Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 Edition
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Experimental and theoretical investigation of methanol blends with gasoline on SI engine.[Full-Text ] Asst.lecturer Mohammed Kadhim AllawiAlcohols have been used as a fuel for engines since 19th century. Among the various alcohols, methanol is known as one of the most suited renewable, bio-based and eco-friendly fuel for spark-ignition (SI) engines. The purpose of this study is to experimentally and theoretical analysis the performance of a four-stroke SI engine operating on methanol-unleaded gasoline blends M0, M5, M10, M15 and M20 containing 0%, 5%, 10%, 15 % and 20% of methanol by volume respectively. The experimental work was conducted on the experimental research engine SI engine, single cylinder, 4 stroke, carburetor fuel system "Variable Compression “Varicomp? duel Diesel / Petrol cycles with Dynamometer test unit" type (GR0306/000/036A) Prodit and made available for me by the Technical College, Baghdad. Under engine speed range was between (1000 to2500 rpm) with compression ratios (CR=8 ) and commercial gasoline were used in this study.
The influences of leaders who are culturally competent are more successful in the global community than leaders who are not culturally competent[Full-Text ] Emad MubarakThis research study provides the overall importance and effectiveness of using culturally competent environment in global markets to diversify the businesses. The study indicates that there is a need to expand businesses globally because as the time passes companies and their strategies are becoming more competitive and competent. There is a need for leaders to understand the significance of being culturally competent and to diverse themselves in major global markets. It will in return give the organizations a chance to deal with diversified group of people located in different places and sharing different values and cultures. These cultural orientations and diversification also help us understand in a business perspective how people may diverge in their perspectives and ways of doing things that are based upon their cultural orientation and values.
Image Restoration Using Bi-Orthogonal Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] Sagar Chouksey, Saumya Shrivastava, Anoop Mishra, Arshita DixitWith the usage of multimedia materials becoming more common from day to day life. Unfortunately, digital images came by through numerous consumer electrical devices products are commonly subjected to the infectivity of impulse disturbance. There are many filters are available although these methods have been improved many times, but the quality of de-noising image is still not providing satisfactory results. Elimination of noise is a necessary and challengeable operation in image processing. To reduce the impulse noise level in digital images we present orthogonal wavelet transform (OWT) based algorithm for image denoising with minimum mean square error (MMSE). Denoising algorithm first phase is used to detect the impulse noise and the second phase which is also called as filtering phase replaces the detected noise pixel, which also includes orthogonal wavelet to deal with uncertainties, is capable of filtering all types of impulse noise. The goal of image de-noising is to estimate the original image from the noisy image.
Ferrocene-based thiohydantoins: From synthesis to preliminarily in vitro antimicrobial/ anticancer activity - in search of new chemotherapeutic agents.[Full-Text ] I.M. El-Deen, R.F.M. Elshaarawy, R.N. Metwally and A.S. TahaIn this work novel organic based compounds, nitrogen heterocycles were synthesized and their antimicrobial and anticancer activities. Anew series of nitrogen heterocycles (3 and 7) containing ferrocene ring were prepared via the reaction of 1-acetyl ferrocene (1) with thiosemicarbazide to give N-substituted thiourea (2), followed by cyclization with ethyl chloroacetate and phenacyl bromide. Condensation of 3 with aromatic aldehyde, yielded arylidene derivatives(5). Acetyation of compounds 3, 5 and 7 with acetic anhydride gave the corresponding N-acetyl derivatives (4, 6 and 8). The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, MS and elemental analysis. Antimicrobial and antitumor activities of some synthesized compounds have been investigated. The two compounds, selected as potential agents hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were then evaluated in vitro for their biological activity on HCC-derived cell lines(The compounds show a promising inhibitory growth efficacy (IC50 = 2.61and 2-69µg) with compared standard antitumor drug (IC50 = 4.60 µg).
