Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019.
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Urban sprawl in the metropolitan area of Algiers and the role of new cities in the affirmation of this phenomenon[Full-Text ] Lynda Hamadène, Abdelmadjid BouderThe purpose of the article will focus on the evaluation of the new city of Sidi Abdellah, which presents a major challenge in terms of urban planning, in an urban context of very strong growth, in territories that continue to be phagocyted by the built.
Impact of Physical Activity and Dietary Programme on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Saudi Women[Full-Text ] Ahlam Saleh Al hajri,Dr.Fiona McCullough,Prof. Andy SalterThis study explores the impact of lifestyle factors on the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) in Saudi Arabian women. The efficacy of reducing energy intake, with or without increased PA, on risk factors associated with MS in overweight Saudi women was investigated in a pilot study. After a four-week programme, incorporating dietary modification alone (D) or in combination with regular vigorous aerobic exercise (D+E), improvements were seen in body composition and a range of metabolic risk factors.
Studying the Performance of Linear Precoding Algorithms based on Millimeter-wave MIMO Communication System[Full-Text ] Rania H. El-abd, Mohamed abd el-azim, Ahmed sh. Samrah, Haythem H. Abdullah, Ahmed abo talbThe main difficulty in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channels is the separation of the data streams which have been sent in parallel. Precoding is a technique which exploits transmission diversity by properly weighing the data stream. This technique will reduce the Perversion effects of the communication channel. In this paper, we have altogether assessed the impact of various linear precoding (LP) algorithms on Millimeter wave MU-MIMO wireless communication system with and without channel state information
Application of Bayesian Chain Ladder Models in Prediction Range Reserves of Motor Vehicle Insurance Claims in Indonesia (Case Study of XYZ Insurance Companies)[Full-Text ] Zaky Nurzamzami, Bona Christanto SiahaanThe main problem often faced by insurance companies is estimating claim reserve. The calculation of claim reserve that is undertaken inaccurately will affect the business operations of the insurance company. The claim reserve estimation method that is commonly undertaken called Chain Ladder method and its variations. Besides, Peters, Targino, and Wuthrich (2017) develop a method namely gamma-gamma Bayesian Chain Ladder.
Neurological manifestations in human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)[Full-Text ] Prashant G Bhusara, Suresh Ban, Supriya Bade, Jailoungam Gonmei Next to Sub-Saharan Africa, India has the second largest burden of HIV related pathology, essentially caused by HIV-1 class C in both the geographic locals, in contrast to USA and Europe, but the prevalence of HIV related neuro infections and pathology is not available due to inadequate medical facilities, social stigma ad ignorance that lead to under diagnosis. All the systems in the body tend to be affected by the HIV virus, but the central nervous systems affection is involved very early in the disease as the virus is neurotropic.
Management Practices of Resorts in Ilocandia : Problems Encountered and Solutions Provided[Full-Text ] JULIE ANN SOLIVEN-BANEZThe study determined the management practices of the resorts in Ilocandia, identified the problems encountered and respondents’ suggested solutions for improvement. The researcher used a descriptive-correlational method. There were 404 respondents from 14 resorts. The researcher used the questionnaire checklist, interview and focus group discussion in gathering data. Frequency,percentage, mean and correlation coefficient analysis were used to treat the data. Ethical protocols were considered. Results showed that the level of marketing and human resource management practices among owners/manager and customers was rated “High” and the level of financial management practices was “Very High”. The source of capitalization of resort and age, civil status, educational attainment and monthly income of the customers are significantly related to marketing management practices. The source of capitalization is inversely related to human resource management practices. Number of years in operations is inversely related to financial management practices. The problems encountered along marketing management resorts was rated “High”. Roads should be improved for accessibility of customers. Owners/managers and staff should improve the advertisement of the resorts. They should provide the guests with the best experiences by giving quality services and amenities. Seawalls should be constructed near the beach resorts. It is highly recommended that the resorts should come out with Manual of Operations that would help relay the standards and procedures of the resorts and guide the managers/owners, staff and customers with the various operations in the different departments.
A Tracer Study On The Civil Engineering Graduates Of The Isabela State University-Ilagan Campus[Full-Text ] Susan C. VallejoThe tracer study sought to determine the employability of Graduates of Bachelor Science in Civil Engineering of ISU-Ilagan Campus for the years 2008 - 2013, and to gather information regarding the relevance of their trainings and assessment of the quality of education obtained at ISU-Ilagan Campus , Isabela.