Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017.
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Finite Element Modeling of FR Concrete Beam[Full-Text ] Wadhah M. Tawfeeq, Hazim F. El-ErrisThe use of steel fibers in plain and reinforced concrete demonstrates a number of advantages, such as increasing the flexural capacity, stiffness, ductility and energy absorption capacity. Under the service load, there is an improvement in crack control characteristics. In the present study, the behavior of steel fibers reinforced concrete beams due to the external applied load is studied by using finite element method. A non-linear finite element computer program to simulate the behavior of FR concrete beams under the action loading has been developed. Eight nodded two-dimensional isoparametric elements are used to simulate the fibrous concrete. The smeared representation is used to model the reinforcement within the concrete. The compressive strength of concrete is simulated by an elasto-plastic model followed by a perfectly plastic behavior, which is terminated at the onset of concrete crushing. A smeared crack model with fixed orthogonal cracks is used to simulate the concrete response in tension. Tension stiffening concept is used to simulate the post-cracking behavior of concrete. The capabilities of the program have been examined and demonstrated by analyzing experimental problem of fibrous reinforced concrete beams. The accuracy of the numerical results is assessed by comparison with the experimental results, which are shown to be in good agreement.
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Single Point Incremental Forming Process for Phosphorus Bronze Hemispherical Cups[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyIncremental sheet forming (ISF) is a new technology employed for solving many problems from conventional sheet forming process in terms of more flexibility, inexpensive, short production time, suitable for small batches and especially rapid prototype production. The process is easily done on CNC machining centers with a rotating forming tool which moves along predefined trajectories that corresponds to the contour of the desired geometry. The present work was to investigate the finite element analysis of single point incremental sheet forming (SPIF) process to form hemispherical cups using phosphorous bronze alloy. ABAQUS 6.14 software code was used for finite element analysis. Experiments were carried on CNC machine and FEA results were validated with experimental results. The major SPIF process parameter which influences the formability of hemispherical cup was sheet thickness. The strains obtained through experimentation were within the limit of the formability limit diagram of phosphorus-bronze material.
Evaluation of Single Point Incremental Forming Process for Parabolic AA6082 Cups[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyIn search for new manufacturing process, Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) emerged to be one of the useful processes for forming complicated shapes. This is a flexible forming process which eliminates the die, punch and errors due to them. It is widely used for batch production of different shapes which has applications in diverse fields like automobile, aerospace, medical industry, packaging industry etc. The equipment requirement of SPIF process is very simple, which includes; standard 3-axis CNC machine, a rotating spherical or hemispherical tool and a clamping setup. The SPIF is a sheet metal forming technique where a sheet is deformed locally. The forming of sheet due to a series of local deformation increases the formability of the sheet, when compared to conventional sheet forming process. The present work was to study the formability of parabolic cup on AA6082 sheet using SPIF process. For validating the results of simulation, a parabolic cup was drawn on AA6082 sheet using SPIF process on a CNC machine. The deformed patterns of grid on formed cups from experimentation were similar to that of deformed pattern of mesh in simulated cups from FEA. The experimental strains of the formed cups were within the forming limits, as there was no fracture observed.
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Formability of Stainless Steel 304 in Incremental Sheet Metal Forming of Elliptical Cups[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyNew trends in sheet metal forming are emerging rapidly and different processes have been developed and used to accomplish the required goals of flexibility and reduction of cost in production. One of the innovative process in sheet metal forming process is the Incremental sheet forming process(SPIF) for small batch production and rapid prototyping. This is a flexible forming process which eliminates the die, punch and errors due to them. This project discusses about the finite element modelling of single point incremental sheet forming process by considering Elliptical geometry using Stainless Steel 304. ABAQUS 6.14 software code was used for finite element analysis. Experiments were carried on CNC machine and FEA results were validated with experimental results. The major SPIF process variables, which could influence the formability of elliptical cups of 304 stainless steel, were sheet thickness, step depth and tool radius.
Pilot Studies on Single Point Incremental Forming Process for Hyperbolic Brass Cups[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyIncremental sheet forming is a sheet metal forming technique wherein a sheet is formed into the final part by series of small incre-mental deformations. It is a relative new sheet forming process which offers the possibility of forming complex parts without dedicated dies using only a single point tool and a standard 3-axis CNC machine. This paper presents the preliminary studies on the finite element modelling of single point incremental sheet forming process for hyperbolic cups using 60-40 brass alloy. ABAQUS 6.14 software code was used for finite element analysis. Though the experimental strains obtained were within the allowable limits, the sheet fractured as the maximum equivalent stress induced was 548.3 MPa which exceeds ultimate tensile strength of brass that is 470 MPa.
