Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019.
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Analysis Of CPEC Project; Economical, Political, Social And Strategic Views As Per Project Dimension[Full-Text ] Abdul Ghani MamdaniGwadar Port is located on the shores of the Arabian Sea in the western province of Baluchistan. CPEC project has stimulated the economic development in Pakistan, signifies the brighter business growth prospects in future with respect to the new industrial zone & job opportunities in the transport, hotel, construction, cement and steel industries which positively reflect Pakistan's economy, Political and public lifestyle. all independent power projects (IPPs) is planned to introduce by 2025 with total Chinese investor's investment as per agreement. Pakistan has guaranteed for 17% of the profit to China on cost
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON WATERBORNE DISEASES ON LOCAL COMMUNITY:A CASE STUDY OF PHALIA DISTRICT MANDI BAHA-UD-DIN (PAKISTAN)[Full-Text ] Maryam Alamgir Climate change is becoming a clear threat to the development of Phalia City because it not only has an adverse impact on the environment and the economy, but also has a negative impact on the social aspects, including public health. In climate health outcomes, infectious diseases, namely malaria, dengue fever, water and food borne diseases, and rodent diseases are becoming a key disease. In view of this, the study aimed to study the views of experts and the public on the health effects of infectious diseases caused by climate change. This study was conducted in Phalia City by using of quantitative and qualitative method used in this research.
Application of Point to Point Method in Determining Participation Rate for Unit Linked Product with Minimum Guarantee[Full-Text ] Tamara Putri Andini, Bona Christanto SiahaanThe investment results of unit link products with stock investment strategies produce higher returns but tend to have higher investment risk as well. To avoid the investment risk, this study discusses insurance contracts with Equity Indexed Annuity (EIA) using a point to point method that provides a minimum guaranteed interest rate by taking into account the participation rate of the insured that determines the amount of profit sharing from investment so that the insured and insurance companies both benefit considering the condition of stock price movements in Indonesia. This study shows that the higher the guaranteed interest rate given to unit link contracts, the lower the participation rate at the policy. This study also show that higher stock volatility provides a lower participation rate.
Evaluation and analysis of the Major Security Systems Deployed on Telecommunications Cell Sites[Full-Text ] Kwaku Boateng, Isaac Hanson, Owusu Nyarko-Boateng, Amevi Acakpovi Telecommunications companies, also known as Mobile Network Operators (MNO) and tower owners have suffered theft of items on their cell sites ranging from battery backup systems, generator fuel and other valuable items because of lack of proper security systems deployed on their cell sites. This paper examined and evaluated the major security systems deployed on the cell sites, assessed their effectiveness, cost implications of implementation and recommended possible improvements of the security systems.
Secure Road Barrier[Full-Text ] Mohammad Asaad Subih, Dr. Nadeem Qaiser, Adeel Shahzad, Jamshaid Am-jadSecure Road Barrier is an automated speed breaker, which works on the real-time speed detection. Problem for the traveling vehicles on the roads are Speed Breakers and the installed hurdles i.e. Cat eyes and barriers. These are the most annoying things on the road disrupting the flow of traffic on the roads, which cause the damage to the vehicles and sometimes resulting in the fatal accidents. Secure road barrier will detect the speed of vehicles by using smart sensors and acts in reaction. If the speed of the vehicle is greater than the set-up speed limit the breaker will move up and if speed is less then speed limit the speed breaker will stay at its initial position which is down the road (at the road level). Our system is an Arduino based system which uses the state-of-the-art Infrared Sensors (IR. Sensor) for detecting the speed of the vehicle on the road.
Evaluation of Airport Flexible Pavement HMA Fatigue Using FAARFIELD[Full-Text ] Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sharkawi Attia"Federal Aviation Administration Rigid & Flexible Iterative Layered Elastic Design (FAARFIELD)" software is considered one of the most effective software for airport pavement design. FAARFIELD considers the cumulative damage factor (CDF) in the subgrade for the design of airport pavement layers. Though the software can calculate the damage within hot mix asphalt (HMA) layer, limited work was conducted to evaluate impact of aircraft types and pavement design on the fatigue within HMA layer. This paper investigates the impact of different aircraft models on pavement thickness design, subgrade CDF and HMA CDF for different classes of subgrade. The paper identifies the cases where the design will be controlled by the subgrade damage and the cases where the design will be controlled by HMA damage.
