Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019.
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Estimation Of The Potential Of Rainwater Harvesting For Domestic Use In Arid And Semi-Arid Regions From Mozambique: Study Of Moamba[Full-Text ] Doroteia Hipoldina dos Santos Isaías, Boaventura Chongo Cuamba, António José Leao, Bionídio Enoque BanzeSeveral studies are being carried out globally with the aim of proposing alternative solutions to minimize the water shortage that is now felt in several regions, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions. Therefore, studies related to the Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) become crucial. This study aimed to estimate the potential of rainwater harvesting for the district of Moamba. Rainfall data of 30 years, catchment area as well as runoff coefficient were analyzed.
Design Modification and Comparative Evaluation of Integrated Grain Slurry Milling and Sieving Machine[Full-Text ] O. M. Egwuagu, B. N. NwankwojikeAn integrated machine for processing grain food slurry was modified by replacing its screw conveyor-sieving system with a cake breaker conyeyor-sieve. Comparative performance analysis revealed that this improved the throughput of this machine by 21.86%, 30.31% and 21.25% when maize, millet and soyabean were processed respectively while 38.96%, 42.07% and 33.42% constitute the corresponding increase in its extraction rate. Its specific energy consumption was also reduced by 27.86%, 32.53% and 27.49% with respect to the grains while its average water comsumption rate reduced by 6.9%. Thus, adoption of cake breaker conveyor-sieving system in the development of grain food slurrt processing is recommended.
Data Mining Approach to Analyse and Predict the Student Academic Performance[Full-Text ] Quazi Rayad Uddin, Md. Hasnat Riaz, Md. Auhidur RahmanData mining is a process of extracting interesting pattern from existing dataset and predict the future. It can be used in educational dataset. An Institute has different types of students. All students are provided same facilities and resources. But the academic performance is not same. The academic performance differs because of the way students interact with different resources and the way they utilize this resources are not same. In this case data mining can be used to find out the knowledge from educational dataset. In this research a survey was conducted on the students of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering of Noakhali Science and Technology University. Classify the result into three classes good, average and bad. Apply different types of classifier and find support vector machine and K-nearest neighbor classifiers work more accurately compare to others.
Travelling wave solution of variable-coefficient Burgers equation with variable- parameter tanh method[Full-Text ] Md. Emran Ali, Farjana Bilkis, Gour Chandra Paul, Hasibun Naher, Nasir TaghizadehIn this study, travelling wave solution of variable -coefficient Burgers equation is extracted using variable-parameter tanh method. Implementing this method, the used parameters are assumed to be functions of time. The solutions are found to be of hyperbolic type. For some special values of the parameters, the solitary wave solutions are found. Two particular solutions for some specific values of the parameters involved are plotted as illustrative examples. The approach used in this study is found to be effective and can be implemented in solving various nonlinear evolution equations with variable coefficients.
Factors Affecting Consumers Buying Behavior towards Ayurvedic Product in Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City[Full-Text ] Hema KhanalThis paper aims to analyze whether the product information, price, place and promotion have significant effect on consumers buying behavior towards ayurvedic product in Nepal. A convenient sample of 230 respondents approaching self-administered questionnaires survey from different locations in Butwal has been conducted. Regression analysis were used to explore the relationship between independent variables (Product information, Price Place and Promotion) and dependent variable i.e. consumers buying behavior.
Microbiological Quality assessment of Hemidesmus syrup based Pomegranate Ready to serve (RTS) beverage[Full-Text ] Sudheer.K.V and Prof Kusuma.D.LThe aim of the present microbiological study was to assess the microbial quality of Hemidesmus syrup based Pomegranate ready to serve (RTS) beverage. The blended Ready to serve beverage samples with different proportions of Hemidesmus Indicus syrup and Pomegranate fruit juice treated with various processing methods were tested for their microbial quality. Microbial quality was determined in terms of Total plate count, yeast & molds and coliform count.
