saha, Md. Shafiqul Islam and Pinakee DeyAn analytical technique is presented to determine approximate solution of strongly nonlinear oscillatory systems with slowly varying coefficients based on the combined work of Harmonic balance (HB) method and extended Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii method in which the coefficients change slowly and periodically with time. The determination of the solution is systematic and easier than the existing procedures developed by several authors. The method is illustrated by an example.
CASE STUDY: CIDCO MASS HOUSING PROJECT USING PRECAST TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] ANSARI.M.DAWOOD, HAMZA KAPADIA, ANSARI HASSAN, KHAN ANASPre-Fabrication system, involves processing and assembling of structural components such as beam, columns and slab in a factory or other manufacturing site and transported on site. Precast technology is Adopted to promote the speedy construction. This paper provides a real time case study with focus on the new construction technology and it's implementation.
Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Satisfaction with Life - A Study of Working Professionals[Full-Text ] Ramneet Kaur, Dr. Tania ShawEmotional Intelligence is a powerful psychological concept which has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years considering its importance perversely corresponding to intelligence. Although there has been immense surge of research to study Emotional Intelligence of an individual's well as Life satisfaction on different parameters, the present paper has attempted to comprehensively study Emotional Intelligence based on Daniel Goleman's theory and at the same time Satisfaction with Life among employees in the workplace to understand the collective role of the two variables using intensive research methodology.
Public-Private-Partnerships: An effective tool for development of transportation infrastructure[Full-Text ] Ninad PandePeople across the America are daily witnessing and experiencing the need to develop the existing infrastructure. Problems like congested roads; poorly functioning transit systems; and deteriorated social infrastructure all in urgent need of rehabilitation and redevelopment. The available government funding for rebuilding this infrastructure has been and is predicted to be in a large deficit.
Effect of Surface Textures on the Performance of Off-set halves Porous Journal Bearing for Couple Stress Fluids[Full-Text ] Manoj Kumar SinghTribology is advance branches of science, deals the activity that occur between two body's surfaces with minor or major relative motion known as friction and wear. Roughness has occurred due to machining defect such as deterministic roughness, surface texture can be form of many shapes. This paper contained the three types of surfaces texture such as sinusoidal, half wave and full wave with both type longitudinal and transverse for off-set halves bearing profile purpose to enhance the bearing performance of bearing. Porous bearing considered as a self-lubricated bearing due to their low friction and oil absorption phenomena.
Quality Assessments of Concrete Construction materials[Full-Text ] Ajagbe W.O and Rabiu W.AThis research presents the quality assessment of concrete materials to be used in monitoring and accessing construction works , it was performed by studying the 100mm concrete cube mean compressive strengths of 1:2:4 mix with different cement brands/grades, coarse aggregate sources and water-cement ratios using Ajibode river sharp sand in Akinyele local government area, Ibadan. The research was carried out by designing questionnaire and distributing to Consultants, resident Engineers, Contractors, etc to get the sources of fine and coarse aggregates and the available cement grades/brands on which the research was based.
Card-less ATM Transaction Using Biometric And Face Recognition- A Survey[Full-Text ] Manish C M, N Chirag, Praveen H R, Darshan M J, D Khasim ValiA fraud attacking the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) has increased over the decade which has motivated the use of biometrics with image for personal identification to procure high level of security and accuracy. The project describes a system that replaces the ATM cards and PINs by the physiological biometric fingerprint authentication and face recognition. Moreover, the feature of one-time password (OTP) imparts privacy to the users and emancipates him/her from recalling PINs.
ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION IN INFOR-MATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION (E-GOVERNMENT) (A CASE STUDY ON GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION IN WAKATOBI REGENCY)[Full-Text ] Muhammad Akbar Hardin, Wempy Bangan, Arifin Utha, La Ode MustafaThis research aims to analyze and describe organizational transformation in Wakatobi Regency government, application of in-formation technology in Wakatobi Regency government organizations, and factors giving effects on transformation of Wakatobi Regency government organizations. Results of the research show that (1) the organizational transformation in regional govern-ment in Wakatobi Regency cannot be applied effectively, both in terms of organizational transformation strategies, organizational structural transformation, information technology application and in term of changes on Human Resource role.
A CONCEPTUAL SHIFT IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS IN NIGERIA TOWARDS CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION[Full-Text ] Ugwu Chiamaka C, Okafor C. N , Chinwe Sam-Amobi, Andy N. N, Okere C. E and Anih E. k.Over a period of time, Architectural design concepts in Nigeria have not taken into consideration the effects of climate change on the built environment. Therefore, the challenges of mitigating climate change have not come to play both in the studying and practicing of Architecture. Mitigation means the strategies or measures taken to help prevent or minimize, relieve, alleviate, reduce and ease the process leading to climate change. This study is carried out to initiate a conceptual shift in Architectural designs towards climate change mitigation through investigating the level of climate change in Nigeria, its effect on the built environment, and identifying the strategies that can be undertaken to mitigate these climatic changes in Architectural design. The research methodology used in this paper is a review of existing literature, after which some strategies for mitigating the effect of climatic change in Architectural design in Nigeria were recommended.