Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019.
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Two drive modes for the vehicle[Full-Text ] Rajat Ganechari, Prashant Bhandarkavthekar, Aditya Dudka, Ajay Rathod, Dr. Shriniwas Metan, Vikram BiranganeLooking at the current fuel price hike, private transport is progressively getting to be unviable for the normal man. Fuel consumption of bikes increases when you are driving on a slope and in substantial rush hour traffic where you have to switch the gear over and over again, also driving the bike in the lower gear. In the event that you change over to battery mode in these street conditions, this issue can be survived.
Why Paid tools are better than Selenium in Agile environment[Full-Text ] Prashant Xavier LopesMany organizations prefer Selenium webdriver over any Paid tool. In this paper I tried to showcase why any paid tool is better than Selenium.
The Influence of Employee Voice and Employee Resilience to Turnover Intention through Emotional Exhaustion as Mediator on Industrial Garment Workers in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Afifah Thohiroh, Aryana SatryaThis study aims to examine the roles of employee voice and resilience to turnover intention through emotional exhaustion as mediator. This study is a part of a research project between Universitas Indonesia (UI), Tufts University (TU), and Real-Time Analytics (RTA) Vietnam. Data were collected with questionnaires to a sample of 2.867 garment workers on five provinces in Indonesia and supported by few focus group discussions. After reliability and validity of the measurements confirmed, structural equation modelling conducted to examine the hypothesised relationships. The main findings were: emotional exhaustion complementary mediate the relationship between employee voice and turnover intention, and competitively mediate the relationship between employee resilience and turnover intention.
Software Engineering Process Model: A cost and quality enhancive technique[Full-Text ] Mohammad Asaad Subih, Maria Latif, Jamshaid AmjadThe Software industry has flourished and changed our lives in a way like never before. The software is considered as paramount for our life. The exceeding entanglement in this context is the Quality and Cost-effectiveness of the software products. Previously many approaches have been used in order to enhance the quality of the software products (i.e. validation) affecting the overall cost of the software product. Our Research work can be divided in two steps. First step is to review all top-notch Software Engineering Process Models in practice i.e. water fall model, spiral model etc. and Second and most cardinal part of the research work is to propose a new software engineering process model which will help in making software products more efficient both in terms of both cost and quality. Our research will ensure that the proposed model follows all the basics practices of Software Engineering process.
Breast Cancer Prediction System Using KE Sieve Algorithm[Full-Text ] G. Priyanka, Dr.Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, V. Rohith, Dr.K.EswaranBreast cancer is a disease which occurs when the cells in the breast grow out of control due to the changes in the genes called mutations. These abnormal cells get accumulated and eventually form a tumor or can be felt as a lump. The main factors causing breast cancer are advancing age and family history. So, earlier detection of breast cancer is necessary to decrease the number of deaths associated with this disease. In this paper, a new non-iterative classifier named KE Sieve is used to detect the presence of cancer by using original Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset.
USING THE MPM AND PERT METHODS TO DETERMINE THE PROBABILITY OF DEADLINE RESPECT OF A PROJECT IN BUILDING[Full-Text ] W. Jacob Yougbaré, Abdoulaye CompaoréIn this paper, we looked at the issue of timeliness in building and public works tenders. We used the MPM and PERT methods to determine the minimum and probable duration of a project and finally calculate the probabilities of compliance with the deadlines provided by the contractor and the client. This work has shown that it is possible to anticipate the possible difficulties of observance of the time limit of a project in Buildings and Public Works, by calculating the associated probabilities. Such probabilities may allow the supervisor to request a review of the contract by negotiating the initial deadlines. This work allowed us to anticipate compared to the deadlines initially planned. In fact, could be found after calculation that the deadline set in the contract had a probable of very low respect, only 9%. The company found the impossibility of three months from the end of deadline initially. The results of this study suggest that predictions based on probability calculations (taking into account random durations) can predict the difficulties of meeting the deadlines set in a bid document or a simple contract.
The impact of excessive facebook usage on the academic grades of students[Full-Text ] Basit Ali, Zaitoon Bi Bi, SanaullahFacebook is one of the dominant aspect of Social Media, which is influencing the students dramaticaly. The focus of this research study is to know about the effects of excessive facebook usage on the grades and assignments of studentsbefore and after sign up on Facebook .This research study has been delimited to the students of social sciences, University of Swat.The nature of the study is quantitative and the data has been collected, processed and analyzed through structured questionnaire, SPSS, and the results has been drawn.
