Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017.
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Healthcare Mobile Application forEmbeddedTelemedicine System Design and Implementation[Full-Text ] Hafez Fouad andHesham Farouk Embedded systems have extensive applications in consumer, commercial, automotive, industrial and healthcare markets. Generally, an embedded device's operating system will only run a single application which helps the device to do its job. The system, which is completely enclosed by the object, may or may not be able to connect to the Internet. The heart of electronics system and also coordinator in communication is embedded system managing biometric data from numerous stationary and on body.This simply means that the device's software does not have a user interface (UI). In such cases, an in-circuit emulator (ICE) is temporarily installed between the embedded device and an external computer to debug or update the software. Because embedded systems have limited computing resources and strict power requirements, writing software for embedded devices is very specialized field that requires knowledge of both hardware components and programming.Embedded systems have extensive applications in consumer, commercial, automotive, industrial and healthcare markets. Generally, an embedded device's operating system will only run a single application which helps the device to do its job. The system, which is completely enclosed by the object, may or may not be able to connect to the Internet. The heart of electronics system and also coordinator in communication is embedded system managing biometric data from numerous stationary and on body.This simply means that the device's software does not have a user interface (UI). In such cases, an in-circuit emulator (ICE) is temporarily installed between the embedded device and an external computer to debug or update the software. Because embedded systems have limited computing resources and strict power requirements, writing software for embedded devices is very specialized field that requires knowledge of both hardware components and programming.
Effect of Die Profile Radius on the Deep Drawing of Flat Ended Cylidrical Brass Cups[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid, Fadhil A. HashimThe geometrical parameters play an important role in the deep drawing process. In this paper, the effects of the die profile radius on the deep drawing of flat ended cylindraical brass cups on the autographic records, the thickness strain distribution, maximum amount of thinning, maximum drawing force, total consumed work and the quality of produced cups are investigated. The quality is assessed by the reduction in the thinning and the encountered defects in the produced cups. The obtained results are presented and discussed.The geometrical parameters play an important role in the deep drawing process. In this paper, the effects of the die profile radius on the deep drawing of flat ended cylindraical brass cups on the autographic records, the thickness strain distribution, maximum amount of thinning, maximum drawing force, total consumed work and the quality of produced cups are investigated. The quality is assessed by the reduction in the thinning and the encountered defects in the produced cups. The obtained results are presented and discussed.
Social Network Analysis and Pension Fraud Prediction in Public Enterprises A Case of Developing Countries[Full-Text ] Alocate Zvikaramba, Abdul Rashid Abban, Mujeeb Ur Rehman RahimiThe impact of social networks in business is real. Fraud robs economies of millions of dollars. This paper analyzes fraudulent activities in public enterprises particularly in pension administration that has witnessed a mismatch between capital gains and pension liabilities creating pension payment back-logs, anxiety amongst employees and retirees as pension payouts no longer meet basic needs. The phenomenon is linked to social network connections within and outside workplace. We use a fraud analytics process model in the preprocessing, analytics and post processing of data and employ association rules in data mining. Our findings show that there is an important association between social media activities, centrality of organizational networks and fraudulent activities.The impact of social networks in business is real. Fraud robs economies of millions of dollars. This paper analyzes fraudulent activities in public enterprises particularly in pension administration that has witnessed a mismatch between capital gains and pension liabilities creating pension payment back-logs, anxiety amongst employees and retirees as pension payouts no longer meet basic needs. The phenomenon is linked to social network connections within and outside workplace. We use a fraud analytics process model in the preprocessing, analytics and post processing of data and employ association rules in data mining. Our findings show that there is an important association between social media activities, centrality of organizational networks and fraudulent activities.
Cyber Espionage and Digital Privacy[Full-Text ] Magalhães R., Barbosa H.The act of cyber stealing your right of privacy as an individual is growing every day. Cyber Espionage is emerging along with the expansion of the World Wide Web, which origins a gigantic impact either on heavy solid economic, politic, agency groups, or on individual people. In this paper, we will explore some kinds of Cyber Attacks focused on citizens, and give a few hints in how you can protect yourself, in order to avoid your Digital Privacy to be violated, trying to making you much safer. How hackers can may not be the main threat for a common citizen is also described and defended along this paper.The act of cyber stealing your right of privacy as an individual is growing every day. Cyber Espionage is emerging along with the expansion of the World Wide Web, which origins a gigantic impact either on heavy solid economic, politic, agency groups, or on individual people. In this paper, we will explore some kinds of Cyber Attacks focused on citizens, and give a few hints in how you can protect yourself, in order to avoid your Digital Privacy to be violated, trying to making you much safer. How hackers can may not be the main threat for a common citizen is also described and defended along this paper.
