Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017.
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Determination Of Stress And Comparison By Estimation Of Chlorophyll - a, b And Carotenoid Contents Among Plants Growing Along Mithi River, Mumbai[Full-Text ] Rushikesh S. More and Sakshi S. ChaubalPresent work deals with the extraction and estimation of chlorophyll and carotenoids in some plants growing in polluted water of Mithi River. Chlorophyll was estimated in the fresh green leaf samples using Arnon’s (1949) method and the amount of chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and caretenoids were estimated and tabulated. Present investigation of photosynthetic pigments extraction was performed on Ricinus communis, Tamarindus indica, Avecinia marina, Alternanthera paronchiodes, Salvadora persica, Sida acuta, Ficus raecemosa, Ficus hispida, Peltopera inerme. Each of which less or greater in quantity, contributes to the ecosystem significantly. Alternanthera paronchiodes of family Amaranthaceae showed higher values of carotenoids at Bandra's Kala nagar.
DESIGN OPTIMISATION OF CONVERGENT-DIVERGENT AIRCRAFT NOZZLE[Full-Text ] Tolumoye J. Ajoko and Tolumoye J. TuaweriThe challenges of convergent-divergent nozzle to be used in aero gas turbines have been a bottleneck for research. This paper is therefore geared towards proffering solutions in this respect. The study is carried out using computer based CFD Ansys Fluent simulation code with reference to Solidworks CAD tool for modeling. Analyzed results from study indicate 2.342×108Nm-2 of total pressure against 4.176×108Nm-2 of dynamic pressure of the designed model for the research. Reduction in this performance is observed as the fluid leaves the throat section and proceeds to the divergent region of the nozzle. This attests distribution of pressure in the nozzle as flow accelerates subsonically or supersonically with reduction in pressure drop. Also, turbulence intensity at the nozzle exit is estimated to be 14.7749% as vortex flow is created in the model. Meanwhile, as flow gets stabilized, the turbulence intensity reduces gradually to 0.0026%. This reduction and low turbulence intensity is in line with a laboratory test result in the literature. Consequently, low efficiency production on the part of convergent-divergent nozzle from study is identified as shock wave formation in the divergent portion of the model. The study confirms that CFD simulation code and Solidworks are effective predictive and prognostic engineering softwares capable of modelling, simulating and analysing thermo-fluid characteristics and hence convergent-divergent aircraft nozzle.
EVALUATION ANDMANAGEMENT OF DIABETIC FOOT[Full-Text ] Kastriot Haxhirexha, Sajmir Heta, Nehat Baftia, FerizatDika– HaxhirexhaThe treatment of diabetic foot is very complex because of chronic wounds which heal very slowly and have a major long-term impact on the morbidity, mortality and quality of life.
Voice Precaution Techniques by the use of Natural Herbs and Practice[Full-Text ] Dr.S.DarshananVoice is more important to a vocalist. The voice shall be affected by abnormal climate conditions. This research presents the methods to sort out the problem by the natural methods, which have no side effects.
Voltage Regulation for a Photovoltaic System Connected to Grid by Using a Swarm Optimization Techniques[Full-Text ] Dr.MohamedEbrahim El sayedThis paper presents voltage regulation of photovoltaic generation (PVG) system connected to three phase grid for any situation of solar radiation using PI controller, PI parameters are tuned using two techniques of swarm algoritm, this techniques are Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Adaptive Weight Particle Swarm Optimization (AWPSO). This paper uses the MATLAB / SIMULINK software, it has been implemented for the comparison of the conventional PI controllers and two techniques used for photovoltaic DC voltage, It has been carried out to compare the settling times and overshoots of each technique.
Survey on Crowdsourcing Worker Quality Evaluatuation[Full-Text ] Nikhitha PrasadCrowdsourcing is a relatively new problem-solving and production model. In this distributed computing model, tasks are distributed by enterprises through the Internet and recruit more suitable workers to involve in the task to solve. Later, Jeff Howe coined the term “crowdsourcing” in 2006. Till then, a lot of work in crowdsourcing has focused on different aspects of crowdsourcing, like techniques for computation and performance analysis technical difficulties. In this survey the various techniques and approaches that are used for evaluating workers on crowdsourcing environment are covered.
