Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018.
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Development of Wireless Home Automation System For The Disabled People (Deaf, Dumb And Alzheimer)[Full-Text ] Obe Olumide, Abe OluwafemiThe rapid technological development has brought about continuous reduction in human physical effort and increase in quality of life. This has also brought about increase in the independence, comfort and security of the disabled people through the development of Home Automation System. Various means have been used to support and save the life of disabled at home ranging from GSM based control system, Bluetooth-based application, Android Based method etc. However, there is a need for the development of a low cost, multiple alert systems for the disabled. In this work, a portable IP-based remote control system – WHADDA, has been developed to secure the disabled people with self-automated security devices against fire outbreak and intruder to the house coupled with full control of home electrical appliances remotely.
Analytical analysis of the productive characteristics of Awassi lambs Influence of the enzyme β-glucanases fiber analyzer[Full-Text ] Mohanad Kh. Alani, Majid Khleel Ali, Hussein Ali Khayoon, Basma Kh. Ahmed AlaniThis study was conducted in the department of animal wealth at Tikrit University, Iraq, during November 2013 to February 2014. In the nutritional evaluation experiments, 20 lambs were used with a weight of 23.82+1.28kg, aged 4 to 5 months, and bought from the local markets. Based on the weight, lambs were randomly divided into five groups, each comprising 4 lambs. The lambs were fed five experimental foods containing concentrated and coarse diet (wheat straw). Each of these groups was further treated with enzyme fiber analyzer type (SFIZYM GP 2500) commercially prepared food at levels of 1-2g/kg mixed in fodder, while control group remained no enzyme. The necessary measurements were taken to determine the effect of enzyme fiber analyzer in the studied traits. The concentrated diet was set as 2.5% of the body weight while the coarse diet was provided for free consumption. According to the results, T3 exceeded the rate of daily increase, final weight gain rate and rate of total weight compared to all groups in the Euclidean distance.
A comparative study of Blood Type and Behavioral Pattern Of Specially Able Children[Full-Text ] Rewati HatkanagalekarBlood is the most fundamental nourishing for our bodies. It seems to be that different blood type would react differently. Many Other factors influence our personality. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between blood group and behavioral pattern of specially able children. Different abilities determine different behavioral pattern.
Shear Behaviour of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Wide Beams without Stirrups[Full-Text ] Alaa M. Morsy, T. M. ElrakibTwelve simply-supported steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) wide beams without conventional stirrups were tested to investigate their shear behavior. The flexure mode of failure was secured for all of the specimens to allow for shear mode of failure. The variables were fiber volumetric ratio, concrete compressive strength, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and shear span-to-depth ratio. Eight tested beams were steel fiber reinforced concrete wide beams and four beams were reinforced concrete wide beams without steel fiber for comparison purposes. End-hooked steel fibers of volumetric ratio ranging from 0% to 1.25% were used in the specimens. All beams were tested under four-point loading to investigate their behavior in shear, cracking pattern, ultimate capacity and ductility. Test results showed that the shear cracking, the ultimate shear strength and ductility increased with increasing fiber volumetric ratio, decreasing shear span to depth ratio, increasing concrete compressive strength and increasing longitudinal reinforcement ratio. The using of a dose of 0.75% fiber content in the wide beams without shear stirrups was adequate to achieve the ultimate resistance that is the same as the conventional RC wide beam with conventional stirrups. Evaluation of the ultimate shear strength of the SFRC wide beams based on previous models is presented.
Novel Drug Targets in Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Potential targets for Drug Designing[Full-Text ] Madhusudana Pulaganti, Anuradha C.M, Chitta Suresh kumarPseudomonas aeruginosa PA01 is one of the most important and studied opportunistic gram negative bacterial strains, which have a great potential to infect human beings as well as other mammals. In the present work unique enzymes were identified from PA01 by comparative metabolic pathway analysis. We have identified nine enzymes are unique to the opportunistic pathogen PA01 and are no significant similarity with H. sapiens and will be considered for rational drug design. 437 distinct Potential drug targets were also identified from different metabolic pathways; the study was successful in listing out potential drug targets from the PA01proteome with bioinformatics tools.