Is there "fast and slow combustion" of stars?[Full-Text ] Weitter Duckss (Slavko Sedic) The goal of the analysis is to point at the existence of real evidence that there is no matter combustion process through the radioactive disintegration of complex atoms.The goal of the analysis is to point at the existence of real evidence that there is no matter combustion process through the radioactive disintegration of complex atoms.
Myocardial Infarction in 32 years old with thrombophilia: a case report[Full-Text ] 32 years old male patient with past history of unprovoked DVT and pulmonary embolism, and family history of the same condition, presented with typical cardiac chest pain and ECG changes with strongly positive troponin. Diagnosed as a case of ST-Elevation MI. His condition improved after Anti-ischemic medications and PCI. 32 years old male patient with past history of unprovoked DVT and pulmonary embolism, and family history of the same condition, presented with typical cardiac chest pain and ECG changes with strongly positive troponin. Diagnosed as a case of ST-Elevation MI. His condition improved after Anti-ischemic medications and PCI.
Dengue in Rajasthan[Full-Text ] Karuna YadavIn present scenario dengue is the most dangerous and deadly public health problem. As there is no vaccine are available for the prevention of dengue1. Still there is lack of early diagnosis of the disease in the early and acute phase of illness. This lack of early treatment of the patient results in the mortality of the patient suffering from the dengue. Dengue is carried by a mosquito vector Aedes Ageptie and Aedes Albopictus2. Dengue is arboviral disease and caused by the virus which belong to the family Flaviviridae. Viruses in this family are enveloped virus with the positive single standard RNA.In present scenario dengue is the most dangerous and deadly public health problem. As there is no vaccine are available for the prevention of dengue1. Still there is lack of early diagnosis of the disease in the early and acute phase of illness. This lack of early treatment of the patient results in the mortality of the patient suffering from the dengue. Dengue is carried by a mosquito vector Aedes Ageptie and Aedes Albopictus2. Dengue is arboviral disease and caused by the virus which belong to the family Flaviviridae. Viruses in this family are enveloped virus with the positive single standard RNA.
KO9 as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of benzimidazoles and benzothiazoles[Full-Text ] Khalid El Mejdoubi, Rajaa Bahammou, Zakaria Benzekri, Brahim Sallek, Hassan Cherkaoui and Said BoukhrisIn this work we describe a simple and efficient procedure for the synthesis of 2-aryl-benzimidazoles (2-aryl-benzothiazoles) by condensation of o-phenylenediamine (or 2-aminobanzothiazole) with aryl aldehydes using natural phosphate (K09) as a catalyst in methanol. Little reaction time, the large-scale synthesis, easy and quick isolation of the product, and excellent performance are the main advantages of this procedure.In this work we describe a simple and efficient procedure for the synthesis of 2-aryl-benzimidazoles (2-aryl-benzothiazoles) by condensation of o-phenylenediamine (or 2-aminobanzothiazole) with aryl aldehydes using natural phosphate (K09) as a catalyst in methanol. Little reaction time, the large-scale synthesis, easy and quick isolation of the product, and excellent performance are the main advantages of this procedure.
MODIFIED GRAEFFE’S ROOT SQUARING METHOD WITH SOLVABILITY CONDITIONS[Full-Text ] Wahida Zaman LoskorIt is been said that Graeffe’s method determines all the roots of an algebraic equation real and complex, repeated and non-repeated simultaneously. In this study, it is said that this statement is not universally true. It has been shown [1, 2] that the method is valid if the algebraic equations satisfy the conditions- (i) equations with zero-coefficient must have at least one pair of equidistant non-zero coefficient from the zero–coefficient; (ii) any transformed equation of a given equation with non-zero coefficient may have zero coefficients but first condition (i) must satisfy these new coefficients and (iii) all the coefficients of non-linear algebraic equation must not be unity. GRAEFFE.BAS program [2] has been modified in these lights and has been extended for not solvable equations.It is been said that Graeffe’s method determines all the roots of an algebraic equation real and complex, repeated and non-repeated simultaneously. In this study, it is said that this statement is not universally true. It has been shown [1, 2] that the method is valid if the algebraic equations satisfy the conditions- (i) equations with zero-coefficient must have at least one pair of equidistant non-zero coefficient from the zero–coefficient; (ii) any transformed equation of a given equation with non-zero coefficient may have zero coefficients but first condition (i) must satisfy these new coefficients and (iii) all the coefficients of non-linear algebraic equation must not be unity. GRAEFFE.BAS program [2] has been modified in these lights and has been extended for not solvable equations.