Influence of MHD and heat/mass transfer on the peristaltic flow of Johnson Segalman fluid in a curved channel with permeable compliant walls[Full-Text ] Ali M. Kamal, Ahmed M. AbdulhadiAnalysis has been made for the curvature effects on the MHD and heat transfer peristaltic flow of an incompressibleJohnson-Segalmanfluid in achannel. The flow problem is first reduced in the wave frame of reference and then solved after employing the long wavelengthand low Reynolds number approximations.Expressions forstream function, magnetic force function, temperature and concentration fields are derived. The effects of emerging parametersin the obtained solutions are plotted and analyzed.
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome : A Case Report[Full-Text ] Feras E. Alomar , Abdulrahman A. Khawaji , Abdu M. Hawas , Hassan AlmalkiA 6-year-old boy known sickle cell trait developed generalized tonic- clonic seizures , one month later he suffered from decreased attention , hyperactivity , lack of response to his family, loss of understanding , aggressive and oppositional behavior. Brain CT and MRI were normal . EEG showed partial epileptic activity . He was diagnosed as Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS) . His condition improved on corticosteroid regimen .
Afghanistan’s Effective Contribution toward Mitigation of Aral Sea Crisis[Full-Text ] Najibullah LoodinThis article traces the historical development of water resource management in Central Asia, focusing on the causes of the current Aral Sea Basin crisis. It examines the obstacles facing the Central Asian republics in addressing this problem and offers predictions regarding the future state of the region’s ecology, economy, and stability, as well as the health of the region’s people. Moreover, in this research paper, I explain why Afghanistan was excluded from most of agreements related to Amu Darya River, which is the main source of Aral Sea. In addition, this article will explain how existing plans of action have been largely ineffective and why restoring the Aral Sea to its original condition is an impossible task. Finally, this paper will provide feasible policy recommendations on how to prevent the further mismanagement of the region’s water while maintaining viable levels of economic development and population growth.
Welding Process Improvement in Pressure Vessel Fabrication Approach to DMAIC Methodology case in Small and Medium Industries in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Erry Rimawan, Agung HaryonoThe objective of this research is to analyze defect criteria of welding process to decrease defect and rework by using SAW (Submerged Arc Welding) automatic welding machine. The key success of research implementation depends on defect criteria analysis which affecting to quality acceptance requirement and affecting to rework cost also to customer satisfaction, safety standard and financial performance of the organization especially in SMIs (Small and Medium Industries) ini Indonesia. This paper presents an implementation of welding process technology that applied SAW automatic welding machine process. The product object is Pressure Vessel which have AWS (American Welding Society) and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineering) standard of mechanical and requirement. This research approach to DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analize, Improve, Control) analysis to achieve customer satisfaction and technical standard requirement, findings of research accomplished via data collecting in vessel manufacturer in manufacturing data report (MDR), defect ratio data, standard requirement and interviews with people in engineering and quality division also top management. This research proved that the benefit of technological improvement in reduce product defect also reduce cost of rework because of defect. This research also improve z level or sigma level of product quality.
Comparative Analysis of Buckling Behaviour of Cylindrical Shells Reinforced with Inclined Stiffeners and that Reinforced with Rings-and-Stringers under Uniform Bending[Full-Text ] Anyaogu, L., Okoroafor, S.U.,Anyanwu, S.C.,Eze, J.CThis research presents comparative analysis of buckling behaviour of cylindrical shells reinforced with inclined stiffeners and that reinforced with rings-and-stringers under Uniform Bending. The method of solution was carried out by the use of nonlinear large deflection theory and the effect of initial imperfections in the strain-displacement equations was considered. The Ritz method was used to determine the buckling stress parameter of the shell. Numerical examples were carried by varying the angle of inclination of the stiffeners at different imperfect ratios with other properties like: flexural rigidity and torsional rigidity of the stiffeners, deflection parameters, internal pressure and radius of curvature of the shell being kept constant. The results shows that the worst critical buckling stress of internally pressurized thin cylindrical shell considered in this research occurs when the stiffeners are inclined at 450 at imperfect ratio of 0.1 While, the maximum buckling stress occurs when the stiffeners are inclined at 100 at imperfect ratio of 0.5 .Also, the buckling stress for the cylinders reinforced with rings-and-stringers considered in this work are averagely greater than those reinforced with stiffeners inclined at 450, but less than those reinforced with stiffeners inclined at 100, 200, 300, 500 and 600 respectively. Thus, rings-and-stringers are more effective than inclined stiffeners at 450, but less effective than stiffeners inclined at 100, 200, 300, 500 and 600 respectively.
