Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017.
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Real Time Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Data Prediction and Monitoring[Full-Text ] Idakwo Monday A, Umoh I.J, Man-yahaya SThere have been a growing concern over environmental issues like global warming, radiation, energy conservation, efficient energy usage etc. These concern have been given a significant research attention over the years. The advent of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has provide an efficient technique of data collection in a wide variety of application. There are a large number of prior efforts in building low cost WSN for environmental monitoring applications. However, predicting such environmental data for easy decision and preventive measures has not been given a considerable attention. Thus, this paper presents the development of a real time wireless sensor network for any environmental data prediction using naïve prediction model. The developed system was implemented on intranet, Low forecast metric error result obtained shows the accuracy of the naïve model.
Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Techniques for Water Consumption Forecasting[Full-Text ] Bisher M. IqelanForecasting water consumption is an important foundation for the development of water demand management strategy. In this paper, a parametric time series exponential smoothing state space (ETS) method was employed to monthly water consumption for Gaza City/Palestine. It is compared with nonparametric Reweighted Nadaraya-Watson (RNW) method. The root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute scaled error (MASE) are used for comparing the forecasting accuracy. This paper finds statistically significant evidence showing that the ETS state space model outperforms RNW approach at forecasting water consumption.
Evaluation of supplementary / retrofit refrigerants for domestic refrigerators charged with HFC134a[Full-Text ] Dr. Deepak PaliwalConversion of R134a systems to environment friendly ones will be a major thrust area for refrigeration sector in the present time. As and when an existing refrigerator of R134a has to be recharged it is suggested to retrofit the system with new/natural and alternative refrigerants. Presently, hydrocarbon mixtures and pure hydrocarbons are available in market to replace R134a, but the optimum ratio and mass fraction to be used for better and safe performance of the system is given by only few researchers. This investigation focuses on mixture ratio of pure hydrocarbon R290 and R600a used in 200 liter domestic refrigeration system by certain changes in size of capillary. The performance of the HCM mixture R600a/R290 (60/40 by wt. %) was compared with those of HFC and HFC / HC mixtures at capillary length of 10 and 11 feet. It was observed that the COP of 125g R600a/R290 mixture was higher by 53.1% and 93.26% than that of 250g R134a at -5 0C and 5 0C evaporative temperatures, respectively. The pressure ratio was the maximum for the refrigerant R134a, at the capillary length of 10 feet and was in minimum for HCM R600a/R290.
Minimizing Waiting Time of Outdoor Patients at BSMMU in Bangladesh Applying Waiting Line Theory[Full-Text ] Md. Al-Amin Molla, M. Sharif UddinWaiting lines and service systems are very important parts of the health sector. The outdoor of hospital would avoid losing their patients due to a long wait on the line. In this paper we have described some common queuing situations and presented mathematical models for analyzing waiting lines following certain assumptions those are that (1) patients come from an infinite population, (2) they follow the poisson distribution, (3) patients behaviour are treated on a service discipline “First Come First Serve” (FCFS) and do not balk or renege, (4) service time follows the exponential distribution, (5) utilization factor Ï<1 that is the average service rate is faster than the average arrival rate. In the department named department of Ophthalmology at outdoor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), patients have to wait long in queue for service. Thus to minimize their average waiting time for service in the queue we used waiting line theory. The model illustrated in this paper for patients on a level with service is the multi-channel waiting line model with poisson arrival and exponential service times (M/M/K: FCFS/∞/∞). We obtained the one month (January-2014) daily patients data of the above mentioned department from the medical statistic department of BSMMU. From the observation we have the arrival rate and service rate of the above department and the number of available server for each department. Then we have calculated the utilization rate, average waiting in the queue and the average number of patients in the queue, based on the data using multi-channel waiting line model (M/M/K:FCFS/∞/∞). Finally we have minimized the average waiting time in the queue for service.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of “ICT in Education” in developing countries[Full-Text ] Jiwak Raj BajracharyaEven though, technology had been always matter about its high cost, today technological tools and software had been widely implemented in educational settings to enhance the teaching and learning. But, developing countries were always on the economic burden for the expensive technological tools and training cost.