Chalcolithic settlement strategies of the Bosáca culture in the White Carpathians[Full-Text ] Filip OndrkálThe paper observes the system strategies of the Bosáca archaeological culture (3200-2800 BC) in the White Carpathians microregion and its adaptation to environmental conditions in order to understand how they could affect its settlement development. The Bosáca intercultural conditions in the relatively small area of the White Carpathians appear to be quite variable (type of settlement, funeral rituals), which can be assumed in the economic aspects of society. In this context, it is necessary to perceive specific sources of the radiolarite in the area of the Vlára pass, because it can be very closely related to the contrasting settlement strategies of one culture in the microregion
Different Physical properties of Few Amino Acids for a Range of Different Temperatures in Aqueous Sodium Acetate Solution[Full-Text ] Richard D' Souza, G. MeenakshiThe physical properties of two basic amino acids namely L-arginine and L-lysine have been studied. The main focus of the work is to study the ultrasonic velocity of those amino acids and also the viscosity and density in aqueous sodium acetate solution at 300K, 305K, 310K, 315K and 320K. With the use of these experimental values, different parameters like adiabatic compressibility, apparent molal volume, apparent molal compressibility, limiting apparent molal volume, limiting apparent molal compressibility, and their constants, transfer volume, transfer adiabatic compressibility, and viscosity B-coefficient of Jones-Dole equation have been calculated. All these different parameters are thoroughly investigated to look for any possible molecular interaction.
Startup Valuation PT Kioson Komesial Indonesia Tbk[Full-Text ] Dipo Pramasida. Zalmi ZubirValuation would be made on PT Kioson Komersial Indonesia Tbk, which was the first Indonesian startup company to be listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). Kioson's business is socio-commerce business by implementing an O2O (online to offline) business model. Kioson works with MSMEs to reach markets that have not been reached by the digital world. The purpose of the Valuation is to estimate the Equity Value and Value per Share of PT Kioson Komersial Indonesia Tbk, as well as the potential and fairness of the Value per Share of PT Kioson Komersial Indonesia Tbk. Method used in this valuation is Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method using two cash flow models, which are Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) and Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE).
Design & Analysis of 2-Dof PID Controller for Speed Control of DC Motor[Full-Text ] Neha Jain, Mr. Hemant Kumar VijayvergiaTo design and analysis 2-Dof PID controller I have done many exercise over the reference paper. In this paper I have work on the 2-dof PID controller. One of the most common applications in all mechatronics domains is the control of DC motors. A number of control algorithms have been projected for such motors, ranging from conventional PID algorithms, to most sophisticated advance methods. This paper propose 2-DOF PID controller for speed control of DC motor. 2-DOF PID controller gives better result compare to PID controller.
Stakeholder Management: State of The Art[Full-Text ] Ayman E. Mashali, Ibrahim A. Motawa, and Mohamed M. Y. ElshikhThis paper aims to provide a summary of several previous studies of effective stakeholder management in construction projects to identify the shortcomings and problems that may be faced by stakeholders in the construction industry. Stakeholders play a significant role in either project success or failure. The effective management of stakeholders in construction projects has a great contribution to the project success, since the stakeholders are a major source of uncertainty in construction project. Stakeholder management is one of the most important project management tools; although there has been some success in areas such as manufacturing industry, the construction industry still has a poor record of stakeholder management during the past decades. Stakeholder management as a central management task requires the right skills and responsibilities in the right places.
Effects of Modulation Index on Induction Motor Application with Hybrid Multilevel Inverter Topology[Full-Text ] Diyoke, Gerald Chidozie, Abunike, E. Chiweta, Onwuka, Ifeanyichukwu KThe research work focuses on the effects of modulation index on induction motor application with hybrid multilevel inverter topology. A low frequency rectified reference sinusoidal waveform is used to compare two triangular carrier signal of a very high frequency. High and low frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) signals are generated for the multilevel power switch controls. H-bridge inverter configuration with a bidirectional switch for voltage divided is adopted for the single-phase induction motor drive due to its optimal performance.
An Alternative Interpretation for Unruh Effect[Full-Text ] Apoorv PandeyThis paper going to represent a new theoretical explanation of the Unruh effect. According to the current status of the Unruh effect, an accelerating observer will perceive an apparent event horizon forming and the existence of Unruh radiation could be linked to this apparent event horizon. In this paper, I review the work of the Unruh and give a slightly different theoretical interpretation of it. According to this interpretation when an observer accelerates, it transforms its energy and momentum (Just like Gravitational frame dragging effect in General Relativity) into the continuously popping in and out virtual particles.