Non-linear seismic analysis of high raised RC buildings with outrigger systems[Full-Text ] Nehal M. Ayash, Mohamed H. Agamy The construction of the super - tall buildings are rapidly increasing worldwide. As the buildings become taller and narrower, the structural engineer faces challenges to meet the imposed drift requirements due to lateral load. The outriggers are the structural elements that connecting the outer columns to the central core at different levels to increase the stiffness of the structure and to control the excessive drift.
Prediction of Diabetes by KE Sieve Algorithm[Full-Text ] V.Rohith, Dr. Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, G.Priyanka, Dr. K. EswaranDiabetes mellitus commonly referred as diabetes, is a complex condition which impairs the body’s ability to produce or respond to insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels. The diagnosis of diabetes is of great importance due to its severe long-term complications like cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease and damage to the eyes. Over the past few years, plenty of research studies has been done on diabetes identification, most of them are based on the Pima Indian diabetes data set. In this paper, we use a new non-iterative algorithm called KE Sieve to predict the presence of diabetes.
THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY BASED SELF SERVICE BANKING SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN BANKING SECTOR[Full-Text ] Titus Zira Fate and Nathan NachandiyaThe purpose of the research is to determine the impact of Technology Based Self-Service Banking (TBSSB) on customersÂ’ satisfaction in the Nigerian Banking Sector. Focus is given to five selected banks within Yola metropolis, in Adamawa state. The research determines the degree of impact on speed of delivery, convenience, efficiency, reliability & security as well as their influence on customer satisfaction. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested using the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS).
Company Profile Creation, Marketing Channel Development through Website, and Market Development Strategy Implementation for SME[Full-Text ] Raden Muhammad Mahesa RenjanaLora Blessindo is one of the SMEs working in tailoring formal and customized suit who serves the general public with commercial purpose industry. The industry has a high level of competition, which made Lora Blessindo difficult to increase client’s order. Furthermore, it caused by Lora Blessindo lack of marketing activities itself too. Therefore, the purpose of business coaching is to create a company profile that can represents the company’s identity generally.
Parallelizing Incremental Grid Density Clustering Algorithm for Real-time Network Anomaly Detection[Full-Text ] Jagatheesan Kunasaikaran, Roslan Ismail, Abdul Rahim AhmadCyberattacks are a growing threat to the internet. These cyberattacks are targeted to exploit the vulnerabilities in a network. Often, the intention of such cyberattacks is malicious. The growing number of devices that are connected to the Internet also increases the vulnerability of such devices to cyberattacks. Cyberattacks will usually exhibit anomalous characteristics in a network traffic flow. These anomalies could be identified in real-time and investigated further to minimize the impact of cyberattacks. Many researchers today use a wide array of tools to detect cyberattacks in real-time which comes with a high complexity cost in terms of the system architecture and maintenance. In this research, a simple method of parallelizing the incremental grid density clustering algorithm used to detect the anomalies is implemented and studied. The simplified approach used in this research is practical to be used in a real-life environment.
Identify the captivate And Anticaptivate Energy of Linear Polarization Of Electric Field[Full-Text ] Ayansa Tolesa,Solomon kebedeI study the captivate and anticaptivate energy of linear polarization of electric eld. Derive plane wave of electric eld from maxwell equations in free space and employing the approximation of linear variation method, I calculate the captivate and anticaptivate energy of linear polarization of electric eld.The result indicate that, the captivate energy E = h2 2 6m and anticaptivate energy is zero.
The Influence of Empowerment and Workload on Turnover Intention through the Mediation of Emotional Exhaustion on Indonesian Garment Workers[Full-Text ] Novahana N. Pradita, Aryana SatryaThis study aims to determine the factors that influence turnover intention on garment workers in Indonesia. This research is a part of the research conducted by the University of Indonesia (UI) research team, Tufts University (TU), Better Work-ILO (BW) and Real-Time Analytics (RTA) Vietnam and hence the data that is used is obtained from surveys which was carried out by the core research team.
Hydrological Analysis of Rainfall Data for Drought Investigation in Albaha City[Full-Text ] Khalid A. AlkhuzaiRainfall is a prime input for various engineering design such as hydraulic structures, bridges and culverts, canals, storm water sewer and road drainage system. The detailed analysis of each region is essential to estimate the relevant input value for design and analysis of engineering structures and for crop planning. A rainfall data record from Ministry of Water collected for Al-Baha city for hydrological analysis where agriculture is the prime occupation.
