Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018.
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Green synthesis and transport properties of ZnS-PPy hybrid nanocomposites[Full-Text ] Kousik DuttaThe development of green synthesis route through biological method for the synthesis of nanoparticles using plants have received attention in the recent times as it is environment friendly and economical method. ZnS nanoparticles have been prepared using glucose both as capping agent and stabilizer. T
PHYSICIANS’ ASSISTANTS' INFLUENCE ON SURGICAL HARVEST INFECTION FOLLOWING CARDIAC CORONARY SURGERY IN SAUDI: RETROSPECTIVE COHORT PILOT STUDY[Full-Text ] MOHAMMED BAHRAN, PAUL HENNESSY, SHAHAD ADRAJ Surgical operators play a critical role in minimizing the incidence of surgical wound complications (SWCs) at the harvest site in coronary artery surgery; however, in Saudi Arabia, non-medical practitioners (physicians’ assistants) have been introduced to offset the shortage of physicians in cardiac surgery. Different levels of education and training are documented to influence the occurrence of SWCs at harvest sites; however, little attention has been paid in the literature to the influence of surgical operators on the incidence of harvest site SWCs.
Fiber-Optic Sensors: Technology & Applications[Full-Text ] Alkesh Gandhi, Vivekanand Mishra, Dinesh MehtaBesides many advantages, cost reduction and quality enhancement have stimulated interest in fiber-optic sensors (FOSs). Inventors tactically synchronize ‘fiber optic telecommunication’ with ‘opto-electronic devices’ to fabricate innovative FOSs In this paper, classification and applications of Fiber-optic sensors (FOSs) are discussed. Particular emphasis is given to advances in Sagnac interferometric and polarization modulated FOSs with their application.
Improve the linear programming model and solved using computer algorithms[Full-Text ] Mobarak Abaker Adam Hassn This paper aims to improve the linear programming model ,and solved it using computer algorithms, by converting the linear programming model into a computer algorithms which to find the basic feasible solution and then search to improve it according to mathematical relationships and equations on the constraints of linear programming model
PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOR OF Reinforced Concrete Slabs[Full-Text ] Hanaa Shihab HammadiThe main objective of this research is to investigate the properties of fresh and hardened made from local materials as well as its structural behavior. The experimental program consisted of casting and testing of Totally three RC slab specimens with cross-sectional dimension of (800X800 X95) mmwere tested. thesis investigated the influence of type of concrete ( NC) and compressive strength (30, 50 and 62 MPa) were designed to fail in punching shear of slabs and on the punching shear of slabs geometrically similar slabs .Results shows the punching shear capacity of the slabs increase with increasing of compressive strength . However, for slabs failed in punching shear, NC slabs having fc' of about 32, 48 and 62 Mpa exhibited 9.3%, 15.5% and 25% higher flexural cracking load respectively.
The difference of sleep quality between 2-channel ambulatory monitor and diagnostic polysomnography[Full-Text ] Tengchin Wang, Chengyu LinBackground: Standard diagnostic test is in-laboratory, technician-attended polysomnography is labor-intensive and limited in its availability. Ambulatory monitors allows for unattended recording of a limited number of biosignals in the patient's home, where usual bedtime rituals and the familiar home sleeping environment provide a sense of stability. Quality in the test night may influence the reliability of the associated parameters. Our study tested the sleep quality of snoring patients between hospital PSG and home AM.
Microbial characteristics of freshly tapped Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabellifer) sap[Full-Text ] Ronald Valder, Krishna Prasad NooralabettuMicrobial flora of the freshly tapped popular palmyara palm sap was investigated from coastal Karnataka, India. ITS region of rDNA OF yeast isolates was successfully amplified using fungal primer ITS4 & ITS5 and 16S ribosomal RNA of bacterial isolates were amplified by fDD2 & rPP2 primer. Two dominant yeast species identified in the palm sap was Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolate YN3, and Lachancea fermentati isolate UCLM 17A, and dominant Lactic acid bacteria are Leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 8293(T) and Fructobacillus fructosus KCTC 3544(T). Present study is the first to give comprehensive microbial data of palm sap and provides crucial data for future intervention of the palm sap from fermentation.