Relationship between Ralstonia solanacearum and bioagents recovered from different habitats[Full-Text ] Enas A. Hassan, Naglaa M. Balabel, Abeer E.Ahmed, Nerhan A. Eid, El shahat M. RamadanBacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype II sequevar I (race 3 biovar 2), is considered one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of potato plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of some bacterial antagonists on suppressing the causative bacterium. In this regard, 420 isolates of R.solanacearum were risolated from different habitats at different Egyptian districts. The variation among these isolates was assessed on the basis of their pathogenic potentialities to tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. The highest potential, as shown by the wilt severity, was obtained by 11 out of 420 isolates. The most aggressiveness isolates were identified by accurate techniques. A collection of 318 isolates of rhizobacteria from rhizosphere of different plants were tested to lay out a biological control protocol against R.solanacearum selected strains. In vitro, 14 bacterial isolates were more effective in suppressing the pathogen at different levels of relative power of antibiosis. These isolates were categorized into three groups according to their gram-staining reaction, cell morphology and cultural characteristics. Further evaluation under the greenhouse condition has shown that six of the antagonistic isolates were effective in suppressing disease development, as expressed by the Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC). These isolates were identified as: Streptomyces toxytricini, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Bacillus pseudomycoides and Brevibacillus brevis.
ModalAnalysis of optimization techniques of adhesively bonded Aluminum and CFRPComposites[Full-Text ] Samia Fida, Dr. Asif IsrarAdhesive bonding is preferred joining technique over welding and mechanical fastening method because of its light weight and high strength characteristics. In aerospace applications, adhesive bonding is highly incorporated in FMLs (Fiber Metal Laminate). These FMLs usually fails under peel and shear stresses. In this research work, Adhesive lap joint between aluminum and CFRP is optimized through two different joint designs to find out the most effective and suitable joint design to avoid shear and peel stresses and hence to reduce the failure of adhesively bonded parts. Carbon fiber and aluminum are the structural component in most of the aircraft applications. So in this research project adhesive bonding between CFRP/Aluminum is optimized by two methods i.e. introduction of fillets and introduction of step configuration in standard lap joint configuration. Modal analysis in Ansys workbench is carried out to find out the most effective technique among the two proposed configurations that reduces the shear and peel stresses and hence minimizes the failures
Investigation of the Damping Ratio and Shear Modulus of Soil along Light Rail Transit Route in Megenagna-Hayat Road[Full-Text ] Abenezer Takele, Emer T. Quezon, Tadesse AbebeSoil vibration may also cause by the movement of heavy vehicles and train, which affect adjacent structures along the route. The response of soils for incoming vibration from the train is measured by the dynamic properties of soils such as shear modulus and damping ratio. These soil parameters are very significant to study the ground motion as well as the site response of soil deposits under cyclic loading and soil-structure interaction. About this, the research study has been sought to give some information about the condition, specifically the shear modulus and damping ratio of the soil along the Addis Ababa light rail transit route from Megenagna to Hayat road. Also, this study was dealt with soil distribution along the route, which was conducted to determine soil properties. The sand replacement method was also utilized to investigate the controlling factors for the dynamic soil properties. From related literature, it was known that the dynamic soil properties are influenced by soil types and location of the soil profile.
Eco-strategy: CSR strategy and Green IT updated model for ICT management[Full-Text ] Rachid Hba, Abdellah El ManouarAwareness of stakeholder interactions and sustainable development (SD) issues in the management of information and communication technologies (ICT), forces companies to adopt the concepts of Green IT and corporate social responsibility (CSR) to meet the challenges of agility and innovation, also to create differentiation in governance processes and strategic alignment of ICT. In this paper, we present the enhanced model of eco-strategy as a new generation model for ICT management, which will serve as a theoretical basis and aims to improve research in the field of responsible management of ICT. The updated eco-strategy model is composed of two dimensions: "ICT Green Governance" and "ICT Green Alignment". These dimensions were designed according to a Green IT and CSR approach to provide companies with tools for the development of coherent and sustainable managerial strategies capable of boosting overall performance and to explore new levers of transition towards renewed management modes in service the SD.
Flame Photometric Estimation of Sodium and Potassium Ion Present In Water Sample of Darna and Godavari River[Full-Text ] Hemant U. Chikhale, Pratibha U. ChikhaleFlame Photometry also known as flame atomic emission spectrometry is a branch of analytical science that examined the species in form of atom, mostly it works on principle of ionization of alkali metal salt drawn into a non-luminous flame. Alkali metal salt absorb energy from flame and emit the light of characteristic wavelength which is observed by change in intensity of color, the energy absorb was enough to vaporize alkali metal salt. In present article the comparative studies on sodium and potassium content present in water sample collected from Darna and Godavari (Nashik) River were calculated.