Al-Harith ibn Hillizah: The Ambassador of a Nation[Full-Text ] Yahya Saleh Hasan DahamiThe motivation for studying this subject is self-responsibility to communicate with the Arabic language and Arab cultural heritage and old sense of great value. Al-Harith ibn Hillizah is one of the greatest poets who presented elegant portraits of talented Arabs before Islam by intellectuality of using the poetic language. In a literary article like this, the researcher endeavors to probe the depth of the poetry of Al-Harith ibn Hillizah as an instance of the immensity of Arabic poetic language as well as existence a symbol of dignity and pride. Al-Harith ibn Hillizah deserves literary scrutiny paying attention mostly to his Mua'llagah as a legacy of the classical Arabic language.
Coping Strategies among Secondary School Students Against Stress and Anxiety-A Phenomenological Study[Full-Text ] Abdul Karim Suhag, Raheela Khan, Hina Hameed & Shoaib Ahmed JageraniThe objective of this phenomenological study was to discover the coping strategies developed by male students victimized by relational hostility. The experiences and coping strategies developed by secondary school male students studying from sixth to tenth grades are explored in this study. All the subject students studying at secondary school at the Shaheed Minhas road/Rashid Minhas Road.
Event Resolution in Sports Videos: A Review[Full-Text ] S. C. Premaratne, K. L. Jayaratne, P. SellappanModern digital video technologies have opened the avenues for the researchers to explore the ways for effective indexing and archiving of multimedia databases. Therefore, new concepts to mine multimedia databases have emerged, and people are doing numerous researches on how to effectively handle different types of multimedia content. Event resolution is one fundamental component in sports videos which supports effective mining and indexing because the viewers prefer to watch only the interesting or exciting portions of the videos. This paper is a review that addresses the challenges of automatically extracting the highlights from full-length ports videos. We are interested in designing a unique framework for event resolution in cricket videos by analyzing the existing research work for several different types of sports. This investigation provides room for the addition of further audio data extraction and textual data extraction for classification of a multimodal dataset.
Removal of Barium and Strontium from aqueous solutions: Optimization and modeling[Full-Text ] E. A. Motawea; Y. M. moustafaScale formation is recognized as one of the major flow assurance problems affecting production in the oil and gas sector, so removing scale pollutants as Ba2+ and Sr2+ is of great importance in environmental remediation. An environmentally benign SiO2-nanoparticles modified EDTA was prepared for treating contaminated water solutions with Ba2+ and Sr2+. Adsorption studies were carried out in a binary component system. The Response Surface methodology (RSM) was selected to study and improve the adsorption rate on batch study, and to optimize the most important parameters affecting the adsorption including pH and adsorbent dose. Furthermore, the theoretical constants of kinetic and isotherm of the adsorption were determined in order to more completely understand the Ba2+ and Sr2+ adsorption mechanism onto adsorbent. Results showed that the adsorption capacities were pH dependent.
ESTIMATION OF AIR POLLUTION BY NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF ADVECTION DIFFUSION EQUATION[Full-Text ] Sukriti Kundu and LaekSazzad AndallahThis paper considers a parabolic type partial differential equation known as Advection Diffusion Equation (ADE) which has been used to estimate the concentration of pollutant. The paper reports the analytical solution of the model and studies finite difference scheme for the numerical solution of the ADE. In order to exclude any adverse effects of pollutant at environment, a problem of nitrogen diffusion into an advective air flow is an excellent model.
The factors affecting technical innovation in Malaysia[Full-Text ] Li Ying Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of organizational culture, internal integration, organizational learning, and management involvement on technological innovation (TI) in Malaysia. In the process, the status and trends of technological innovation in the world and Malaysia are also introduced.
Assessment of health accreditation on health care from patient and healthcare provider experience in Makkah region 2017[Full-Text ] Sultan Alharthi, Abdasalam AlshehriBackground: A responsive and comprehensive primary healthcare (PHC) system leads to a more efficient health system, lower rates of hospitalization, fewer health inequalities, better health outcomes and lower costs. Despite its routine use in the work course of most hospitals worldwide, accreditation has only recently has been introduced into the PHC setting in high- income countries, including Saudi Arabia.
Efficay of Communication in Water Resources Management and Environmental Sustainability[Full-Text ] Ismaila B. ObikoyaOne of the major factors that cause setback in water resources management and sustainability is communication breakdown. Lack of well-grounded communication process will only exacerbate existing challenges in the water resources and environmental management scheme. Water resources utilization, management and sustainability involve a chain of processes, and communication is indispensable for harmonious operation of these processes. In all the institutions involved in water management, the strategies and functions of the different bodies vary, and for efficient, equitable and sustainable management, these units must work collectively and collaboratively with one another in terms of their structures, policies, rules and regulations, a feat that can only be achieved by strategic communication.