Enhanced Least Significant Bit Technique for Hiding a Text Message in an Image Cover Object[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Taleb A.S. ObaidMaintaining the security of information is the most significant factor of information technology and communication since the growth of the internet technology implementation. Fast transferring of data from the source to destination should be entirely safe. Safekeeping the data from penetration by hackers and altering the content of the transferred data is essential objective in communication.
A proposal of sustainable and integrated plant for jute fiber extraction in an eco-friendly manner[Full-Text ] Mithun Kumar Biswas, Khan Mohammad Ridwan-Ul-Risty, Anupa DattaThe modern manufacturing industry is facing a great number of challenges to establish green sustainability to lessen the threats formed by decadent civilization gradually for years, is the issue itself to solve with proposed solutions from all over the world can invite further unrec-ognized problems which may leave the situation unbearable. Jute is one of the bast fibers which has been proposed widely to accept and marketed as eco-friendly raw material for finished goods production, especially textiles.
DETERMINANTS OF INTERPERSONAL VALUES AND MORALE OF FACULTY IN STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES OF REGION, CAR AND NCR[Full-Text ] Jose P. PichayThis research endeavor was undertaken in order to loo k into the different determinants of interpersonal values and morale of faculty of the different state universities and colleges of Region I, CAR and NCR.
The Cognitive Power Meter using Raspberry pi[Full-Text ] Dr.B.Gopinath, T.Ramya, V.Sevvanthi and T.Sathiya priyaA smart meter is one of the smart electronic devices that analyzes the usage of electrical energy and transfers the information to the electricity supplier for monitoring and billing. Smart meters measure the energy consumption regularly with various intervals. The smart meter is important component for displaying energy uses and useful for collecting information at any time. A smart meter is digital power meter with high communications capabilities - it is not actually smart. Load disaggregation is used to find which load is consuming more energy and disable the loads. A smart meter incorporating load disaggregation intelligence can be seen as going farther the traditional smart meter - called as cognitive power meter (c-meter).
COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AMONG EDUCATION STUDENTS IN NORTHERN LUZON[Full-Text ] Luzviminda Padios-RelonEducational institutions exist as indispensable agents that would bring change in the society. One of its challenges is geared towards the holistic development of every learner. This great challenge is doubled on teacher education institutions for these are tasked to develop the molders of the future generation. Consequently, teacher education institutions play pivotal role in developing future effective, efficient, and productive teachers including leaders.
OPTIMIZING STUDENTS WRITING PROFICIENCY USING METALINGUISTIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK[Full-Text ] Honorato P. PatuboThis study determined the effect of metalinguistic corrective feedback on the writing proficiency of the 30 second year Bachelor in Secondary Education major in English students at the College of Teacher Education, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City during the Second Semester, School Year 2015-2016. It likewise looked into the students' level of writing proficiency before and after the use of the corrective feedback.
Study and Analysis Of "OSI, TCP-IP AND IPX-SPX" Models[Full-Text ] Dr. Eng.: Loie Naser Mahmud NimrawiThe purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare the models of OSI, TCP-IP and IPX-SPX layers and to identify the types of protocols used in these models and their applications. Moreover, this paper will explain the functions of each layer and mechanisms of data transfer.
Usability Evaluation Of An University Admission Portal[Full-Text ] Bilal Bin Ijaz, Faizan Saeed, Dr.Nadeem QaiserLot of universities have their online presence to provide information globally about their programs. Most of them have their online admission portals (OAP), but they are not user-friendly that's why students prefer to submit the application manually. There are a lot of ways such as surveys, interviews, Card Sort, Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules, Heuristics etc. to evaluate and enhance the usability of online admission portals (OAP) to provide the user-friendly system to students. In this research we are going to use Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules on an online admission portal of University Of Lahore (UOL), these set of rules and guidelines will head us in the right direction and allow us to spot major usability issues. We have found the main usability issues in the OAP if they fixed them they can target most of the students to submit their applications by using it.