Mathematical to Predict the Compressive Strength of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash Cement Concrete[Full-Text ] Okoroafor, S.U., Anyanwu, S.E. Anyaogu, LThis research work focused on the development of mathematical model for the effective replacement of Portland cement by sugar cane bagasse in mortar and concrete. The model techniques used here is Scheffe’s Simplex Design. A total of ninety (90) cubes were cast, consisting of three cubes per mix ratio and for a total of thirty (30) mix ratios. The first fifteen (15) mixes were used to develop the models, while the other fifteen were used to validate the model. The mathematical model results compared favourably with the experimental data and the predictions from the model were tested with statistical student’s T- test and found to be adequate at 95% confidence level. The optimum compressive strength of the blended concrete at twenty-eight (28) days was found to be 29.48Nmm2. This strength corresponded to a mix ratio of 0.55:0.9:0.10:2.8:3.2 for water: cement: sugar cane bagasse: sand: granite respectively. The model derived in this research can be used to predict mix ratios for any desired strength of Sugar Cane Bagasse ash-cement concrete and vice versa.
An Enhanced Approach for Web Services Clustering using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques[Full-Text ] Abdelmoniem Helmy, Mervat H. GeithAutomatic document classification provides techniques that may improve and support web service clustering. As the number of services increases, the cost of classifying services through manual work increases. In this research, we presented an enhanced approach for service clustering that combines text mining and machine learning technology. The method only uses text description of each service so that it can classify different types of services, such as WSDL Web Service, RESTful Web Service. This approach provides better performance in terms of service discovery efficiency and effectiveness. In this paper, we introduced new features, named referenced ontology, that can be extracted from WSDL documents and integrated to other features to get better classification accuracy. This paper proposes a text mining approach to automatically classify services to specific domains and identify key concepts inside service textual documentation. This approach is validated on a dataset of 1088 web services categorized into 9 fields yielding accuracy up to 91 %. Our approach utilizes the supervised machine learning techniques such as Decision Trees, Naïve Bays, and Deep Learning classification methods. A comparison between these techniques are made regarding the result accuracy and the computation cost.
An innovative modified dispersive liquid-phase microextraction method for trace level of iron in serum samples of neurogical disorders patients prior to determine by flame atomic absorption spectrometry[Full-Text ] Mariam S. Arain,Tasneem G. Kazi, Hassan I. Afridi, Jamshed Ali, NaeemullahAn innovative, modifieddispersive liquid-phase microextraction (MDLP-µE) to asses the iron (Fe) concentrationin blood serum samples of different neurological disorderspateints. The main objective of this work to disperse extracting solvent by using air-agitated syringe system to overcome the matrix effect and avoid the dispersion by using heat, hazardous dispersive organic solvents. The MDLP-µEconsists of twodispersive liquid-phasesteps with chloroform as an extractant solvent. In the first step,Feform complexes with a chelating reagent, 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine)in aqueous phase and extracting into extracting solvent (chloroform). In the second step,Fe was back-extracted into the acidic aqueous phase and finally determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).An innovative, modifieddispersive liquid-phase microextraction (MDLP-µE) to asses the iron (Fe) concentrationin blood serum samples of different neurological disorderspateints. The main objective of this work to disperse extracting solvent by using air-agitated syringe system to overcome the matrix effect and avoid the dispersion by using heat, hazardous dispersive organic solvents. The MDLP-µEconsists of twodispersive liquid-phasesteps with chloroform as an extractant solvent. In the first step,Feform complexes with a chelating reagent, 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine)in aqueous phase and extracting into extracting solvent (chloroform). In the second step,Fe was back-extracted into the acidic aqueous phase and finally determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).