Analgesic and Toxicologic Analyses of Purple Rain(Dendrobiumsuperbum)[Full-Text ] Dr Solita Evangeline S. BanezThis study primarily aimed to perform phytochemical screening and pharmacological testing on a locally abundant orchids that grow widely in Cervantes, Ilocos Sur known as purple rain (DendrobiumsuperbumReichb.) This experimental investigation determined the chemical substances present in both the stem and leaves and determine the pharmacological effects of the ethanol extract using male Swiss mice as test animals in terms of analgesia and toxicity.
Simulation of Fluid flow and Thermal Transport in Gravity-dominated Microchannel[Full-Text ] Isaac F. Odesola, Abimbola .Ashaju, Ebenezer O. IgeThe success recorded by the usage of microchannel in high flux cooling application, has led to several studies aimed at advancement, in microchannel fluid flow and heat transfer technology. A recent study area with promising breakthrough is the effects of gravity on microscale flow. In this study, microchannels inclined at angles 0° 30° and 60° were investigated. Using the finite volume method, numerical computations were carried out on models which were coupled with the continuity equation, momentum and energy equations. With water as the working fluid, the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics were evaluated in the form of the friction factor (f) and Nusselt number (Nu). Fluid flow was found to be highly optimized for microchannels of hydraulic diameter Dh=1587 μm, inclined at 30° and 60°. Heat transfer enhancement was obtained for microchannel (Dh=199 μm) inclined at 60°. This result illustrates the potential of microchannel angular orientation as a passive tool for flow optimization and heat enhancement.
Solar Powered LED Street Lighting System Case Study-American University of Sharjah[Full-Text ] Silpa Baburajan, Faisal Amin AlZarooniDr.Ahmed OsmanThis report describes an intelligent street lighting system with integrated solar energy resources and mobile application. Based on the rate of 0.45 fils/KW.hr, it cost AUS (American University of Sharjah) AED 373,852 per annum due to the usage of conventional high pressure sodium lamps in their street lighting. . In our project, the proposed solution is to replace all of the conventional lamps with LED lamps in AUS and then control them using motion sensors and further develop a mobile application, using which we can control the switching ON/OFF of the LEDs and at the same time check for defected unit. Solar radiation energy is used to charge the battery during day time, and offer energy to the LEDs light equipment at night. A dimmable Modula is designed and integrated to the system to dim the LEDs at night from 01:00-06:00am. This system has a double advantage- it utilizes renewable energy and also reduces cost.
PLC Based Power Conservation of Industrial Electric Motors Using PWM Tecnique[Full-Text ] Muhammad Gharib Nawaz, Muhammad iftikhar Khan, Anis Ur RehmanThis study aims to reduce electric power consumption of an industrial motors with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) while using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique. The few percent of power consumption of huge industrial motors saves many of kWh daily hence increase in revenue especially when motor is in no-load condition.
Music Wave Token Password for Mobile Phone[Full-Text ] Oyinloye Oghenerukevwe E, Ojedayo Benson O., Akinbohun Folake O.Mobile devices security has been a major challenge mostly because the operating system are seldom expected to include restrained observed vulnerabilities and generally is not as secured as develop computers. Although this has not stopped usage by it is customer method PIN, password, patterns or available biometric options have been used most of which are seen to be inconvenient or uninteresting for users. This paper present on improvised music token for password operation deployable on a mobile phone. Using the piano key of two white and two black keys with a large keypool to profer acceptable security system.
A New Affinity Propagation Clustering with Active Contours for Automatic Segmentation of GBM tumors in MR Images[Full-Text ] B. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. E. Sreenivasa ReddyIn this work a histogram based Affinity Propagation clustering method with level sets is used to segment GBM tumors. Glioma segmentation in MRI is an important task for early tumor diagnosis and surgical planning. There are many methods exist for brain tumor segmentation, still research is active in this field and scope for improvement. MRI images shows complex characteristics and identifying different tumor tissues is really a difficult task, (distinguishing hige-grade gliomas(HGG) and normal brain tissues), In fact, it is difficult to extract the tumor from the surrounding healthy parenchyma tissue without any risk of neurological functional sequelae. In this paper we proposed a hybrid method based on Histogram based Affinity Propagation clustering and level sets for glioma segmentation. We applied the proposed method on BRATS data set. The proposed method compared with K-means, FCM, FFCM and HSOFCM. The proposed method produces promising results for segmentation of GBM tumors effectively. In the future work we plan to test the algorithm with dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) and dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI for finding gliomas.
Temporal Analysis And Long Term Prediction Of Point Precipitation[Full-Text ] Peng-yir Valentine N, Owusu Ansah Snr Alexander, Ayer JohnPrecipitation analysis is embedded in a range of important hydrological studies for hydraulic works construction and maintenance. To help in understanding precipitation variability requires generating synthetic models that could predict precipitation.