Sensory evaluation of pastry biscuits with thyme, oregano and sage [Full-Text ] Rosen Chochkov, Gergana GerchevaThe object of this study is influence of herbs thyme, oregano and sage on the sensory evaluation of pastry biscuits. It was found that the best sensory evaluation is obtained by addition of herbs in the following quantitative rate: 1.5 % thyme; oregano 1.5 % and sage 1.0 %. These quantities are used in the creation of recipes for pastry biscuits with herbs. From the sensory evaluation it was establishes that the biscuits with herbs are better than the control sample for appearance, taste, color, and friability.The object of this study is influence of herbs thyme, oregano and sage on the sensory evaluation of pastry biscuits. It was found that the best sensory evaluation is obtained by addition of herbs in the following quantitative rate: 1.5 % thyme; oregano 1.5 % and sage 1.0 %. These quantities are used in the creation of recipes for pastry biscuits with herbs. From the sensory evaluation it was establishes that the biscuits with herbs are better than the control sample for appearance, taste, color, and friability.
A Cloud Virtual Computing Laboratory for Online Linearnig in Universities[Full-Text ] Dr. Eng. Wassan Adnan. Hashim, Mr. Omar Abdulmaged HammoodThe efficiency of employing cloud computing in the educational sectors has been distinguish in the most developed countries. It's playing important roles not only from an academic concepts but also on decrease of cost, flexibility, privacy and accessibility. This papers presents a cloud computing labs and how it is useful for student's flexibility in accessing the lab resources from outside the university at any time. Virtualization technology through virtual computing lab-VCL is conducted in Bayan University, to gives the students an open, flexible environment and to overcome the problems of adding a new extended physical computer which made by an internet connection. This flexibility of cloud computing provides them the ability to continue to work on their homework and projects outside the lab hours as well as at their convenience, preference and choice.
Investigation of Morphological, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Hot-Pressed Electrospun CNTs/Carbon nanofibril Composites by Positron Annihilation Technique[Full-Text ] M. A. Elmeniawi, K. R. Mahmoud and Ashraf A. AliThree groups of Carbon nano tubes (CNTs) of three different diameters, and each with five different weight concentrations were dispersed in a polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/ dimethylformamide (DMF) polymer solution. PAN/DMF with CNTs dispersions were electrospun under optimum electrospinning conditions, and the collected fabrics were thermally stabilized and carbonized under static pressure to activate the high surface energy aiming to build firm and strong fabrics.
Geo-diversity and geo-materials in the region of Rabat-Sala-Kenitra: Characterization and Rationalization of Utilization[Full-Text ] BELHAJ.Siham, BAHI.Lahcen, AKHSSAS.AhmedThe Rabat-Sala-Kenitra (RSK) is distinguished by a rich geology is varied. Outcrops are found in both the Paleozoic basement, especially along the major wadis in the area and a fairly extensive coverage postpaléozoïque and locally very thick. It offers a wide variety of petrographic facies some of which the construction of geomaterials value (GMC), very solicited by the construction sector and public works (BTP). Among the most important GMC furniture and beds of RSK: the Sands,the Calcarenite, the Limestones, Granites.
The Threat of Social Engineering[Full-Text ] Anise WardEvery individual and organization is spending thousands of dollars on protecting their system. But no matter how much money is spent, they are still vulnerable to social engineering attack. Thispaper will discuss the different attacks a social engineer use and how not only companies are being attacked but colleges to. Also how the malware the social engineers use in an attack works.
THE IMPACT OF USING DIFFERENT FUEL DENSITIES ON THE NEUTRONIC PARAMETERS OF MATERIAL TEST RESEARCH (MTR) REACTOR CORE[Full-Text ] Rani O.A. Aziz, E. H. Amin, W. M. Seif, H. Abou-ShadyThe deterministic neutronic analysis approach is used to study the effect of varrying fuel densities on the neutronic parameters of Material Test Research reactors core. The core configration is that of the first equilibrium core of Pakistan Research Reactor-1 (PARR-1). Fuel elements with uranium densities 3.2, 3.28, 3.6, 3.8, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 15 g/cm3 are proposed instead of the existing fuel elements. The proposed fuel densities are used to operate the cores with the same characteristics of the first equilibrium core of PARR-1 reactor for a power of 9 MW and cycle length of 40 effective full powerdays.