Assessment on the Behavior and Attitude of the Preschoolers of La Consolacion University Philippines as Perceived by their Teachers[Full-Text ] Maricel Cabiling-RamosThe preschool years are the prime physical, emotional, and intellectual learning years of life. At their best, preschoolers are cu-rious, inventive, eager and independent. At their worst, they are obstinate, inhibited, and clinging. Both their chameleon like personalities and their inability to use adult logic make them tough customers for those selling life’s behavior and attitude lessons. This study aims to look into the attitudes and behavior of preschoolers in La Consolacion University Philippines. A survey questionnaire was conducted to assess on their behavior and attitude as perceived by their teachers. The results shows that majority of the preschooler respondents were 4 ½ years old, and mostly were girls, second child and have less than two number of siblings. The level of behavior of the preschooler as regard to their self, family, study habits and friends were “often”. However, the behaviors in school were “always”. The level of attitude of the preschooler as regards to their teacher and peers were assessed as “often” while in terms of their fairly it was rated as “sometimes”. On the relationship between the behavior of the preschoolers when grouped according to their profile were significant on self and ordinal position in the family, school and sex, study habits and age, sex and ordinal position in the family with regard to attitude they were significant on family, teacher, peers and sex. Recommendations have also been included considering the findings of the study.
Sclerosing Rhabdomyosarcoma Presenting in Masseter Muscle of an Adult: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Sadeem Alrobiaee, Saroona Haroon, Saifaldin MohammadSclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma is extremely rare skeletal muscle tumor which was recently included as a new subtype in 2013 by WHO of classification of tumors of soft tissue and bone.
A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF MUSIC LISTENING BASED ON INDIAN TIME THEORY OF RAGAS ON PATIENTS WITH PRE-HYPERTENSION[Full-Text ] Suguna VPre-hypertension is more prevalent than hypertension worldwide. Management of pre-hypertensive state is usually with lifestyle modifications including, listening to relaxing music that can help in preventing the progressive rise in blood pressure and cardio-vascular disorders. This study was taken up to find out the effects of listening to Indian classical music based on time theory of Ragas (playing a Raga at the right time) on pre-hypertensive patients and how they respond to this concept.
Nutritional and Biochemical Compositions of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Rhizome powder - A Possible Animal Feed Additive[Full-Text ] Imoru, A., Onibi, G. E. and Osho, I. BThe investigations were carried out to determine the proximate, vitamins, minerals and phytochemical compositions of turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome powder. The results of the analyses indicated that the rhizome powder contains appreciable and high quantities of crude protein and carbohydrates of 10.07% and 66.76% respectively. It also possess significant levels of ash (2.76%), crude fiber, (4.87%), either extract (6.64%) and moisture content (8.91%). The total ash content revealed that the powder contain the following minerals in mg/g: 1.67 Ca, 0.92 Mg, 1.29 K, 1.07 P, 0.73 S, and minute quantities of Cu, Se and Fe. Quantitative phytochemicals screening showed the presence of the following turmeric (mg/g): saponins, (1.36); tannin, (1.87) and flavanoid (0..68), steroid, (0.99) terpenoides (0.54); alkaloids, (10.04) cardiac glycosides, (14.61) and phytate (10.30). The outcome of vitamins analyses revealed that turmeric rhizome contains the following vitamins (mg/g) of weight: vitamin A (3.44), vitamin B1 (0.09), vitamin B2 (1.20), vitamin B3 (0.32), vitamin C (0.84), vitamin D, (0.64) and vitamin E (0.39).
A Meta-Model for Risk-Based Testing Technique Based On the MDA Approach[Full-Text ] Atifi Meriem, Marzak AbdelazizIn software testing area, risk-based testing is a testing technique that uses risk to prioritize and emphasize the appropriate tests during all phases of the test process. By using this technique we can organize testing efforts in a way that reduces the residual level of system risk when it is deployed. From the fact to its high practical relevance, several approaches that support Risk-Based testing technique have been proposed in academic and industrial research. Although, most of these approaches share common principal, common challenges and common characteristic that are inherited from the fundamental concepts of Risk-Based testing technique. In this context, we apply MDA approach to propose in this paper a generic Meta model that represents risk-based-testing elements, concepts, and relationships in order to define the structure and entities that must take any risk-based-testing approach.