A Review on Privacy Preserving in Social Network[Full-Text ] S. Mayil, Dr. M. VanithaThe development of online social network and social network publishing data has led to the risk of leakage of personal confidential information. This requires privacy protection before the data is published by the network service provider. Online data privacy in social networks has been a major problem in recent years. Therefore, this research is still in its infancy. Some published research papers propose solutions to provide privacy table micro data. But these technologies cannot be directly applied to social network data, because social networks are vertex and edge of a complex graphical structure. Technologies, such as K-anonymity, its variants, and diversity-L have been applied to social networking data. Integrated K-anonymous and L-diversity techniques have also been developed to protect the privacy of social network data in a better way.
Miniaturized Microstrip AIA by means of Metamaterial substrate with application in Wireless Identifications and wireless Sensors[Full-Text ] Mehdi KarimiMehr, Ali Agharasouli, Amin DarvazehbanMiniaturized integrated active microstrip patch antenna which operates at 930 MHz is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The rectangular patch antenna is loaded by Embedded Split Ring Resonators (ESRR) to modify the substrate constitutive parameters. As a result, the engineered substrate works as magneto-dielectric substrate which miniaturize the antenna patch up to 70 % compared to a regular non-loaded substrate antenna. The miniaturized antenna is then integrated with a transistor based oscillator. The proposed low profile self-oscillating antenna can be used as a RF beacon or wireless wave generator for wireless power transmission applications.
Automatic Detection of Microanurysms using Split and Merge Technique[Full-Text ] Anila Liaqat, Agha Azeem ur Rehman, Nabila Liaqat, Imran AshrafThe proposed paper describes an automatic method for MA detection is described in fundus images. According to the WHO that 135 million individuals have diabetes worldwide effected with militias and number of people with DR going to be increase 300 million by the year 2030. There is good effort of research community towards development of an automatic diabetic retinopathy detection systems. This technique detects the MA in fundus digital image. Microaneurysms with the help of SM technique. Microaneurysms are first medical sign of DR and they seem like a red small dots in fundus image. Presence of MAs describes the levels of DR. Timely recognition of MAs can reduce the risks of loss of sight. The proposed paper has discussed the systematic approach to detect the Microaneurysms in digital image of fundus using different preprocessing and feature extraction technique.
Modification of the structure and mechanical properties of aluminum bronze (Cu-10%Al) alloy with Zirconium and Titanium[Full-Text ] Nwambu C.N, Anyaeche I.M, Onwubiko G.C and Nnuka E.EThis paper examines the effect of zirconium and titanium on the structure and mechanical properties of aluminium bronze. The properties studied were tensile, hardness and impact test, universal testing machine model 50kN were used to test for tensile strength, impact strength using charpy machine model IT-30 and Brinell tester model B 3000 (H). The specimens were prepared by doping 0.5-2.5% zirconium and titanium into the aluminium bronze (Cu-10% Al) at interval of 0.5 percent. The specimens were prepared according to BS 131- 240 standards. Microstructure analysis was conducted using L2003A reflected light metallurgical microscope. Results obtained shows that tensile strength, impact strength and ductility increased respectively as dopants increased. Microstructure analysis revealed the primary α-phase, -phase (intermetallic phases) and fine stable reinforcing kappa phase and these alterations in phases resulted in the development in the mechanical properties. Aluminum bronze doped with zirconium and titanium at 2.5% proved to increased tensile strength, ductility, impact strength, hardness and is therefore recommended for applications in engineering field.
MULTIVARIATE HAZARD ANALYSIS FOR THE DETERMINANTS OF CHILD MORTALITY USING NFHS-3 DATA[Full-Text ] Neeraja S IyerChild mortality refers to the death of infants and children under the age of five or between the ages of one month to four years. In India the child mortality rate per 1000 live births was 248 in 1960 which has declined to 48 in 2015. It is essential to assess the factors responsible for reduction by a factor of five so that better measures can be adopted to still bring down further. This study examines the relevance of some of the determinants. These determinants include socio-economic, biological and demographic factors such as mother’s age, residence, religion, age at first marriage, birth order, sex of infant and birth weight that may affect the child mortality. It is of interest to model these risk factors using multivariate hazard analysis. The data from National Family Health Survey which is the most potential source providing information about 256782 ever married women in the reproductive age of 15 to 49 years has been taken for the evaluation. The analysis reveals that mother’s age, birth order and age at first marriage are the most influencing factors for child mortality.
