Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016 .
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An Electrochemical and Theoretical Evaluation of Aliphatic Amino Diphosphonic Acid Derivatives Compounds as Corrosion Inhibitor for Copper in HCl Solution[Full-Text ] Anwar A.Abood, Alaa Mubark, Hyder A.AboodInhibition effect of 2AHMPDP, 10AHDDP and 3MPAHPDP on Copper alloy in 1.0M HCl solution was investigated by potentiodynamic polarization measurements in the presence of different concentrations of compound ranging from 150-450mg/l. The effects of temperature, and change of open circuit potential with immersion time were also studied. The effect of compounds on the CA Corrosion was also studied by quantum chemical calculations.
Study of Recent Trends in Indian Economy system[Full-Text ] Dr.Vinay Kant, Ms.Himani GoswamiIndia has been increasingly looked at as an engine that will drive global growth in future. This is reason enough to look at the economic prospects of India over the current decade. Our forecasts indicate that the likelihood of India sustaining 9.0% growth during the current decade is very high. According to D&B’s estimate, in the journey during the current decade as India traverses a high growth path, it would eventually surpass Japan’s GDP level (as in 2010 at current US$) by FY20. The concomitant rise in income levels coupled with increasing young working-age population will work towards increasing the share of discretionary spending in private final consumption expenditure and raising the savings rate. Growth of urban population will be one of the most important demographic shifts that we will witness during the current decade.
Computer-Aided Design using New Algorithms for nth Order Butterworth Digital Filter[Full-Text ] Haider Fakher Radhi Al-SaidyThis paper describes new proposed algorithms for constructing the transfer function of nth order Butterworth digital LPF using the idea of the cascade combination of second order and first order digital filters. Computer-aided design is used with new algorithms to achieve z-domain transfer function (for conjugate poles and single real pole). C++ program is used for designing procedure by linear programming. The proposed algorithms are very fast, flexible, and exact. The program allows users to design different (sampling, cut-off) frequencies, and order of Butterworth digital LPF with high flexibility.
False Position Sidestep[Full-Text ] Areej AlshareefWith the advancement in technology and educational field, many changes and improvements are also done in the study of languages. The study of language is called linguistics and the person who studies languages is called linguists. There is too much research work done on other linguistics for the conversion languages in many different forms and symbols.
Integration of Databases with Cloud Enviornment[Full-Text ] Anuradha Gayake, Prof.R.L.Paikrao“Cloud computing” mainly concern, shared or distributed computing, networking, virtualization, software and web services. Cloud contains clients, datacenter and distributed servers. It is on-demand service in which shared resources, information, software as well as other resources are provided to clients when they demand or request for it. To provide remote service and resources to the client, a cloud is the solution is required. Most of the enterprise ap-plications are migrated to the cloud. To serve multiple clients simultaneously cloud level scalability is required.
Existence and Hypoellipticity for Partial Diferential Operators on the Nilpotent Cartan-Lie Group G5[Full-Text ] Kahar El-Hussein, Badahi Ould MohamedThe goal of this paper is to prove the existence theorem for any in-variant di¤erential operator on the nilpotent Lie group G5: Out of the Hormander condition, we prove the hypoellipticity for a remarkable class of di¤erential operators G5.
Reduction low grade Egyptian manganese ore by carbon of coke breeze in the form pellets[Full-Text ] N.A. El-Hussiny ,Hala. H. Abd El-Gawad, F.M.Mohamed, M.E.H. ShalabiEgyptian low grade manganese ore pellets were reduced by coke breeze in this work in the temperature range 600 -950ºC. The results indicated that the reduction rate increased with temperature rise. And it was found that the reaction model is either : -[1 - (1-R) 1/3]2 = kt or K t =1 - (2/3)R - (1 - R)2/3 and the energy of activation is 53.37 or 56.43 kJ/ mole kJ/mole for both models respectively .