A study of the prevalence of Risk factors of Colo - rectal tumors in Majmmah , Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Meshal Almutairi, Dr. Syed Meraj, Abdullah Almutairi, Thamer Sallum, Naif AlMutairi, Madallah AlanaziMost colorectal cancers begin as a growth called a polyp on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. Several lifestyle-related factors have been linked to colorectal cancer. In fact, the links between diet, weight, and exercise and colorectal cancer risk are some of the strongest for any type of cancer. Studies have shown people with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop colorectal cancer such as age, family history, inflammatory bowel diseases, cigarette smoking, diets high in red meat and fat.Methodology: This is a cross – sectional questionnaire based study onprevalence of the risk factors among the patients with colo – rectal cancer in Majmaah, Saudi Arabia. was analyzed by using the SPSS ver. 21.0 software. Results: The studyshows the association of risk factors with the occurrence of colorectal cancer. Among males there is seen a statistically significant association of sedentary lifestyle with the development of colorectal cancer(%64.4)Females also show a high association(74.5%) but it is not statistically significant. Other risk factors showing positive association were low fiber and high fat diet, smoking and radiation exposure. Conclusion: This study found thatthe majority of the participants were found to be positive for one or more risk factors. This can be a basis to identify high risk people at an early stage to prevent the occurrence of cancer and ensure proper preventive measures.
Reduction of Egyptian El-Baharia iron Ore briquettes with bentonite as binding material by Hydrogen gas in static bed[Full-Text ] F.M.Mohamed, Hala H. Abd El-Gawad, N.A. El-Hussiny, M.E.H.ShalabiReduction of Egyptian El-Baharia iron ore briquettes was carried out in the temperature range 700 oC to 1000oC. On studying the reduction kinetics, the most satisfactory model was obtained upon measuring the reaction rate constant (k) as being the slope of the initial linear region of fractional reduction vs. time curve. From ln k vs. 1/T plots, straight lines were obtained from which the activation energy of reduction was calculated.
Effect of Aspect Ratio of Active Cooling Panel on Cracking of the Fuel/coolant used Supersonic Vehicle Combustion Chamber[Full-Text ] Pavani Sreekireddy, T. Kishen Kumar ReddyIn the present paper numerical and computational analysis is carried out to design an optimal cooling channel for active cooling system of a scramjet engine. For improving the engine performance the design of the cooling channel is very important. Maximum fuel cracking and weight minimization of the panel are objectives of the present study. 1D numerical and 3D CFD models are used for structural analysis and Chemkin package is used for fuel cracking.
Pyloric atresia with total small bowel atresia: a case report[Full-Text ] Yosor Yaser DabbourIntestinal atresia is a reason leads to intestines obstruction in the neonatal period . the multiple gastrointestinal atresia is a rare.We here report a case of pyloric atresia with total small intestinal atresia combined with immunodeficiency syndrome. We reported here about a case of pyloric atresia with total small intestinal atresia combined with immunodeficiency syndrome. The parents of the case are consanguineous and have other had one previous girl 4 years old which diagnosed with ITP and bronchia asthma. we have reviewed the clinical course and outcome in this article. The existing literature on multiple intestinal atresia, pyloric atresia with immunodeficiency is also reviewed.
Roles of MRI and Doppler echocardiographic in evaluation of aortic coarctation: Review[Full-Text ] Alrumaisaa Ahmad Abdu Daafi , Atheer Ali Altalhi, Alaa Ahmed Hamoud Abutaleb, Khadija Mohammed Mashhor, Feddah Mohammed HakamiThis review article was aimed to focus in discussing the roles of MRI and Doppler echocardiographic in evaluation and assessment of aortic coarctation. We conducted a comprehensive computerized search of literature published in English language, up to December,2016. Involving human subjects only, the search was perfumed through the well-known medical databases; Medline/PubMed, and Emabse, searching studies that discussing the roles of MRI and Doppler echocardiographic in evaluation and assessment of aortic coarctation. In addition, we manually searched the references of each identified study for more relevant articles to be included in this review. MRI also appears to be the most efficient technique to follow-up patients after coarctation repair work and identify postoperative complications. Echocardiography is the primary imaging modality for evaluation of the heart. Among the major benefits of DE is the ability to measure the gradient throughout the coarctation sector. In addition, the existence of associated hereditary heart and valve abnormalities and heart function can also be examined effectively in a noninvasive way.
Overview of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)[Full-Text ] Alaa Aidroos Saggaft, Mahir Mazin Alsinnari, Mohammed Ali Alshehri, Athari Yasser Dokhan, Najwa Ali Alzahrani, Shahad Dhafer Adraj, Saeed Abu bakr Balubaid, Nouf Faisal AlharbiAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex disorder, which can be seen as a disorder of life time, developing in preschool years and manifesting symptoms throughout the adulthood. ADHD is often chronic with prominent symptoms and impairment spanning into adulthood. ADHD is often associated with co-occurring disorders including disruptive, mood, anxiety, and substance abuse. The diagnosis of ADHD is clinically established by review of symptoms and impairment. The biological underpinning of the disorder is supported by genetic, neuroimaging, neurochemistry and neuropsychological data. Multimodal treatment includes educational, family, and individual support. Psychotherapy alone and in combination with medication is helpful for ADHD and comorbid problems. Pharmacotherapy including stimulants, noradrenergic agents, alpha agonists, and antidepressants plays a fundamental role in the long-term management of ADHD across the lifespan.