Simulation of Lab-scale Leachate Treatment Bioreactor with Application of Logistic Growth Equation for Determining Design and Operational Parameters[Full-Text ] Gnanakaran, M., Ariyawansha, R.T.K., Basnayake B. F. AA laboratory scale Leachate Treatment Bioreactor (LTB) was needed to determine the optimum design and operational parameters because of poor performance of a full scale unit. In order to increase the lifespan of LTB, coconut comb and rubber tyres were included in the partially decomposed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) as biofilter material inside the reactor. A composite liner of clay and waste polythene was used to mineralize excess inorganic compounds. The parameter reductions were from 26,000 mg/L to 6,832 mg/L of Total Solids (TS), 6,230 mg/L to 2,930 mg/L of Total Disolved Solids (TDS), 12,000 mg/L to 1182.6 mg/L of Volatile Solids (VS), 14,000 mg/L to 4,410 mg/L of Total Fixed Solids (TFS) and 29,700 mg/L to 3,000 mg/L of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). The kinetic analysis using the logistic growth equation showed cyclic events and the application of separating the growth and decay of microbes based on the Total Fixed Solids (TFS) gave a mineralization rate of 1.83 x 102 kg /m3 of leachate/m height of LTB /day for up scaling.
Contribution to the assessment of the economic performance of container ports in the Mediterra-nean & Tangier-Med[Full-Text ] Azzelarab Zaoudi, Abid Ihadiyan, Hassane ZouiriCurrently, container ports operate in a highly competitive environment. The viability of the port sector depends mainly on their degree of performance. In this context, an assessment of their performance proves to be an exam of a major consideration. This research seeks to assess the economic performance of container ports in the Mediterranean, including Tangier-Med. For this, we will apply the econometric method of Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). The sample includes 22 container ports in the Mediterranean region. According to the SFA method, technical inefficiency dominates the performance models of the ports of the region. According to the parameter μ, a representation of the efficiency according to a half-normal distribution falls perfectly adequate for the port industry. The impact of China's trade on the prosperity of Mediterranean ports is crucial. On the other hand, the relationship is strong between capacities - demand and efficiency in port industry. Employment and underemployment of port resources are constantly alternated following the expansion projects. The intensity of port technical capital is considered within the framework of the particular strategies carried out by the different ports, our research distinguishes 5 types of port strategy: leader, follower, moderation, rationalization of resources and mere attendee strategy.
The Effect of Inherent Dissolved Organic Carbon on Biodegradation of 4-Nitrophenol in Enhanced Biodegradation Test[Full-Text ] K.U. Emerson, C.O. Nabena, G. Obiechefu, U.C. Egbufor, E.S. BejorA ready biodegradability test (RBT) was conducted on 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) using inocula from activated sludge samples of five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs): Tudhoe Mill, Howden, Cramlington, Sedgeletch, and Washington located in Northeast of England. The tests were performed in line with Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Standardized Tests for Various RBT Criteria. 4-NP was observed to be biodegraded by activated sludge from all WWTPs. There were variations in biological activity across the test samples as measured by the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the respective media. Test samples from Howden and Washington recorded the highest biological activity with 66.81 mg C/l and 69.34 mg C/l of CO2 respectively. CO2 of 40mg/l and above was observed to result in decrease of microbial population, except for the sample from Howden Plant, where 66.81mg/l of CO2 did not affect the microbial population-a condition that could indicate the tolerance of the microbial culture to a fairly toxic environment as seen from the high COD of effluent from Howden WWTP. However, no significant difference (p=0.89) was observed in biomass density of sludge samples from the five WWTPs before and after the biodegradation process.
Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Aluminum Bronze (Cu-10%Al) Alloy with Tungsten[Full-Text ] Nwambu C.N, Anyaeche I.M, Tsetim T.T and Nnuka E.E.This paper investigates the addition of tungsten on the physical and mechanical properties of aluminium bronze. Despite some of the desirable characteristics most aluminium bronze exhibits, abysmally deficient responses in certain critical applications necessitate mechanical properties enhancement. The properties studied were electrorestivity, tensile strength, hardness and impact strength. Universal testing machine model 50kN were used to test for tensile strength, impact strength using charpy machine model IT-30 and Brinell tester model B 3000 (H). The specimens were prepared by modifying 0.5-5.0% tungsten into the aluminium bronze (Cu-10% Al) at interval of 0.5 percent. The specimens were prepared according to BS 131- 240 standards. Microstructure analysis was conducted using L2003A reflected light metallurgical microscope. Results show that optimum improved physical and mechanical properties were achieved at 3.0wt% tungsten addition with ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 788MPa which represents 9.12% improvement over conventional aluminium-bronze. The alloy also demonstrated impact resilence of 89.27J and hardness value of 239 BHN and electrorestivity value of 5.58mm.Tungsten presence in the aluminium bronze system induced a stable reinforcing kappa phase by nucleation mechanism which resulted to enhancement of mechanical properties.