In-Vitro Biochemical Basis of Lactose Intolerance and the Catabolic Effects of Lactobacillus acidophillus on Commercial Milk Fed to Mus musculus[Full-Text ] Lactose intolerance—the inability to digest lactose, which is mainly present in dairy products - is a very unpleasant reaction to the presence of glucose and lactose in the digestive system, characterized by cramping, bloating, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. The deteriorating case of lactose intolerance worldwide apparently demanding an attention, this study is beneficial for the 65% of the population to experience a better digestion of lactose they acquire from the dairy products they take. This accordingly helps develop people’s capability to be lactose tolerant, having their digestive system in good condition. Adding Lactobacillus Acidophilus to lactose products is also entitled in the production of lactase (a significant enzyme in the body system) hence, this is the lifeline of the majority. Lactose intolerance—the inability to digest lactose, which is mainly present in dairy products - is a very unpleasant reaction to the presence of glucose and lactose in the digestive system, characterized by cramping, bloating, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. The deteriorating case of lactose intolerance worldwide apparently demanding an attention, this study is beneficial for the 65% of the population to experience a better digestion of lactose they acquire from the dairy products they take. This accordingly helps develop people’s capability to be lactose tolerant, having their digestive system in good condition. Adding Lactobacillus Acidophilus to lactose products is also entitled in the production of lactase (a significant enzyme in the body system) hence, this is the lifeline of the majority.
Myrosinase and cysteine in Theobroma cacao L. defense mechanism against Phytophthora megakarya[Full-Text ] Minyaka Emile, Simo Claude, Madina Banen Colette Vanessa, Kusznierewicz Barbara, Hawadak Joseph, Niemenak Nicolas, Omokolo Ndoumou DenisDevelop T. cacao hybrid genotypes tolerant to P. megakarya is the way out to improve cocoa production and profitability in cocoa producing countries. Hence, the analysis of susceptibility to P. megakarya of the progeny ♀SNK64x♂UPA143 was conducted for the first time. Additionally, cysteine content and myrosinase activity were analyzed in healthy, wounded and wounded_infected leaves in other to bring out the implication of cysteine and myrosinase in T. cacao defense against P. megakarya.Develop T. cacao hybrid genotypes tolerant to P. megakarya is the way out to improve cocoa production and profitability in cocoa producing countries. Hence, the analysis of susceptibility to P. megakarya of the progeny ♀SNK64x♂UPA143 was conducted for the first time. Additionally, cysteine content and myrosinase activity were analyzed in healthy, wounded and wounded_infected leaves in other to bring out the implication of cysteine and myrosinase in T. cacao defense against P. megakarya.
Comparative Analysis of BER performance of IDMA with OFDM-IDMA[Full-Text ] VikashChawala, DhwaniBarotThe popular OFDM(Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)-CDMA(Code division multiple access)scheme also referred as MC-CDMA scheme is a spread-spectrum transmission technique introduced in 1993 by researchers. Moreover, OFDM-CDMA is considered to be a promising candidate for the air interface of the fourth generation (4G) wireless communication systems.In the thesis, initially the basic principles of OFDM-IDMA transmitter and receiver have been presented. Later, comparative studies between tree based interleaver and random interleaver with OFDM-IDMA scheme has been carried out. In addition to it, the simulation of OFDM-IDMA scheme has also been done in various other conditions demonstrating its effectiveness in the performance. Thanks to the independent processing of ISI and MAI, OFDM-IDMA offers better performance than plain IDMA with LLRC in terms of both BER and complexity.The popular OFDM(Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)-CDMA(Code division multiple access)scheme also referred as MC-CDMA scheme is a spread-spectrum transmission technique introduced in 1993 by researchers. Moreover, OFDM-CDMA is considered to be a promising candidate for the air interface of the fourth generation (4G) wireless communication systems.In the thesis, initially the basic principles of OFDM-IDMA transmitter and receiver have been presented. Later, comparative studies between tree based interleaver and random interleaver with OFDM-IDMA scheme has been carried out. In addition to it, the simulation of OFDM-IDMA scheme has also been done in various other conditions demonstrating its effectiveness in the performance. Thanks to the independent processing of ISI and MAI, OFDM-IDMA offers better performance than plain IDMA with LLRC in terms of both BER and complexity.
Electricity Demand load Forecasting for a remote Area of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Tanjil Sarker, Md. Anisur Rahman, Prf. Dr. Zahid Hasan MahmudLoad forecasting of a rustic area where grid connection does not exist is a process of calculating the required electric load using a method named Matrix Analysis. In our neighbor country India meet their clients need but in Bangladesh which is most densely populated country in the world. Most of the people of Bangladesh live in below poverty level. In Bangladesh almost 66 percent people access the grid connection but more than 45 percent people of rural area in Bangladesh does not get the grid connection. It can be seen from the calculated amount the number of people who does not access grid power supply yet now is more than 34 percent. This is not expected actually. According to blessing of electric supply we can get better life style.