Analytical Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies on Muscle Lipid of Silver Ribbon fish (Lepturacanthus savala) of the Bay of Bengal[Full-Text ] Md. Abul Hasan Roni, Mohammad Helal Uddin and Md. Ashraful Hoque Muscle (edible portion) lipid of Silver Ribbon fish (Lepturacanthus savala) was extracted by solvent extraction method and characterized with respect to various physical and chemical properties and compared those with other lipid samples. Unsaturated fatty acids in this muscle lipid sample were confirmed by refractive index and iodine value. Presence of good amount of sterols, tocopherols, vitamins A & D, is considered with respect to unsaponifiable matter and percentage of F.F.A validated suitability of the oil for edible purpose. Semi drying nature of the fish lipid was pointed out by iodine value and confirmed by Elaiden test. Chromatographic examinations substantiated the presence of Palmitic acid, Mystiric acid, Linoleic acid, and Erucic acid in this muscle lipid. In antibacterial studies of lipid of Ribbon fish showed good growth of inhibition against three pathogenic bacteria (both Gram positive and Gram negative) out of ten human pathogenic bacteria. The mycelial growth of (three out of four) tested phyto-pathogenic fungi was inhibited by this lipid sample. Protein and other important minerals (Ca, P and K) also found with significant values in the muscle of Silver Ribbon fish.
DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF VOICE CONTROLLED UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE[Full-Text ] Shubham Maindarkar, Sidney SunilUnmanned Aerial Vehicles have gained well known attention in recent years for a numerous applications such as military, civilian surveillance operations as well as search and rescue missions. The UAVs are not controlled by professional pilots and users have less aviation experience. Therefore it seems to be purposeful to simplify the process of aircraft controlling. The objective is to design, fabricate and implement an unmanned aerial vehicle which is controlled by means of voice recognition. In the proposed system, voice commands are given to the quadcopter to control it autonomously. This system is navigated by the voice input. The control system responds to the voice input by voice recognition process and corresponding algorithms make the motors to run at specified speeds which controls the direction of the quad copter.
Firewall: A Perimeter Security Solution[Full-Text ] Rashmi B H, Usha C.R, Jayanth. P. RajFirewalls today are an amalgamated part of security mechanisms of any institution or organization. Firewall is one of the important tools of network security system which is mainly used for the purpose of monitoring inbound and outbound packets. A firewall establishes a single point through which all the traffic passes. There are 2 types of firewall namely Network firewalls and Host-based firewalls. Management of network security and system security in today’s complex environment is an open challenge. Many organizations and institutions have been enforced to strengthen the performance of an enterprise network by enhancing the features of firewall framework. In this paper, an insight into some of the existing features of the firewallis discussed and also an attempt has been made to show that the enhanced to the existing system policy portray different security mechanism in an organization and thus strengthening the capability of an enterprise network.
Review on: Content Based Image Retrieval[Full-Text ] Anubhooti Purbey, Manish Sharma, Brahmdutt BohraThe paper presents a review of different techniques in content-based image retrieval. Content Based image retrieval is a system by which several images are retrieved from a large database collection. The paper starts with discussing the fundamental aspects of CBIR. Features for Image Retrieval like color, texture and shape are discussed next. We briefly discuss the similarity measures based on which matches are made and images are retrieved. Another essential problem in content-based image retrieval is effective indexing and fast searching of images based on visual features. Dimension reduction and indexing schemes are also discussed. For content-based image retrieval, user interaction with the retrieval system is crucial since flexible formation and modification of queries can only be obtained by involving the user in the retrieval procedure. Finally Relevance feedback is discussed which helps in improving the performance of a CBIR system.