Physico-Chemical Analysis of Effluents from Tannery Industry in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Birhanu Hayelom AbrhaTannery industries are one of the most highlypollution intensive sector in developing countries like Africa. This is because of most of the industriesdon’t apply the appropriated wastewater treatment plant and waste management practices. This study examines the status of the waste water effluent discharge of tannery industries. Samples are collected from 8 tanneries and their Physico- chemical parameters like PH, COD, BOD, TSS, Sulfides, Chlorides, phenol, Phosphate and Ammonia are analyzed in laboratory. The observed ranges of the values are ranged between 265 -3687.5 mg/l for TSS, 20.6 – 215 mg/l for phosphate, 63.75 – 684 mg/l for ammonia, 1424 -5950 mg/L for COD, 580 -2000 mg/L for BOD, 1425 -3885 mg/L for chloride,and 1.161 – 194 mg/l for Sulfide and 2.1 – 21.45 mg/l for Phenol. All except two industries are met the PH standard limit value ranged between are 6-9. The two industries are ranged between 9-11 PH values. Hence, the finding of this study shows that the effluent discharge values of all the industries are extremely higher than theEthiopian tannery effluent discharge limit value.Discharging of these chemicals without any additional treatment is worse for the environment.
Process System Engineering and Sustainability[Full-Text ] Drita Lokaj-Qerimi, Cvete Dimitrieska, Igor Andreevski, Sanja Popovska-Vasilevska The inevitable increase in population and the economic development that must necessarily occur, have serious implications for the environ-ment, because energy generation processes are polluting and harmful to the ecosystem. If the energy consumption continues to grow as previously, than as a result we have: Tightening of resources, Climate change and Hazards/disposals. Solar energy is a sustainable energy supply technology due to the renewable nature of solar radiation. The utilization of “zero emission” technologies plays a significant role in the reduction of hydrocarbons use and the reduction of CO2 emissions. This paper intends putting together all data relevant for some of the Kosovo Towns regarding the solar hot water energy potential and used f–chart method to estimate the annual solar contribution.
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ECG SIGNAL USING DIFFERENT DENOISING METHODS[Full-Text ] Sreedevi Gandham and Bhuma AnuradhaElectrocardiogram (ECG) is a versatile tool for detection of cardiovascular diseases. However, during recording of ECG signals, the ECG data gets contaminated by various types of noises like power line interference, base line wander, electrode movement, muscle movement (EMG) etc. Such noises/artifacts mislead the proper diagnosis of heart ailments and hence, their removal is much required. Conventional filters remove the artifacts up to some extent but these filters are static and cannot update their coefficients with change in environment. Hence, adaptive filtering algorithm and Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) are used for artifact removal from ECG signals. Adaptive filters update their coefficients according to the requirement. There are various adaptive algorithms like Least Mean Square (LMS) and Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS). Inthe present work anAdaptive Algorithmconceptis used for signal denoising. Also,Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Ensemble Empirical mode decomposition is used to decompose the signal whose intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) are the mean of an ensemble of trials, each consisting of the signal plus a white noise of finite amplitude.When acomparison of the EMD and adaptive algorithms was made,EEMD method gave better result.
A Method of Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment Using a Hybrid Approach[Full-Text ] Ismot AraMultiple protein sequence alignment is an extension of pairwise alignment to incorporate more than two sequences at a time. Multiple protein sequence alignment methods try to align all of the sequences in a given query set. Multiple protein sequence alignments are often used in identifying conserved sequence regions across a group of sequences hypothesized to be evolutionarily related. Many approaches are available to align multiple protein sequences. The most accurate and fastest method is MUSCLE. In this paper, a new method has been proposed for multiple protein sequence alignment, which combines progressive, iterative and probabilistic approaches. This method performs pairwise alignment, constructs guide tree and then uses progressive approach to do profile-profile alignment. The iterative approach is used for refining the aligned sequences to improve the results. It will be expected that this method will produce better results than existing methods.
Exploration of Thermoelectric Power Generation Possibility from Waste Heat Source using Advanced Thermoelectric Power Generation Simulator[Full-Text ] Habib Muhammad Nazir Ahmad, Mustafa Mohammad ShakyThis manuscript investigates possibility of using metallic alloy and their performance in terms of efficiency, power generation etc. for generating thermoelectric power from waste heat source. The first part of the manuscript comparatively discusses mainly of different n-type and p-type metallic alloy's conductivity in both electrical and thermal manner and also Seebeck coefficient which is vital parameter for thermoelectric power generation. Later, it’s been observed from simulation and plotting of results that BiTeSe_BiSbTe alloy shows maximum efficiency and maximum power can be harvested from this alloy, whereas, SiGe_SiGe alloy shows poor performance in most of the cases.