Autotronics Course – Aninnovative Approach In Modern Automotive Technology Education In Africa For Sustainable Development[Full-Text ] ENGR. HARUNA ABUBAKAR, USMAN OZOVEHE YAHAYA, ENGR. ABDUL-AKABA TIJANIThe paper describes an Autotronics course addressing the current and anticipated skill shortages of car mechanics and employers in car garages.Autotronics could be describe as an artificial word that combines automotive sector and electronics content. It has without doubt been at the heart of every meaningful automobile industrial breakthrough recorded in the last two centuries and is continually transforming maintenance operations with endless discovery of new techniques. In Africa, there is need to provide effective industrious and institution affiliations where autotronics skill acquisition can be used to reduce unemployment among our teaming youths and enhances the maintenance skills of our incompetent mechanics. In advanced countries of the world, autotronics plays important role in their socio-economic development of their citizens. The course uses an innovative, blended learning approach, which combines multimedia with sophisticated classroom training in order to meets the standards and challenges of modern automotive technologies worldwide. The course contains a comprehensive suite of modules, which allow self-guided learning to be completed at the learner’s own pace, be up to date, highly interactive and practical. Content of the course modules and topics of the practical training, dedicated to automotive electronics and OBD (On Board Diagnosis) are considered.
Intelligent Microcontroller-based Irrigation System With Sensors[Full-Text ] (MRS) MARYROSE N. UMEHIn farming, irrigation is a very indispensable factor. Most farmers apply irrigation by manual means which is effective for small scale farming. But the larger the farmland, the greater the need for a better means of irrigation, hence, an automated irrigation system. This paper discusses the design and implementation of an Intelligent Microcontroller-based Irrigation System. This system of irrigation uses soil humidity and water level sensors to ensure adequate application of water on time and when needed. Farming flexibility, conservation of time and water, preservation of soil structure and nutrients and avoidance of land wastage due to erosion are all the farmer/user of this system stands to gain [1].
Relationship between grinding time of mill scale and the physicochemical properties produced briquettes and its kinetic the reduction via Hydrogen.[Full-Text ] Naglaa Ahmed El-Hussiny, Hassan Hussein Abdul-Wahab, Mohamed Mahmoud Ali, Abdul-latif Abdul-motagally Omar, Mohamed El-Menshawi Hussein Shalabi, Mohamed Reda MoharamThis study deals with the grinding of mill scale in a laboratory ball mill at different milling times, then briquetting with 2% molasses as binder material. The effect of grinding of mill scale at different times on the physicochemical properties and the degree of reduction of mill scale briquettes via hydrogen was investigated. This reaction was found to be controlled by diffusion through reduced layer and experimental data could be fitted by the equation (1- (1- R)1/3)2 = kt. The energy of activation was consequently calculated and found to be 28.04 kJ / mole
Physiological screening of Pakistani wheat germplasms using Relative water content (RWC) water loss rate (WLR) and water use efficiency (WUE)[Full-Text ] Ikram Muhammad, Inamullah, Habib Ahmad, Israr Ahmad, Badshah Alam, Sahib Gul AfridiA number of physiological traits such as Relative water content (RWC), water use efficiency (WUE), Leaf water loss rate (LWLR) etc. have been recognized to discuss drought resistance in crop plants. These traits are encouraged to be used as screening criteria and have been suggested to manipulate in crop plants to breed for drought resistance. The present research was designed to screen out the one hundred and three germplasm for drought tolerance. The results showed that RWCN was found in 10824 (98.69), 10730 (95.67), 10848 (94.44), 10818 (94.44), 11877 (94.02) while RWCS in stress conditions the estimated germplasms were 10809 (87.80), 10780 (87.35), Saleem-2000 (87.02), 10819 (86.07), 10814 (85.05). The cultivars 10755 (67.14), PS-85 (67.07), 11867 (67) were showed moderately resistance to drought stress. The lowest WLR in normal condition was observed in 11866 (-1.58), 10808 (0.11), 11867 (0.39), PS-08 (0.41) and Hashim (0.43) while 10803 (-8.71), 11877 (-1.3), 10718 (-1.3), 10740 (0.27), 11876 (0.3) showed the lowest WLR in stress conditions. The highest WUE was observed in 10831 (2.046667), 10825 (2.033333), 10820 (2.033333), 10847 (1.86), 10833 (1.84).
