Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018.
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Biodiesel production from Jatropha curcus oil[Full-Text ] Z. S. AbouElnaga, M. Abdel-Mogib,M. Mahmoud Abou-Elzahab, and M. Salem SeragJatropha curcus seeds produce non-edible oil, which was considered as an ideal feed stock of biodiesel production. In this study, Jatropha curcus was cultivated by seedlings in an experimental farm at Faculty of Science, Damietta University. One hector accommodates 6667 Jatropha trees, and produced 1390 kg dry seeds. To avoid the use of solvents, for economic feasibility, and preventing environmental pollution, a mechanical olive oil mill was used to squeeze the seeds. A sample of Jatropha seeds (175.74 g) was squeezed to give 28.42 g oil (16.17% yield). Based on the high free fatty acids% (96.47%), we preferred the acid catalyzed esterification to produce the biodiesel using commercial methanol and HCl. The methyl esters (biodiesel) yield was 95%. The composition of both the oil and the biodiesel were determined by GC/MS. The main components were linoleic acid (79.16%) and palmitic acid (17.31%) in the oil; and methyl linoleiate (77.13%) and methyl palmitate (19.46%) in the biodiesel.
Experimental analysis on Traingular fins with aluminium alloy HE15 & 30 materials[Full-Text ] Md. Amer Ali, S.Uday Bhaskar, Dr. K. Phani Raja KumarElectrical Gadgets and hardware now pervade for all intents and purposes each part of our day by day life. Aluminum alloys HE15 and HE30 using wire cut CNC machine. The specimens are manufactured for original and also modified model. The experimentally measured temperatures have been compared with those predicted by the theory and have been found to compare well with each other. The test results showed that heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer by the fins obtained is more for modified model fins compared to original model fins. Aluminum alloy HE30 has more heat transfer rate when compared with the aluminium alloy HE15.
CAPTURE METHODS OF WILDLIFE DISPLAYED AT A BUSHMEAT MARKET, RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] M. Aline E. Noutcha, Celine Emmanuel, Samuel N. OkiweluA recent IUCN report evaluates the state of West and Central Africa’s terrestrial and freshwater fauna and highlights the inadequacy of responses to rapid wildlife decline in the region. The report attributes erosion of the region’s biodiversity to several factors, including unsustainable resource exploitation, as well as hunting for bushmeat and illegal wildlife trade.
GIS and Remote Sensing for Mapping and Monitoring Land Cover Changes in Mubi Metropolis[Full-Text ] NICOLAUS Y. WAMANGRA, SURV. BABANGIDA BAIYAThis study evaluates land use/cover changes and urban expansion in Mubi metropolis, Adamawa State Nige-ria, between 2009 and 2015 using satellite images. Spatial and temporal dynamics of land use/cover changes were quantified using two Landsat images, a supervised classification algorithm and the post-classification change detection technique in GIS. Ac-curacy of the Landsat-derived land use/cover maps ranged from 85 to 90%.
Etiology, risk factors, and management overactive bladder : Review[Full-Text ] Saud Mohammed Saud Aleisa, Abdulrahman Ali Hadaidi, Abdulaziz Fahad Altowairqi, Abdulaziz Saud Fahad AljuaidThe objective of this review article is to describe the etiology and risk factors for OAB, diagnosis and management options. Relevant publications were searched from three databases (PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library) without any limitation on time (up to December 2017). We used the following key words for the PubMed search: “Overactive bladder” AND “Etiology” AND “Risk factors” [MeSH] AND (humans [MeSH] AND English language.
Analysis of 3D Fabric by Applying Different Stitching Methods[Full-Text ] Shilpi Akter, Dewan Murshed Ahmed, Sumi AkterAt present the use of three dimension (3D) fabric is increasing rapidly. It is due to its property which cannot be fulfilled by the normal 2D fabric. The purpose of the project is to analysis various properties of 3D fabric by applying different stitching methods, such as self-stitch and using an extra thread in the warp and weft way. Due to stitching technique, variation among the properties of the fabrics were observed like tensile strength, tearing strength, stiffness, air permeability, water permeability, etc.