Behavior of Radionuclides during Acidic Leaching Processes of Different Rock Materials, Allouga Locality, Southwestern Sinai, Egypt[Full-Text ] Ibrahim E. El Aassy, Mohamed G. El Feky, Mohamed. A. El Kasaby, Eman M. Ibrahim, Salwa Sewefi, Reda M. AttiaTo study radionuclides transfer from solid material (ore) to the liquid phase (leachate), ten samples of different rock types were collected and prepared for various analyses. Wet chemical analyses were carried out for major oxides and trace elements. Natural radionuclides contents were measured by γ-ray spectrometry employing a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector in original samples, pregnant solutions, and residuals. The variables in this study are different rock types and different radionuclides. These variables played a role in the transfer of different radionuclides from solid (original sample) to solution (leachate), and from solution to back to solid (residual). The results show that the transfer of radionuclides was carried out either physically through α-recoil or chemically through dissolution, complexation, chelation, and ion-adsorption. The rock type played a role in migration of radionuclides, especially thorium isotopes (234Th, 232Th, and 230Th). The high organic matter samples showed relatively high migration for these isotopes. High-carbonate samples showed very low leachability for 238U and 235U; 234U was higher at 28.84%, but this value also is low when compared to corresponding values in samples of other rock types. The low leachability in carbonate rocks may be due to the high consumption of acid due to high carbonate content.
Synthesis, Characterization of 2-{[2-(Piperazin-1-yl) quinazolin-4-yl] Amino} ethan-1-ol Quinolone Derivatives[Full-Text ] K.M.Durgade A.A.KalePresent work includes synthesis of quinazolin-2, 4-diol from 2-amino benzoic acid and NN Dimethyl formamide. Further conversion of quinazolin-2, 4-diol into 2,4-dichloroquinazoline, to substitute chlorine which at fourth position of quinazoline ring by 2-aminoethan-1-ol in which polar hydroxyl group present at the end of the chain and tried to replace chlorine group which at second position of quinazoline ring by piperazine which having important pharmacological properties. 2,4-dichloroquinazoline further converted into2-[(2-chloroquinazolin-4-yl) amino]ethan-1- ol This further converted in to 2-{[2-(piperazin-1-yl)quinazolin-4-yl]amino}ethan-1-ol form different compoundsrefered as I to IV( Scheme-1). In future compound (IV) can be treated with Derivatives of benzoic acid( 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid / 2,4-diflurobenzoic acid/4-cyanobenzoic acid / 4-methoxybenzoic acid / 4-hydroxybenzoic acid) to obtain novel derivatives In present work we have achieved substantially good yields and purity of 2-{[2-(piperazin-1-yl)quinazolin-4-yl]amino}ethan-1-ol. The target molecule which was synthesized containing Quinazoline ring substituted at position 2 by piperazine ring and 4 position by 2-aminoethan-1-ol because quinazoline derivative have wide and distinct bio pharmacological activity and substituted piperazine and 2-aminoethan-1-ol also having pharmacological property individually which is taken under investigation.
Optimizing Wadi Kalabsha kaolin Ore Grade by GIS for Uses in Egyptian Ceramic and Refractory Industries[Full-Text ] A. Kh. EmbabyThe purpose of this work is to evaluate the Wadi Kalabsha Kaolin ore for ceramic and refractory industries. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technique was used to identify the locations that satisfy the requirements of Egyptian ceramic and Refractory industries and to calculate the volume of ores can be extracted from these locations. An attempt has been done for analyzing of Kalabsha kaolin ore through creating many layers. ArcInfo 9.3 software package was used to achieve this work. The results indicated that the planimetric area of satisfied locations from main elements of Wadi Kalabsha Kaolin ore (SiO2% and Al2O3%) represents 29 % from planimetric area of the study area and the volume of Kaolin ore can be extracted from these locations represents 32% from the total volume of Kaolin ore in Wadi Kalabsha area. These locations need to be treated for upgrading both Fe2O3% and TiO2 %. In another hand, the remaining area of Wadi Kalabsha must be treated to satisfy the requirements of different industries.
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE HYDROLYSIS OF HEMICELLULOSES OBTAINED FROM TANZANIAN SUGARCANE BAGASSE UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS[Full-Text ] Protibha Nath BanerjeeThe xylose is the major sugar component present in the hemicelluloses of lignocellulosic biomass and the economic interest lies in the conversion of xylose to xylitol as it finds its application as sweetener for diabetic patients. The economic interest in xylitol production can be enhanced if the needed xylose solutions can be obtained from the hydrolysis of low-cost lignocellulosic wastes. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to see the effect of different acids of different concentration and reaction time on the hydrolysis of hemicelluloses obtained from Tanzanian sugarcane bagasse. The hemicelluloses obtained by pressurised hot water and alkaline peroxide extraction from sugarcane bagasse were hydrolysed using sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid of different concentration and different reaction time. The hydrolysates after filtration were analysed by HPLC using Aminex HPX87P column and RID detector. The results showed that the maximum yield of xylose can be obtained using 1N sulphuric acid for 90 min at 100 ÌŠ C.
