Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017.
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Vibrational Dynamics and Heat Capacity of Syndiotactic Poly(Ethyl Methacrylate)[Full-Text ] Moiz Ahmad, Seema Srivastava, Nafis AhmadThe normal modes of vibration and their dispersion in syndiotactic poly (ethyl methacrylate) are obtained using Urey Bradley force field and Wilson’s GF matrix method as modified by Higgs. It provides a detailed explanation of FTIR and Raman spectra .Characteristic features of dispersion curves such as regions of high density-of-states, repulsion and character of mixing of dispersive modes are discussed. Predictive values of the heat capacity as a function of temperature are calculated from dispersion curves via density-of-states between 40 to 400 ËšK.
Web Care[Full-Text ] Kavyashree K, A.Ananda ShankarWeb applications are becoming more prevalent over the globe such as in corporate, public and also in government services today. Web applications provide convenience and efficiency but it also encounters number of new security threats frequently, which could potentially pose significant risks to any organization, if not handled properly. Web security vulnerabilities continually impact the risk of a web site. Performing the attack requires several application attack techniques. These techniques are commonly referred to as the class of attack.
Weak and Strong forms of αÄ-irresolute functions[Full-Text ] R. Nagendran , R. Latha and S. Karpagam, C.MayilanThe purpose of this paper is to give two new types of irresolute functions called completely αÄ- irresolute functions and weakly αÄ-irresolute functions. We obtain their characterizations and basic properties.
Multi-criteria analysis of urban public transport problems: the city of Fes as a Case[Full-Text ] Imane MOUFAD, Fouad JAWABThe object of this article consists in identifying the problems of the sector of urban public transport in Fes, and analyzing these problems in order to come up with a reliable and fine vision on the state of the latter. We developed these problems by introducing, in the first place, the importance of the sector of urban public transport, sound evolution and the means of transport which compose it. Secondly, we propose a model of governance allowing to unite all the concerned actors and to define the role of each by using the “Pieuvre” diagram. And then, we lead an investigation to involve all stakeholders in the identification of problems from which the Fassi citizens suffer concerning public transportation across the development of semi-directive discussions. Finally, we perform a prioritization of problems in order to find the most critical ones and so to define those to solve at first by basing on multi-criteria analysis methods.
PREDICTION OF ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF BORED PILES WITHIN THE NIGERIAN PORTS ATHORITY, INDUSTRIAL AREA APAPA LAGOS USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK[Full-Text ] Duna S, Salau O. B. E, Auta T. A and Maleka A. MIn this study, Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) was used to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of bored piles. For the verification of applicability of Neural Networks, Meyerhof’s formula was used to estimate the bearing capacities of piles and results were compared to ANN model predictions. One hundred and eleven (111) sets of data were used for the study, which are representative of over one thousand two hundred installed bored piles of diameter ranging from 450mm to 900mm and depth of 16m to 22m within the Nigeria Ports Authority Industrial Area, Apapa Lagos. The ANN model had five input parameters namely, Penetration depth ratio (l/d), Average standard penetration test number, N-value along the pile shaft (Nsa) Average N-value near the pile end (Nb) Effective vertical pressure at pile base (δv) Coefficient of earth pressure at rest (ko) and one single output, ultimate capacity (Qu). 70% of the data sets were used for the training of the ANN model while the remaining 30% was used for validation of the model. Twenty nine (29) data sets randomly selected from the results of training and validation were used in testing the ANN model. The results showed the existence of a strong correlation between the ANN model predictions and the targeted output, there was a correlation between the ANN model and Meyerhof’s estimates. The ANN model developed had a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.965 and root mean square error (RMSE) of 228kN. The study shows that the ANN models gave good predictions of the ultimate bearing capacity of the bored piles.