Internet Addiction and Anti-Social Internet Behavior Among Students of Social Sciences of University of Punjab[Full-Text ] Naseem Sarfraz, Waqas Siddique, Muneeba KhanumThere is a growing consciousness about the existence of a new psychiatric disorder Internet Addiction. Recently there has been much concern all over the world regarding a relationship between Internet addiction and antisocial internet behavior. Present study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between Internet Addiction and Antisocial behavior of students. This research attempted to find out perceptions and practices of antisocial internet behavior (ASB) among University students of Social Sciences Departments in Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Evaluation and Development of the Available Methods of Predicting Capacities of Driven Piles Embedded in Basra Soil[Full-Text ] Dr. Haider S. Al-Jubair, Dr. Mushtaq R. DahamThe ultimate capacities of single piles utilized in ten projects in Basra-Iraq are evaluated using: various interpretations of pile load test results; several static methods based on site investigation programs; wave equation via (GRLWEAP) and the finite element method via (PLAXIS-3D). For the well-behaved tests, it is realized that the load-settlement data can be best fitted by a hyperbola. Accordingly, Rollberg method well-harmonizes the test results and allows various interpretation methods to be applied on the extrapolated curves. It is found that, the static methods spread over a wide range of values. With a safety factor of (2.8), the allowable capacities of driven piles are estimated properly via the wave equation.
Implementation of bharatanatyam through natyakrama among hearing impaired children[Full-Text ] Sparsha shenoy,Dr.K.KumarThe present study was an attempt to implement and teach bharatantayam technically through use of natyakrama for hearing impaired children. During this study the participants were taught bharatantayam dance movements concentrating on their sensory motor skills, gross and fine motor skills, cognitive, social and perceptual skills.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Attitudes Toward Brands and Attitudes Toward Instagram Ads, and Their Effects on Behavioral Intention on Social Media Instagram[Full-Text ] Fakhri Subhana HaitiWith the development of technology to information systems, the ease of accessing particular content has lead consumers to use online-based digital media. In recent years, social media has become increasingly prevalent as a business and communication means. Since its first launch, Instagram has become one of the fastest growing social networks, this is what makes Instagram an effective marketing means for companies. This study aimed to determine attitude and analyze the factors that can influence the attitude of Instagram users towards Instagram ads marketing communication activities. Moreover, this study also aimed to determine the effect of attitude towards the brand and attitude towards Instagram ads may affect behavioral intention.
IBNR and RBNS Claim Reserves Modeling With Poisson Process Approach In MSE- Credit Insurance Product[Full-Text ] Bambang Kuncoro, Yogo PurwonoThe challenge faced by insurance companies that sell MSE credit insurance products is the lack of data related to financial/business information. While the role of insurance companies as Collateral Substitution Institution requires insurance companies to be able to carry out robust risk management and modeling.
Design Modification and Comparative Evaluation of Integrated Grain Slurry Milling and Sieving Machine[Full-Text ] O. M. Egwuagu, B. N. NwankwojikeAn integrated machine for processing grain food slurry was modified by replacing its screw convey-sieving system with a cake breaker conyey-sieve. Comparative performance analysis revealed that this improved the throughput of this machine by 21.86%, 30.31% and 21.25% when maize, millet and soyabean were processed respectively while its extraction rate increased by 38.96%, 42.07% and 33.42%. Its specific energy consumption was also reduced by 27.86%, 32.53% and 27.49% with respect to the grains while its average water comsumption rate reduced by 6.9%. Thus, adoption of cake breaker convey-sieving system in the development of grain food slurrt processing is recommended.
MEASURING FACTOR AFFECTING PROFITABILTY OF INSURANCE INDUSTRY OF USA AND UK BY USING GMM MODEL[Full-Text ] Anam BatoolThe insurance sector play vital role in the development of any economy in the world. According to the empirical and theoretical literature, the insurance companies are influenced by different factors. These factors can be financial factors as well as macro factors.
QUASI-P NORMAL AND QUASI-n-P NORMAL COMPOSITION, WEIGHTED COMPOSITION AND COMPOSITE MULTIPILICATION OPERATORS[Full-Text ] D. Senthilkumar and N. RevathiIn this paper we characterized quasi-P normal, quasi-n-P normal composition, weighted composition, composite multiplication operators
Taxation impact on Development in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Hafiz Muhammad Zahid, Sarfraz Ahmad, Muhammad Arham khanThe objective of the research is to find out the "Taxation impact on Development in Pakistan" In this research data is used from (1985-2015) and data is taken from WDI and various uses of the economic survey. In my study, I use the variables Human Development Index (HDI) is a dependent variable and independent variables are Taxes, National Savings, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Trade Opens and Inflation. In this research, the ADF technique is used to check the stationary and ARDL technique is applied.
