Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017.
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Application of the New Force-Depending Radiation Reaction Approach to the Motion of a Charge in an Undulator Device[Full-Text ] Gustavo V. L opez and Jorge LizarragaThe e ect of force-depending radiation reaction on charge motion traveling inside an undulator is studied using the new force approach for radiation reaction. The e ect on the dynamics of a charged particle is determined with the hope that this one can be measured experimentally and can be determined whether or not this approach points on the right direction to understand the nature of radiation reaction.The e ect of force-depending radiation reaction on charge motion traveling inside an undulator is studied using the new force approach for radiation reaction. The e ect on the dynamics of a charged particle is determined with the hope that this one can be measured experimentally and can be determined whether or not this approach points on the right direction to understand the nature of radiation reaction.
3D PRINTED DEVICE AND METHOD FOR CONVERTING AIR INTO THE WATER THROUGH CONDENSATION[Full-Text ] Jawwad Khizar PatelExemplary embodiments of the present disclosure are directed towards a system for converting the air into the water through condensation comprising of a condensation unit comprising, one of fans and a condenser coil wherein, the water vapour is condensed for providing drinkable water; an auto cooling fan configured to cool down the condenser’s heated portion configured to maintain a predetermined heating point; a water collector configured to collect the condensed water vapour from the condensation unit through a connected funnel; a sensors module configured to sense at least one of: temperature, cooling and heating point details, water filtration details, humidity, dew point and voltage details
QUANTIFICATIONS OF DAM-INDUCED HYDROLOGICAL ALTERATION IN GILGEL GIBE I WATERSHED[Full-Text ] BESHO HOMA BEDADAFlow alteration due to the climate variation/ change and Antropogenic activities are common. In this, we investigate the impact of climate variation and human activity particularly Gilgel Gibe dam I construction on total flow of Gilgle Gibe I watershed for pre and post dam construction period. Man-kendall trend test used to analyze climate variation, Sihymd model were identify the effect of climate variation and human activity by comparing simulate and observed flow statistically and also lan use and land cover change of two distnict period classification were analyzed by Ar-GIS for the pre and post dam period.