Applications of Cloud Computing in Software Test-ing: Challenges and Issues[Full-Text ] Farzana Bibi, Adnan Naseem, Arsalan Khan, Zia Ullah, Saifullah Khan, Muhammad DilshadCloud computing has become very popular approach which attracts other research areas like software testing process which is general of infinite resources such as accessibility and portability of extended atmosphere of software testing life cycle. Large software is tested in less time in cloud computing that overcome the total cost of software testing process; additionally, cloud computing is helping to build several efficient software testing techniques.
Partial Replacement of Granites with Glass Chips (Glassorazzo) in Concrete Tiles[Full-Text ] Ayeni Paul, Babatunde Oluwatimilehin Adedeji, Dahunsi B.I.OThis study evaluates the effect of partially replacing granite with glass chips (Glassorazzo) in concrete tiles. Two types of Glassorazzo were produced (Louver and broken bottles) and comparisons were made to evaluate the effect of varying percentages of glass in Glassorazzo. Glassorazzo samples having 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% glass content for both types of glass were produced. A maximum curing period of 28 days, and a 0.6 Water-Cement ratio was observed for all samples.
Second reported case of Short-Rib-Polydactyly type III in China with a novel mutation of DYNC2H1 gene detected by Next Generation Sequencing[Full-Text ] Allybocus Zubair AkbarShort ribs polydactyly syndrome is part of a spectrum of ciliopathies with overlapping syndrome but distinct genes A 31-years old pregnant woman at 17 weeks gestation was referred to our Genetic and Prenatal diagnosis center after having abnormal antenatal ultrasound findings including extremely narrow fetal thorax.
Posture and Motion Analysis on Operation of Two- Wheel Tractor with Trailer used as a Transportation[Full-Text ] Muhammad Dhafir, Tineke Mandang, Wawan Hermawan, Muhammad Faiz SyuaibTwo-wheel tractor that is used to pull trailer as a means of transportation have weaknesses when the tractor turns. The tractor handle-bars move away from the operator, resulting in the position of the handlebars being out of control of the operator so that the operator must bend to turn the tractor. done to fix it. There are three types of work elements which are analyzed when driving a two-wheel tractor as a means of transportation, namely the movement of a straight tractor, the tractor's movement turns <45 °, and the tractor's movement turns> 45 °.
ANALYSIS OF ANTENNA RADIATION EFFECTS ON HUMAN BODY TISSUES[Full-Text ] Preetha DullesMicrostrip antennas are relatively inexpensive to manufacture and design because of the simple 2-dimensional physical geometry. In this pa-per, a microstrip patch antenna for ISM2450 band is designed. This paper also presents the effect of electromagnetic waves on a model of the human skin exposed to the antenna designed. The results for reflection coefficient, VSWR and radiation pattern are presented. The simu-lation analysis was performed using the HFSS software.
Computationally Efficient Stratified Flow Wet Angle Correlation for High Resolution Simulations[Full-Text ] Olusola Oloruntoba, Fuat KaraIn high resolution two-phase pipe flow simulations, such as slug capturing simulation for liquid-gas pipe flow, explicit calculation of stratified flow wet angle has been proposed to improve computational speed of simulations. Most phenomenological and approximate models for obtaining reliable predictions for stratified flow wet angle employ iterative methods or contain long explicit equations which reduce computational efficiency of these models in high-resolution simulations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to adapt a simple mathematical model for predicting stratified flow wet angle to achieve computationally efficient high-resolution liquid-gas pipe flow simulations.
The Relationship between Product Browsing on Instagram and Shopping Motivation, and its Effects on Purchase Intention, Word-of-mouth Intention and Impulse Buying[Full-Text ] NURI HANDAYANIIn business, every marketer wants consumers to know about information of the its product. Before existence of internet, to get information consumers could look for it through newspaper, magazine, television or radio. Unlike today, consumers who want to get information can easily accessing the internet through smartphone, tablets or personal computers. As for development of social media, which has continued to grow in the past ten years has become channel or pathway to market and inform the products.