Digital Marketing Maximization Effort through SWOT Assessment: A Case Study of an Automotive Component Firm[Full-Text ] Gladys Chrystie Monalisa, Ir. Hasnul Suhaimi, MBAThis particular study is held to identify both the marketing problems faced by a small-medium sized automotive component maker firm in Cikarang, Indonesia, and the possible solutions, for it to subsist and sustain its position in the competition. Focusing the entire research on the business activities of PT. Hudiya Hayat Hanif, the data collection method was done through In-Depth interviews and observations. As for the data analysis, this study predominantly incorporated the assessment resulted from SWOT analysis as the base ground to seek the most critical problems faced by the firm and also to identify the most resolvable ones at the time being. Hence, further solutions such as digital marketing is decided as the most feasible solutions, along with other alternative solutions, to be taken to abate the business challenges currently faced by the aforementioned firm.
CONTEXTUAL INVITATIONS IN THE TEXTBOOK AND ALL RELATED DIMENSIONS TO TRANSACT THE MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM AT SECONDARY LEVEL[Full-Text ] Dr.Minikumari DMathematics has provided a rational organization of natural phenomena. The concepts, methods, and conclusions of Mathematics are the substratum of the Physical Sciences. Mathematics has brought life to the dry bones of disconnected facts and served as connective tissue, binding a series of detached observations into bodies of science. For the teacher of integrity this "tailoring of the educational environment'' is a complex operation.
DEFENCE AGAINST DIFFERENT APPROACHES OF PASSWORD HACKING IN CONTEXT TO PAKISTAN [Full-Text ] Imran Mazhar, Maria Latif, Tamoor Wakeel, Iqra AmjadTechnology has flourished and impacted our lives like never before. With the ever-increasing impact of technology the issues related to technology have increased. Specifically, the issues related to the passwords hacking and password breakouts gave rise to a new alarming situation. In this research, we discuss how hackers started hacking passwords in the USA in the beginning. It describes different types of tools and applications i.e. Cain and Abel, John the ripper that uses CPU core to crack the password etc. This research also provides information of how and which type of passwords users select i.e. mnemonics and randomly generated a password and also discuss all the types of passwords i.e. textual, graphical passwords etc. and identify the different methods of attacks for hacking them i.e. dictionary attack, hybrid and brute force approaches. By the study of existing research, we identify which hacking method is most common in history and analyze the appropriate used solution to prevent password hacking.
Assessment the Factors Related to Low Birth Weight on Tertiary Hospitals of Sylhet City in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Israt Jahan1, Md Ranzu Ahmed2, SM Muraduzzaman3Low birth weight (LBW) is one of the major health problems of children both in developed and developing countries. It is one of the most serious challenges in maternal and child health. Its public health significance may be ascribed to numerous factors - high incidence, association with physical and mental retardation, high risk of perinatal and infant mortality and morbidity, human wastage and suffering, the very cost of special care and intensive care units and its association with socio economic under development.
Performance Analysis of Decision Tree Algorithm C5.0 using Heavy metal contamination in agricultural soil at Coimbatore[Full-Text ] R.Beulah,Dr. M. PunithavalliThe quality of agricultural soil is significant to human health; however soil contagion is a severe problem in India. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been found to be among the major soil contaminants in India. PAH derivatives could be more lethal but their dimensions in soils are exceptionally restricted. Human activities, such as land use change, cause brutal land dilapidation in many ecosystems around the globe with prospective impacts on soil processes. Cadmium (Cd), Lead(Pb), Copper(Cu), Zinc(Zc), Nickel(Ni) infectivity of top soil and victual crops is a everywhere ecological quandary that has resulted from unrestrained industrialization, indefensible urbanization and exhaustive agricultural practices.
Explaining the Trends of NBA Strategy through the Lens of Human Risk Tolerance[Full-Text ] Justin ChungThe game of basketball has transformed dramatically. Throughout the entire NBA, and in all levels of basketball, more three-point shots are attempted. While the obvious explanation of the increased role of analytics would suffice, it does not explain why it has happened so late. The expected value of a three-point shot has been higher than a regular two-point shot for several decades.
