Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2020
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10 Signs I am Hiding My Depression[Full-Text ] Dr. Phillip D. ClinganThese instructions give you guidelines Many people are living with hidden signs of depression because of either the lack of aware-ness that they have the condition or their intentional effort to hide the condition from others. Sound knowledge and understanding of the key signs of hidden depression both by members of the general public and clinicians are critical for ensuring the timely and relia-ble diagnosis and treatment of the condition
Design and Stress Analysis of Marine Diesel Engine Piston Using Solid Works and Finite Element Method (FEM)[Full-Text ] IZUKA, R. C; ODOKWO, V. EPiston plays a very critical role in energy conversation as far as internal combustion engines are concern. Piston is a major component of the internal combustion engine and directly bears the high temperature and pressure developed due to combustion of fossil fuel in the combustion chamber. As a result, the piston is subjected to high thermal and structural stresses due to high temperature, reciprocating speed and loads fluctuations.
Optimization of Apparel Industry Through Industrial Engineering Concepts In Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md Mahmud AkhterImproving productivity is the main concern of any manufacturing industry. For our study, we have chosen an outwear apparel manufacturing company in Bangladesh. As Bangladesh is the second highest apparel exporter in the world after China, we think that the knowledge sharing of Industrial Engineering in this RMG (Ready Made Garment) sector is our right choice. In this study, three of the core departments are included.
An Energy Management System for Campus Hybrid Microgrid Using a Multifunction Intelligent Agent (A case of SPGS Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Campus)[Full-Text ] Ajuzie U.C., Azubogu A.C.O, Inyiama H.CThis work presents an energy management system (EMS) for Campus Hybrid Microgrid (CHMG) using a multifunction intelligent Agent for the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS), in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Campus Anambra State Nigeria. Electrical load estimation carried out for the SPGS sub-grid, gives the specifications and the system requirements for the deployment solar-diesel hybrid microgrid for the sub-grid.
BANK EFFICIENCY IN INDONESIA IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF PRODUCTION APPROACH[Full-Text ] Ferry Ardiansyah, Hermanto Siregar, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Mulya E. SiregarTo be able to achieve the best level of efficiency, the bank must be able to manage the inputs owned and the outputs produced in between. In addition, banks must also be able to manage operational costs and operating income. In this analysis of efficiency is calculation of the ratio between input and output variables.
Improving the Efficiency of Implementing K-Means Algorithm on Different Big Data Platforms[Full-Text ] Manal A. Abdel-Fattah, Yehia M. Helmy, Sara M. MosaadDue to the expansion of the data size and the limitation of a single machine, considering parallelism in a distributed computational environment was a natural solution to overcome this expansion. Spark and Flink are open source frameworks for processing data in both real-time mode and batch mode. It provides several benefits such as fault-tolerant and large-scale computation which is a general engine for large-scale data processing.
IMPLEMENTATION OF AN OPTIMIZED PACKET SWITCHING PARAMETERS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Chinagolum Ituma, Iwok, Sunday Obot and James, G. G.Network attributes that have profound effect on the perceived network performance are mainly targets of network modelling. These attributes represent the goals of the statistical analysis, design and optimisation of the network. Fundamentally, network models are constructed by defining the statistical distribution of the arrival and service rates in a queuing system that subsequently determine these attributes. But, the vague and imprecise nature of most of these attributes renders statistical simulation obsolete and calls for an intelligent approach.
A MODEL OF INTELLIGENT PACKET SWITCHING IN WIRELES COMMUNICATION NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Chinagolum Ituma, Iwok, Sunday Obot and James, G. G. A fuzzy Logic-based methodology was adopted in this thesis for the optimization of packet switching in wireless communication systems. To accomplish this, the major factors associated with packet switching were identified and investigated. The factors investigated were: transmitted packet length (TPL), packet loss (PL), packet arrival rate (PAR), traffic intensity (TI), and latency (L) or delay. The thresholds for these factors were established using data collected from an existing organization: The Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation (AKBC) - a Third Generation (3G) Government owned company, operating in Uyo.
Sizing of Solar Photovoltaic for Mechanical and Thermal Energy of Automatic Egg Incubator[Full-Text ] Tariku Negash DemissieArtificial egg incubator is the example of scientific solutions used to solve a biological problem on natural egg incubator process. In this work, modeling and sizing of solar PV for automated egg incubator were conducted and contains sensors for monitoring temperature, and humidity of inside of the incubator. Mechanical and thermal analysis has been done for 200 eggs.