Assessment of ground water quality of LB Nagar, Hyderabad and Impacts of Industries closure[Full-Text ] B. Saraswathi, Dr. P.Radhika Devi, Y.Vinoda DeviImpact on ground water quality was carried out in the L B Nagar, Hyderabad by many of the researchers previously. As Environmental Act has forced to close sum of the Industries in the LB Nagar area, would like to observe the present status on the natural system in that area. About 30 water representative ground water samples will be collected from different stations to monitor the water chemistry of various Physiochemical and Trace Metals status. The study was carried out by collecting ground water samples during Aug 2014 to Sep 2014.The results were compared with standards prescribed by IS 10500:2012.
Review of Literature - The Effects of Mediterranean Diet on Cardiovascular Disease[Full-Text ] Daniya SabrahBackground: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects more people in the United States than any other disease. The Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) may prevent the risk of developing CVD, especially those at high risk.
High Serum Lead Associates Low Hemoglobin among homeless Teen-ager Females a study in Al bashaier Camp. Sudan 2014[Full-Text ] Zainab Basheer Ali, Abdarawouf Ahmed Abbas, Mohammad Abdalsalam Nurein, Mohammad Yousef Alhassan BenyasBackground: exposure to lead causes impairment of heme synthesis and affects other heme-dependent processes in the body. Effects in children generally occur at lower lead blood level than in adults.
Contamination and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal in the Sediment of Ala River, South - West Nigeria: An Index -Analysis Approach.[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Orimisan Abata,Ademola Festus Aiyesanmi,AIbert Ojo Adebayo., Olubode Olumuyiwa. Ajayi. , Takeda Kazuhiko. and Sakugawa HiroshiHeavy metal concentrations were determined in sediments from Ala River in Akure Metropolis.Nine heavy metals were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma -Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP- OES). The concentrations of the metals between the sites were Fe > Mn > Zn > Cr > Pb > Cu > Co> Ni> Cd and their concentrations (mg/kg) range are Fe: 4523- 12824, Mn: 51 -421, Zn: 10- 265, Cr: 11.2 - 67.8, Pb: 2.9- 50.7, Cu: 0.9- 12.4, Co: 1.4 - 10.3, Ni: 0.5 -7 and Cd: 0.5- 2.8. The organic carbon (OC), organic matter (OM) and particle size were also determined. With reference to US EPA sediment quality guideline, Cr was moderately polluted while Zn was heavily polluted in one of the sites. The heavy metal contamination in the sediments was also evaluated by applying Index of geo- accumulation (Igeo), enrichment Factor (EF), Contamination factor (CF), Pollution Load Index (PLI) and Potential Ecological Risk Index (PERI).Cd exceeds the ERL and TEL while Cr and Zn exceeded TEL values. Cd was heavily contaminated and has a considerably degree of contamination according to Igeo and degree of contamination respectively. Pb, Zn and Cd were severely enriched from anthropogenic origin while Cu and Ni were of natural origin. Potential risk index showed that the sites in Ala River have high potential risk index which need monitoring. The extent of pollution by heavy metals in Ala river implies that the condition may affect the biota and inhabitants in its if not properly remediated.
Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial studies of 6,8-dichloro-2-methyl-3,1-(4H)-benzoxazin-4-one as bidentate ligand with some transition metals[Full-Text ] M.S. El-AttarThe new solid complexes of 6,8-dichloro-2-methyl-3,1-(4H)-benzoxazin-4-one, with Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Zr(IV) have been synthesized. The isolated metal complexes were characterized by melting point, C, H and N elemental analysis, magnetic studies, conductance measurements, infrared, UV-Vis. and mass spectra. The molar conductance in DMF solution indicates that the complexes are ionic. The thermal analyses (TGA and DTG) have been applied to study the thermal stability and the compositions of the prepared compounds. The results suggested that the ligand acts as a bidentate through the N and Cl atoms in all complexes forming 1:2 (M:L) molar ratio. The antibacterial activity of the ligand and synthesized complexes has been evaluated against three Gram-positive and three Gram-negative bacteria. The complexes showed high activities compared with free ligand.