Availability Study of Groundwater in Jaffna Peninsula of Northern Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Vijakanth, V., Sivakumar, S.S., and Ratnaweera, H.C., The Jaffna Peninsula lie in the northern-most part of Sri Lanka. It is separated from the mainland by two external lagoons. The Jaffna Peninsula depends for its water on the rainfall which percolates and stored in lime stone aquifers.
APPLICATION OF CASE BASED RECOMMENDER SYSTEM IN INVESTMENT SECTOR AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITY SELECTION TO NEW INVESTORS: IN THE CASE OF ETHIOPIA[Full-Text ] Yibeltal Chanie Manie, Abebe Belay AdegeInvestment is a commitment of funds, directly or indirectly, to one or more assets with the expectation to enhance future wealth. Each person can be specifically differentiated on various parameters in investment selection decision. Prior to purchasing any investment product or service, it is important that investors fully think about their unique needs and overall financial situation to determine whether the investment or service is right for them.
DESIGNING A STEMMER FOR GE’EZ TEXT USING RULE BASED APPROACH[Full-Text ] ABEBE BELAY ADEGE, YIBELTAL CHANIE MANIEIn this study, a stemmer of Ge’ez text was developed using rule based approaches. In designing processes, different concepts such as background for the thesis, literatures on conflation of the stemming algorithms, morphological nature of Ge’ez language, stemming techniques and other realted things were discussed in order to model and develop an automatic procedure for conflation or prototype. When inflectional and derivational morphologies of the language were discussed, affixations such as prefixing, infixing and suffixing are the main word formation processes in Ge’ez language. The language is morphologically complex. This is because different words can be formed due to the wide concatenations of affixes.For the experiment, two techniques were used: affix removal and morphological analysis techniques. To evaluate the stemmer, manually error counting technique was used. The stemmer was trained on 70% of the sample text and the test result was done on 30% of the sample data that were not included for training. From the experiment, three types of errors are observed: over stemmed (6%), under stemmed (4.27%) and structural problems (7.31%). When the stemmer runs on the unseen sample of 30% sample texts, it performed with an accuracy of 82.42%. The dictionary reductions of the stemmer were 29.9% to the stemmed words and 62.8% to root words on the test set. Lastly, the possible recommendations to future works and improvements of this work were reported.
Wireless digital turbine flowmeter for sport practice[Full-Text ] Stefanov L.G.The article describes a wireless system for measuring the pulmonary ventilation in sport practice under field conditions. It consists of a silicone half mask, turbine flowmeter, digital hardware and software. The total weight of the system is 180 g. It is developed on the basis of the microprocessor Arduino Pro Mini. The system measures airflow from 10 to 200 L /min. The maximum approximation error of the entire range is +/- 2.78%. The relation between thedebit of the airflow expressed in L /min and the measured units obtained from the microprocessor is close to the linear function but is best described by a second degree polynomial function. The system provides protection against transmission of infections among the athletes.
Effect of Different Lubricants on Deep Drawing of Galvanized Steel[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidFriction plays an important role in manufacturing processes.in some processes it is useful and required e.g. in rolling. However, in most processes it is harmful and not required as it causes wear of the tools and dies. Furthermore, it causes increase of the force and work required to perform the process which in turn will require higher machine capacity and special tools which adds to the manufacturing cost. In this paper, the effect of lubrication on the deep drawing process is investigated which includes: the effects on the force, energy requirements and the quality of the deep drawn cylindrical steel cups. The quality is assessed by the reduction in the amount of thinning, wrinkling, the height of ears and the bell shape. Five different lubricants were used and the obtained results are presented and discussed.
Dissociative Chemisorptions of H2/D2 on the Pd13 (295K) Cluster as Function of Translation Energy[Full-Text ] Monira Hussein Elduma, Nada Elzein EisaIn this study, the kinetics the reaction of Pd clusters with Hydrogen molecular was used study quasiclassical molecular dynamics simulation. The structure of the clusters was obtained by the thermal quenching techniques. The potential energy of the H2 /D2 molecules was obtained by an embedded–atom potential also the reaction between the H2 /D2 and Pd is modeled by LEPS (London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato) function. The chemisorption probability has calculated the function of impact parameters, collision energies, and rovibrational initial state. The dissociative probability of the H2/D2 isotopic effect was studied.
ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES OF NATURAL POLYMERS[Full-Text ] Dr.Shubhra PandeyNatural Polymers are mainly used in the formulation as a medium which hastens therapeutic properties of active ingredients in final dosage form by imparting physicochemical parameters in pharmaceutical preparation, is referred as excipients. But natural polymers have antibacterial properties apart from pharmaceutical aid. This article describes antibacterial properties of two natural polymers sodium alginate and pectin. Polymers are widely used in pharmaceutical preparation but the long term preservative efficacy makes natural polymers frequent selection in the formulation. Formulations containing Sodium alginate and pectin as a vehicle have effective preservative properties.
ANALYSIS OF MULTIPLE-QUEUE MULTIPLE-SERVER QUEUING SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF FIRST BANK NIG. PLC, AFIKPO BRANCH[Full-Text ] F. I. Nsude, Elem-Uche O. and Bassey UwabunkonyeThis research paper focused on multiple-lines, multiple server systems of customers in First Bank Nigeria Plc, Afikpo Branch in Ebonyi State. The underlying mathematical concepts of queue models: arrival and service time distributions, queue disciplines and queue behavior were presented. The operating characteristic formulas for multiple-server queuing model meant to evaluate performance of practical queuing systems were also presented. Data on the arrival time of customers and service time spent by customers to receive service were collected and analyzed. Different ratios of average arrival time and service time,(λ/μ), were obtained to determine the optimal number of service facilities (servers) appropriate for the bank. The utilization factor and the average waiting time of customer in the system stood at 0.1762 and 0.1523 respectively. We suggested a reduction in the number of servers in the bank from four to three to reduce the idle time of the servers and also reduce the operation cost.
SPECIES OF FUNGI PRODUCING MYCOTOXINS ISOLATED FROM DETERIORATED VEGETABLE OILS (GARLIC OIL, OLIVE OIL AND SOYA BEAN OILS) SOLD IN BAUCHI METROPOLIS OF BAUCHI STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ibrahim R, Ogbonna C.I.C, Hauwa Tahir, Mukhtar Muhammad Warrah A study was carried out to isolate and identify the various species of fungi associated with deteriorated vegetable oils ( Garlic oil, Olive oil and Soya bean oil) sold in Bauchi metropolis, Bauchi state, Nigeria, at the Department of Plant Science and Technology Laboratory. Samples of deteriorated vegetable oils were collected using random sampling techniques from three open market in Bauchi metropolis. Five samples each of garlic, olive and soya bean oils were collected from each of the three markets. The deteriorated oils were screened for the presence of aflatoxins, ochratoxins and zearalenone. Fungi associated with the deteriorated oils were isolated and characterized for their identification using standard methods. Result of fungal counts from garlic oil, olive oil and soyabean oil were 12.75x10âµcful/ml, 9.22x10âµcfu/ml, and 7.38x10â¶cfu/ml, respectively. A total of eight species of fungi were isolated from the three different deteriorated oils. Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium sporotrichioides were found in all the three deteriorated oils. Aspergillus fumigatus and Fusarium verticillioides were isolated from garlic oil and soya bean oil, whereas Aspergillus niger was isolated from olive oil and soya bean oil, respectively. Rhizopus stolonifer was isolated from only olive oil while Fusarium solani was isolated from only soyabean oil. Similarly, Rhodotorula rubra was isolated from only garlic oil. All the eight different fungal isolates were found to have lipases activity. Aspergillus flavus had the highest lipases activity, followed by Aspergillus niger which had diameter zones of clearance of 19.8mm and 18.1mm respectively.
A CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF BUDGETING AND BUDGETARY CONTROL IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR[Full-Text ] ONHO STEPHEN IORYER, IORTYER DOO BONIFACE, ZAYOL PATRICK IThis paper titled, A Critical Appraisal of Budgeting and Budgetary Control in the Public Sector is aimed at finding out the impact of budgeting and performance in the public sector. To ascertain the effectiveness of budgets control and the problems affecting budgeting and budgetary control. The writers used literature review as their main source of data using ministry of Finance, Makurdi as a case study and also made use of personal observations. The writers found that budgeting and budgetary control in the public sector is weak and despite the effort of government, budget and budgetary control has failed because of dependence on federation account, untrained budget staff, non-adherence to budgetary control measures, corruption, inflation and political environment. The author recommended among others that there is a need for budget culture in the public sector, sharpening the budget monitoring and implementation procedures in the public sector, sustaining greater accountability and transparency and making the need for budgeting realistic and not just a formality.
Improving Quality Measure of Multi-Exposure & Multi-Modal Data using Improved Fusion[Full-Text ] Kiran Rathore, Akhilesh BansiyaHere in this paper a new and efficient technique for the Fusion of Multi-Exposure and Multi-Modal Image Dataset for improving the Perceptual Quality Assessment of Images. The Existing Structural Similarity based Image Fusion for the Fusion of Multi-Exposure image doesn’t provide effective Fusion of Images and hence Low Structural Similarity and Perceptual Quality Measure, hence the proposed methodology implemented here using Contrast Enhancement and Canny Edge Detection and Smoothning is implemented which provides high Perceptual Quality measure in Comparison.
Phytoremediation Potentials of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Asteraceaeon contaminated soils of Abandoned Dumpsites[Full-Text ] Ndukwu, B.C. and Francis, EHeavy metals are contaminants that poses great environmental burden as they are hazardous to human, animal, plant health and the environment at large.In this Study, the phytoremediation potential of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on contaminated soils of abandoned dumpsites was investigated. Some abandoned dumpsites within University of Port Harcourt premises were identified growing with stands of the plant species (Helianthus annuus). Samples of both soils and plant were collected and analysed for certain pollutants (Ni, Pb, Cr and Cd) using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Results of analysis were further interpreted using simple descriptive statistical tools. Results of the study confirmed the presence of heavy metals in the soil. Also evidence of accumulation of these metals in the various plant parts studied were established. The leaves of sunflower were found to contain higher concentration (55%) of heavy metals than the stems (45%). From the results, it was clear that cadmium was below detectable level (BDL) in both the soil and the plant parts analysed and lead was found to be lower in concentration compared to nickel and chromium which were higher. Nickel was found to be the most dominant heavy metal (287.6 mg/kg) in the soil samples analysed. Similarly, it was the most accumulated metal (15.71 mg/kg) in the sampled plant parts and clearly exceeds Food and Agricultural Organisation/World Health Organisation (FAO/WHO)recommended threshold limits (1.5 mg/kg) and also those of the control. In all, the concentration of heavy metals in the soil sampled in decreasing order was found to be as follows; Ni > Cr > Pb > Cd respectively where as that of the plant parts includes Ni > Pb > Cr > Cd. Therefore, this study has providedvaluable data supporting the use of sunflower plants in phytoremediation.
Morphological study and Caracterisation of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.albedinis. by Isozymes systems[Full-Text ] Sidaoui A, Karkachi N , Bertella A, Boudeffeur S, Chhiba M, Tebyaoui A, El Goumi Y, and Kihal MThe characteristics of Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. albedinis (F.o.a) isolates were investigated using electrophoretic studies of isozymes systems (esterase and phosphatase). The morphological characteristics of the isolates were very variable to each other. The isoenzymes profiles revealed polymorphic bands or the data were subjected to analysis with the JMP method. The isolates were grouped into 2 main groups A and B, those last were divided into sub-groups. Nineteen (19) isolates creates the group A and four isolates (E1, E2, E3 and M15A) formed the group B. analysis of isozyme banding patterns were found to be a reliable marker technology, efficient and effective tools to find the genetic variability among isolates isolated in different geographical areas.Index Terms— Minimum 7 keywords are mandatory, Keywords should closely reflect the topic and should optimally characterize the paper. Use about four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
POWER SYSTEM STABILITY IMPROVEMENT BY FACT DEVICES[Full-Text ] Er.JASPREET SINGH, Er.SATNAM SINGH MATHARUTo suppress the large disturbance of power system implies to improvement of stability of system. Disturbances lead to out of synchronism of the power system, whose restoring has number of technical and financial problems. So Power system stability improvement is very important and challenging issue for modern interconnected system. In this Paper, FACT devices are introduced to improve the Power system Stability. Flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices are found to be every effective in stressing a transmission network for better utilization of its existing facilities without sacrificing the desired stability margin. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers, such as Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and Static VAr Compensator (SVC), employ the latest technology of power electronic switching devices in electric power transmission systems to control voltage and power flow, and play an important role as a stability aid for and transient disturbances in an interconnected power systems.