An Attempt to Design and Implement Contiki and Cooja Regression Test Suites using Combinatorial Testing[Full-Text ] Abhinandan H Patil, Krishnan RangarajanAlthough several studies have been conducted on regression test selection, augmentation, prioritization, and pruning, regression test suite creation is performed in an ad hoc manner for most software systems by selecting a few crucial parameters and their combinations. Regression test suite creation can be rigorously approached by using the combinatorial testing (CT) method. Although this approach is advantageous, it has been used in only a few cases. This paper presents a practical approach for applying CT and augmenting the Contiki and Cooja base regression test suites with the National Institute of Standards and Technology tools.
Functional Test Case Generator for Contiki Operating System and Cooja Simulator[Full-Text ] Abhinandan H. PatilEvolving multi-parameter, multi-configuration systems require regression test suite that can be customized. This is in terms of run time. Run time can be customized by generating the combinations using combinatorial techniques. For systems like Contiki operating system, the test cases need to be executed in its simulator Cooja. Executing test cases in a simulator requires functional test cases to be generated from the combinatorial parameter combinations obtained. In this work we present a methodology to generate the functional test cases. We present Functional Test Case Generator for Contiki and Cooja (FTCGCC), which is a tool developed using our methodology. We demonstrate use of our tool by generating customizable regression test suite for Contiki and Cooja using code coverage as criteria. FTCGCC is developed for the test case generation when target System Under Test is IoT operating system Contiki and its simulator Cooja.
Development and control of a low cost Exoskeleton system with an interactive HMI designed for paraplegic children[Full-Text ] Elouarzi Abdelkarim, Sedra Moulay Brahim This article sheds light on the design and control of a lower limb exoskeleton system named NOD-P developed to assist paralyzed children with neurological diseases such as spinal cord injury (SCI) to move their lower limb and perform a gait motion. The device consists of a powered robotic device capable to operate effectively and synchronously with the human muscle-skeletal system. First, the mechatronic design presented and detailed. Second, a closed loop control system for exoskeleton developed and simulated using Matlab-Simulink. In the end, a novel human machine interface presented to ensure an interactive interface between the patient and the exoskeleton.
Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Environmental protection strategy in the rangelands of Fafan Zone, Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Esayas Elias Churko, Fikre ZerfuEncroachments by Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and undesirable woody plants on the rangeland have been one of threat for the pastoral production system in Eastern Ethiopia. As a consequence a study was conducted in three weredas (districts) of the Fafan zone of the Somali region, eastern Ethiopia. The main objective of the study was to identify IAS encroaching the rangelands. In this study six different rangeland sites were selected, and a total of 114 belts transect were used for vegetation census, sample collection, and identification.
Nano-finishing of low and high GSM single jersey knitted cotton fabrics[Full-Text ] Aparna Kumar, Krishna Prasad NooralabettuNano finishes for textile substrates is an emerging promising frontier with immense and numerous scopes both to the industry and consumers. An effort was made to develop nanofinish textiles with potential commercial application and benefits of the nanofinish were established by perform-ing the advantageous features of treated fabrics with those of the untreated ones. Low and high GSM single jersey knitted fabrics were procured and nano-finished with by spray technique through unexposed screen frame. Fabric stiffness, crease recovery angle, drape, colour fastness to washing, antimicrobial assessment, reaction to staining agents and localised application on garment of both treated and untreated fabrics were performed. The results found are favourable and encouraging.
Analytical Study of Different Solvents for Phytochemical Extraction Potential from Costus igneus (stem, leaves, root)[Full-Text ] Abdullah Mohammed Aladhreai, Dr. Shazia JamalThe phytochemicals present in the Costus igneus plant is known to be responsible for its medicinal properties, to cure many diseases like diabetes . However, The present study was undertaken to compare the effect of using different extraction solvents to extract the active components like tannins, phlobatannins, saponin flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids and cardiac glycosides from the dried leaves ,stems and roots of the Costus igneus plant
Managing of tailing's stability against earthquakes impact[Full-Text ] Prof. ass.dr. Kemajl ZeqiriManaging of mining industry is becoming a worldwide concern and this for two reasons, first (i); society have been and continue to be depending on mineral resources exploitation, in order to meet their needs, which means the tailing creation will continue and second (ii); the challenges on managing of environment protection against mining industry. Impact in tailing stability is just a component of tailing management.