Intensification of heat and mass exchange in the apparatuses with pellicle by using twisting flow[Full-Text ] Oybek Tuyboyov Valijonovich, Khoshim Bakhranov Shayimovich, Nazora Khudoyberdiyeva SharofovnaIt is important to understand the intensitication of heat and mass exchange in the apparatuses by using a twisted flow. The experimental studies were conducted and the results were analysed to determine the of opportunities of heat and mass exchange intensification at pellicle evaporation of water using a twisting air flow. The main factor leading to a decrease in the degree of intensification of heat and mass exchange is the attenuation of the vortex motion. The latter have been evaluated by a relative change in the steps of the jet spins in the initial and final sections of the pipe. It was found that with an increase in the air velocity the relative change in the jet pitch increases due to a reduction in the jet step in the last section of the pipe. The chosen optimum size and number of flow swirls allow a creation of a flow over the surface of the pipe of continuous and at the same time narrow jets of the two-phase gas-liquid flow. It was found that a turbulization of the liquid pellicle under the influence of centrifugal forces in the pipes with a relatively small length allowed an intensification of heat and mass transfer at the evaporation of water by 3-4 times.
Synthesis, characterization, viscosimetric study and formulation of a new nanofunctional polymer’s nanocomposite: Nanoglycidyl trihydrazine 4,4,4-tripropoxy of ethylene tribisphenol A[Full-Text ] Rachid Hsissou, Atiqa Bekhta, Bouchra El Hilal, Jalila El Aazaoui, Omar Dagdag, Kamal Abouelouafa, Ahmed El Harfi The objective this work is to synthesize a new nanofunctional epoxy nanoglycidyl trihydrazine 4,4,4-tripropoxy ethylene tribisphenol A (NGTHTPTBAE) by chemical modification in two steps. We synthesized at first the triglycidyl ether ethylene of Bisphenol A (TGEEBA) and then we synthesized the nanofunctional resin by adding the hydrazine as nucleophile on the TGEEBA. After synthesizing the nanofunctional epoxy resin (NGTHTPTBAE), we first characterized the new nanofunctional epoxy resin by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Its structure is confirmed by proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) and carbon (13C NMR). Secondly, we have studied its viscosimetric behavior, which plays a crucial role in the flow phenomena and the implementation of the macromolecular matrix by using a capillary viscometer of the Ubbelohd type. We have finally crosslinked and formulated our new thermosetting composite material in the presence of natural phosphate at various percentages (0%, 5%, 10% and 15%) as fillers and by adding methylene dianiline (MDA) as a hardener. The dispersion of the charges in the macromolecular matrix was monitored by using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Applied Expectation Maximization (EM) Clustering for Local Variety Corn[Full-Text ] Dwivayani Sentosa, Budi Susetyo, Utami Dyah Syafitri, SutoroCorn plays an important role in food diversification since corn contain large amount of carbohydrate. One of the efforts to support the achievement of food diversification is to create a superior corn varieties, namely high yield and resistance to disease, through the cross-linking process. To get good hybrid seed, it also takes good parent inbred. There are 98 local varieties of maize Java based on morphologic characteristics. Cluster analysis is used in order to know superior morphology for the cluster of local varieties corn. EM algorithm is used as a comparison for hierarchical clustering. Based on the Pseudo-F test and Cluster Thightness Measure (CTM), the reult for clustering using EM algorithm is better than the hierarchical clutering.
Synthesis of Hydrocarbon Fuel by Thermal Catalytic Cracking of Polypropylene[Full-Text ] Jean Baptiste Habyarimana, Mohammed Njiemon, Raiyan Abdulnasir, Musa Neksumi, Muhammad Yahaya, O’Donnell Sylvester, Ifeoma Joseph, Linus Okoro, Bolade Agboola, Obioma Uche,and Wan Jin JahngThe current study examined the thermal catalytic cracking reaction of polypropylene-based polymers to generate C8-C18 hydrocarbons using metal oxide catalysts, including MgCO3, CaCO3, Al2O3, and MgO. A systematic analysis of the liquid productswas performed to determine the optimum catalyst that produces a highest yield of C10-C12 hydrocarbon which falls under the gasoline range organics (GRO). Our data demonstrated that MgO produced the highest yield of liquid products compared to the other catalysts. The kinetic study suggeststhe potential mechanism of time and ratio (polymer vs. catalyst)-dependent polypropylene cracking. The hydrocarbon products were analyzed usingGC-MS and FT-IR to show that polypropylene cracking generates carbon constituents ranging from C8 to C18 which is a range for naptha, petrol, kerosene, and diesel. The FT-IR spectra demonstrated that hydrocarbon products contain mostly alkene and alkane functional groups. A massof polypropylene waste plastic were converted into potential kerosene fuel using 10%metal oxide catalysts producing 85% liquid, 3% light gas and 12% residues with 25 minutesof reaction timeand a first order reaction kinetics.The calorimetric analysis showed that the liquid has a heating value within a range of 9.8– 10.8Kcal/g.