The Performance analysis of a OFDM signal in PAPR by using Signal Clipping[Full-Text ] Md. Khalid Hossen, Md. Shahriar UzzalIn Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique the 3rd and 4th generation network is also introduced. So many advantages are still in a OFDM technique. There are some disadvantages also. Pick to average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the disadvantages in a OFDM. There are two types in which called Signal distortion techniques, Symbol-scrambling techniques In this paper we will discuss about signal clipping which under signal distortion technique. In signal clipping we will see PAPR performance and BER performance. By changing the threshold level the proper PAPR and BER is observed
War on terror and its impact on Pakistan’s Youth: A case study of union council Bazid Khel, KPK[Full-Text ] Mazhar Ali , Dr.Shoaib Ahmed, Muhammad aqeelThe study was conducted to know the impacts of the war on terror on social, economic, business, agricultural and especially its socio-psychological repercussions on educated youth of the local community. The main objectives of the study work are to know about the socio psychological impacts of WoT on the people of District Peshawar “UC Bazid Khelâ€. To highlight the destructions caused by the terrorist acts in infrastructure, health sector and particularly in educational sector. The study is also aimed at exploring the losses of the local peoples’ in agriculture sector and business including impacts of war on terror on common people (layman, government servants and students).Data was collected through questionnaires from the respondents’ i.e. educationalists, politicians, local leaders, religious scholars, government officials, civilians and the participants of war on terror against the banned terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Islam.The study was undertaken to highlights the impacts of War on Terror on the educated youth and to provide suggestions / feedback to government / non-governmental organizations (NGOs) about the situation in the target area to take practical steps in order to normalize the situation.Major finding of the research shows that most of the people of the area are employed in agriculture, doing government service, businesses and receiving foreign remittances from their near and dear ones from abroad. The research also shows that the situation has affected the social fabric of society, health facilities, infrastructure, education and agriculture of the areas. The research further revealed that militants killed the politician, tribal elders or khans, and government’s employees, army personnel, WAPDA personnel, LHVs and other prominent community members as well as banned recreational and traditional activities. The terrorists have their own agenda irrespective of Islam or nationalism.
Ab-initio quantum mechanical model for spin-strain coupling in ferroics[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoThe quantum mechanics is employed to analyze and model the novel inter dependence between the electronic properties and how they are coupled with the lattice structure. Various classical as well as numerical models have been compared with the quantum mechanics to strengthen the argument in favour of the latter. Finally, a viable model is presented before the general reader as well as the physicist to assist the fundamental materials sicence and engineering.
The novel phenomenon of spin strain coupling in BaT iO3[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoWe have chosen BaT iO3 for studying the relationship between the applied strains and the electron exchange by rst principles computations done with Crystal09 [1]. We have found an evidence of the coupling between the applied lattice strains and the possible spin exchange in a cubic and tetragonal phase of BaT iO3. The variation in the electron exchange energy depends upon the type of the strain, crystalline symmetry of the material and the atomic orbital overlap of the constituent atoms for the particular direction of the applied strain.
The novel phenomenon of spin strain coupling in perovskite structures[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoThe paper attempts at exploring the novel physical phenomenon yet unexplored. A background on the charge based vs. charge less logic is provided. Later, the computational and other methods are compared as viable techniques to explore the novelty. Finally, the coupling between the electron spin and crystalline lattice is discussed.
Anomaly in Elastic properties of Rutile TiO2 and tetragonal BaT iO3[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoFirst-principles computational techniques are employed on Rutile TiO2 and tetragonal BaT iO3. The computations done for the second-order elastic constants (SOEC) and equations of state. The bulk modulus is computed by two independent methods and compared with experiment. A variety of potentials and basis sets are used. The impact on the computational values due to the potentials, basis sets, and the crystalline geometry optimization is discussed. A novel computational formalism is employed to extract the anomaly in the elastic properties of tetragonal BaT iO3.
Development of Cost-effective Diagnostics and Therapeutics Strategies Employing Emerging Technologies to Combat Mental Illness Epidemic in USA[Full-Text ] Dr Ghous B Narejo, Sana Sohail, 3Shahzad NasimThis article attempts to understand the causes of growing cases of acute depression across the globe and highlight the major causes of psychological disorders specifically in USA. The Learning Helplessness (LH) model is critiqued as one of the possible causes for the increase of the disease. Moreover, the growing number of mental diseases is linked with the flaws in the existing models, diagnostics, therapeutics and remedies have been suggested through the use of emerging technologies. The reduction in the budgets for the mentally sick and the growing number of the smart phones, aps and other technologies used by American public are discussed. A cost effective model based upon the emerging technologies to diagnose and treat the mental illness is proposed.