CNC MILLING PORTABLE PM 1035 ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Ernest, Isdaryanto IskandarCNC milling portable PM 1035 is the machine has been created to provide educational needs. The draft obtained is a table that holds the workpiece of wood equipped with a vertical and horizontal milling chisel equipped with a drive system with a stepper motor controlled by Break Out Board / interface TB6560 as a liaison between CNC machine and computer, with frame size with 210mm long engine dimension, width 195mm, 280mm height.
Effect of Shear Wall Location on the Response of Multi Story Buildings Under Seismic Loads[Full-Text ] Dr. Abdulamir Atalla Almayah , Rahman G. TareshMulti-story concrete buildings under the action of earthquake are analyzed by using time-history analysis. Base shear and floor displacements for different locations of shear wall are examined under the action of the well-known ground motion records of El Centro, California in 1940. The modelling and analysis are conducted by using the general purpose finite element software SAP2000 V14.cases of building height, which are 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 stories, and seven arrangements of shear wall locations are explored. The total number of cases studies analyzed are 35 combinations of building, for each of them the story displacement, base shear, story drift, roof displacement and fundamental time period are determined and discussed.
LIGHTNING PROTECTION ACCORDING NFC 17-102[Full-Text ] Koko Agustinus CH, Isdaryanto IskandarEse lightning protection have been widely used for protect structure including their contents as well as persons. But with the wide applications and demand, new problem arise, the most serious incident structure struck by lightning even already put ese lightning protection near location, because of the failure of protection led to debate whether the lightning rod was proven or not proven function to protect, made it difficult for ESEAT to get permission to install it on buildings on Jakarta.
Implementation of machine learning algorithms for different datasets using python programming language[Full-Text ] Renuka sagar, Dr U ErannaWSNs have tremendous potential for building powerful applications, each with its own individual characteristics and requirements. Developing efficient algorithms that are suitable for many different application scenarios is a challenging task. .sensor network designers characterize machine learning as a collection of tools and algorithms that are used to create prediction models. However, machine learning experts recognize it as a rich field with very large themes and patterns. machine learning algorithms provide tremendous flexibility benefits. machine learning algorithms can be categorized by the intended structure of the model
Congestion Control and Multipath Routing Technique in MANET: A Survey[Full-Text ] Kanchan Narware, Rajat paliwal, Chetan AgrwalIn mobile ad hoc network (MANET), congestion is one of the most important restrictions that deteriorate the performance of the entire communication network. Multipath routing can balance the load better than the single path routing in mobile ad hoc network, thus reducing the congestion by dividing the traffic in several paths. The performance of the network can be improved by using a load balancing mechanism. Such a technique transfers work from heavy loaded nodes to lightly loaded nodes. The objective of this paper to presents survey of congestion control multipath routing is to improve the reliability and throughput and favor load balancing.
Noise Reduction in All Optical 2R Regenerator Using Self Phase Modulation[Full-Text ] Atiya Sanjida, Aysha Siddika, Nasrin Sultana, Dr. Md. Sazzadur RahmanIn this work a Comparison has been made between stages before using regenerator and after regeneration. It is observed that the degradation stage is noisier than regeneration stage. SPM induced spectral broadening has been visualized in frequency domain. 2R Regenerator performance in the regeneration stages for various transmitting power of different fiber length of SMF has been analyzed. These results are simulated in Optisystem software. The BER measurement vs. average received power curve for HNLF has been visualized in MATLAB.
The Nurse - Patient Ratio And Its Impact On Patient Outcome In Selected Urban And Rural Government Hospitals[Full-Text ] Angoori Singh, Dr. Karesh Prasad"A study was conducted "To assess the Nurse Patients Ratio and its impact on patients' outcome in selected Urban and Rural hospitals of Madhya Pradesh". A non-experimental comparative survey research design was used in the study seven hospitals (Two Urban and five Rural hospitals) were included in the study. The sampling was done by multistage technique. Duration for data collection was from August to Sept 2017.