Structural Behavior of Non-Prismatic Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Continuous Members Under Effect of Static and Repeated Loads[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Mustafa B. Dawood, Mr. Mohammed H. AbdulkhaleqThis paper presents an experimental investigation for behavior of prismatic and non-prismatic continuous beams under effects of static and repeated loads. The experimental program contains casting and testing fourteen specimens with different parameters. The studied parameters included the effects of loading type (static and repeated load), concrete type (Reactive Powder Concrete and Normal Concrete), tapering ratio effect and presence of small circular openings with diameter 75 mm. All the specimens have the same total length of 2440 mm with two spans, each span has clear distance equal to 1150 mm. The specimens were tested under effect of concentrated load in the mid of each span. The specimens were divided into four groups. The first group contains eight specimens to study the effect of loading type, four of them tested under effect of static load and the others under repeated loads with two cases (case1: contains two specimens tested under effect of applying fifteen cycles from (0-0.75) of ultimate static load (Pu), case 2: also contains two specimens tested under effect of five cycles from (0-0.25) of Pu followed by five cycles from (0-0.5) of Pu and five cycles from (0-0.75) of Pu than finally, the beam was loaded to its ultimate load). The second group included four specimens to study the effect of concrete type on shear and flexural behavior of tested beams. The influence of tapering ratio was studied with three specimens formed group three. The final group which examine the effect of small openings included four specimens. The ultimate load, cracking load, load versus deflection curves and crack patterns were presented and discussed in this study.
Workplace Incivility and its relationship with Negative Emotion: Moderating Role of Emotional Stability[Full-Text ] Muhammad Raza, BenazirThis study extends the literature on workplace incivility and highlights its relationship with other antecedents. Previously workplace incivility was studied in a fair amount with relation to its negative influences. In this study a personality trait “Emotional Stability” is being used as a moderator. It investigates the relationship of workplace incivility with negative emotions and the moderating role of emotional stability. Data has been gathered at convenience from 150 employees of private education sector of Skardu city. Data analysis techniques of the study are three steps hierarchical regression and correlation. The results showed that workplace incivility is in positive relationship with negative emotions and emotional stability which is a personality trait, moderates this directly proportional relationship. The data were gathered from a single sector which is private education institutes of Skardu city. These variables were rarely studied together.
Encryption Using Timing Clock[Full-Text ] YAHYA LAYTH KHALEEL, MUSTAFA ABDULFATTAH HABEEB, RAGHAD ABDULRAHMAN SHABANIn this research will be work to encryption algorithm based on a new idea to encrypt text data, which depends on the architectural and mathematical operations and then generate the cipher text output the these operations where we will be the removal of the letters and replace letters, numbers and symbols depending on the specific algorithm indicated the pulses time, finally this research It includes clarification of a new way to encrypt data using architectural thought to get rid the frequencies of letters, in addition to the algorithm will be the launch of its name (Clock encryption).
Simulation of Lab-scale Leachate Treatment Bioreactor with Application of Logistic Growth Equation for Determining Design and Operational Parameters[Full-Text ] Gnanakaran, M., Ariyawansha, R.T.K., Basnayake B. F. A.A laboratory scale Leachate Treatment Bioreactor (LTB) was needed to determine the optimum design and operational parameters because of poor performance of a full scale unit. In order to increase the lifespan of LTB, coconut comb and rubber tyres were included in the partially decomposed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) as biofilter material inside the reactor. A composite liner of clay and waste polythene was used to mineralize excess inorganic compounds. The parameter reductions were from 26,000 mg/L to 6,832 mg/L of Total Solids (TS), 6,230 mg/L to 2,930 mg/L of Total Disolved Solids (TDS), 12,000 mg/L to 1182.6 mg/L of Volatile Solids (VS), 14,000 mg/L to 4,410 mg/L of Total Fixed Solids (TFS) and 29,700 mg/L to 3,000 mg/L of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). The kinetic analysis using the logistic growth equation showed cyclic events and the application of separating the growth and decay of microbes based on the Total Fixed Solids (TFS) gave a mineralization rate of 1.83 x 102 kg /m3 of leachate/m height of LTB /day for up scaling.
Effect of different bacteriophage isolates on managing potato soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum[Full-Text ] Eman O. HassanIsolation trials from potato tubers showing bacterial soft rot collected from Giza, Kalubia, Sharkia and Gharbia governorates yielded 35 bacterial isolates. The isolated bacteria were purified and identified as Pectobacterium sp., Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. The frequency of the isolated bacteria was not greatly differed in the four governorates. 15 strains of the isolates proved to be Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. The identification of the 15 isolates was confirmed by the Biolog system based on their sugar contents. Electron micrographs of the nine isolates of P.carotovorum bacteriophages were taken. Of the fifteen isolates of P. carotovorum (Pc) , only 4 isolates ,i.e. Pc2, Pc4, Pc7 and Pc10, were highly pathogenic to the five potato cultivars , i.e.. Belini , Cara, Hermes, Mondial and Spunta . On the other hand, the tested isolates of Pc1, Pc3, Pc5, and Pc11 showed moderate effect on potato tubers. Meanwhile, Pc9, Pc13 and Pc14 isolates had low effect on potato tubers and the other isolates, i.e. Pc6, Pc8, Pc12 and Pc15 failed to cause any infection to four potato cvs. ,i.e.. Bilini, Cara , Hermes and Mondial, but infected cv. Spunta cv. Four isolates of the bacteriophages (1, 2, 8 and 9) inhibited all the isolates of the causal bacterium . In addition, isolate (3) inhibited two pathogenic isolates only (Pc7 and PC10). Meanwhile, the mixture of the nine isolates of the bacteriophage inhibited all isolates of the causal bacterium. All the isolated phages were specific for P.carotovorum isolates and formed circular, clear plaques with or without halo and ranged from 1.0 to 5.0 mm in diameter.