A Survey of Indoor Thermal Comfort Performance of Residential Homes Using the Effective Temperature Index in Agbama World Bank Housing Estate. Umuahia, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Alozie. G. C, Odim, O.O, Alozie, E.NResidential estates as elite solution to urban accommodation should be energy efficient, and sustainable. This is not the case with Agbama World Bank Housing estate in Abia State, as the estate lacks the integrity of providing acceptable indoor thermal comfort in this estate. Primary data was from measurement of indoor air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity for a year, January to December 2013, with data loggers.
Novel Performance Evaluations of Various Voice Activity Detection and De-Noising Techniques for Speech Auditory Brainstem Responses[Full-Text ] Ranganadh NarayanamIn this research as a first step we have concentrated on collecting non-intra cortical EEG data of Brainstem Speech Evoked Potentials from human subjects in an Audiology Lab in University of Ottawa. The problems we have considered are the most advanced and most essential problems of interest in Auditory Neural Signal Processing area in the world: The first problem is the Voice Activity Detection (VAD) in Speech Auditory Brain-stem Responses (ABR); The second problem is to identify the best De-noising technique for Auditory Artifact removal in Speech ABR of Brain-stem Speech Evoked Potentials. In VAD problem we have implemented Zero-Crossing Detection VAD, statistical algorithms (two algorithms) which are already a standard in Speech Processing VAD problems, and then a third VAD we have presented is based on spectral subtraction method in which we have developed our own mathematical formula for the peak valley difference detection of the frequency spectra to detect the voice activity (we named it as SNRPVD VAD). These algorithms we applied on our data sets of EEG collected Brainstem Speech Evoked Poten-tials and compared their performances. VAD is verified and we found that SNRPVD VAD algorithm is working better than the Statistical VAD techniques and found to be it is detecting Voice even in more noisy data where statistical method could not detect. The second problem we con-sidered is to de-noise the data from auditory artifacts and improve its SNR. We developed various De-noising techniques specifically: Yule-Walker Multiband filter; Cascaded "Yule-Walker and Comb" filter; Conventional Wavelets: Daubechies, Symlet, Coiflet Wavelet filtering; FAST Independ-ent Component Analysis (FASTICA) filtering; Translation-Invariant (TI) Estimation filtering; Cycle Spin Translation Invariant Wavelets Independ-ent Component Analysis (CSTIICA) Filtering approaches. We found the Wavelets are working better and TI wavelets are working far better than all; and then CSTIICA is working even better than TI wavelets. The performance measures considered are Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE). Ultimately we observed that Wavelets are working surely as one of the best tools for de-noising neurological signals specifi-cally Speech ABR signals. With these Novel observations in VAD and De-noising for Speech ABR, as both are relatively new and advanced areas in Audiology and as they gained wide interest in the last about a decade in scientific community of audiology scientists and engineers, Novel techniques are essentially emergency and hence with our research we are contributing some advanced working ideas to the community of Audito-ry Neural Signal Processing.
Synthesis and characterization of Bi-2212 superconductor with iron oxides [Full-Text ] Rohitash Kumar, H.S.Singh The Bi based 2212 type superconductor is prepaired with the formula Bi2Sr2Can-1CunOx (n=1, 2, 3) and mixing iron oxides. After mixing odf iron oxide in the BiSrCaCuO system, then the structure formula Bi2Sr4-xCaxFe3-yCuyOz and x ,y are variables. In this paper we study Bi-2212 type superconductor which is prepaired by ballmill and characterized by XRD and FTIR analysis. XRD results shows that crystal size, cell parameter, type of crystal structure. FTIR gives the bond length change and MOSSBAUER spectroscopy gives the Hyperfine structure of iron.
About the Ediz Eccentric connectivity index of Linear Polycene parallelogram Benzenoid[Full-Text ] Mohammad Reza Farahani, Muhammad Kamran Jamil, M R Rajesh KannaA graph G=(V,E) consists of a set of vertices V(G) and a set of edges E(G). In chemical graphs, the vertices and edges of the graph correspond to the atoms of the molecule and chemical bonds, respectively.
Topological Spatial Relations in Bengali[Full-Text ] Razan AlsaabThis paper investigates how topological spatial relations are expressed in Bengali. The data was gathered by elliceting locative expressions from three Bengali native speakers using Topological Relations Picture Series.