Study of burnout among health professionals in the province of Sidi Slimane, Morocco[Full-Text ] CHAKHTOURA KHALID, AZZAOUI Fatima Zahra, CHAIB Yassine, EL- ANSSARI Anass, AHAMI AhmedToday, work stress is a social scourge in the workplace. Our study aims to evaluate the phenomenon of burnout among health professionals in the province of Sidi Slimane. It aims to make a diagnosis of burnout, through an epidemiological, descriptive, and transversal research; we set the goal to identify the current situation of this phenomenon in the target population.
Worn Out Value Analysis of Drill Bit and Precision in Drilling Processing[Full-Text ] Alfando, Dr.Ing. Widodo Widjaja BasukiDrilling process is a procedure to make holes by pressing a spinning drill bit into workpiece. Through the machining process, there's friction between cutting tool and workpiece that cause high temperature, which results the cutting tool to be worn out. The purpose of this research is to know the worn out value of the HSS and Co-HSS cutting tool within machining variation.
Techno-functional properties of three species of Cucurbitaceae consumed in Côte d'Ivoire[Full-Text ] Diby, N. A. S, Deffan, K. P, Libra, M. A, Biego, G. H. MThe techno-functional properties of flours from 3 cucurbit seeds (defatted and non-defatted) consumed in Côte d'Ivoire, were studied in order to evaluate their potential applications in the food industry. Mature dried seeds of Citrullus lanatus sp, Lagenaria siceraria Molina Standl, and Cucumeropsis mannii Naudin, locally named respectively Wlewle, Bebou and Nviele, were collected, dehulled and processed for analyses. Standard procedures were used for the determination of their nutritive compounds and functional properties.
POTENTIAL OF KANBAN IN THE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES OF CUSTOMIZED PRODUCTS[Full-Text ] Ravi Arora, Arvind KumarA Japanese word meaning "card signal." It represents any visual method used to show the need for parts or products to be moved or produced. In Kanban the material flow is organized by the cards that are fitted in each container. Each container contains one material with fixed quantity.
The Contribution of Open Innovation towards Organizational Effectiveness[Full-Text ] Missal Khan The basic purpose of this review paper is to explore the contribution of open innovation leading to organizational effectiveness. To achieve firms' goals, they require to adopt and bring open innovation strategy in practices, leading to their survival in competitive environment. Firms' innovative activities play crucial role for its survival and future development. It is assume to achieve goals and objectives firms must use inbound (outside-in) and outbound (inside-out) innovative practices to make improvement in its overall strategy, business model, pro-cesses, knowledge, product and services.
Solution Thermodynamics and Preferential Salvation of Chloro-m-xynol (antiseptic) in Acetone[Full-Text ] Vivek Kumar Singh and Vimalesh Kumar SinghUltrasonic velocities in solution of acetone in different concentration of chloro m- xynol were measured at 30°C, 35°C and 40°C atmospheric pressure by using a single-crystal interferometer at a frequency of 2 MHz. The ultrasonic velocity, density, and viscosity were used to calculate adiabatic compressibility (?s), intermolecular free length (Lf), specific acoustic impedance (Z), apparent molar compressibility (?k), solvation number (Sn) and relative association (RA).
TEACHING ANATOMY TO MEDICAL STUDENTS THROUGH FLIPPED CLASSROOM WITH GAMIFICATION APPROACH[Full-Text ] Dr Kainat Javed Objective: To assess the effectiveness of 'Flipped Classroom with Gamification Approach' for teaching anatomy to first year medical students by comparing the students' performance in Traditional, Flipped and Flipped classroom with Gamification approaches.
PERMANENT TOOTH TRAUMA[Full-Text ] M. SIDQUI, K. KHAMLICHPermanent tooth trauma was studied from a population of 107 traumatized children, aged between 6 and 15 years, who were referred for dental trauma consultation and dental emergencies for a period of 12 months.
Suicide Risk Assessment of UMTC Students: Basis for Intervention Program[Full-Text ] Ezri M. Coda Jr., Relvin Jay M. Sale, Kris Justine R. MiparanumThe study dealt on suicide risk level of college students in UM Tagum College. The primary goal of the study was to assess the level of suicide risk among students at the UM Tagum College in terms of perceived burdensomeness, low belongingness/social alienation and acquired ability to enact lethal self-injury utilizing quantitative non- experimental study with 380 students in UM Tagum College as respondents of the study.
Role of Soft Skills in Enhancing the Employability in Tourism and Hospitality Sector in India[Full-Text ] Ms.V.Rajni PrasadTourism and hospitality sector is one of the most progressive and fastest growing industries globally. It generates growth, prospers the hosts and also offers immense potential for employment in various functions. One out of eleven jobs belongs to tourism and hospitality around the world.