Revealing Facts of HydrodynamicPressure: Law of Isotropic Pressure[Full-Text ] Madiha Gohar,IqraShahzadi, Usfar Bilal 2, Zill-e-HumaThe channel flow, pipeline flow, flow of water in pumps to reach the water to the water tank on the top of the roof, ship hull design, oceanography, hydropower system and many other systems and branches of fluid mechanics which deals with the study of moving fluids are working on the base of the law of hydrodynamic pressure. The law could be stated by the three main equations i-e p=p_x, p=p_y and p=p_z. Taking pressures p_x,p_y,p_z in YZ,ZX and XY planes after that applying Newton’s second law of motion and using the volume of Tetrahedron we can easily conclude the pressure acting along the force F_x 〖,F〗_y and F_z. The manuscript describes the effect of these forces in presence of pressure on moving fluids.The channel flow, pipeline flow, flow of water in pumps to reach the water to the water tank on the top of the roof, ship hull design, oceanography, hydropower system and many other systems and branches of fluid mechanics which deals with the study of moving fluids are working on the base of the law of hydrodynamic pressure. The law could be stated by the three main equations i-e p=p_x, p=p_y and p=p_z. Taking pressures p_x,p_y,p_z in YZ,ZX and XY planes after that applying Newton’s second law of motion and using the volume of Tetrahedron we can easily conclude the pressure acting along the force F_x 〖,F〗_y and F_z. The manuscript describes the effect of these forces in presence of pressure on moving fluids.
THE IMPORTANCE OF METHODOLOGY OF CREATING REFERENCE PRICES OF DRUGS[Full-Text ] Nexhibe Nuhii, Driton Selmani, Jetmire Jakupi Alimani,Sefedin Bilalli,Sihana Ahmeti LikaIf we try to define the reference price may describe the same as a system where patient insurance payments do not depend on the price of drugs, but also the price of alternative therapies. This term of this notion makes us realize that the same defines the patient's insurance rates as the difference between the price of retail drugs or price list and "reference" of the product.If we try to define the reference price may describe the same as a system where patient insurance payments do not depend on the price of drugs, but also the price of alternative therapies. This term of this notion makes us realize that the same defines the patient's insurance rates as the difference between the price of retail drugs or price list and "reference" of the product.
The Power of Website and People’s Tendency towards the Paradigm Shift: The Case of Jimma University, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Taye Tolu MekonnenBy the time of drafting this article, it was surprising to learn that the World Wide Web (“WWW’or simply the “web”) is only 10158 days old. Given the wide spread influence of this technology, one would make such a naïve presumption about website as a century old phenomenon, at least before the observation. The internet, and ultimately the evolution of websites brought tremendous development to human life around the world in almost all aspects of endeavour such us content delivery, lead capture, and direct selling. The question is however, how quickly people are adapting to this technology to get their presence felt around the world at ease. In Jimma University, for instance, it’s hard to find a wide spread use of website attributed to limited understanding of the power of this technology, less tendency for the paradigm shift, limited trust of information on websites, complicated web structure that the organization owns and the likes. By the time of drafting this article, it was surprising to learn that the World Wide Web (“WWW’or simply the “web”) is only 10158 days old. Given the wide spread influence of this technology, one would make such a naïve presumption about website as a century old phenomenon, at least before the observation. The internet, and ultimately the evolution of websites brought tremendous development to human life around the world in almost all aspects of endeavour such us content delivery, lead capture, and direct selling. The question is however, how quickly people are adapting to this technology to get their presence felt around the world at ease. In Jimma University, for instance, it’s hard to find a wide spread use of website attributed to limited understanding of the power of this technology, less tendency for the paradigm shift, limited trust of information on websites, complicated web structure that the organization owns and the likes.
To Study the Self-Sabotaging Etiquette in concordance with Criminality[Full-Text ] Kashika UpnejaSelf- sabotage or to vandalize oneself is the inimical behavior in the young. Risk factors amalgamate to precipitate and perpetuate these problems. There is an unswerving consanguinity amidst causes and outcomes. Rather, the cause is usually a combination of predisposing constitutional factors, arising from multitudinal sources or aboriginal experience and expediting stressful events. These etiological factors act through- biochemical, psychological and social process to outturn the causatum. This further cossets into the victimology of the self-saboteurs and also focuses on the issues of their contrived anti-social acts.Self- sabotage or to vandalize oneself is the inimical behavior in the young. Risk factors amalgamate to precipitate and perpetuate these problems. There is an unswerving consanguinity amidst causes and outcomes. Rather, the cause is usually a combination of predisposing constitutional factors, arising from multitudinal sources or aboriginal experience and expediting stressful events. These etiological factors act through- biochemical, psychological and social process to outturn the causatum. This further cossets into the victimology of the self-saboteurs and also focuses on the issues of their contrived anti-social acts.