Screening lifestyle and mental health in primary care setting[Full-Text ] Ali Hadi Mohammed Madkhali, Ali Hadi Ahmad Madkhali, Abdulmajeed Hassan I SumayliThis review provides information that family physicians can use to select appropriate tools to incorporate into a screening protocol, what they should take into consideration for early detection and management. We conducted a search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), through October, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: "mental health in primary care", "life style", "Management", "primary care". In conclusion, numerous primary care techniques could have physical health screening protocols in place, and need just to integrate behavioral health tools into already-existing protocols. Effective acknowledgment and management of behavior health problems is essential to success. While screening is suggested by some authorities for anxiety, alcohol issues and obesity, some assumed have to be provide to considering screening for problem gambling in primary care .And as well there is relationship between people with mental problems and health problems. General physicians should pay attention to patients with the bad lifestyle, like smoking, no work and screen all patients and ask some question, because they have higher percentage of having mental health problems. Screening is recommended by some authorities as a prevention and management for depression, alcohol problems and obesity, gambling in primary care.
Importance of clinical aspects for family physicians toward hypothyroidism assessment[Full-Text ] Mohammed Abdulkarim M Alshehri, Alhanoof Ali Al Owaidi, Mariam Ahmed Alzahrani, Hatim ahmad m alkhudaydi, Saif Abdulrahman Alobaysi, Abdulaziz Turki Almalki, Hamdan Ahmed M Althubyani, Ahmad SalehS Alobaisy, Abdulrahman Khalaf Allah Alnemari, Mazen Hamed M Almalki, Abdullah A. BaawadhHypothyroidism commonly manifests as a slowing in physical and mental activity but may be asymptomatic. The purpose of these guidelines is to present an updated evidence-based framework for the diagnosis, treatment, and causes, symptoms of hypothyroidism. We Conducted a comprehensive computerized review of literature reporting hypothyroidism assessment in primary care by family physicians published in English language until November, 2017. The measurement of thyroid hormones in females after the age of 50, in pregnancy and after delivery, in women and men with hypercholesterolemia, in patients having had neck radiotherapy, in patients having been provided drugs, such as amiodarone and lithium, appears appropriate.
Peptic ulcer management in primary care by family physicians: Review[Full-Text ] Zainab Salman Alobaid, Baneen Abdullah Akakah, Hawra Hassan AlGhazwi, Hajar Rida Almoqbel, Zahra Mansour AlAskari, Ghadeer Ahmed Al-Marzooq, Khadijah Mohammed BohaligahIn this review we discuss the physiopathology and etiology, to better understand this disease. We highlight the risk factor, scoring systems for peptic perforation and management method in primary care. We searched for articles published through 2017 in the following five electronic databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus, for both English and non-English language articles with the following keywords: “Peptic ulcer”, “management”, “primary care”, “family medicine. Peptic ulcer is a disease of chronic development, characterized by an inequality between the elements that harms the mucosa and those for its security, resulting in a lesion of the lining of the upper digestive tract.
Overview of schizophrenia disorder, management approaches[Full-Text ] Abdullah A Baawadh, Faisal Thiab Odah Alenazi, Mohammed Mansour Al-hariri, Faisal Abdulrahman A Alotaibi, Ahmad Sa'ad Alwan Alharbi Almaliki, Yazeed Abdulrahman Mohammed Alotaibi, Abudalmohsen Saleh Alofi, Yasser Abdulrahman A Almailki, Meshari Maalla Alharbi, Tareg Shaig Alharthi, Turki Fahad AlharthiTo get a more detailed and directed understanding of the impacts and advantages of recent approaches to treatments for schizophrenia, we performed a comparative review, summed up here, of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the present pharmacological and other medical treatments for these patients. This article also gives an overview of the approaches to treatments throughout different stages of schizophrenia. We conducted this overview to summarized the evidence based on surgical management of schizophrenia disorder, we performed an electronic search through specific databases such, PubMed (MEDLINE) and Ovid EMBASE, up to November 2017.