Anomaly in Elastic properties of cubic, tetragonal BaFeO3 And Implications On ab ?? initio/DFT Computations of transition Metal Oxides[Full-Text ] Ghous NarejoThe ab-initio Hartree Fock, DFT-LDA, DFT-PWGGA, DFT-PBE and hybrid B3LYP potentials are employed to compute the optimized cubic and tetragonal phases of crystalline BaFeO3 by employing BILLY script and CRYSTAL09 code. ELASTCON and EOS algorithms are employed to compute the elastic constants and bulk moduli of the cubic phase. The equation of state bulk moduli of tetragonal phase are computed.
Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory Activity of Seeds of Melia azedarach (Linn.) in Albino Wistar Rats[Full-Text ] Gagan Jain, Deepika Pandit, Priyanka Gupta, Vikas JhariaThe objective of present investigation is to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of seeds of Melia azedarach (Linn.) in albino wistar rats. A descriptive study was undertaken to perform the qualitative analysis and pharmacological screening. The seeds were extract with hexane by soxhalation method. For evaluating the anti-inflammatory activity, carrageenan induced paw oedema and formalin induced inflammation test were used with the hexane extract of seeds of Melia azedarach Linn. (Meliaceae) in wistar rats.
Segmented Line Search Method For Constructing D-optimal Exact Designs In Continuous Experimental Areas[Full-Text ] F.I Nsude, P.E. ChigbuAn effective segmented line search technique for constructing D-optimal exact designs in a polynomial response function of degree z is presented in this paper. The direction of search is a weighted average from all segments of the experimental trials; the weight being proportional to the mean square errors from the segments. The method is rapidly convergent and its application in continuous experimental areas is shown.
Ab-initio quantum mechanical model for spin-strain coupling in ferroics[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoThe quantum mechanics is employed to analyze and model the novel inter dependence between the electronic properties and how they are coupled with the lattice structure. Various classical as well as numerical models have been compared with the quantum mechanics to strengthen the argument in favor of the latter. Finally, a viable model is presented before the general reader as well as the physicist to assist the fundamental materials science and engineering.
Survey-Project based analysis of traditional inverters compatibility with Solar[Full-Text ] Manoj Kumar Panjwani, Naseer-Ud-Din, Dr Ghous Bakhsh NarejoConsidering the price statistics of emerging consumption of solar inverters, the design and development of affordable, feasible ‘Low Cost Solar Inverter’ appears to be the primary need of a local man. Industries need to develop market statistics on ever increasing solar market and provide the solution to meet the desired needs and demands of the market. As per the surveys made in cities across Pakistan namely Karachi, Hyderabad, Khairpur Mir’s and Sukkur, it was observed that there is a need low cost inverter through converting the traditional inverters compatible with Solar at low installation cost, hence making the traditional inverters to retain their state from losing their value as scrap.
The Effectiveness Of Differentiated Instruction On Students' Geometric Achievement In Kebbi State Senior Secondary Schools, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Garba Ahmad Abbas, Muhammad Sani AbdurrahmanThis study investigated the effectiveness of differentiated instruction on students' geometric achievement in Kebbi state senior secondary schools. The study adopted pretest-posttest control group design. The population consists of 69,573 students. A random sampling technique was used in selecting the schools and the level of the students. A sample size of 96 participants was selected for the study which is in accordance with Central Limit Theorem that regarded a minimum of 30 sample size viable for experimental research; the sample is made up of 55 male students and 41 female students. Geometric achievement test (GAT) was the instrument used in collecting data for the study. A Spearman-Brown equal length reliability coefficient of 0.76 was achieved using split-half method. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test all at 5% level of significance. The result showed that differentiated instruction is more effective in facilitating students’ achievement in geometry than the lecture method.
Design and fabrication of Oil Extraction Machine from Nuts[Full-Text ] Abdul-Akaba Tijani, Kantiok Obadiah, Haruna AbubakarThis project is aimed at the design and fabrication of oil extraction machine from nuts. The objectives are aimed at providing a base for the commercial production of the machine, using locally available raw materials at a relatively low cost. There is so much wastage of these nuts on farms since a negligible portion is consumed by the harvesters. This work is intended to help solve some of the problems hindering a successful design and fabrication of oil extraction machine from nuts.