Effluent Effect from Lafargeholcim Cement Plant on Environment in Cross River State, South-South, Nigeria[Full-Text ] E.E.EKENG, S.E.BEJOR, I.E, IBIANGThis Research work was carried out to determine the effect of effluent from Lafargeholcim cement production plants on the environment of host state Cross River State, south-south region of Nigeria. Samples were collected at the monitoring stations, while a sample collected 1km away from the factory serves as the control for both water and soil sample. Air quality assessment was monitor for three months at an interval of two weeks per month around the factory location .The outcome of studies for water analysis shows that T, H2 ions (PH) and DO of the monitoring stations and the control did not show any significance difference while the TDS, TH of the monitoring stations were higher than that of control stations using basic statistical measures like the analysis of variance(ANOVA),simple bar chart to compare the field data of the monitoring stations and the control station. For the soil analysis, concentration level of potentially heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cd, Zn, Cu, NI, Pb) were observed to be significantly higher in station A than station B and the control station. The contamination/pollution index assessment of the soils revealed that the soils belong to slight pollution to excessive heavy metal pollution soil category. The air quality analysis, shows that the average (variance) for the three month shows that NO2 = 0.03ppm did not exceed 0.06ppm and 0.04ppm, while SO2 = 0.40ppm and CO2 = 193.26 which exceeded 0.01ppm (S02) and 10ppm (CO2). Hence total average reading for the months for particulate matter was 872.25µg/m3 exceeding standard value of 260µg/m3.
Improving The Efficiency Of Evaporative Cooling Water[Full-Text ] Oybek V Tuyboyov, Khoshim SH Bakronov, Nazora SH Khudoyberdiyeva In recent years, the manufacturing enterprises of mining and metallurgical industry, chemical industry and hydrometallurgy of Uzbekistan have been leading an active work on the organization of continuous monitoring after the increase in the efficiency of evaporative cooling water. The main reason for the priority of all made efforts is to improve the quality of industrial products produced thereby, saving operating costs, especially those that are related to improving the efficiency of evaporative cooling and saving production and technical water resources. This article provides an overview of the analysis of theoretical and experimental studies, the principle of the proposed technical installation; methods of conducting experiments, as well as data that we believe are of practical value for solving production problems in the considered field.
Investigation of Heat Exchange between Fluidized Bed and a Surface Immersed in it in the form of Coil Pipes[Full-Text ] Nazora.SH.Khudoyberdiyeva, Khoshim.SH.Bakhronov , Oybek.V.TuyboyovExperimental data on the heat transfer coefficients between the fluidized bed of polydisperse granular material and immersed therein coil depending on the parameters of the fluidizing agent and the particle size. As a method of study of external heat exchange method pipe surface temperature measuring is selected. It is found that when the air velocity gradually increases after fluidization starts, at first a sharp increase in the heat transfer coefficient, then slower increase is observed. With increasing media velocity, bed porosity increases accordingly and correspondingly relative speed of gas and particles movement increases, thereby increasing heat transfer. At the same time, higher porosity means low particle concentration, and this leads to the reduction of particle impact, reducing their impact on heat transfer. It is noted that the rate of heat transfer from the fluidized bed to the pipe coil wall is significantly higher than in the apparatus without fluidized bed.
TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF NIGERIA GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT USING US DOLLAR AND BRITISH POUNDS FROM 2000 - 2014[Full-Text ] AIDEYAN DONALD OSAROTime series analysts have used different technical and fundamental approach in modelling and forecasting exchange rate in both developed and developing countries. These results vary base on the approach applied. In this research work, ) developing country like Nigeria was used to forecast the naira/dollar and the naira/British pound exchange rate for the period 2000-2014. A time domain model (fundamental approach) using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) to evaluate the impact of exchange rate on the economy. The result reveals that there is an upward trend but there was break down in the economic growth in 2010 and rose again in 2011 and the first difference of the series was stationary using Phillips-perron test statistics with the aid of econometric view (Eviews).
Performance Appraisal of a Direct-Current Motor Through an Experimental Determination of Its Rotational Inductances and Open-Circuit Curves[Full-Text ] Peter Michael Enyong, Evaristus Bola ObaitanA laboratory dc motor was investigated in terms of its steady-state performance characteristics and parameters. The rotational inductances G1 and G2 of the machine were first determined under shunt- and series-connected operational conditions (respectively) as was required. Relevant dc motor equations were generated and the values of G1 and G2 duly applied thereto for the realization of the needed performance characteristics and parameters. In this paper, the authors present a brief review of the dc motor highlighting areas of advantage over its ac counterpart, amongst other things. Details of the no-load test and winding dc resistance test necessary in the experimental determination of G1 and G2 are given. Eight relevant graphs each were MATLAB-plotted for both shunt and series operational conditions. Open-circuit characteristics (OCC’s) of the machine were similarly plotted for both shunt and series modes of operation. The rotational inductances of the motor were determined as 1.6H and 2.8H, respectively. The maximum starting current, net output torque, shaft or output power, overall efficiency and speed regulation of the motor as key performance parameters were 111A, 19N-m, 2156W, 78% and 11%, respectively, under shunt operation. Similar manual computations for the series case showed the motor gainfully applicable to load currents of 1Amp and below; whereas, the armature circuit was rated 11.4A, 220V. The reason for this had to do with the very high field winding resistance which was much more favourable to the shunt than the series operation. From the OCC’s the machine was also seen to be markedly prone to saturation under series operation as it exhibited an estimated saturation factor of 3.19 p.u.; whilst, under shunt operational condition a very acceptable value of 1.11 p.u. was realized. However, the use of field diverters is suggested for the machine performance to be considerably improved under series-connected version of operation.
A Decision Mathematical Model for Selection Production Strategy[Full-Text ] Mohamed Adel Elbaz, Ghada M. AbdelsalamDeveloping supply chain strategy plays an essential role to retain competition among companies. This paper investigates the decision about which items to make to stock and which ones to make to order based on a mathematical model minimize the difference between the costs of the two approaches. The production environment is characterized by multipleactivities such as purchasing, manufacturing, subassembly, and finished assembly. Through some numerical experiments the effect of different demand quantitates, customer delivery time and capacity limit are identified. The analysis provides an insight into the relationship between the supply chain costing and the strategic decision making.
Development and emulation of automatic accident avoiding system in a real time scenario using SLAM technique[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ibrahim Khalil, Dr. Ummul BaneenRoad safety is a major concern in most countries and the attention is turning towards active safety system. This research paper focuses on developing an automatic accident avoiding safety system which can help to prevent road side crash and accidents. Our proposed system has a capability to do work with the implementation of Simultaneous Localization and Map building (SLAM). This project makes use of that information to efficiently recognize the landmarks in the way which can help in minimizing the risk of collision and developing a solution of no risk factor. An Arduino based project is proposed in this paper that will work as obstacle avoiding system as well as it will do implementation of SLAM using ultrasonic sensors. Moreover, an algorithm, based on MATLAB, is developed that has the potential to achieve the desired performance.
Factors Effecting Women Participation in Gujrat, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Fakhra Umbreen, Adila KokabFemale participation is very important in the economic development and growth of any economy or country. In Pakistan, the rate of female participation is very low, so the present study is conducted to found the Determinants of low Female Labor Force Participation. The objective of the study is not only to investigate the socio-economic factors but also to identify the demographic factors behind fewer female labor force participation.