ANALYSIS ON THE HIGHEST AND THE BEST USE AS AN ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY OF ASSET UTILIZATION[Full-Text ] Milha ListyohadiPT PLN (Persero) is an Indonesian government-owned corporation that provides electricity needs for both the Industrial and Community sectors. In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister Number: PER-13/MBU/09/2014 about the utilization guideline of State-owned fixed assets Article 1 that the Board of Directors must prepare a list of fixed assets that are lacking and / or not optimally utilized. Currently, PT PLN (Persero) has an asset in the form of vacant land that has not been optimally utilized.
How to use AI/ML Systems to Revolutionize Testing and Test automation?[Full-Text ] Subhadeep ChakrabortyMuch of our day to day technology is powered by Artificial Intelligence - It is the study of agents those who perceive the world around them, form plans, and make decisions to achieve their goals. Machine Learning is a sub field under Artificial Intelligence. Its goal is to enable computers to learn on their own, without explicitly programming for each and everything. In this paper, we will specifically discuss “What does it mean to a testing community, how would it change the way we are testing?”. Our approach on AI/ML based Quality Assurance in TechM is design based compliance with following steps – Discover > Learn > Sense > Respond cycle. The knowledge base constantly helps in storing and building pattern, which in turn helps self-learning and responding to actions.
Leptin and Leptin Receptor Polymorphism in Egyptian Diabetic Children with Latent Toxoplasmosis[Full-Text ] Raida S. Yahya, Soha I. Awad, Dalia Tawfeek Hussein, Eman HamedBackground: Toxoplama gondii has been linked serologically to Diabetes mellitus. There is a vicious cycle between toxoplasmosis and diabetes mellitus as Toxoplasma gondii infection increases susceptibility to acquiring diabetes and diabetes mellitus patients are more susceptible to opportunistic infections such as toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasmosis can induce an increase in leptin secretion via its cell surface receptor. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Leptin receptor polymorphism in diabetic children with latent toxoplasmosis in a cohort of Egyptian children.
APPLICATION OF RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY IN THE OPTIMIZATION AND PREDICTION OF PERCENTAGE (%) WELD DILUTION OF TIG MILD STEEL WELDMENTS[Full-Text ] Nweze S; Achebo J,and Obahiagbon KMany deaths resulting from catastrophic weld failures in Nigeria can greatly be prevented, avoided or reduced to a great extent if standard practice such as the use of quality product, experience in welding and use of effective process parameter are observed. This research is focused on how to obtain the best percentage weld dilution through optimizing the weld process parameter by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM), with the purpose of achieving optimum results.
SME’s Direct Marketing Activities Development through the Company’s Profile Book[Full-Text ] Gayanti Satuti AndriatiAs one of the key factors in economic growth, SMEs have proved that they are dominating the business industry in Indonesia. While they are still facing many obstacles to develop their long-term sustainability. Tragically, in Indonesia, many SMEs accidentally made by force, not seeing the current situation and what consumers want.
Survey on Hiring Foreign Labour in Malaysian Oil Palm Plantation Sector[Full-Text ] Marlia Musa, Amin Mahir Abdullah, Mohd Mansor Ismail, Mohd Yusof SaariThe study aims to identify the motivation of hiring foreign labour and the criteria hiring foreign labour in oil palm plantation sector in Malaysia. As the majority of foreign labours hired are unskilled, thus it is challenges for employers to find the best-suited candidates for their firms. A total of 40 plantations representing five plantation companies were interviewed and selected by convenience sampling technique.
EVALUATION OF FILTRATE FLOW RATE USING CAPILLARY SUCTION TIME APPARATUS[Full-Text ] Arimieari, L.W, Ademiluyi, J.OThis study evaluates the filtrate flow rate using capillary suction time apparatus both the 14.5 mm and 20 mm internal diameters cylinders were used to assess the filterability of synthetic sludge. Sludge conditioning facilitates the separation of the solids from the liquid portion by dosing with inorganic salts (CaCl2). Experimental results indicate that the filtrate flow rate increases with increase in the concentration of inorganic salt (CaCl2) and CST decreases with increase between the circles for 15.1 mm and 21.1mm external diameters cylinders.