ComparingThree Methods on Bootstrap Approach to Time Series[Full-Text ] David Peter Ilesanmi, Okafor Joseph, Morrison MudiagaThis research reviews the concept of Bootstrapping, and suggests the bootstrap method that performs best for Time Series Analysis. Various types of bootstrap schemes have been developed. This research work compare only three methods: Stationary bootstrap, Block bootstrap and Sieve bootstrap methods using Monte Carlo simulation and a real life data from Nigeria stock index data. We consider the following models: ARIMA(1,0,0), ARIMA(1,1,0), ARIMA(1,1,1), ARIMA(2,1,1) and ARIMA(1,1,3). Our results are based on 2000 simulations; the number of bootstrap replicates is 500. We only report the bootstrap estimates for the Bias and the Mean Square error (MSE). Nigerian Stock Index (NSI) Data from 5/1/2006 to 10/9/2015.The Nigerian Stock Index data was fitted and it generated an ARIMA (5,2,1). For the specific applications, the simulation results suggested that the sieve bootstrap performed better than both the block and the stationary bootstrap methods. The analysis of the real life data (NSI data) results supports our simulation findings. Hence, we draw the final conclusion that based on our study; the Sieve bootstrap is generally superior over both the Stationary bootstrap and the Block bootstrap.
GREEN BUILDING FOR UPGRATED INTEGRATED ARCHITECTUAL ESTABLISHMENT AND LANDSCAPE PLANNING[Full-Text ] Jannatul FirdausThrough this effort we would like to focus specially on the comfort facilitating enlightened new design with the refreshment of mind and body through the new design in terms of green building.
Detection of Alzheimer Disease Using Zernike Moments[Full-Text ] Mr. Ajay PrasharAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is not currently diagnosed until a patient reaches the stage of dementia. It’s most common type of dementia among older people. There is an urgent need to identify AD at an earlier stage, so that treatment can begin early. The transitional state between healthy control (HC) and AD with mild memory problems is Mild cognitive impairment (MCI). A reliable diagnosis of MCI can be very effective for early diagnosis of AD. In this paper we use the fast recursive method for the classification of MRI features from AD, MCI & HC with ZMs and different classifiers are observed for accurate classification of HC/AD and HC/MCI. We worked with 210 MRIs from the database of the Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging initiative (ADNI 1 1.5T). The one slice of 210 MRIs used in this study included 70 AD patients, 172 MCI patients and 70 HC individuals. We have selected 50% of the MRIs randomly for use in training classifiers and rest 50% for the testing phase. The technique used here yielded the best overall classification results between AD and MCI using ZMs (accuracy 87.143%) and for pairs of the MCI and HC using ZMs (accuracy 81.429%). Detailed experiments are carried out for the diagnosis of MCI individuals from AD and HC groups using structural MRI.