Structural Behavior of Non-Prismatic Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Continuous Members Under Effect of Static and Repeated Loads[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Mustafa B. Dawood, Mr. Mohammed H. AbdulkhaleqThis paper presents an experimental investigation for behavior of prismatic and non-prismatic continuous beams under effects of static and repeated loads. The experimental program contains casting and testing fourteen specimens with different parameters. The studied parameters included the effects of loading type (static and repeated load), concrete type (Reactive Powder Concrete and Normal Concrete), tapering ratio effect and presence of small circular openings with diameter 75 mm. All the specimens have the same total length of 2440 mm with two spans, each span has clear distance equal to 1150 mm. The specimens were tested under effect of concentrated load in the mid of each span. The specimens were divided into four groups. The first group contains eight specimens to study the effect of loading type, four of them tested under effect of static load and the others under repeated loads with two cases (case1: contains two specimens tested under effect of applying fifteen cycles from (0-0.75) of ultimate static load (Pu), case 2: also contains two specimens tested under effect of five cycles from (0-0.25) of Pu followed by five cycles from (0-0.5) of Pu and five cycles from (0-0.75) of Pu than finally, the beam was loaded to its ultimate load). The second group included four specimens to study the effect of concrete type on shear and flexural behavior of tested beams. The influence of tapering ratio was studied with three specimens formed group three. The final group which examine the effect of small openings included four specimens. The ultimate load, cracking load, load versus deflection curves and crack patterns were presented and discussed in this study.
Computer Aided Diagnosis system for Parkinson's disease detection based on Histogram Equalization and Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Safouane Hamdi, Olfa LaouiniParkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder occurs at the central nervous system. PD involves the malfunction or death of certain vital cells in the brain called neurons. The factor, which affects the quality of life of patients. Still there is no particular test to detect the disorder at an early stage.
Evaluation of Tang-e-hamam dam stability by changing the angle of internal friction in shell of dam[Full-Text ] Noshad yousefpour, Mohammad reza HabibiComposite clay is a mixture of clay, as the main body and aggregates which are floating within the clayey matrix. Undrained behavior of composite clays in its natural or compacted state e.g., core material of embankment dams has a great importance for the geotechnical engineers. On the other hand, experience has shown that significant pore pressure could build-up during cyclic loading in composite clays. In this paper, the results of static analyses performed on Tang-e-hamam embankment dam in Iran, incorporating different core materials, are presented. Appropriate models for the core materials are utilized, based on the laboratory test results. Thus in this research, stress of Tang-e-hamam dam was investigated. Then parametric studies perform, that it was concluded that increasing the angle of internal friction leads to increased safety factor of dam.
Component-based implementation of tool e-package[Full-Text ] Yassine Aarab, Noura Aknin, Abdelhamid BenkaddourWe are trying in this article to present the process of development of a prototype application entitled e-package: a tool of description and packaging of components. We will present the services it offers and its principle operations. As well, we’ll present its architecture that it integrates a system of indexing and search of XML documents fully configurable. We will present the technological choices of its implementation.
Ethical Considerations of Cesarean Section on Maternal Request: A Systematic Literature Review[Full-Text ] Zubia MalikBackground: Caesarean section on maternal request (CSMR) is considered to be the leading cause of increase in CS. This article is a review of research literature to unfold underlying reasons of CSMR, obstetrician’s response and ethical issues. It will help to implement the safe and successful strategies of the procedure. Methods: A search of electronic database sources including Google Scholar and PubMed was undertaken to retrieve English language publications from January 2006 to December 2015. Conclusion: There is an ongoing debate on patient’s autonomy and physician’s beneficence/ non-maleficence. There is a need to counsel mothers and provision of unbiased information. Researchers should focus on the type and level of women’s knowledge about the pros and cons of cesarean section and obstetricians and gynecologists’ influences and preferences.
Comparative Study of Slot -Entry hybrid journal Bearings[Full-Text ] Aly. Abdelbadie, W.A. Crosby, I.M. ElFahhamA theoretical study of non-recessed slot entry hybrid journal bearings with different symmetric and asymmetric geometrical configurations has been presented. Finite difference method was used to compare the performance of symmetric and asymmetric bearings considering the effect of temperature rise on viscosity. Optimum number of slots for each configuration has been studied. The results of the data presented show the optimum number of slots for each row of double row symmetric configuration and for single row asymmetric case. The results also show that, asymmetric geometric configuration has higher load carrying capacity than that of symmetric geometric configuration. The results also indicate that, the effect of temperature rise on load carrying capacity of the bearing is more pronounced in symmetric than that in asymmetric configuration. The comparative study further indicates that asymmetric geometric configurations have better stability threshold speed margin compared with symmetric geometric configurations.