The Absent Presence of the Spatial Cognition of Cities in Hybrid Space[Full-Text ] Manal A. S. Abou El-ElaDespite the critics who argue that Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) will lead to a dramatical effect on cities, a growing body of research elicit empirical data suggests that ICT s can improve people’s awareness and connection to their urban surroundings. Navigation programs when embedded in smart phones and portable devices made wayfinding easier for users, but to what extent such tools will/is affecting peoples’ awareness of their spatial surroundings? Users are now more smarter and more efficient in using navigation programs but is this robotizing them, thus dehumanizing cities? The paper briefly reviews literature on both spatial awareness and location aware technologies. It then investigates the changes resulting from the digital revolution on peoples’ awareness and cognition of their spatial surroundings through an empirical study.
An Effective Technique for Detection and Prevention of SQLIA by utilizing CHECKSUM Based String Matching[Full-Text ] Mohammad Abu Kausar, Mohammad NasarWith the growth of the Internet, web applications, for example, online shopping, online banking and email, have turned out to be indispensable to numerous people’s every day lives. Web applications have carried with them new classes of PC security vulnerabilities, for example, SQL Injection. It is a class of information approval based vulnerabilities However, the vast majority of the web application exists have some weakness as there are some reckless people known as hacker that able to corrupt the data. Some of well-known web application vulnerabilities are SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow, Cross Site Scripting etc. Typical uses of SQL injection release private data from a database, by-pass confirmation rationale, or add unapproved records to a database. This security keeps the unapproved access to your database and furthermore it keeps your information from being changed or erased by clients without the appropriate permissions. Malicious Text Detector, Restriction Validation, Query length authentication and Text based Key Generator are the four kinds of filtration strategy used to identify and keep the SQL Infusion Attacks from getting to the database.
Decorative Warp-Knitted Net Curtains[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. R.A.M. Abd El-HadyCurtain, in interior design, decorative fabric commonly hung to regulate the admission of light at windows and to prevent drafts from door or window openings. Net curtains made of a thin light mesh fabric of cotton, nylon, or other fiber. Warp- knitted net curtains belong to a wide group of decorative products which characterized by both aesthetic (motive, stitch type, pattern repeat, thickness of the knitted material) and functional features. The functionality of the knitted curtains depends on the fabric construction parameters. The aim of the research was to analyze the aesthetic and functional properties through decorative warp knitted net curtains in correlation with fabric construction parameters, depending on the curtain structure and pattern. The tests results indicate that by changing the curtains construction parameters it is possible to influence both the aesthetic and functional features of the curtain.
Smart Traffic Signs[Full-Text ] Nihar ModiAs the vehicles in our country are increasing,the road mishaps are also increasing day by day.Most of them are caused due to most common negligence of overspeeding.This motivates us to think about making a system which ensures the safety of the driver,making it necessary to follow the speed limit,as per the government guidelines.The proposed system is a smart traffic sign.A module affixed in the traffic sign post,such that,the module will sync with module affixed on the vehicle,which will display the speed limit in a display, will be able to detect if the vehicle is overspeeding and will send a notification to the traffic police control station as well as the ignition will seize if the speed is not reduced within a specified time interval.
Relapse of drug addictors; A review[Full-Text ] Nasser Mansour Nasser Khawaji , Ali Mofarreh Salman Mashiakhi, Fahad Mousa Jawman Wasili , Abdulrahman Hussain Mohammed Gosada, Mohammed Foad Ahmad BasehiDrug addiction is a worldwide problem and it is increasing especially in young age persons. Large number of abusers who were treated from drug addiction suffered relapse and sometimes they relapse in more uncontrolled way. There are several risk factors for relapse including depression, stress, unemployment, marital status and young age. Identifying relapse risk factors can help in establishing effective programs for relapse prevention.
Fall Detection Enhancement In Android Platform[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. MostfaHealth care technology presents daily use devices that predict fall in elderly and save their lives due to the embedded accelerometer sensor in the cellphone. The accelerometer signal has shown unexpected ripples that could disturb any adaptive algorithm because of the noise generated. To eliminate the drift in accelerometer signals, a moving average with window size 4 utilized. In this study, we hypothesized that there is a difference in the signal of a phone call response accelerometer and a body fall signal. The ability to discriminate between falls and Activity of Daily Life (ADL) tested in MATLAB R2017a. We present a new method to find peak values based on the best line approximation slope. A Linear classifier on 79 observations and 2 response classes, Fall (direct forward fall, fall towards the bed, and falling while jumping) and ADL (answer a phone call, frontal and sagittal speed, walking, and climbing stair), gave 83% sensitivity and 97% specificity with 88% accuracy. The second part of the study performed the Android gesture detection listener, in which the caregiver get the appropriate alert within the range of home and provide action call service in case of no response and hearing aid housing.