Investigation of Wear Characteristics of Aluminum Disc with Pin on Disc Tribometer[Full-Text ] SUMIT SHARMA, AJAY SHARMAThe sliding of metal parts when they are unlubricated is important in many mechanical devices covering a wide range of velocities, but the sliding velocity of the unlubricated metals which are tribological in behavior. A tribometer is an instrument that measures the tribological properties such as co-efficient of friction, wear volume between two surfaces in contact2, 8. There are various types of tribometer four ball, pin on disc, block on ring, bouncing ball and twin disc. In this paper we have focused or taken aluminum (Al) disc and other mating part is of high speed steel (H.S.S) pin which makes point contact, which is a very common combination. With the help of the apparatus we find different variations such that load and wear rate and time and wear rate variations when load is constant and also pin radius and wear rate variations.
Enhancement Pathway for Efficient Photovoltaic Cell[Full-Text ] UBANI CHARLES AHAMEFULAConversion of photovoltaic energy into electricity has enjoyed a prominent position within the green energy portfolio. This is because the desirious pursuit of efficient photovoltaics cells is expected to play an important role in the future energy infrastructure. This expectation has been constrained by a myriad of inefficiencies associated with light energy absorption, carrier collection and conversion of absorbed light energy into electricity. An attempt to circumvent these problems necessitated for a study on the alternative pathway of light energy absorption and conversion by controlling the spatial distribution of optical energy using a number of promising optimizing routes. Relatively, progresses in photovoltaic technology provides clear understanding of the potential of nanophotonic devices to efficiently harvest photon energy at different spectral wavelength. This can be realized by incorporating structures with graded refractive-index profiles to reduce surface reflectivity and use of materials that increases optical absorption in semiconductor materials. The incorporation of semiconductor nanostructures that simultaneously improves optical absorption and photogenerated carrier collection based on different device architect such as tandem solar cell, hot carrier solar cell, multiband solar cell and thermophotovoltaic solar cell reviewed in this study depicts promising pathways for efficiency 3rd and 4th generation photovoltaic devices.
Synthesis Of Ultra-small Cdse Quantum Dots[Full-Text ] CHARLES AHAMEFULA UBANIMonodisperse CdSe quantum dots (QDs) of low dimensions are of great interest due to their high performance being propel by nearly continuous electronic energy levels of highly energetic sizespecific QDs. Ultra-small synthesis of CdSe QDs reported in this paper provides a new pathway that supports their fundamental scientific interest and easier processing for a variety of technological applications. Three methods for preparing ultra-small CdSe QDs comprising organometallic injection method, low temperature method and hydrothermal autoclave synthesis produce QDs of different particle sizes. Broad optical absorption and sharp emission peaks propelled by their strong oscillating strength near the band edge and their customizable bandgaps energies indicated the optoelectrical properties of the QDs are in hold of desirable light absorber properties.
A comparative study about customer care service in between GP and Robi[Full-Text ] Md. Toufique HossainWe are living in such an era, where customer satisfaction and customer relation is the main key to success. If it is a service related company without special core of customer service, it is so hard to sustain in the highly competitive market.
Intelligent Transport System (Its) For The Management Of Bus Operations In Sub-sahara Africa: The Public Private Partnership Aproach[Full-Text ] Bus transport operations in Sub-Saharan African urban centers are sub-optimized as a result of poorly maintained rolling-stock, poor fleet scheduling, revenue leakages amongst others leading to poor travel experience. Though, there are weak institutional issues as the operations are dominated by informal sectors, introduction of Intelligent Transport System that is scalable would enhance the efficiency of operations. The stages of delivery Intelligent Transport System should howerer follow adequate planning, design, deployment and evaluation processes to ensure that it does not focus on technology, but it is able to meet the transport objectives of the city. The implementation would require the support of decision makers towards necessary private sector participation to support infrastructure provision, capacity building and post-delivery maintenance. The architecture should be simple and domesticated to address local travel needs of the city.
Effects of spring and autumn seasons on the variability among sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) accessions for pollen viability, germination and morphology[Full-Text ] Humera Razzaq, Shamsa Kanwal, Muhammad Hammad Nadeem Tahir and Bushra SadiaIn general exclamation pollen is not competent to maintain the viability and germination for longer time. High temperature has great adverse effects on pollen viability and ultimately it lessens its fertilization ability. In Pakistan there are two sunflower sowing seasons i.e. spring and autumn, having different climatic conditions. The research was conducted in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Ten sunflower accessions developed and maintained by the Oilseed Research Group, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, were evaluated for pollen viability, germination and morphology in spring and autumn seasons. Split plot design with three replications was used for this study. All the accessions, seasons and their interaction showed non-significant difference for pollen viability and highly significant difference for pollen germination. The accession G-33 and G-7 had better performance for both pollen viability and germination under spring and autumn seasons respectively. Autumn season showed higher percentage for pollen viability and germination than spring season. A high percentage of pollen viability and germination helps in seed setting and this may be useful in hybridization, artificial breeding and to study the sterility problems. These selected accessions may be used in breeding for the improvement of economically important achene yield trait.