Automatic Detection & Classification of Diabetic Ratenopathy using Exudates & Hemorrhages in Retinal Fundus Images[Full-Text ] Agha Azeem ur Rehman Khan, Anila Liaqat, Badarqa Tul Ayesha, Imran Ashraf, Mazhar JavedThis paper describes an automatic detection of Diabetic retinopathy and classification of their stages in RGB fundus image. Diabetic retinopathy is a common disease in diabetes patients that affects vision badly and is world’s leading cause of blindness. This can be prevented if diabetic ratenopathy is detected in early stages by identifiying exudates & hemorrhages in color fundus images of the back side (Retina) of human eye.
Contribution to the evaluation of the economic performance of container ports in the Mediterranean and Tangier-Med[Full-Text ] Azzelarab ZAOUDI, Abid IHADIYAN, and Hassane ZOUIRICurrently, container ports operate in a highly competitive environment. The viability of the port sector depends mainly on their degree of performance. In this context, an assessment of their performance proves to be an exam of a major consideration. This research seeks to assess the economic performance of container ports in the Mediterranean, including Tangier-Med. For this, we will apply the econometric method of Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). The sample includes 22 container ports in the Mediterranean region. According to the SFA method, technical inefficiency dominates the performance models of the ports of the region. According to the parameter μ, a representation of the efficiency according to a half-normal distribution falls perfectly adequate for the port industry. The impact of China's trade on the prosperity of Mediterranean ports is crucial. On the other hand, the relationship is strong between capacities - demand and efficiency in port industry.Employment and underemployment of port resources are constantly alternated following the expansion projects. The intensity of port technical capital is considered within the framework of the particular strategies carried out by the different ports, our research distinguishes 5 types ofport strategy: leader, follower, moderation, rationalization of resources and mere attendee strategy.
SILAG (CoryphaelataRoxb) FRUIT NUTRICEUTICALS AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Petronila E. Florendo Solita Evangeline S. Bañez, MercitaQ.Queddeng, Rolando B. Navarro, MaritessR.RaboyThis study determinedthe impact of CoryphaelataRoxb fiber industry and its fruit nutriceuticals. Results of the survey and focus group discussion showed that majority(62%) of those involved in the industry in San Juan, Ilocos Sur are women, and that income generated from it is barely enough for their family. Almost all of them (97.63%) have P5,000.00 and below as an average monthly income. Profits derived from products of a bundle of buntal fiber are PhP175 (fans), PhP100 (mats), PhP25 (hats), and PhP100 (bags).Sales from fresh fruits unpeeled is PhP100, and PhP600 from peeled ones. Analysis of the fruit nutriceuticals by DOSTshowed the following:ash, 1.00g/100g; moisture content, 48.64 g/100g; crude protein, 0.22 g/100g; crude fat, 1.37g/ 100g; sodium, 16.25 mg/100g; potassium, 58.39 mg/100g; iron, 0.06 mg/100g. Value adding to the fresh fruits like preserving it in sugar syrup brings more profit, about three times more.Mean evaluation of the products developed from the fruitis very desirable.
Analysis of Road Traffic Accident Related of Geometric Design Parameters in Alamata-Mehoni- Hewane Section[Full-Text ] Teyba Wedajo, Emer T. Quezon, Murad MohammedGeometric design deficiencies on existing roads would lead to a potential accident, such as an accident happens at the sharp curves, layered pavement conditions, and slippery pavement surface. Road traffic accident has been increasing in the Southern Region of Tigray, of which this area was shown to have alarming rates. According to the Southern Tigray Regional Police, the high figure of road traffic accidents was recorded in Alamata, Mehoni and Hewane districts. This research study focused on the analysis of traffic accidents related to geometric design parameters of the existing asphalt road. While the data for the analysis covered route data, traffic accident report from the police station containing some injuries, crashes, and damage to properties, as well as interviews and questionnaire surveys to people who are directly involved in road travels, are considered. The primary data have mainly covered the geometry of the road which was measured during the site survey, road safety audit using the checklist, interview, and questionnaire survey. On the other hand, the secondary data collected from the traffic management office in the district offices. On this, the results presented in the form of line graphs, pie charts, figures for road traffic accident and sketch for the suggested improvement in the road design problem. Based on the results of the study in the year 2010 to the year 2015, it found out that there were 866 Road Traffic Accidents have been occurring in the vicinity of the survey road sections. From this figure, the road traffic accident and damaged to properties expressed as an equivalent amount of about 33,565,122.00 Birr. It revealed that the primary cause of road traffic accidents in the study area emanated from the road design elements due to some geometric deficiencies at the traffic accident prone areas. Therefore, this study concluded that the frequency of occurrence of road traffic accidents and the figure of casualties is significantly increasing. This road accident would persist if the concerned agencies do not adequately address the malady.
GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF GOLD AND SULPHUR WITHIN SUKARI GOLD MINE, EGYPT[Full-Text ] M. M. Zaki, A. F. Ismael, and M. A. GoudaGold and Sulphur can be analysed geostatistically through constructing of variograms. The present work, represents an attempt to show the variability of both gold and sulphur within Sukari deposit. It is important to review the geology of the deposit and also statistical analysis for the available data has been carried out to show the distribution of gold and sulphur. Then, variograms have been constructed for them and fitted to suitable models to show the similarity, for some extent, in the behavior of gold and sulphur variability within the deposit.
Improving The Efficiency Of Evaporative Cooling Water[Full-Text ] Oybek V Tuyboyov, Khoshim SH Bakronov, Nazora SH KhudoyberdiyevaIn recent years, the manufacturing enterprises of mining and metallurgical industry, chemical industry and hydrometallurgy of Uzbekistan have been leading an active work on the organization of continuous monitoring after the increase in the efficiency of evaporative cooling water. The main reason for the priority of all made efforts is to improve the quality of industrial products produced thereby, saving operating costs, especially those that are related to improving the efficiency of evaporative cooling and saving production and technical water resources. This article provides an overview of the analysis of theoretical and experimental studies, the principle of the proposed technical installation; methods of conducting experiments, as well as data that we believe are of practical value for solving production problems in the considered field.
Investigation of Heat Exchange between Fluidized Bed and a Surface Immersed in it in the form of Coil Pipes[Full-Text ] Nazora.SH.Khudoyberdiyeva, Khoshim.SH.Bakhronov , Oybek.V.TuyboyovExperimental data on the heat transfer coefficients between the fluidized bed of polydisperse granular material and immersed therein coil depending on the parameters of the fluidizing agent and the particle size. As a method of study of external heat exchange method pipe surface temperature measuring is selected. It is found that when the air velocity gradually increases after fluidization starts, at first a sharp increase in the heat transfer coefficient, then slower increase is observed. With increasing media velocity, bed porosity increases accordingly and correspondingly relative speed of gas and particles movement increases, thereby increasing heat transfer. At the same time, higher porosity means low particle concentration, and this leads to the reduction of particle impact, reducing their impact on heat transfer. It is noted that the rate of heat transfer from the fluidized bed to the pipe coil wall is significantly higher than in the apparatus without fluidized bed.
Human Computer Interaction and Eye Tracking[Full-Text ] Eye MouseThis paper intends to use eye gazing techniques to allow a user to move the mouse pointer using his/her eyes. This objective was achieved using a trained Haar classifier for the face and eyes Detection. The final system is able to detect successfully where the user is looking and to track the eye's gaze. Results illustrating this functionality are well documented in this paper. Although that, some limitations in the movement scaling to fit to the screen dimensions - must be eliminated in future.
Improvement in Genetic Algorithm to Increase Error Detection Rate for Product Line Model based Testing[Full-Text ] Gurpreet KaurTesting is a used to evaluate the system to discover that it satisfied with given requirements or it does not. Testing used to execute the system to find out any error, or missing requirements. Model based testing is a black box testing in which models are used to generate test cases. The online technique of Model based testing is used to generate test cases automatically. Sometimes faults are occurred in the test cases. In this paper, enhancement in genetic algorithm is done with supervised learning to remove faults from the test cases.
STUDYING THE EFFECT OF ROCK TYPE ON DAMAGED ROCK ZONE AROUND UNDERGROUND EXCAVATION[Full-Text ] M. E. Hassan, W.M .Draz, F. A. Ali and S. M. SleemThe presence of Damaged Rock zone around excavations has been an important concern in rock construction. Studying of the Damaged Rock Zone (DRZ) in this paper accomplished through three different Egyptian rocks. The studied rocks including granite, marble and limestone which prepared to apply triaxial compression test. The obtained results from the triaxial test introduced to the "RocLab" software for determining Damaged Rock Zone strength parameters, based on the generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion (2002, 2006). The data obtained from the Roclab software used as input data for the "Examine2D" software in order to determine the Damaged Rock Zone thickness, the Strength Factor (strength/stress) and regions of overstresses around the underground excavations based on the generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion (2002, 2006). Circular type excavation of 10.8 m diameter at 50m depth used in this study and the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress constant around the excavation. This paper also concerned with study the effect of the disturbance result from the excavation method on the extent of DRZ for the selected rocks, as well as studies the relation between the disturbances resulting from the excavation method was used and the compressive strength for studied rocks.