Enhancement of Heat exchange from the Gas to the Pipe suface of a Helical coil[Full-Text ] Nazora Khudoyberdiyeva Sharofovna, Khoshim Bakhranov Shayimovich, Oybek Tuyboyov ValijonovichEnahncement of Heat transfer using a fludized layer as an intermediate heat carrier has many advantages such as the high value of the coefficent of heat transfer due to a turbulence, developed specific contact surface, small hydraulic resistance of the fluidized layer etc. Experimental studies have been conducted to develop ways of intensification of convective heat transfer in the space between the pipes. This article then focusses on processing the experimental data to calculate the indications of heat transfer co-efficients from a single-phase gas and a layer of solid particles fluidized by air to the outer surface of the wall. Heat balancing approach and Nusselt & Reynolds criteria with and without granular material were used. Investigations were done to compare the heat transfer process from pipe wall of the coil to a single phase liquid wihtout solids and it was observed that the heat transfer intensification takes place due to increased gas turbulence in its core and a boundary layer of gas at the wall of the pipe coil and an increase of the effective thermal conductivity of the granular layer. Based on the results the conclusions were derived that the efficency of heat exchangers with spiral tubes and fluidized bed of granular material has been compared with apparatus withou the particulate material as an intermediate heat transfer enables an increase in the coefficent of heat transfer from the gas to the surface by 8-13 times.
Effect of Punch and Die Profile Radii on Deep Drawing of Galvanized Steel[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid, Fadhil A. HashimDeep drawing process is one of the most widely used metalworking processes among the sheet metal forming processes in general and among the sheet metal forming processes in particular. It is used in the automobile and aircraft industries for manufacturing a large number of parts. Since the publication of Swift paper on the deep drawing of cylindrical cups the researchers of sheet metal forming got engaged in investigating the different parameters involved in the process. Despite the large number of publications on different parameters involved in the process they are still far from being optimized and work is still required to render the deep drawing process efficient, free from defects and cost effective. In this paper, the effect of radial clearance percentage on the autographic record (punch load—punch travel, thickness strain distribution, the maximum amount of thinning and the maximum deep drawing force and the total consumed work were invested and the obtained results are presented and discussed.
Experimental investigations of an efficient electric pump source for Blumlein-based TEA nitrogen laser[Full-Text ] Mukhtar Hussain, Tayyab ImranWe presenteddesign,development, and optimization of thehigh voltage power supply as an electrical pump source for the generation of coherent ultraviolet pulses from the efficiently constructed transversely excited atmospheric(TEA) nitrogen laser. The coherent ultraviolet pulses generated byproducing the electric discharge in the air in the laser discharge channel which made by the Aluminum electrodes on the double-sided PCB (Printed Circuit Board) copperplateswhich act as capacitors to form theBlumlein circuit.The behavior of parallel plate capacitors and high voltage supply investigatedduring laser operation.The developedTEA nitrogen laserhas capacitanceand Coronapreionization quite lower than earlier investigations. The emission coherent ultraviolet pulses of the nitrogen laser characterizedand confirmed by usingphotodiode and spectrometer. We have measured the nitrogen laser pulse and spectrum. We averaged over many pulses to acquire the smoother spectrum of the TEA nitrogen laser.
The Implementation of Testlet Models into Evaluating a Reading Comprehension Test[Full-Text ] Do Thi HaTestlets, groups of test items that share the common input, are widely used in language testing. However, there lies a problem of Local Item Dependence (LID) which may result in adverse consequences for test score perception. This study analyzed the reading comprehension section of an English multiple-choice test to determine whether, and to what extent, testlet effects are inherent by using Testlet Response Theory (TRT). The data was gathered from 1653 non-English majors taking that final test at a university in Vietnam. The comparison of item difficulty and discrimination between Testlet Response model and Item Response Theory (IRT) model was made to illustrate the testlet effects. The paper, therefore, demonstrated how these models can be utilized into the test development process so that test developers can choose the best-fitting model and minimize inaccuracies of ability estimation.