My First Contribution to Solve Problems Related to Size of the Payload Associated with SMCs Using Trusted Pals[Full-Text ] Mr.S.Samson Dinakaran, Dr.M.DevapriyaSecure Multiparty Computation(SMC) (also known as secure computation or multi-party computation/MPC) is a subfield of cryptography with the goal of creating methods for parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. TrustedPals allows reducing SMC to the problem of fault-tolerant consensus between smartcards, where only process crashes and message omissions may take place. Hence, within the redesign aimed at incorporating failure detection, we investigate the problem of solving consensus in such an omission failure model augmented with failure detectors. This papers covers about the contribution to solve some of the SMC problems by considering the size of the payload is to be chosen. It is necessary to find an acceptable tradeoff between security and performance such that a message size provides better security in expense of worse performance..
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JOB CHARACTERISTICS, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND JOB SATISFACTION[Full-Text ] MOHAMED ALI BURMAD, Ahmed Abdul Malik, KHALDOUN NAJATIThe main purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between job characteristics, organizational cul-ture and job satisfaction of the employees working in Malaysian call centers. Call centers work to have a distinct set of stressors including lower levels of job control or autonomy, limited task variety, and higher levels of job demand and uncertainty. A review of extant literature on job characteristics, organizational culture and job satis-faction suggests that there is lack of generalizability of research findings concerning the job application to job satisfaction. Thus, there is a need to redesign the jobs of call centers employees by allowing the presence of spe-cific job characteristics that would have a positive influence on job satisfaction. The proposed preliminary framework is both original and unique that will hopefully contribute towards the enrichment of the relevant lit-erature.
A Comparative Study of Neural Network and Fuzzy Neural Network for Classification[Full-Text ] S. Leoni Sharmila, C.Dharuman, P.VenkatesanThere are heaps of information discovered identified with sickness on the planet which can't be dealt physically. Data mining is one of the essential ideas which gives pertinent data about dataset and create relationship among the information. In like manner, early finding of sicknesses is imperative in biomedical field. As of now, different Artificial Intelligence systems is across the board, these procedures help doctors as a finding partner. The data mining classification techniques, namely Neural Networks and Fuzzy Neural Network are analyzed on Thoracic data. The performance of these techniques is compared, based on accuracy.
Application of Fuzzy Differential Evolutionary Algorithms in Biological Data Mining[Full-Text ] S.Poongothai, C.Dharuman, P. VenkatesanIn the world, everyday massive quantity of statistics being generated at a fee some distance higher than via which it could be tested by means of human comprehension alone, data mining became an essential undertaking for extracting as plenty useful data from this statistical data as possible. The standardized data mining techniques are appropriate enough to a positive extent but they are restrained by some limitations, and particularly for those cases that evolutionary approaches performs greater as well as extra capable. In this paper, a nature inspired evolutionary strategies is used for data mining with unique connection with Differential algorithm. We additionally expand to the hybrid algorithms- Fuzzy Differential Algorithms.
The Physical and Psychological Elements of Urban Spatial Integration[Full-Text ] Obiadi Bons N., Onochie, A. OThe primary concern of architecture and urban design has always been the health and comfort of the users. While that may seem obvious to some school of thoughts, the fact remains that, most practicing architects and planners are not fundamentally grounded in the areas of architectural principles, theories and urban elements guiding the spatial emergence and integration of urban spaces for the comfort of the users. Objectively, the aim of this study is to create awareness and point to the fact that, architects and other urban actors have in the past, designed models to direct positive growth and development in their communities, but have failed to properly implement the physical and psychological elements of urban spatial integration and that is detrimental to their built environments and especially, in architecture, urban spaces and infrastructure.
Méthode de Recherche : Grille d'Analyse d'un Travail Scientifique[Full-Text ] Boukary Kassogué, Pascal Tabiemo Kassogué, Sory DoloCet article a pour objet de guider les étudiants, les jeunes chercheurs, les professeurs et enseignants à bien rédiger et diriger une thèse, un mémoire ou un article scientifique. Nous sommes parvenus à réaliser cet article suite aux travaux scientifiques de plusieurs auteurs qui se sont donné la peine d'éclairer le monde scientifique par des écrits qui oblige à respecter un certain nombre de critères.