Work Stress and Job Performance: The Case Study Among Malaysian Polytechnics Academic Staff[Full-Text ] FaizahSahbudin, Muhammad Nazri Abdul HalimThis study aims to investigate the impact of work stress on job performance of academic staff only in six polytechnics in the Malaysian northern region. Samples were collected randomly from staffs that are volunteer to fill up the questionnaire. Unit of analysis is the polytechnics academic staff in the northern region who are involve in teaching and learning process to polytechnics student. A final sample of 276 respondent’s data is used. The result shows that all work stress contains of work load, time pressure, recognition, insufficient facilities and student misbehaviour can give an impact on job performance.
Industrial Food Processing Wastewater Treatment by Modified Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)[Full-Text ] Mostafa M.Emara, Ahmed M.A.Abd El-Razek and Amir A.M.SayedAhmedThe environmental impact of the food industries is associated with its high water consumption, variety and amount of organic loading which are releases in the wastewater. Wastewaters from cleaning and finishing operations in the food industry are generally high in both organic and nutrient content. Industrial activities generate wastewater contain toxic and non-biodegradable compounds that affect and influence the efficiency of wastewater conventional treatment techniques. In this paper biological treatment was used, so we constructed a pilot plant. This pilot plant was designed to improve the quality of the effluent so we constructed and perform a modification of moving bed biofilm reactor with alternating anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic stages. Samples were collected during 2016 from the raw wastewater of Senyoreta potatoes and snacks factory in Tanta, El Gharbya governorate, Egypt. The samples were analyzed following standard procedures for the determination of: chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (Total-N) , total phosphorus and other parameters. The results indicated that the quality of wastewater is very high concentrated with pollutants. The average removal efficiency for effluent from a modified moving bed biofilm reactor in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (Total-N) and total phosphorus was 99%, 98%, 98%, 87% and 91%.
A dynamic and hybrid modeling user profiles for custom search[Full-Text ] Yannick U. Tchantchou Samen, Eugène C. EzinDuring this last decade, many works have been done in order to modelize user interests during his interaction with an information retrieval system and particularly on the web. Despite all these efforts, it remains a real challenge to propose a model able not only to learn user’s interests implicitly but also by allowing any user to participate at any moment to build his profile. In this paper, we propose a dynamic and hybrid model able to overcome the aforementioned problem. By using tools as the multi-agent systems, we propose an approach able to collect user interests both explicitly by allowing him to insert or delete his interests in his explicit profile and implicitly while browsing the web. This model takes into consideration the evolutive nature of user’s interests and enables us to build an ontological user profile dynamically. The experimentation of our model shows that it is able not only to detect user’s interests with an high precision but also to detect changes or drift in these interests.
The Impact of Globalization on Izara Festival in Plateau State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Solomon Obidah Yamma PhD, John Mugubi PhD, Oluoch Obura PhDGlobalization poses a great challenge to the survival of traditional performances such as Izara of Amo people of Plateau State. The phenomenon of globalization is one that is dubious and has influential capacity to disrupt the intrinsic and extrinsic workings of such performances in terms of their performative idioms. It will boil down to intellectual naivety to subscribe to the persuasive somewhat advantages of globalization as it affects Africa in its basic structures or its superstructure which consists of socio-cultural aspects. Volatile as it may seem as the nature of traditions, Izara has been exposed to the negative currents of globalization, and this has led to the erosion of some vital aspects of its ritual vivacity and performance. This paper casts its probing eyes on the impact of globalization on Izara, assessing the negative effects and the dynamics of the operations of the festival in the face of the phenomenon. In order to achieve this objective, the paper compares Izara and the Igbo’s Ikeji masquerade drawing from the survival variables of the latter. The paper utilizes qualitative data obtained from performers of Izara and literature that has touched on this subject matter. This will be carried out from the premise and framework of Richard Schechner’s performance theory. Members of the literati, theatre artists, film makers, anthropologists among others can benefit from this study.