Performance analysis and fabrication on a turbocharger in two stroke single cylinder petrol engine[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohammad Israr, Amit Tiwari, Mahendra Labana, Dr Anshul GangeleTurbochargers are used throughout the automotive industry as they can enhance the output of an internal combustion (IC) engine without the need to increase its cylinder capacity. .The emphasis today is to provide a feasible engineering solution to manufacturing economics and “greener†road vehicles. It is because of these reasons that turbochargers are now becoming more and more popular in automobile applications. The new turbocharger is coupled to an air-water intercooling system to decrease the inlet air temperatures. This project analyzed the intercooling system and tested the final design in the vehicle. The results show that the cooling system components purchased are adequate for this system. The aim of this paper is to provide are view on the techniques used in turbocharging used in two stroke single cylinder petrol engine by this to increase the engine output and reduce the exhaust emission levels. This paper is to analyze a turbocharger system in a two stroke petrol engine. The ideal turbocharger design would be smaller than the system purchased. The paper will also create speed sheets for use in calculating the necessary parameters for another turbocharger system, or to modify the current system.
Critical Discourse Analysis of Pakistan’s PM Nawaz Sharif’s speech in UN General Assembly [Full-Text ] Rao Muhammad Aqeel,Abida Kanwal and Salleh Ud DinThe aim of this research article is to explain and clarify the intellectual and invulnerable strategies, ideologies and political techniques of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s for global, political, economical, social and cultural development not only for his own country but for the entire world especially for developing countries like Afghanistan, Palestine. Syria including the minorities whether in Pakistan or out of Pakistan because his motto is “PEACE SCEURITY AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS, IMPLEMENTAION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR EVERYONE AND MULTILITERAL DIPLOMACY”. As well as the well wisher of the post 2015 Development Agenda like International peace, security, human rights, good governance and right for minorities etc. Our analysis is focused in claiming that “texts are open to diverse interpretations” (Fariclough: 1995). And it is also focused in Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N.’s Political Discourse Analysis. A Method for Advanced Studies (London: Routtledge 2012).
Genetically Modified Food Controversies: A Review[Full-Text ] Fatima Shahzadi, Muhammad Faheem Malik and Ali RazaThis study was conducted at University of Gujrat during 2014-2015 as a term paper for Master of Philosophy. The data regarding genetically modified food controversies reviewed and compiled as a review paper from more than 40 published articles of international reputed journals, Annual / Environmental Reports of recognized organization and e-books. The study was carried out with the objectives to examine some reasons that are behind the genetically modified controversies and provide a better idea of what a genetically modified food is and how it affects human beings. This review paper includes various controversies regarding genetically modified food, positive and negative impacts of GM food towards mankind and environment, consumer attitudes to genetically modified food and its future prospects. It was exposed that food produced by conventional means or through genetic modification, is never assured to be completely safe. Just as with traditionally produced food, genetically produced food could be dangerous and risky due to inappropriate conduct or storage, environmental contamination, and deterioration. It is hard to give statements about the genetically modified foods because they are created in many different ways and using many different methods. In all aspects of safety a genetically modified food is either equal to or safer for human consumption than foods produced using conventional means and therefore should not be regarded hazardous to human health. The recommendations were that there is a need for accurate assessment of each crop for possible negative outcomes. Communication and networking amongst researchers and corporations is necessary and technology should to be properly conducted to become effective.
Child Psychological Problems in Pune[Full-Text ] Dr. Pisal Anita SambhajiChild Child psychology is a branch of psychology is the branch of psychology that seeks to obtain reliable facts about the nature and development of a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social skills. More specifically it is the scientific study of the changes that occur in a broad range of areas such as motor skills other psychological processes problem –solving abilities, conceptual understanding and identify formation. Though studying these changes is an important aspect of child psychology.