Roles of emergency department physicians toward patients presenting chest pain: Review[Full-Text ] Banan Masoud Almatrafi, Wejdan Qublan Almuqati, Bayan Masoud Almatrafi, Muath Abdullah M. Alsafrani, Amro Sultan Saeed Bokhari, Khoolod Khalid Alshareef, Lamees Abdullelah Subhi, Anwar Abdullbasit HawsaOur significant objective was to identify the strategy applied in ED by physicians to identify reason of chest pain and use scoring system to predict the development of disease. We conducted the literature search in following electronic database MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, for published studies up to December,2017. We have included most evidence based articles which were discussing the presenting chest pain present to emergency department. There is no test that ensures the patient will not have a myocardial infarction in the near or distant future. However, prognosis is not a snapshot however is a continuing variable related to what happens to the patient in the future, eg diabetes, hypertension etc.
Minimal invasive surgical techniques for transarterial embolization: Review[Full-Text ] Yahya Hussain Alqahtani, Saud mohammed Libdah, Moayad Mohammed Sabrah, Abdulaziz Muidh Alqhtani, Fadaa magthel H Alotaibi, Ahmad Ayed M Alshbriqe, Khalid Abdullah N Alhotellah, Adel Awadh AlghuraisTransarterial embolization (TAE) is a technique that is increasingly being used to augment surgical options for an increasing number of pathologies. In this review we discuss the minimal invasive surgical techniques for percutaneous, renal, angiomyolipoma and prostatic transarterial embolization. Medline, and Embase, databases were searched for relevant studies discussing the transarterial embolization and surgical intervention for that through, October, 2017. Search restriction was applied to only English language published studies with human subjects. Emergency surgery or transarterial embolization (TAE) are options for the therapy of recurrent or refractory nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Surgery has the disadvantage of high rates of postoperative morbidity and mortality.
Diagnostic methods and therapeutic options for gastroesophageal reflux: Review[Full-Text ] Abdullah Bandar Almashouf, Meshal Abdulhameed Alolyan, Haifa Abdullah Abalkhail, Abdullah Fahad AlshareefGastroesophageal reflux disease happens when the quantity of gastric juice that refluxes into the esophagus exceeds the normal limitation, creating symptoms with or without connected esophageal mucosal injury. The spectrum of clinical presentations attributed to GERD has expanded from regular esophageal symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation, to an assortment of extraesophageal indications including respiratory and laryngeal symptoms. The purpose of this review is to discuss the current approach to the diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and we also highlight the surgical management.
Major clinical aspects of sickle cell anemia, challenges in management[Full-Text ] Naif Jazaa Al Johani, Maram Sultan Althagafi, Fayeza Emadaldeen Alam, Mohammed Mostfa Barnawi, Eyad Mosleh AlnajraniSickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the most common genetic diseases worldwide. We briefly review the currently available treatments for SCD and diagnosis methods in clinics. We conducted a search of the Cochrane database to evaluate the of sickle cell anemia, challenges in management that were studied up to 2017. We used this list as MeSH terms or equivalent to compose searches of MEDLINE and EMBASE. We also included chronic lung disease as a title and abstract search term. Newborn testing, early preventative therapies, education about difficulties, and testing programs enhance both the morbidity and mortality of SCA. In general, the proof suggests that SCT might be neither an entirely benign carrier state nor a true disease entity, but instead a danger aspect for sure adverse results that result from the interplay in between hereditary and environmental influences. VTE and renal condition are among the manifestations under reevaluation. Currently, the results from case-control research studies stay suggestive of an association with these results yet have to be regarded as being far from definitive. Until such time as these observations have been verified, expanding screening efforts have to be considered to be of little advantage. Nonetheless, with continuous newborn testing identifying people with SCT, furthering research to better identify the consequences of SCT is of critical significance to providing much better counseling on any type of involved health risks. Much more hostile treatment of SCA is supported by present evidence, and restorative alternatives with hydroxyurea need to be taken into consideration early in life.