MEASURING SCHOOL PERFORMANCES IN BURKINA FASO[Full-Text ] W. Jacob Yougbaré, Jacques TeghemAt the prospect to increase the performance of the basic educational system, the Burkina Faso Government established the program called PDDEB. To achieve the expected results, it is important that the performance of base units under control can be evaluated each year to adjust, if necessary, the strategy for resource allocation.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF GATING SYSTEM FOR CASTING OF SPROCKET[Full-Text ] Azadkumar Vegda,Sumit Bhingradiya, Kaushik Faldu, Parth Gandhi, Mihir ShahCasting is a suitable economical manufacturing process for various components. It may experience different defects such as cracks, hotspot, mis-run, etc. because of poor design of gating system. The objective of project is to design and simulate gating and risering system components by using simulation technology to get defect free casting. Casting simulation utilizes finite element procedures depending upon the complexity of the problem. It provides a large range of the complete behavior of the casting during solidification. Using the casting simulation as a virtual test foundry in the computer, it is possible to do a number of what- if-scenarios, to establish the optimum casting design and foundry process.
THE CHARACTERISTICS MEMBRANE PVA-ENZYME AND COATING PVC-PLASTICIZER WITH SEM-EDX[Full-Text ] Abd Hakim. S, Krista Tarigan, Krista Sebayang, Timbangen Sembiring, Manihar SitumorangThis study aims at PVA membrane-coating enzyme characteristics PVC- plasticizer through the SEM absorption spectrum and completeness of elements using EDX. The method used membrane immobilization at the indicator electrode derived from Wolfram material. Selection phase of indicator electrode by dyeing tungsten electrode with PVA - enzyme, then coating with PVC - plasticizer and dyeing tungsten electrode using PVA – enzyme, then in coating with PVC – plasticizer. Membrane and electrode membrane are varied by respectively (1) PVA 0.5040 g + enzyme, (2) PVA 0.0350 g + enzyme, (3) PVA 0.5040 g + enzyme and coating I, (4) PVA 0.0350 g + enzyme and coating I, (5) PVA 0.0350 g + enzyme and coating II. The approach used for analysis is the morphology and EDX spectrum analysis. The result of the research was obtained with a 0.0350 g PVA membrane of the best Coating II Coating on 2x 1x coating dyeing, to be shown by difference morpologi of coating II and coting I, where coting II completely flatten at the indicator electrode.
Power Dissipation Control Modern Trends and Techniques[Full-Text ] Agbaje Michael, Igwe Nkechi, Ayodele AbiolaCurrent technological advances clearly puts an enormous weight on battery of any cell phone. The CMOS has been the main innovation in this day and age of portable communication because of its low power utilization. Diminishment of leakage control in CMOS has been the exploration enthusiasm for the most recent few years. In CMOS incorporated circuit configuration there is an essential exchange off between innovation scaling and static power utilization. In the present CMOS innovation the leakage control utilization assumes a critical part. As we drawing closer to nano-scale plan the aggregate chip control utilization ends up plainly reliant on leakage control. Expanding the battery life in versatile wireless communication and portable processing and comparative different applications is the subject of research today.
Structural Concrete Using Oil Palm Shell As Lightweight Aggregate[Full-Text ] Manasmita paikaray, Ankit JenaThis paper represents the experimental results to produce structural Lightweight concrete (LWC) using oil palm shell (OPS). It has been widely used in buildings as masonry blocks, wall panels, roof decks and precast concrete units. For low-cost housing construction and also for use in earthquake prone areas. Structures were constructed on the campus, which is located near the coastal area. When OPS blended with cement, it makes the most eco-friendly versatile supplementary cementing material to concrete. ï€ Reported in the paper are compressive strength, workability and density of oil palm shell concrete.