Optimum Compression Of A Gas By A Cylindrical Shock Wave In Presence Of A Magnetic Field[Full-Text ] Dr. Awaneesh Jee SrivastavaSimple analytical solutions have been obtained for cylindrical converging shock waves in an ideal perfectly conducting gas in presence of a magnetic field. These solutions are derived with the assumption that a cylindrical piston drives a shock front to the axis of the cylinder at a critical moment of cumulating. Simple particular solutions have been also derived.
Population Dynamics in India.[Full-Text ] Manjul Mayank Pandey, Dr Rupam Tiwari, Dr Anupama ChoubeyIn population dynamics we study short term and long term changes in the size and age composition of the popu-lation and the biological and environmental processes influencing those changes. It is the study of how popula-tion changes over time. In this research paper, author is concerned about human population dynamics in India. The composition of the population, including birth and death rates, immigration, emigration and age and sex composition are the main components of population dynamics. Birth rate, Death rate, Immigration and Emigra-tion are the four primary ecological events that influence the size of a population.
Efficacy of serum prealbumin as monitoring tools for patients with fascial space infections of odontogenic origin- A clinicobiochemical study[Full-Text ] Sunit Pal, Gargi Yadu Pal, Murtuza Fatma, Anita Yadu, Shristi YaduThe present study include 25 patients with diagnosis of fascial space infections of odontogenic origin and 25 healthy individuals with the objectives to assess efficacy of serum prealbumin as monitoring tools for determining severity of infections ,severity of malnutrition and nutritional status,length of hospital stay,and efficacy of treatment regime.
Physico-chemical analysis of water samples[Full-Text ] Dr.C.Nagamani, Dr.C.SaraswathiDeviThe water quality is determined in five blocks (water samples taken from Urban and rural locations of Bangalore(HAL 3rd stage (Kaveri water), HRBR lay out (kaveri water mixed with Bore well water), Borewell water (Srinivasapura,Kolar District)and Mineral water samples).
Isolation, Optimisation And Partial Purification Of Lipase Enzyme[Full-Text ] KALAPATAPU VISHNU PRIYA, PROF. I. BHASKAR REDDYScreening and isolation of lipase producing strains of bacteria was carried out from eleven different soil samples collected from various places in Andhra Pradesh and Hyderabad. The isolates were positive on tribuytrin agar media and thus are selected as lipase producing strain. The strain was identified and characterised by the microscopic and biochemical tests as bacillus.sps, a lipase producing organism. The optimisation of various cultural conditions was carried out by which the lipase production was enhanced with the optimal parameters being incubation period of 48 hours (24.1U/mL), palm oil as carbon source (24.3 U/ml, peptone as nitrogen source (24.5 u/ml), initial pH of 7.0 and incubation temperature of 36ºc (25.0 U/mL). The optimum agitation speed of 160 rpm produced lipase having 25.9 U/ml activity. Finally, the enzyme lipase was purified by ammonium sulphate fractionation, dialysis and column chromatography. The ammonium sulphate precipitation and dialysis showed an increased specific activity of 1.71 U/ml and 6.17 U/ml when compared to crude enzyme which showed specific activity of 0.45 U/mg. Further purification was carried out by ion-exchange chromatography using DEAE column. The purified enzyme showed higher specific activity (15.24 U/mg) with a purification fold of 33. The molecular mass of purified lipase was estimated to be approximately 40.14 kDa by SDS-PAGE. This result showed that Bacillus sps under study is a good producer of lipase, which can be beneficial for industries.
An exploratory analysis of the factors affecting performance of additional MPHWs-F in undivided Andhra Pradesh[Full-Text ] Kalapatapu Ravikiran Sharma, Prof. Shankar DasIntroduction: Human resources are crucial assets in the public health domain. Emphasis on capacity-building & empowerment of public health personnel is essential to improve the public health system. Purpose: This study undertook an exploratory analysis of factors that affect capacity-building & empowerment of additional or 2nd ANMs in Andhra Pradesh with the explicit purpose of formulating a performance management framework in order to enhance the role and responsibilities of 2nd ANMs in Andhra Pradesh.
Advantages of Hadoop[Full-Text ] Nathan C. TokalaThe main focus of computing, for the las few decades, was to increase the computing power of a single system and to create super computers which would have phenomenal processing speed and more RAM. The traditional computing was all process bound which involved significant amount of complex processing on relatively small amount of data. When it comes to present day systems they have to deal with large amounts of data than in the recent past. This is where hadoop offers a whole new approach and also eliminates this bottleneck and offers various advantages over the traditional computing.