Review of evidence in Risk of preterm delivery in pregnant with placenta previa[Full-Text ] Maryam Ahmed Makki Almazen, Afnan Ali Ahmed Alqubah, Fatimah Mohammad AlmouqasilPlacenta previa is associated with an increased maternal morbidity including the need for blood and blood products transfusion, urgent cesarean section, and cesarean hysterectomy. We aimed to discuss the obstetric risk factors and risk of preterm delivery associated with placenta previa. We performed electronic search through, MEDLINE, PubMed, Google Scholar, and EBSCO, for all published articles up to November 2017, we limited our search English studies only, only human trails were included, we also designed an inclusion criterion for our search which determine the studies that have to be included, and most important among those criteria is all studies discussing the Risk of preterm delivery in pregnant with placenta previa, In conclusion, placenta previa is one of the major causes of mother's morbidity and death. Every health center must have a procedure or algorithm for the management of placenta previa. Significant danger factors for mother's morbidity include if the placenta is covering the os "total placenta previa", background of previous C/S, emergency. The majority of the patients with placenta previa are delivered preterm, and these deliveries are regarded as suggested preterm births due to extreme maternal hemorrhage. Nonetheless, recent evidence recommends that mechanisms apart bleeding may lead to preterm birth in women with placenta previa.Patients with placenta previa that delivered preterm had a greater rate of intra-amniotic infection/inflammation than those who delivered at term, recommending that likewise to spontaneous preterm birth, intra-amniotic infection or inflammation could contribute to the procedure of preterm parturition in patients with placenta previa. Furthermore, females with this difficulty who had a short cervical size have an increased risk to deliver preterm.
Fast diagnosis and Emergency management of carbon monoxide poisoning: Overview[Full-Text ] Anas Ahmad Al-Ali, Buthainah Ali Alazman, Waleed Abdulrahman H Alqahtani, Wejdan hussain hakami, Riyadh Omar AlQithmiCarbon monoxide (CO) has been called a "great mimicker" and responsible for most of the all fatal poisonings worldwide. This review of the literature should serve to highlight aspects of CO poisoning, diagnosis and emergency efficient treatment. Relevant studies were identified by a search of electronic databases, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, for all these articles published from time of instance up to December 2017, in English language and discussing Fast diagnosis and Emergency management of carbon monoxide poisoning, containing human subjects only. Search terms were used to identified articles as following: "carbon monoxide poisoning" and "emergency department" and "management" and "diagnosis". Treatment of Carbon Monoxide poisoning begins with inhalation of supplemental oxygen and aggressive supportive care. HBOT speeds up dissociation of Carbon Monoxide from hemoglobin and could likewise avoid DNS. Absolute indications for HBOT for CO poisoning stay debatable, although most authors would certainly agree that HBOT is suggested in patients that are comatose or neurologically abnormal, have a background of LOC with their exposure, or have cardiac dysfunction. Pregnancy with a raised CO-Hgb level (O 15%- 20%) is also commonly taken into consideration a sign for treatment. HBOT may be taken into consideration in patients that have persistent symptoms despite NBO, metabolic acidosis, irregularities on neuropsychometric testing, or significantly elevated levels. The perfect regimen of oxygen therapy has yet to be identified, and considerable controversy exists regarding HBOT treatment procedures. Often the local clinical toxicologist, poison control center, or hyperbaric unit may assist the managing doctor with decisions regarding therapy.
The Use of Prophylactic Antimicrobials in Surgical Interventions [Full-Text ] Ahmed Mazyad AlawajiAntimicrobial prophylaxis is used by clinicians for the avoidance of numerous infections, consisting of sexually transmitted diseases, human immunodeficiency infection, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, persistent cellulitis, meningococcal disease, persistent straightforward urinary tract infections in women, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with cirrhosis, influenza, malaria, infective endocarditis, pertussis, pester, anthrax, early-onset group B streptococcal disease in neonates, and animal bite wounds. Certain opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in immunocompromised patients also can be effectively avoided with main antimicrobial prophylaxis. Perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis is suggested for numerous surgeries to pre- vent surgical website infection. In conclusion, the main prophylactic step against postoperative infection is antiseptic technique in patient preparation, throughout surgery, and in postoperative patient care. Since the anticipated benefit of antimicrobial treatment is less than the danger of an unfavorable medication response, antimicrobial prophylaxis against postoperative infection is not indicated for procedures with a low infection rate. Antimicrobial prophylaxis has been shown to be of higher advantage than risk in some procedures with greater infection rates; however, because the problem is complicated and the data are limited, extrapolating these findings to the specialist's setting and the specific patient remains an obstacle. Antimicrobial prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis is ineffective for a lot of patients, the seriousness of the prospective infection has driven the production of standards suggesting prophylaxis for at-risk patients going through at-risk procedures. Using these standards appropriately might help to lower baseless use of antimicrobials. In the prophylactic use of antimicrobials, as in lots of medical interventions, the problem is balancing the risks of the intervention with the possible advantages. We do not have actually either the randomized, controlled trials or the in-depth, patient-specific details to approximate this balance exactly, there are basic guidelines to help the clinician pick treatment for the majority of patients.