A New Design Engineering Mathematics at Nigerian Universites[Full-Text ] Gokhan KOYUNLUThe field of engineering has experienced significant changes over the past century. As a direct result of this, the educational demand of the workforce in the engineering field has increased accordingly. Mathematics education in engineering has however remained, has relatively rigid over this period, undergoing little progress over the period of the last century in spite of the changes .Particularly,Engineering Mathematic Courses are the central part of engineering curriculum of Benchmark Minimum Academics Standards For Undergraduate Programmes(BMAS) in Nigerian Universities. A student is taking minimum 32 hrs/unit mathematics course during five years academic program. This study is about how many essence of units should be efficiently integrated in an engineering curriculum with the help of new trend of acceptance teaching engineers
A proposed algorithm to determine breast smallest tumor location and size[Full-Text ] MAZHAR B. TAYEL, HAZEM A. ELFAHAMTumor detection, diagnosis, therapy and treatment remain serious problems for human life. Among different kinds of human organism tumor size and location represent an important issue. There are many techniques and methods present in letireature deal with breast tumor detection, therapy and treatment. One of the most willknown among these techniques is the x-ray mammography, which remains a prime tool irrespective of its cost and drawbacks. The x-ray lies in the ionizing destructive band of the electromagnetic wave energy spectrum. Many researches oriented to the microwave band of electromagnetic wave for imaging and inspection to attain a less harmful and invasive radiation effect. The present paper introduces an inspection system module that leads to derive criteria and metric parameters for determining the smallest tumor size and location. A proposed algorithm has been introduced using the deduced criteria and metric parameters to compute the location of tumor and determine its size.
BLENDED LEARNING ENVIRONMENT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING[Full-Text ] Shabnam Bibi, Niaz MuhammadBlended learning an effective learning approach that selects from a range of traditional face-to-face methods and e-learning technologies to facilitate student engagement, develop independent learners and enhance the learning experience. Its superiority over online learning, which lacks face-to-face interaction, is evident from studies that examined both student achievement and satisfaction. This article explores the benefits of blended learning in teaching and learning from the perspective of students, faculty, and administration that have had direct experience with this form of course delivery. Students indicate that a blended learning model provides them with greater time flexibility and improved learning outcomes. Faculty suggest that blended courses create enhanced opportunities for teacher-student interaction, increased student engagement in learning, added flexibility in the teaching and learning environment, and opportunities for continuous improvement. Taking an evidence-informed approach, institutional experts, management and staff developed a strategic framework, covering ICT support, the E-learning system and curriculum development to meet the specific needs of these students. It is concluded that learning process can be improved by the use of technology; it nurtures a world-class and universal workforce, Blended learning builds self-esteem and confidence in students. It fosters independent habits for learning and orientation.
Investigation of Traps density in Poly(9-vinylcarbazole) using Thermally Stimulated Discharge Current Technique[Full-Text ] H C NayakIn this paper the results of thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) for pure poly(9-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) and PVK doped with ferrocene, thermoelectrets are presented. The measurements of TSDC has been carried out in temperature range 30 to 1700 C with steps 50 C in function of different polarizing fields at constant polling temperature. The TSDC spectra comprises two maxima, namely β and α peak with their respective location around 1000 C and 1550 C. β peak was attributed to the dipolar nature and α peak was assigned to a space charge trapping mechanism in the investigated material. The Trap energy is evaluated from the Garlick- Gibson plot of initial rise method. Similarly other parameters such as relaxation time, total charge release are evaluated. It is observed in present study that the value of the activation energy reduce according to the increasing the concentration of ferrocene molecules as dopant and it is found at poling temperature 1000 C and poling field 50 kV/cm for β peak of pure PVK, 0.73 eV and 2% ferrocene doped PVK, 0.24 eV.
Synthesis, Characterization and biological evaluation of Naphthalene derivatives as NSAIDs[Full-Text ] Deepak KumarA series of 6-bromo-2-((2-(substituted benzylidene) hydrazinyl methyl)-3-(naphthalene-2-yl) quinazolin-4(3H)-ones (4a-4e) have been synthesized via condensation of 6-bromo-2-(hydrazinyl methyl)-3-(naphthalene-2-yl) quinazolin-4(3H)-one (3) with different aromatic aldehydes. Cycloaddition of thioglycolic acid with (4a-4e) yielded 6-bromo-3-(naphthalene-2-yl)-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-quinazolin-2-yl) methyl amino)-2-(substituted phenyl) thiazolidin-4-(3H)ones (5a-5e). while compound (4a-4e) on treatment with chloro-acetylchloride in the presence of triethylamine are converted into 6-bromo-2-((3-chloro-2-(substituted phenyl)-4-oxoazetidin-1-ylamino) methyl)-3-(naphthalene-2-yl) quinazolin-4(3H)-ones (6a-6e). The structure of all the newly synthesized compounds have been confirmed by elemental analysis and spectral studies (IR, 1H-NMR and mass spectroscopy).Compounds (4a-4e, 5a-5e and 6a-6e) have been evaluated for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity and were compared with the standard drug phenylbutazone. The most active compound of this series is 6b.
Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of substituted quinazolin-4(3H)-ones as inflammation inhibitors[Full-Text ] Deepak KumarA series of 2-((2-(substituted benzylidene) hydrazinyl methyl)-3-(naphthalene-2-yl) quinazolin-4(3H)-ones (4a-4f) have been synthesized via condensation of 2-(hydrazinyl methyl)-3-(naphthalene-2-yl) quinazolin-4(3H)-one (3) with different aromatic aldehydes. Cycloaddition of thioglycolic acid with (4a-4f) yielded 3-(naphthalene-2-yl)-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-quinazolin-2-yl) methyl amino)-2-(substituted phenyl) thiazolidin-4-(3H)ones (5a-5f), while compound (4a-4f) on treatment with chloroacetylchloride in the presence of triethylamine converted into 2-((3-chloro-2-(substituted phenyl)-4-oxoazetidin-1-ylamino) methyl)-3-(naphthalene-2-yl) quinazolin-4(3H)-ones (6a-6f). The structure of all the newly synthesized compounds have been confirmed by elemental analysis and spectral studies (IR, 1H-NMR and mass spectroscopy).Compounds (4a-4f, 5a-5f and 6a-6f) have been evaluated for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity and were compared with the standard drug phenylbutazone. The most active compounds of this series are 6c and 6d.
The benefits, opportunities and barriers of e-commerce for a developing country[Full-Text ] Mustafa YaghiE-commerce has been seen by many as an opportunity for developing countries to gain a stronger foothold in the multilateral trading system. E-commerce can play a pragmatic role in helping developing economies benefit more from trade. Unlike the requirements necessary to run a business from a physical building, e-commerce does not require storage space, insurance, or infrastructure investment on the part of the retailer. However, there are many obstacles in developing countries which seriously hinder the growth of their e-commerce industry.
Data Analysis of Software Quality Prediction Based on Machine Learning Methods[Full-Text ] Satyendra Singh, Abhay Kumar Agarwal, Chandrajeet YadavMachine Learning (ML) methods are a field of artificial intelligence system. ML is the scientific field studying how machines can learn, which one of the components of intelligence work. Predictive is a supervised learning approach which is a most important part of machine learning technique. Various machine learning methods are available in a research field. This paper describes only four types of supervise machine learning methods such as J48, Decision Stump (DS), Random Tree (RT) and Logistic Model Tree (LMT). The experimental analysis has been performed on REUSE PREDICTING data of NASA promise open source repository. The results show that the proposed approach achieved better performance in terms of several predictions quality factors for software dataset. The performances of machine learning methods are evaluated for 5 fold cross-validation.
Application of Minimum Cost Flow Problem: A Case Study of Crown Distributors in Kegalle, Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] A. M. P. Chandrasiri, D. M. SamarathungeEvery business organization’s main objective is to maximize profit and satisfy its customers. Since business are an integral part of our environment, their objectives will be limited by certain environment factors and economic conditions.This study was carried out to seek and arrive at the optimal distribution pattern of a distribution agency.Demand of customers, warehouse capacities and factory capacities were used as input data for the model. Firstly, we propose a linear programming approach to determine the optimal distribution pattern in order to minimize the total distribution cost. The proposed linear programming model is solved by standard simplex algorithm and Excel-solver software.It is observed that the proposed linear programming model is appropriate for finding the optimal distributing pattern and the total minimum cost. A case study is carried out in the Crown distributors, Kegalle.