Talking Hand - An Assistance To Disabled People[Full-Text ] Trupti.A.Samarth, Maruti.B.LimkarThis project is designed for physically disable people who are unable to talk and wish to communicate to a normal person who finds it difficult to understand his hand gestures .Here we have a hand glove with flex sensors connected to a hardware which receives the input in the form of voltage and sends it to the receiver end with the help of a zigbee modem which then helps to play the output in the form of a audio signal depending upon the voltage received and the signal fed for that respective voltage.
Leadership Practice and Work Commitment of Elementary School Heads as Determinants of Teachers' Morale in Davao Region[Full-Text ] ALFEO B. INGAYDetermining the leadership practice and work commitment of elementary school heads as determinants of teachers’ morale in Davao Region is the main objective of the study. There were 400 elementary school teachers chosen as respondents employing stratified random sampling technique. The study utilized non-experimental study using descriptive correlational technique. Mean, Pearson r, Multiple regression were used in the treatment of the data. Findings revealed that the level of leadership practice, work commitment, and teachers’ morale yielded very high results. Leadership practice and work commitment of school heads showed significant relationships with teacher’s morale. The combined and singular influence of leadership practice of school heads and working commitment towards teachers’ morale provided significant results.
Detection and Separation of Smoke From Video using novel method based on finite element method (FEM)[Full-Text ] Rajeswary .BThis paper proposes novel methods based on finite element method (FEM) for detecting and separating smoke from a single image frame of a video. Specifically, an image formation model is derived based on the atmospheric scattering models. The video is divided into number of frames and then apply the novel methods for detecting and separating smoke from a single image frame. The separation of a frame into quasi-smoke and quasi-background components is formulated as convex optimization that solves a sparse representation problem using dual dictionaries for the smoke and background components, respectively.
PAIN CONTROL IN AMBULATORY SURGERY[Full-Text ] Nkusi steven, Dr N.junior SundreshDay surgery, coming to and leaving the hospital on the same day as surgery as well as ambulatory surgery, leaving hospital within twenty-three hours is increasingly being adopted. There are several potential benefits associated with the avoidance of in-hospital care. Early discharge demands a rapid recovery and low incidence and intensity of surgery and anaesthesia related side-effects; such as pain, nausea and fatigue.
Antifungal Effect of Nanomaterials and Cyanobacteria Against Rhizoctonia solani the Causative of Bean Root-Rot[Full-Text ] Mahmoud A. Sliem, Mohamed F. Attia, Khairy A. Abada, Ahmed M. A. Ashour, Kadry M. M. Morsy, Amany M. F. AttiaBean is considered as an important legume crop in Egypt for local consumption and exportation. Many soil-borne pathogenic fungi can infect bean roots; from those, Rhizoctonia solani causes damping-off and root rot and affects the yield greatly. In this study, three nanoparticle materials; zinc oxide (ZnO), magnetite (Fe3O4) and zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) were tested for their antifungal effect against the tested fungus. ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) showed obvious inhibition percentage and destruction to the cell walls and plasmolysis of the internal organs of the tested fungus. Fe3O4 and ZnFe2O4 NPs showed no inhibition percentage but they affected the morphological characters of the tested fungus and the germination percentage of the treated seeds.
Vaccination in Saudi Arabia; a Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Study[Full-Text ] Riyadh awadhallah alahmadi, Akram Adel Alandijani, Abdulmohsen Sammar AlmutairiBackground: Vaccination is a safe, efficient and cost-effective contributor to the well-being of mankind. Because most of the important vaccines are taken during the first year of life, awareness level of parents should be enhanced to ensure the delivery of appropriate vaccination to their children.
Review on Modeling of hyperbolic cooling towers[Full-Text ] Sachin Kulkarni, Dr Vinod I HosurNatural Draught cooling towers constitute very important and essential component in nuclear, thermal power plants and industrial setups. They also contribute to environmental protection, from the structural point of view they are constructed tall. These RC structures shows doubly curved thin walled shells of complex geometry, analysis and design has attracted the researcher’s attention throughout the world.