Transoral Removal of aGiant Submandibular Sialolith: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Hesham Alowaimer, Tarek Kasem, Daij AL DaijiSubmandibular salivary glands are commonly affected by sialolith (calculus),with patients suffering pain and swelling, especially at mealtime. Sialoliths and giant calculi larger than 15 mm are rarely reported. This case report presents a 28 mm sialolith which was removed successfully intraorally under local anesthesia (transoral approach; sialolithotomy). There were no complications either during the operation or postoperatively, and the salivary function of the gland remained normal.
The Effect of Lifestyle Modification on Treatment and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review[Full-Text ] Marwah Alkhamis, Aqilah Alabbad, Rawabi AldawlahBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide. A large proportion of these patients go undiagnosed. Enhanced prevention before onset of overt disease through lifestyle modification is crucial to reducing health complications and the economic burden attributable to cardiometabolic disease. This systematic review consolidates recent evidence on the effectiveness of lifestyle-base interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes.
Connected Spaces[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniConnected spaces are one of the most important mathematical concepts in algebraic topology and differential geometry which are increasingly being used in in distinguishing, describing and classifying various topological spaces. A space is also connected is it exists in one piece and disconnected if it can be written as a union of two separated non empty pieces. Connected spaces a wide range of applications in various fields such as intermediate value theorem particularly when it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT) where it can be used in the design of sensor systems, online screen applications and data trackers among other IoT devices.
Knowledge and Attitude about Blood Donation and its subtype (autologous blood donation) among medical students in KSA[Full-Text ] Bushra Albalawi , Salem Albalawi , Ebrahim HaririIntroduction: Blood donation and transfusion are remarkably lifesaving medical procedures. Autologous Blood donation which is called also self-donation is the collection and re-infusion of the patient's own Blood or Blood components. It should be transfusion therapy of choice, or at least, fully and carefully considered. Objectives: to assess knowledge about blood donation and knowledge and attitude about autologous blood transfusion among medical students in different collages in KSA.
Application of Numerical Methods for Regulating Unsteady Flow in Prismatic and Natural Open Channels[Full-Text ] Mohsen Ezzeldin, Mohamed.T.Shamaa, Omnia NaguibRouting and operation problems are the most highlight problems which must be explained obviously in unsteady flow in open channels. Both routing and operation problems are basic logical interference methods. The routing approach means using Saint- Venant equations for expecting the results in the downstream of the channel from the known conditions in the upstream. At the other end of the spectrum, the operation technique is the inverse computational method which means using the downstream results to calculate the upstream hydrographs or to interpret the reasons of events happened during wave progression. Saint-Venant equations which are based on the discretization of the Preissmann scheme can be solved using an inverse explicit scheme.
Knowledge and Interests of Students and Faculty Members at Hail Medical College in Traditional and Complementary Medicine[Full-Text ] Abdulrazaq Yousef Aljamani, Abdulaziz Abtan Alshammari, Yaser Quayed AlreshidiBackground: Public interest in traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM) has increased in the recent two decades in many parts of the world. Some medical schools have incorporated TCAM modules into their curricula; the success of this step depends mainly on the attitude of medical students and staff members.
An Interactive Control Engineering Course[Full-Text ] Günyaz Ablay, Sheilamae Ablay In many engineering disciplines, feedback control systems is the general undergraduate control course. The control course is considered difficult, too theoretical, and even peripheral by the majority of undergraduate students. Since the control field does not have a specific focus area, it is not well-understood by students, engineers, and even academicians today.
Measuring the Percentage of Consanguinity in Sickle Cell Patients and Its Effect on the Prognosis of the Disease[Full-Text ] Raed Fuad AbuazzahSCD is one of the major health problems in Saudi Arabia, specially in Southern, Western and Eastern areas where the gene frequency of this disease is quite prevalent. Many studies were carried out in these areas. There is a lack of studies of the effect of consanguinity on disease outcome and prognosis. we did this study in western area in Almadinah Almunawarah. We determined the effect of consanguinity on the disease by three factors. These factors are (Blood Transfusion, First complain, and complications). In this study, we carried out a retrograde analysis of patients’ files, and found that 44% of the patients were products of consanguineous marriages. But the research concluded that there was no clear increase in complications caused by the state of consanguinity of the patient’s parents, although patients on consanguineous parents have had slightly more incidences of vaso-oclusive crisis.