A novel technique of Quadruple-Source/Drain (4-Output) & Multi-Gate (Input) Relay Design[Full-Text ] Soumitra S Pande, Sanjeev GuptaThis paper focuses on robust technique for Quadruple-Source/Drain and Multi –Gate relay designs. Logic gate designs unique to relays can be achieved by taking advantage of the electrostatic force dependence on the actuation electrode area [6], [7]. For example, by carefully designing the beam dimensions, the number of driving input electrodes required to actuate a relay can be adjusted to implement two-input AND, OR [7], and NAND [6] gates. This design technique can be extended to other types of logic gates. This concept can be applied to the relay design in this paper. The fixed electrode (used as gate) can be subdivided into multiple separate electrodes that can be independently biased. This way, the strength of electrostatic force (therefore actuation) can be controlled by the number of input electrodes (gate) that are driven.
Traditional Methods of Post Harvest Bamboo Treatment for Durability Enhancement[Full-Text ] Bebija L. Singha and R.K. BorahBamboos like all lignocellusic biomass are susceptible to biodegradation which reduce its durability. Post harvest preservation of bamboo culms is important for enhancement of its service life. But the durability of bamboo also depends on its age, species, moisture content, climatic condition and nutrient content. There is little information available under traditional preservation of bamboo in northeast India. This paper describes the traditional methods of preservation of Bambusa tulda by water soaking, curing and smoking. The efficacy of water soaking method was tested in the laboratory conditions by using Schizophyllum cummuni and Graveyard test. The average biomass loss of bamboo culms during the tests ranges from 10.81% (1 month treated) to 19.26 % (control) and 25.99% (1 month treated) and 67.66% (control) respectively and these values increases as the soaking period increases. It was found that soaking of bamboo in water for one month is optimum for enhancing the durability.
Tri and tetralobed walnut fruits are first reported from walnut germplasm of Jammu Province[Full-Text ] Rafiq Ahmad shah, Parshant Bakshi, V.K.Wali, Amit Jasrotia and Preeti ChoudharyA survey was done to characterize of walnut (Juglans regia L.) germplasm in Jammu province during the year 2015 and 2016 at different walnut growing areas of Chenab valley region of district Kishtwar, Doda and Rajouri of Jammu and Kashmir, to select promising accession among the diverse walnut genotypes and assess variability in their physiological and morphological characteristics. Regular visits were made during the period of flowering, fruit setting, fruit maturity and ripening stages during the year of 2015– 2016. Finally, plants of more than hundred walnut genotypes with divergent characters were selected at fruit maturity stage on the basis of size, thickness of shell and locally famous grown walnuts. Among more than hundred selected seedling walnut genotypes we found some trilobed i.e. three segments and tetralobed i.e. four segmented shells among the selected walnut genotypes. These traits can be utilized for the walnut development programme to increase the cracking quality and kernel yield to of agreeable size and aroma.
REVERSE LOGISTICS NETWORK WITH DIFFERENT QUALITY LEVELS OF RETURNED COMMODITIES IN MULTI-LEVEL MULTI-COMMODITY ENVIRONMENT[Full-Text ] V Soundararajan and Ch.KajendirakumarReverse Logistics deals with the processes associated with the reverse stream from users to re-users. The returned commodities with different quality levels cannot be treated or handled in the same way because of the varying levels of problems. In order to handle such cases in the multi-commodity environment with multiple levels, we are proposing a new method. This method takes the inherent quality variations in the returned commodities into account through random variation approach. A model has been built with such additional constraint to arrive at characterization of the multi- commodity, multi-level Reverse Logistics Network. This approach provides a basis for assessing the status of the commodities and taking a decision on the repair service activities that can be made available. This treatment considers the cost structure for the repair service process as dependent logically on the status of the commodity. It is expected that the proposed approach may reduce or eliminate some of the inaccuracies involved in arriving at the characterization of the network wherein an average fixed service cost is assigned for the commodities returned. This modified approach may lead to the design and evaluation of the network, which is closer to the reality.
Role of CPEC in the Economy of Pakistan along with its Threats[Full-Text ] Muhammad Hamid, Hassan Sardar Khan, Arslan Khaliq, Muhammad AjmalThe China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a concept to unleash the process of meaningful cooperation between China and Pakistan, and for the benefit of China and West Central and South Asia. This mega project is expected to take the strengthen relationship between Pakistan and China to new heights. A hope to transform the economy and help to overcome Pakistan’s power shortfall. The strategic meaning of CPEC needs to be defined and examined from different perspectives Historical, Economic, Cultural, and Political. CPEC is a big opportunity for economic development of Pakistan with the building of a network of roads, highways, railways from Khunjerab, the PAK-CHINA border, to the Gwadar. GWADAR is important PORT due to its depth.