The Cathodic Protection of 34" BMK Gas Pipeline[Full-Text ] Maftah H. AlkathafiThis study is concerned with the potential survey along the 34'' Brega-Misurata-Khoms (B M K) gas pipeline to verify a function of the ca-thodic protection system. The most widely used method of providing cathodic protection to pipelines has been with the use of impressed current anode system. The potential survey was done using copper-copper sulfate reference electrode, the protection range can be achieved when the potential is not less than -850mV when measured with respect to Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode. The potential survey readings have been demonstrated that 34'' gas pipeline from Brega to Khoms was protected using the impressed current technique with the coating. Similarly, the potential readings of test posts on cathodic protection station number 26 and 27 appeared a better result. From the results obtained, it can be deduced that the use of cathodic protection technique as a method of controlling corrosion in gas pipelines is effective and efficient when compared to other methods and thus constant monitoring is needed to achieve optimum efficiency.
1-year survival predictors for patients using home mechanical ventilation[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman H Issa, Roy SprootenIntroduction: The usage of home mechanical ventilation (HMV) either invasive or non-invasive has been used in patients with several diseases such as ALS, CHS. Several variables can have an effect on the survival and predict the outcome within a period of 1 year after the administration of HMV.Objective: The aim of this study is to measure the 1-year survival for patients using (not)-invasive home mechanical ventilation and to measure the predictors of the survival within 1 year after administration of HMV.
Knowledge and Attitudes of AlMajmmah population, Saudi Arabia towards Diabetes Mellitus[Full-Text ] Abdullah Aedh Alotaibi, Ibrahim Mohamad AlEidan, Mubarak Faihan Aldajani, Abdulaziz Mohammed AlhaddadBackground: Diabetes mellitus encompasses a group of metabolic disorders that result in acute and chronic complications due to the absolute or relative lack of insulin. Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing rapidly. In 2000, an estimated 2.8% of all age groups worldwide were suffering from diabetes. This number is estimated to be 4.4% in 2030. Objectives to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes towards diabetes mellitus among Saudi population in AlMajmmah City. Study design it is cross-sectional to study the knowledge and attitude of Saudis in AlMajmmah about diabetes mellitus. Study population is both gender aged 18 years and more and who reside in AlMajmmah. Multistage sampling was considered. The data was collected by a pre-tested questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS VERSION 23 Results: families and the friends are superior than other information resources for the participants in their way to learn about diabetes, with 34%, followed by traditional and social media (18%, 16%, respectively). The health care providers were the least information resource for the participant to learn from. Conclusion: Fair awareness level but Poor behavior among diabetic and non-diabetic populations have been found in our participants.
Management approach for mesenteric artery syndrome in the emergency department[Full-Text ] Hassan Mohammed AL madan, Abdulaziz Hassan Al Safwan, Ahmed mohammed khan, Fatimah Abdullah Jaber AlquraishIn this review we discuss symptoms, diagnostic approach and highlight management methods in emergency department of mesenteric artery syndrome. We conducted a search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), through December, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: “mesenteric artery syndrome”, “emergency department”, “Management”, “Treatment”.
Review of evidence in roles and consequences of induction of labor[Full-Text ] Khalid khadawardiInduction of labor is a common obstetric procedure, and is indicated when the benefits to either mother or fetus outweigh those of continuing the pregnancy. This article gives a review of the trends of induction of labor, medical indications and criteria, associated risks and highlight cervical evaluation (Bishop score) at the time of initiation is the best independent predictor of induction success.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), review of effective screening and therapeutic options[Full-Text ] Kawthar Saeed al Sultan, Abdulaziz Ayad ALanazi, Eiman Muhammad Alnemer, Hussain Saeed Al Sultan, Afaf Meshal Almjlad , Abdurhman Aiash Alrwaili, Wasan lafi Alanazi, Abdulmajeed Haddaj Alruwaily, Malak Ibrahim Alanazi, Maryam Saeed AlanaziImproving the understanding of ALS pathogenesis is crucial in developing earlier diagnostic approaches in addition to proposing new effective treatments. Thus, this review will provide the most recent research studies related to pathogenesis, diagnostic examinations, and treatments. We performed a computerized search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and google scholar, through November, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: “Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis”, “diagnosis”, “screening”, “management”, “therapy”. Unfortunately, ALS is considered an incurable disease, with an anticipated life expectancy of 3- 5 years after the onset of symptoms.