TPM oriented, systematic review of Release Planning models[Full-Text ] Samia NACIRIEach year, organizations make considerable effort to be more efficient: save money, improve customer satisfaction, increase people morale, and so on. For software maintenance areas, efficiency requires control of the release planning process, and change request prioritization process for the operational software. Release planning is a crucial decision process that allows increasing the business value of the maintained system.Each year, organizations make considerable effort to be more efficient: save money, improve customer satisfaction, increase people morale, and so on. For software maintenance areas, efficiency requires control of the release planning process, and change request prioritization process for the operational software. Release planning is a crucial decision process that allows increasing the business value of the maintained system.
Improvement of Re-order Point Resupplying Method of a Fluctuating Productive System[Full-Text ] Abdelaziz Kheireddine; Abdelaziz Bouchelaghem; Zoheir DerghoutThe aim of stock optimization is insuring the supply of production system without breaking, with saving a minimum stock level. Several methods of resupplying, classics and other developed are proposed to reach this objective. Most of the various production systems follow the re-order point resupplying method, because of its economic properties and its flexibility. But, various constraints influence the production systems, provoking from time to time a desynchronization between the stock level and the effective needs. This desynchronization expressed by leading breaks of stock in case of raise rate production and surplus in case of production rhythm decrease. The envisaged research allows improving this method (re-order point resupplying) to avoid these last two problems. A new proposed approach considers the value of the re-order point resupplying as a variable dependent on the production rhythm (Cmean)i, at every immediate period between the receipting moment of the last command (tr)i-1 and the current moment (ti),by preserving the same principle of resupplyingThe aim of stock optimization is insuring the supply of production system without breaking, with saving a minimum stock level. Several methods of resupplying, classics and other developed are proposed to reach this objective. Most of the various production systems follow the re-order point resupplying method, because of its economic properties and its flexibility. But, various constraints influence the production systems, provoking from time to time a desynchronization between the stock level and the effective needs. This desynchronization expressed by leading breaks of stock in case of raise rate production and surplus in case of production rhythm decrease. The envisaged research allows improving this method (re-order point resupplying) to avoid these last two problems. A new proposed approach considers the value of the re-order point resupplying as a variable dependent on the production rhythm (Cmean)i, at every immediate period between the receipting moment of the last command (tr)i-1 and the current moment (ti),by preserving the same principle of resupplying
An Experiment with GrabCut Interactive Segmentation Technique on Specific Images[Full-Text ] Anuja Deshpande, Dr. Pradeep Dahikar, Dr. Pankaj AgrawalThis paper discusses an experiment conducted on GrabCut interactive segmentation technique using Matlab software on select images. The objective is to assess effectiveness of GrabCut interactive segmentation technique on specific naturalimages, which have complex image composition in terms of intensity, colour mix, indistinct object boundary, etc. In this experiment, effectiveness of image segmentation has been assessed by computing accuracy measures such as Jaccard Index, Dice Coefficient and Hausdorrf Distance between segmented and ground truth images. Although segmentation appeared to be accurate visually, however, when segmented images were subjected to aforesaid accuracy measures, GrabCut was not found to be effective on selected images, wherein image composition is much more complex or when foreground object boundary is not very distinct from background.This paper discusses an experiment conducted on GrabCut interactive segmentation technique using Matlab software on select images. The objective is to assess effectiveness of GrabCut interactive segmentation technique on specific naturalimages, which have complex image composition in terms of intensity, colour mix, indistinct object boundary, etc. In this experiment, effectiveness of image segmentation has been assessed by computing accuracy measures such as Jaccard Index, Dice Coefficient and Hausdorrf Distance between segmented and ground truth images. Although segmentation appeared to be accurate visually, however, when segmented images were subjected to aforesaid accuracy measures, GrabCut was not found to be effective on selected images, wherein image composition is much more complex or when foreground object boundary is not very distinct from background.