Using Neuro Fuzzy and Genetic Algorithm for Image Denoising[Full-Text ] Shaymaa Rashid Saleh, Raidah S. KhaudeyerNoise does not only cause loss of image quality but it also distorts the information storing in the image and converted it into another values. So image denoising is often a necessary and the first step to be taken befor the images data is analyzed where it is not only used to improve image quality but is also used as preprocessing before most image processing operations such as encoding, recognition, tracking and etc. In other words, without this preprocessing, the other processing would have inappropriate or even false results and it is necessary to apply an efficient denoising technique to compensate for such data corruption.
Terrorism, Security and the Threat of Counterterrorism[Full-Text ] Nafiu AhmedTerrorism has become one of the top issues in the 21st century. In the wake of unrest in the middle east, terrorism has risen worldwide causing massive deaths of many innocent citizens. The united States is one of the countries that has suffered immensely has a result of this issue. The threat of terrorism has manifested itself properly during the 9/11 attack. Counterterrorism to some extent has helped to reduce the acts of the terrorists. However, it has also led to increased terrorists activities in other areas.The threat of counterterrorism has manifested itself properly in Tanzani and Kenya where the U.S embassy was bombed killing many people. It can be identified that terrorism is big problem currently and counterterrorism does not offer a definitive help to this problem. However, this paper discusses the concept of terrorism and how terrorism poses threats to social security. It also glimpses at the counter-terrorism strategies taken by different countries and how counter-terrorism poses greater threat to the people of the society.
Ultrasonic and Thermal Conductivity Study of CuOnanofluid[Full-Text ] Ramakoteswara Rao.N, Ranganayakulu S.V, Leena GahaneUltrasonic and thermo physical properties of the nanofluid of binary mixtures of ethylene glycol with CuOnano particle were studied for various concentrations at constant temperature. Several acoustic parametric quantity specified squeezability(β), Inter molecular free length (Lf), acoustic impedance (Z), Molar sound fraction(R) and Wada’s constant (W) and thermal conductivity (K) have been measured. The acoustical parametric quantity on composing by the assortment assists us to interpret the fundamental interaction between the contrary to molecules and a thermal conduction analysis gives us the heat transfer behavior of CuOnano-fluid
Stochastic Investigation of Secure Access to the Resources of a Corporative System[Full-Text ] Radi Romansky, Irina NoninskaThe goal of this article is to introduce an idea for organization of security procedures in a corporative system for accessing and processing different information resources and personal data. Three types of resources could be organized in a business information environment – public (without access restriction or rules), private internal (stored in own memory environment) and private external (stored in a cloud data centre and used by cloud services). The paper presents an approach intended to investigate the procedures for secure access to these information resources, paying attention on personal data protection, as well. General structure of corporative management system for secure access to the information resources and an algorithmic scheme for procedures realization are proposed. Stochastic investigation of the procedures based on Markov chain is made. An analytical solution of the model is proposed and statistical assessments are calculated.
OEE and Countermeasures: A Case Study of a Manufacturing Unit[Full-Text ] Farooq Umer, Khan Umar Khatab, Zahid HassanOverall Equipment Effectiveness is the technique for calculating and identifying the losses of a manufacturing system. Wafer biscuit manufacturing plant is used implement OEE and the countermeasures. Countermeasures such as planned downtime management, root cause analysis, management routines and 5S Workplace Organization are used individually as well collectively for the improvement of three major blocks of OEE which includes availability, performance and quality. OEE of the current process is 48.49%, but implementing countermeasures OEE increases to 50.10% for planned downtime management, 48.49% for root cause analysis, 57.31% for management routines and 59.57% for 5S Workplace Organization.
Handover Delay Reduction Techniques over IP Network[Full-Text ] Mohammad Nowsin Amin Sheikh, Nazmul Hossain, Md. Arif Rahman, Saumendu RoyCurrent mobile trend is based on Seamless communication and wireless network. Using one core IP network to roam among different networks is critical. That’s why Seamless communication is an important research topic nowadays. The best successful solution is mobile IP. But the performance is poor considering the handover delay. Hierarchical MIP (HMIP) and Fast MIP (FMIP) are two standards for handover delay improvements. But still it can’t fulfill the requirements. Thus combining intelligent algorithm of handover delay with tracking technology of movement, Seamless MIP(S-MIP) is came under consideration. In this paper, handover delay reduction approaches are shown first. We consider Seamless Mobile IP and study the effect in delay and performance. A simulative comparison is shown here in terms of handover delay, bandwidth and loss of packets. Simulation results are analyzed and S-MIP performances are evaluated. Proving suggestion of some future work the thesis concludes.