Enlarged liver hemangioma surgical intervention, Review[Full-Text ] Ahmed Awad H Shamlan, Hesham Mohammed Almuwallad, Talal Husein T Sulimani, Thamer Hassan R Alyami, Mahmoud abdulghafur sait, Mohammed yousef alhujuri, Mohanned khder H SharifTreatment options for giant hemangiomas are observation, surgical resection, and transcatheter arterial embolization. The aim of this study was to discuss about surgical interventions in depth. We performed detailed search through electronic databases; PubMed, and EMBASE, for studies published in English language and human subjects thought instant to 2017. Studies discussing the managing enlarged liver hemangioma by surgical intervention. While most people with HH show no sign or symptom, and most HH are non-progressing and do not need therapy, there is a small number of cases with rapid volumetric development or difficulties, which trigger for suitable treatment.
Overview of critical care and fluid management in brain injury[Full-Text ] Dr. Mustafa Ibrahim Alsomali, Dr. Ziad Ali AlamriThe goal of this narrative review is: to sum up existing guidelines and contemporary literature on routine (maintenance) fluid management in critically sick brain-injured patients (traumatic brain injury (TBI), subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH), intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH), ischaemic stroke), with a focus on the amounts and types of fluids and volume and circulatory status monitoring; and to discuss practical problems of fluid management. Search Strategy.
Diagnosis methods of viral myocarditis; review[Full-Text ] Mohammed Mahdi Owiad Al Suliman, Mana Saleh Hadi Al Grad, Thamer Hassan R Alyami, Ghannam Mohammed Ghannam Sharif, Faisal Mohammed Ghannam Sharif, Mohammed Abdullah Ali QurayshahIn this Review, we describe the etiology, and methods such, CMR, EMB, serological evaluation and direct tissue examination that used for the diagnosis of myocarditis. We conducted a detailed search of several databases (MEDLINE, Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews, and EMBASE) using the following key words: “viral myocarditis; diagnosis; screening; management”. Myocarditis typically arises from infection by a cardiotropic virus complied with by active inflammatory damage of the myocardium.
Management of Colonoscopy Perforation and Endoscopic Findings[Full-Text ] Abdullah Hallal A Alziyadi, Hadi Ahmed Muhammed Alshehri, Meaad Naji Saeed Al.Mouwalled, Reem Shadaid AlQahtani, Maria Khalifah AlHamedColonoscopy is the criterion requirement for recognizing, screening, and security for colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions of the huge bowel. In a across the country study, an approximated 15 million colonoscopies were performed in 2012 in the United States alone An overall of 3,371 titles were recognized through our search. 31 articles were deemed proper for inclusion.
Overview of Clinical Aspects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Pathogenesis and Treatment Options[Full-Text ] Mohammed Aymen Mustafa, Mohammed Abdulqader Mustafa, Amal Mohammed Labani, Abdullah Abdulaziz Alsaib, Fawaz Ahmed Almehmadi, Musab Abdulaziz AlsobaieIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic and debilitating functional gastrointestinal disorder that affects a lot of people around the world. Therefore, the aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive evidence-based review of the diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment to guide clinicians diagnosing and treating their patients. We conducted a search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), through October, 2017. Irritable bowel syndrome has high impact on daily life of patients, provide substantial health-related scariness and concerns, and remains poorly understood by patients. The key aspect of treatment is educating patient about his or her condition and before discussing therapy options with patients suspected of irritable bowel syndrome, the physician first of all needs to carefully perform a detailed history and physical examination to exclude other diagnoses which have symptoms similar to those of IBS.
Hyperkalemia management in emergency department; Review[Full-Text ] Ahmed Abdulghani Sindi, Turki Muteb S Alotaibi, Faris AbdulAziz Jawmin, Rayan Azeb Alharthi, Saleh Hassan Abdullah Almuntashiri, Mohammed Nawar Awadh Aljuaid, Nasser Awadh Saeed AlshehriThis paper summarizes the outcomes from the INI-CRCT meeting as a guide the emergency management of newly diagnosed, severe hyperkalemia. We conducted a narrative review over the literature using electronic databases as; MEDLINE, and EMBASE for studies involving data on Hyperkalemia management in emergency department, published in English language up to December, 2017.