Estimation of Air Pollution by Numerical Simulation of Advection Diffusion Equation[Full-Text ] Sukriti Kundu, Laek Sazzad AndallahThis paper considers a parabolic type partial differential equation known as Advection Diffusion Equation (ADE) which has been used to estimate the concentration of pollutant. The paper reports the analytical solution of the model and studies finite difference scheme for the numerical solution of the ADE. In order to exclude any adverse effects of pollutant at environment, a problem of nitrogen diffusion into an advective air flow is an excellent model. The paper implements the numerical scheme for some real data for the flow of nitrogen gas into the air flow through uniform tube and presents the numerical results for various velocities and diffusion coefficients.
Assessment of Wastewater Characteristics for Irrigation in Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Muhammad Asif Hanif Bhatti, Abdul Aleem, Ali AkbarRapidly growing population and industry has increased the wastewater generation and fresh water demand. The lack of management in sewerage system and deficiency of treatment plants resulted in wastewater discharge into drains and also used for irrigation at various points which affect agriculture, environment and freshwater resources. Both the industrial and domestic wastewater of Faisalabad city is collected through the network of 34 disposal stations and disposed into two main rivers i.e. Ravi and Chenab. Firstly, field was surveyed and samples were taken from fourteen disposal stations in industrial, domestic and commercial areas.
Study the dimensional behavior of knitted panels prepared from wool and acrylic yarn on fully fashion flat knitting machine[Full-Text ] Usman Ahmed, Dr. hafsa jamshaid, Jamal akbar, sikander abbas, Norina Asfand, Zeeshan AzamThe purpose of this research was to study the dimensional behavior of fully fashion flat knitting machine panels prepared on different knitting parameters. 32/2 Ne Wool and acrylic yarns were used. From the results it has been concluded that pre-knitting tension on yarn effects the dimensions of knitted panels after relaxing, washing and steaming.
COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON COMMERCIAL KEROSENE AND BIOETHANOL COOKSTOVES[Full-Text ] Badmos S.A,Adesanmi A.J, Kabiru Y. A,Sanni A.M,and Sonibare J.AReliance on inefficient and polluting household fuel such as biomass has significant implication in air quality, thus, affects human health. Alternative to indoor air pollution from inefficient combustion is use of clean cooking fuel such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) biogas, ethanol and kerosene with efficient cookstoves. Therefore, this research focuses on bio-ethanol as an alternative fuel to kerosene and other traditional biomass. The experiment was carried out to assess the emission characteristics of common commercial kerosene cookstoves used by local communities and bioethanol cook stove.
ECCENTRICITY AS A TRAIT IN R.K.NARAYAN’S MR. SAMPATH AND THE GUIDE[Full-Text ] Dr. M.R.KumaraswamyThe term eccentricity can be defined as the condition or quality of being peculiar and according to the Oxford English Dictionary it means “unconventional and slightly strange.”
SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINING: AN OCULAR OVERVIEW[Full-Text ] Mrs. M.Prathiba The apparel industry is truly global in nature. The apparel sector is one of the fast evolving sectors, requiring a high level of skilled labour. To raise the quality of the performance that emerge from the physical effort and from information handling and outlines, the task of training in improving the job performance for the operators becomes an essential one.
A STUDY OF THE GROWING IMPORTANCE AND STRATEGIES OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING[Full-Text ] Mrs. Pooja Singh, Dr.A.A.AttarwalaSocial Media, today, is among the ‘best opportunities available’ to a brand for connecting with prospective consumers. Social media is the medium to socialize. These new media win the trust of consumers by connecting with them at a deeper level. Social media marketing is the new mantra for several brands since early last year. Marketers are taking note of many different social media opportunities and beginning to implement new social initiatives at a higher rate than ever before. Social media marketing and the businesses that utilize it have become more sophisticated.
The proportion of vitamin D deficiency in reproductive age group women in Baghdad/Iraq, and its association with menstrual cycle characteristics and anthropometric measurements[Full-Text ] Mohanned Mohammed Bakir Al-Moosawi , Rana Faisal Hammadi, Iman Midhat Abbas, Bushra Jaafar Abdulbaqi, Athraa Alauddin Abdullah Background: Vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition worldwide. There is a wide variation by and within regions in the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency especially in developing countries [varying between 30–90%]. The role of vitamin D in reproduction is a new, active area of investigation. Vitamin D receptor is expressed in the ovary, placenta, and the uterus. Lower vitamin D has been related to uterine fibroids. Anti-Mullerian Hormone regulates follicular recruitment, which provides a mechanism for vitamin D to influence ovarian function and menstrual cycle regularity. Many conditions may influence the vitamin D status and excess body weight may be one of them. Body fat may act as a reservoir for storage of the fat soluble vitamin D, reducing its bioavailability.