Securing Data Storage System for Internet of Things Using Key Aggregate Cryptosystem[Full-Text ] A D Ambade, J R PansareIn the most recent couple of decade, the thought of connecting existing computing devices has brought forth a new concept called “connecting things”. Due to the advances in data collection technology in sensors, such as embedded devices, ubiquitous and RFID technology has led large number of gadgets connected in network which are consistently transmitting their data over the time. This data obtained is very precious to many enterprises, so there is need of secure mass storage system for this data. To make the transmission and storage of data more secure, data is encrypted before storing. In the proposed system the data obtained from the IoT network is divided into blocks based on the default threshold, so that it is more reliable and secure. The blocks are then encrypted using the Key Aggregate Cryptosystem (KAC). Using the KAC scheme the data is encrypted with a public key and a ciphertext class after it is divided into blocks. An aggregate key is generated for set of blocks which is used in decryption.In the most recent couple of decade, the thought of connecting existing computing devices has brought forth a new concept called “connecting things”. Due to the advances in data collection technology in sensors, such as embedded devices, ubiquitous and RFID technology has led large number of gadgets connected in network which are consistently transmitting their data over the time. This data obtained is very precious to many enterprises, so there is need of secure mass storage system for this data. To make the transmission and storage of data more secure, data is encrypted before storing. In the proposed system the data obtained from the IoT network is divided into blocks based on the default threshold, so that it is more reliable and secure. The blocks are then encrypted using the Key Aggregate Cryptosystem (KAC). Using the KAC scheme the data is encrypted with a public key and a ciphertext class after it is divided into blocks. An aggregate key is generated for set of blocks which is used in decryption.
Secure Sharing & Data Deduplication over Cloud: A Survey[Full-Text ] Shivani Sengar, Asst. prof. Ruchika MishraOver the precedent few years, cloud computing has develop into more and more admired. It brings revolutionary innovation with regards to cost, resource management and utilization. Cloud computing offer nearly unlimited resources, highly reliable on-demand services with minimal infrastructure and operational cost and storage system. In the cloud storage system with data de-duplication, un-trusted entities including a cloud server and users may cause security threats to the storage system. These services offers to end-users quite than a creation by allocation possessions, software and other information, hence economic benefit and data de-duplication is the key for Cloud in terms of capital and operational expenditure. Over the precedent few years, cloud computing has develop into more and more admired. It brings revolutionary innovation with regards to cost, resource management and utilization. Cloud computing offer nearly unlimited resources, highly reliable on-demand services with minimal infrastructure and operational cost and storage system. In the cloud storage system with data de-duplication, un-trusted entities including a cloud server and users may cause security threats to the storage system. These services offers to end-users quite than a creation by allocation possessions, software and other information, hence economic benefit and data de-duplication is the key for Cloud in terms of capital and operational expenditure.
Finding the Relationship between Students’ Performance and Preferences Using Online and Offline Assessments[Full-Text ] Abrar Hussain, Dr. Imran Mumtaz Traditional format of assessment, paper and pencil testing involves human errors in the evaluation phase and this decreases the fairness of assessment. E-assessment is a good technique to remove the human errors involved in paper and pencil testing. It also increases the fairness of assessment applying some rules. For this, I used a new technique in which closed subjective questions are assessed electronically. This is an addition to previous research that was used only for objective questions for e-assessment. I also checked the fairness and validity of e-assessment using matching type assessment and contributed Claire Hewson’s research work that used MCQS assessment to check the validity and fairness of online assessment methods. I founded the relationship between students’ performance and preferences using online and offline assessments. Statistics is applied to gathered data from students to find out the results and conclusion is based on the found results. The results show that the respondents liked and preferred e-assessment than offline assessment. The results also show that e-assessment is a valid and a fair way to assess the performance of the students. There is a positive relationship between students’ performance and preferences using online assessment with drag and drop mechanism. Traditional format of assessment, paper and pencil testing involves human errors in the evaluation phase and this decreases the fairness of assessment. E-assessment is a good technique to remove the human errors involved in paper and pencil testing. It also increases the fairness of assessment applying some rules. For this, I used a new technique in which closed subjective questions are assessed electronically. This is an addition to previous research that was used only for objective questions for e-assessment. I also checked the fairness and validity of e-assessment using matching type assessment and contributed Claire Hewson’s research work that used MCQS assessment to check the validity and fairness of online assessment methods. I founded the relationship between students’ performance and preferences using online and offline assessments. Statistics is applied to gathered data from students to find out the results and conclusion is based on the found results. The results show that the respondents liked and preferred e-assessment than offline assessment. The results also show that e-assessment is a valid and a fair way to assess the performance of the students. There is a positive relationship between students’ performance and preferences using online assessment with drag and drop mechanism.