Achieving Visual Comfort through Solatube Daylighting Devices in Residential Buildings In Nigeria[Full-Text ] Toluwalogo David Babarinde, Halil Zafer Alibaba There are different methods of achieving visual comfort in residential buildings. Some of the methods include the integration of elec-tric lights, curtain walls and skylights among many others into either the façade or roofing systems of buildings. However, this paper puts forward a study of the use of Solatube daylighting devices - a type of tubular daylighting device, in achieving excellent levels of visual comfort. A proposed residential building with walls and roof made of concrete blocks and asphalt shingles respectively was taken into consideration because most buildings in Nigeria, especially the residential types, are made of these materials. The findings of the lighting analysis for the residential building are presented in this paper. The analysis was focused on the roof of the building and carried out using the Light Analysis Revit (LA/R) plug-in. Over the years, climatic data has shown that most areas in the South Western part of Nigeria receive great measures of sunshine. The same is true currently. It is even truer that these high levels of sunshine can be optimized using Solatube daylighting devices in the roofs of residential buildings.
Beliefs regarding influenza vaccination among Healthcare workers in Jizan[Full-Text ] Mohammed A. Khormi, Abdullah S. Majrashi, Ali A. Salawi, Yahya A. Doshi, Hussein A. Sanba, Akram M. Alhazmi, Ahmed H. Altaher, Khadija M. MashhorInfluenza is considered as a serious disease that may lead to severe complications and even death. Annually, tens of thousands die from flu-related complications worldwide .Flu vaccines provide adequate protection from infection with influenza viruses. It’s crucial that healthcare workers get vaccinated against influenza. However, the vaccination rates are usually low. This may be due to unawareness of influenza disease seriousness in addition to some concerns regarding efficacy and safety of flu vaccine.
Design for appropriate size of fixed skylight in Famagusta, Cyprus[Full-Text ] Aisha Mahmud Umar, Halil Zafer AlibabaDaylighting is necessary due to global warming and the benefits of natural lighting to the human health that was recently discovered. For centuries Skylights have been a very effective way of daylighting. This research briefly studied the basics of skylights through literature and found an effective way of finding the best skylight design for Famagusta Cyprus. A building was found in a known neighborhood in Famagusta, it was reproduced in an architectural design software (AutoCAD) and then exported to a lighting simulation software (DIALux evo) and the skylights of various sizes were placed in the living room and the lighting of the space when each skylight was placed was recorded. The months set for the lighting record were July and December, being the months with most and least sunlight in Famagusta respectively. It was found that in summer three skylights ranging from 1.2m by 1.2m to 1.5m by 1.5m were adequate and provided about 500lux-1000lux while in winter the skylights that provided adequate light from 500lux-750lux ranged from 1.2m by 1.5m to 1.5m by 1.8m. Skylights design and application has been made easy for the residents of Famagusta through this research.
Hyperdontia in Anterior Maxilla and Bilateral Man-dibular Bicuspids Regions (Case report and review of literature)[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Ahmed AlshehriHyperdontia is a developmental anomaly that is hypothesized to arise from multiple etiologies. Supernumerary teeth may remain impacted in the alveolar bone or can erupt into the oral cavity with a different location within alveolar bone. These teeth when present may give rise to a variety of clinical problems. Detection of supernumerary teeth is best achieved by thorough clinical and radiographic examination. Their management should form part of a comprehensive treatment plan. The aim of the present study is to report a rare case of a mesiodens, impacted supernumerary central incisor, and mandibular parapremolars in an individual with no other associated diseases or syndromes.
Code Cracking the Cube: Comparing Heuristic Rubik’s Solution Methods by Programmed Algorithms and Move Efficiency[Full-Text ] Emily LambYou’ve seen it before — that puzzle of colorful squares, the Rubik’s cube. As its inventor discovered, a few turns on the cube can make it very difficult to solve. Nevertheless, there are several methods some people have discovered to solve it, but which one is the best? This experiment measures which method uses the fewest number of turns on the cube. I programmed a simulation of the cube and several methods to solve it: two popular beginner methods, a method favored by competitive speedcubers, and some methods I developed myself. I used a set of different scrambles for each experimental trial.
The Influence of Excavation on Behavior of Piles Supporting Excavation and an Adjacent Pile Foundation[Full-Text ] Mamdouh A. Kenawi, Mohamed G. IbrahimIn urban environment, most buildings are adjacent to each other. High rise buildings need deep excavation. The excavation will cause large soil movement and may cause damage to the adjacent building. For this reason, this research studies the effect of nearby excavation on existing pile group and piles supporting excavation numerically. This research investigates the behavior of piles supporting excavation and a triple-row of capped head piles located nearby an excavation. Response of piles in sand due to excavation-induced lateral soil movements is studied by using PLAXIS 2D finite element software version 8.2. A parametric study was performed to study the effect of adding strut to the pile supporting excavation and effect of pile supporting excavation length.