Case Study on Congestive Heart Failure[Full-Text ] Rizwan Khalid,Iram Khadim,Sidra Khalid,Natasha Hussain Objective-- To describe a case of congestive heart failure. Clinical presentation and interventions-- A 65 year old female was admitted to a tertiary care hospital with complaints of progressive increase in breathlessness and edema on lower extremities and fatigue over the previous three weeks.
Vehicle safety tracking and monitoring system with alcohol detection and seat belt control system[Full-Text ] Omkar Rane On a survey that has been done recently, said that nearly 75% of road accidents occur due to drunken drive, with a range of 45% to 68% in small cities. They also conveyed that overall of 56 accidents and 14 to 15 deaths occur on our roads per day due to not wearing the seat belts. In the already available system, the alcohol sensor is kept on the car steering and thereby controls the vehicle according to the presence of alcohol. But road safety is indeed important in other aspect that is the reason we are controlling the system based on the seatbelt wearing and monitoring speed of vehicle.
Split Hand and Foot Malformation, Prenatal Diagnosis using Single Nuceotide Polymorphism[Full-Text ] Allybocus Zubair AkbarShort Hand and Foot Malformation is a rare medical condition of ectrodactyly with hand and foot having lobster claw-like appearance. It varies in severity in phenotypes depending on the mutation in genes responsible for Short Hand and Foot Malformation. It can be diag-nosed in clinic on inspection and then confirmed by molecular testing methods including Single Nucleotide Polymorphism.
Meckel Gruber Syndrome[Full-Text ] Dr. Allybocus Zubair AkbarMeckel Gruber syndrome (MGS) is a rare and lethal autosomal recessive disorder. In clinic, it is suspected once a triad of polydactyly, cystic kidneys and occipital encephalocele are seen upon antenatal ultrasound examination.
Financement et impact[Full-Text ] Abdelilah EL HANI, DR. Brahim SABRIFace à la précarité des conditions de vie rurale, par sa volonté de fonder une démocratie sur des principes d'égalité et par respect des droits des citoyens universellement ratifiés, le Maroc a pris l'initiative de concevoir et mettre en ouvre trois programmes d'amélioration des services publics, à savoir le PERG, le PAGER et le PNA, le premier et le deuxième lancés en 1995 et le dernier dix ans après.
NATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND CO2 EMISSION RELATIONSHIPS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] VICTOR OKECHUKWU NWATU, NNAEMEKA EZENWAThe aim of this research is to estimate the relationship between natural gas consumption, economy growth and carbon (iv) oxide emission. This relationship was established for Nigeria using time series data inputs sourced from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) between 1980 and 2016.
TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS[Full-Text ] Sultan Fahad SaatyTick-borne encephalitis is an arthropod-born disease that involves the central nervous system, caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus (a Flavivirus). It occurs in a seasonal pattern as they are transmitted by ticks; mainly by Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes persulcatus. However, the transmission of the virus by ingestion of unpasteurized milk or milk products have been noted but it accounts for approximately less than 1% of total reported cases.
Effect of Inflation and Money Supply on Output Growth in Nepal[Full-Text ] Sushil RanaThis paper examines the effect of inflation and money supply on output growth in Nepal over the period of 45 years from mid- July 1975 to 2019. Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is applied in this study in order to investigate the existence of the long-run and short-run relationships between the variables. Furthermore, this study uses natural logarithm of real GDP as a proxy for output growth, natural logarithm of broad money (M2) as a proxy for money supply and percentage change in Consumer Price Index (CPI) as a proxy for inflation rate
Effect of Induction Hardening on Microstructure and Hardness of Helical Gear[Full-Text ] Reza Arfi Faisal, Muhammad Dzulfikar, Sri Nugroho, Rifky IsmailVehicles with engine characteristics that can produce large torque can provide acceleration to the vehicle. Gear is one of the components of a vehicle engine in the transmission system that functions to transmit power from the driveshaft to the shaft that will be driven. One of the good heat treatment types for gears is surface hardening. For hardening gears, many IKM have limited ability. One of the hardening tools that can be used by IKM is an induction heating device.
Effectiveness of Psychoeducational Program in Improving Satisfaction for families of Individual with Schizophrenia[Full-Text ] Amona Tag Alsir Mohamed MahmoudThis study was conducted in (Sep.2017 to Dec. 2019), where a sample of (31)of caregivers of Individual with Schizophrenia.