Development and Evaluation of Infomercial of Cagayan State University at Aparri, North Luzon,Philippines[Full-Text ] Julieta B. BabasThis study developed and evaluated an Infomercial using Flash and further produced with video/audio editor software for widest information dissemination. Its features include the history, VMGO, organizational structure, curricular offerings, and year-round accomplishment reports of Cagayan State University. The Infomercial is a "play-as-it-goes" that once loaded it will automatically play until it will be closed. It offers portability that it can also be accessed from smartphones. The study used two-phase process method, the development of the system (first phase) and its consequent evaluation (second phase). Results showed that the developed system helped a lot in improving the existing processes of information dissemination.
Tool for Detecting Irregular Patterns in the Use of Automated Teller Machine Card Using K-Means Algorithm[Full-Text ] Benjamin Mensah, Dr. J B Hayfron Acquah, Sylvester AkpahThe introduction of automated teller machine (ATM) cards in the financial sector has come with a lot of merits by making money almost available everywhere and at all times, The ATM cards are designed to mainly benefit people but when the ATM card gets into the hands of a wrong person with the secret PIN known by a popularly means called shoulder surfing or any other means the wrongful person at that time can perform a lot of unauthorized transactions. The task of this thesis is to come out with an algorithm to detect irregular ATM card usage patterns by means of questionnaires. The results from the analyses will aid come up with an algorithm to detect irregular patterns from transactions carried out by ATM card users.
Sanitation access, knowledge and practices gaps in urban informal settlements and their perceived effects on household's livelihoods in Mathare slums, Nairobi City County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Cosmas Mang'uu, Dr. Nason VundiBackground: Sanitation access in Kenyan's urban informal settlements is still low owing to the challenges of high, uncontrolled urbaniza-tion estimated to 1.2- 5% annual growth, low profile on sanitation compared to other services like water and governance issues such as institutional fragmentation, coordination issues and low fiscal allocations, research gaps and inadequate commitment leading to low actual expenditure in the sector. The study collected data on household's sanitation access, knowledge and practices and analysed data on how sanitation access, knowledge and practice gaps affected household's livelihoods in Mathare slums in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
The Effect of Career Growth Opportunities and Ethical Climate towards Turnover Intention of Auditors in Accounting Firm[Full-Text ] Gloria Anastasia PriscillaThis study aims to demonstrate the role of ethical climate and career growth opportunities towards auditors' turnover intention in accounting firm in Jakarta, Indonesia. Total respondents in this study are 210 people. The respondents are auditors who are permanent employee and in non-managerial position. This study use SEM as data analysis method. This study is expected to contribute to turnover intention issue in companies, specifically auditors. Result of the study shows that there is a positive and significat association between career growth opportunities and turnover intention However, ethical climate effects turnover intention negative and significant.
12- Points Requirement Prioritization Framework-Based on Mathematical Model and Pitfalls of Existing Prioritization Techniques[Full-Text ] Arvind KumarSoftware development or any other projects facing multiple requirements, budgetary constraints, and tight deadlines often necessitate the need to prioritize stakeholder's requirements. At some point, it's usually necessary to make decisions on which set of requirements need to be implemented first and which ones can be delayed till a later release. On a small project, the stakeholders can probably agree on requirement priorities informally. Larger or more contentious projects need a more structured approach, which removes some of the emotion, politics, and guesswork from prioritization
EMPIRICAL STUDY OF TIME TO LAPSE FROM LIFE INSURANCE PARTICIPANTS USING SURVIVAL ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Rizky Pradian Sukma, S.Si, Dr. Yogo Purwono FRMEvery life insurance company tries to maintain the degree of persistence of the policy. If many customers drop out of contracts in the middle of the insurance period (lapse), it will influence the number of premiums and insurance reserves that will be formulated. This research study considers the estimated survival opportunities and lapses rates for term life insurance products in the agency business line at PT Asuransi XYZ with an observation period of January 1st, 2013 to December 2017 using truncated data and right sensors.
Pure Premium Estimation Towards Zero Inflated Claim Data of Accident Insurance Through the Generalized Linear Model[Full-Text ] Fara Fathia, Yogo PurwonoThis thesis aims to estimate pure premium towards zero inflated claim data of accident insurance through the Generalized Linear Model (GLM). This study focuses on modeling the claim frequency data with excess zeros through the Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression to bridge the gap between previous studies where it is generally assumed to be distributed in Poisson. Gamma regression is used to estimate the parameter of severity. Pure premiums are estimated by multiplying the frequency and severity in assumption of independence. The data is obtained from accident insurance company PT ABC.