Influence of lime and cement in strength characteristics of soil[Full-Text ] Rinu Jose, N P RajamaneA structure to be strong, the soil beneath the structure plays a very critical role. The clayey soils are found to be the weakest soils which are susceptible to settlement. Such soils are to be stabilised. The present study deals with the comparison of stabilisation of clayey soils (CH and CL) with cement and lime. This study is focussed on the shear strength variation of lime and cement mixed clayey soils having high and low plasticity (CH and CL). The optimum lime content obtained in high plasticity clayey soil (CH) was found to be 4 % and that of low plasticity clayey soil (CL) was 2 %. Up to the optimum lime content the shear strength was increased and after that a slight decrease was found.
Measuring the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of People in Head Injury and How Neurosurgeons Manage Them[Full-Text ] Hassan Mohammed Barnawi, Hammam Naji Albeshr, Akram Adel Alandijani, Abdulqader Ibrahim Susi, Ahmad Salem AlharbiAny injury that results in trauma to the skull or brain can be classified as a head injury. The terms traumatic brain injury and head injury are often used interchangeably in the medical literature. This broad classification includes neuronal injuries, hemorrhages, vascular injuries, cranial nerve injuries, and subdural hygromas, among many others. These classifications can be further categorized as open (penetrating) or closed head injuries. This depends on if the skull was broken or not.
Pathophysiological mechanisms and Classification of Atrial Fibrillation (AF), review[Full-Text ] Meshal Ali S Alasmari , Abdullah Saad Alasmari, Mohammed Saleh M AlshahraniAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common continual arrhythmia in human beings, triggering an increasing variety of deaths and problems. Electrocardiogram (ECG)-based studies recommend that ∼ 1% of the overall population is impacted. This systematic review aimed to describes the published evidence for the pathomechanisms, classification and management of atrial fibrillation (AF) and its consequences. A comprehensive structured literature search was performed using MEDLINE for studies published through October 2016, which reported on Atrial Fibrilationpathomechanisms, conceqences, classification and treatment. The search terms included each of the following terms individually and in combination: atrial fibrillation, classification, treatment. AF is a progressively common and typical arrhythmia that is connected with considerable morbidity and death. Since of the restricted effectiveness of catheter based treatments, specifically for patients with relentless AF, and the considerable morbidity and death connected with surgery for the arrhythmia, medicinal treatment stays the pillar of treatment for most of patients. The optimal treatment technique for patients with consistent AF stays questionable, with some clinicians favouring rhythm control and others rate control.
Reliability of Fourier grid Hamiltonian method to study Bottomonium states in non-relativistic model[Full-Text ] A. M. Yasser, N. K. Ahmed, A. S. MahmoudMany techniques were used to study eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Schrödinger equation. One of them is the three-dimensional Fourier grid Hamiltonian. This method will be developed and tested for calculating theoretical spectra of Bottomonium meson. Non-relativistic quark potential model is used in our work. A high accuracy results which are in a good agreement with recently published experimental masses for the ground and the radially excited states are obtained for S-wave mesons states.
The Application of Queuing Analysis in modeling Optimal Service level[Full-Text ] A.A. Onoja, O.L Babasola, Edwin Moyo, Viona OjiamboQueues are common scenario faced in the modern day Banks and other financial Institutions. Queuing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines; this can also be applicable queues in the banking system. This study examine the queuing system at Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB), putting into consideration the waiting time spend by Customers, Service time spend by a Customer and the average cost a customer loses while in queue and the service cost of each server in order to optimize the system.
Laser Irradiation Effect on the Optical Band Gap of In2O3 Nanocrystalline onto Quartz Substrates [Full-Text ] Zainab Saad MahdiIn this research we study the influence of nitrogen laser irradiation N2 at (337 nm) on the optical properties of nanocrystalline In2O3 Films with different power average (0.85, 1.70, 2.125 mW ) for irradiation time (5min). By using UV-VIS spectrophotometer technique, can many of the optical properties account of study change spectral transmittance and absorbance of these membranes, and energy gap for direct transitions. It was found that the band gap increases when the thickness increases and the band gap values ranges between (3.5 eV - 3.6 eV). and calculate the extinction coefficient and refractive index. the exposure of the as deposited films to a selected dose of laser irradiation, the optical properties films varies with increase in the power average.