The Teaching Profession (TP) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Competencies of teachers in a Digital Era (DE)[Full-Text ] Williams, Cheta Ph.D, Nwosu, Ebere HopeThe empirical and descriptive survey was a reflection on teacher education vis-Ã -vis the ICTs competencies of serving teachers. The research questions are a null hypothesis guided the survey. A, four-point Likert-like instrument was the questionnaire. The four-point scale had a criterion mean value of 2.50, hence the questionnaire met both conditions of validity and reliability through peer reviews and test-retest measure with an index of 0.77 respectively. A major finding was that there was obvious presence of ICTs competencies among teachers as the mean (x) value of 2.44 is close to 2.50 the criterion mean. Also, the study showed no sex advantage of ICTs competencies among male and female teachers. On this premise, a major recommendation was that there was the need for teachers to increase their ICTs knowledge and skill by integrating them in their daily lessons, and also that there is the need for collaboration among teachers irrespective of gender.
Outbreak of a Highly Virulent Lassa Fever Virus in Kano State, Nigeria: An Investigation Report 2015-2016[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Baffa Sule, I.B. Wada, A.A. Abubakar, A.H. Adamu, H.S. Fagge, Y. Mohammed, S.A Ibrahim, Z.D Ahmed, S.B Abba, M.S Balogun, P. Nguku, P. NsubugaBackground: Lassa hemorrhagic fever is caused by the Lassa virus. An outbreak of Lassa fever was reported from Kano state in December 2015. Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program Residents were deployed to verify the existence of the outbreak and to describe the socio-demographic characteristics and management outcome of the cases. Methods: We defined suspected and confirmed case using established protocols. We actively searched for cases across the state and line-listed them accordingly. We administered a semi-structured questionnaire to adults in affected settlements. We described the outbreak in time, place, and person. We collected blood samples from suspected cases and submitted to a reference laboratory for Lassa fever detection using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
Factors Influencing Cost Efficiency in Leading Banks “A Comparative Study of Banks Operating in UK and Germany Listed on London Stock Exchange”[Full-Text ] Mustahsan Elahi, Dr Bilal Aziz PoswalThis paper aims to examine factors influencing cost efficiency in leading banks operating in United Kingdom (market based economy) and Germany (bank based economy) and to compare findings of both these economies. Sample comprised of 8 leading banks of UK and 8 leading banks of Germany listed on London Stock Exchange. Data was collected from the internet, annual reports and some previous records of selected banks over the recent ten years period before, during and after the financial crisis from 2006-2015 having 80 number of observations from UK and 80 number of observations from Germany. Cost efficiency was taken as dependent variable while net interest margin, credit risk, bank size, profitability, income diversification and financial leverage were selected as independent variables. Panel data was analyzed by using pooled least square, fixed and random effects regression techniques, and Hausman specification test and redundant fixed effects tests were used to know most appropriate model. Pesaran’s test of cross sectional independence was performed anddescriptive and correlation analysis of UK and German banks were also executed. Results revealed that net interest margin, bank size, income diversification and profitability have significant positive relationship with cost efficiency for both economies while credit risk and financial leverage are insignificantly related with cost efficiency for Germany but positively and significantly linked with cost efficiency in case of UK banks.
CT/DF: An instrument to measure Critical Thinking in Discussion Forums[Full-Text ] Dr. Armando Kutugata, Ana Maria OrozcoThe CT/DF Instrument to measure Critical Thinking in Discussion Forums is the result of a post-doctoral research done in a public university in central Mexico. A method to analyze the content in Discussion Forums created under the methodology of Grounded Theory, considered the five states of Critical Thinking of Garrison and the guidelines implementing Discussion Forums of Kutugata. The CT/DF instrument offers 10 categories with 44 codes, representing different types of Critical Thinking. With the implementation of Socratic Questions in the 12 Discussion Forums designed and 496 messages posted, according to transcripts, examples of indicators of critical and noncritical thinking where detected. Once the messages have been categorized and coded, in order to calculate the ratios of Critical Thinking, the different types of Critical Thinking are acknowledged as an achievement of the Discussion Forums applied in an academic course of a master’s program in Educational Technology, part of the National Quality of Postgraduate Programs.