The energy potential of the Albian water in Algeria : exploitation and transformation[Full-Text ] ETSOURI S., KACI F., BOUAZIZ MThe groundwater of Continental Midsole (CI) is coveted for its water as resources widely mobilized in Algerian Northern Sahara. This groundwater is characterized by a high flow and pressure at output. It goes from 0.05 to 0.4 m3/s for flow, and 5 to 40 bars for pressure. The hydraulic energy is completely neglected. An investigation on the Northern Sahara Aquifer System (SASS) was essential to prove the existence of this potential. This energy is reflected by an artesianism which is very convincing in most drillings for a long time. We have noticed the immensity of this energy, the expanded volume of the aquifer and the importance of its use in agriculture. Unfortunately, this potential remains untapped to date.
What is Anger Management?[Full-Text ] Anger is an emotion experienced by kids and adults alike. When something or someone interferes with an individual in a negative manner, it can cause them to become angry. Anger is a normal response to such a situation. However anger can be classed as a mild or intense irritation. Depending on the individual, the circumstance and their emotions, anger may cause a person to become enraged or even furious. People who become angry behave in different ways. Some lash out or become extremely defensive. Other people tend to keep their anger to themselves, bottling up their negative emotions and hurt. While some people become reckless and even abusive. Anger can be a terribly harmful emotion if it isn't controlled.
On Holder-Lipschitz condition[Full-Text ] Dr. Ameer Abdulmageed Alkhawagah, Ali Abdel MadjidInterpolation spaces of functions play a major role in the modern mathematics and mathematical physics. Holder-Lipschitz condition is one of the fundamental concepts of this realm. This concept is quite simple but very substantial. The purpose of this paper is to explain a range of ideas behind Holder-Lipschitz condition.
Detection of γ-Radiations using Lead Sulfide Nanostructures: Through Optical Properties[Full-Text ] Lignesh Durai, Sabnam A, Arthi Gopalakrishnan, T. VijayakumarHomeland Security is the prime factor to weigh a nation’s strength or its immune system to overlook all the threats from various terrorist groups. It’s always better to have a prevention system than having a curing system. In order to prevent terrorism attacks and other civilized attacks in the home land, the security system must be the strongest one in all means. Apart from the other types of weapons used, the very dangerous weapon is the Nuclear weapon which can demolish the infrastructure of the nation along with its growth for upcoming years in greater impact. To avoid the nuclear weapon migration into the nation there are many technology such as Scanning process at airports, railway stations and harbors. They use metal detectors and CT scanners along with Scintillators to detect the nuclear weapon though the gamma radiation from the materials as U-235, also known as highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium. This work concentrates on the detection of those gamma radiations in the atmosphere in minimum quantities even from 1KGy and below. The quantum dots of PbS are more efficiency in detecting the radiation from the materials or weapons. At present single crystal scintillators with sodium iodide being used worldwide for the Security Purposes. The Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots are prepared using the Hines and Scholes method of Hot Injection Technique, in Lead Oleate. The prepared PbS Quantum Dots are Examined Using Particle Size Analyzer, Dynamic Light Scattering Spectroscopy. Photoluminescence, FTIR Spectroscopy and the synthesized quantum dot was been found with a diameter of 4-6 nm. The Optical Properties of the PbS QDs are studied before and after irradiation of gamma radiation (with CO-60 as the Source of gamma Radiations) and using the difference the optical response of the lead sulfide are studied under gamma radiation.
Review on the challenges in setting up coal based power generation capacity in India[Full-Text ] Palaniappan Chockalingam, Dr.Joji Rao,Dr.R.JayarajIndia has been steadily adding the power generation capacity using Coal, Gas and Renewables. While the thrust on adding up the Renewables power generation capacity is on the rise, India still needs to add the reliable Coal power generation capacity addition. Indian policy makers have come up with various schemes to stimulate power generation capacity addition viz. Right to fair compensation and transparency in Land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement bill -2013 and Financial restructuring package to state electricity boards,2012 .In spite of these measures ,India has not been able to add coal power generation capacities as per the 5 year plans. This paper attempts to identify the challenges in setting up coal based power capacity addition in India through review of literatures and give suggestions to overcome these challenges.