Evaluation of Stress Management Among Physical Therapists[Full-Text ] Dr. Erum Tanveer, Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dr. Saman Habib, Dr. Abdul Rashad, Dr. Khadija Tul Kubra, Dr. Muzna Kafeel, Dr. Anita Kumari, Mr. Noman Ahmed IssaniObjective: To analyze the stress management among physical therapists. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in different clinics and physical therapy departments of hospitals situated in Karachi city from Jan 2013 to June 2013. Convenience non probability sampling technique was used to select the participants for this study. A validated and modified questionnaire was used to explore the lifestyle habits of physical therapists. The participants for this study were all physical therapists working in different areas of Karachi city.
FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY USING 3D VISUAL MODELS AND SWAT IN TERENGGANU RIVER CATCHMENT[Full-Text ] IBRAHIM SUFIYAN,. DR. RAZAK BIN ZAKARIYAFlood is the natural occurrance penomena that affects many areas around the wolrd. The flood risk is predominantly found in area where rainfall exceeds 3000mm per annum. The Terengganu river cachment has one of this chacrateristics. It falls within the tropical equitorial monsoon climate. Generally, the vulnerability of the flood is more in Peninsular Malaysia. The use of 3D simulation has identified flood risk zones. the use of sub-basins parameters to calculated areas flooded is done in ArcGIS 10.3-ArcSWAT2012 extension. The outcome is the modeling of highly flooded zones. The individual impacts of flood risk have been monitored and the results display the modeling of flood risk zones in the catchment area of Terengganu.
Performance of the lightweight concrete with available nano-silica in case fully replacement of coarse aggregate[Full-Text ] Omnia S. Ismail, Omar A. El- Nawawy, Khaled S. Ragab, Mohamed KohailA lot of research has been done on the nano-silica show its effect on enhancing both strength and durability of concrete. Nevertheless, there are few types of research in the field of using nano-silica with lightweight concrete. The objective of this research is to investigate the performance of lightweight concrete with nano-silica. Different concrete mixes with 350 kg/m3 cement content and 0.4 as a constant water-cement ratio were produced with different dosage of nano-silica Different mixes were produced using LECA with different dosage of nano- silica (0.75%, 1.5%, and 2%). Strength and durability of all mixtures were studied, also the microstructure of concrete mixes was observed. The test results demonstrated that using nano-silica improved the compressive and tensile strength. At the compressive strength, it is considered that the percent 0.75% of nano- silica is the ideal percentage at ages 7, 28 and 90 days. Adding nano-silica produced more homogeneity and fewer voids in the concrete microstructure. Comparing the results of this research by the results of previous research, this research has proved a clear improvement in strengths using LECA with nano-silica at densities (1400-1600) kg/m3.
Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being Among medical students[Full-Text ] Bushra Rehman, Adnan SohailThe present survey explores “Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being Among medical students” It is hypothesized that Males are more emotionally intelligent than females and Emotional intelligence is negatively related to psychological well-being (depression, anxiety and stress). A sample of 142 individuals through convenient sampling technique was selected among 72 males and 70 females. Data was collected with the help of two questionnaires emotional intelligence scale and psychological general wellbeing. Alpha chronbach reliability (.90, .81). The co-relation at 0.01 level of significance was used, the analysis proved both hypothesis that relationship Males are more emotionally intelligent than females and Emotional intelligence is negatively related to psychological well-being (depression, anxiety and stress).
A Meta-Model for Risk-Based Testing Technique Based On the MDA Approach[Full-Text ] Atifi Meriem, Marzak AbdelazizIn software testing area, risk-based testing is a testing technique that uses risk to prioritize and emphasize the appropriate tests during all phases of the test process. By using this technique we can organize testing efforts in a way that reduces the residual level of system risk when it is deployed. From the fact to its high practical relevance, several approaches that support Risk-Based testing technique have been proposed in academic and industrial research. Although, most of these approaches share common principal, common challenges and common characteristic that are inherited from the fundamental concepts of Risk-Based testing technique. In this context, we apply MDA approach to propose in this paper a generic Meta model that represents risk-based-testing elements, concepts, and relationships in order to define the structure and entities that must take any risk-based-testing approach.